Probability & Random Process QB
Probability & Random Process QB
Probability & Random Process QB
PART A(2 Marks)
1.Define random Variable.
2.If the random variable X has the following probability distribution
X : -2 -1 0 1
P(x): 0.4 K 0.2 0.3 Find k and the mean of x.
3 x, if 0 < x < 1
3. Let X be a continuous random variable with pdf f(x)= f ( x) =
0 , iotherwise
find p(x≤0.6)
cxe − x , if x > 0
4. A random variable x has p.d.f f(x) given by f ( x) =
0 , if x ≤ o
Find the value of c and C.D.F of x.
5. Is the function defined as follows a density by function?
0 for x < 2
f ( x ) = (3 + 2 x ) for 2 ≤ x ≤ 4
0 for x > 4.
6. The first four moments of a distribution about x=4 are 1,4,10 and 45 respectively.
Show that the mean is 5, variance is 3, µ 3 = 0 and µ 4 = 26 .
7. Define moment generating function and write the formula to find mean and variance
8. Find the M.G.F of the random variable X having the p.d.f f(x)= , -2≤x≤2
7. Find the marginal p.d.f of X and Y for the joint pdf of a bivariate random
( x + y ) for 0 ≤ x ≤ 2,0 < y < 2
variable ,given f(x,y) = 8
0 otherwise
8. If Y=-2x+3, find the cov(x,y).
9. Show that Cov2(X,Y)≤Var(X).Var(Y)
10.Prove that if one of the regression coefficient is greater than unity then the other
must be less than unity.
11.Prove that the correlation coefficient Pxy takes value in the range -1 to 1.
P(x,y) 0 1 2
0 0.1 0.04 0.02
X 1 0.08 0.20 0.06
2 0.06 0.14 0.30
Compute the marginal PMF of X and Y,P[x≤1, y≤1 ] and check if X and Y
are independent. (8)
2.a).If the joint probability density function of a two dimensional random variable (X,Y) is given
by f(x,y) = x2 + , 0<x<1,0<y<2
= 0, elsewhere
(i) P(X>1/2)
(ii) P(Y>X) and
(iii) P(Y<1/2/ X<1/2).
(v) Find the conditional density functions (8)
b) The joint probability mass function of (X,Y) is given by
p(x,y) = K(2x+3y), x = 0,1,2; y =1,2,3. Find all the marginal and (8)
conditional probability distributions.
3.a)The joint probability density function of the two dimensional random variable is
7 a) Two random variables X and Y are defined as Y = 4X+9. Find the (8)
coefficient of correlation between X and Y.
b) Calculate the correlation coefficient for the following heights(in
inches) of fathers X and their sons Y. (8)
X: 65 66 67 67 68 69 70 72
Y: 67 68 65 68 72 72 69 71
10. a) A random sample of size 100 is taken from a population whose mean is 60
and variance is 400. Using Central limit theorem , with what probability can
we assert that the mean of the sample will not differ from µ = 60 by more than 4? (8)
b) The joint p.d.f of X and Y is given by f(x,y) = e − ( x + y )
x>0,y>0,find the probability density function of U = (X+Y)/2. (8)
PART A(2 Marks)
1.State the four types of stochastic processes .
2. {X(s,t)} is a random process , what is the nature of X(s,t) when (a) s is fixed (b) t is fixed?
3. Define strict sense stationary process .
4. Consider the random process X(t) = cos (t+ φ ),where φ is uniformly distributed
in( − π / 2, π / 2 ). Check whether the process is stationary?
. .
5.Define wide sense stationary process.
6. State Chapman-kolmogorov theorem.
7. When is a stochastic process said to be ergodic?
8. Give an example of an ergodic processes..
9. Define Markov chain and one-step transition probability.
10. Define Markov process.
0 1 0
11. Prove that the matrix 0 0 1 is the tpm of an irreducible Markov chain.
1 1
2 2
12. Find the invariant probabilities for the Markov chain {xn ; n ≥ 1}with state space
0 1
S={0,1}and one step TPM P= 1 1
2 2
1 0
13. If the transition Probability matrix of a Markov chain is 1 1 , we find the limiting
2 2
distribution of the chain.
14.Define Binomial process.
15.State the properties of Bernoulli process.
16. Prove that the sum of two independent Poisson process is a Poisson process.
17.State any two properties of Poisson process
18. If patients arrive at a clinic according to poisson process with mean rate of 2
perminute.Find the probability that during a 1- minute interval no patient arrives.
19.The probability that a person is suffering from cancer is 0.001.Find the probability that out
of 4000 persons.Exactly 4 suffer because of cancer.
20. Define sine wave process.
PART B(16 Marks)
1. a). Classify the random process and explain with an example. (8)
b). Give a random variable y with characteristic function φ ( w) and a
( )
random process x(t ) = cos λt + y . show that {x (t )} is stationary
is the wide sense if φ (1) = 0 and φ (2) = 0 (8)
2. a). Show that the random process x (t ) = A cos(wt + θ ) is a wide sense
stationary process if A and w are constants and is a uniformly
distributed random variable is (0,2 π ). (6)
b). The probability distribution of the process {x(t )} is given by
(at )n−1
, n = 1,2,3.......
(1 + at )n +1
p( x(t ) = n) =
at , n = 0
1 + at
Show that it is not stationary. (10)
3.a) If x(t) = y coswt + z sinwt, where y and z are two independent normal RVS with
E(y) = E(z) = 0, E(y2) = E(z2) = σ 2 and w is a constant, prove that {x (t )}is a SSS
process of order 2. (8)
b) Show that the random process X(t)=Asin(wt+θ) is WSS, A and w are constants
and θ is uniformly distributed in (0,2π). (8)
4. a).Show that the random process x (t ) = cos (t + φ ) where φ is uniformly
distributed is (0,2 π ) with probability density function f φ ( x) = ,0 < x < 2π is
(i). First order stationary.
b). If x(t) and y(t) are two independent poisson processes, show that the
conditional distribution {x (t )}gives {x(t)+y(t)} is binomial (8)
8 a) Suppose that customers arrive at a bank according to a poisson process with a mean rate
of 3 per minute. Find the probability that during a time interval of 2 minutes (i) Exactly 4
customer arrive and (ii) more than 4 customers arrive. (8)
b).Write a detailed note on Normal process. (8)
9.a).Derive the distributions of poisson process and find its mean and variance. (8)
-|t -t |
b) If {X(t)} is a Gaussian process with µ(t) = 10 and C(t1,t2) = 16e 1 2 find the
probability that (i) X(10)≤8 and (ii) |X(10) – X(6)| ≤4 (8)
10 a) If a Gaussian random process X(t) is WSS, then show that it is strictly stationary. (8)
b).Write a critical note on ‘sine wave’ process and its applications (8)
PART – A (2 Marks)
1. Define auto correlation function and prove that for a WSS process {x(t)},
Rxx (− τ ) = R XX (τ ).
2. State any two properties of an auto correlation function.
3. Find the variance of the stationary process {X(t)} whose ACF is given by
R(τ) = 16 +
1 + 6τ 2
4. Find the mean of a stationary random process whose autocorrelation function is
RXX(τ) = 36 +
1 + 4τ 2
5. Define cross correlation and its properties.
6. Prove that RXY(τ) = RYX(-τ)
7. State any two properties of cross correlation.
8. Define Spectral density
9. The power spectral density of a random process {X(t)}, is given by
π , ω 〈1
S XX (ω ) =
0, elsewhere
Find its autocorrelation function.
10. The power spectral density function of a wide sense stationary
process is given by
1; | w |< w0
S(W) =
0, otherwise
Find the auto correlation function of the process.
11. If R(τ) = e-2λ|τ | is the autocorrelation function of a random process X(t), obtain the
spectral density of X(t).
12. What is meant by spectral analysis?
13. State any two uses of spectral density. .
14. Define cross –spectral density and its examples.
15.Find the power spectral density function of a WSS process with autocorrelation
function R(τ) = e −ατ
16. State Wiener –Khintchine relation.
17. Check whether the following functions are valid auto correlation
functions. (i) 1 (ii) 2 sin (π τ )
1+4 τ
18. State any two properties of cross-power density spectrum.
19. Find the power spectral density function of a stationary process if R(τ) = e
−2 τ
20. Find the variance of the stationary process {X(t)} where R(τ) = 2+4 e
7 a) X(t) is the input voltage and Y(t) is the output voltage also {X(t)} is a stationary
process with ψ x = 0 and Rxx(τ) = e -α |τ |. Find µy, Syy(w), Ryy(τ). (8)
b) Suppose that the auto correlation function of the input random process
x(t) is Rxx (τ) = zδ(t) and H(w), the impulse response is then find
b + iw
the following.
(i) Auto correlation of output random process y(t)
(ii) Power spectral density of y(t). (8)
- α|τ |
8. a) A random process X(t) having the auto correlation function R XX (τ) = pe
where p and α are real positive constants , is applied to the input of the system
λe − λt ; t > 0
with impulse response h(t) = where λ is a real positive constant. Find
0; t < 0
the autocorrelation function of the network’s response Y(t). (8)
b) If y(t) = A cos (wot +θ) + N(t) where A is a constant, θ is a random
variable with a uniform distribution in (-π,π) and {N(t)} is a band
limited Gaussian white noise with a power spectral density.
0, elsewhere
SNN(w) = N 0 for − ω 0 〈ω B
Find the power spectrum density of {Y(t)} Assume that N(t) and θ are
independent . (8)
9. a) If {X(t)} is a band limited process such that S XX (ω) = 0, | ω | > σ prove that
2 [R XX (0) - R XX (τ)] ≤σ2 τ2 R XX (0) (8)
b) Find out the output power density spectrum and output autocorrelation function
for a system with h(t) = e –t , t ≥ 0 for an input with power density spectrum
η0 / 2 , - ∞<f < ∞. (8)
10.a) If R(τ) = e - 2λ|τ |. Is the autocorrelation function of a random process {X(t)},
obtain the spectral density of {X(t)}. (8)
b). A WSS process {X(t)} with A(τ) = Ae- α|τ |. where A and α are real positive
constants is applied to the input of a linear time invariant system with
h(t) = e- bt U(t) where b is a real positive constant. Find the power spectral
density of the output of the system. (8)
11. a)Define white noise. Find the A.C.F of the white noise (8)
b)If {X(t)} is the input to a linear time invariant system and {y(t)} is the output,
find the A.C.F of {y(t)}. (8)