1) Muhammad Tauhid introduces himself as a second-year student at Yogyakarta State University from Lubuk Linggau, South Sumatra. He comes from a simple family with a father who is a farmer and mother who is a housewife.
2) Despite not being able to enroll at Yogyakarta State University after being selected in 2020 due to financial constraints, he took a gap year and independent exam to enroll for the following year, which he passed thanks to his hard work and prayers.
3) His goal is to graduate with a mechanical engineering degree, gain work experience, and eventually start his own business to provide jobs in his local area.
1) Muhammad Tauhid introduces himself as a second-year student at Yogyakarta State University from Lubuk Linggau, South Sumatra. He comes from a simple family with a father who is a farmer and mother who is a housewife.
2) Despite not being able to enroll at Yogyakarta State University after being selected in 2020 due to financial constraints, he took a gap year and independent exam to enroll for the following year, which he passed thanks to his hard work and prayers.
3) His goal is to graduate with a mechanical engineering degree, gain work experience, and eventually start his own business to provide jobs in his local area.
1) Muhammad Tauhid introduces himself as a second-year student at Yogyakarta State University from Lubuk Linggau, South Sumatra. He comes from a simple family with a father who is a farmer and mother who is a housewife.
2) Despite not being able to enroll at Yogyakarta State University after being selected in 2020 due to financial constraints, he took a gap year and independent exam to enroll for the following year, which he passed thanks to his hard work and prayers.
3) His goal is to graduate with a mechanical engineering degree, gain work experience, and eventually start his own business to provide jobs in his local area.
1) Muhammad Tauhid introduces himself as a second-year student at Yogyakarta State University from Lubuk Linggau, South Sumatra. He comes from a simple family with a father who is a farmer and mother who is a housewife.
2) Despite not being able to enroll at Yogyakarta State University after being selected in 2020 due to financial constraints, he took a gap year and independent exam to enroll for the following year, which he passed thanks to his hard work and prayers.
3) His goal is to graduate with a mechanical engineering degree, gain work experience, and eventually start his own business to provide jobs in his local area.
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Assalammualaikum wr, wb.
Let me introduce myself, my name is Muhammad Tauhid and he
is usually called Tauhid. I'm currently studying at Yogyakarta State University and currently in my second semester. Okay, first I'd like to tell you a little about my family background. I, Muhammad Tauhid, was born on October 6, 2001 in the city of Lubuk Linggau, South Sumatra, which is known as the city of Pempek. I am the 2nd child of 2 siblings, born in a simple family with limited economic conditions. With a father who works as a farmer and a mother who works as a housewife. But even so I still feel grateful for what I have now. From elementary school to vocational high school, I always followed in my brother's footsteps by attending the same school. However, when I graduated from vocational high school, I had different thoughts with my brother, if he didn't want to go to college, he said he would just want to work in a workshop and I still want to continue to college because at this moment I feel in the future to find a job with a high salary if we do not have a title or a title is very difficult and sometimes underestimated by the company. That's why I want to go to college. I'm proud of my brother, although he didn't go to college but he is now successful in the career he is pursuing by starting out as a repair shop technician and now being the head of a repair shop and that makes me motivated. If my brother is able to become the head of the workshop then I must be able to become the head of the company. I was born in a city where I felt it was difficult to make myself more knowledgeable and with character and I decided to leave the city. Because most of the people in my city have knowledge and that's all, but there are some people who can motivate. My city is famous for the city of Sebiduk Semare which means "one place / one destination". My city is very strategically located in the middle of the province of South Sumatra and that's why it is called a one-stop destination. And the typical food from my city mostly comes from durian fruit, a lot of food is processed from this fruit. But when it comes to the typical food of the province of South Sumatra, it is Pempek. And one of the famous ones from my province is the Songket which is worldwide. Songket has existed with the emergence of the Palembang Darussalam sultanate in {1659-1823}. And recently I heard that our neighboring country, Malaysia, admits that Songket comes from Malaysia and that makes me very upset. But with so much history that Songket comes from Indonesia, especially Palembang, it makes Indonesian people fight if Songket comes from Malaysia. Okay, back to our topic about myself. I am a person when it comes to knowledge, I am very serious about understanding it, especially if I really like it, I really like it when faced with challenges. I entered the state vocational high school 3 in Lubuk Linggau and chose to major in automotive light vehicle engineering. When I was still in vocational highschool I was very serious about taking all subjects and thank God that made me a class champion from semester 1 to semester 6. Not only that, I was once the chosen student to make creative products such as making chairs from drum waste, making reading bicycles, making reading trees and at the beginning of the covid 19 in Indonesia, my friends and I made a disinfecting booth that uses infrared sensors. My school is known by other schools as schools for naughty people and people who like to brawl. But that's not the fact, in fact there are many outstanding students in my school. During the 2020 SNMPTN, thank God, I was chosen to be a student on the list and my choice of PTN was Yogyakarta State University. However, due to lack of sustenance and not the will of Allah SWT, I have not passed the selection. I was not discouraged by the incident, so I took the independent exam by coming directly to Yogyakarta. And still, the sustenance hasn't come to me yet, so I took part in the gap year at Neutron Jogja to take part in the independent selection next year. And thank God, thanks to the hard work and prayers and blessings of my parents, I was able to pass the independent selection and enter the PTN I wanted. I chose Yogyakarta State University because there is only a Mechanical Engineering diploma in the Jogja area. And I believe that if I study at UNY I will get the knowledge and character I want. I hope that when I graduate from Yogyakarta State University, I will be able to become someone who has knowledge of mechanical engineering and can work in the field. My target when I graduate is to be able to work directly in the company for 2 to 3 years and after that I can open my own job opportunities and employ people who are around where I live, especially. And that's a short story of my journey, thank you, Wassalammualaikum wr wb
Mangalayatan University, Aligarh Date Sheet For Major Examination 2020-21 (Even Semester) Shift-I Timing: 10:00 AM To 11:30 AM Shift-II Timing: 12:00 PM To 1:30 PM