Chapter 8 - Heaps
Chapter 8 - Heaps
Chapter 8 - Heaps
Heap Applications:
Select Algorithm
Priority Queues
Heap sort
Properties of Binary Heaps
Structure property of heaps:
• A complete or nearly complete binary tree.
• If the height is h, the number of nodes n is between
2h-1 and (2h -1)
• Complete tree: n = 2h -1 when last level is full.
• Nearly complete: All nodes in the last level are on the left.
• h = |log2 n| + 1
• Can be represented in an array and no pointers are necessary.
Properties of Binary Heaps
Key value order of max-heap:
Basic heap algorithms
ReheapUp: repairs a "broken" heap by floating the last
element up the tree until it is in its correct location.
Basic heap algorithms
ReheapDown: repairs a "broken" heap by pushing the root of
the subtree down until it is in its correct location.
Contiguous Implementation of Heaps
data <Array of <DataType> >
count <int> //number of elements in heap
End Heap
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
A B C D E F G |(i-1)/2|
2i+1 2i+2
Algorithm ReheapUp (val position <int>)
Reestablishes heap by moving data in position up to its correct location.
Pre All data in the heap above this position satisfy key value order of a heap,
except the data in position.
Post Data in position has been moved up to its correct location.
Uses Recursive function ReheapUp.
1. if (position <> 0) // the parent of position exists.
1. parent = (position-1)/2
2. if (data[position].key > data[parent].key)
1. swap(position, parent) // swap data at position with data at parent.
2. ReheapUp(parent)
2. return
End ReheapUp
Algorithm ReheapDown (val position <int>, val lastPosition <int>)
Reestablishes heap by moving data in position down to its correct location.
Pre All data in the subtree of position satisfy key value order of a heap, except the
data in position.
Post Data in position has been moved down to its correct location.
Uses Recursive function ReheapDown.
1. leftChild = position *2 + 1
2. rightChild = position *2 + 2
3. if ( leftChild <= lastPosition ) // the left child of position exists.
1. if ( rightChild <= lastPosition) AND ( data[rightChild].key > data[leftChild].key )
1. child = rightChild
2. else
1. child = leftChild // choose larger child to compare with data in position
3. if ( data[child].key > data[position].key )
1. swap(child, position) // swap data at position with data at child.
2. ReheapDown(child, lastPosition)
4. return
Insert new element into min-heap
Insert 14:
The new element is put to the last position, and ReheapUp is called for
that position. 11
<ErrorCode> InsertHeap (val DataIn <DataType>) // Recursive version.
Inserts new data into the min-heap.
Post DataIn has been inserted into the heap and the heap order property
is maintained.
Return overflow or success
Uses recursive function ReheapUp.
1. if (heap is full)
1. return overflow
2. else
1. data[count ] = DataIn
2. ReheapUp(count )
3. count = count + 1
4. return success
End InsertHeap
<ErrorCode> InsertHeap (val DataIn <DataType>) // Iterative version
Inserts new data into the min-heap.
Post DataIn has been inserted into the heap and the heap order property
is maintained.
Return overflow or success
1. if (heap is full)
1. return overflow
2. else
1. current_position = count - 1
2. loop (the parent of the element at the current_position is exists) AND
(parent.key > DataIn .key)
1. data[current_position] = parent
2. current_position = position of parent
3. data[current_position] = DataIn
4. count = count + 1
5. return success
End InsertHeap 13
Delete minimum element from min-heap
The element in the last position is put to the position of the root, and
ReheapDown is called for that position. 14
Delete minimum element from min-heap
The element in the last position is put to the position of the root, and
ReheapDown is called for that position. 15
<ErrorCode> DeleteHeap (ref MinData <DataType>) // Recursive version
Removes the minimum element from the min-heap.
Post MinData receives the minimum data in the heap and this data
has been removed. The heap has been rearranged.
Return underflow or success
Uses recursive function ReheapDown.
1. if (heap is empty)
1. return underflow
2. else
1. MinData = Data[0]
2. Data[0] = Data[count -1]
3. count = count - 1
4. ReheapDown(0, count -1)
5. return success
End DeleteHeap
<ErrorCode> DeleteHeap (ref MinData <DataType>) // Iterative version
Removes the minimum element from the min-heap.
Post MinData receives the minimum data in the heap and this data
has been removed. The heap has been rearranged.
Return underflow or success
1. if (heap is empty)
1. return underflow
2. else
1. MinData = Data[0]
2. lastElement = Data[count – 1] // The number of elements in the
// heap is decreased so the last
// element must be moved
// somewhere in the heap.
// DeleteHeap(cont.) // Iterative version
3. current_position = 0
4. continue = TRUE
5. loop (the element at the current_position has children) AND
(continue = TRUE)
1. Let child is the smaller of two children
2. if (lastElement.key > child.key )
1. Data[current_position] = child
2. current_position = current_position of child
3. else
1. continue = FALSE
6. Data[current_position] = lastElement
7. count = count - 1
8. return success
End DeleteHeap
Build heap
<ErrorCode> BuildHeap (val listOfData <List>)
Builds a heap from data from listOfData.
Pre listOfData contains data need to be inserted into an empty heap.
Post Heap has been built.
Return overflow or success
Uses Recursive function ReheapUp.
1. count = 0
2. loop (heap is not full) AND (more data in listOfData)
1. listOfData.Retrieve(count, newData)
2. data[count] = newData
3. ReheapUp( count)
4. count = count + 1
3. if (count < listOfData.Size() )
1. return overflow
4. else
1. return success
End BuildHeap 19
Build heap
Algorithm BuildHeap2 ()
Builds a heap from an array of random data.
Pre Array of count random data.
Post Array of data becames a heap.
Uses Recursive function ReheapDown.
1. position = count / 2 -1
2. loop (position >=0)
1. ReheapDown(position, count-1)
2. position = position - 1
3. return
End BuildHeap2
Complexity of Binary Heap Operations
d-heap is a simple generalization of a binary heap.
Select Algorithms.
Priority Queues.
Heap sort (we will see in the Sorting Chapter).
Select Algorithms
Determine the kth largest element in an unsorted list
Algorithm 1a:
• Read the elements into an array, sort them.
• Return the appropriate element.
Select Algorithms
Determine the kth largest element in an unsorted list
Algorithm 1b:
• Read k elements into an array, sort them.
• The smallest of these is in the kth position.
• Process the remaining elements one by one.
• Compare the coming element with the kth element in
the array.
• If the coming element is large, the kth element is
removed, the new element is placed in the correct
The running time is O(n2) 25
Select Algorithms
Determine the kth largest element in an unsorted list
Algorithm 2a:
• Build a max-heap.
• Detele k-1 elements from the heap.
• The desired element will be at the top.
Select Algorithms
Determine the kth largest element in an unsorted list
Algorithm 2b:
• Build a min-heap of k elements.
• Process the remaining elements one by one.
• Compare the coming element with the minimum
element in the heap (the element on the root of heap).
• If the coming element is large, the minimum element is
removed, the new element is placed in the correct place
The running time is O(nlog2n)
Priority Queue ADT
• Jobs are generally placed on a queue to wait for the services.
• Otherwise, some jobs are still very important and should also have
Priority Queue ADT
• Each element has a priority to be dequeued.
• Minimum value of key has highest priority order.
Specifications for Priority Queue ADT
<ErrorCode> InsertElement (val DataIn <DataType>)
<ErrorCode> DeleteMin (ref MinData <DataType>)
<ErrorCode> RetrieveMin (ref MinData <DataType>)
<ErrorCode> RetrieveMax (ref MaxData <DataType>)
<ErrorCode> IncreasePriority (val position <int>,
val PriorityDelta <KeyType>)
<ErrorCode> DecreasePriority (val position <int>,
val PriorityDelta <KeyType>)
<ErrorCode> DeleteElement (val position <int>,
ref DataOut <DataType>)
<bool> isEmpty()
<bool> isFull()
<void> clear() 31
Implementations of Priority Queue
Use linked list:
Simple linked list:
• Insertion performs at the front, requires O(1).
• DeleteMin requires O(n) for searching of the minimum data.
Sorted linked list:
• Insertion requires O(n) for searching of the appropriate
• DeleteMin requires O(1).
Implementations of Priority Queue
Use BST:
• Insertion requires O(log2 n).
• DeleteMin requires O(log2 n).
• But DeleteMin , repeatedly removing node in the left subtree,
seem to hurt balance of the tree.
Implementations of Priority Queue
Use min-heap:
• Insertion requires O(log2 n).
• DeleteMin requires O(log2 n).
Insert and Remove element into/from
priority queue
<ErrorCode> InsertElement (val DataIn <DataType>):
InsertHeap Algorithm
Retrieve minimum element in priority queue
<ErrorCode> RetrieveMin (ref MinData <DataType>)
Retrieves the minimum element in the heap.
Post MinData receives the minimum data in the heap and the heap
remains unchanged.
Return underflow or success
1. if (heap is empty)
1. return underflow
2. else
1. MinData = Data[0]
2. return success
End RetrieveMin 36
Retrieve maximum element in priority queue
<ErrorCode> RetrieveMax (ref MaxData <DataType>)
Retrieves the maximum element in the heap.
Post MaxData receives the maximum data in the heap and the heap
remains unchanged.
Return underflow or success
1. if (heap is empty)
1. return underflow
2. else
1. Sequential search the maximum data in the right half elements
of the heap (the leaves of the heap). The first leaf is at the
position count/2.
2. return success
End RetrieveMax 37
Change the priority of an element in
priority queue
<ErrorCode> IncreasePriority (val position <int>,
val PriorityDelta <KeyType>)
Increases priority of an element in the heap.
Post Element at position has its priority increased by PriorityDelta
and has been moved to correct position.
Return rangeError or success
Uses ReheapDown.
Change the priority of an element in
priority queue
<ErrorCode> DecreasePriority (val position <int>,
val PriorityDelta <KeyType>)
Decreases priority of an element in the heap.
Post Element at position has its priority decreased by PriorityDelta
and has been moved to correct position.
Return rangeError or success
Uses ReheapUp.
Remove an element out of priority queue
<ErrorCode> DeleteElement (val position <int>,
ref DataOut <DataType>)
Removes an element out of the min-heap.
Post DataOut contains data in the element at position, this element
has been removed. The heap has been rearranged.
Return rangeError or success
1. if (position>=count ) OR (position <0)
1. return rangeError
2. else
1. DataOut = Data[position]
2. DecreasePriority(position, VERY_LARGE_VALUE),
3. DeleteMin(MinData)
4. return success
End DeleteElement 40
Advanced implementations of heaps
Advanced implementations of heaps: use of pointers
Leftist heap
Skew heap
Binomial queues