Rules For Pranayaam: Importance of Pranyam and Its Benefits
Rules For Pranayaam: Importance of Pranyam and Its Benefits
Rules For Pranayaam: Importance of Pranyam and Its Benefits
Pranayama has the capacity of freeing the mind from untruthfulness, ignorance and
all other painful and unpleasant experiences of the body and mind; and when the
mind becomes clean it becomes easy for the Sadhaka to concentrate on the desired
object and it becomes possible for him to progress further in the direction of Dhyana
and Samadhi.
By Yog asanas, we remove the distortions and disabilities of the physical body and
bring it into discipline. However Pranayama influences the subtle and the physical
bodies in a greater measure than Yogsanas do and that too in a perceptible manner.
In the human body, lungs, heart and brain hold very important positions and they
depend on each other heavily for their health.
However, most of the people do not ha ve the habit of breathing deeply with the
result that only one-fourth part of the lungs is brought into action and 75 percent
remains idle. Like the honeycomb, lungs are made of about 73 million cells,
comparable to a sponge in their making. On normal breathing, to which we all are
accustomed, only about 20 million pores in the lungs get oxygen, whereas remaining
53 million pores remain deprived of the benefit, with the result that they get
contaminated by several diseases like tuberculosis, respiratory diseases and several
ailments like coughing, bronchitis etc.
In this way, the inefficient functioning of the lungs affects the process of blood
purification. Heart weakens because of this with a constant possibility of untimely
death. It is for this reason that the importance of Pranayama has come to be
recognised, for a healthy long life. Several diseases can be averted by regular
practice of Pranayama.Hence, it is obvious that the knowledge of the science of
Pranayama and its regular practice enables a man to lead a healthy and long life. It
is for this reason that in several Hindu religious rites, Pranayama is found to have
been introduced as an essential element.
Mental disturbances like excitement, anxiety, fear, anger, disappointment, lust for
sex (lasciviousness) and other mental perversions can be calmed down by regular
practice of Pranayama. Besides, Pranayama practice improves the functions of the
brain cells with the result that memory and the faculty of discrimination and
observation improves, making it easy for the Sadhaka to perform concentration and
Another benefit of Pranayama is that by its regular practice, habit of deep breathing
is developed which results in several health benefits. It is said that the nature
determines our life span on the basis of the number of respirations we do. Man gets
the next birth in accordance with his karmas (deeds) done in the present life.
Our karmas (deeds) result in the formation of certain tendencies, which determine
the nature of our next birth either as humans or as animals of various categories. A
man, who regularly performs Pranayama, is required to take lesser number of
breaths and therefore lives longer.
• Select a clean and peaceful place for doing Pranayama. If possible, choose a
place near a clean pond or river.
• As there is a lot of pollution in the cities, some kind of incense can be lit like
Guggulu and purified butter, to create a clean environment at that place,
igniting a lamp with purified butter only, can also serve the purpose.
• Breathe only through the nose, because by doing so the air which you take in,
is filtered. During daytime when you are not sitting for the performance of
Pranayama make it a habit to do respire only through nose and not through
mouth. Nasal respiration keeps the temperature of the Nadis (Vessels)
–'Ida',Pingala and 'susmana' even. It also prevents foreign and harmful
objects from getting into lungs.
• Like ‘Yog’, Pranayama should also be performed four or five hours after taking
food. In the morning Pranayama should be done after finishing daily routine
acts like cleansing mouth, emptying of bowels etc., it should also be done
before Yogsana. In the beginning Pranayama should be done for five or ten
minutes gradually the time may be increased up to about 1/2 or 1 hour.
Maintain a specific number of repetitions and do not variate. Maintain a
specific rhythm. If it is not possible to clean the bowels by morning, at night
take some mild laxative like terminalia chebula (Indian Hardaya) or any other
mild laxative (a non habit forming medicinal herb having a laxative effect).
Kapala-bhati Pranayama, if done regularly for a few days will help in curing
• Keep your mind calm and composed. However, Pranayama can also calm
down the disturbed mind and keep one happy.
? Methods of Pranayama may be varied according to the seasons and your
own physical make up and mental attitude. Keep this in mind and modulate
the method accordingly. Some Pranayama increase the body temperature,
whereas, some bring it down. Some Pranayama maintain the temperature at
the normal level.
• If you feel fatigued in the course of doing Pranayama , rest for sometime and
then begin deep breathing, which will remove the fatigue.
• Pregnant women, hungry persons, persons suffering from fever and those
who are lustful having no control on their passions should not do Pranayama .
If you are sick, keep in mind the instructions to be followed by sick persons
while during Pranayama.
• Do not strain yourself while doing ‘Kumbhak’ i.e. retaining the breathed air
inside or keeping the air out after exhaling (Breathing in is called ‘puraka’,
retaining the breathed air in is called ‘Kumbhak’ and exhaling the air is called
• Pranayama does not mean just breathing in, keeping the breathed air in and
exhaling it. It also means establishing control on the entire breathing process,
and maintaining mental equilibrium, and concentration of mind.
See that while doing Pranayama , none of your organs such as mouth, eyes,
nose, etc. feels any strain and it should be done gradually without any undue
stress or strain. All the organs of the body should be kept in normal condition.
While doing Pranayama sit in an erect posture. Keep your spine and neck
straight. This is essential for reaping the full benefit of Pranayama .
• If possible Pranayama should be done after your usual morning functions like
cleansing of mouth, evacuation of bowels, bathing etc. However, if it becomes
necessary for you to take bath after Pranayama , keep an interval of about 15
to 20 minutes between Pranayama and bathing. For acquiring proficiency in
Pranayama do not depend on books or what is done and preached by others.
Seek the guidance of an expert and do Pranayama under his direct
• Digestive system improves and diseases pertaining to digestive organs are cured.
• Hereditary diseases like diabetes and heart disease are can be avoided.
• Energy Chakra are cleansed and enables the practitioner to awaken the Kundalini.
• Mind becomes stable and tranquil. A sense of contentment and enthusiasm or zeal
develops. Conditions like depression are relieved.
• All the diseases of the physical and etheric bodies will be cured. Freedom from
negative and harmful mental conditions like anger, lasciviousness, greed for
money, arrogance etc. will be achieved.
• All the physical and mental disorders and abnormalities are cured and toxins
eradicated from the body.
• Freedom from negative thinking is achieved and the mind develops the habit of
positive and constructive thinking.
does these exercises daily and regularly can attain following benefits which
are briefly described as under:
Prana or the life energy contains of all the powers of the world. It is the biggest medicine.
Pranayam purifies the life energy. It increases the oxygen content in the body. The main
reason for diseasesis the negative thinking and deficiency of oxygen. Pranayam is the only
solution for this and it cures diseases.
The disease arises in the mind of the person, when the person’s thinking becomes negative
then it has the direct effect on the respiratory system. The polluted air present inside the body
mixes with blood and causes diseases. Medicine can control diseases like cancer for a limited
time but the actual cure can be done only with Pranayam. Oxygen is that life energy, which is
vital for the life. Its deficiency can be fatal. Life is the game of breathes and the life remains
balanced with the balance of breathes. A person who understands this synchronization of
breathes leads to healthy and disease free life.
Pranayam regulates the movement of breath, it gives peace of mind. When a person keeps
Mauna Vrata (does not talk at all) truth gets place in to his heart. The body gets full amount of
oxygen with the process of Pranayam, which increases the resistance power of the body. This
process balances all the hormones. When the air is thrown out several things are also thrown
out and when the air is taken in many things are taken in. The life energy, which is going out
and coming in get transformed with the help of Pranayam. It arouses the internal strength of
the person and whole body becomes rejuvenated. Seven simple steps of Pranayam supplies
oxygen to the body. Pranayam is the Sanjivini (life saver) for life energy; it gives nutrition to
the life energy.
Benefits: heart, lungs, brain, depression, migraine, paralysis, neural system, aabha
Detailed Procedure
Sit in a comfortable Asana. Breathe in through both the nostrils forcefully, till the
lungs are full and diaphragm is stretched. Then breathe out forcefully also, but see
that the abdominal cavity does not blow up due to the air breathed in. Depending
upon the capacity and health of an individual, this Pranayama can be done in three
variable speeds viz. slow speed, moderate speed and at high speed. Individuals with
weak lungs and heart should do this at a slow speed while performing Recak and
Puraka A healthy individual and one used to doing it, should do it initially at a slow
speed and then gradually increase the speed to moderate and then high. This
Pranayama should be done for 5 to 10 minutes.
While inhaling in the process of doing Bhastrika make a vow and focus in your mind
as if all the divine powers, purity, peace and joy, all that is good in the universe
around you is entering inside your body and that you are getting filled with the
divine powers. Pranayama done with this kind of vow in mind imparts a special
benefit to the individual.
Special Notes:
• Those suffering from high blood pressure or from any heart disease should
not do this Pranayama.
• While breathing in the abdominal area should not blow up. You have to fill the
air in the chest area, i.e. up to diaphragm, so that the part of the chest with
its ribs swells.
• In summer season, reduce the number of repititions of this Pranayama.
• One must do this Pranayama for the duration of three to five minutes every
Incase both the nostrils do not open on account of ailments like severe cough or
sinus etc., for such persons they should first close the right nostril and do respiration
(exhalation as well as inhalation) through the left nostril. Then the left nostril should
be closed and respiration should be done by the right nostril. This method of
alternate breathing should be continued at the desired speed viz. slow, moderate or
fast, till both the nostrils open simultaneously. Then at the end Pranayama should be
completed by doing Recak and Pruaka through both Ida and Pingala.
While doing this Pranayama keep both the eyes closed and mentally chant the
mantra “OM” throughout the exercise of Pranayama.
Diseases like cold, cough, allergy, asthma, respiratory diseases of all kinds, are
cured. Lungs become strong and due to the heart and head getting adequate
quantity of pure and fresh air, health is improved.
Diseases of the throat like thyroid, tonsils and other ailments of throat are cured.
• This Pranayama brings about a proper balance of the three Doshas i.e. Vata,
Pitta, and Kapha, and maintains their balance. Blood is purified and the body
gets rid of foreign objects and toxins.
• Stabilizes Prana and calms mind, and helps the upward journey
Stabilizes Prana and calms mind and helps the upward journey of Prana from
Muladhara Chakra (Base Chakra) to Sahsrar Chakra(Cerebral Gland) and helpful in
the Kundalini Jagran.
Duration : Start with 30 times or 1 min. increase upto 5 mins min. upto 10 mins
Swamiji says "dharti ki sanjivini hai kapal-bhati pranayam" and that it "cures all
diseases of world".
Detailed Procedure
‘Kapal’ means forehead and ‘Bhati’ means light. Hence, Kapal-Bhati? refers to that
exercise which makes the forehead luminous and lustrous. Kapal-Bhati? Pranayama
makes its Sadhak’s head luminous. This Pranayama is a little different from Bhastrika
Pranayama. In Bhastrika Pranayama, Puraka and Recak are done with the same
amount of force, where as in Kapal-Bhati? more attention is to be given to the act of
forceful Recak. In Kapal-Bhati?, the Puraka is to be done with normal, usual force
but the Recak has to be done with as much of force as is at your command. In doing
so, the abdominal area, also makes inward and outward movements and
considerable force is applied to the Manipura,Svadhisthana and Muladhara Chakra.
This Pranayama should easily be done for five minutes. In short, breathe in normally
and breathe out forcefully, so as to influence the organs of the abdominal area.
Persons suffering from acute and chronic diseases must practice if for 15 minutes or
more as per the capability.
• Face become Lustrous and attractive.
• Diseases related to Kapha like asthma, respiratory troubles, allergies, sinus,
etc. are cured.
• Diseases of heart, lungs and brain get cured.
• Obesity, diabetes, flatulence, constipation, acidity and diseases pertaining to
kidneys and prostate glands etc. are cured.
• If done regularly for five minutes daily, it relieves constipation, Blood sugar
becomes normal and weight in the abdominal region reduces considerably.
Blockages in the arteries are also cleared.
• Peace and stability of mind are achieved. No negative thoughts occur.
Troubles like depression are cured.
• Chakras are purified and ¡¡chakras from Muladhar-Chakra? to Sahsrar Chakra
are filled with pious Cosmic Energy.
• Organs in the abdominal cavity viz. stomach, pancreas, liver, spleen,
intestine, prostrate and kidney function more efficiently and develop
immunity towards diseases. This is the best exercise; benefits accrued by this
cannot be obtained by several other asanas. It strengthens the intestines and
improves digestion.
Procedure : Breathe air out, touch chin to chest, squeeze stomach completely and
hold for a while. then release chin, breathe in slowly.
Duration : 3 times to 5 times normally. max upto 11 times. and extremely max
upto 21 times (in winters).
Procedure : Hold your right nasal with thumb, breathe in from left. Now open right
nasal and close left nasal with middle and ring finger and breathe out from right
nasal. Now breathe in from right nasal. Now close right nasal and open left and
breathe out and in from left nasal. and so on.
Duration : atleast 10 mins.
Benefits : heart, high BP, heart blockage, vat-cuf-pit, arthritis, cartilage, bent
ligaments, sinual fluid reduced, parkinson, paralysis, neural related, depression,
migraine pain, asthma, sinus, allergy
Tips : breathe into lungs not to stomach. no organ in stomach absorb oxygen. Do
not hurry. Do it slowly. Rest whenever needed (in any pranayam).
Detailed Method:
Prana breathed in through left nostril represents energy of the moon, which
symbolizes peace, and has a cooling effect. Hence for purification of Nadis, beginning
of this Pranayama has to be made by the left nostril. Close the right side nostril with
the right hand thumb. Inhale slowly through the left nostril till the lungs are filled.
Then close the left nostril with the second and third fingers. Open the right nostril
and exhale through it. Repeat this exercise slowly in the beginning, and with
practice, increase the speed. When you are able to practice this exercise for a long
time, inhale with as much force as is possible for you, then exhale also forcefully.
This practice of inhalation and exhalation alternatively through the right and left
nostril, as indicated above with force, should be done for 3 minutes. If you feel tired,
rest for sometimes and resume. Regular practice will enable you to do this
Pranayama for 10 minutes. After some practice being established, this Pranayama
should be done for 5 to 10 minutes daily, depending upon one’s capacity. However,
in summer season it should be done for duration starting from 3 minutes and up to a
maximum of 5 minutes. If you practice this Pranayama for five minutes regularly on
a daily basis, the coiled energy called Kundalini Shakti lying in the Muladhar Chakra
begins to awaken.This is known as Kundalini Jagran.. While doing this Pranayama,
mentally repeat the mantra “OM” so the mind becomes fit for meditation.
To be done by closing the nostrils one after another, close the right nostril by the
right hand thumb, and likewise close the left nostril by the 2nd and 3rd fingers
(Madhyama and Anamika) fingers keep the palm of the hand in front just above the
There is a feeling that the whole body is being enlightened by a divine light.Imagine
a divine light on the outside and the inside of the body and try to visualize ‘Om Kham
Brahm’. Imagine that the supreme power is showering divine energy and divine
knowledge, that the supreme power is filling you with divine energy. Try to get the
initiation of the divine energy by yourself. A Guru(teacher) just inspires you for the
divine energy and links the student to divine feelings. Actually the divine energy is
showered by the supreme power himself. Anulom-Viloma? Pranayama done with
these kinds of divine feelings gives better results and benefits to the individual in all
the spheres viz. physically, mentally and spiritually. A divine light will appear from
the Muladhara - Chakra on its own and there will be Kundalini Jagran, you will feel
the rise within yourself and you will be blessed with the initiation of the divine energy
in yourself.
• Regular practice of this Pranayama has the capacity of cleansing all your
innumerable Nadis, which makes the body healthy lustrous and strong.
All kinds of diseases occurring due to the disturbance of ‘Vata Dosha’ like
rheumatism, gout, diseases pertaining to urinary and reproductive organs are cured.
Besides, regular practice of this Pranayama also cures diseases like cold, cataract,
sinus, etc. which have reached a chronic stage. The three Doshas of Vata, Pitta,
Kapha regularise themselves and assume proper proportions.
• Blockages in the arteries of the heart are removed and the arteries become
clean, making the circulation unimpeded. If this Pranayama is practiced for 3
or 4 months regularly, 30 to 40% of blockages in the arteries are dissolved
and removed, preventing the phenomenon of heart attack.
• Pathogenic cholesterol, triglycerides, H.D.L. and L.D.L. also get controlled,
making the arterial channels clear for effective and unimpeded flow of blood
in the heart.
• Negative thinking is replaced by positive approach to life. It increases
enthusiasm and spirit, the Sadhak becomes fearless and feels blissful.
In short, this Pranayama has the effect of cleansing the body, and the mind and
cures almost all the diseases from which the Sadhaka has been suffering. If this
Pranayama is practiced for 250 to 500 times a day, Kundalini Shakti turns its face
upward and begin to rise above through the susumna Nadi. It means that the
phenomenon known as Kundalini Jagran begins.
Procedure : Close ears with thumb, index finger on forehead, and rest three on
base of nose touching eyes. Breathe in. And now breathe out through nose while
humming like a bee.
Duration : 10 mins
Benefits : tension, hypertension, high BP, heart, heart blockage, paralysis, migraine
pain, confidence, concentration
Detailed Procedure
Breathe in till your lungs are full of air. Close your ears with both the thumbs and
eyes with the middle fingers of your hands on respective sides with little pressure.
Press forehead with both the index fingers lightly. Close both the eyes. Then press
eyes and nose bridge from the sides with the remaining fingers. Concentrate your
mind on Ajna Chakra (between eye-brows) . Close your mouth. Begin slowly
exhaling, making humming sound of a bee, while reciting “OM” mentally. Repeat the
exercise 11 to 21 times according to your capacity.
With the practice of this Pranayama the mind becomes steady. It is beneficial in
conditions like mental tension, agitation, high blood pressure, heart disease etc. It is
also useful for meditation.
Procedure : Breathe in deeply, and chant 'Om'kar. OOOOOOm ( long O and small
Benefits : meditation
"Omkar Japa" (Muttering the mantra “OM”)
After performance of the six Pranayamas mentioned here above concentrate your
mind on the respiration and meditate on the sacred mantra “OM”. God has fashioned
the shape of our brows like OM. This body and the universal cosmic body are filled
with this mantra. It is not the figure or expression of any individual thing, but it is
divine energy, which regulates the entire functioning of the universe. With every act
of breathing in and breathing out, mentally go on repeating the mantra “OM”. The
speed of respiration should be so slow and subtle that you yourself also may not be
aware of its sound, even if a piece of cotton is placed in front of the nostril it should
not move by the effect of the air exhaled out. Slowly practice and make the duration
of one inhalation and exhalation to one minute. Likewise, try to visualize the breath
inside the body. Initially the breath can be felt only in the nostrils but gradually it will
be felt deep inside. In this way, visualizing the breath and continuous chanting of
‘OM’ will lead to Dhyana automatically. Your mind will develop a feeling of
concentration and your body will be filled with the feeling of OM. The Gayatri Mantra
from the Vedas can also be chanted meaningfully along with Pranayama. This way
the Sadhaka can attain the joyful stage of Samadhi by going through the various
visualizations of god and supreme powers. Also if this is practiced at bedtime, one
will get peaceful sleep without any perverted dreams etc.
Yog –Training Camps for YOG TEACHERS under the aegis of
PATANJALI YOGPEETH, Hardwar in gracious & pious presence of P.P.
Academic Qualification - Graduate in any stream or with improved mental
status & spiritual framed mind.
Date for Second Camp : – 12.09.2006 to 20.09.2006.
Venue :– Mahajan Bhawan, near Dudadhari Chowk,
Bhupatwala, Rishikesh Road, Hardwar,
(Approximately 5 Km from
Hardwar Station).
Arrival time:– From 6.00 am of 11.09.2006 to 6.00 am of
Conclusion of Second Camp:-Afternoon 20.09.2006
Departure time:– Trainees must have to leave their
rooms by the
evening of 20.09.2006.
Date for Third Camp: – 22.09.2006 to 30.09.2006.
Venue:- Mahajan Bhawan, near Dudadhari Chowk,
Bhupatwala, Rishikesh Road, Hardwar
(Approximately 5 Km from Hardwar
Arrival time: – From 6.00am of 21.09.2006 to 6.00am
to 22.09.2006
Conclusion of Third camp: - Afternoon 30.09.2006
Departure time: - Trainees must have to leave their rooms by
the evening of 30-09-2006.
1. Please fill the form given below and paste two recent passport size
snaps & send it to DYM (T) as soon as possible.
2 Incomplete form will not be entertained.
3 Primary selection, on the basis of information furnished by an
applicant in his application will be made, selected candidates will be
informed on telephone for interview.
Final Selection
A selected candidate on basis of information furnished by him in his application
form will have to face an interview panel. Facilities of lodging and boarding to
participants of Yog Teachers’ Training Camp will be free of cost on Ashram’s
behalf, but for becoming a part of the world wide movement of Patanajli
Yogpeeth for sake of good of human beings, it is mandatory to send a D. D.
worth of Rs. 1100/- in favour of Patanjali Yogpeeth (Trust), payable at Hardwar
along with your application form. This will also put a check on non sincere
unwarranted participants. VCDs and literature of Swamiji Maharaj will be
distributed free of cost to all participants also.
Pranayam 4 hours
Asans 4 hours
Bandh 3 hours
Mudra 3 hours
Shatkarm 3 hours
1. Name of Applicant
Affix Passport
.........SANJAI..KUMAR............................... Size
2. Father/Husband's Name .
5.Educational Qualification
B.Sc.,…B.Tech.…(Electronics…&…Communication),……… ……
M.B.A.…(Marketing & Finance)……………………………………………………...
14. Are your ready to devote two hours without any vested interest
15. Details & description of the Place (Park, Temple, Dharmshala etc.)
where you intend to conduct Yog Classes for minimum 50 persons
……No ………………………………………………………………………….
17. Are you the member of Patanjali Yogpeeth ? If yes, please describe
your Membership code ……NO……………
18. Have you already imparting regular training of Yog and Pranayam
Note :-
Patanjali Yog Peeth Trust
Kripalu Bagh Ashram, Kankhal,
Dear Sir,
I have applied for attending the course of Patanjali Yog Prashikshan Shivir, commencing
on 22-09-2006. In response to my application, I have received call from Patanjali Yog
Peeth on 14-09-06 for confirming my attending the programme. As per the conversation,
my ID no. is 17276. The fee receipt no. for Rs. 1100/- is 53044 dated 07-09-06. I
confirm my joining of the above programme on 21-09-06. Kindly acknowledge, if
Sanjai Kumar
Date: 16-09-06
Place: Delhi
Phone: 011-23220501
Fax: 011-23220505