BLO Handbook

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Election Commission of India


Nirvachan Sadan,
Ashoka Road, New Delhi-110001

Chapter Topic Page

No. No.
I Introduction 1-3
• Who is a BLO
• Appointment of BLO
• Duties and responsibilities of BLO
• BLO’s kit
• Remuneration to BLOs

II Relevant Constitutional and Legal Provisions 4-5

• Provisions of the Constitution of India
• Representation of the People Act, 1950 and
• The Election Commission’s instructions
• Representation of the People Act, 1951

III Administrative Machinery of Electoral System 6-8

IV General Principles of Voter Registration 9 - 11

• Who can be registered as an elector
• Disqualifications for registration in the roll
• Meaning of ‘ordinarily resident’
• Exceptions to the general principle of ordinary

V What is an Electoral Roll 12 - 14

• Lay-out and structure of electoral roll
• Language of electoral roll

• Polling Stations

VI Revision of the Roll 15 - 21

• Types of revision

• Preparation of electoral roll

• Claims and objections during revision process

• List of supporting documents as proofs of date

of birth and residence.

• Preparation of supplements

• Continuous updation

VII Enrolment of Overseas Electors 22

VIII Enrolment of Service Voters 23 - 24
IX Electors Photo Identity Card (EPIC) 25 - 28
• Format of EPIC

• How EPIC is prepared and issued

• Procedure to be adopted while issuing EPIC

• Important points relevant to EPIC

X BLO’s Register 29 - 32
XI Booth Level Agent (BLA) 33
XII National Voters Day 34
XIII Role of BLO in preparation of Roll 35 - 39
• Knowledge, skill and attitude needs for BLO
• Important points a BLO should keep in mind
while receiving claims/objections
• Handling of Forms received
• Distribution of EPIC
• Interaction with BLAs
• Use of Gram/Ward Sabhas/RWAs in verification
of draft roll
• Conduct of NVD programmes
• Evaluation of work done by BLOs.

Annexures 40 - 155


1. For a free and fair election, an accurate and error-free electoral roll is the
most important pre-requisite. Some of the electoral malpractices like bogus
voting and impersonation, in a large part, result from defective electoral
rolls. For enhanced participation of electors in the electoral process and
reducing the electoral malpractices, it is essential to improve the quality of
electoral registration process and of the electoral rolls. Therefore, adequate
stress has to be laid on the preparation and revision of the electoral roll.

2. Fidelity of electoral roll being the essential condition for a free and fair poll, it
becomes imperative to address the issue effectively.
3. Through this Handbook for BLOs, an attempt has been made to explain the
preparation, revision and maintenance of electoral roll. It covers all important
points from the point of view of a Booth Level Officer (BLO), but is no
substitute for all the relevant provisions of the Representation of the
People Act, 1950 and the rules made thereunder and also the directions
issued by the Commission from time to time for the preparation and
revision of the electoral rolls.

Who is BLO
BLO is a local Government/Semi-Government official, familiar with the local
electors and generally a voter in the same polling area who assists in
updating the roll using his local knowledge. In fact, BLO is a representative
of Election Commission of India at the grass-root level who plays a pivotal
role in the process of roll revision and collecting actual field information with
regard to the roll corresponding to the polling area assigned to him. Though
BLO is not a full time electoral official, but the responsibility of BLO adds an
additional dimension to his profile as he is rendering a responsible civic duty.
He is just like a friend, philosopher and guide of the local people in matters
relating to the roll. Each BLO shall have one/two polling station area under
his/her jurisdiction.
Appointment of BLO
Under Section 13B (2) of Representation of People Act, 1950, BLOs
are appointed from amongst the officers of the Govt. /Semi Govt. /Local
Bodies. Generally, one BLO is responsible for one part of the electoral roll.
The DEOs in consultation with the EROs of the Assembly Constituency (AC)
appoint the BLOs. Following is a list of categories of the Govt/Semi Govt
employees who can be appointed as BLO:-
1. Teachers
2. Anganwadi workers,
3. Patwari/Amin/Lekhpal,
4. Panchayat Secretary,
5. Village Level Workers,
6. Electricity Bill Readers,

7. Postman,
8. Auxiliary Nurses & Mid-wives,
9. Health workers,
10. Mid-day meal workers,
11. Contract teachers,
12. Corporation Tax Collectors, and
13. Clerical Staff in Urban area (UDC/LDC etc.)

2. BLOs would continue to discharge the responsibilities assigned

to them by their parent offices and would remain generally under the
control of their administrative department, but they would not be
transferred without prior permission of the DEO.
3. This will be the responsibility of the BLO that he does not
proceed on leave in any circumstance without making over his
election related charge. Even in case of his transfer, he should ensure to
hand over all election related papers, records and registers to his successor
within the prescribed time. If his successor is not appointed, the BLO would
proceed on transfer only after handing over all election related papers,
records and registers to his ERO or to an AERO authorized by the ERO.
4. As BLO would be involved in the revision of the roll, they would be
considered on deputation to the Election Commission for this purpose and
would be subject to the disciplinary control of the Election Commission. For
any breach of duty, BLOs shall be liable to punishment under Section 32 of
Representation of People Act, 1950 (ANNEXURE 1.2).

Duties and responsibilities of BLO

The BLO will make a thorough study of the roll of the part assigned to him. He
will make frequent field visits to the villages/Tolas in the said part and interact
with local people particularly village elders and grass root level elected
representatives and identify the names of the dead/shifted/duplicate voters in
the roll, which need to be removed by the ERO under relevant provisions of law.
The main functions of BLO are as follows:

• Receiving claims and objections.

• House to house visit and checking of overlapping, migration, transfer/shifting
• Identification of shifted/dead/non-existing electors
• Checking inclusion and exclusion errors
• Checking details of spellings, entries of duplicate names, part header page,
photos etc. of electors in the roll
• Collecting photos of electors
• Collecting mobile numbers of electors (optional)
• Submitting reports to ERO so that notice can be issued to the persons whose
names have to be deleted
• Display of draft roll/prescribed notices at designated locations

• Reading of rolls in gram/ ward sabhas – Liasoning with RWAs in urban areas
for registration.
• EPIC distribution (after preparation) to the right person and not to any other
• Maximization of EPIC coverage and enrolment

• SVEEP eg. Street plays, Dramas, Wall writings, etc.

• NVD activities – Administering NVD pledge and exhorting voters at NVD time.
• Correct Serialization of the houses and correct arrangement of sections falling
within the part.
• Coordination with Booth Level Agents (BLAs)
• Detailing of Forms received
• Impart simple voter education at registration time
• Distribution of voters slip before election
• Preparation of Nazri Naksha with an ordinary geographical demarcation to
avoid overlapping specially in respect of newly developed colonies

BLO’s Kit

Each BLO will be issued a kit containing a bag on which logo of the Election
Commission of India is printed. All the following items shall be place in the bag:-
1. A copy of BLO’s Handbook
2. BLO’s Register
3. BLO’s identity card
4. Writing pad with sufficient papers
5. Blank Register
6. Pen, Pencil, eraser, ruler
7. Sufficient number of blank Forms 6,6A,7,8 and 8A

Remuneration to BLOs:

• Fixed component is Rs.3,000/- per annum for those BLOs who have only
one part (polling station) assigned to them. Those BLOs who have more
than one part will get an additional honorarium of Rs.750/- per part per
annum over and above Rs.3,000/- per annum.
• Variable component shall be as follows:-
™ Rs.4/- shall be paid to the BLOs for each PER entry of photograph
made, if PER percentage in the concerned part is less than 90%.
™ Rs.5/- shall be paid to the BLOs for each PER entry of photograph
made, if PER percentage in the concerned part is 90% or above.


Provisions of the Constitution of India (ANNEXURE 1.1)

1. Under Article 324(1) of the Constitution of India, the superintendence,

direction and control of the preparation of the electoral rolls for all
elections to Parliament and to the Legislature of every State is vested in the
Election Commission.
2. Article 325 of Constitution of India provides that there shall be one
general electoral roll for every territorial constituency and no person shall be
ineligible for inclusion in any such roll or claim to be included on grounds
only of religion, race, cast or sex.
3. Under Article 326 of Constitution of India, every person who is a citizen of
India and who is not less than 18 years of age on 1 s t J a n u a r y o f t h e
y e a r o f r e v i s i o n o f r o l l a n d i s not disqualified under the Constitution
or any law made by the appropriate legislature on the ground of non-
residence, unsoundness of mind, crime or corrupt or illegal practice, shall be
entitled to be registered as a voter at any such election.

Representation of the People Act, 1950 and rules made thereunder:

4. In exercise of power under Article 327 (ANNEXURE 1.1) of the Constitution,
the Parliament has enacted the Representation of the People Act (RPA),
1950. In exercise of power under Section 28 of RP Act, 1950 the Central
Government has promulgated the Registration of Electors Rules (RER),

4.1. Sections 13A to 13CC of Representation of the People Act,1950 deal

with provisions relating to appointment of Chief Electoral Officer (CEO),
District Election Officer (DEO), Electoral Registration Officer (ERO) /
Assistant Electoral Registration Officer (AERO) etc.(ANNEXURE 1.2)

4.2 Sections 13D to 25A of Representation of the People Act,1950 provide

for preparation and revision of electoral roll and conditions of
registration.(ANNEXURE 1.2)

4.3 Section 20A of Representation of the People Act,1950 makes special

provision for enrolment of overseas electors. (ANNEXURE 1.3)

4.4 Section 32 of Representation of the People Act,1950 p r o v i d e s f o r

punishment for breach of official duty in connection with the
p r e p a r a t i o n e t c . o f e l e c t o r a l r o l l (ANNEXURE 1.2)

4.5 Rules 4 to 22 of Registration of Electors Rules 1960 provide for various

stages and conditions of process of preparation/revision of roll. (ANNEXURE

4.6 Rule 8A of Registration of Electors Rules, 1960 devises the manner of
enrolment of overseas electors. (ANNEXURE 1.5)

5 The Election Commission has issued various directions under the RPA, 1950
and the RER, 1960 from time to time. In addition, the Commission has also
issued executive instructions and clarifications (ANNEXURE 1.6 to 1.13)

Representation of the People Act, 1951

6 Section 11A of the Representation of the People Act, 1951specify
disqualification arising out of conviction and corrupt practices


The following chart depicts the hierarchical pyramid of administrative

machinery of electoral system in India:-

Administrative framework Legal Provisions

At the apex level of the administrative

Election machinery of electoral system is Election
Commission of Commission of India. Article 324 of the
Constitution lays down, among other things, that
India (ECI)
the superintendence, direction and control of the
preparation of the electoral rolls for all elections
to Parliament and to the Legislature of every
State shall be vested in the Election Commission.

Under Section 13 A of the Representation

of the People Act, 1950, there shall be a Chief
Chief Electoral Electoral Officer (CEO) for each State/Union
Officer (CEO) Territory. He is an officer of the State
Government designated or nominated by the
Election Commission in this behalf in consultation
with the State Government.

Section 13 AA of the Representation of the

People Act, 1950 provides for the appointment of
a District Election Officer in each district who shall
be an officer of Government. Normally, the District
Collectors / District Magistrates / Deputy
District Election Commissioners are designated as the District
Officer (DEO) Election Officers (DEO) of their districts.
District Election Officer shall coordinate and
supervise all work in the district or in the area
within his jurisdiction in connection with
preparation and revision of electoral rolls for all
parliamentary, and assembly constituencies.

According to Section 13B of Representation of

the People Act, 1950 the electoral roll for each
Electoral constituency in the State shall be prepared and
revised by an Electoral Registration Officer
(ERO), who is an officer of State
Officers (ERO) Government, n o r m a l l y of Tehsildar level or an
officer of equivalent status.

Section 13C of the Representation of the People
Act, 1950 provides for the appointment of one or
Assistant Electoral more persons as Assistant Electoral
Registration Officer Registration Officers (AERO) to assist Electoral
(AERO) Registration Officer in the performance of his
functions. The Assistant Electoral Registration
Officers are competent to perform all the functions
of the Electoral Registration Officer.

At the lowest level of administrative machinery of

Booth Level Officer electoral system are BLOs. There are some
supervisory officers above BLOs. These
(BLO)/designated supervisory officers maintain checks on the quality
Officers/Enumerators, of work done by BLO and closely monitor it. Each
Supervisors Inspectors supervisory officer has 10-20 BLOs under his/her
etc. supervision.

1. During the process of preparation or revision

of electoral roll, an appeal shall lie from any
decision of the Electoral Registration Officer
under rules 20, 21, or 21A of the RER, 1960 to
the Deputy Commissioner/District
Appellate authority Magistrate/District Collector.
2. During the continuous updation of the roll, an
appeal against any order of the Electoral
Registration Officer, under Section 22 or 23 of
the Representation of the People Act, 1950 will
lie before the DM/ADM/Executive
Magistrate/District Collector and a further
appeal against the order of the Appellate
Authority will lie before the Chief Electoral

• Designated Officers

In addition to the above statutory appointments, required number of

Designated Officers are also appointed by the ERO under Rule 14 of the R.E.
Rules, 1960.All these officers are subject to the superintendence, direction and
control of the Election Commission. The Designated Officer displays the
electoral roll parts and receives claims and objections. He also distributes Form
6, 7, 8, 8A to the electors on demand.

• Roll Observers

In addition to the above, the Election Commission may also appoint some
senior officers as roll observers. These observers may verify the electoral rolls
on a random basis and report directly to the Commission.

All the above officers while functioning in the above capacities shall be
deemed to be on deputation to the Election Commission for the period and
during that period be subject to the control, superintendence and
discipline of the Election Commission. (Section 13CC of Representation of
the People Act, 1950 – ANNEXURE 1.2)



Who can be registered as an elector

According to the provisions of Section 19 of Representation of the
People Act, 1950, subject to some restrictions, every person shall be
entitled to be registered in the roll of the constituency who :-
a. is not less than 18 years of age on the qualifying
date, and
b. is ordinarily resident in the said constituency.
Disqualifications for registration in the roll:
1. According to Section 16 of Representation of the People Act, 1950, a
person shall be disqualified for registration in an electoral roll if (s)he—
a. is not a citizen of India; or
b. is of unsound mind and stands so declared by a competent court; or
c. is, for the time being, disqualified from voting under the provisions
of any law relating to corrupt practices and other offences in
connection with elections (Section 11A of Representation of the
People Act, 1951 – Annexure 2).

2. The name of any person who becomes so disqualified after registration

shall forthwith be struck off from the electoral roll in which it is included.

3. No person shall be entitled to be registered in the roll of more than one

constituency and no person shall be entitled to be registered more than
once in the roll of any constituency as provided in Sections 17 and 18 of
Representation of the People Act, 1950,

Meaning of ‘ordinarily resident’ (Section 20 of the Representation of the People

Act, 1950):

. A person is said to be ordinarily resident in a place if he uses that

place for sleeping. He need not be eating in that place and may be eating
from a place outside. Temporary periods of absence from this ordinary
place of stay can be ignored. It is not necessary that the period of stay
should be continuous for any particular length of time and should be
without any break. Temporary absence on account of duty or employment
or even for pleasure should not be considered to interrupt the concept of
ordinary residence.

Exceptions to the general principle of ordinary residence:

1. Members of Parliament and the State Legislatures are entitled to be

registered in their home constituencies notwithstanding the fact that they
are away from their normal place of residence in connection with their
activities as legislators (Section 20 (1B) of the Representation of the
People Act, 1950 – Annexure 1.2).

2. Inmates of jails, other legal custody, hospitals, beggar homes,

asylums etc. should not be included in the electoral rolls of the
constituency in which such institutions are located (Section 20 (2) of the
Representation of the People Act, 1950 – Annexure 1.2)..

3. Students, if otherwise eligible, living in a hostel or mess or lodge more

or less continuously, going back to their normal home or place of
residence only for short periods, can be held to be ordinarily resident in the
place where the hostel or mess or lodge is situated. However, if they so
wish, they have the option of retaining their name in the roll at their
residence with their parents instead.

4. Service Voters: Normally, the serving members of the armed forces of the
Union or the central para-military forces, i.e. BSF, CRPF, CISF, ITBP,
NSG, GREF and Assam Rifles, State Armed Police personnel posted
outside state, and the government servants posted outside India are
entitled to get registered at their native places which may be different from
places of their ordinary residence. The wife of a service voter if she
ordinarily resides with her husband is also entitled to get registered in the
electoral roll of native place with her husband (Section 20 (3) of the
Representation of the People Act, 1950 – Annexure 1.2).

5. Overseas Electors: A citizen of India who has not acquired citizenship of

any other country and who is absenting form his place of ordinary residence
in India owing to employment, education or otherwise outside India shall be
entitled to have his/her name registered in the roll of the constituency at
his/her place of ordinary residence in India as mentioned in his/her passport
(Section 20 A of the Representation of the People Act, 1950 – Annexure

6. Persons holding declared offices: Declared office holders such as

President and Vice President, Ministers and Ministers of state and Deputy
Ministers of the Union, Deputy Chairman and Members of the Planning
Commission, Speaker and Deputy Speaker of the Lok Sabha, Deputy
Chairman of the Rajya Sabha and Parliamentary Secretaries of the Union,
and declared office holders of a state, viz., Governor, Cabinet Ministers,

Ministers of State and Deputy Ministers, Chairman and Deputy Chairman
of State Legislative Council, Speaker and Deputy Speaker of State
Legislative Assembly, Parliamentary Secretaries of state and the Lt.
Governor of UTs can get themselves registered in their home constituency.
However, the statement made by the declared office holder is not final
and it will be open to the persons who are in possession of evidence to
the contrary to object to the inclusion of name of a holder of declared office
(Section 20 (4) of the Representation of the People Act, 1950 – Annexure
1.2) in his declared home constituency.

7 Thus , it would be clear from above that all cases cannot be dealt with in
an identical manner nor can any uniform rule be laid down to define
ordinary residence. Generally speaking, a person should not be
enrolled at an address where he is staying temporarily; and on the
other hand, he is to be enrolled at his normal place of residence even
though he may be temporarily absent from there.



1. The statutes provide that for every Assembly Constituency (AC) there shall
be an electoral roll. The electoral rolls are maintained AC wise.

2. There is no separate electoral roll for Parliamentary Constituencies (PC).

The electoral roll of a PC consists of the electoral rolls for all the ACs
comprised within that PC. Jammu and Kashmir and Union Territories
(UTs) not having a Legislative Assembly are the exceptions. In J&K
the electoral rolls are prepared for PC and AC separately. In case of UTs
too, that do not have Legislative Assembly, the rolls are maintained PC
3. For J&K, the rolls for ACs are prepared in accordance with Jammu &
Kashmir Representation of the People Act, 1957 and the rules made there
under. Only state-subjects as defined under the Constitution of Jammu and
Kashmir are entitled to be included therein.

4. In accordance with sub-rule (1) of Rule 5 of Registration of Electors

Rules, 1960, the electoral rolls are further organized into geographically
defined ‘parts’ and each ‘part’ is further required t o b e o r g a n i z e d i n t o
g e o g r a p h i c a l l y i d e n t i f i a b l e ‘ s e c t i o n s ’ . Each ‘part’ has an
identified polling station (precinct) which is where the arrangements are
made for the electors of that ‘part’ to cast their votes on the poll day.

5. The electoral rolls are prepared or revised with reference to a qualifying

date which is the first day of January of the year in which the rolls are so
prepared or revised.

6. If the electoral roll is not revised as above in any year for any
reason whatsoever, the continued operation of the electoral roll shall not
be affected.

7. Further, the Election Commission may at any time, for reasons to be

recorded, direct a special revision of the electoral roll for any constituency
or part of a constituency in such manner as it may think fit.

Lay-out and structure of electoral roll

1. The roll of every AC shall have a title page showing the year of
preparation/revision, the number, name, reservation status, extent of the
constituency and the number of parts into which roll is divided, followed
immediately by a table of contents indicating in serial order and the area
covered by each part of the roll. A sample title page of AC roll is at

Annexure 3.1. The title page shall be followed by a constituency map. At
the end of the roll shall be the Summary Sheet (Annexure 3.2)

2. Each part of the roll also has an individual title page providing information
about that part of the roll. Sample of this title page of a ‘part’ of the roll is
at ( Annexure 3.3). This title page is followed by a sketch map of the
polling station area covered by the part. The sketch map depicts the
settlements (habitation area), sections, streets, important buildings like
polling stations, post office, health centers etc. Thereafter the elector
details in prescribed format shall be provided. At the end of roll of a part,
there shall be a Summary Sheet (Annexure 3.4).

3. These parts shall further be organized into geographically identifiable

Under these ‘sections’, household-wise elector’s details shall be entered.
In the normal course, a building should not be scattered into different
sections. A new section should start with a new page.

4. The electors’ details are arranged in 8-column format in a ‘text roll’ and
photograph of the elector is provided additionally. A sample of
electors’ details of photo roll is at Annexure 3 . 5 and of text roll is at
Annexure 3.6.

5. Normally, a part should not have more than 1200 electors in urban
area and 1000 electors in rural area.

6. The last part of the roll will have the list of Service Voters.

Language of electoral roll

Language of the electoral roll shall be as directed by the ECI under Rule 4 of R E
Rules. According to the extant policy, the electoral roll of an AC, is normally
prepared in the official language of the State, but where more than 20% of the
electors speak and use a different language than the official language and the
number of people literate in that minority language and script is significantly large,
the roll shall be printed and published in the majority as well as in that minority
language. Besides, the language of the roll in metros may be English also. The
last part meant for Service voters is also printed in English.


Polling Stations
1. Each part of the roll shall cover a well defined and compact geographical area.
For each such area there shall be a polling station (precinct) where the electors
of that part vote at the time of voting.
2. The number and name (and address) of the polling station shall be indicated
on the title page of the part concerned (of the roll). The part number of the roll
and the number of polling station shall invariably be same.

3 The Commission has envisaged that the polling station should not normally be
at a distance of more than 2 KMs for voters

4. Generally, a polling station should not have more than 1200 electors in
urban area and 1000 electors in rural area.



Types of Revision

1. There are four kinds of revision, namely, (i) intensive, (ii) summary, (iii)
partly intensive and partly summary, (iv) special.

2. In an intensive revision the entire roll is prepared de-novo without

reference to the earlier existing roll. In any year when an intensive
revision is ordered, there will not be any summary revision. In the first visit
BLOs assign new number to each h o u s e i f n o t a l r e a d y
a s s i g n e d . I n t h e i r s e c o n d v i s i t t h e y n o t e d o w n the
particulars of the eligible members of the house in an Electoral Card. A
copy of the Electoral Card is handed over to the head of the household
or, in his absence, to any adult member of the family. Utmost care should
be taken in enrolment of under aged persons, orphans and students
staying in hostels / lodges. On the basis of such enumeration, draft rolls
are prepared and published, inviting claims and objections. After disposal
of such claims and objections, the rolls are finally published.

3. Summary Revision of the electoral rolls for all ACs are normally
undertaken every year except when intensive revision is ordered in any
year. In a summary revision, there is no house-to-house enumeration.
The e x i s t i n g r o l l i s p u b l i s h e d i n d r a f t i n v i t i n g c l a i m s a n d
objections. After disposing of these claims and objections, the roll is finally

4. In a partly intensive and partly summary revision, existing rolls are

published in draft. Simultaneously, BLOs are sent to the households for
verification. After disposing of claims and objections, lists of additions,
deletions and corrections are prepared which together with main roll
form the Electoral Roll.

5. Where, by reason of any inaccuracies in the rolls, such as failure to

cover any place or localities or blocks or any section of voters or for any
other reasons, the Commission may order special revision of the roll of
any constituency or part thereof. It may be intensive, summary or partly
intensive and partly summary revision.

6. Besides, there is a provision of continuous updation of roll in the period

when no revision of rolls is underway. The qualifying date of the last finally
published roll is applicable during such continuous updation.


Preparation Of Electoral Roll

Publication of draft electoral roll:

Under Rule 10 of the Registration of Electors Rule, 1960, as soon as the

roll for a constituency is ready, the ERO shall publish it in draft by making copy
thereof available for inspection and displaying a notice in Form 5:

(a) At his office, if it is within the constituency;

(b) At such place in the constituency as may be specified by him for the
purpose, if his office is out side the constituency;

7. Additionally, at CEO’s website (and DEO’s website, where applicable),

the roll shall be put in public domain, in a PDF format on the same day when
the roll is published.. The draft roll on the web shall be put in a text mode and no
photographs would appear against the elector’s details in this roll on public
domain. Instead, it would indicate elector wise whether photograph is available or

8. From the web-site, it can be verified every claim (Form 6) that is received,
as to whether it is already a registered voter elsewhere in the same constituency
or the district. The website shall further facilitate an elector to check whether
he/she has been registered as an elector or not and what are the details
registered against his/her entry in the roll.

9. The publication of roll must be of all parts of the roll of an AC and must
include the last part of the roll containing ‘Service Voters’ list also. The ‘last
part’ of the roll is not published at any polling station but is kept in ERO’s office
or such other place as has been specified by him for display of the roll after

10. The draft rolls shall be published in the polling station itself for the reason
that the general electors may easily identify these places as the places at which
they can have inspection of electoral roll and file their claims and objections.

11. The publication is not made on a public holiday.

12. In those cases where the rolls are prepared in more than one language,
copies of the roll in all the languages are published.


Claims and Objections during revision process

1. As already mentioned, the ERO shall have to notify the roll revision
programme in Form 5 under Registration of Electors Rule, 1960. In this notice, all
the stages of revision process shall be mentioned including the period for
receiving applications for inclusion, exclusion, corrections and
transpositions of names in the rolls. Statutorily, under Rule 12 of Registration
of Electors Rule, 1960, a minimum of 15 days and maximum of 30 days has
to be provided for the purpose. The Commission has power under the proviso
to Rule 12 of Registration of Electors Rule, 1960 to extend the period in respect
of the constituency as a whole or in respect of any part thereof by a
notification in the Official Gazette.

2. After the draft publication of the roll is made, preferring claims and
objections are the methods by which names can be included or deleted in the roll
and elector particulars can be corrected. These claims / objections and
corrections can be filed anytime except that,

(i) After last date for receiving nominations till the elections are
over, no change in the electoral roll can be effected;

(ii) When the stages of a revision programme are fixed by the Election
Commission in advance, a period is specified for receiving these claims
and objections. During this process, claims and objections can be
preferred only during this specified time period.

3. During the revision process, the claims in Form 6, objections in

Form 7, applications for corrections in Form 8 and transposition of entry in Form
8A are inquired into by the ERO under Rule 20 of Registration of Electors Rule,
1960. Under Rule 21 of Registration of Electors Rule, 1960, ERO can, suo-motu,
include names inadvertently omitted in the published draft (from manuscript or
accepted cases etc) and under Rule 21A ERO can suo-motu delete the
names inadvertently or erroneously entered in the draft roll.

Forms for claims, objections and corrections:

1. Every claim shall be in Form 6 & 6A (Annexure 4.1 & 4.2) signed by
the person desiring to be enrolled as a voter in the roll in which the claimant
desires his name to be included. In the context of photo-rolls, all persons
desirous of getting enrolled with photograph, must submit their photographs (in
duplicate) along with Form 6/6A (for inclusion) itself.

2. Persons shifting their place of residence within the same

constituency should be guided to file application for transposition of entry
in Form 8A and not in Form6 as is the normal practice.


3. Every objection to a name included in the draft roll shall be preferred in
Form 7 (Annexure 4.3) only by a person whose name is already included in that
roll in which the name objected to appears.

4. Every application for correction to a particular or particulars in an entry

in the draft roll shall be in Form 8 (Annexure 4.4) and preferred only by the
person to whom that entry relates. Correction to any entry includes inclusion,
deletion or replacement of photograph in the photo electoral roll and correct
photograph should be attached with Form 8 for the purpose. All electors desirous
of getting their photographs corrected, replaced or added should submit their
photograph (in duplicate) along with Form 8 (for corrections).

5. In case a person desires the transfer of his name or any other person’s
name from one part to another part of the electoral roll of the same constituency,
he should file an application in Form 8A (Annexure 4.5).

6. Blank copies of the ‘Form for Declaration’ to be submitted along with Form
6 by Service Personnel (Annexure 4.11) for inclusion of name as general elector
in the place of residence where he is posted, shall also be kept at designated
locations in cantonment areas.

Receipt of claims and objections:

1. During the period after draft publication, the claims and objections should
reach the officers authorized to receive them within the prescribed period. No
claim or objection received after last date for filing such claims and
objections should be accepted. After specified revision period is over, the
forms can be accepted at anytime during continuous updation with reference to
the last finally published roll.

2. During a Summary Revision or a Special Summary Revision,

applications in bulk shall not be received and entertained.

3. BLOs should only accept individual applications. However, if individual

applications relating to the members of the same household, i.e., same family,
are presented together, they may be accepted. Claims and objections presented
in bulk by any individual/organization or political party should be refused/rejected.
The same principle will be applicable to claims and objections sent by post.

4. Forms received by the BLOs shall be displayed (in Form 9, 10, 11,
and 11A) at the Designated Officer’s office for the area.


Preliminary checking of Forms at their presentation

1. An acknowledgement/receipt should be given for each application of claim

or objection received. However, before giving an acknowledgement, preliminary
checking of every Form must be done and the following ascertained:

(i) The Form is not submitted as part of a bulk or in bulk;

(ii) No unsigned form should be received. It must be signed by or thumb
impression obtained from the applicant and no other person. Form 6, 7,
8 and 8A make it clear that claims and objections must bear the
signature or thumb impression of the claimant or the objector at the
appropriate places. Where the claimant is literate, he should sign his name
and not merely append some mark or symbol of his name written by the
scribe, and where the claimant is illiterate, he should put his thumb
impression and not any other mark in the form. This being the prescribed
manner, under Rule 17 of R.E. Rules, 1960. The BLOs, should refuse to
receive any claim or objection not duly signed by the person preferring it or
not containing his thumb impression.
(iii) No column or the information called for in the Forms shall be left blank.
Where the information being asked for is not known, the words “not known”
should be written;
(iv) No incomplete application (in which previous address is not given) should
be received

List of supporting documents as proofs of Date of Birth and Residence

1. Date of Birth

(i) Birth certificate issued by a Municipal Authorities or district office

of the Registrar of Births & Deaths or Baptism certificate; or
(ii) Birth certificate from the school (Govt. / Recognized) last attended
by the applicant or any other recognized educational institution; or
(iii) If a person is 10th or more paas, he should give a copy of the
marksheet of class 10 as a proof of date of birth; or
(iv) Marksheet or certificate of class; or
(v) Marksheet of class 8 if it contains date of birth; or
(vi) Marksheet of class 5 if it contains date of birth; or
(vii) A declaration in prescribed format given in ANNEXURE 4.10 by
either of his parents if the person is not educated till class 10; or
(viii) A certificate of his age given by a Sarpanch of the concerned
Gram Panchayat or by a member of the concerned Municipal
Corporation/Municipal Committee, if the person is not educated
and both of his parents are not alive.


2. Place of Ordinary Residence

(i) Bank / Kisan / Post Office current Pass Book, or

(ii) Applicants Ration Card / Passport / Driving License / Income
Tax Assessment Order, or
(iii) Latest Water / Telephone / Electricity / Gas Connection Bill
for that address, either in the name of the applicant or that of
his / her immediate relation like parents etc., or
(iv) Postal department’s posts received / delivered in the applicant’s
name at the given address.

Handling of forms thus received:

Ever BLO shall prepare, in duplicate, a list of claims in Form 9 (Format in

Annexure 4.6), a list of objections to the inclusion of names in Form 10 (Format in
Annexure 4.7), a list of objections to particulars in Form 11 (Format in Annexure
4.8) and a list of transposition applications in Form 11A (Format in Annexure
4.9). The BLO shall prepare such lists for the Forms received by him/her and
display it at his/her office. The BLO should keep exhibited one copy of each of the
4 lists on the notice board in his office for the Forms received by him. Maintenance
of such lists is mandatory under provisions of Rule 15 of RER 1960. The BLO
shall send the lists to the ERO.

Preparation of Supplements:

1. During the revision period after draft publication supplement is prepared for
those electors whose names have been added or deleted from the roll or
transposed from one part to the other part of the same Assembly
Constituency and whose entries have been modified/corrected is prepared
during revision period after draft publication of the electoral roll. At the time
of final publication the supplement is appended to the mother roll which was
published as draft. The serial number of electors entered in the addition list
of the electors whose names have been newly added to the roll starts after
the last serial number of the mother roll and it is prepared section-wise.
Deletion or modification list is not prepared section-wise and the electors in
these lists bear the same serial number as they have in the mother roll.
2. In the deletion list of the supplement symbols denoting the reasons of
deletion are prefixed before the serial numbers. These symbols with their
explanation are printed as foot note on every page of the deletion list. On
the corresponding box in the mother roll of deleted electors the word
“DELETED” is superimposed through software. This does not change the
serial number and the number of electors printed on the part header also
remains unchanged.
3. There may be one or more supplements attached to the mother electoral
roll due to revision or continuous updation. In such instance a page as

summary of electors is attached after the mother roll and the supplements.
This summary page contains the number of electors added through the
addition list, deleted through the deletion list and the sum total of the
electors in the entire roll after additions and deletions before the names of
every elector whose details have been modified, a sign of hash (#) is
printed through the software.

Continuous updation:

1. The process of continuous updation of electoral roll is effective from final

publication to next draft publication of electoral roll.
2. During elections, from the last day of nomination to the end of election
process, the process of continuous updation is inoperative. Even though the
application for addition, deletion or correction can be given after the
beginning of election process, no action will be taken upon these
applications, till after the election is over.
3. The electoral registration system is essentially in the nature of a continuous
updation, even though general public do not get benefit of this process due
to lack of awareness. Therefore Booth Level Officer should publicise the
provisions of addition, deletion, correction or transposition of entries
in the roll through continuous updation.
4. Registers should be maintained for applications received for addition,
deletion and correction in finally published roll during continuous updation
(RP Act, 1950/RER, 1960).
5. The supplement of continuous updation shall be printed as part of the draft
roll below the last supplement for that particular year for publication as draft
roll. These can be incorporated during revision of electoral roll as final
supplement of draft electoral roll entering the supplementary process and
the date thereon. The supplementary list prepared in the process of
continuous updation for addition, deletion, correction or transposition is
published during election. There is no provision of publication of such
addition/deletion lists resulting from continuous updation at fixed intervals.
6. After any application for registration is allowed, its entry will be done just
after the last serial number of finally published roll/ supplementary roll.
7. Entries of addition, deletion and correction should be entered under
concerned headings of the supplement.
8. By 7th of the following month, one copy of the manuscript will be transferred
to the DEO/ERO/AERO for data entry in the ERMS/computerized working
copy of the electoral roll.



1. Under Section-20A of the Representation of the People Act, 1950,

inserted vide Representation of the People (Amendment) Act, 2010, which
has come into force w.e.f. 10th February, 2011, every overseas elector, i.e., an
Indian citizen who is absenting from his place of ordinary residence in India
owing to employment, education or otherwise, and has not acquired citizenship
of any other country and who is not included in the electoral roll, is entitled to
have his/her name registered in the electoral roll of the constituency in which
his/her place of residence in India as mentioned in his/her passport is located.

2. In terms of rule 8A of the Registration of Electors Rules, 1960, every

overseas elector whose place of residence in India is located in the
States/Union Territories of India, who has completed 18 years of age as on 01-
01-2011, and is desirous of registering his/her name in the electoral roll, can
submit claim application in Form-6A (ANNEXURE 4.2) for registration in the
electoral roll of the constituency in which his/her place of residence as shown
in the passport is located. The claim application in Form-6A can either be
submitted in person directly to the registration officer of the constituency
concerned or sent to such registration officer by post alongwith the documents
mentioned in Form-6A and the guidelines. If the application is submitted in
person before the Electoral Registration Officer, the original passport should
be produced for verification. When the claim application is sent by post, it
should be accompanied by self attested photocopies of the relevant pages of
the passport.

3. Verification of self-attested documents which accompany applications

in Form 6A received by post shall be done by BLOs. For this purpose, BLOs
will visit the home address mentioned in the passport. They will ask relatives
of the applicant, if any, to verify the self-attested copies of documents and give
a declaration to this effect. In those cases, where no relatives are available or
relatives are not willing to give the declaration for verification of documents or
the ERO is not satisfied with verification of documents by relatives, documents
will be sent for verification to the concerned Indian Mission in the foreign
country where the applicant resides.

4. Identification of overseas electors at the time of casting of votes at

polling station shall be done only on the basis of their original Passports. For
this purpose, they will be required to bring their original Passport to the polling



1  Service voter is a voter having service qualification. According to the

provisions of sub-section (8) of Section 20 of Representation of the People Act
1950, service qualification means —
(a) Being a member of the armed Forces of the Union; or
(b) Being a member of a force to which provisions of the Army Act, 1950
(46 of1950), have been made applicable whether with or without
(c) Being a member of an Armed Police Force of a State, and serving
outside that state; or
(d) Being a person who is employed under the Government of India, in a
post outside India.

2 Persons having a service qualification can get enrolled as ‘service voters’

at their native places even though they actually may be residing at a different
place (of posting). They have, however, an option to get themselves
enrolled as general elector at the place of their posting where they
factually, at the point of time, are residing ordinarily with their family
with a sufficient span of time.

3 The wife of a service voter shall, if she is ordinarily residing with him, be
also deemed to be a service voter in the constituency specified by that person
provided in case of Armed Force voter, a declaration in Form 2 (ANNEXURE
5.1) or 2A (ANNEXURE 5.2)that his wife ordinarily resides with him has to be
made. This facility is available only to the wife of a male service voter and is
not available to the husband of a female service voter.

4 A person having service qualifications should not to be enumerated as

general electors during intensive revision for inclusion in the preliminary
(draft) roll alongside their other eligible family members, even if such person
is member of the household and incidentally happens to be present in the
house at the time of enumeration

5 Similarly, wife of a service voter, if she is ordinarily residing with her husband
at the place of his posting, should also not be enumerated as general elector
even if she is present in the house at the time of enumeration during intensive

6 However, if a person having service qualification is ordinarily residing with

family for a sufficient span of time at one’s place of posting, then the person
can be enumerated as a general voter during enumeration (in case of
intensive revision) and through a voluntary request made in Form 6 (in case
of summary revision). In such cases, a declaration should be obtained from
the service voter and the spouse in the prescribed format (Annexure 4.11).

7 Only those serving members who are not already enrolled in the last part of
electoral roll of a constituency of their native place and who have remained
in the place of their present posting for sufficient span of time with their
families are eligible to be enrolled as general electors in the general part of
the electoral roll.


1. Electoral Photo Identity Card (EPIC) is an identity document issued
by the Electoral Registration Officer under Rule 28 of R. E. Rules. The EPIC
contains details of the elector like Name, Father’s/Mother’s/Husband’s Name,
Date of Birth/Age on the qualifying date, Sex, Address and most importantly, the
photograph of the elector. The format of EPIC can be seen at Annexure 6.

2. EPIC is a permanent document for an elector. It is to be used by the

elector to establish one’s identity at the time of polls. It is compulsory for an
elector who has been issued an EPIC to produce the EPIC at the time of polling
to enable voting.

Format of EPIC

3. The size of EPIC has been fixed by Election Commission and should
be 5.0cm horizontal x 8.4cm vertical. The photograph should be of size
2.4cmx1.8cm and of resolution 320x240 pixel with 75% area covered by the full
frontal scape of the face of the elector in a light background. The Name,
Father’s/Mother’s/Husband’s Name, Sex and Date of Birth/ Age on the
qualifying date on the EPIC should be derived from the elector detail database.
In the electoral roll, the date of birth does not appear, instead, only the age
appears. But this age is derived from the date of birth that the elector has
provided in Form 6, if known to the elector. Thus the date of birth should be
captured from the Form 6 for EPIC purposes. If the date is not available or not
mentioned in the Form 6 and only age is mentioned, then the year of birth should
be calculated from that age and only ‘year of birth’ should be mentioned in the
EPIC in the column ‘date of birth’.

4. The EPIC has the photograph of the elector printed on it and a security
hologram pasted half on the photograph and half on the vacant space on the left
of the photograph. The reverse side of the EPIC has the address of the elector
and the facsimile signature of the ERO issuing the EPIC.

5 As per the Commission’s guidelines, the paper used for printing

EPIC should not be less than 165 GSM. Where EPIC is produced by single side
printing on paper and folding, the paper used should not be less than 80 GSM.
The polyester film used for laminating the EPIC should be at least 125 micron

How EPIC is prepared and issued

6. For the purpose of preparation of EPIC, the ERO (or the DEO or the
CEO) would have identified vendors and provided them space to prepare EPICs.
One of the most important things required for preparation and issue of EPIC is

the photograph of the elector. For getting the electors photographed, there are
Designated Photography Locations (DPLs) or VRECs in each AC/District.

7. The reverse side of EPIC has the address of the elector as provided by
him after due verification. This is followed by a facsimile signature and
designation of the ERO issuing the ERO. The facsimile stamp of the ERO is
a critical instrument that is kept in custody of the ERO.

8. The EPIC so prepared is laminated and handed over to the elector. It

has to be ensured that the EPIC is handed over to the same elector whose
EPIC it is and proper acknowledgment of the receipt of EPIC should be taken.
Under no circumstances should any intermediary be handed over the EPIC for
further distribution of the EPIC.

Procedure to be adopted while issuing EPIC

1. An EPIC, once issued, is valid across the country and the elector need not
be issued another EPIC even if, he shifts from the Constituency where EPIC was
originally issued. The purpose of EPIC is to identify the elector with his name in
the Electoral Roll. EPIC once issued no matter in which Assembly
Constituency it was issued, can meet this purpose.

2. Different checks are required to be conducted depending on the situation

under which the EPIC is being issued. For an elector who is being issued an
EPIC for the first time, the issue of EPIC would normally be with his enrollment
in the electoral roll. After his name has been added in the electoral roll, the EPIC
can be issued after physical verification of his photograph and his address. The
fact that the applicant is a first time elector should be verified from the declaration
that he has given in Part IV of the Form 6.

3. For cases where an elector has been enrolled from before and claims that
he has not been issued any EPIC in the past, a declaration to this effect should
be taken from him. Before issuing him an EPIC, it should be verified from the
database of his Constituency of the previous place of residence, as declared in
the Part IV of the Form 6, that no EPIC has been issued to him in past. In case, it
is observed that the elector has given a non traceable address of previous
residence, EPIC should not be issued and the elector should be advised to
provide full and correct address of previous residence. If the antecedents of the
elector in the database of deleted electors of the constituency of previous place of
residence of the applicant cannot be found, further enquiry should be conducted
before issuing the EPIC.

4. In cases where an elector has been issued an EPIC in a Constituency

and has applied for new EPIC since he has shifted to a new place of residence in
another Constituency, the EPIC details of the elector, including the photograph,

should first be obtained from the database of the Constituency of his previous
place of residence. T h e e l e c t o r s h o u l d b e a s k e d t o s u r r e n d e r h i s
o r i g i n a l E P I C . In case, it is observed that the elector has given a non
traceable address of previous residence, EPIC should not be issued and the
elector should be advised to provide full and correct address of previous
residence. After obtaining these details and proper verification of his current
residential address, a n d a l s o t h e o r i g i n a l E P I C i s s u e d t o h i m EPIC
should be issued to the elector using the same EPIC number under which the
previous EPIC was issued on payment of fee of Rs 25/- . In the new EPIC, the
word “DUPLICATE” should not be printed on the EPIC.

5. In cases where EPIC has been issued to an elector and the elector
has requested for corrections in the details mentioned, this request of the elector
should be made in Form 8 for carrying out the requested changes. Under these
circumstances, the EPIC, with the requested modifications should be issued
after acceptance of Form 8 under the same EPIC number in which the previous
EPIC was issued. In the new EPIC, the word “DUPLICATE” should not be printed
on the EPIC.

6. If the elector claims that the EPIC issued earlier is lost, a

declaration to this effect should be obtained from him. The EPIC should be issued
to him with the same details with which the previous EPIC was issued,
including the EPIC number. In the new EPIC, the word “DUPLICATE” should be
printed on the EPIC.

7. The Commission has prescribed a nominal fee of Rs. 25.00 to be

levied so that there is some deterrence for repeated request for issue of EPIC.
This fee is not charged:-
a. for issue of first EPIC
b. In Case an error that can be attributed to the electoral machinery.
c. when the EPIC is lost with loss of property during natural
calamities like flood, cyclone earthquake etc.

8. Since the first issue of EPIC is free and EPIC, once issued, is valid for
lifetime anywhere in the country, there is no situation where an elector would be
compelled to pay this fee for the purpose of establishing identity during election.
In cases where the elector is issued an EPIC due to change of address or other
particulars on his request or after rectifying details that had appeared
incorrectly, the old EPIC of the elector must be taken from him. Under no
circumstances should an elector possess two EPICs.

Important points relevant to EPIC

27. All efforts have to be made to ensure universality, uniqueness

and permanence of EPIC details of an elector. The link between the details of

electors and their EPIC details are provided by the EPIC Number. EPIC Number
is designed to act as the permanent unique identity for every elector and thus it is
very crucial that, once created, this information is not lost. Even in cases where
door to door verification drives are taken that lead to larger scale, changes in
the Electoral roll, the EPIC number of every individual should be captured like
every other detail.

28. EPIC is only an identity document and mere holding of an EPIC does
not give any individual right to vote. This right is available only to those whose
names are found in electoral roll. EPIC only establishes the identity of those
whose names are there in the Electoral Roll to ensure that their right to vote is
smoothly exercised.



BLO’s register comprises of the following two parts:

Annexure -I consists of present entries of electors in the rolls, and corrections
thereof if any, are to be done in the relevant column of the format.
In Annexure -II BLOs have to mention and update the information pertaining to the
newly developed areas / societies / Apartments etc. in the part allotted to the BLO.
More over they have to update the information regarding newly arrived electors and
new eligible electors but left out to be registered in the electoral roll (ANNEXURE

(1) BLOs have to verify the electoral roll of the relevant part given to them and
note down the corrected details from it. If any particulars of elector, is subject to
correction viz. Name of the elector, age, sex, relation, House No. EPIC No. etc, the
original particular is be encircled and below that correction be indicated. This
exercise is to be done in red ink. The details of elector’s name, surname, relation’s
name and house no. have been given in both the languages i.e. English and the
language widely spoken in the State. It should be shown to the elector and verified.
If any of the State language detail of the elector is wrong, it should be encircled in
red ink and correct detail should be written in the appropriate column in the space
below. Likewise, if any of the English detail of the elector is wrong, it should be
encircled in red ink and correct detail should be written in the appropriate column in
the space below.

(i) If the elector's photo image is correct, √ should be put mark in column-1. In
case of wrong photo image of the elector X mark should be put. And in such
case correct photo should be obtained. Even in case of non-image entry,
correct photo is to be obtained by writing "No Photo'.

(ii) In case of wrong entry of EPIC No. it should be rounded with red ink in
Column-3 and correct EPIC No. should be indicated.

(iii) Elector’s date of birth is to be shown in column no. 3. If date of birth is

shown, it should be verified. If the entry relating to date birth is wrong, it should be
circled in red ink and correct date of birth should be shown in the space below. The
date of birth should be written after verifying specific and valid evidences like
School Leaving Certificate, Birth Certificate, Caste Certificate, BPL Certificate or
any other government document issued by the competent authority. In case of
non-production of such evidences, this column should be left blank. (Wrong and
presumed information should not be entered without verification)
(iv) In case of wrong entry of House No., the entry should be encircled with red
ink in Column-4 and correct House No. should be mentioned.


(v) If there is any wrong entry of the name of the elector – the same should be
encircled with red ink around in Column-5 and correct particulars should be written.
Besides application in Form 8 should be obtained.

(vi) If there is incorrect entry of relation, the particulars in Column-6 should be

encircled with red ink and correct one shall be mentioned.

(vii) If there is incorrect entry of sex of an elector, the wrong entry in column-6
should be encircled with red ink and correct entry should be mentioned.

(viii) In case of the wrong entry of the age of an elector; the same in Column-6
should be encircled with ink and age should and the correct age as on Dt.01-01-

(2) In Column-8 particulars of ESR (E=Expired, S=Shifted, R=Repeated) should

be mentioned. Instructions for this are as follows;

(i) Information pertaining to death of any elector should be mentioned in

Column-8 as "Expired" along with the date of death and Form No.7 should
be obtained from the family member of the deceased. When Form No.7 has
been received it should be mentioned in Remarks (Column-10).

(ii) When the elector is found shifted from the area of the relevant part it should
be updated with indication "Shifted" in Column-8. As far as possible it is desirable
to obtain duly filled up Form-7 from such elector. If Form-7 is received mention it in
Column-10. Shifting could either be with family or without family. If the elector has
shifted with his family, in column 10, “shifted with family” should be written and if
the elector has shifted alone and his family resides at the place mentioned in the
roll, “shifted without family” should be written in column 10. During verification, BLO
should give notice in prescribed format to the shifted elector on the spot. The
reasons for shifted should also be noted. Probable reasons for shifting of electors
could be as under :

(1) Changing/evacuating the residence / house as being

(2) Migrating/ shifting for the purpose of occupation.
(3) Marriage.
(4) Divorce
(5) Changing house.
(6) Other reasons.

(iii) (1) If the name of any elector is found more than once in the electoral roll
the same should be mentioned as "Repeated" in column-8 And related part No. /
Sr. No. should be noted in (remarks) column- 10 with due care.
(2) The no. of years that the elector is residing at the address shown in
the roll should be shown in column 9.


[3] Information and particulars of Annexure-I should be filled meticulously and
after verification only as the Electoral Registration Officer shall decide
addition/deletion / correction of entries of the electoral roll on the basis of this.

[4] Annexure-II

(i) Regarding newly developed area /society/apartment/colonies etc.

Within the geographical limits of the relevant part of the electoral roll BLOs
have to verify and update the information pertaining to newly developed
area/society/apartments/colonies which have come in to existence and the same
should be mentioned in the relevant form of this volume. It must also be ensured
that the information of such society/area is not duplicated in the other parts of the
electoral roll.

(ii) Listing of immigrant electors :

In this format the electors who have come from outside and residing at newly
developed areas / societies / colonies or existing areas of your part should be
mentioned. If in any existing house is vacated by the earlier elector and if the new
elector has come to reside in the same house, such information should also be
mentioned in Annexure-I in (remarks) column 10 as "shifted" against the name of
the former elector in red ink.

(iii) To note the population comprised within the polling station area.
A statistical information related to the total number of members in a family is to be
mentioned. From these figures the total number of Males, Females and total
population of that part should be prepared. Moreover, the names of members who
will be completing the age of 18 years should also be mentioned separately..

[5] The State language and English details of every section of the part enclosed
with Annexure-II of the Register should especially be verified. If any correction in
State language or English details of name /address / PIN Code of a section is to
be made, it should be encircled with red ink and correct detail should be written in
the relevant column in the line below.

[6] Voter - Population Ratio is to be worked out after arriving at the exact
population of the relevant part. Voter-Population Ration is to be calculated as per
the following formula.
Voter population ratio = Total voters of the part * 100
Total population of the part.

e.g. If the total population within relevant part is 1600 and total voters are 1000

1000 (Total voters of the part × 100 )

Voter Population Ratio =
1600 (Total population of the part )

= 62.5%

[7] After filling up all the above details, the following should be calculated:
(1) No. of voters in age group 18-19=_____________
(6)No. of voters in age group 60-69=_____________
(2)No. of voters in age group 20-29=_____________
(7)No. of voters in age group 70-79=_____________
(3)No. of voters in age group 30-39=_____________
(8)No. of voters in age group 80-89=_____________
(4)No. of voters in age group 40-49=_____________
(9)No. of voters in age group 90-99=_____________
(5)No. of voters in age group 50-59=_____________
(10)No. of voters in age group 100+=_____________

Total Voters......... =

At the end, the BLO should put his signature.

Various Statements to be filled by BLO

The BLO may fill up the information in the statements (ANNEXURE 7.2)
collected by him during his field visits for submitting his reports to the ERO and also
for his future strategy.


1. In order to enhance the participation by the recognized political parties in roll
revision the Commission has devised concept of Booth Level Agent (BLA) on the
pattern of appointment of polling agents /counting agents during polling/counting to
assist the BLO.| Generally one BLA is appointed for each part of electoral roll He is a
registered elector in the relevant part of roll of the area where he resides.

2. Once a BLA is appointed by a political party for revision of roll for a particular
year, his/her appointment as BLA will be valid for the later years also until and unless
the nomination / authorization of such BLA is expressly withdrawn by the said party
or such BLA has ceased to be a registered elector of the constituency for which he /
she has been appointed.

3. No person in the service of the Government / Local authority / PSU can act as

4. The BLA will handover the appointment letter in prescribed Form (Form ID-
BLA-2) to the BLO at the polling station after draft publication of the roll.

5. On the strength of the appointment letter, the BLO will hand over a printed
copy of the relevant part of the roll to BLA under proper acknowledgement.

6. The printed copy of part of the roll to be supplied to the BLA is the copy of the
roll required to be supplied free of cost to the recognized political party under rule 11
of Registration of Electors Rules, 1960.

7. In case no BLA has been appointed by a political party than the copy of draft
roll for that part will not be handed over to any other person by BLO.

8. The BLAs will not receive claims and objection from public. They will only
guide the public to file appropriate applications for inclusion, deletion, correction and
transposition of entries in the roll.
9. The BLAs are required to be present on the special campaign dates for
receipt of claims and objections and will work through the draft roll with BLO and
identify the corrections etc. They can list out the dead/shifted /duplicate voters
through house to house survey and present the list to the BLO.

10. The BLOs are expected to interact regularly with BLAs.



1. As a measure to enhance participation of citizens in the democratic electoral

process, the Commission has decided to celebrate 25th January, its Foundation Day,
as the National Voters Day every year, starting from 25th January 2011. The
Commission’s objective is to increase enrolment of voters, by using this occasion so
as to make universal adult franchise a complete reality and thereby enhance the
quality of Indian democracy. The day is utilized to spread awareness among voters
regarding effective participation in the electoral process.

2. On this occasion the newly registered voters in each polling booth in the latest
revision are felicitated on 25th January every year in a brief ceremony. This is
expected to inculcate in the new voters a commitment to democratic electoral
process and should lead to greater participation. This also serves as a reminder to
all other eligible electors in the polling booth area towards their responsibility to
participate in the electoral process.

3. The Election Commission organizes a suitable event in the country’s capital to

highlight the values of electoral democracy and the issues relating to popular
participation in elections.

4. In the States, DEOs under the overall supervision of the CEO ensure
organization of following activities on the National Voters Day in the districts:-

(i) The BLOs in each polling station area felicitate the newly registered voters on
25th January every year in a brief ceremony/ public function to be arranged by DEO/
ERO. The Election Commission has prescribed the design and colour scheme of a
badge with its logo with the slogan “Proud to be a voter - Ready to vote” which is
provided by the BLOs to the new electors during the felicitation ceremony along
with their EPIC. The DEOs arrange for the venue and logistics required for the brief
ceremony/ public function, in each polling station area.

(ii) The AEROs and EROs of the constituency participate in the ceremony/ public
function of those Part(s) under their jurisdiction where largest number of newly
registered electors are felicitated.

(iii) The DEO organizes appropriate events at the District headquarters, in

association with Panchayat organizations, academic institutions, civil society groups,
media etc. to popularize electoral participation and advance voters’ education. In this
event, EPICs are distributed among new voters of the local polling station areas.

(iv) The CEO of the State/UT concerned organize events in the State capital in
association with Media, Civil Society, Opinion Groups, State Administration, State
Election Commission etc. in order to popularize electoral participation and
disseminate information about electoral processes. In this event also, EPICs are
distributed among new voters of the local polling station area.



1. Knowledge, skill and attitude needs for BLO:

• Should be aware that he is deemed to be on deputation to the Commission and
thus under its disciplinary control under the provisions of Section 13 cc of RP Act,
• Should be aware of his responsibilities and duties as BLO in addition to his own
official work.
• Should have knowledge to fill-up Form 6, 6A, 7, 8 & 8A properly.
• Should have knowledge about the supporting documents to be attached to the
• Should be familiar with the locality and the households residing therein.
• Should have skill to communicate with the electors in the area
• Should have skill and patience to do door to door survey.
• Should have responsive and positive attitude towards electors and his own
• Politeness towards electors
• Timely disposal of forms.
• A BLO should be completely non- partisan

2. Important points a BLO should keep in mind while receiving


(1) An acknowledgement/receipt should be given for each application of claim or

objection received.
(2) Before giving an acknowledgement, preliminary checking of every Form must
be done and the following ascertained that:

(i) The Form is not submitted as part of a bulk or in bulk;

(ii) No unsigned form should be received. It must be signed by or thumb
impression obtained from the applicant and no other person. Where the
claimant is literate, he should sign his name and not merely append some
mark or symbol of his name written by the scribe, and where the claimant is
illiterate, he should put his thumb impression and not any other mark in the
form. This being the prescribed manner, BLO should refuse to receive any
claim or objection not duly signed by the person preferring it or not
containing his thumb impression.
(iii) No column or the information called for in the Forms shall be left blank,
particularly the declaration about previous address. Where the information
being asked for is not known, the words “not known” should be written;


(3) While receiving Form 6, BLO must check that the

(i) Persons shifting their place of residence within the same constituency
should be guided to file application for transposition of entry in Form 8A and
not in Form 6 .
(ii) First time inclusions on grounds of attaining age (18 years) must indicate
details of the members of the family already included in the current rolls in
the space provided in Form 6. Family means immediate family, viz. father,
mother, husband or siblings.
(iii) The date of birth and the age in years and months must be indicated.
Where the applicant does not know the date of birth, he/she must at least
indicate the approximate age in years as on the qualifying date;
(iv) For applicants in the age group 18-25 years, the name and relationship
should be checked with respect to the applicant’s family members already
enrolled with the same address. Particular care should be taken that
underage applicants do not get enrolled. They may be asked to attach any
documentary proof of age like school/college certificate, birth certificate etc.
wherever possible. Claimant is not in possession of any documentary proof
of age, the BLO should guide the claimant to attach a declaration in a
prescribed format (Annexure 4.10) by either of the parents, already
included in the electoral roll, in support of the age of their ward.
(v) If the applicant has an EPIC already issued to him, the EPIC detail must
also be captured in the Form 6. In that case, he should also provide
photocopy of the EPIC. Non EPIC holders of 25+ age-group should give a
declaration in prescribed format (Annexure 8.1)
(vi) In part II of the Form 6, the complete address of ordinary residence
where the applicant desires to be enrolled has to be given. The applicant
may be advised to attach a copy of any document like Bank/Kisan/Post
Office Pass Book, Ration Card, Driving License, Passport, Gas Connection,
Telephone/Electricity/ Water Bill etc. showing that address. In case of non-
availability of any document BLO may receive the application and record
thereon “No document attached”.
(vii) In cases where the applicant mentions the period of stay at that address for
a long time, say a year or more, then the circumstances because of
which he did not apply for enrolment should be ascertained and recorded
on the application form by the designated officer.
(viii) The applicant is required to indicate in Part III of Form 6, the details of
his/her immediate family members, if any, already included in the draft
electoral roll. In case the applicant has only indicated the name(s) of
immediate family members but has not given other electoral roll details like
part no., serial no. and EPIC No. of such family member(s), then the
applicant should be advised to fill up these details from the copy of the
draft roll made available at each designated location;
(ix) The applicant must fill in part IV of Form-6 full details of previous
enrollment. However, failure to furnish the voter serial number, part number
and the constituency details, if not known, would not be a ground for non-
acceptance of applications, if the previous address has been fully given.
However, the previous address must be fully provided failing which the
application shall not be received. In case the person has been living at a
place for long and has not shifted residence at all but still doesn’t have
elector details, the person should be advised to fill in the complete present
address in the space provided for previous address.

(x) The most important part of the preliminary checking is to see that the
Declaration in Part IV, at the end of the Form-6 is complete in all respects.
From applicants of age 25+, the previous address of ordinary residence
must be obtained and database search done to ascertain that the applicant
is not already enrolled elsewhere and delete his/her name from the electoral
roll of the other place once the name is included in the present place.
(xi) Applicant, if he is service personnel, must enclose the additional
Declaration stating non-inclusion of his name as a service elector in the
last part of the electoral roll of his native place.

(xii) The Head of the family or adult members should be clearly explained the
legal position about electoral offences such as furnishing of false information
and consequences.

(xiii) If the BLO finds a house locked on his / her first visit, he should make visits
again on different occasions or in the night when the working people are
available at their house.

(xiv) The BLO should maintain the record in his BLO’s Register regularly and

(xv) The BLO should make sure that no area such as newly developed colonies in
the part assigned to him is left out. To avoid such eventuality he may
prepare a nazri naksha of the area and plan his visits accordingly.

(4) Enrolment of certain categories of persons

a) Under-aged persons. The responsibility for getting the names of ineligible

persons entered in the electoral roll can be placed squarely on the head of
the family, whose signature is taken on the record of enumeration card
during house-to-house enumeration. A person who makes false declaration
shall be punishable with imprisonment for a term which may extend to one
year, or with fine or with both. If, during the preparation of rolls, one comes
across cases where ineligible persons have been entered in the manuscript
on the basis of information furnished by the head of family. This is to be
brought to the notice of the ERO for initiating suitable action under the above
provision against those heads of families.

b) Orphans: If an orphan is brought up from infancy in an orphanage and

becomes eligible for enrolment as an elector on attaining the age of 18
years and is not in a position to give the names of either his father or
mother, names of such persons, if eligible shall be entered in the electoral
cards by the BLO and under the column meant for
father’s/mother’s/husband’s name the BLO shall mention the name of the
orphanage. In case the orphan was not brought up in any orphanage but
in a family, the BLO shall write the name of that family head. In case of an
orphan who has been legally adopted by a family, the name of the
father/mother adopting that orphan should be indicated. In cases which are
not covered by the above categories, the BLO shall enter “not known”. In the
relationship column of the electoral roll the word ‘others’ shall be indicated.

c) Homeless persons: The BLO will visit the address given in Form 6 at night
to ascertain that the homeless person actually sleeps at the place which is
given as his address in Form 6. If the BLO is able to verify that the homeless
person actually sleeps at that place , no documentary proof of place of
residence shall be necessary.BLO must visit for more than one night for
such verification.

d) Students living in hostel/lodge: During intensive revision, when a de novo

enumeration is ordered to prepare electoral rolls afresh, the BLOs shall
not enumerate the name of any student staying away from their guardians
on the basis of declaration by other members of the household. They shall
not be enumerated in their hostels either, during intensive revision, but can
be enrolled as voters in hostel/residence on application in Form 6 alongwith
a certification of being bonafide student and resident in prescribed format

(5). No name should be removed from the roll on account of ordinary residence
without following due procedure, such as without obtaining duly filled Form 7.
Form 7 should not be received if the complete details of the objector as well as the
person objected to and the reasons for the objections are not filled up in
appropriate columns. Form 7 requires the objector to give full particulars of the
entry in the roll relating to him. This requirement should be borne in mind and
whenever it is not satisfied, the objection may be refused to be received under
Rule 17.

(6). All applications in Form 8 for correction must indicate in part IV the exact
details of entries to be corrected. If the details are not indicated then the Form can
be refused to be received. The applicant must be advised to attach supporting
documents for the corrections sought to be incorporated.

3. Handling of Forms received

Every BLO shall prepare, in duplicate, a list of claims in Form 9 (Format in

Annexure 4.6), a list of objections to the inclusion of names in Form 10 (Format in
Annexure 4.7), a list of objections to particulars in Form 11 (Format in Annexure
4.8) and a list of transposition applications in Form 11A (Format in Annexure 4.9).
The BLO shall prepare such lists for the Forms received by him/her and display it at
the office of the BLO for the area. The designated officer should keep exhibited one
copy of each of the 4 lists on the notice board in his office for the Forms received by
him directly and for the Forms received by the BLO. Maintenance of such lists is
mandatory under provisions of Rule 15 of RER 1960. He shall send it to the ERO.

4. Distribution of EPIC

The BLO should check the prepared EPIC thoroughly before distribution. He
should check the card number, name, age and address of the elector. The
photograph of the EPIC holder must be matched to see that the elector is clearly
identifiable from his photograph. If not the elector must be photographed again. The
BLO should ensure that EPIC is delivered to the same elector and proper


acknowledgement of receipt is obtained from him. Under no circumstances should
any intermediary be handed over EPICs for further distribution.

5. Interaction with BLAs

In his performance of duty, the BLO can take assistance of local BLAs. He
can sit with BLAs and go through the draft roll and identify the corrections. With
good services of BLAs, BLO may guide newly eligible electors to come forward for

6. Use of Gram/Ward Sabhas/RWAs in verification of draft roll

On the fixed dates BLO may read out the entries of relevant part in the Gram/
Ward sabhas.The members of the village community, especially the elders, the ward
members and those who contested last Gram Sabha elections but could not get
elected should be invited to such meetings. Similarly, in urban areas BLO may liaise
with RWAs for registration. The roll can be read out in specially convened ward
meetings of municipal boards, Town area committees, Cantonment boards, Mohalla
Sudhar Samiti, J.J. Sudhar Samitis etc. With the support and cooperation of the
people present in such sabhas the BLO can get himself familiarize with the locality
and the residents. Events like collection of photos and distribution of EPICs can also
be arranged in meetings of Gram/Ward Sabhas.

7. Conduct of NVD programmes

The BLO should arrange the NVD function in his booth area under the
supervision of the ERO. He should encourage the local people, particularly youths
and newly eligible electors to attend such ceremonies in large number. On these
occasions, he will administer NVD pledge and exhort voters. The BLO can conduct
Nukkad Natak, debates, distribution of EPICs among the newly enrolled electors etc.

8. Evaluation of Work done by BLOs

(i) The BLO shall bear in mind that their work/performance would be
evaluated on random basis by the CEO/ DEO/ERO/AERO from time to time.
(ii) Since the BLOs would also be simultaneously carrying out their routine
departmental work, the nature of evaluation of the election related work done by
them would normally be random and not sudden/surprise. All such officers who are
authorized for verification of evaluation would inform the BLO of their program for
verification in advance so that the BLO is available at the site during verification
(iii) For evaluation and monitoring of the work done by the BLO, would be
done by the verifying officer in a checklist (Annexure 8.2).




Election Commission of India




324. Superintendence, direction and control of elections to be

vested in E l e c t i o n Commission.—
(1) The superintendence, direction and control of the preparation of
the electoral rolls for, and the conduct of, all elections to Parliament and to
the Legislature of every State and of elections to the offices of President
and Vice-President held under this Constitution 5*** shall be vested in a
Commission (referred to in this Constitution as the Election Commission).

(2) The Election Commission shall consist of the Chief Election

Commissioner and such number of other Election Commissioners, if any,
as the President may from time to time fix and the appointment of
the Chief Election Commissioner and other Election Commissioners shall,
subject to the provisions of any law made in that behalf by Parliament, be
made by the President.

(3) When any other Election Commissioner is so appointed the Chief

Election Commissioner shall act as the Chairman of the Election

(4) Before each general election to the House of the People and to
the Legislative Assembly of each State, and before the first general election
and thereafter before each biennial election to the Legislative Council of each
State having such Council, the President may also appoint after consultation
with the Election Commission such Regional Commissioners as he may
consider necessary to assist the Election Commission in the performance of
the functions conferred on the Commission by clause (1).
(5) Subject to the provisions of any law made by Parliament, the
conditions of service and tenure of office of the Election
Commissioners and the Regional Commissioners shall be such as
the President may by rule determine:

Provided that the Chief Election Commissioner shall not be removed

from his office except in like manner and on the like grounds as a Judge
of the Supreme Court and the conditions of service of the Chief Election
Commissioner shall not be varied to his disadvantage after his appointment:

Provided f u r t h e r t h a t any other Election Commissioner or a

R e g i o n a l Commissioner shall n o t b e r e m o v e d from office except
on the recommendation of the Chief Election Commissioner.

(6) The President, or the Governor 1*** of a State, shall, when so

requested by the Election Commission, make available to the Election
Commission or to a Regional Commissioner such staff as may be
necessary for the discharge of the functions conferred on the Election
Commission by clause (1).

325. No person to be ineligible for inclusion in, or to claim to
be included in a special, electoral roll on grounds of religion, race,
caste or sex.—There shall be one general electoral roll for every
territorial constituency for election to either House of Parliament or to the
House or either House of the Legislature of a State and no person shall
be ineligible for inclusion in any such roll or claim to be included in any
special electoral roll for any such constituency on grounds only of religion,
race, caste, sex or any of them.

326. Elections to the House of the People and to the Legislative

Assemblies of States to be on the basis of adult suffrage.— The
elections to the House of the People and to the Legislative Assembly of
every State shall be on the basis of adult suffrage; that is to say, every
person who is a citizen of India and who is not less than 2[eighteen
years] of age on such date as may be fixed in that behalf by or under any
law made by the appropriate Legislature and is not otherwise disqualified
under this Constitution or any law made by the appropriate Legislature on
the ground of non- residence, unsoundness of mind, crime or corrupt or
illegal practice, shall be entitled to be registered as a voter at any such

327. Power of Parliament to make provision with respect to

elections to Legislatures.—Subject to the provisions of this
Constitution, Parliament may from time to time by law make provision with
respect to all matters relating to, or in connection with, election to either
House of Parliament or to the House or either House of the Legislature of a
State including the preparation of electoral rolls, the delimitation of
constituencies and all other matters necessary for securing the due
constitution of such House or Houses.




13A. Chief electoral officers.—(1) There shall be for each State a chief
electoral officer who shall be such officer of Government as the Election
Commission may, in consultation with that Government, designate or
nominate in this behalf.

(2) Subject to the superintendence, direction and control of the

Election Commission, the chief electoral officer shall supervise the
preparation, revision and correction of all electoral rolls in the State under
this Act.

13AA. District election officers.—(1) For each district in a State, 9[***], the
Election Commission shall, in consultation with the Government of the State,
designate or nominate a district election officer who shall be an officer of

Provided that the Election Commission may designate or nominate more

than one such officer for a district if the Election Commission is satisfied
that the functions of the office cannot be performed satisfactorily by one

(2) Where more than one district election officer are designated or
nominated for a district under the proviso to sub-section (1), the
Election Commission shall in the order designating or nominating the
district election officers also specify the area in respect of which each
such officer shall exercise jurisdiction.

(3) Subject to the superintendence, direction and control of the chief

electoral officer, the district election officer shall coordinate and supervise
all work in the district or in the area within his jurisdiction in
connection with

the preparation and revision of the electoral rolls for all

parliamentary, assembly and council constituencies within the district.

(4) The district election officer shall also perform such other
functions as may be entrusted to him by the Election Commission and the
chief electoral officer.]

13B. Electoral registration officers.—(1) The electoral roll 1[2[for each

parliamentary constituency in the State of Jammu and Kashmir or in a
Union territory not having a Legislative Assembly], each assembly
constituency and each Council constituency] shall be prepared and
revised by an electoral registration officer who shall be such officer of
Government or of a local authority as the Election Commission may, in

consultation with the Government of the State in which the
constituency is situated, designate or nominate in this behalf.

(2) An electoral registration officer may, subject to any p r e s c r i b e d

restrictions, employ such persons as he thinks fit for the preparation and
revision of the electoral roll for the constituency.

13C. Assistant electoral registration officers.—(1) The Election

Commission may appoint o n e or more persons as a s s i s t a n t
e l e c t o r a l registration o f f i c e r s to assist any electoral registration officer
in the performance of his functions.

(2) Every assistant electoral registration officer shall, subject t o the

c o n t r o l of the electoral registration officer, be competent to perform
all or any of the functions of the electoral registration officer.

3[13CC. Chief Electoral Officers, District Election Officers, etc.,

deemed to be on deputation to Election Commission.—The officers
referred to in this Part and any other officer or staff employed in
connection with the preparation, revision and correction of the electoral
rolls for, and the conduct of, all elections shall be deemed to be on
deputation to the Election Commission for the period during which they
are so employed and such officers and staff shall, during that period, be
subject to the control, superintendence and discipline of the Election


4[13D. Electoral rolls for parliamentary constituencies.— (1) The

electoral roll for every parliamentary constituency, other than a
parliamentary constituency in the State of Jammu and Kashmir or in a Union
territory not having a Legislative Assembly, shall consist of the electoral
rolls for all the assembly constituencies comprised within that
parliamentary constituency; and it shall not be necessary to prepare or
revise separately the electoral roll for any such parliamentary
Provided that for the period referred to in clause (2) of article 371A, it
shall be necessary to prepare and revise separately the electoral roll for
that part of the parliamentary constituency of Nagaland which comprises
the Tuensang district and the provisions of Part III shall apply in
relation to the preparation and revision of the electoral roll of the said part
as they apply in relation to an assembly constituency.
(2) The provisions of Part III shall apply in relation to every
parliamentary constituency in the State of Jammu and Kashmir or in a
Union territory not having a Legislative Assembly as they apply in relation
to an assembly constituency.]


[14. Definitions.—In this Part, unless the context otherwise
(a) "constituency" means an Assembly constituency ;
(b) "qualifying date", in relation to the preparation or revision of
every electoral roll under this
Part, means 4[the 1st day of January] of the year in which it is so
prepared or revised:]
[Provided that "qualifying date", in relation to the preparation or
revision of every electoral roll under this Part in the year 1989,
shall be the 1st day of April, 1989.]

15. Electoral roll for every constituency.—For every constituency

there shall be an electoral roll which shall be prepared in accordance with
the provisions of this Act under the superintendence, direction and control
of the Election Commission.

16. Disqualifications for registration in an electoral roll.—(1) A

person shall be disqualified for registration in an electoral roll if he—

(a) is not a citizen of India; or

(b) is of unsound mind and stands so declared by a competent

court; or
(c) is for the time being disqualified from voting under the
provisions of any law relating to corrupt 6* * * practices and other
offences in connection with elections.

(2) The name of any person who becomes so disqualified

after registration shall forthwith be struck off the electoral roll in which it
is included:
[Provided that the name of any person struck off the electoral roll
of a constituency by reason of a disqualification under clause (c) of sub-
section (1) shall forthwith be re-instated in that roll if such disqualification
is, during the period such roll is in force, removed under any law authorizing
such removal.]
17. No person to be registered in more than one constituency.—No
person shall be 1entitled to be registered in the electoral roll for more than
one constituency * * *.

18. No Person to be registered more than once in any

constituency. —No person shall be entitled to be registered in the
electoral roll for any constituency more than once.

[19. Conditions of registration.--Subject to the foregoing
provisions of this Part, every person who —
(a) is not less than [eighteen years] of age on the qualifying date,
(b) is ordinarily resident in a constituency,

shall be entitled to be registered in the electoral roll for that constituency.]

20. Meaning of "ordinarily resident".— [(1) A person shall not be
deemed to be ordinarily resident in a constituency on the ground only that
he owns, or is in possession of, a dwelling house therein.

(1A) A person absenting himself temporarily from his place of

ordinary residence s h a l l not by reason thereof cease to be ordinarily
resident therein.

(1B) A member of Parliament or of the Legislature of a State shall not

during the term of his office cease to be ordinarily resident in the
constituency in the electoral roll of which he is registered as an elector at
the time of his election as such member, by reason of his absence from
that constituency in connection with his duties as such member.]

(2) A person who is a patient in any establishment maintained wholly

or mainly for the reception and treatment of persons suffering from
mental illness or mental defectiveness, or who is detained in prison or
other legal custody at any place, shall not by reason thereof be deemed to
be ordinarily resident therein.
[(3) Any person having a service qualification shall be deemed to be
ordinarily resident on any date in the constituency in which, but for his
having such service qualification, he would have been ordinarily resident on
that date.]
(4) Any person holding any office in India declared6 by the President
in consultation with the Election Commission to be an office to which
the provisions of this sub-section apply, shall be deemed to be ordinarily
resident on
any date in the constituency in which, but for the holding of any such
office 1* * *, he would have been ordinarily resident on that date.

(5) The statement of any such person as is referred to in sub-section

(3) or sub-section (4) made in the prescribed form and verified in the
prescribed manner, that 3[but for his having the service
qualification] or but for his holding any such office * * * as is referred to in
sub-section (4) he would have been ordinarily resident in a specified
* * *
place on any date, shall, in the absence of evidence to the contrary,
be [accepted as correct].

(6) The wife of any such person as is referred to in sub-section (3) or

* * *
sub-section (4) shall if she be ordinarily residing with such person be

deemed to be ordinarily resident on *** in the constituency specified by such
person under sub-section (5).
[(7) If in any case a question arises as to where a person is
ordinarily resident at any relevant time, the question shall be
determined with reference to all the facts of the case and to such rules
as may be made in this behalf by the Central Government in consultation
with the Election Commission.]

(8) In sub-sections (3) and (5) "service qualification" means—

(a) being a member of the armed forces of the Union; or

(b) being a member of a force to which the provisions of the Army

Act, 1950 (46 of 1950), have been made applicable whether with or
without modifications; or

(c) being a member of an armed police force of a State, who is

serving outside that State; or

(d) being a person who is employed under the Government of

India, in a post outside India.

21. Preparation and revision of electoral rolls. — (1) The electoral roll
for each constituency shall be prepared in the prescribed manner by
reference to the qualifying date and shall come into force
immediately upon its final publication in accordance with the rules made
under this Act.

(2) The said electoral roll—

(a) shall, unless otherwise directed by the Election Commission

for reasons to be recorded in writing, be revised in the prescribed
manner by reference to the qualifying date—

(i) before each general election to the House of the People or to

the Legislative Assembly of a
State; and
(ii) before each bye-election to fill a casual vacancy in a seat
allotted to the constituency;

(b) shall be revised in any year in the prescribed manner by

reference to the qualifying date if such revision has been directed
by the Election Commission:

Provided that if the electoral roll is not revised as aforesaid, the

validity or continued operation of the said electoral roll shall not thereby be

(3) Notwithstanding anything contained in sub-section (2), the

Election Commission may at any time, for reasons to be recorded, direct
a special revision of the electoral roll for any constituency or part of a
constituency in such manner as it may think fit:

Provided that subject to the other provisions of this Act, the
electoral roll for the constituency, as in force at the time of the issue of
any such direction, shall continue to be in force until the completion of the
special revision so directed.

22. Correction of entries in electoral rolls.—If the electoral

registration officer for a constituency, on application made to him or on
his own motion, is satisfied after such inquiry as he thinks fit, that any entry
in the electoral roll of the constituency-

(a) is erroneous or defective in any particular,

(b) should be transposed to another place in the roll on the

ground that the person concerned has changed his place of ordinary
residence within the constituency, or

(c) should be deleted on the ground that the person concerned

is dead or has ceased to be ordinarily resident in the
constituency or is otherwise not entitled to be registered
in that roll,

the electoral registration officer shall, subject to such general or special

directions, if any, as may be given by the Election Commission in this
behalf, amend, transpose or delete the entry:

Provided that before taking any action on any ground under clause (a)
or clause (b) or any action under clause (c) on the ground that the
person concerned has ceased to be ordinarily resident in the
constituency or that he is otherwise not entitled to be registered in the
electoral roll of that constituency, the electoral registration officer shall
give the person concerned a reasonable opportunity of being heard in
respect of the action proposed to be taken in relation to him.]

23. Inclusion of names in electoral rolls.— (1) Any person whose

name is not included in the electoral roll of a constituency may apply to the
electoral registration officer for the inclusion of his name in that roll.

(2) The electoral registration officer shall, if satisfied that the

applicant is entitled to be registered in the electoral roll, direct his name to
be included therein:

Provided that if the applicant is registered in the electoral roll of

any other constituency, the electoral registration officer shall inform
the electoral registration officer of that other constituency and that
officer shall, on receipt of the information, strike off the applicant's
name from that roll.

(3) No amendment, transposition or deletion of any entry shall be

made under section 22 and no direction for the inclusion of a name in
the electoral roll of a constituency shall be given under this section,
after the last date for making nominations for an election in that
constituency or in the parliamentary constituency within which that
constituency is comprised and before the completion of that election.]

24. Appeals.—An appeal shall lie within such time and in such
manner as may be prescribed—
(a) to the chief electoral officer, from any order of the
electoral registration officer under section 22 or section 23

25. Fee for applications and appeals.— Every applications under section
22 or section 23 and every appeal under section 24 shall be accompanied
by the prescribed fee which shall, in no case, be refunded.]

25A. Conditions of registration as elector in Sangha constituency in

Sikkim.—Notwithstanding anything contained in sections 15 and 19, for the
Sangha constituency in the State of Sikkim, only the Sanghas belonging to
monasteries, recognised for the purpose of the elections held in Sikkim
in April, 1974, for
forming the Assembly for Sikkim, shall be entitled to be registered in the
electoral roll, and the said electoral roll shall, subject to the provisions of
sections 21 to 25, be prepared or revised in such manner as may be
directed by the Election Commission, in consultation with the Government
of Sikkim.]

32. Breach of official duty in connection with the preparation,

etc., of electoral rolls.—(1) If any electoral registration officer, assistant
electoral registration officer or other person required by or under this Act
to perform any official duty in connection with the preparation,
revision or correction of an electoral roll or the inclusion or
exclusion of any entry in or from that roll, is without reasonable cause,
guilty of any act or omission in breach of such official duty, he shall be
punishable 3[with imprisonment for a term which shall not be less than
three months but which may extend to two years and with fine].

(2) No suit or other legal proceeding shall lie against any such
officer or other person for damages in respect of any such act or
omission as aforesaid.

(3) No court shall take cognizance of any offence punishable under

sub-section (1) unless there is a complaint made by order of, or under
authority from, the Election Commission or the Chief Electoral Officer of the
State concerned.]






4. Form and languages of roll.—The roll for each constituency shall

be prepared i n s u c h form and in such language or languages as the
Election Commission may direct.

5. Preparation of roll in parts.—(1) The roll shall be divided i n t o

convenient parts which shall be numbered consecutively.

(2) The last part of the roll shall contain the names of every person
having a service qualification and of his wife, if any, who are entitled to
be included in that roll by virtue of a statement made under rule 7.

(3) The names of any person holding a declared office and of his wife,
if any, who are entitled to be included in the roll by virtue of a
statement made under rule 7 shall be included in the part of the roll,
pertaining to the locality in which they would, according to that statement,
have been ordinarily resident.

(4) The number of names included in any part of the roll shall not
ordinarily exceed two thousand.

6. Order of names.—(1) the names of electors in each part of the roll

shall be arranged according to house number, unless the chief
electoral officer, subject to any general or special instructions issued by
the Election Commission, determines in respect of any part that the
alphabetical order is more convenient or that the names shall be arranged
partly in one way and partly in the other.

(2) The names of electors in each part of the roll shall be numbered,
so far as practicable, consecutively with a separate series of numbers
beginning with the number one.

7. Statement under section 20.—(1) Every person who holds a

declared office or has a service qualification and desires to be registered in
the roll for the constituency in which, but for holding such office or having
such qualification, he would have been ordinarily resident, shall submit to
the 1[registration officer of the constituency], a statement in such one of
the 1[Forms 1, 2, 2A and 3] as may be appropriate.

(2) Every statement submitted under sub-rule (1) shall be verified in the
manner specified in the Form.

(3) Every such statement shall cease to be valid when the person
making it ceases to hold a declared office or, as the case may be, have a
service qualification.

8. Information to be supplied by occupants of dwelling-houses.—

The registration officer may, for the purpose of preparing the roll, send
letters of request in Form 4 to the occupants of dwelling-houses in the


constituency or any part thereof; and every person receiving any such letter
shall furnish the information called for therein to the best of his ability.

9. Access to certain registers.—For the purpose of preparing any roll

or deciding any claim or objection to a roll, any registration officer and any
person employed by him shall have access to any register of births and
deaths and to the admission register of any educational institution, and it
shall be the duty of every person incharge of any such register to give to
the said officer or person such information and such extracts from the
said register as he may require.

10. Publication of roll in draft.—As soon as the roll for a

constituency is ready, the registration officer shall publish it in draft by
making a copy thereof available for inspection and displaying a notice in
Form 5—
(a) at his office, if it is within the constituency, and
(b) at such place in the constituency as may be specified by him
for the purpose, if his office is outside the constituency.

11. Further publicity to the roll and notice.—The registration officer

shall also—

(a) make a copy of each separate part of the roll, together with
a copy of the notice in Form 5 available for inspection at a specified
place accessible to the public and in or near the area to which that part
(b) give such further publicity to the notice in Form 5 as he
may consider necessary; and
(c) supply free of cost two copies of each separate part of the roll to
every political party 1[for which a symbol has been exclusively
reserved in the State] by the Election Commission.

2[12. Period for lodging claims and objections.—Every claim for the
inclusion of a name in the roll and every objection to an entry
therein shall be lodged within a period of thirty days from the date of
publication of the roll in draft under rule 10, or such shorter period of
not less than fifteen days as may be fixed by the Election Commission in
this behalf:
Provided that the Election Commission may, by notification in the
Official Gazette, extend the period in respect of the constituency as a whole
or in respect of any part thereof.]

13. Form for claims and objections.—

(1) Every claim shall be— (a) in

Form 6; 3[and]

(b) signed by the person desiring his name to be included in the roll;


4* * * * * (2) Every objection to

the inclusion of a name in the roll shall be—

(a) in Form 7; 3[and]

(b) preferred only by a person whose name is already included in

that roll; 4***

4* * * * * (3) Every objection to

a particular or particulars in an entry in the roll shall


(a) in Form 8; and

(b) preferred only by the person to whom that entry relates.

5[(4) Every application for transposition of an entry from one part to

another part of the roll shall be in
Form 8A.]

14. Manner of lodging claims and objections.—Every claim or

objection shall—

(a) either be presented to the registration officer or to such other

officer as may be designated by him in this behalf; or

(b) be sent by 6*** post to the registration officer.

15. Procedure of designated officers.—(1) Every officer designated

under rule 14 shall—
(a) maintain in duplicate a list of claims in Form 9, a list of
objections to the inclusion of names in Form 10 and a list of
objections to particulars in Form 11; and

(b) keep exhibited one copy of each such list on a notice board in his

(2) Where a claim or objection is presented to him, he shall, after

complying with the requirements of sub-rule (1), forward it with such
remarks, if any, as he considers proper to the registration officer.

16. Procedure of registration officer.—The registration officer also


(a) maintain in duplicate the three lists in Forms 9, 10 and 11,

entering thereon the particulars of every claim or objection as and
when it is received by him whether directly under rule 14 or on being
forwarded under rule 15; and


(b) keep exhibited one copy of each such list on a notice board in his
17. Rejection of certain claims and objections.—Any claim or
objection which is not lodged within the period, or in the form and manner,
herein specified, shall be rejected by the registration officer.

18. Acceptance of claims and objections without inquiry.—If the

registration officer is satisfied as to the validity of any claim or objection, he
may allow it without further inquiry after the expiry of one week from the date
on which it is entered in the list exhibited by him under clause (b) of rule 16:

Provided that where before any such claim or objection has been
allowed, a demand for inquiry has been made in writing to the
registration officer by any person, it shall not be allowed without further
19. Notice of hearing claims and objections.—(1) Where a claim
or objection is not disposed of under rule 17 or rule 18, the
registration officer shall—
(a) specify in the list exhibited by him under clause (b) of rule
16, the date, time and place of hearing of the claim or objection; and

(b) give notice of the hearing—

(i) in the case of a claim to the claimant in Form 12;

(ii) in the case of an objection to the inclusion of a name, to

the objector in Form 13 and to the person objected to in Form 14;

(iii) in the case of an objection to a particular or particulars in

an entry, to the objector in
Form 15.

(2) A notice under this rule may be given either personally or by

registered post or by affixing it to the person's residence or last known
residence within the constituency.

20. Inquiry into claims and objections.—(1) The registration officer

shall hold a summary inquiry into every claim or objection in respect of
which notice has been given under rule 19 and shall record his decision

(2) At the hearing, the claimant or, as the case may be, the objector
and the person objected to and any other person who, in the opinion of the
registration officer, is likely to be of assistance to him, shall be entitled to
appear and be heard.

(3) The registration officer may in his discretion—

(a) require any claimant, objector or person objected to, to appear in

person before him;


(b) require that the evidence tendered by any person shall be
given on oath and administer an oath for the purpose.
21. Inclusion of names inadvertently omitted.—1[(1)] If it appears
to the registration officer that owing 2*** to inadvertence or error during
preparation, the names of any electors have been left out of

(a) prepare a list of the names and other details of such electors;

(b) exhibit on the notice board of his office a copy of the list
together with a notice as to the time and place at which the inclusion of
these names in the roll will be considered, and also publish the list and
the notice in such other manner as he may think fit; and

(c) after considering any verbal or written objections that may be

preferred, decide whether all or any of the names should be included in
the roll.

1[(2) If any statements under rule 7 are received after the

publication of the roll in draft under rule
10, the registration officer shall direct the inclusion of the names
of the electors covered by the statements in the appropriate parts of
the roll.]

2[21A. Deletion of names.—If it appears to the registration officer at

any time before the final publication of the roll that owing to inadvertence
or error or otherwise, the names of dead persons or of persons who have
ceased to be, or are not, ordinarily residents in the constituency or of
persons who are otherwise not entitled to be registered in that roll,
have been included in the roll and that remedial action should be
taken under this rule, the registration officer, shall—

(a) prepare a list of the names and other details of such electors;

(b) exhibit on the notice board of his office a copy of the list
together with a notice as to the time and place at which the question of
deletion of these names from the roll will be considered, and also
publish the list and the notice in such other manner as he may think fit;

(c) after considering any verbal or written objections that may be

preferred, decide whether all or any of the names should be deleted
from the roll:

Provided that before taking any action under this rule in respect of any
person on the ground that he has ceased to be, or is not, ordinarily
resident in the constituency, or is otherwise not entitled to be registered in
that roll, the registration officer shall make every endeavour to give him a
reasonable opportunity to show cause why the action proposed should
not be taken in relation to him.]

22. Final publication of roll.—(1) The registration officer shall



(a) Prepare a list of amendments to carry out his decisions under
rules 18, 20, 3[21 and 21A] and to correct any clerical or printing errors
or other inaccuracies subsequently discovered in the roll; 4***
(b) publish the roll, together with the list of amendments, by
making a complete copy thereof available for inspection and
displaying a notice in Form 16 at his office; 5[and]
5[(c) subject to such general or special directions as may be given by
the Election Commission supply, free of cost, two copies of the roll, as
finally published, with the list of amendments, if any, to every political
party for which a symbol has been exclusively reserved by the Election

(2) On such publication, the roll together with the list of amendments
shall be the electoral roll of the constituency.
1[(3) Where the roll (hereafter in this sub-rule referred to as the basic roll),
together with the list of amendments, becomes the electoral roll for a
constituency under sub-rule (2), the registration officer may, for the
convenience of all concerned, integrate, subject to any general or special
directions issued by the Election Commission in this behalf, the list into
the basic roll by 2[incorporating inclusion of names, amendment,
transposition or deletion of entries in the relevant parts of the basic roll itself]
in the relevant parts of the basic roll itself, so however that no change
shall be made in the process of such integration in the name of any elector
or in any particulars relating to any elector as given in the list of amendments.]










New Delhi, the 23rdFebruary, 2011

S.!9. ~~6(E).=I-n exercise of the powers conferred by section 28 of the

Representation of the People Act, 1950 (43 of 1950), the Central Government,
after consulting the Election Commission, hereby makes the following rules
further to amend the Registration of Electors Rules, 1960, namely:-

1. (1) These rules may be called the Registration of Electors

(Second Amendment)Rules, 2011.

(2) They shall come into force on the date of their publication in
the Official Gazette.

2. In the Registration of Electors Rules, 1960,-

(a) in rule 8B, in sub-rule (3), for the words "duly attested by the competent

official of the Indian Mission in the country concerned", the words "duly self

shall be substituted;

(b) in the proviso to rule 10, after the words "Electronic Gazette", the words "or

in the official web site of the Chief Electoral Officer of the concerned State"

shall be inserted;

(c) in the proviso to rule 16, after the words "Electronic Gazette", the words "or

in the official web site of the Chief Electoral Officer of the concerned State"

shall be inserted;

(d) in rule 22, in sub-rule (1), in the proviso to clause (b), after the words

"Electronic Gazette", the words "or in the official website of the Chief Electoral

Officer of the concerned State" shall be inserted.





No 23/BLO/2006-PS-II Date:

The Chief Electoral Officers of All

States & Union Territories,

Sub.- Appointment of Booth Level Officers for ensuring fidelity of

electoral rolls.

I am directed to say that the Commission has decided on the
basis of recent experience in West Bengal General Election to
introduce the concept of appointing Booth Level Officers (BLOs) who
can act as an instrument for collecting actual field information with
regard to electoral rolls corresponding to a polling station assigned to
them. Presently, when the electoral rolls are under revision
intensive/summary, designated officers are appointed for being
stationed at the designated locations during the period allowed for
filing claims and objections after draft publication. They are required
to keep the electoral rolls for display and are expected to keep
sufficient numbers of Form 6, 7, 8 & 8A and are responsible for
supplying of those Forms to persons on demand and for receiving
back filled up Forms and preparation of lists of Forms received at the
designated location in Forms 9, 10, 11, and 11A. However, the
experience shows that this system alone has not adequately taken
care of the requirement of ensuring the fidelity of rolls by effectively
removing the names of the dead voters and shifted voters and
inclusion of eligible voters. It is observed that whereas an intensive
revision is by and large effective, the summary revision are not that
effective in removal of names of dead & shifted electors due to the
apathy and lack of participation on the part of stake holders. Fidelity
of electoral roll being the essential pre-requisite for a free and fair poll,
it becomes imperative to address the issue effectively. Under these
circumstances, the Commission has decided to introduce the concept
of appointing BLOs who would be accountable for ensuring the fidelity
of electoral roll.


2. The Commission directs that the BLOs will be appointed from
amongst the officers of the State Govt./Local Bodies. Efforts should
be made to ensure that one BLO is made responsible for one part of
the electoral roll. However, in case of inadequacy of manpower, one
BLO can be made to remain in charge of at the most two Parts of
electoral roll.

3. The DEOs in consultation with the EROs of the Assembly

Constituency will appoint the BLOs. In rural areas, the BLOs can be
drafted mainly from the field staff of Revenue Department/Block
Development Officers’ establishment/various other Govt.
Departments. In urban areas, the staff can be drawn from various
Govt. Departments as well as the staff of Municipal Corporation/
Municipality/Town Panchayat and so on. However, efforts should be
made to minimize the use of teachers for this purpose as far as
possible in order not to disturb the education system. If the use of
teachers become inevitable, care should be take to ensure that teacher
of a ‘Single-teacher School’ is not deployed for this purpose.


4. The BLOs will function as a custodian of the electoral roll of the

Part (a polling booth) assigned to them. They will make a thorough
study of the roll, section-wise, make frequent field visits to different
villages/Tolas and interact with local people particularly village elders,
grass root level elected representatives and so on and identify the
names of the dead voters still remaining in the rolls, which needs to be
removed by the ERO under relevant provisions of law. Similarly, the
BLOs should identify the names of the voters who have since shifted
out and resultantly not an ordinarily resident now in the relevant
village. However, with regard to identifying of the shifted voters, the
BLOs should take sufficient precaution to ensure that the information
gathered is authentic one. It is to be kept in mind that no name shall
be removed from the electoral rolls on account of not being ordinary
resident without following due procedure
5. Having done this enquiry, the BLOs should submit a report to
the ERO/AERO so that notices can be issued for deletion of names of
non-existing/non-residing voters. Apart from this, during the revision
period, the BLOs should hold a field enquiry into the Form No. 6,7,8
and 8A received by the designated officers and assigned to the BLOs
for enquiry by the EROs either during the revision process or during
the continuous updating process and submit their reports in time.

6. Apart from helping the EROs in the process of removing the

dead voters’ names and thereby contributing to the improvement of
fidelity of the electoral roll, the BLOs will also play a crucial role in
maximizing the EPIC coverage in the Part assigned to them. Having
identified the names of the non-EPIC voters, the BLOs will coordinate
with the field administration in EPIC maximization campaign. In
coordination with the officials involved in EPIC programme the BLOs
will ensure the photo coverage of the voters as per schedule and will


see that the EPIC after preparation is handed over to the right person
and not to any other intermediary.

7. As the BLOs are expected to do an important job, they need to

be given proper orientation and training. Accountability factor should
be spelt out very clear to them and it should be brought to their notice
that the Commission envisags to evaluate their performance at Booth
Level through random verification and through a well defined layers of
supervision and control, i.e CEO/Divisional
Commissioner/DEO/ERO/AERO. The CEOs are advised to devise
and standardize the reporting format at their level in consultation with
DEOs so that there is uniformity in approach.

8. The BLOs shall be accountable for their omissions and

commissions to the DEO/ERO/AERO. Since they will be engaged in
the activities relating to revision of rolls like any other officials they
will also be deemed to be on deputation to the Election Commission of
India and as such under the disciplinary control of the Commission
under Section 13 CC of the R.P. Act, 1950. The CEOs are also
advised to device a supervision mechanism at various levels. Senior
officials should make random verifications from time to time and
maintain the records so that the effectiveness of the system is
evaluated from time to time.

9. Action taken in this instructions should be submitted by the

CEOs at the earliest.

Kindly acknowledged the receipt.

Yours faithfully,





By e­mail/Speed Post 


No.23/BLO/2006‐PLN‐II                                                                             Dated: 24th    November, 

The Chief Electoral Officers  
of all States and UTs (except West Bengal) 

Subject: Revision of electoral rolls – Appointment of Booth Level Officers 


  I am  directed to forward  herewith a  copy of the Checklist detailing  the year  round 

activities of the Booth Level Officers during post revision period, pre‐revision period, revision 
period  and  during  EPIC  campaign  prepared  by  Chief  Electoral  Officers,  West  Bengal.    The 
Commission  desires  that  you  may  use  this  checklist  as  a  reference  and  develop  your  own 
checklist for Booth Level Officers and circulate that among the District Election Officers and 
Electoral  Registration  Officers.    You  are  also  requested  to  take  give  a  feedback  to  the 
Commission as to how the system works after a periodic review.  The Commission proposes 
to  prescribe  a  standardise  checklist  applicable  to  all  States  and  UTs  on  the  basis  of  your 
  You are further requested to inform the Commission whether the sample checklist 
has been adopted by you in toto or you have made any modifications therein.  In case you 
modify  the  checklist,  one  copy  of  the  same  should  be  forwarded  to  the  Commission 
highlighting the modifications for its reference and use. 
Kindly acknowledge the receipt. 

Yours faithfully, 


(Tapas Kumar) 



No. & Name of AC : 
Part(s) assigned : 

Name & Designation of BLO :  

Sl.  Response 
No.  Item 

1.   What is the date of receipt of appointment as BLO?   

2.   Whether training imparted from the end of ERO and duties and    

Responsibilities of BLO explained?  Please mention date. 

Post‐Revision Period 
3.  Whether the relevant part(s) of the current Electoral Roll received along   
with all supplements? 

4.  Whether the electoral roll part(s) including cover page(s) thoroughly   
scrutinized to find out defects? 

5.  Whether part-wise register is opened to record such defects, other  

inputs of field verification & corresponding field observations and
all other activities?
6.  Whether the BLO interacts with local people particularly elder  
electors, local elected representatives & representatives of political
parties on quarterly basis to find out dead and shifted electors,
eligible electors not yet enrolled and any other defects?
7.  Whether the names of prominent personalities of the locality  
exist in the roll?  If not, whether the same has been reported to the 

8.  Whether a letter box is placed at his place of posting or at some  

other office/institution, convenient for the electors (with the prior
approval of ERO) to receive information/complaints/suggestions
and whether the same has been communicated to the local elected
and political representatives? Please mention the location.
9.  What are the steps taken to inform the electors about Permanent  
EPIC Centre and the procedure to obtain duplicate EPIC?
10.  Whether details of addition/correction/deletions made during  
continuous revision process are collected from ERO on quarterly
11.  Whether local Birth & Death Registration Office visited on  
quarterly basis during post revision period and probable dead
electors identified checking their death register?


Sl.  Response 
No.  Item 

12.  Whether field enquiry conducted on quarterly basis during post  

revision period to defect dead and shifted electors and verify
information received from various sources in this regard as well as
in regard to defects of the electoral roll?
13.  Whether field enquiry reports in relation to submitted   

in the format prescribed by the ERO? Also mention date(s) of

submission of reports.
14.  Whether notice for hearing into such enquiry reports served in  

Pre‐Revision Period 
15.  Whether defects related to particulars of cover page, i.e., polling area,   
section details, polling station address, etc. detected and rationalization 
of polling area felt necessary?  If so, whether  

report submitted to ERO after interacting with local people and field 

16.  Whether de-duplication, validation reports (related to Eroll Clean  

Software), list of Non-EPIC Electors, etc., reports received from
ERO? Please mention date.
17.  Whether field enquiry conducted to verify the aforesaid reports?   

18.  Whether enquiry reports related to Sl.No.17 submitted in the  

format prescribed by ERO? Also mention date(s) of submission of
19.  Whether working copy of photo electoral roll received from ERO for   
field verification of images?  Please mention date.  (Applicable for ACs 
going for publication of photo roll for the 1st time) 

20.  Whether field verification related to Sl.No.19 completed?   

21.  Whether report regarding image verification submitted? Please  

mention date.
22.  What are the initiatives taken to inform public in general about  
the revision programme?



Revision Period 
23.  What are the steps taken to guide people filing claims and  
24.  Whether meeting of Gram Sansad/Ward/Booth or the like  
organized in connection with revision of electoral roll attended by
the BLO?
25.  Whether Form 6, 7, 8, 8A received by the Designated Officers  
during revision period handed over to the BLO by the ERO for
field enquiry? Please mention date and number of forms received.

26.  Whether field enquiry held into such 6, 7, 8, 8A and enquiry    

report prepared in the format prescribed by the ERO? 


Sl.  Response 
No.  Item 

27.  Whether enquiry report noted in submitted? Please  

mention date.

EPIC Campaign Period 
28.  Whether houses of Non-EPIC electors visited to inform the  
electors about date, time and venue of photo-taking programme?
29.  Whether Form 001/002/004 supplied to the elector during home  
visit and whether assistance provided to fill up the form?
30.  Whether the BLO remained present at the photo-taking venue on  
the day of photo taking to assist electors?
31.  Please mention the number of EPIC received from ERO for  
distribution and number of EPICs delivered at elector’s address.
32.  Whether Signature/LTI of elector obtained as an  
acknowledgement of receipt of the EPIC?
33.  Date(s) of verification of the register as mentioned in by  
the authorized representative of ERO.



No. 23/WEB/2008                  Dated : 4th July, 
  The Chief Electoral Officers of 
  All States and Union Territories 
Sub:  List of DEOs, EROs, AEROs and BLOs – Reg. 
  It  has  been  decided  by  the  Commission  that  the  name,  designation  with  complete 
postal  address  and  the  telephone  numbers  of  the  District  Election  Officers,  Electoral 
Registration Officers, Assistant Electoral Registration Officers, Booth Level Officers should be 
prepared and posted in the website prominently for information of public. A message should 
also be displayed that for any queries in connection with inclusion, deletion, corrections and 
transpositions  of  entries  in  the  electoral  rolls,  a  citizen  can  contact  the  BLOs  of  their  area, 
AEROs/EROs of their constituency. The following information shall be posted in the website 
by the respective CEOs to help public to know the relevant details of the officers whom they 
can contact for any queries relating to registration of electoral roll: ‐ 

(a) Assembly Constituencies maps in digital format; 
(b) List  with  name,  designation,  address  and  telephone  numbers  of  EROs  and 
(c) List  with  name,  designation,  address  and  telephone  numbers  of  BLOs  in  each 
constituency clearly defining the area for which they are responsible. 
(d) A search facility for knowing the actual Assembly Constituency No. & Part No. on 
the basis of address (to be ‘keyed’ in by any ‘searcher’). 
Please acknowledge receipt of this letter and also report compliance by 20th August, 

Yours faithfully, 
(Ashish Chakraborty) 
Under Secretary 




Nirvachan Sadan, Ashoka Road, New Delhi 110 001
No.23/BLO/2009-ERS Dated: 3rd March,


The Chief Secretaries of

All States and Union Territories

Sub: Appointment of Booth Level Officers (BLOs) – Payment of

remuneration – reg.


Electoral Rolls are maintained by the Election Commission of India

(ECI) under the Representation of People Act, 1950 and Registration of
Electors Rules, 1960. Fidelity of electoral rolls is an essential pre-requisite for
a free and fair poll. The Commission decided in the year 2006 to appoint
Booth Level Officers (BLOs) as an instrument for collecting actual field
information with regard to electoral rolls corresponding to polling station(s)
assigned to them. Detailed instructions regarding appointment, duties and
responsibilities of BLOs were issued vide the Commission’s letter
No.23/BLO/2006-PS-II, dated 09.08.2006. So far, the experience has been
that BLOs have performed excellent work in the field, both in maintaining
fidelity of roll and in maximizing coverage of Electors Photo Identity Cards
(EPICs) and Photo Electoral Rolls (PERs). BLOs are normally employees of
the State Government. They perform the work of BLO in addition to their
normal duties. Work of the BLO involves door-to-door visits in the area of
polling station to which they have been assigned. They have to perform this
work outside office hours so that it does not affect their normal official duties.
During the period of summary revision of electoral roll and during campaigns
for EPICs and PERs maximization, BLOs have to spend a lot of time on this
work. The Commission, therefore, vide its letter No.23/BLO/2006-PLN-II,
dated 19.02.2007 recommended that an amount of Rs.750/- per annum may
be paid to BLOs as lumpsum remuneration per polling station. For BLOs in-
charge of two polling stations, an amount of Rs.1200/- per annum and for
three polling stations Rs.1500/- per annum was recommended. It was
clarified vide letter No. 23/BLO/2006/PLN-II, dated 04.06.2007, that expenses
incurred in this connection are shared on 50:50 basis between Central and
State Governments. The issue of payment of remuneration to BLOs was
discussed in CEOs’ Conference held in December, 2008. There was almost
unanimous view that the remuneration needs an upward revision. As a result
of this, the Commission issued instructions vide its letter No.23/BLO/2009-
ERS, dated 04.02.2009, that a lumpsum amount of Rs.1500/- per annum may
be paid to each BLO for attending to the work of area covered by one part of
electoral roll. The Commission had also clarified that States can have


individual variations, subject to basic minimum amount of Rs.1500/- per part
of electoral roll fixed by the Commission.
2. There has been significant progress in the coverage of EPICs and
PERs in the country. While many States have achieved 100% coverage, the
overall achievement of EPICs in the country is approximately 82% and of
PERs is approximately 80%. The Commission has decided that all efforts
must be made to achieve 100% coverage of EPICs and PERs in all States
during the current year. Accordingly, the Commission has issued instructions
for a campaign for making EPICs and improving PERs coverage. In this
context, the role of BLOs and special strategies for addressing the last mile
problems were discussed in CEOs’ Conference held in Jaisalmer in February,
2010. The Commission then constituted a working group of CEOs to
deliberate and make recommendations for achieving 100% PER and EPIC
coverage. The working group of CEOs met on 25.02.2010 in the
Commission’s office at New Delhi and made various recommendations for
achieving 100% PER and EPIC coverage.
3. There was unanimity among the CEOs present during the meeting that
the amount of remuneration of the BLOs fixed vide the Commission’s letter of
even no. dated 04.02.2009 on the above cited subject, needed to be
enhanced further taking into consideration the activities to be undertaken by
the BLOs throughout the year related to enrolment of voters, revision of
electoral rolls, achieving 100% PER and increasing the coverage of EPICs
4. In view of the above, the Commission has decided that the
remuneration of the BLOs may be fixed as follows:-
• Fixed component will be Rs.3,000/- per annum for those BLOs who
have only one part (polling station). Those BLOs who have more
than one part will get an additional honorarium of Rs.750/- per part
per annum over and above Rs.3,000/- per annum.
• Variable component shall be as follows:-
™ Rs.4/- shall be paid to the BLOs for each PER entry of
photograph made, if PER percentage in the concerned part
is less than 90%.
™ Rs.5/- shall be paid to the BLOs for each PER entry of
photograph made, if PER percentage in the concerned part
is 90% or above.
5. Necessary provisions in the Budget of the States/ UTs may kindly be
made for meeting the expenditure on the above rates of remuneration of the
6. The receipt of this letter may kindly be acknowledged.
Yours faithfully,

(Yashvir Singh)
Tel.23052009/ Fax. 23052003
Copy to:-
Chief Electoral Officers of all States and Union Territories.

(Yashvir Singh)




No.23/BLO/2010/ERS Date: 3rd November 2010

The Chief Electoral Officer of All
States and Union Territories.

Sub : Appointment of Booth Level Officers (BLOs) – regarding.


In the meeting of Chief Electoral Officers held on 26th October, 2010,

the issue of deployment of BLOs, among other issues, was discussed in
detail. It was observed that despite the Commission’s clear instructions that
one BLO should be made responsible for only one part of Electoral Roll, a
number of BLOs still continue to have charge of two or more than two polling
booths. In this connection, the Commission directed that immediate efforts
should be made to draft more staff as BLO to ensure that one BLO remains
in-charge of only one part. The Commission has further directed that the
BLO should be a government employee who is enrolled as an elector in the
part of Electoral Roll, which is under his charge. A suggested list of categories
of government/semi government employees in addition to teachers who can
be appointed BLO is given below:-
1. Anganwadi workers,
2. Patwari/Amin/Lekhpal,
3. Panchayat Secretary,
4. Village Level Workers,
5. Electricity Bill Readers,
6. Postman,
7. Auxiliary Nurses & Mid-wives,
8. Health workers,
9. Mid-day meal workers,
10. Contract teachers,
11. Corporation Tax Collectors,
12. Clerical Staff in Urban area (UDC/LDC etc.)

CEOs should instruct all DEOs that they take utmost care while deploying
semi government employees as BLO. Credentials of these workers should be
verified thoroughly to ensure that they do not have any political allegiance.
Yours faithfully,



No 23/BLO/2010-ERS Date: 13th January 2011

The Chief Electoral Officers of All
States & Union Territories,

Sub.- Appointment of Booth Level Officers-Clarification-regarding

I am directed to say that the system of Booth Level Officers (BLOs) has
been devised as an effective instrument for collecting actual field information
with regard to electoral rolls corresponding to a polling station assigned to
them so as to ensure the fidelity of the electoral roll.

The Commission has been laying its emphasis that one BLO should
be made responsible only for one part of electoral roll. In view of constrains
such as the inadequacy of staff, the Commission vide its letter of even
number dated 03.11.2010 on the subject has suggested the list of categories
of government/semi government employees who can be appointed as BLO.

It has been brought to the notice of the Commission that there are
certain States/UTs where separate polling stations have been set up
exclusively for male and female electors of the same polling area covering the
households falling under it. Similarly, there are some cases where auxiliary
polling stations have been set up in addition to the existing polling station to
adjust the excess electors in the same polling area. Deputing two BLOs
separately for polling stations of separate male and female electors where
such practice is followed or for the existing polling station and the auxiliary
polling station in the same polling area may create confusion among the
electors and duplication of work by two BLOs.

The Commission has considered the above aspect and decided to relax
its instructions regarding appointment of one BLO for each single polling

Accordingly the Commission has decided that where polling stations

are set up separately for males and females of a particular polling area, then
one BLO only be appointed for these two polling stations (i.e same polling
area). Similarly, only one BLO be appointed for a polling station and its
auxiliary polling station.

All the District Election Officers may be informed accordingly.

All the other instructions on deployment of Booth Level Officers

issued by the Commission from time to time will remain unchanged.


This disposes the request of the Chief Electoral Officer, Andhra
Pradesh with reference to his letter No. 566/Elecs.E/A2/2010-11, dated
Yours faithfully,




By e-mail/Speed Post


Nirvachan Sadan, Ashoka Road, New Delhi-110001

No.23/BLO/2010-ERS Dated: 9th June, 2011


Chief Electoral Officers of

All States and Union Territories
Sub: Appointment of Booth Level Officers for a group of sections.

Sir/ Madam,
In a recent meeting of Chief Electoral Officers (CEOs), many
CEOs said that, BLOs find it difficult to cover the entire area of the
polling station in difficult geographical areas because of hills and rivers
in that area. They suggested that in such polling stations, BLOs may be
appointed for a group of sections in such a manner that they are able to
cover the entire area allotted to them in spite of difficult geographical
terrain. Such polling stations will therefore have more than one BLO.
The Commission has considered this matter and has decided that
in difficult geographical areas, BLOs may be appointed for a group of
sections. These BLOs should be appointed in such a manner that they
are able to cover the area allotted to them. No section of a polling
station should remain uncovered. There should be a clear demarcation
of jurisdiction among the BLOs to avoid any over-lapping /duplication.
No BLO should be given the work of more than one polling station. The
BLOs should be locally resident in the area under their jurisdiction.
Yours faithfully,
(Narendra N. Butolia)


By e-mail/Speed Post


Nirvachan Sadan, Ashoka Road, New Delhi-110001
No.23/BLO/2010-ERS Dated: 9th June, 2011

Chief Electoral Officers of

All States and Union Territories

Sub: Booth Level Officers’ Register and Booth Level Officers’ Kit.

Sir/ Madam,

Booth Level Officers (BLOs) are responsible for maintaining error-free

electoral rolls in their polling stations. For this purpose, they are required to
do a door-to-door survey and keep electoral rolls updated. They are also
required to do a statistical analysis of the health of electoral rolls. This can
only be done if record keeping by BLOs is good. For this purpose, a Booth
Level Officers’ Register has been developed. The Commission has directed
that BLOs should be given a kit which should contain the BLOs’ Register
among other things.
Booth Level Officers’ Kit
The Commission has decided that every BLO should be provided a kit
consisting of the following:-
1. Bag on which logo of the ECI is printed. All items of the kit shall be
kept in this bag.
2. BLOs register.
3. BLOs identity card.
4. Writing pad with sufficient papers.
5. Blank register
6. Pen, pencil, eraser, ruler
7. Copy of BLOs Handbook
8. Sufficient nos. of blank Forms 6, 6A, 7, 8 , 8A.
The Commission has desired that BLO kit should be prepared and
distributed to the BLOs within 15 days so that it is available with each BLO will
before the next summary revision.


Booth Level Officers’ Register
This register has to be printed for each polling station separately. A brief
description of the register is given below:-
1. Instructions for filling the register and formulas and formats for
statistical analysis of the health of the roll shall be printed at the
beginning of the register.
2. After the instructions, in second part there is one page in which
summary of the statistics of the electoral roll of that polling station shall
be filled by the BLO.
3. Annexure-1 of the register is a working copy of the electoral roll which
has to be printed using computer software for each electoral roll part
separately. This working copy should also have photographs of
electors. In addition sufficient space should be given below each entry
for the BLO to make corrections where the entry is incorrect.
4. Annexure-2 has the following statements:-
a. Statement -1 - Information pertaining to new development of
area/ society/apartment/ colonies etc. This should have the
details of the housing units and approximate date of completion
of construction. This will be filled by the BLO.
b. Statement - 2 – List of eligible electors who are resident in the
areas covered by Statement-1. To be filled by the BLO.
c. Statement -3 – Statistical information of the population of the
part. To be filled by the BLO by doing a door-to-door survey.
d. Statement – 4 – List of sections comprised in the part.
5. In addition to this, templates of two receipts are also included in the
register. One receipt for photographs if the photograph is not included
in the roll and the other receipt for photographs if incorrect photograph
is included in the roll.
6. Template of notice to be given for deletion of names is also included in
the register.
7. A set of 12 statements to be prepared by the BLO during door-to-door
survey is also included in the register. These statements shall be
prepared by the BLO as a part of door-to-door survey and shall be
submitted to the ERO through the supervisors.
A sample copy of the BLO register is enclosed with this letter. BLOs
register should be printed for each polling station and given to the BLOs
within the next 15 days so that they can start filling it up well before the
next summary revision.
Yours faithfully,

(Narendra N. Butolia)




11A. Disqualification arising out of conviction and corrupt practices.—

2 [(1)] If any person, after the commencement of this Act,—
3* * * is convicted of an offence punishable under section 171E or section 171F of the

Indian Penal Code (45 of 1860), or under section 125 or section 135 or clause (a) of
sub-section (2) of section 136 of this Act, 4* * *
5* * * * * he shall, for a period of six years from the date of the conviction or from the

date on which the order takes effect, be is qualified for voting at any election.
6 [(2) Any person disqualified by a decision of the President under sub-section (1) of
section 8A for any period shall be disqualified for the same period for voting at any
(3) The decision of the President on a petition submitted by any person under sub-
section (2) of section 8A in respect of any disqualification for being chosen as, and for
being, a member of either House of Parliament or of the Legislative Assembly or
Legislative Council of a State shall, so far as may be, apply in respect of the
disqualification for voting at any election incurred by him under clause (b) of sub
section (1) of section 11A of this Act as it stood immediately before the
commencement of the Election Laws (Amendment) Act, 1975 (40 of 1975), as if such
decision were a decision in respect of the said disqualification for voting also.]


Sample title page of AC roll


Map of 60-Baghmara (ST) Assembly Constituency

Summary Sheet
Electoral Roll – 2009, Assembly Constituency 60 – Baghmara (ST) - Meghalaya
  No., Name and Reservation Status
Of Assembly Constituency 60 Baghmara (ST)

  Roll Type Roll Identification No. of electors
Men Women Total
I Original Mother Roll Basic roll of revision 10169 9934 20103
integrated with all
supplements prepared in
II Additions Supplement 1 Special summary revision      
List ………..(year)
Supplement 2 Continuous Updating,      
……….. (year)

III Deletions Supplement 1 Special summary revision      

List ………. (year)
Supplement 2 Continuous Updating,      
Net Electors in the Roll after Summary Revision 2006 (I+II- 10169 9934 20103


Sample title page of part of the roll 

Summary sheet
Electoral Roll – 2009, Assembly Constituency 60 - Baghmara (ST) – Meghalaya

No., Name and Reservation Status 60 Baghmara (ST) Part No. 1

Of Assembly Constituency
  Roll Type Roll Identification No. of electors
Men Women Total
I Original Mother Roll Basic roll of revision ………(year) 363 338 701
integrated with all supplements
prepared in accordance with the
extent of the newly delimited
II Additions Supplement 1 Special summary revision …….      
List Supplement 2 Continuous Updating, ……….      

III Deletions Supplement 1 Special summary revision ………      

List Supplement 2 Continuous Updating, ………..      

Net Electors in the Roll after Summary Revision 2008 (I+II-III) 363 338 701

Roll Type Roll Identification No. of  

Supplement 1 Special summary revision ……  

Supplement 2 Continuous Updating, ………  

Sample photo roll

Sample text roll


[See rules 13(1) and 26] 

Application for inclusion of name in electoral roll 
  The Electoral Registration Officer 
  ……………………Assembly/ Parliamentary    Constituency.  PHOTOGRAPH 

 (3.5 CM X 3.5 CM)  
  I request that my name be included in the electoral roll for the above  

Constituency.  Particulars in support of my claim for inclusion in the electoral  

roll are given below: 

I. Applicant’s   Name  Surname (if any) 


Age as on 1st January ………….#  Years:  Months:  Sex (male/female/others): 

Date of birth, if known:    Day:  Month:   Year: 

Place of   Village/ Town: 

birth:  District:  State:  

* Father’s/  Name Surname (if any) 

  Mother’s/     Name     




II. Particulars of place of present ordinary Residence (Full address)

House/ Door number: 

Street/ Area/Locality/ 


Town/ Village: 

Post Office:  Pin Code:             

Tehsil/ Taluka/ 

Mandal/ Thana: 


III. Details of member(s) of applicant’s family already included in the current electoral roll of the 

Name   Relationship  Part number of  Serial number  Elector’s 

the roll of the  Photo 
with applicant  Constituency  in that Part  Identity 



In case of Union territories having no Legislative Assembly and the State of Jammu & Kashmir. 

#      Please give the year i.e. 2007, 2008, etc. 

*      Strike out the inappropriate alternative 


IV. Declaration  
I hereby declare that to the best of my knowledge and belief: ‐ 

(i) I am a citizen of India;    
(ii) I am ordinarily resident at the address given in para II above since ………..(date, month, year) 
(iii) I have not applied for the inclusion of my name in the electoral roll for any other constituency; 
(iv) *My name has not already been included in the electoral roll for this or any other assembly constituency; 
*My name may have been included in the electoral roll for_________________ Constituency in 
_______________________State in which I was ordinarily  
resident earlier at the address mentioned below and if so, I request that the  
same may be deleted from that electoral roll. 

Full Address (Earlier Place of ordinary residence)  Electors Photo Identity Card

number (if already
____________________________________________ issued)____________________
____________________________________________ Date of issue
________________________ _____________________

Date: Signature or thumb impression of the
Please give your mobile number /E-mail I.D (Optional)/……………………………………..
A) Note – Any person who makes a statement or declaration which is false and which
he either knows or believes to be false or does not believe to be true, is punishable under
Section 31 of the Representation of the People Act, 1950 (43 of 1950).
* Strike out the inappropriate alternative. 

Details of action taken

(To be filled by Electoral Registration Officer of the constituency) 

The application of Shri/Smt./Km………………………………………………………………………..for inclusion of 
name in the electoral roll in Form 6 has been accepted*/rejected*. 

Detailed reasons for *acceptance [under or in pursuance of rule 18*/20*/26(4)]  or* rejection 
[under or in pursuance of rule 17/20*/26(4) ]: 


Place:  Signature of Electoral (Seal of the Electoral

Registration Officer Registration Officer)

  £ During continuous updating after final publication of electoral roll. 

  * Strike out the inappropriate alternative. 

Remarks of Field Level Officers (e.g BLO, Designated Officer, Supervisory Officer) 

[FORM 6 Contd…..] 

[This page should be thick enough so that it does not get mutilated /damaged in postal transit] 

Intimation of action taken

(Section‐II of the page is to be filled by Electoral Registration Officer of the constituency and  to be  
posted to the applicant on the  address as given by the applicant in Section‐I) 

‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐First Fold‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐


Postage Stamp to be 
affixed by the 
Electoral Registration 
Authority at the time 
of dispatch 

The application in Form 6 of  

**Shri/ Shrimati/ Kumari........ 

** (Full address)
House/ Door number: 

Street/ Area/Locality/ 


Town/ Village: 

Post Office:  Pin Code:             

Tehsil/ Taluka/ 

Mandal/ Thana: 


** To be filled in by the applicant. 

‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐Second Fold‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ 


has been— 

(a) accepted and the name of Shri/Shrimati/Kumari.................has been registered at Serial 
Part No.................... of AC No. ………………………………………. 

(b) rejected for the reason........................……………………..……………………………………… 

Date.......................                                                                                     Electoral Registration Officer. 




………………………………………………..Perforation for detachment……………………………... 

Receipt for application 

Received the application in Form 6 of ** Shri/Shrimati/Kumari…………………………………….. 


Date……………  Signature of the officer receiving the application 
on behalf of the Electoral Registration Officer 

(Address) …………………………. 

** To be filled in by the applicant. 

General Instructions

Who can file Form-6

1. First time applicant on attaining age of 18years or more on the first day of January of the year with 
reference to which the electoral roll is being revised. 

2. Person shifting his / her place of ordinary residence outside the constituency in which he / she is 
already registered. 

When Form-6 can be filed

1. The  application  can  be  filed  after  draft  publication  of  electoral  roll  of  the  constituency.  The 
application  is  to  be  filed  within  the  specific  days  provided  for  the  purpose.  Due  publicity  is  given 
about the above period when the revision programme is announced. 
2. Only one copy of the application is to be filed. 

3. Application  for  inclusion  of  name  can  be  filed  through  out  the  year  even  when  the  revision 
programme is not going on. During non‐revision period, application must be filed in duplicate. 

Where to file Form-6

1. During  revision  period,  the  application  can  be  filed  at  the  designated  locations  where  the  draft 
electoral  roll  is  displayed  (mostly  polling  station  locations)  as  well  as  the  Electoral  Registration 
Officer and Assistant Electoral Registration Officer of the constituency. 

2. During other period of the year when revision programme is not going on, the application can be 
filed only with the Electoral Registration Officer. 

How to Fill the Form-6

1. The  application  should  be  addressed  to  the  Electoral  Registration  Officer  of  the  constituency  in 
which you seek registration. The name of the constituency should be mentioned in the blank space. 

2. Name (With Documentary Proof)  
The name as it should appear in the electoral roll and Electors Photo Identity Card (EPIC) should be 
furnished. The full name except the surname should be written in the first box and surname should 
be written in the second box. In case you do not have a surname, just write the given name. Caste 
should not be mentioned except where the caste name is used as part of the elector’s name or a 
surname.  Honorific  appellations  like  Shri,  Smt.  Kumari,  Khan,  Begum,  Pandit  etc.  should  not  be 

3. Age (With Documentary Proof) 

The age of the applicant should be eighteen or more on 1st January of the year with reference to 
which the electoral roll is being revised. The age should be indicated in years and months. 

e.g. A person born on or upto 1/1/1991 will be eligible for inclusion in the electoral roll which is being revised 
with  reference  to  1/1/2009.  Persons  born  on  2/1/1991  or  thereafter  upto  1/1/1992  shall  be  eligible  for 
inclusion during the next revision with reference to 1/1/2010. 

4. Sex 
Write your sex in full in the space provided e.g. Male / Female. Eunuchs have to choose from one of 
these options. 

5. Date of Birth (With Documentary Proof) 
Fill up the date of birth in figures in the space provided in dd/mm/yyyy.  

Proof of date of birth to be attached are as under:  

i) Birth certificate issued by a Municipal Authorities or district office of the

Registrar of Births & Deaths or Baptism certificate; or
ii) Birth certificate from the school (Govt. / Recognised) last attended by the
applicant or any other recognised educational institution; or
iii) If a person is class 10 or more pass, he should give a copy of the marksheet of
class 10 , if it contains date of birth as a proof of date of birth; or
iv) Marksheet of class 8 if it contains date of birth; or
v) Marksheet of class 5 if it contains date of birth; or
vi) A declaration in prescribed format given in Annexure-1 made by either of his
parents if the person is not educated till class 10 (In those cases where
parental declaration is given as proof of age, the applicant will have to be
present himself for verification before BLO/ERO/AERO); or
vii) A certificate of his age given by a sarpanch of the concerned Gram Panchayat
or by a member of the concerned Municipal Corporation / Municipal
Committee, the person is not educated till class 10 and both the parents are
not alive.
Note: Documentary proof of age will be required only in those cases, where
age of the applicant is between 18 and 21 years. In all other cases declaration
of his age by the applicant will be taken as proof of age.

6. Place of Birth 
In case born in India, please mention name of place like Village / Town, District, State.  

7. Relation’s Name: 
In  case  of  unmarried  female  applicant,  name  of  Father  /  Mother  is  to  be  mentioned.  In  case  of 
married female applicant, name of Husband is to be mentioned. Strike out the inapplicable options 
in the column. 

8. Place of Ordinary Residence 
Fill up the full and complete postal address including PIN code where you are ordinarily residing and 
want to get registered, in the space provided. 

Proof of ordinary residence to be attached are as under: 

i) Bank / Kisan / Post Office current Pass Book, or 
ii) Applicant’s  Ration  Card  /  Passport  /  Driving  License  /  Income  Tax  Return  filed  or  Assessment 
Order, or  
iii) Latest Water / Telephone / Electricity / Gas Connection Bill for that address, either in the name 
of the applicant or that of his / her immediate relation like parents etc., or 
iv) Postal department’s posts received / delivered in the applicant’s name at the given address.  

NOTE:  In  case  of  homeless  persons,  the  BLO  will  visit  the  address  given  in  Form  6  at  night  to 
ascertain  that  the  homeless  person  actually  sleeps  at  the  place  which  is  given  as  his  address  in 
Form  6.    If  the  BLO  is  able  to  verify  that  the  homeless  person  actually  sleeps  at  that  place,  no 
documentary  proof  of  place  of  residence  shall  be  necessary.BLO  must  visit  for  more  than  one 
night for such verification.. 

9. Details of Family Members Already Included in the Electoral Roll 
Please fill up name and other particulars of immediate family members i.e. Father /
Mother / Brother / Sister / Spouse included in the current electoral roll of the
constituency. Name of any other relation like uncle, aunt, cousin brother / sisters etc. not
to be mentioned.

10. Declaration 
Please indicate date from which you are residing in the given address. In case the exact date is not 
known, fill‐up month and year.  

If your name is already included in the electoral roll of any other constituency, please write legibly 
the full previous address with PIN code. 

If you already have been issued with a Photo Identity Card by the Election
Commission, please mention the card number (printed on the front side) and date of issue
(printed on the back side) of the card in the space provided. Please attach a self-attested
photocopy of both sides of the card.


In  many  places  the  photograph  of  the  elector  is  also  printed  in  the  electoral  roll.  You  have  the  option  to 
submit one recent coloured passport‐size photograph alongwith the form. The photograph will be used to 
print your image in the electoral roll and issue of identity card, if required.  

Please also give your full name and address on the acknowledgement and intimation portions. 

Please give your mobile number and E‐mail I.D  in the Form , which is optional , as the same ,if given, may be 
used by the Electoral Registration Officer for further communication with the applicant whenever required. 


(see rule 8B) 

Application for inclusion of name in electoral roll by an overseas elector 

Space for pasting

To  One recent passport

size photograph

The Electoral Registration Officer,  (3.5 CM X 3.5 CM)

Showing frontal view of

……………………..Assembly/Parliamentary  full face within this box




State in India……………………………. 


I request that my name be included in the electoral roll for the  Constituency 
in  which  my  place  of  residence,  as  per  the  particulars  furnished  below  in  1(h),    is 


1. Particulars  in  support  of  my  claim  for  inclusion  in  the  electoral  roll  are 
given below: 

        (a)  Name ‐ ……………… 

      (b) Middle Name............... 

  (c)Surname .................. 

(d) Date of Birth: ‐‐‐ Day‐‐‐Month‐‐‐Year 

  (e) Sex(Male/Female) .......... 

  (f)  Place of Birth – 

i_. Village/Town................ 

           ii. District............ 

          iii. State.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 

  (g) Father's/Mother's/Husband's details 

i. Name ‐........................ . 

ii. Middle Name …………….. 

            iii. Surname............... 


  (h) Place of Ordinary Residence in India (Full Address as  

      given in the Passport) 

i. House/Door number. . . . . . . . . . . . 

           ii. Street/Area/Locality/Mohalla/Road …….., 

          iii. Town/Village.................. 

          iv. Post Office ................... 

           v. Pin Code ..................... 

               vi. Tahsil/Taluka/MandaI/Thana......................... 

            vii. District. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 

(i) Passport Details ‐ 

     i. Passport Number. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 

     ii. Place of Issue of current Indian 

   Passport. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 

          iii. Date of Issue of current Indian 

   passport. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 

 iv. Date of expiry of current Indian 


(Copies  of  the  relevant  pages  of  the  passport  containing  the  particulars      
mentioned at items (a) to (i) above to be enclosed – attested by Indian Mission 
if sent by post and produced with the original passport if presented in person 
before the registration officer ). 

  (j)    Details of Visa of the Country of current residence – 

  i. Visa Number……………………............ 

 ii. Type of Visa (Single Entry/Multiple 

     Entry/Tourist/Work Visa etc.)./………………………... 

iii. Date of issue of 


      iv. Place of issue of 


 v. Date of expiry of 


   vi. Name of the Issuing Authority…………………….. 

  (Copies  of  the  relevant  pages  of  the  passport  containing  the  current  valid  visa 
endorsement  mentioned above to be enclosed – attested by Indian Mission if sent 
by post and produced with the original passport if presented in person before the 
registration officer). 

2.  Description of Absence from Place of Ordinary Residence in India‐ 

       (a) Reason of being absent from the place of ordinary residence 

in India‐ (i) employment/ (ii) education/ (iii) other  (Give Description)  


  (b)  Date from which absenting from ordinary residence in 

      India.                              (DD/MM/YYYY) 

3.  Full residential address in the country outside India where currently 

  residing..... ……………..... . ... ...... .... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .. . ..... ... 

  .... ... ... ... ... .... ..  

4. Full Official address in the country outside India currently residing (address of            

    the place of employment or the education institution where studying). . . . . . . . . 

    . . . . . . . . . . . ……………. . ……………………………………………………. 


5.  Declaration ‐ I hereby declare that to the best of knowledge and belief – 

  a. all information given in this application is true. 

  b. I am a citizen of India by birth / domicile / naturalisation. 

  c. I have not acquired citizenship of any other country. 


  d. But for being absent from the place of my ordinary residence in India owing to 
the  reason  given  in  2(a)  above,  I  would  have  been  ordinarily  resident  at  the 
address  given  in  my  Indian  Passport,  which  has  been  reproduced  at  1(h) 

e. I undertake to immediately inform the Electoral Registration Officer

through the Indian Mission in the Country of my current residence if I
renounce my Indian Citizenship or if I acquire the citizenship of any
other country.
f. I  undertake  to  immediately  inform  the  Electoral  Registration  Officer  through 
the Indian Mission in the country of my current residence of any change in my 
residential  address  in  the  country  of  my  residence  for  the  records  of  the 
Electoral  Registration  Officer.  I  understand  that  any  notice  sent  to  me  at  the 
address, which is my residential address in the country of my current residence 
according  to  the  records  of  the  Electoral  Registration  Officer,  shall  be 
considered  as  due  service  of  notice  to  me  under  the  Representation  of  the 
People  Act,  1950  and  the  rules  made  thereunder,  and  that  it  is  my 
responsibility to keep the  Electoral Registration Officer informed of my latest 
residential address in the country of my current residence. 
g. If I return to India and become ordinarily resident in India, I shall immediately 
inform  the  Electoral  Registration  Officer  of  the  concerned 
Assembly/Parliamentary Constituency. 
h. I have  not applied for  inclusion of my  name in  the  electoral roll  of any other 
i. My name has not already been included in this or any other constituency. 

My  name  may  have  been  included  in  the  electoral  roll  of  ………………………. 
Constituency in…………………. State in which I was ordinarily resident earlier at 
the  address  mentioned  below  and,  if  so,  I  request  that  the  same  may  be 
deleted from that electoral roll, or transposed, as may be appropriate. 


Full address (earlier place of ordinary residence) 



Elector Photo Identity Card (if issued) 

Number ……………………date of issue…………………. 

j. I  have  not  been  issued  an  EPIC  in  India/  have  been  issued  an  EPIC  which  is 
enclosed with this application for cancellation. 

Signature……………. . 

Place .......................... 

Date……………… . 


(For use in the office of Electoral Registration Officer) 

Application received on ………………………..(DD/MM/YYYY) 

The application in Form 6A of Shri/Shrimati/Kumari …………………….…….........has been :‐ 

(a)  Accepted  and  the  name  has  been  registered  in  the  electoral  roll  of 
…………………..(constituency) at S.No…..Part No…. 

(b)    Rejected for the reason…………………………………………………………… 

Date………….                                                                         [Electoral Registration Officer]. 




Acknowledgement for Application 

(When presented in person to the registration officer) 

Received the application in Form 6A of Shri/Shrimati/Kumari ___________  ____ 



           Signature of the Verifying Officer_______________________ 




General Instructions: Who can file Form-6A

1. Every Indian citizen staying in a foreign country, who

has not acquired citizenship of a foreign country, and has completed 18
years as on 1st January of the year, can make an application in Form 6A
for being registered in the roll for the constituency pertaining to the locality
in which his place of residence in India as mentioned in the passport is
located. The application in Form 6A can be presented to the registration
officer concerned.
2. The applicant should have completed eighteen years of age as on 1st
January of the year. For example, if the application is for inclusion of name in the
electoral roll with reference to 01-01-2011 as the qualifying date, the applicant
should have completed 18 years as on 01-01-2011.

Where to submit the application in Form-6A

3. The application should be submitted directly to the

Electoral Registration Officer (ERO) of the constituency within which the
place of ordinary residence of the applicant as given in the valid passport
falls. The Application in Form 6A can be presented in person to the ERO
or sent by post addressed to the ERO concerned.
[ The particulars and postal address of the EROs of all
the constituencies of India can be seen on the website of Election
Commission of India ( ]
Documents to be attached  

4.  Paste  one  recent  passport  size  coloured  photograph  with  a light  background  (preferably 
white) showing the full face of the applicant. 

5. Fill in all the columns in Form-6A. Write your name and
other particulars as given in the valid Indian Passport
6. If application is sent by post, it should be accompanied
by photo-copy of the relevant pages of the passport containing the
photograph and all other particulars of the applicant and the page
containing the valid visa endorsement. These photo-copies should be got
duly attested by the competent official in the Indian Mission.
Applications without the attested photo-copies of these documents will be
liable to be summarily rejected.
7. If the application is submitted in person before the ERO,
the application should be accompanied by a photo-copy of the relevant
pages of the passport as mentioned above. The original passport should
also be produced alongwith the application for verification by the
registration officer. The passport will be returned immediately after

9. It may be noted that after your enrolment, you will be able to cast vote in
election in the constituency, if you are physically present in the polling station along
with your original passport on the day of poll.



[See rule 13(2) and 26) 

Application for objecting inclusion or seeking deletion of name in electoral roll 
        The Electoral Registration Officer, 

        ……………………………Assembly /£Parliamentary Constituency. 
 I object to the proposed inclusion of the name of the under mentioned person in the electoral roll 
for the above Constituency. Particulars in support of my objection are given below: 

I submit that the entry relating to *myself/ *the person named below is required to be
deleted for the reasons stated hereunder:
I. @ Details of person Name Surname (if any)
inclusion of whose
name is objected to:
Details of person
whose entry is to be Part number of electoral His/her serial Elector’s Photo
deleted: roll in which his/her number in that Identity Card number
name is included: part: (if issued):
II. Details of objector Name Surname (if any)

Sex (Male/Female) Part number of electoral roll in which His/her serial number
objector’s name is included: in that part:
* Father’s/  Name Surname (if any) 

  Mother’s/     Name   


III. Particulars of place of ordinary residence of @objector/ @person seeking deletion. (Full address) 

House/ Door number: 

Street/ Area/Locality/Mohalla/Road: 


Town/ Village: 

Post Office:  Pin Code:             

Tehsil/ Taluka/Mandal/ Thana: 


IV.       Reason(s) for *objection/*deletion: 

£    In case of Union territories having no Legislative Assembly and the State of Jammu and 

@ First alternative will be relevant during preparation/revision of electoral

roll. Second alternative will be relevant during continuous updating after
final publication of electoral roll. Strike out the inappropriate alternative.
*    Strike out the inappropriate alternative. 

#    Part‐II not to be filled where applicant seeks deletion of entry relating to himself. 



V. Declaration
I hereby declare that the facts and particulars mentioned above are true to the best of my knowledge 
and belief. 

Place:                                         Date:                              Signature or thumb impression of the applicant 

Please give your mobile number /E‐mail I.D(Optional)/……………………………………..

Note- Any person who makes a statement or declaration which is false and which he
either knows or believes to be false or does not believe to be true, is punishable under
section 31 of the Representation of People Act, 1950 (43 of 1950).
* Strike out the inappropriate alternative. 

Details of action taken 
(To be filled by Electoral Registration Officer of the constituency) 

The application of Shri/Smt./Km. ……………………………………………………………. *objecting to inclusion/ 
*seeking deletion of name of Shri/Smt./Km……………………………………………. in the electoral roll in 
Form 7 has been acepted*/rejected*. 

Detailed reasons for *acceptance [under or in pursuance of rule 18*/20*/26(4) ] or *rejection 
[under or in pursuance of rule 17*/20*/26(4) ]. 

Place: Signature of (Seal of the Electoral

Date:                  Electoral Registration Officer              Registration Officer) 

* Strike out the inappropriate alternative. 

£ During continuous updating after final publication of electoral roll. 

Remarks of Field Level Officers (e.g BLO, Designated Officer, Supervisory Officer) 

[FORM 7 Contd…] 

[[This page should be thick enough so that it does not get mutilated /damaged in postal transit] 

Intimation of action taken

(Section‐II of the page is to be filled by Electoral Registration Officer of the constituency and  to be  
posted to the applicant on the  address as given by the applicant in Section‐I) 

‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐First Fold‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐


Postage Stamp to be 
affixed by the 
Electoral Registration 
Authority at the time 
of dispatch 

The application in Form 7 of  

**Shri/ Shrimati/ Kumari........ 

** (Full address)
House/ Door number: 

Street/ Area/Locality/ 


Town/ Village: 

Post Office:  Pin Code:             

Tehsil/ Taluka/ 

Mandal/ Thana: 


** To be filled in by the applicant. 

‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐Second Fold‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ 



has been— 

(a) accepted and the name of Shri/Shrimati/Kumari.................has been deleted from………………. 
Part No.................... of AC No………………………………. 

(b) rejected for the reason........................……………………..……………………………………… 

Date.......................                                                                                     Electoral Registration Officer. 




………………………………………………..Perforation for detachment……………………………... 

Receipt for application 

Received the application in Form 7 of ** Shri/Shrimati/Kumari…………………………………….. 


Date……………  Signature of the officer receiving the 
application on behalf of the Electoral 
Registration Officer 

(Address) …………………………. 

** To be filled in by the applicant. 




General Instructions

Who can file Form­7 

1. Can be filed only by a person whose name is already included in that roll in order to object inclusion 
of  a  name  proposed  to  be  included  in  that  part  of  the  electoral  roll    or  for    seeking  deletion  of  a 
name already included in that part of the electoral roll. 

When Form­7 can be filed 

1. The application can be filed after draft publication of electoral roll of the constituency to object to 
the proposed inclusion of an entry in the draft roll. The application is to be filed within the specific 
days  provided  for  the  purpose.  Due  publicity  is  given  about  the  above  period  when  the  revision 
programme is announced. 

2. Only one copy of the application is to be filed. 

3. The Application seeking deletion of an entry from the final electoral roll can be  filed through out 
the year even when the revision programme is not going on. During non‐revision period, application 
must be filed in duplicate. 

Where to file Form­7 
1. During  revision  period,  the  application  can  be  filed  at  the  designated  locations  where  the  draft 
electoral  roll  is  displayed  (mostly  polling  station  locations)  as  well  as  the  Electoral  Registration 
Officer and Assistant Electoral Registration Officer of the constituency. 

2. During other period of the year when revision programme is not going on, the application can be 
filed only with the Electoral Registration Officer. 

How to Fill up Form­7 

1. The  application  should  be  addressed  to  the  Electoral  Registration  Officer  of  the  constituency  in 
which another elector registered in that roll objects the proposed inclusion of an entry in the draft 
electoral roll. The name of the constituency should be mentioned in the blank space. 

2. Details of person inclusion of whose name is objected to /  Details of person whose entry is to be 
deleted : 

Out of the two alternative options, the first alternative is relevant after draft publication of electoral 
roll during revision of electoral roll.  In other words to show the objected entry in the draft roll in 
the list of deletions at the time of final publication of the roll.   The second alternative is relevant 
during continuous updation after final publication of electoral roll.  In other words for deletion of an 
entry  already  included  in  the  final  electoral  roll.    (Please  strike  out  the  inappropriate  alternative 
while filling up the Form)   

Besides the name of the person whose entry is objected for inclusion or sought to be deleted, the 
other details of the electoral roll Part No., Serial No. of the entry in that Part of electoral roll and 
Identity Card No issued to that person  are also required to be filled up.  These details are available 
in the relevant part of electoral roll.  The Part No.  of the electoral roll is printed on the right hand 
top corner of the electoral roll.  Every entry is given a serial number.  Please check the electoral roll 
and  write  the  serial  number  at  which  the  name  of  the  person  whose  entry  is  objected  for 
inclusion/sought  to  be  deleted  is  listed.      In  case  the  person  has  already  been  issued  an  Identity 
Card  that  No.  is  also  printed  against  that  entry.    Please  write  that  card  no.  in  full  in  the  space 

Separate Application is required to be filed for objecting inclusion/seeking deletion of each entry. 

Please also give your full name and address on the acknowledgement and intimation portions. 

Please  give  your  mobile  number  and  E‐mail  I.D    in  the  Form  ,  which  is  optional  ,  as  the  same,  if 
given,  may  be  used  by  the  Electoral  Registration  Officer  for  further  communication  with  the 
applicant whenever required. 


3. Details of objector 

An “Objector” can file Application in Form 7 only in respect of persons included in the part of the 
electoral roll in which he/she is registered.  In Part II of the Application, the objector has to fill up in 
the  space  provided  his/her  name  including  surname,  relation’s  name  (Father/Mother/Husband), 
sex, part no. of electoral roll and serial number at which his/her name is registered in that part of 
the electoral roll. 

The Objector must fill up his full address in the space provided in Part III of the Application.   

4. Reason(s) for objection / deletion. 

In Part IV of the Application, the applicant ‘objector’ must specify the reason(s) as to why according 
to him/her the person whose name is objected is not qualified for inclusion in that part of electoral 
roll viz. Due to death, due to shifting, not ordinarily residing at the registered address etc..  The onus 
of proof to substantiate the reason given for removal of the name lies with the Objector.  

5. Declaration 

In  Part  V  of  the  Application  the  applicant  must  give  a    declaration  that  the  facts  and  particulars 
mentioned in the application are true to the best of his/her knowledge and belief. Please indicate 
date from which you are residing in the given address. Giving a false declaration is punishable under 
section 31 of the Representation of the People Act, 1950.  




 [See rule 13(1) and 26] 

Application for correction to particulars entered in electoral roll 
        The Electoral Registration Officer,  SPACE FOR PASTING ONE 

        ……………………………Assembly /£Parliamentary Constituency.  (3.5 CM X 3.5 CM)  


I request that entry relating to myself appearing in the electoral roll the above Constituency is not 
correct and it should be corrected. Correct particulars in support of my request are given below: 

I. Applicant’s Name Surname (if any)

Part number of electoral roll: Serial number in that part:
Age as on 1  January ………….#  Years:  Months:  Sex 

Date of birth, if known:    Day:  Month:   Year: 

* Father’s/  Name Surname (if any) 

  Mother’s/     Name     


II. Particulars of place of present ordinary Residence (Full address)

House/ Door number:
Street/ Area/Locality/Mohalla/Road: 


Town/ Village: 

Post Office:  Pin Code:             

Tehsil/ Taluka/Mandal/ Thana: 


III. Details of Elector’s Photo Identity Card (if issued, in this or some other constituency) 

Elector’s Photo Identity Card number:

Name of the Constituency: 

IV. Details of entries to be corrected: 

*My name / *Age/ *Father’s/Mother’s/Husband’s name/ *Sex/ *Address/ *Elector’s Photo

Identity Card Number may be corrected in terms of information provided in this Form above.


Date:                                                                                    Signature or thumb impression of the elector 

Please give your mobile number / E‐mail I.D (Optional)/……………………………………..

Note‐ Any person who makes a statement or declaration which is false and which he either 
knows or believes to be false or does not believe to be true, is punishable under section 31 of the 
Representation of People Act, 1950 (43 of 1950). 

In case of Union territories having no Legislative Assembly and the State of Jammu & Kashmir.  

#     Please give the year i.e. 2007, 2008, etc. 

*     Strike out the inappropriate alternative 



Details of action taken 
(To be filled by Electoral Registration Officer of the constituency) 

The application of Shri/Smt./Km. …………………………………………………………….  for correction of entry in 
the electoral roll in Form 8 has been acepted*/rejected*. 

Detailed reasons for *acceptance [under or in pursuance of rule 18*/20*/26(4) ] or *rejection 
[under or in pursuance of rule 17*/20*/26(4) ]. 

Place: Signature of (Seal of the Electoral

Date:                  Electoral Registration Officer  Registration Officer) 

* Strike out the inappropriate alternative. 

£ During continuous updating after final publication of electoral roll. 

Remarks of Field Level Officers (e.g BLO, Designated Officer, Supervisory Officer)


[FORM 8 Contd…..] 

[[This page should be thick enough so that it does not get mutilated /damaged in postal transit]] 

Intimation of action taken

(Section‐II of the page is to be filled by Electoral Registration Officer of the constituency and  to 
be  posted to the applicant on the  address as given by the applicant in Section‐I) 

‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐First Fold‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐


Postage Stamp to be 
affixed by the 
Electoral Registration 
Authority at the time 
of dispatch 

The application in Form 8 of  

**Shri/ Shrimati/ Kumari........ 

** (Full address)
House/ Door number: 

Street/ Area/Locality/ 


Town/ Village: 

Post Office:  Pin Code:             

Tehsil/ Taluka/ 

Mandal/ Thana: 


** To be filled in by the applicant. 

‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐Second Fold‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ 


has been— 

(a) (a) accepted and the entry at Sr. No. .............................of Part 

of AC No………………….. has been modified accordingly. 

(b) rejected for the reason........................……………………..……………………………………… 

Date.......................                                                                                     Electoral Registration Officer. 




………………………………………………..Perforation for detachment……………………………... 

Receipt for application 

Received the application in Form 8 of ** Shri/Shrimati/Kumari…………………………………….. 


Date……………  Signature of the officer receiving the 
application on behalf of the Electoral 
Registration Officer 

(Address) …………………………. 

** To be filled in by the applicant. 

General Instructions

Who can file Form­8 

1. Can be filed only by a person whose name is already included in the electoral roll seeking correction 
to  his/her  particulars  already  printed  in  the  electoral  roll.    One  person  cannot  file  application  in 
Form 8 for correction in the particulars of any other person.   

When Form­8 can be filed 

1. Form‐8  can  be  filed  for  correction  to  particulars  of  a  person  entered  in  the  electoral  roll.    The 
application can be filed after draft publication of electoral roll of the constituency.  The application 
is  to  be  filed  within  the  specific  days  provided  for  the  purpose.  Due  publicity  is  given  about  the 
above period when the revision programme is announced. 
2.  Only one copy of the application is to be filed. 
3.  The  Application  can  also  be  filed  for  correction  of  particulars  relating  to  oneself  in  the  finally 
published electoral roll when the revision programme is not going on. During non‐revision period, 
application must be filed in duplicate. 

Where to file Form­8 
1. During  revision  period,  the  application  can  be  filed  at  the  designated  locations  where  the  draft 
electoral  roll  is  displayed  (mostly  polling  station  locations)  as  well  as  the  Electoral  Registration 
Officer and Assistant Electoral Registration Officer of the constituency. 
2. During other period of the year when revision programme is not going on, the application can be 
filed only with the Electoral Registration Officer. 

How to Fill up Form­8 

1. The  application  should  be  addressed  to  the  Electoral  Registration  Officer  of  the  constituency  in 
which  the  name  of  the  applicant  is  already  included.    The  name  of  the  constituency  should  be 
mentioned in the blank space. 

2. In Part I of the Application, please write your name, as it should appear in the electoral roll. In case 
the initials to your name printed in the electoral roll are in abbreviated form and you want them to 
be printed in expanded form you can write your full name in expanded form. The full name except 
the surname should be written in the first box and surname should be written in the second box. In 
case you do not have a surname, just write the given name. Caste should not be mentioned except 
where the caste name is used as part of the elector’s name or a surname. Honorific appellations like 
Shri, Smt. Kumari, Khan, Begum, Pandit etc. should not be mentioned. 
3. Please fill up the Part Number and serial number in that part of electoral roll where your name is 
listed. This is mandatory.   
4. Age 
Similarly,  you  should  indicate  your  Age  in  years  and  months  as  on  1st  January  of  the  year  with 
reference to which the electoral roll is printed.  This qualifying date is printed at the bottom of each 
page of electoral roll.  

5.  Sex 
Write your sex in full in the space provided e.g. Male / Female. Eunuchs have to choose from one of 
these options. 

6. Date of Birth (With Documentary Proof) 
Fill up the date of birth in figures in the space provided in dd/mm/yyyy.  

Proofs of date of birth to be attached are as under:  

i) Birth certificate issued by a Municipal Authorities or district office of the Registrar of Births & 
Deaths or Baptism certificate; or 
ii) Birth  certificate  from  the  school  (Govt.  /  Recognised)  last  attended  by  the  applicant  or  any 
other recognised educational institution; or 
iii) If a person is class 10 or more pass, he should give a copy of the marksheet of class 10 , if it 
contains date of birth as a proof of date of birth; or   
iv) Marksheet of class 8 if it contains date of birth; or 
v) Marksheet of class 5 if it contains date of birth; or 
vi) A  declaration  in  prescribed  format  given  in  Annexure‐1  made  by  either  of  his  parents  if  the 
person is not educated till class 10 (In those cases where parental declaration is given as proof 
of age, the applicant will have to be present himself for verification before BLO/ERO/AERO); or 
vii) A certificate of his age given by a sarpanch of the concerned Gram Panchayat or by a member 
of the concerned Municipal Corporation / Municipal Committee, the person is not educated till 
class 10 and both the parents are not alive. 
Note: Documentary proof of age will be required only in those cases, where  age of the applicant 
is between 18 and 21 years. In all other cases declaration of his age by the applicant will be taken 
as proof of age.  

7. Relation’s Name: 
In  case  of  unmarried  female  applicant,  name  of  Father  /  Mother  is  to  be  mentioned.  In  case  of 
married female applicant, name of Husband is to be mentioned. Strike out the inapplicable options 
in the column. 

8. Place of Ordinary Residence 
In Part II of the Application Form please fill up the full and complete postal address including PIN 
code where you are ordinarily residing and want to get registered, in the space provided. 

Proof of ordinary residence to be attached are as under: 

i) Bank / Kisan / Post Office current Pass Book, or 
ii) Applicant’s  Ration  Card  /  Passport  /  Driving  License  /  Income  Tax  Return  filed  or  Assessment 
Order, or  
iii) Latest Water / Telephone / Electricity / Gas Connection Bill for that address, either in the name 
of the applicant or that of his / her immediate relation like parents etc., or 
iv) Postal department’s posts received / delivered in the applicant’s name at the given address.  

NOTE:  In  case  of  homeless  persons,  the  BLO  will  visit  the  address  given  in  Form  6  at  night  to 
ascertain  that  the  homeless  person  actually  sleeps  at  the  place  which  is  given  as  his  address  in 
Form  6.    If  the  BLO  is  able  to  verify  that  the  homeless  person  actually  sleeps  at  that  place,  no 
documentary  proof  of  place  of  residence  shall  be  necessary.BLO  must  visit  for  more  than  one 
night for such verification. 

9. Details of Electors’ Photo Identity Card. 

If you already have been issued with a Photo Identity Card by the Election
Commission, please mention the card number (printed on the front side) and date
of issue (printed on the back side) of the card in the space provided in Part III of
the Application Form. Please attach a self-attested photocopy of both sides of the

10. Details of entries to be corrected.

In Part IV of the Application you should indicate the details of entries to be

corrected. Therefore, this is a very important part of the Application. You have
indicated the correct details about your name, age, date of birth, relations name,
sex, address and photo identity card in the space provided in Parts I to III of the
Application. In this Part you have to clearly put a tick mark on the details that
need to be corrected on the basis of information now furnished by you. Please
score out the alternatives that are not to be corrected.
In most part of the country now the electoral roll is printed with the
photograph of electors. In case the application is for correcting a
wrong photograph, then the applicant may write “My Photograph” in
Part IV of the application and if possible, attach a recent passport
size coloured photograph with the application.
Please also give your full name and address on the acknowledgement and
intimation portions.
Please  give  your  mobile  number  and  E‐mail  I.D    in  the  Form  ,  which  is  optional  ,  as  the  same,  if 
given,  may  be  used  by  the  Electoral  Registration  Officer  for  further  communication  with  the 
applicant whenever required. 


[See rule 13(4) and 26) 

Application for transposition of entry in electoral roll 
        The Electoral Registration Officer,  SPACE FOR PASTING ONE 

        ……………………………Assembly /£Parliamentary Constituency.  (3.5 CM X 3.5 CM)  


I request that entry in the electoral roll for the abovementioned Constituency relating to
*Myself / *person named below should be transposed to the relevant part of the roll in this
constituency. Particulars of the entry to transposed are given below:
I. Details of person Name Surname (if any)
whose entry is to be
Part number f electoral roll His/her serial Elector’s Photo
in which his/her name is number in that Identity Card
included: part: number (if issued):
* Father’s/  Name Surname (if any) 

  Mother’s/     Name   


II. Particulars of present place of ordinary Residence (Full address)

House/ Door number: 

Street/ Area/Locality/Mohalla/Road: 

Town/ Village: 


Post Office:  Pin Code:             

Tehsil/ Taluka/Mandal/ Thana: 


III. Period of continuous residence at the above address  Years: Months:

on the date of application 

IV. Part number to which the entry has to be transposed (if known) 

V. Details of Name Surname (if any)

Part number of electoral His/her Elector’s Photo Identity Card

roll in which his/her name serial number (if issued):
is included: number in
that part:
Note‐ Any person who makes a statement or declaration which is false and which he either 
knows or believes to be false or does not believe to be true, is punishable under section 31 of the 
Representation of People Act, 1950 (43 of 1950). 

In case of Union territories having no Legislative Assembly and the State of Jammu & Kashmir.  

*     Strike out the inappropriate alternative. 

@   Part V not to be filled where applicant seeks transposition of entry relating to himself.  



VI. Declaration
I hereby declare that the facts and particulars mentioned above are true to the best of my knowledge 
and belief. 

Place:                                         Date:                               Signature or thumb impression of the applicant 

Please give your mobile number / E‐mail I.D(Optional)/……………………………………..

Details of action taken 
(To be filled by Electoral Registration Officer of the constituency) 

The application of Shri/Smt./Km. ……………………………………………………………. for

transposition of entry relating to himself/ herself/ Shri/ Smt. / Km.
……………………………………………………………. in the electoral roll in Form 8A has been

Detailed reasons for *acceptance or *rejection [under or in pursuance of rule 26(4)*]. 

Place: Signature of (Seal of the Electoral

  Date:                  Electoral Registration Officer              Registration Officer) 


* Strike out the inappropriate alternative. 

Remarks of the field level officers (e.g. BLO, Designated Office, Supervisory Officers) 

   [FORM 8A Contd…..] 

[[This page should be thick enough so that it does not get mutilated /damaged in postal transit]] 

Intimation of action taken

(Section‐II of the page is to be filled by Electoral Registration Officer of the constituency and  to be  
posted to the applicant on the  address as given by the applicant in Section‐I) 

‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐First Fold‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ 


Postage Stamp to be 
affixed by the 
Electoral Registration 
Authority at the time 
of dispatch 

The application in Form 8A of  

**..Shri/ Shrimati/ Kumari...... 

** (Full address)
House/ Door number: 

Street/ Area/Locality/ 


Town/ Village: 

Post Office:  Pin Code:             

Tehsil/ Taluka/ 

Mandal/ Thana: 


** To be filled in by the applicant. 

‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐Second Fold‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ 



has been— 

a) accepted and the name of Shri/Shrimati/Kumari.............................................................................  
has been deleted from Part No ………………………. and registered at Sl.No. ‐‐‐‐‐ in Part No.‐‐‐‐‐‐‐  of AC 

(b) rejected for the reason........................…………………….……… 

Date.......................                                                                                     Electoral Registration Officer. 




………………………………………………..Perforation for detachment……………………………... 

Receipt for application 

Received the application in Form 8A of ** Shri/Shrimati/Kumari…………………………………….. 


Date……………  Signature of the officer receiving the 
application on behalf of the Electoral 
Registration Officer 

(Address) …………………………. 

** To be filled in by the applicant. 

General Instructions
Who can file Form-8A
1. A  person whose name is already included in the current electoral roll can file the Application for 
transposition of an entry in a different place of the same constituency.   

When Form­8A  can be filed 

1. The  application  can  be  filed  after  draft  publication  of  electoral  roll  of  the  constituency  .for 
transposition of  entry relating to one own self or  someone else within the same constituency.  The 
application  is  to  be  filed  within  the  specific  days  provided  for  the  purpose.  Due  publicity  is  given 
about the above period when the revision programme is announced. 

2. Only one copy of the application is to be filed. 

3. Application for transposition  of name within the constituency can also be filed through out the year 
even when the revision programme is not going on. During non‐revision period, application must be 
filed in duplicate. 

Where to file Form­8A 

1. During  revision  period,  the  application  can  be  filed  at  the  designated  locations  where  the  draft 
electoral  roll  is  displayed  (mostly  polling  station  locations)  as  well  as  the  Electoral  Registration 
Officer and Assistant Electoral Registration Officer of the constituency. 

2. During other period of the year when revision programme is not going on, the application can be 
filed only with the Electoral Registration Officer. 

How to Fill the Form­8A 
1. The application should be addressed to the Electoral Registration Officer of the constituency in 
which transpositions of the relevant entry is required.  The name of the constituency should be 
mentioned in the blank space. 

2. In Part I of the Application Form fill the name  Part No. & Sr. No.  of the electoral roll where already 
registered and Electors Photo Identity Card No.(EPIC) in full and the relation’s name (as printed in 
the electoral roll).   

3. In  Part  II  of  the  Application  please  mention  the  complete  address  of  the  new  place  where 
you/person concerned  have shifted place of ordinary residence within the constituency.  Please do 
not  write  incomplete  address  as  in  that  case  it  may  not  be  possible  to  link  the  address  to  the 
relevant part of electoral roll where the entry is required to be transposed.   

4. In Part III of the Application, indicate the approximate period of continuous residence at the new 
address mentioned in Part II.   

5. In Part IV, write the electoral roll part no. in which the  residents  of the new area where you have 
shifted  are  enrolled.    This part  is  optional  in case you  don’t  know  the  electoral  roll part no., then 
leave it blank.   

6. In Part V is not to be filled where the applicant seeks transposition of entry relating to one own self.  
This part is required to be filled in case the applicant applies for transposition of entry of some other 
Please also give your full name and address on the acknowledgement and intimation portions. 

Please  give  your  mobile  number  and  E‐mail  I.D    in  the  Form  ,  which  is  optional  ,  as  the  same,  if 
given,  may  be  used  by  the  Electoral  Registration  Officer  for  further  communication  with  the 
applicant whenever required. 


List of Applications for inclusion received in Form 6
  Designated location identity £
Constituency (Assembly/ Parliamentary) Revision identity
  (where applications have
  been received)
  1. List number@ 2. Period of applications (covered in this list) From date To date
  / / / /
  3. Place of hearing*
  Serial number$ Date of Name of claimant Name of Father / Mother / Place of residence Date of Time of
  of application receipt Husband and (Relationship)# hearing* hearing*
  1 2 3 4 5 6a 6b
   Date of exhibition at Date of exhibition at
£ In case of Union territories having no Legislative Assembly and the State of Jammu designated location Electoral Registration
and Kashmir under rule 15(b) Officer’s Office under rule
@ For this revision for this designated location 16(b)
* Place, time and date of hearings as fixed by electoral registration officer
$ Running serial number is to be maintained for each revision for each designated    
# Give relationship as F-Father, M=Mother, and H=Husband within brackets i.e. (F),
(M), (H)

List of Applications for objection to inclusion of names received in Form 7
  Designated location identity £
Constituency (Assembly/ Parliamentary) Revision identity
  (where applications have
  been received)
  1. List number@ 2. Period of applications (covered in this list) From date To date
  / / / /
  3. Place of hearing*
  Serial number$ Date of Name (in full) of Particulars of name objected at Reasons in brief Date of Time of
  of application receipt objector Part Serial Name in full for objection hearing* hearing*
  number number
  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8a 8b
   Date of exhibition at Date of exhibition at Electoral
£ In case of Union territories having no Legislative Assembly and the State of Jammu designated location Registration Officer’s Office
and Kashmir under rule 15(b) under rule 16(b)
@ For this revision for this designated location
* Place, time and date of hearings as fixed by electoral registration officer    
$ Running serial number is to be maintained for each revision for each designated

Form 11
List of Applications for objecting to particulars in entries in electoral roll received in Form 8
Designated location identity Constituency (Assembly/ Parliamentary) Revision identity
  (where applications have
  been received)
  1. List number@ 2. Period of applications (covered in this list) From date To date
  / / / /
  3. Place of hearing*
  Serial number$ Date of Name (in full) of Particulars of entry objected to Nature of objection Date of Time of
  of application receipt elector objecting Part number Serial number hearing* hearing*
  1 2 3 4 5 6 7a 7b
    Date of exhibition at Date of exhibition at Electoral
£ In case of Union territories having no Legislative Assembly and the State of Jammu designated location Registration Officer’s Office
and Kashmir under rule 15(b) under rule 16(b)
@ For this revision for this designated location
* Place, time and date of hearings as fixed by electoral registration officer    
$ Running serial number is to be maintained for each revision for each designated

Designated location List of applications for transposition of entry in
  Revision identity
  identity electoral roll
  (where applications have Received in Form - 8A  
  been received)
   Constituency (Assembly /£ Parliamentary Constituency):
  1. List number 2. Period of receipt of applications From date To date
  (covered in this list)
  / / / /
  3. Place of hearing*
  Serial Date of Details of applicant Details of person whose entry is to be transposed Date/Time of
  number§ of receipt hearing*
  (As given in Part V of
  application Form 8A) Name of Part/Serial no. EPIC No. Present place
  person whose of roll in which of ordinary
  entry is to be name is residence
  transposed included
  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
   Date of exhibition at Date of exhibition at
£ In case of Union Territories having no Legislative Assembly and the State of designated location Electoral Registration
Jammu & Kashmir Officer's Office
@ For this revision for this designated location    
* Place, time and date of hearing as fixed by electoral registration officer
Running serial number is to be maintained for each revision for each designated



(To be made by either of the parents of the first time applicant in the age group of 18-25
years who has no age proof)

I, ........................................................................................ whose name is enrolled at the

Serial No. …….. in the Part No. …….. of electoral roll of the
……………………………………………………. Assembly Constituency do swear in the
name of the God / solemnly affirm that my son / daughter
…….…………………………………………………………………. is ……………years of age
as on 1st January, 20… and is residing with me.


Signature of the parent

Sworn in the name of God/solemnly affirmed by Shri/Shrimati

................................................. at ......................................................(Place) at
.......................... (hour) this the ....................................... day of .......................... 20…
before me.

Signature of Electoral Registration Officer / Assistant Electoral Registration Officer with Seal





I, …………………………………………………………….(NAME IN BLOCK LETTERS) am

applying through my Record Office/Commandant for getting myself *and my wife
registered as service elector(s) in the last part of the electoral roll of my native place
where I would have been ordinarily resident but for my service qualification, and wish to
avail the facility of postal ballot paper/proxy at the time of election, as and when held, in
the constituency in which my native place lies.

I, hereby, declare that I *and my wife have neither got *ourselves/myself already
registered nor have applied for such registration as ordinary electors in the general part of
the electoral roll of the place where I am presently posted and residing or any other

I further declare that I am aware of the law that prohibits getting registered as an elector at
more than one place either in the same constituency or in different constituencies and if
my name *or my wife's name so appears at different places, the same may be deleted
from all such places except from the last part of the electoral roll of my native place for
which I have made the
enclosed statement.




* Delete if the name of wife is

not included in Form 2 or 2A, as
the case may be


(See rule 7)
Statement as to place of Ordinary Residence by a member of the Armed Forces
I hereby declare that I am a citizen of India and that but for my service in the Armed Forces I would
have been ordinarily resident at—
House No...................…………………………………………………………………………………………




Post Office.................………………………………………………………………………………………….

Police Station...............…………………………………………………………………………………………




My full name................…………………………………………………………………………………………

Service No...............…………………………….Rank......……………………………………………........….


Name and address of record office.....................……………………………………………………………….

Age last birthday.......................…………………………………………………………………………..years.

*I further declare that my wife........……………………….age.…………………………...years,

ordinarily resides with me and is a citizen of India.
This cancels any previous statement as to ordinary place of residence made by me.
Date........…………………....20 . ………………...............  

Record Office Verified and found correct
Folio No........……………. (Signature)………………………....
Place………………........... (Designation)…………………….....
Date…………………........ Officer-in-charge, Records.
(For use in the Election Office)
Statement received on the .. .. ..199 .
Registered in the electoral roll for the.……………….......Assembly Constituency (No...).
Service voters' part, at S. No.....………………………………………………………………………………
Date.........…....20 . [Electoral Registration Officer].]
*Delete if not applicable.
1. Subs. by Notifn. No. S. O. 3667, dated the 12th October, 1964, for Form 2.
2. Subs. by Notifn. No. S.O. 3874, dated the 15th December, 1966, for "Chief Electoral Officer".


(See rule 7)
Statement as to place of Ordinary Residence by a member of an armed police force of a State, who is
serving outside that State
I hereby declare that I am a citizen of India and that but for my service outside the State in the
Armed Force mentioned below, I would have been ordinarily resident at: —
House No...................…………………………………………………………………………………………




Post Office.................………………………………………………………………………………………….

Police Station...............…………………………………………………………………………………………




My full name................……………………………… Rank ….………………………………………………

Buckle No...............…………………………….......……………………………………………........……….

Name of armed police force…............…………………………………………………………………………

Name and address of the officer of the Commandant………………………………………………………….

Age last birthday.......................…………………………………………………………………………..years.

*I further declare that my wife........……………………….age.…………………………...years,

ordinary reside with me and is a citizen of India.
This cancels any previous statement as to ordinary place of residence made by me.
Date........…………………....20 . ………………...............  

*Delete if not applicable. Verified and found correct
Commandant’s Office
Folio No........……………. (Signature)……………....
Place………………........... (Designation)…………....
Date…………………........ Commandant.
(For use in the Election Office)
Statement received on the .. .. ..20 .
Registered in the electoral roll for the.……………….......Assembly Constituency (No...).
Service voters' part, at S.
Date.........…....20 . [Electoral Registration Officer].]
1. Ins. by Notifn. No. S. O. 4371, dated the 21st October, 1964.
2. Subs. by Notifn. No. S.O. 3874, dated the 15th December, 1966, for "Chief Electoral Officer".


5 cm  
8.4 cm

5 cm
8.4 cm

Specifications for EPICs – Other Parameters
The specifications of the revised EPIC, its size and other parameters
are given below:
Card Size - 5 cm. Horizontal and 8.4 cm vertical with variation permissible of
plus or minus 5 per cent. Six cards can be printed on an A4 size
paper as shown diagrammatically below.
Paper - Thickness of the paper used shall not be less than 165 GSM.
Where the EPIC is produced by single side printing on paper and
folding, the paper used should not be less than 80 GSM
Laminating - Thickness of the polyester film shall not be less than 125 microns.
Other Parameters

The following information shall be printed on the bottom of reverse

side of the card in the language in which the card is printed.
irk cnyus ij] u;s irs ij viuk uke
fuokZpd ukekoyh esa ntZ djokus rFkk
ml irs ij blh uEcj dk dkMZ ikus ds
fy, lEcaf/kr
QkeZ esa ;g dkMZ uEcj vo'; fy[ksaa
In case of change in address, mention this
Card No. in the relevant Form for including
your name in the roll at the changed address
and to obtain the card with same number.

Signature of the Applicant


Annexure 7.1 (CHAPTER X) – BLO’s REGISTER

Statistical Information as per Last Revision :-

No. & Name of the Assembly Constituency : 36 - Gandhinagar North Part No. : 1
1 - UNAVA-1 Male Female
other Total
Electors Electors
1-PANCHVATI ,UNAVA -382650 109 102 0 211
2-VALARU ,UNAVA -382650 49 46 0 95
3-TEJENDRAPURA ,UNAVA -382650 34 34 0 68
4-THAKOR VAS ,UNAVA -382650 83 84 0 167
5-SOLANKI PARU ,UNAVA -382650 46 53 0 99
6-INDIRA NAGAR ,UNAVA -382650 145 136 0 281
7-KRISHNAKUNJ SOCIETY ,UNAVA -382650 30 27 0 57
8-VAHANVATI PARK ,UNAVA -382650 9- 19 16 0 35
NEAR LAKE ,UNAVA -382650 27 26 0 53
Total Electors : 542 524 0 1066

District Assembly Constituency Polling Station

Gender Ratio (As Per Electors)
952 938 967
Total Percentage
Electors with EPIC 1038 97.37
Electors with EPIC & Photo 1015 95.22
Part Wise Age Chohort

Age Criteria Age wise %Age wise Electors

Electors to Total Electors
18-19 13 1.22
20-29 303 28.42
30-39 268 25.14
40-49 234 21.95
50-59 136 12.76
60-69 68 6.38
70-79 38 3.56
80-89 5 0.47
90-99 1 0.09
100+ 0 0.00
TOTAL 1066
Annexure - 1
No. & Name of Assembly Constituency : 36 - Gandhinagar North Part No. - 1
Photo Expired / Period of
Images of Sl. EPIC No. House No. Name of the Elector Relation Telephone / Ordinarily Sign. of Family
the Elector No. Birth Date Sex / Age Mobile No. Shifted / Residing
Surname Name Name of Relative at this Head / Remarks
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Repeated Place
8 9 10
No & Name of Section : 1 - Panchvati, Unava, Pincode - 382650
GJ/11/079/042001 2 પટલ કશવલાલ આદરભાઇ F

2 Patel Keshavlal Adrbhai M / 74

GJ/11/079/042035 2 પટલ ડાહીબન કશવલાલ H


2 Patel Dahiben Keshavlal F / 72

GJ/11/079/042229 2 પટલ હરશકમાર કશવલાલ F


2 Patel Hareshkumar Keshavlal M / 47

GJ/11/079/042130 2 પટલ જનાબન હરશકમાર H


2 Patel Anjanaben Hareshkumar F / 44

GJ/11/079/042289 2 પટલ મયરકમાર કશવલાલ F


2 Patel Mayurkumar Keshavlal M / 45

ABCD - Deleted Elector 36 - Gandhinagar North Assembly Constituency 139 Part No. - 1
No. & Name of Assembly Constituency : 36 - Gandhinagar North Part No. - 1

Annexure - 2
Statement - 1
[1] Information pertaining to New development of Area / Society / Apartment / Building/ Colonies etc. still not mentioned in the part within
geographical limits of the relevant part of the electoral roll
Approximate Date of
Sl. Name of the New Society / Area / Colony / Apartment / Building and full address No. of House completion of
No. in Units construction

Note :

1. All new New Society / Area / Colony / Apartment /Building should be numbered section-wise.
2. Even if there is only 1 Building /House in the section it should be mentioned.

No. & Name of Assembly Constituency : 36 - Gandhinagar North Part No. - 1

Statement - 2
[2] List of Eligible electors who are new residents in the Area and List of Eligible electors / families whose names are left out in the
electoral roll for some reasons.
Sl. Name of Elector Period of ordinarily Action
Sex / Date of Telephone /
No. EPIC No. House No. Relation residing at this
Surname First Name Middle Name Age Birth Mobile No.
place Taken
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
No. & Name of Section :

Statement - 3
[3] Statistical Information of Population in the Part Part No. - 1

No. of Family Members

Names of Family Members who will complete 18 Years of Age
House No. between 1-1-2011 and 1-1-2012
Male Female Total

No. & Name of Section : 1 - Panchvati, Unava, Pincode - 382650




36 - Gandhinagar North Assembly Constituency  

Part wise List of Sections comprised within the Assembly Constituency
No. & Name of Assembly Constituency : 36 - Gandhinagar North
Section Extent of Field(Names of Main Field Name of Pincode Extent of Field (Names of Society / Main Field (Area within Name of Village /
No. Society / Appartment / Flat / Pole (Area within which Village / City of No. Appartment / Flat / Pole / Chali / Vas which extensive field is City of Polling Booth
/ Chali / Vas / Falia / Mohalla
extensive field is Polling Booth / Falia / Mohalla comprised)

Part No. – 1 તાલકો -ગાધીનગર , જીƣલો -ગાધીનગર TEHSIL - GANDHINAGAR , DISTRICT - GANDHINAGAR

1 પચવટી ઉનાવા ઉનાવા 382650 PANCHVATI UNAVA UNAVA

2 વાલĮ ઉનાવા ઉનાવા 382650 VALARU UNAVA UNAVA

3 તȐ દપરા ઉનાવા ઉનાવા 382650 TEJENDRAPURA UNAVA UNAVA

4 ઠાકોર વાસ ઉનાવા ઉનાવા 382650 THAKOR VAS UNAVA UNAVA

5 સોલકી પĮ ઉનાવા ઉનાવા 382650 SOLANKI PARU UNAVA UNAVA

6 ઇિ◌ દરા નગર ઉનાવા ઉનાવા 382650 INDIRA NAGAR UNAVA UNAVA

7 કƧણકજ સોસાયટી ઉનાવા ઉનાવા 382650 KRISHNAKUNJ SOCIETY UNAVA UNAVA

8 વહાણવટી પાક ઉનાવા ઉનાવા 382650 VAHANVATI PARK UNAVA UNAVA

9 તળાવ પાસ ઉનાવા ઉનાવા 382650 NEAR LAKE UNAVA UNAVA


SR. NO. :

Electoral Registration Officer,


Sir / Madam,

The employee appointed by you for the verification of electoral photo roll
has personally visited our house today. The photo against our name has not
been shown in the electoral roll as per the details given below / we do not
possess EPIC:

Part No. :
Sr. No. :
Name of the Elector :
Relation / Name of Relation :
Sex / Age :
EPIC No. :
Our passport size photo is enclosed herewith. You are requested to
prepare our EPIC / include our photo in the photo roll as well.

Moreover, we declare on oath that, given photo is ours and afterwards if

any thing comes up regarding verification its entire responsibility will be ours.

Place :
Date :

Name & Signature / Thumb

impression of the Elector / Head
of the family

Enumerator’s signature with PIN No.

Electoral Registration Officer,
__________________________ Assembly Constituency

Sir / Madam,

The employee appointed by you for the verification of electoral photo roll
has personally visited our house today. The photo shown against our name in
the electoral roll as per the details given below is not ours / is of another

Part No. : ________________________

Sr. No. : ________________________
Name of the Elector : ________________________
Birth Date : ________________________ Age : _________________
Sex : ________________________
EPIC No. :

Our passport size photo is enclosed herewith. You are requested to

prepare our EPIC / include our photo in the photo roll as well.

Moreover, we declare on oath that, given photo is ours and afterwards if

any thing comes up regarding verification its entire responsibility will be ours.

Date :

Name & Signature / Thumb

impression of the Elector / Head
of the family
Enumerator’s signature with PIN No.

Note: Strike out which ever is not applicable.

Assistant Electoral Registration Officer,
_____________ AssemblyConstituency &
Mamlatdar, ____________________ office,
Ta. _________________, Dist. __________.
Date: ____ / ____ / 2011

Sub: Deleting the names of shifted electors from the electoral roll under section 22 of
R.P. Act, 1950 - Regarding.

In regard to the subject noted above it is hereby informed by this final notice
that your name / the names of the members of your family have been enrolled in part
no. _________ of ________________________________ Assembly Constituency falling under
this office. But during on the spot verification of the electoral roll by the Booth Level
Officer you were not available at the address of your residence. So it seems that you
have shifted some where else. So it seems that you / members of your family are not
residing at the above place, the details of which are as follows:

Part Sr. House Name of the Member of the family Sex Age Is elector
No. No No. present?

It is hereby informed through this notice that you are not living at the place of
your ordinary residence. So please explain in writing why your name / the names of
your family members enrolled in part no. _________ of ___________________________
Assembly Constituency should not be deleted. However, if you wish to continue your
name / the names of your family members in the electoral roll at the place mention
above, it is informed that you / your authorized representative should remain present
in this office at the address shown above at ________________ hrs., on dated __/__/2011
with valid evidence of your residence as shown above and any valid evidence of your /
members of your family’s identity with photo.

Please note that in spite of receiving this notice, if we do not get reply and
evidences from you, it will be assumed that you do not have to say anything in this
regard, and your name will be deleted from the electoral roll as per our authority under
section 22 of R. P. Act, 1950.

Electoral Registration Officer

_________________ Assembly Constituency

Note by the Booth Level Officer

(1) If the elector / family shown above is present, notice should be given to the
member of the family and obtain his signature.
Name and signature of the elector / member of the family: ________________________
(2) If the above elector / family has shifted, the address where he has shifted should be
noted and the name, address and signature of the informing person should be
Present address of the shifted person:_________________________________
Name and Address of the informing person: _______________________________
Signature of the informing person: ________________________________________________

Signature of Booth Level Officer





1. Date of publication of final roll in last revision

2. Total No. of voters in the part.
3. Total population of part/village
4. Total No. of male voters
5. Total No. of female voters.
6. Gender ratio = Female voter X 100
Total No. of voters in the part
7. Gender population ratio = Total No. of voters X 200
Total population of the part (from Statement 5).
8. Age cohort of the part :
(a) 18 to 20 age group = No of voters in 18-20 age groupX 100
Total no of voters in the Part
(b) 21 to 29 age group = No of voters in 21-29 age groupX 100
Total no of voters in the Part

(c) 30 to 35, etc., etc.


1. House No.
2. Name of the voter:
3. Name of head of family
4. Relation to Head of the family:
5. telephone no/ contact no
6. Whether registered as voter in this part : Y / N
7. If not registered in this part, give address where registered:
8. Are there any members of the family eligible for registering in Form-6 for current
revision : Y / N (If yes fill up Statement -4)
9. Are there any members of the family eligible for registering in the next revision : Y
/ N ( If Yes fill up Statement 4A)
10. Whether EPIC issued : Y / N
11. Whether EPIC available with the Voter : Y / N
12. EPIC No.
13. Whether address is correct? Y / N
14. If not, give correct address:

15. Living at this address since how many years :
16. Any family member married/shifted since last revision? Y / N (if yes then fill up
statement 4)
17. Any member dead since last revision? Y/N (if yes, fill up Statement-6)
18. Possibility of temporary shifting in the next one year : Y / N
(If yes, fill up Statement – 3)
19. Photo of the voter in Electoral Roll : Y / N
(If no, fill up Statement-7)
20. If all voters of the house hold are found shifted, then fill up Statement-3.


1. House number :
2. Name:
3. Name of head of family
4. Relation with the head of family
5. EPIC issued : Y/N
6. EPIC No.
7. Type of shifting : Permanent / Temporary
8. If temporary, then –
(a) Purpose of shifting e.g. agricultural labour, temporary job, etc.
(b) Place of shifting
(c) Shifted since when : From_________(give month) to ______(give month)
(d) Take a signed statement as per Form-1.
9. If permanent, then –
(a) Reason for shifting such as, marriage, job, education, etc.
(b) Place of shifting.
(c) Shifted since when : Month_________, Year_________
(d) Panchanama as per Form 2



1. House number.
2. Name
3. Name of the head of the family.
4. relation with the head of the family
5. EPIC issued : Y/N
6. EPIC No.
7. Shifted within same part : Y/N
8. Shifted from another part / AC: Y/N
9. If yes then from which Part/AC
10. When shifted : Month_______, Year_______
11. Whether fresh voter i.e. between the age 18 to 21 : Y / N
12. If yes, whether completed form No.6 received : Y / N

attaining age of 18 years).

1. House No.:
2. Name
3. Name of the head of the family.
4. Date of birth:
5. will become eligible in revision of which year :


1. House No.
2. Total No. of persons living in this house.


1. House No.
2. Name
3. Name of the head of family
4. EPIC No.
5. Date of death:
6. Death certificate made available: Y? N

7. If No, whether listed in Death Register maintained by –Panchayat/ Nagarpalika
/Municipal Corporation
8. For serial no 7, death registration number and date


1. House No.
2. Name:
3. Name of the head of the family
4. EPIC issued: Y / N.
5. EPIC No.
6. Photograph obtained : Y / N
7. Signature of the voter:


1. Number of newly constructed houses since last revision and the details
2. Number of newly constructed buildings that have come up since last revision
- give details.
3. Number of newly constructed societies that have come up since last revision and
their details.


1. Gender ratio of district

2. Age cohort of district
3. Elector population of District
4. Likely reasons for deviation in gender ratio
5. Likely reasons for deviation in age cohort
6. Likely reasons for deviation in elector-population ratio


1. Date of publication of final roll in current revision

2. Total No. of voters in the part.
3. Total population of part/village
4. Total No. of male voters
5. Total No. of female voters.

6. Gender ratio = Female voter X 100
a. Total No. of voters in the part
7. Gender population ratio = Total No. of voters X 200
i. Total population of the part (from Statement 5).
8. Age cohort of the part :
a. 18 to 20 age group = No of voters in 18-20 age groupX 100
i. Total no of voters in the Part
b. 21 to 29 age group = No of voters in 21-29 age groupX 100
i. Total no of voters in the Part

c. 30 to 35, etc., etc.


1. House No.
2. Name:
3. Name of the head of the family.
4. EPIC No.
5. Whether voter in the same part : Y/N
6. If not give part where he/she registered as voter.
7. Designation in Government.
8. Serving or Retired.
9. Temporary or Permanent.
10. Class - I, II, III or IV.
11. Residing in the part since when :




(For an elector of 25+ age group seeking registration in a new place on change of
residence but without an EPIC having been issued earlier)

I,………………………… Son/Daughter/Wife of ………………… R/o………………...

………………………………….., declare as under: -

1. I have applied for registration in the electoral roll of. …………………Constituency on

change of my residence.

(for persons seeking registration in a new place on change of residence)


I have applied for registration in the electoral roll of ………………… constituency, as my

name does not figure in any electoral roll.

(for persons of 25 years or more seeking registration in the same place)

2. I have not been issued any EPIC at any time in the past in any constituency.

Signature of Applicant



* (Making false declaration in matters related to preparation/revision of electoral roll is an

offence punishable under Section 31 of the Representation of the People Act, 1951, and also
under the provisions of the Indian Penal Code.)




Checklist for Evaluation and Monitoring of the work of BLOs

Sl. Item Remarks


1 Date of receipt of letter of appointment as BLO?

2 Whether training imparted from the end of ERO and duties

and responsibilities of BLO explained? If so, please
mention date on which the training was imparted.

Post-revision period

3 Whether relevant part(s) of the current Electoral Roll

received along with all supplements by the BLO?

4 Whether the electoral roll part(s) including cover page(s)

thoroughly scrutinized by the BLO to find out defects; if

5 Whether part-wise register is opened by BLO for recording

such defects, other inputs obtained during field verification
& corresponding field observations and all other activities?

6 Whether the BLO interacts with the local electors,

particularly, the elders, elected representatives and
political party functionaries on quarterly basis to find out
dead and shifted electors, eligible electors not yet enrolled
and any other defects?

7 Whether the BLO has checked the roll to ensure that

names of prominent personalities of the locality exist in the
roll? If not, whether the same has been reported to the

8 Whether a letter box is placed (with the prior approval of

ERO) at the place of posting of BLO or at some other
office/institution, convenient for the electors to receive
information/complaints/suggestions and whether the same
has been communicated to the local elected and political
representatives? If so, please mention the location.

9 What are the steps taken by the BLO to inform the electors
about Permanent EPIC centre and the procedure to obtain
duplicate EPIC?


10 Whether details of additions/corrections/deletions made

during continuous revision process are collected from ERO
on quarterly basis?

11 Whether local Birth & Death Registration Office visited by

the BLO on quarterly basis during post revision period and
probable dead electors identified checking their death

12 Whether field enquiry conducted by the BLO on quarterly

basis during post revision period to detect dead and
shifted electors and verify information received from
various sources in this regard as well as in regard to
defects of the electoral roll?

13 Whether field enquiry reports in relation to sl. No. 12

submitted in the format prescribed by the ERO? Also
mention date(s) of submission of reports.

14 Whether notice for hearing into such enquiry reports

served in time?

Pre-revision period

15 Whether defects related to particulars of cover page, i.e.,

polling area, section details, Polling Station address, etc.?
If so, whether report submitted to ERO after interacting
with local people and field verification?

16 Whether rationalization of polling area is felt necessary? If

so, whether report submitted to ERO after interacting with
local people and field verification?

17 Whether de-duplication, validation reports (related to E-roll

Clean Software), list of Non-EPIC Electors, etc., reports
received from ERO? Please mention date.

18 Whether field enquiry conducted to verify the aforesaid


19 Whether enquiry reports related to Sl. No. 18 submitted in

the format prescribed by ERO? Also mention date(s) of
submission of reports.

20 What are the initiatives taken to inform public in general

about the revision program?


During revision

21 What are the steps taken to guide people for filing claims
and objections?

22 Whether meeting of Gram Sansad /Ward/ Booth or the like

organized in connection with revision of electoral roll
attended by the BLO?

23 Whether Form 6, 6A , 7, 8, 8A received by the Designated

Officers during revision period handed over to the BLO by
the ERO for field enquiry? Please mention date and
number of forms received.

24 Whether field enquiry held into such Form 6, 6A , 7, 8, 8A

and enquiry report prepared in the format prescribed by
the ERO?

25 Whether enquiry report noted in Sl. No. 25 submitted?

Please mention date.

During EPIC Campaign

26 Whether houses of Non-EPIC electors visited to inform the

electors about date, time and venue of photo-taking

27 Whether the notice as fixed by the Election Commission

served on the electors likely to be photographed? Mention
the number of notices served.

28 Whether the BLO remained present at the photo-taking

venue on the day of photo taking to assist electors?

29 Please mention the number of EPICs received from ERO

for distribution and number of EPICs delivered at elector’s

30 Whether EPICs issued previously been taken back from

those electors possessing EPIC who were photographed
again on account of their image being absent/wrong in the

31 Whether Signature/LTI of elector obtained as an

acknowledgement of receipt of the EPIC?

32 Date(s) of verification of the register as mentioned at Sl.

no. 5 by the authorized representative of ERO.


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