Atomic Theory: Protons Neutrons Nucleus Electrons

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Electro - Principles I Page 10-1

ETEC 1120

Atomic Theory
It is necessary to know what goes on at the atomic level of a
semiconductor so the characteristics of the semiconductor can be
understood. In many cases a detailed explanation of why some of
the phenomena occur is not required or supplied. Just knowing that
certain phenomena do occur allows us to understand why
semiconductors behave the way they do.

The Atom

Figure 1 shows a representation of the Bohr atom. The atom

contains three basic particles; protons and neutrons that make up
the nucleus of the atom and electrons that orbit the nucleus.

- The protons have a one positive charge and have significant mass
- The neutrons have no charge but essentially the same mass as protons
- The electrons have one negative charge and have negligible mass.
- Protons & neutrons form the nucleus of an atom.
- Electrons orbit the nucleus in orbitals or shells.

Normally the number of electrons Nucleus (Contains protons & neutrons)

orbiting the nucleus equals the Electron orbiting the nucleus

number of protons in the nucleus.

This means the atom is
electrically neutral; the number of
negative charges equals the
number of positive charges.
Electrons travel in orbital shells. Fig. 1
They normally remain in these
shells unless they are stimulated The Bohr Model
by some external energy source.
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The orbital paths or shells are identified L

using letters K through Q. The inner most K

shell is the K shell, followed by the L shell.

The other shells are labelled as shown in
Figure 2. The outer most shell for a given
atom is called the valence shell. The Shells or Energy Levels
valence shell is important because it Figure 2
determines the conductivity of the atom.
The valence shell of atom can contain up to eight valence
electrons. The conductivity of the atom depends on the number of
electrons that are in the valence shell. When an atom has only one
electron in valence shell, it is almost a perfect conductor. When an
atom has eight valence electrons the valence shell is said to be
complete and the atom is an insulator. The conductivity of an
element decreases as the number of electrons in the valence shells
are increased.
A conductor is a material that allows
electrons to easily pass through it. Copper is N
a good conductor. Note that the valence shell M
has only one electron. L

With atoms: +29

! K is full with 2 electrons

! L is full with 8 electrons
! M is full with 18 electrons Fig 3
Copper Atom
This totals 28 electrons with 1 electron left 29 protons
29 electrons
in the N shell (valence shell for copper) 35 neutrons
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ETEC 1120

The valence shell ideally needs 8 electrons to be full but copper

has only one. The energy required to allow this electron to escape
the valence shell and become free depends on the number of
electrons in the valence shell. Since there is only one here, freedom
is easy. A slight voltage force will free it. Even the heat at room
temperature will free some of them.
Piece of Copper Wire

Fig 4 Electrical force

Application of a the slightest electrical force will cause these

electrons to move from atom to atom down the wire.

The best conductors are Silver , Copper & Gold. All have one
valence electron.

Semiconductors are atoms that contain 4 valence electrons.

Remember that a good conductor has 1 valence electrons and an

insulator has eight valence electrons.

The semiconductor has 4 valence electrons. It is neither a good

conductor or a good insulator.
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Three of the most commonly used semiconductor materials are

silicon (Si), germanium (Ge), and carbon (C). These atoms are
shown Figure 5.. Note that all of them have 4 valence electrons.

Fig. 5

+14 +6

Germanium Atom Silicon Atom Carbon Atom

When the number of protons in an atom equals the number of
electrons the atom is said to be neutral. When no outside force
causes conduction, the atom will remain neutral.

If an atom loses one valence electron, then the net charge on the
atom is positive. The atom is now have positive ion.

If an atom with an incomplete valence shell gains one valence

electron, then the atom would be negative. This is because there
would be one extra electron in the atom.

In summary, if the atom has more electrons then protons, it will

have a negative charge and become a negative ion. If the atom has
more protons that electrons it will have a positive charge and
become a positive ion.
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ETEC 1120
Charge and Conduction
Some fundamentalrules regarding the relationship between
electrons and orbital shells have been shown the be true. They are
listed below:
1) Electrons travel in an orbital shell. They cannot orbit the nucleus in
the space that exists between any two orbital shells.

2) Each orbital shell relates to a specific energy range. Thus, all the
electrons travelling in a given orbital shell will contain the same
relative amount of energy.

Note that the energy levels for a given shell increase as you move
away from the nucleus. Thus, the valence electrons will always have
the highest energy levels in a given atom.

3) For an electron to jump from one shell to another, it must absorb

enough energy to make up the difference between its initial energy
level, and the energy level of the shell to which it is jumping.

4) If an electron absorbs enough energy, to jump from one shell to

another, it will eventually give up the energy it absorbed and return
to a lower energy shell.
Silicon Energy Gaps and Levels
Fig. 6 Conduction
e4 = 1.8 eV
Band Energy Gap

e3 = 0.7 eV

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Charge and Conduction

Examine Figure 6. The space between any two orbital shells is
referred to as an energy gap. Electrons travel through the energy
gap when going from one shell to another, but they cannot
continually orbit the nucleus of the atom in one of the energy gaps.

Each orbital shell is related to a specific energy level. For an

electron to jump from one orbital shell to another, it must absorb
enough energy to make up the difference between the shells.

For example in Figure 6, the valence shell, or band, is shown to

have an energy level of approximately 0.7 electron volt (eV). The
conduction band is shown to have an energy level of 1.8 eV. For
an electron to jump from the valence band to the conduction band,
it would have to absorb an amount of energy equal to:

1.8 eV - 0.7 eV = 1.1 eV

For conductors, semiconductors, and insulators, the valence to

conduction band energy gaps are approximately 0.4, 1.1, and 1.8
electron volts respectively. The higher the energy gap, the harder
it is to have conduction because more energy must be absorbed for
an electron to jump to the conduction band.

When an electron absorbs enough energy to jump from the valence

band to the conduction band, the electron is said to be in an excited
state. An excited electron will eventually give up the energy it
absorbed and return to its original energy level. The energy given
up by the electron is in the form of light or heat.
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Covalent Bonding
Covalent bonding is a method by which Fig. 7
atoms complete their valence shells by
sharing valence electrons with other

Figure 7 shows 5 silicon atoms that are in

a covalent bond. We know that each
silicon atoms has 4 valence electrons in
the outer shell. Silicon Covalent Bonding

Note that the silicon atom in the centre of the group has 8
electrons in its valence shell. It is sharing one electron from each
of the surrounding 4 silicon atoms to complete its valence shell.

This process is carried on over and over again with each silicon
atom sharing electrons with its neighbour. In this way all of the
silicon atoms have 8 electrons in their valence shell, except the
atoms on the very edge of the crystal. These atoms remain with
incomplete valence shells.

The results of covalent bonding are:

! The atoms are held together forming a solid substance(in this

case, a crystal)

! The atoms are electrically stable because their valence shells

are complete.
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ETEC 1120 Heat Energy and Holes
If the silicon crystal is pure, all of the valence shells will be
complete. There will be no free electrons available in the crystal.

This will make pure silicon a poor conductor of electrons. Pure

silicon is called intrinsic. Intrinsic is simply another way of
saying pure. Intrinsic Germanium is also a poor conductor of

When semiconductor atoms bond together in a set pattern like the

one shown in Figure 7, the resulting material is called a crystal. A
crystal is a smooth glass like solid. Both Silicon and Germanium
crystallize in the same fashion.
Heat energy and holes



Fig. 8
Generation of an electron-hole pair

Heat energy causes the atoms in material to vibrate. If you pick up

a warm object, the warmth that you feel is caused by the vibrating

The higher the ambient temperature, the stronger the mechanical

vibration will be. These vibrations can occasionally dislodge an
electron from the valence orbit.
Electro - Principles I Page 10-9

Heat Energy and Holes ETEC 1120

When this happens, the electron will move to the conduction band
(See Figure 8). It is now a free electron and it can move about the

When an electron leaves the valence orbit, it leaves behind a

vacancy. This vacancy is called a hole. This hole behaves like a
positive charge because it will attract and hold any free electron
close to it.

In an intrinsic silicon crystal, equal numbers of free electrons

and holes are created by heat energy. If the free electron in the
conduction band passes close to a hole, it will give up its energy
and drop back into the hole.

This process use called re-combination. The time between an

electron jumping into the conduction band (becoming to free
electron) and re-combination is called the lifetime of the electron
hole pair. This lifetime is generally very short (only a few m S).

At room temperature, the following is taking place inside the

! Some free electrons and holes are being created by thermal energy.
! Other free electrons and holes are re-combining.
! Some are in an in-between state.

At absolute zero (-273OC) there are no electron-hole pairs being

created so there are no free electrons. The number of hole pairs
increases proportionately with an increase in temperature. This
means that the number of free electrons available increases as the
temperature of the crystal rises.
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ETEC 1120 Heat Energy and Holes

Holes and the Intrinsic Semi-Conductor

A silicon crystal is an intrinsic semiconductor if every atom is a
silicon atom. At room temperature -- silicon acts as almost an
insulator because room
Free Electron
temperature thermal energy
creates only a few electron-hole
A very small current can be B E
created by using the circuit
shown in Figure 9. The diagram
shows a pure silicon crystal at
room temperature that is between
Fig. 9
two charged metal plates. Current Flow in an Intrinsic Crystal
The Flow of Holes

Assume that thermal energy has produced one electron-hole pair.

The free electron is in the conduction band at the right end of the

We will use electron flow to explain how the current flows.

The negative plate will repel the free electron to the left in the
direction of the arrow. The electron will travel in the conduction
band, from atom to atom, until it reaches the right plate and leaves
the crystal.

For every electron that leaves the crystal via the positive plate, one
electron must enter the crystal via the negative plate. In order for
this to take place - the following will happen.
Electro - Principles I Page 10-11

Heat Energy and Holes ETEC 1120

The Flow of Holes

Look at Figure 9 again. Notice the hole at the left.

The hole attracts the valence electron at point “A”. The valence
electron moves from “A” and fills the hole. Now a hole exists at

The hole now at “A” attracts the valence electron at point “B”
The electron at “B” moves into the hole making a new hole at “B”

The hole now at “B” attracts the valence electron at point “C”
The electron at “C” moves into the hole making a new hole at “C”

The process continues from “C” to “G” until the hole is close to
the negative plate.

Now an electron from the negative plate falls into the hole. The
circuit has now been completed.

If we imagine all of these actions happening quickly, the valence

electrons are moving to the left while the holes appear to move to
the right along the path A-B-C-D-E-F-G.

Note that we said that valence electrons are moving here. This
action is not the same as re-combination where a free electron falls
into a hole. The valence electrons do the moving here.
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ETEC 1120 Heat Energy and Holes
Two Types of Flow
We know that an intrinsic semiconductor has the same number of
free electrons and holes because heat produces them in pairs.

In Figure 10, the applied voltage will cause the free electrons to
move to the left and the holes to move to the right.

We will visualize the current in a semi-conductor as the combined

effect of two types of flow

! Free electron flow in one direction

! Flow of holes in the other direction

These free electrons and holes are called carriers because they
carry a charge from one place to another.

Conduction vs temperature
! Electrons and holes are in pairs.
Electron Flow
! Electron hole pairs are caused by heat

! At absolute zero - no pairs are created and

Hole Flow the current flow is zero.

! As the temperature of the crystal rises -

the current increases proportionately.

! Conductivity in a semiconductor is
directly proportional to temperature.

Fig. 10 Electron and hole flow in a semiconductor crystal

Electro - Principles I Page 10-13

Semiconductor Doping ETEC 1120

Intrinsic (pure) silicon and germanium are poor conductors. The
current flow at room temperature is very small. Because of their
poor conductivity, intrinsic silicon and germanium are of little use.

The doping is the process of adding impurity atoms to intrinsic

silicon or germanium to improve the conductivity of the
semiconductor. The term impurity is used to describe the doping
elements. Since the doped semiconductor is no longer pure, it is
called an extrinsic semiconductor.

To types of elements are used for doping: trivalent and pentavalent.

At trivalent element is one that has three valence electrons. At
pentavalent element is one that has five valence electrons.

p-type material is created by adding trivalent atoms to an

intrinsic semiconductor.

n-type material is created by adding pentavalent atoms to an

intrinsic semiconductor.

The commonly used elements are shown Figure 12.

Commonly Used Doping Elements

Trivalent Impurities Pentavalent Impurities
Aluminum (Al) Phosphorus (P)
Gallium (Ga) Arsenic (As) Figure 12
Boron (B) Antimony (Sb)
Indium (In) Bismuth (Bi)
Page 10-14 Electro - Principles I
ETEC 1120 Semiconductor Doping
Increasing Free Electrons - n type material
When pentavalent impurities are added to silicon or germanium,
the result is an excess of electrons in the covalent bonds. Figure
13 (a) shows the pentavalent arsenic atom surrounded by four
silicon atoms.

The silicon atoms each form covalent bonds with the arsenic atom.
The arsenic atom has 5 electrons but only 4 are used in the
covalent bonds. The fifth electron can easily break free and enter
the conduction band.

If millions of arsenic atoms are added to pure silicon, there will be

millions of these electrons that can be made to flow through the
material with little difficulty.

Excess covalent Band
Si bond electron
Electrons (Majority Carriers)

Si Valance
Holes (Minority Carriers)

Fig 13 (a) Fig 13 (b)

n- type material with pentavalent impurity

It is important note that even though there are many free electrons
in the material now, the crystal is still electrically neutral. This is
because the number of protons in the material still equals the
number of electrons. The net charge on material is zero.
Electro - Principles I Page 10-15

Semiconductor Doping ETEC 1120

This n type material contains many more free electrons in the

conduction band than holes. The electrons are called majority
carriers and the valence band holes are called minority carriers.

Figure 13 (b) shows the relationship between these two types of

carriers. The valence band is shown to contain some holes. These
holes are caused by thermal energy excitation of electrons as we
discussed earlier.

There is an excess of conduction band electrons and any hole that

is created by thermal energy is quickly filled by and nearby free
electron. This means that the lifetime of an electron-hole pair in
shortened significantly.

Since the only holes that exist in the covalent bonding are those
caused by thermal energy, the number of holes is far less than the
number of conduction band electrons. This is where the term
majority and minority comes from.

In n-type material, the electrons are the majority carriers and the
holes are the minority carriers.

It is important to note that even though there are many free

electrons, the number of electrons equals the number of protons in
the material This is because the free electron was donated by the
arsenic atom. Both arsenic and silicon atoms were neutral when
they were combined together to form the new material. They
remain neutral after they are bonded. The free electron is a result
of the covalent bonding. This means all of the free electrons in the
conduction band must remain in the material in order for it to be
Page 10-16 Electro - Principles I
ETEC 1120 Semiconductor Doping
The arsenic atom is called that donor atom because it donatesthe
free electrons to the material.
Increasing Holes - p type material
When trivalent impurities are added to silicon or germanium, the
covalent bonds form with a hole in their structure. If you look at
Figure 14(a), you see 4 silicon atoms surrounding an aluminum

Since aluminum has only 3 valence electrons, and each of the 4

silicon atoms wants to share one each, these is a shortage of one
electron. This gap or hole is illustrated in Figure 14(a).
Hole in the
Si covalent bond
Si Band
Electrons (Minority Carriers)

Si Valance
Holes (Majority Carriers)

Fig 14 (a) Fig 14 (b)

p- type material with trivalent impurity

Figure 14(b) shows that this time we have an excess of holes in the
valence band. At the same time, there are some free electrons in
the conduction band. These are caused by thermal energy.

Since there are many more valence band holes than conduction
band electrons, the holes are the majority carriers and the electrons
are the minority carriers.
Electro - Principles I Page 10-17

The pn Junction ETEC 1120

Even though there are many holes in the material, the number of
electrons equals the number of protons. This is because the hole
was created as a result of the covalent bonding between the silicon
and the aluminum atoms. Both aluminum and silicon atoms were
neutral when they were combined together to form the new
material. They remain neutral after they are bonded. This means
all of the holes in the valence band must remain empty in the
material in order for it to be neutral.

The trivalent atoms are called acceptor atoms. The reason for this
will be explained later.
The pn Junction
Figure 15 shows the initial energy levels of p and n-type materials.
The top diagram shows n -type material containing an excess of
electrons while the p-type material contains an excess of holes.
n-type material p-type material


Conduction Band
Conduction Band
Valence Band
Valence Band

Fig 15 pn-junction Initial Energy Levels

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ETEC 1120 The pn Junction
The energy diagrams (Fig 15-b) show the relationship between the
energy levels of the two materials. Note that the valence bands of
the two materials are at slightly different energy levels as are the
conduction bands. This is due to the differences in atomic makeup
of the two materials.

Alone, n-type and p-type material are of little use. When they are
joined together however, we get an unexpected and useful result.
This is done by doping each end of the crystal opposite. One end
is doped n-type and the other end is doped p-type. The two types
of material are brought together at a defined line in the crystal.
Figure 16(a) shows a representation of the doped crystal.
n-type material p-type material


Conduction Band
Conduction Band

Valence Band
Valence Band

Fig 16 pn-junction Initial Energy Levels

Electro - Principles I Page 10-19

The pn Junction ETEC 1120

Figure 16(b) shows the conduction and valence bands when the
materials are joined. Notice that the bands overlap and this allows
free electrons from the n-type material to diffuse over to the p- type
material. This is when we get an unexpected result.
The Formation of the Depletion Layer
Figure 17 (a) shows the doped crystal and the junction. In the n-
type material, there are many free electrons in the conduction
band. Some of these electrons will migrate across the junction and
enter the p-type material.

When the free electrons migrate across the junction, they will
drop from the conduction band and into one of the valence band
holes in the p-type material close to the junction. See Fig. 17 (b).
n-type material p-type material


Conduction Band
Conduction Band

Valence Band
Valence Band

Fig. 17 How the Depletion Layer Forms

Page 10-20 Electro - Principles I
ETEC 1120 The pn Junction Depletion Layer Charges
Negative Ions n p

After the electron drops into the +4 +4

hole, it is locked there and that

atom is now a negative ion. As +4 +5 +4 +4 +3 +4

more free electrons cross the

junction, they all drop into the
+4 +4

Fig. 18
valence band in the p-type Total (+) = 21 Total (+) = 19

material. This continues until all Total ( - ) = 20

Net Charge = +1
Total ( - ) = 20
Net Charge = -1

of the atoms near the junction in the p-type material have their
holes filled. All of these atoms are now negative ions because they
all have one extra electron.

At the same time, positive ions are formed n-type side of the
junction. For every electron that left the n-side of the junction, a
positive ion is formed close to the junction. The number of positive
ions will equal the number of negative ions near the junction.

Figure 18 shows this action. For a further description, see section

1.3 in the text.
The Depletion Layer

Remember that negative charges repel. As the number of negative

ions increase near the junction, so does the cumulative negative
charge. The width of the negative ion area is expanding.

At the same time, the positive ion area is expanding at the same
rate. The charge reaches a point where any free electrons that are
trying to cross this area are repelled back across the junction. At
this point, the growth stops and an equilibrium is reached.
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The pn Junction ETEC 1120

The Completed Depletion Layer
n-type material p-type material

Conduction Band

Conduction Band

Valence Band
Valence Band

Fig. 19 Depletion Layer

This area, on both sides of the junction where the ions exist, is
called the depletion layer. In this area, only ions exist and they
cannot move. Since one side is positive and the other side is
negative, a force field is set up between the two (See Figure 19)
.This area is depleted of free electrons and holes.

Note that the overall charge of the area is shown to be positive on

the n-type side of the junction and negative on the p-type side of
the junction.
The Barrier Potential
The n-type side of the junction has a positive potential while the p-
type side of the junction has an equal negative potential. You have
a natural difference of potential between the two sides of the
junction. This potential is referred to as the barrier potential. The
barrier potential for silicon is approximately 0.7 volts. For
germanium it is approximately 0.3 volts.
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ETEC 1120 The pn Junction
p-type material

Electrostatic Negative ions

Force Field
Positive ions

Free Electrons

Depletion Layer

Note that the n side of the

depletion layer is more
positive than the p side
n-type material
Fig.20 Silicon Crystal depicting the Depletion Layer
of the Un-Biased Diode
Controlling the Width of the Depletion Layer
The pn junction becomes useful when we are able to control the
width of the depletion layer. By controlling the width, we are able
to control the resistance of the pn junction and thus the amount of
current that can pass through the device. T he relationship between
the width of the depletion layer and junction current is summarized
as follows:
Depletion Junction Junction
Layer Width Resistance Current
Min. Min. Max.
Max. Max. Min.
Electro - Principles I Page10-23

The pn Junction - Forward Bias ETEC 1120

Bias is the potential applied to a pn junction to obtain a desired
mode of operation. This potential is used to control the width of
the depletion layer. The two types of bias are forward bias and
reverse bias.
Forward Bias
In Figure 21 (a), the diode is unbiased, which means that has no
external voltage is being applied to it. The n- type end of the
depletion layer is more positive than the p-type end. There are no
free electrons or holes in the depletion layer area.

There are small number of free electrons in the p side conduction

band caused by heat.

The potential across the depletion layer is approx. 0.7 Volts for
Silicon and 0.3 Volts for Germanium.

The switch is open and no external voltage is applied to the diode.

Conduction Band

l Conduction Band
e ma
Valence Band
Valence Band
n- Depletion Layer

a) The depletion layer has formed with the n side positive
switch and the p side negative
b) The barrier potential is approximately 0.7 Volts

Figure 21 (a) Initial Energy States in the Unbiased Diode

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ETEC 1120 The pn Junction - Forward Bias
Forward Bias (cont)
The moment the switch is closed, a negative potential is applied to
the n-type material and a positive potential is applied to the p-type

Figure 21 (b) shows the results the moment the switch is closed..

Conduction Band

Conduction Band
e ma
Valence Band
Valence Band
e ma
typ a) The conduction band electrons in the n-type material are pushed
toward the junction by the negative terminal potential
switch b) The valence band holes in the p-type material are pushed toward
the junction by the positive terminal potential

Figure 21 (b) The Moment the Switch is Closed

Figure 21 (c) shows the diode in conduction. The terminal

potential must be above 0.7 Volts for conduction to begin.

Now electrons have enough energy to overcome the barrier

potential and cross over the junction.

Note that the depletion layer is narrow when conduction occurs .

The majority carriers are the conduction band electrons in the n-

type material.

The majority carriers are the valence band holes in the p-type
Electro - Principles I Page 10-25

The pn Junction - Forward Bias ETEC 1120

Conduction Band
l Conduction Band
y pe
Valence Band
l Valence Band

a) The terminal potential must be above the barrier potential (0.7V)

in order for current to flow across the junction.
b) The electrons will cross the junction and fall into a valence band
hole on the p side.
Figure 21 (c) During Conduction

Forward Voltage VF
When a forward biased pn junction begins to conduct, the forward
voltage (VF) across the junction is slightly greater than the barrier
potential for the device the values of VF are approximated as:

VF = 0.7 V (Silicon)
VF = 0.3 V (Germanium)
Bulk Resistance
Once a pn junction is in conduction, it provides a slight opposition
to current. This opposition to current is referred to bulk resistance.
Bulk resistance is the combined resistance of the n- type and p-
type materials. It is written as follows:
rb = rp + r n
The value of rb is typically of the range of 25 W or less. The exact
value of rb for a given junction depends on the dimensions of the
n- type and p- type materials, the amount of doping used to
produced materials, and the operating temperature. Since rb is
generally small, it is often ignored in circuit calculations.
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ETEC 1120 The pn Junction - Forward Bias
Forward Biasing a pn Junction
-V n p
There are two ways to forward bias a pn
junction. - V = VF

1) By applying a potential to the n-type (a)

material that is more negative than the
p-type material potential. n p +V
+V = VF
2) By applying a potential to the p-type (b)
material that is more positive than the
Fig 22
n-type material potential.

Figure 22 illustrates these two biasing methods. The grounded end

of the diodes are at zero volts.

In Figure (a), the p-type material is at zero volts. In order for the
junction to conduct the n-type material must be at a potential of
greater than - 0.7 volts.

In Figure (b), the n-type material is at zero volts. In order for the
junction to conduct the p-type material must be at a potential of
greater than + 0.7 volts.

In either case, as far as the junction is concerned, it will conduct if

two criteria are met.

! It must see a potential across itself of greater than 0.7 volts

! The polarity of this potential must be: - p-side more positive
than the n-side.

A further explanation is in the text in Section 1.4

Electro - Principles I Page 10-27

The pn Junction - Reverse Bias ETEC 1120

Reverse Bias
A pn junction is reversed biased when the applied potential causes
the n-type material to be more positive the p-type material. The
depletion layer becomes wider and almost no current will flow.
Figure 23 shows the effects of reverse bias.

Figure 23 (a) shows the forward biased diode as before. The

depletion layer is narrow and the diode is allowing current pass
with little opposition.

Conduction Band
l Conduction Band
te ria
e ma
p- typ

Valence Band
ial Valence Band

The depletion layer is narrow & there is little opposition to
switch current flow.
Figure 23 (a) The Forward Biased Diode
Figure 23 (b) shows the diode with the switch open. The diode is
no longer forward biased and the depletion layer re-forms as
electrons diffuse across the junction.

Conduction Band

l Conduction Band
e ma
Valence Band
Valence Band
n- Depletion Layer

The depletion layer re-forms when the switch is

switch opened and the diode returns to its un-biased state
Figure 23 (b) The Depletion Layer returns - The unbiased Diode
Page 10-28 Electro - Principles I
ETEC 1120 The pn Junction - Reverse Bias
Figure 23 (c) shows the diode in reverse bias. Notice that the
power supply is now reversed. When the switch is closed the
electrons in the n-type material head towards positive terminal.
At the same time, the holes in the p-type material move towards
the negative terminal.

The electron movement away from the n-side of the junction

further depletes the material of free carriers. The depletion layer
has effectively been widened.

The same principle takes place on the p-side of the material.

Since there are fewer holes near the junction, the depletion layer
has grown. The overall effect of the widening of the depletion
layer is that the resistance of the junction has been dramatically
increased, and conduction drops to near zero.

Conduction Band

Conduction Band
Valence Band
Valence Band
n-ty Voltage polarity is Depletion Layer Widens
(a) The depletion layer widens as the reverse potential is increased
Closed (b) Very little current flows across the junction
(c) The free electrons & holes move away from the junction

Figure 23 (c) The Reverse Biased Diode

Diffusion Current
During the time that the depletion layer is forming and growing,
there is still majority carrier current in both materials. This
diffusion current last only as long as it takes the depletion layer to
reach its maximum width.
Electro - Principles I Page 10-29

The pn Junction - Reverse Bias ETEC 1120

Diffusion current is undesirable in high frequency circuits, so

special diodes have been developed for these types of circuits.
Reverse Biasing a pn Junction
There are two ways to reverse bias a pn junction.
1) By applying a potential to the n-type material that is more
positive than the p-type material potential.

2) By applying a potential to the p-type material that is more

negative than the n-type material potential.
Bias is a potential applied to a pn junction that determines the
operating characteristics of the device. Bias polarities and effects
are summarized as follows:

Bias Type Junction Polarities Junction Resistance

Forward n-type material is more (-) than p-type material Extremely low
Reverse p-type material is more (-) than n-type material Extremely high

Forward Bias Voltage Drop VF

~ 0.7 V
Silicon =
Germanium ~ = 0.3 V
Page 10-30 Electro - Principles I
ETEC 1120 The pn Junction - Summary
Bias Polarities

Forward Bias Reverse Bias

+V -V +V -V

p n n p

n p p n

Depletion Layer Width: Minimum Maximum

Device Resistance: Minimum Maximum
Device Current: Maximum Minimum

Please read Chapter 1 and the Chapter Summary in the text

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