Earth Science 2

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Module2- Earth Science 11
Second Quarter




Department of Education • Schools Division of Benguet

Republic of the Philippines
Cordillera Administrative Region
Schools Division Office of Benguet
Wangal, La Trinidad, Benguet

Published by:
Learning Resource Management and Development System

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This material has been developed for the implementation of K-12 Curriculum through
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This module is a project of the Curriculum Implementation Division particularly

the Learning Resource Management and Development Unit, Department of
Education, Schools Division of Benguet which is in response to the implementation of
the K to 12 Curriculum.

This Learning Material is a property of the Department of Education-CID,

Schools Division of Benguet. It aims to improve students’ performance specifically in
Earth Science.

Date of Development : June 2020

Resource Location : Benguet Division, Buguias District
Loo National High School
Learning Area : Earth Science
Grade Level : 11
Learning Resource Type : Module
Language : English
Quarter/Week : Q2/W4&5
Learning Competency Code
:Explain why the Earth’s interior is hot. S11ES-IIb-c-23
:Describe how magma is formed. S11ES-IIc-24


With fathomless appreciation and love, the developer would like to express her
gratitude to all who have shared their knowledge, time, and effort in the development
of this module.



Librarian II Project Development Officer II




EPS- Science


Chief, Curriculum Implementation Division


Public Schools District Supervisor
OIC-Office of the Assistant Schools Division Superintendent


Assistant Schools Division Superintendent
OIC-Office of the Schools Division Superintendent


COPYRIGHT NOTICE ................................................................................................ii

PREFACE .................................................................................................................. iii
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT .............................................................................................iv
TABLE OF CONTENTS ............................................................................................. v
TITLE PAGE ...............................................................Error! Bookmark not defined.
What I Need To Know ................................................................................................ 1
What I Know ............................................................................................................... 2
What’s In .................................................................................................................... 2
What’s New ................................................................................................................ 3
What’s in it.................................................................................................................. 3
What’s More ............................................................................................................... 7
What I Have Learned ................................................................................................. 9
What I Can Do .......................................................................................................... 10
Post Assessment ..................................................................................................... 11
Additional Activities .................................................................................................. 12
ANSWER KEY ......................................................................................................... 13
REFERENCES ......................................................................................................... 14
FEEDBACK NOTE ................................................................................................... 15

What I Need to Know

This is a module for Grade 11 STEM learners which includes an interactive

module designed to help in developing the learning competencies of Earth Science of
the K to 12 Enhanced Basic Education Curriculum. It is made simpler for the learners.
It contains discussions and exercises which let the students enjoy answering and at
the same time learning.

This module focuses on reading and various activities leading to why the
Earth’s interior is hot and how magma is formed.

Learning Objectives:

After completing this module, the learners should be able to:

a. Recognize the sources and significance of the Earth’s internal heat,

b. Identify the special conditions required for the formation of magma,
c. Locate the places where magma can form.
KNOW What I Know

Good day! Before we proceed, please answer the following items below. Read each
statement and encircle TRUE if it is correct and FALSE if the statement is incorrect.
Let’s get started.
Question Choices
1. Accretion energy is an example of primordial heat source. TRUE FALSE
2. Flux melting is the process of creating magma by reducing pressure
at a constant temperature.
3. Primordial heat is generated by long term radioactive decay. TRUE FALSE
4. The temperature decreases with depth into the earth. TRUE FALSE
5. Convection occurs at the mantle but not between the core and mantle. TRUE FALSE
6. Conduction is the transfer of heat due to movement of molecules
within fluids, including molten rock.
7. Decompression melting is due to decrease in pressure. TRUE FALSE
8. Melting as a result of the addition of volatile compounds are example
of flux melting.
9. Heat is the only requirement for magma formation. TRUE FALSE
10. Magma can be formed in the subduction zones. TRUE FALSE
11. Heat transfer from rising magma is an example of decompression
12. Hotspots are underwater where magma could be found. TRUE FALSE
13. Mantle plumes are same with hot spots. TRUE FALSE
14. Magma can be formed in the mid-oceanic ridges. TRUE FALSE
15. Hotspot is the region where subduction occurs. TRUE FALSE

What’s In
Welcome! I hope the past activity had increase your enthusiasm to continue
learning using this module.
Before we proceed, let us try to recall past concepts related to our topic by
answering the following questions:

1. Metamorphic rocks melt to form what substances? __________________

2. What are the reasons why rocks melt? Can you give atleast 2?
3. What are the 4 layers of the earth?
4. Which is the hottest layer?_________________

What’s New
It is nice that you are enjoying and were able to visit this page. Continue that
pace in answering the following in your mind.

Activity 1:
Picture a volcano erupting in your mind. What are the materials that come out
of an erupting volcano? Are they hot? If so, why?

Magma Note!
Were you able to recall the correct answers? Good job! Let’s learn more about the
earth’s interior and magma formation in this module.
So what are you waiting for, please flip the page.

What’s in it
Welcome to the lesson’s discussion. I know that you are very willing to learn
more. Let’s start…

Endogenic Process: Earth’s Interior & Magma Formation

(CHED 2016)
Heat in Earth’s Interior
2 categories of the internal heat sources of the Earth
1. Primordial Heat: Heat left over from the formation of the earth. Specifically,
the heat generated during the Earth’s formation came from the following
sources: accretion energy, adiabatic compression, core formation energy
and decay of short-lived radio-isotopes.

2. Radioactive heat (the heat generated by long-term radioactive decay):
main sources are the four long-lived isotopes (large half- life), namely K40,
Th232, U235and U238 that continuously produces heat over geologic time.

Internal Heat Discussion:

Geothermal Gradient: it states that temperature increase with depth into Earth
(the non-linear temperature/depth curve) (Fig. 1).

- Temperature gradient in the crust: ~25°C/km

- Some areas exhibit a much higher gradient as a result of a greater
concentration of heat at relatively shallow depths. These areas (areas of
anomalously high temperature gradient) are exploited for geothermal
- If temperature was simply a linear function of depth (linear relationship),
we should expect that at depths below 100 km (the average thickness of
the lithosphere), temperature could reach as much as 2500°C. Partial
melting of rocks can occur at this temperature yet we know that, except
for the outer core, the rest of the Earth is essentially solid. Most of the
rocks beneath the surface of the Earth is solid due to the fact that the
geothermal gradient drops sharply a short distance into the earth and that
increasing confining pressure with depth counteracts the effect of
increasing temperature.
- Temperature gradient at the mantle: between 0.5°C/km to 1°C/km.
1. Based on the geothermal gradient curve in figure 1, it can be deduced
that the mantle is considerably hotter than the crust, and the core is much
hotter than the mantle.
2. Core-mantle boundary: 3,700°C
3. Inner-core – outer-core boundary: 5,000°C±500°C

4. Earth’s center: 6,400°C±600°C

How Earth’s Internal Heat is Redistributed:

- Simultaneous conduction, convection and radiation helps in the

redistribution of Earth’s Internal Heat.
- Convection occurs at the mantle but not between the core and mantle or
even between the asthenosphere and lithosphere (except at sea-floor
spreading zones).The only heat transfer mechanism in these transition
zones is through conduction.

Magma Formation (Marshak, et al, Essentials of Geology, 2013, pp 99-100)

The following are special conditions required for the formation of magma:
- Crust and mantle are almost entirely solid indicating that magma only forms
in special places where pre-existing solid rocks undergo melting.
1. Melting due to decrease in pressure (decompression melting): The decrease
in pressure affecting a hot mantle rock at a constant temperature permits
melting forming magma. This process of hot mantle rock rising to shallower
depths in the Earth occurs in mantle plumes, beneath rifts, beneath mid-ocean
ridges and divergent plate booundaries.
2. Melting as a result of the addition of volatiles—compounds that have low
boiling points (flux melting): When volatiles mix with hot, dry rock, the volatile
decreases the rock’s melting point and they help break the chemical bonds in
the rock to allow melting. It occurs at the subduction zones,convergent plate

3. Melting resulting from heat transfer from rising magma (heat transfer
melting): A rising magma from the mantle brings heat with it and transfer heat
to their surrounding rocks at shallower depths which may melt.

Places where Magma Forms

( lectures/10.html)
1. Mid-oceanic ridges:the rising magma in mantle convection cell brings heat
to the surface, transferring heat to the overlying rocks. The transfer of heat
due to convection is accompanied by a decrease in pressure or
"decompression" associated with the spreading of the lithospheric plates.
These two work in tandem promoting the partial melting of rocks along the
spreading center.
2. Mantle plumes (hot spots): Similar to mid-oceanic ridges, the transfer of
heat and decompression result to magma generation. The source of heat
for mantle plumes is much deeper.
3. Subduction zones: Oceanic crustal rocks are formed along spreading
centers, typically beneath several kilometers of seawater. The presence of
water during generation results to the formation of hydrous minerals. As the
oceanic slab is down-thrusted along subduction zones, the change in
temperature and pressure conditions brings about mineral instability (e.g.
hydrous minerals) and the release of water to the surrounding hot rocks.
The introduction of water effectively lowers the melting temperature of rocks
and therefore causes partial melting or magma generation.

What’s More

ACTIVITY 1: Earth’s Internal Heat. Complete the concept map below by providing
the needed information.



1. 1.


ACTIVITY 2: Magma Formation. Identify which condition is being described below.

Write HTM for Heat Transfer Melting, DM for decompression melting and FM for flux
1. Transfer of heat due to conduction of heat energy from a hot rock to its
surrounding rocks.
2. It is the melting resulting from the heat trasfer coming from rising magma.
3. It happens when a body of rock is held at approximately the same temperature
but the pressure is reduced.
4. When a substance such as water is added to hot rocks, the melting point of
minerals within those rocks decreases which can cause metling.
5. It is the adding of some impurity to a substance to lower its melting point.

ACTVITY 3: Magma Location. Draw/illustrate the places where magma can form and
lable the mid-oceanic ridge, hot spot and subduction zone.

ACTIVITY 4: CrossWord. Fill in the crossword puzzle by anwering the across and
down grid questions. If filled out correctly, the words will fit neatly into the puzzle.

2.Melting as a result of the addition of volatiles
3.Place where magma can form
4.Example of primordial heat
5.Heat generated by long term radioactive decay.
7.Heat transfer within fluids
8.Melting due to decrease in pressure

1.States that temperature increase with depth into earth
6.Same with hot spot.

Magma Note!
You are doing great. Keep it up. See you in the next activity.

What I Have Learned
At this point, you should be able to reflect on what you have learned in the lesson.
Discuss the following briefly.
1. Earth’s heat interior are caused by:

2. The special conditions required for the formation of magma are the following:

3. Magma can form in the following areas:


What I Can Do

Hi! You are about to finish the race. Hang in there.

Let’s try to connect the lesson you have learned to real life situation by
answering the following question:

1. Are there any significance or relations of magmatic formation and their eventual
rise to the shallower depths to our daily lives?

Magma Note!
Good job! You were able to reach this point. You’re now ready to be challenged
for the last time. What are you waiting for…Please flip the page.

Post Assessment

Congratulations for reaching this far. This part will serve as you assessment if you
were able to achieve the learning objectives.
Let’s proceed. Please identify what is being asked in column A and write your answer
in column B.

Column A: Question Column B

1. Heat generated during the Earth’s formation.
2. It is the process of creating magma by reducing pressure at a
constant temperature.
3. Heat generated by long term redioactive decay.
4. It explains that temperature decreases with depth into the
5. It is the transfer of heat in solid particles.
6. It is the transfer of heat due to bulf movement of molecules
within fluids, including molten rock.
7. Melting due to decrease in pressure.
8. Melting as a result of the addition of volatile.
9. Give one requirement for magma formation.
10. Magma forming in subduction areas.
11. A rising magma from the mantle brings heat with it and transfer
heat to their surrounding rocks at shallower depths which may
melt.(True or False)
12. Mid-oceanic ridges are underwater where magma could be
found. (True or False)
13. Other term for mantle plumes.
14. Magma cannot form in the mid-oceanic ridges. (True or False)
15. Mantle plume is the region where subduction occurs.
(True or False)

Magma Note!
If you got a score of 15/15, then you may submit your module to your teacher for
the next instruction about the next module.
If you got a score from 12-14, then you MAY CHOOSE to answer or not the
additional activities before submitting the module.
If you got a score of 11 and below, you MUST do the additional activities on the
next page before submitting the module.

Additional Activities

Instructions: Answer the following fun activities. Have fun!

Activity: Text Twist. Rearrange the jumbled letter to help you answer the

1. The 2 sources of earth’s internal heat are the following:

a. (IOIALDRMRP THEA):___________________________
b. (EVITCAODIRA CAYED): _____________________________

2. The following are required for magma formation:

a. (SURESREP): _________________________________
b. (HATE): ___________________________
c. (ADDITION OF TILESLAVO):________________________________

3. Magma can form in the following areas:

a. (DIM-CEANOIC GESDIR): _____________________________
b. (THO POTSS): _______________________________________
c. (SBDCTNOIUU NOZES):_______________________________

What I Know: What’s In: Assessment:
1. True 1.Magma 1. Primodial Heat
2. False 2.Temperature,Pressure 2. Decompression Melting
3. False 3.Crust,Mantle,Inner & Outer Core 3. Radioactive Heat
4. False 4.Inner Core 4. Geothermal Gradient
5. True 5. Conduction
6. False What’s New: 6. Convection
7. True 1.Any of the ff: Ash,Magma,Lava, 7. Decompression Melting
8. True Stones/rocks,pyroclastic etc. 8. Flux Melting
9. False 9. Any of the ff: Heat, pressure
addition of volatile
10. True 10.Subduction Zone
11. False 11. True
12. False 12. True
13. True 13. Hot spots
14. True 14. False
15. False 15. Subduction Zones
What’s More:
Act. 1. Earth’s Internal heat
Sources: Primordial Heat and Radioactive Heat
Significance:Answer may vary and not limitid to this: Powers most geological
processes and drives plate tectonics
Act. 2. Magma Formation
1. HTM
2. HTM
3. DM
4. FM
5. FM
Act. 4. Crossword Puzzle
Across: Down:
2.Flux 1.Geothermal Gradient
3.Subduction Zone 6.Mantle Plumes
4.Accrestion energy
5.Radioactive Heat
Additional Activities:
1.a.Primordial 3.a. Mid-oceanic ridge
1.b. Radioactive Decay 3.b.Hotspots
2.a.Pressure 3.c.Subduction Zones
2.b. Heat
2.c. Addition of Volatile

CHED. 2016. Earth Science. Quezon City: Commission on Higher Education.

Licuanan, Patricia B. 2016. Earth Science. Commission on Higher Education.

Marshak, Stephen. 2004. "Essentials of Geology." 126-127. New York: W.W. Norton &
Company. Accessed May 22, 2020.

PRitter, Michael. 2012. The Physical Environment: and Introduction to Physical Geography.
June 5. Accessed May 22, 2020.

Tarbuck, E; Lutgens, F. & Tasa, D. 2014. Earth an Introduction to Physical Geology:Eleventh

Edition. Prentice Hall.

Websites: adiabatic_compression

http:// lectures/10.html

Feedback Note

For inquiries or feedback, please write or call:

Department of Education, Schools Division of Benguet

Cordillera Administrative Region
Office Address: Wangal, la Trinidad Benguet
Tel. No./
Email Address: (074)422-6570


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