Toaz - Info Comm View PR
Toaz - Info Comm View PR
Toaz - Info Comm View PR
Note : – You will not be able to connect to any Network using WiFi when using CommView
Step 3: (Choosing the Network (a) ) A new window should pop up now. Click on the START
Step 4: (Choosing the Network (b) ): Click on the WiFi network you want to hack in the Right
Column and Click on CAPTURE.
Step 5: (Capturing the Packets): The windows should close now and you should see that
CommView has started Capturing Packets.
Step 6: (Saving the Packets ): Now that the Packets are getting captured you need to Save them.
Click on Settings->Options->Memory Usage Change Maximum Packets in a buffer to 20000.
packets buffer setting set as 20000
Click on the LOGGING Tab .Check AUTO-SAVING In the Maximum Directory Size: 5000
Average Log File Size: 50
Now CommView will automatically Start Saving packets in the .ncp format at a size of 20MB
each in the specified directory.
Step 7: ( Concatenating the Logs ): Since you are capturing a lot of logs you will need to
concatenate them into once file. To do this go to Logging and click on CONCATENATE LOGS
Choose all the files that have been saved in your specified folder and Concatenate them .
Step 8: (Converting .ncf to .cap ): Now that you have one file with all the packets you need to
Convert it into .cap file for AIRCRACK to crack.
Click on File->Log Viewer->Load Commview Logs-> Choose the .ncf file. Now File->Export-
>Wireshark/TCP dump format .
Aircrack Part: Now for the Second Part Cracking, this is very simple. Just open the Aircrack
Folder->Bin->Aircrack-ng GUI.exe Choose the .cap file and you should be able to do the others.
Also select the encryption(WEP or others) and Key size (64). Press launch and the key will be
revealed. or try other settings if not working.
1. install commview
2. after installation a popup window is open in commview software for driver installation .( if
pop window not open then goto > help > driver installation guide then do this)
3. install commview driver for your wifi network( without installation of driver you cannot
capture data of desired wifi network)
4. after installation of driver click on capture button on left corner of software.
you must need to see your connection is wep or not.(this trick only work with wep)
7. after that you can see the commview capture wifi data.
8. now goto to logging panel in commview and tick on auto saving and put
maximum directory size, mb - 2000
average log file size- 20
1. if password is not cracked then it will say FAILED NEXT TRY WITH 5000 IVS.
2. so we have to again capture packets and repeat above process again till password is crack.
NOTE:- when we again capture packet and convert it into cap then we have to select all
previous captured packet also to convert.
2.Open commview and install the commview drivers to a card. It should prompt you
about your card and than automatically install the driver.
4.Type in the box labled formula tods=1 and dmac=FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF then type a
name for your formula in the box labled name and than click add/edit.
5.This should now appear in the upper box. if it is not checked, check it.
6.Click settings = options = memory usage and turn maximum packets in buffer to
20000. If it prompts you to restart it, do so. There are three funnel
looking things on the main menu bar of commview. uncheck all but the first one
(one labled capture data packets)
7.Click the play button and scan for the network you want to crack.
8.Once you have found it, drag the channel menu down to the desired channel and
click capture.
9.Now using your other adapter thats not capturing, connect to the password
protected network. when it asks you for key, type in something random, like
11.Go back to your commview menu and click on the packets tab. you should see a
couple of packets.
12.Looking at the protocol column, you should see a couple labled IP/UDP, ARP
REQ, and a couple of others. Right click on any packet labled “ARP REQ” and
than click send packet, and selected. A mini menu should now appear.
13.On the mini menu, change packets per second to 2000, and rather than 1
time(s), click continuously, and Then click send.
14.Go back to the main commview window and go to the rules tab, and uncheck the
rule you made.
15.You are now injecting and you should see the number of packets rising
really fast.
16.Save the packets, you have to save every 20000 packets, click file, save
and than in the save dialogue, remember where you saved it, and instead of
saving it as an ncf file, save it as a dump cap file. aircrack-ng-GUI that can be found in the map “bin” and select the files
you saved, and than click launch.
19.Look at the list of IV’s you have, and select the network you want to crack
there should be a list of a lot of them, chose the one with the most IVs.
It,s very common question on the internet to How to hack a Facebook account password and how
to hack a WiFi password. Even if you search on YouTube you will find a lots of tutorial to How
to hack a WiFi password using backtrack. However, backtrack OS is not most handy OS for
normal users. yesterday my one Facebook friend Lovito Tsuqu Kiho ask me to how to hack WiFi
using commview using aircrack-ng.
Today i am going to show you how to a crack a Wp2-psk password with windows machine.
Presently i am connected with my own wifi network Virusfound and i want to hack the password
of Ultimate that is secured with Wpa2-psk encryption.
First you need to be capture the Wpa2, four-way handsake with CommView.
now it will show you all available AP, Now click on the Tools > Select the Node Reassoication
option ( if Node Rassociation is not working , then use WiFi Alfa card )
now select your target AP in the Send a deauthentication request from this AP option. it will
show you all available client option.
now click on the Send Now option to send the packet for 4-way authentication. wait for some
time so it will capture the packet.
now click on the Save option and choose your file format Commview Capture Files (*.ncf)
you capture work is done.
Now open Elcomsoft Wireless Security Auditor to crack your wifi password.
Click on the Import Data tab > select the Import CommViewLog option.
now it will show you information about AP and Multiple Handshake selection information. Click
on Ok.
now click on the Start attack option and select the Dictionary Attack option. However you
have other attack options are also available.
now within minutes it will found your password and it will show you the password.
Step 6Type: netsh wlan show profiles (The Name of the Wifi
You Selected to Hack)
After this step, you will see security settings in it, you will see security key after you do the step
7 (The last) under it you will see key content in it the password
Step 7Type: netsh wlan show profiles (The Name of the Wifi
You Selected to Hack) key=content
Then, in the security settings under the security key you will see key content, This is the Wifi
Learn to Hack WIFI password with
Ubuntu (WPA/WPA2)
July 3, 2013Raj AmalUbuntu258 Comments
In this hacking tutorial we are going to use a new vulnerability in WPA and WPA 2
(PSK/TKIP)Wireless passwords, this weak point is to attack WPS, Which is Wireless Protected
Setup. This type of setup is built in 90% of routers to allow easy establishment of secure home
wireless by the user, though it has been shown to fall to BruteForce Attacks. This BruteForce
attack will try all combinations of Router’s PIN number (Provided by WPS) and access the
router to reveal the password. This type of hack have many benefits such as, You can always
have the Wireless Password even if It’s changed by knowing the PIN number.
sudo -s
2) Download Reaver (Better Download the Latest Version ) Place in a specified folder.
4) Install dependencies
Note: libpcap and libsqlite3 maybe included in your Ubuntu version but they are very important.
5) Enter the folder by typing
cd reaver-1.4/src
6) Type
7) Type
8) Type
make install
Note: To test if Reaver have been successfully installed, Open a Terminal and Type ‘reaver’ and
hit enter, it should list all Reaver’s sub commands.
1) We need to have the wireless BSSID (Mac address) so we use airodump-ng. Open a terminal
and Type :
airodump-ng mon0
It will lists the available wireless passwords, now copy the BSSID of the Access Point ( e.g
: 00:11:28:32:49:55 )
2) Starting the attack type:
Note: You can use walsh -i mon0 to scan for vulnerable Access Points.
For better idea follow the video on the top of this page.