3.8 Hazard Communication

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Hazard Communication

Employee Right
Right to
to Know”
29 CFR
CFR 1910.1200


The employee has the right to know the hazards of any

chemical they work with. This requirement is met through
training, Safety Data Sheets, labels and placards, and other
scources of information.
Chemicals in the Workplace
Basic Goal of the Standard
Employers & Employees Know
about Chemical Work Hazards
& How to Protect Themselves
• When employer makes any
changes in SDS
• they become responsible
• Computer based
management info. systems


If the employer makes any changes to the SDS he/she may

become responsible for the entire content of the SDS. This is
not proactical because you cannot afford all of the laboratory
testing required for all of your chemicals to prove your SDS
is correct.
Responsibility for Hazard Info

• Manufacturers/Importers:
• determine hazards
• responsible for quality of hazard
• Manufacturers/Importers and
• communicate hazard
information to customer


Chemicals in the Workplace
Basic Goal of the Standard
Employers & Employees Know
about Chemical Work Hazards
& How to Protect Themselves


General Requirements
• Manufacturers/Importers
Convey Information by
• Labels on Containers


Make sure your employees understand the labels on containers.
Employer Responsibility
• Identify, List Hazardous
Chemicals in Workplace
• Obtain SDS's & Labels
• Written HAZCOM Program
• Provide Info. to Employees
• Hazard Evaluation - SDS


Training Chemistry/Toxicology
• Employees must have the
knowledge necessary
• to understand all sources of
hazard information available to


Emergency Information
• Safety Data Sheets
• Manufacturer's
Product Labels
• Warning Labels
• Chemtrec
• Shipping Papers


The HAZCOM standard covers more than just SDSs. It covers

all available sources of emergency information.
Written HAZCOM


Written HAZCOM Program
°Provisions for Labeling
² Training Program
³ List of Hazardous Chemicals in
Work Area


These are the basic requirements for the HAZCOM program.
As you can see from the first item, you have the responsibility
for determining what your in-house labeling system is going
to be.
Written HAZCOM Program
´Means to Inform Workers
• Hazards of Non-Routine Tasks
• Hazards Associated with
Chemicals in
Unlabeled Pipes


Besides providing SDSs for the routine chemicals in your

facility, you must provide hazard information on non-routine
tasks that employees may have to perform. You must also
provide information on the hazards associated with chemicals
in unlabeled pipes.
Written HAZCOM Program
µAvailable to:
• Employees
• Their Designated


Emergency Information

The Employee Must Have the

Knowledge of Chemistry &
Toxicology Necessary to
Understand All Forms of
Emergency Information Available
to Him/Her


Remember the chemical terms and concepts portion of this class?
and Warnings


Internal Labeling Systems


Since you must determine and document what your in-house
labeling system is going to be, we will discuss three types of
labeling systems that may be used in your facility. The HMIG(S)
stands for the Hazardous Materials Information Guide or
Hazardous Materials Information System. The NFPA system is the
system developed by the National Fire Protection Association. The
HMIG(S) and the NFPA systems are the most widely used in-
house labeling systems. The DOT system (US Department of
Transportation) is the system that is used by all materials while they
are being transported. Since they are already on the materials you
receive, by default, they will become your in-house labeling system if
you do not choose another one.
HAZMAT Information Guide



The Hazardous Materials Information Guide consists of a label with
four colored rectangles three of which contain numbers. The white
rectangle sometimes is used to indicate required PPE and it is
sometimes used to warn of special hazards.
The blue rectangle indicates health hazard with a number of zero
through four. Zero would represent little or no hazard while four
would represent an extreme hazard. The red rectangle represents
flammability and also includes a number as explained above. The
yellow rectangle represents reactivity and also includes a number
as explained above. The white rectangle may contain small
pictures of required PPE or it may contain a number that relates to
a chart in order to indicate required PPE.
NFPA 704 Labeling System
• Blue
health hazard 2
• Red
fire hazard 3 1
• Yellow
reactivity W
• White
special hazards


The National Fire Protection Association system is virtually the same as the
HMIG. The primary difference is the diamond shape. The white diamond is
sometimes used to indicate PPE and sometimes used to indicate special
hazards. The indicator above shows the material is reactive with water. The
numbers in this system are zero to four and mean the same thing as the
HMIG. These are the two most widely used in-house labeling systems.
Many manufacturers use one of these systems on their product labels.
Because the two systems are so similar and because either one may already
appear on your product labels many employers adopt both systems as their in-
house labeling systems. You simply train the employees in both and list both in
your HAZCOM program. This way you don’t have to relabel something that
already has one of these labels on it.
DOT Labeling System
• Color Coded
• Graphic Symbols
• Hazard
• Hazard Class & Division #


It is more difficult to teach your employees the DOT labeling system
than it is to teach them both of the other systems.


HAZMAT Marking

Proper DOT Shipping Name


DOT ID Number 1861


In addition to DOT labels, there is a DOT marking system which
provides the proper DOT shipping name and the DOT ID number.

Hazardous waste labels are another
form of hazard information.

Exemptions/Exceptions to Employer
• Not Required to Label Portable
Containers if
• Contents Transferred from
Labeled Containers
• Intended for Immediate Use of
Transferring Employee


This exception to labeling HAZMATs is best unused. It allows an
employee to transfer a hazardous chemical into an unlabeled
container as long as he or she then uses it all. The employee can’t
put the container down and walk away from it to go to the bathroom
or anything else. It offers an unnecessary risk so it is better to
always label every hazmat container.
Safety Data


SDS Must Include
Specific Chemical Identity
Common Names
Acute and Chronic Effects
Exposure Limits
Whether Carcinogen
Precautionary Measures
Emergency & 1st Aid
Preparer of SDS


Exemptions/Exceptions to Providing

•• Not
Not Required
Required ifif
•• Household
Household Quantity
•• Household
Household Use
the Windex
Windex case


The HAZCOM standard says that you do not have to provide an

SDS for materials that you purchase and use in household quantities.
In the Windex case, a worker was seen by an OSHA compliance
officer washing windows. The compliance officer asked for an SDS
and was told they did not have one. They claimed the household
quantity and use exception. Since they only had two bottles of Windex
on site, they met the household quantity requirement. The compliance
officer cited the company saying that washing all of the windows in this
commercial building is not household use. Again, you are better off
to ignore the exception.
• Trade Secrets
• Medical Emergency Disclosure
• Non-emergency Medical

Manufacturers, importers and distributors of HAZMATs are allowed
to leave important information off of an SDS if they consider it a
trade secret. For this reason you can never trust any SDS as a final
source of information. The HAZCOM standard requires this
information to be released to medical personnel in an emergency.
• Copies of SDS's Must be
Readily Accessible to
• List of Hazardous Chemicals


• Not a Final Source of Information -
Rule of thumb; 3 sources
• Incomplete Information

• ANSI Standard Format

(16 Sections)



1. Chemicals in the workplace

1. About 32 million workers are potentially exposed to one or more chemical

hazards. There are an estimated 575,000 existing chemical products, and
hundreds of new ones being introduced annually.

2. Chemical exposure may cause or contribute to many serious health effects

such as heart ailments, kidney and lung damage, sterility, cancer, burns,
and rashes. Some chemicals may also be safety hazards and have the
potential to cause fires and explosions and other serious accidents.

3. The basic goal of the standard is to be sure employers and employees

know about work hazards and how to protect themselves; this should help
to reduce the incidence of chemical source illness and injuries.

4. The Hazard Communication Standard establishes uniform requirements to

make sure than the hazards of all chemicals imported into, produced, or
used in U.S. workplaces are evaluated, and that this hazard information is
transmitted to affected employers and exposed employees.

5. Chemical manufacturers and importers must convey the hazard

information they learn from their evaluations to downstream employers by
means of labels on containers and safety data sheets (SDS's). In addition,
all covered employers must have a hazard communication program to get
this information to their employees through labels on containers, SDS's
and training.

6. This program ensures that all employers receive the information they need
to inform and train their employees properly and to design and put in place
employee protection programs. It also provides necessary hazard
information to employees, so they can participate in, and support, the
protective measures in place at their workplaces.

7. The Hazard Communication standard, is different from other OSHA

health rules as it covers all hazardous chemicals. The rule also
incorporates a "downstream flow of information," which means that
producers of chemicals have the primary responsibility for generating and
disseminating information, while users of chemicals must obtain the
information and transmit it to their own employees.

1. Chemical Manufacturers/Importers: Determine the hazards of

each product.

2. Chemical Manufacturers/Importers/Distributors:
Communicate the hazard information and associated measures
downstream to customers through labels and SDS's.

3. Employers: Identify and list hazardous chemicals in their

workplaces; obtain SDS's and labels for each hazardous chemical;
develop and implement a written hazard communication program,
including labels, SDS's, and employee training, based on the list of
chemicals, SDS's and label information; communicate hazard
information to their employees through labels, SDS's and formal
training programs.

2. Hazard Evaluation

1. The quality of the hazard communication program depends on the

adequacy and accuracy of the hazard assessment. Chemical
manufacturers and importers are required to review available scientific
evidence concerning the hazards of the chemicals they produce or import,
and to report the information they find to their employees and to
employers who distribute or use their products. Downstream employers
can rely on the evaluations performed by the chemical manufactures or
importers to establish the hazards of the chemicals they use.

2. The chemical manufacturers, importers, and any employers who choose to

evaluate hazards are responsible for the quality of the hazard
determinations they perform. Each chemical must be evaluated for its
potential to cause adverse health effects and its potential to pose physical
hazards such as flammability. (Definitions of hazards covered are
included in the standard). Chemicals that are listed in one of the following
sources are to be considered hazardous in all cases:

1. 29 CFR 1910, Subpart Z, Toxic and Hazardous Substances,

Occupational Safety and Health Administration, (OSHA)

2. Threshold Limit Values for Chemical Substances and Physical

Agents in the Work Environment, American Conference of
Governmental Industrial Hygienists (ACGIH).

3. In addition, chemicals that have been evaluated and found to be a suspect

or confirmed carcinogen in the following sources must be reported as

1. National Toxicology Program (NTP), Annual Report on


2. International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC),


3. Regulated by OSHA as a carcinogen

3. Written Hazard Communication Program

1. Employers must develop, implement, and maintain at the workplace a

written, comprehensive hazard communication program that includes
provisions for container labeling, collection and availability or safety data
sheets, and an employee training program. It also must contain a list of the
hazardous chemical in each work area, the means the employer will use to
inform employees of the hazards of non-routine tasks, and the hazards
associated with chemicals in unlabeled pipes.

2. The written program must be available to employees, their designated

representatives, the Assistant Secretary of Labor for Occupational Safety
and Health, and the Director of the National Institute for Occupational
Safety and Health (NIOSH).

4. Labels and Others Forms of Warning

1. Chemical manufactures, importers, and distributors must be sure that

containers of hazardous chemicals leaving the workplace are labeled,
tagged or marked with the identity, appropriate hazard warnings, and the
name and address of the manufacturer or other responsible party.

2. In the workplace, each container must be labeled, tagged or marked with

the identity of hazardous chemicals contained therein, and must show
hazard warnings appropriate for employee protection. The hazard
warning can be any type of message, words, pictures, or symbols that
convey the hazards of the chemical(s) in the container. Labels must be
legible, in English (plus other languages, if desired), and prominently

3. Employers can post signs or placards that convey the hazard information if
there are a number of stationary containers within a work area that have
similar contents and hazards.

4. Employers can substitute various types of standard operating procedures,

process sheets, batch tickets, blend tickets, and similar written materials
for container labels on stationary process equipment if they contain the
same information and are readily available to employees in the work area.
5. Employers are not required to label portable containers into which
hazardous chemicals are transferred from labeled containers and that are
intended only for the immediate use of the employee who makes the

6. Employers are not required to label pipes or piping systems.

5. Safety Data Sheets

1. Chemical manufacturers and importers must develop an SDS for each

hazardous chemical they produce or import, and must provide the SDS
automatically at the time of the initial shipment of a hazardous chemical to
a downstream distributor or user. Distributors must also ensure that
downstream employers are similarly provided an SDS.

2. Each SDS must be in English and include information regarding the

specific chemical identity of the hazardous chemical(s) involved and the
common names. In addition, information must be provided on the
physical and chemical characteristics of the hazardous chemical; known
acute and chronic health effects and related health information; exposure
limits; whether the chemical is considered to be a carcinogen by NTP,
IARC, or OSHA; precautionary measures; emergency and first-aid
procedures; and the identification of the organization responsible for
preparing the sheet.

3. Copies of the SDS for hazardous chemicals in a given work site are to be
readily accessible to employees in that area. As a source of detailed
information on hazards, they must be located close to workers, and readily
available to them during each workshift.

6. List of Hazardous Chemicals

1. Employers must prepare a list of all hazardous chemicals in the

workplace. When the list is complete, it should be checked against the
collected SDS's that the employer has been sent. If there are hazardous
chemicals used for which no SDS has been received, the employer must
write to the supplier, manufacturer, or importer to obtain the missing SDS.

7. Employee Information and Training

1. Employers must establish a training and information program for

employees exposed to hazardous chemicals in their work area at the time
of initial assignment and whenever a new hazard is introduced into their
work area.

2. Information - At a minimum, the discussion topics must include the


1. The existence of the hazard communication standard and the

requirements of the standard.

2. The components of the hazard communication program in the

employee's workplaces.

3. Operations in work areas where hazardous chemicals are present.

4. Where the employer will keep the written hazard evaluation

procedures, communications program, lists of hazardous
chemicals, and the required SDS forms.

3. Training - The employee training plan must consist of the following


1. How the hazard communication program is implemented in that

workplace, how to read and interpret information on labels and the
SDS, and how employees can obtain and use the available hazard

2. The hazards of the chemicals in the work area. (The hazards may
be discussed by individual chemical or by hazard categories such
as flammability.)

3. Measures employees can take to protect themselves from the


4. Specific procedures put into effect by the employer to provide

protection such as engineering controls, work practices, and the
use of personal protective equipment (PPE).

5. Methods and observations--such as visual appearance or smell--

workers can use to detect the presence of a hazardous chemical to
which they may be exposed.
8. Trade Secrets

1. A "trade secret" is something that gives an employer an opportunity to

obtain an advantage over competitors who do not know about the trade
secret or who do not use it.
1. May be a confidential device, pattern, information, or chemical
make-up. Chemical industry trade secrets are generally formulas,
process data, or a "specific chemical identity." The latter is the
type of trade secret information referred to in the hazard
communication standard. The term includes the chemical name,
the Chemical Abstracts Services (CAS) Registry Number, or any
other specific information that reveals the precise designation. It
does not include common names.

2. The standard strikes a balance between the need to protect exposed

employees and the employer's need to maintain the confidentiality of a
bona fide trade secret. This is achieved by providing for limited
disclosure--to health professionals who are furnishing medical or other
occupational health services to exposed employees, employees and their
designated representatives, under specified conditions of need and

9. Medical Emergency

1. The chemical manufacturer, importer, or employer must immediately

disclose the specific chemical identity of a hazardous chemical to a
treating physician or nurse when the information is needed for proper
emergency or first-aid treatment. As soon as circumstances permit, the
chemical manufacturer, importer, or employer may obtain a written
statement of need and a confidentiality agreement.

2. Under the contingency described here, the treating physician or nurse has
the ultimate responsibility for determining that a medical emergency
exists. At the time of the emergency, the professional judgement of the
physician or nurse regarding the situation must form the basis for
triggering the immediate disclosure requirement. Because the chemical
manufacturer, importer, or employer can demand a written statement of
need and a confidentiality agreement to be completed after the emergency
is abated, further disclosure of the trade secret can be effectively

10. Non-emergency Situation

1. In non-emergency situations, chemical manufacturers, importers, or

employers must disclose the withheld specific chemical identity to health
professionals providing medical or other occupational health services to
exposed employees, and to employees and their designated
representatives, if certain conditions are met. In this context, "health
professionals" include physicians, occupational health nurses, industrial
hygienists, toxicologists, or empdemiologists.

2. The request for information must be in writing and must describe with
reasonable detail the medical or occupational health need for the
information. The request will be considered if the information will be
used for one or more of the following activities:

1. To assess the hazards of the chemicals to which employees will be


2. To conduct or assess sampling of the workplace atmosphere to

determine employee exposure levels.

3. To conduct pre-assignment or periodic medical surveillance of

exposed employees.

4. To provide medical treatment to exposed employees.

5. To select or assess appropriate personal protective equipment for

exposed employees.

6. To design or assess engineering controls or other protective

measures for exposed employees.

7. To conduct studies to determine the health effects of exposure.

3. The health professional, employee or designated representative must also

specify why alternative information is insufficient. The request for
information must explain in detail why disclosure of the specific chemical
identity is essential, and include the procedures to be used to protect the
confidentiality of the information. It must include an agreement not to use
the information for any purpose other than the health need stated or to
release it under any circumstances, except to OSHA.

4. The standard further describes in detail the steps that will be followed in
the event that an employer decides not to disclose the specific chemical
identity requested by the health professional, employee, or designated


1. Introduction

1. The Hazard Communication Standard (HCS) is based on a simple concept

- that employees have both a need and a right to know the hazards and
identities of the chemicals they are exposed to when working. They also
need to know what protective measures are available to prevent adverse
effects from occurring.

2. Knowledge acquired under the HCS will help employers provide safer
workplaces for their employees.

3. Employers who simply use chemicals, rather than produce or import them,
are not required to evaluate the hazards of those chemicals. Hazard
determination is the responsibility of the producers and importers of the
materials. Producers and importers of chemicals are then required to
provide the hazard information to employers that purchase their products.

4. Employers that don't produce or import chemicals need only focus on

those parts of the rule that deal with establishing a workplace program and
communicating information to their workers. This lesson provides a
general guide for such employers to help them determine what's required
under the rule. It does not supplant or substitute for the regulatory
provisions, but rather provides a simplified outline of the steps an average
employer would follow to meet those requirements.

2. Becoming Familiar with the Rule

1. If you are operating in an OSHA-approved State Plan State, you must

comply with the State's requirements, which may be different than those
of the Federal rule. Many of the State Plan States had hazard
communication or "right-to-know" laws prior to promulgation of the
Federal rule. Employers in State Plan States should contact their State
OSHA offices for more information regarding applicable requirements.

2. The HCS requires information to be prepared and transmitted regarding all

hazardous chemicals. The HCS covers both physical hazards (such as
flammability), and health hazards (such as irritation, lung damage, and

3. Performance-oriented means that you have the flexibility to adapt the rule
to the needs of your workplace, rather than having to follow specific, rigid
requirements. It also means that you have to exercise more judgement to
implement an appropriate and effective program.

4. Chemical manufacturers and importers must evaluate the hazards of the

chemicals they produce or import. Using that information, they must then
prepare labels for containers, and more detailed technical bulletins called
safety data sheets (SDS).

5. Chemical manufacturers, importers, and distributors of hazardous
chemicals are all required to provide the appropriate labels and safety data
sheets to the employers to whom they ship the chemicals. The information
is to be provided automatically. Every container of hazardous chemicals
you receive must be labeled, tagged or marked with the required
information. Your suppliers must also send you a properly completed
safety data sheet (SDS) at the time of the first shipment of the chemical,
and with the next shipment after the SDS is updated with new and
significant information about the hazards.

6. Ensure the information is provided to exposed employees. "Use" means to

package, handle, react, or transfer. This is an intentionally broad scope,
and includes any situation where a chemical is present in such a way that
employees may be exposed under normal conditions of use or in a
foreseeable emergency.

7. The requirements of the rule that deal specifically with the hazard
communication program are found in the standard in paragraphs (e),
written hazard communication programs; (f), labels and other forms of
warning; (g), safety data sheets; and (h), employee information and
training. The requirements of these paragraphs should be the focus of your
attention. Concentrate on becoming familiar with them, using paragraphs
(b), scope and application, and (c), definitions, as references when needed
to help explain the provisions.

8. There are two types of work operations where the coverage of the rule is
limited. These are laboratories and operations where chemicals are only
handled in sealed containers (e.g., a warehouse). The limited provisions
for these workplaces can be found in paragraph (b), scope and application.
Basically, employers having these types of work operations need only keep
labels on containers as they are received; maintain safety data sheets that
are received, and give employees access to them; and provide information
and training for employees. Employers do not have to have written hazard
communication programs and lists of chemicals for these types of

9. The limited coverage of laboratories and sealed container operations

addresses the obligation of an employer to the workers in the operations
involved, and does not affect the employer's duties as a distributor of
chemicals. For example, a distributor may have warehouse operations
where employees would be protected under the limited sealed container
provisions. In this situation, requirements for obtaining and maintaining
SDSs are limited to providing access to those received with containers
while the substance is in the workplace, and requesting SDSs when
employees request access for those not received with the containers.
However, as a distributor of hazardous chemicals, that employer will
still have responsibilities for providing SDSs is updated. Therefore,
although they may not be required for the employees in the work
operation, the distributor may, nevertheless, have to have SDSs to satisfy
other requirements of the rule.

3. Identify Responsible Staff

1. Compliance with the HCS is not a "one shot deal." In order to have a
successful program, it will be necessary to assign responsibility for both
the initial and ongoing activities that have to be undertaken to comply
with the rule. Early identification of the responsible employees, and
involvement of them in the development of your plan of action, will result
in a more effective program design. Evaluation of the effectiveness of
your program will also be enhanced by involvement of affected

2. Success depends on commitment at every level of the organization.

4. Identify Hazardous Chemicals in the Workplace

1. The standard requires a list of hazardous chemicals in the workplace as

part of the written hazard communication program. The list will
eventually serve as an inventory of everything for which an SDS must
be maintained.

2. Survey the workplace. Purchasing records may also help, and certainly
employers should establish procedures to ensure than in the future
purchasing procedures result in SDSs being received before a material is
used in the workplace.

3. The broadest possible perspective should be taken when doing the survey.
Sometimes people think of "chemicals" as being only liquids in
containers. The HCS covers chemicals in all physical forms - liquids,
solids, gases, vapors, fumes and mists - whether they are "contained" or
not. The hazardous nature of the chemical and the potential for exposure
are the factors which determine whether a chemical is covered. If it's not
hazardous, it's not covered. If there is no potential for exposure (e.g., the
chemical is inextricably bound and cannot be released), the rule does not
cover the chemical.

4. Look around. Identify chemicals in containers, including pipes, but also

think about chemicals generated in the work operations. For example,
welding fumes, dusts, and exhaust fumes are all sources of chemical
exposures. Read labels provided by the suppliers for hazard information.
Make a list of all chemicals in the workplace that are potentially
hazardous. For your own information and planning, you may also want to
note on the list the location(s) of the products within the workplace, and
an indication of the hazards as found on the label. This will help you as
you prepare the rest of your program.

5. Paragraph (b), scope and application, includes exemptions for various

chemicals or workplace situations. After compiling the complete list of
chemicals, you should review paragraph (b) to determine if any of the
items can be eliminated from the list because they are exempted materials.

6. The next step is to determine if you have received safety data sheets for
all of them. Check your files against the inventory you have just
compiled. If any are missing, contact your supplier and request one. It is
a good idea to document these requests, either by copy of a letter or a note
regarding telephone conversations.

7. You should not allow employees to use any chemicals for which you have
not received an SDS. The SDS provides information you need to ensure
proper protective measures are implemented prior to exposure.

5. Preparing and Implementing a Hazard Communication Program

1. All workplaces where employees are exposed to hazardous chemicals

must have a written plan which describes how the standard will be
implemented in that facility. Preparation of a plan is not just a paper
exercise - all of the elements must be implemented in the workplace in
order to be in compliance with the rule. See paragraph (e) of the standard
for the specific requirements regarding written hazard communication
programs. The only work operations which do not have to comply with
the written plan requirements are laboratories and work operations where
employees only handle chemicals in sealed containers. See paragraph (b),
scope and application, for the specific requirements for these two types of

2. The plan does not have to be lengthy or complicated. It is intended to be a

blueprint for implementation of your program - an assurance that all
aspects of the requirements have been addressed.

3. Many trade associations and other professional groups have provided

sample programs and other assistance materials to affect employers.
Investigate whether your industry trade groups have developed such

4. If OSHA inspects your workplace for compliance with the HCS, the
OSHA compliance officer will ask to see your written plan at the outset of
the inspection.

5. Labels and Other Forms of Warning

1. In-plant containers of hazardous chemicals must be labeled,

tagged, or marked with the identity of the material and appropriate
hazard warnings. Chemical manufacturers, importers, and
distributors are required to ensure that every container of
hazardous chemicals they ship is appropriately labeled with such
information and with the name and address of the producer or
other responsible party. Employers purchasing chemicals can rely
on the labels provided by their suppliers. If the material is
subsequently transferred by the employer from a labeled container
to another container, the employer will have to label that container
to another container, the employer will have to label that container
unless it is subject to the portable container exemption. See
paragraph (f) for specific labeling requirements.

2. The primary information to be obtained from an OSHA-required

label is an identity for the material, and appropriate hazard
warnings. The identity is any term which appears on the label, the
SDS, and the list of chemicals, and thus links these three sources of
information. The identity used by the supplier may be a common
or trade name ("Black Magic Formula"), or a chemical name
(1,1,1,-trichloroethane). The hazard warning is a brief statement of
the hazardous effects of the chemical ("flammable," "causes lung
damage"). Labels frequently contain other information, such as
precautionary measures ("do not use near open flame"), but this
information is provided voluntarily and is not required by the rule.
Labels must be legible, and prominently displayed. There are no
specific requirements for size or color, or any specified text.

3. With these requirements in mind, the compliance officer will be

looking for the following types of information to ensure that
labeling will be properly implemented in your facility:

(1) Designation of person(s) responsible for ensuring labeling

of in-plant containers;
(2) Designation of person(s) responsible for ensuring labeling
of any shipped containers;
(3) Description of labeling system(s) used;
(4) Description of written alternatives to labeling of in-plant
containers (if used); and,
(5) Procedures to review and update label information when

4. If materials are transferred into other containers, the employer

must ensure that these are labeled as well, unless they fall under
the portable container exemption (paragraph (f)(7). In terms of
labeling systems, you can simply choose to use the labels provided
by your suppliers on the containers. These will generally be verbal
text labels, and do not usually include numerical rating systems or
symbols that require special training. Designate someone to be
responsible for ensuring that the labels are maintained as required
on the containers in your facility, and that newly purchased
materials are checked for labels prior to use.

6. Safety Data Sheets

1. Chemical manufacturers and importers are required to obtain or

develop a safety data sheet for each hazardous chemical they
produce or import. Distributors are responsible for ensuring that
their customers are provided a copy of these SDSs. Employers must
have an SDS for each hazardous chemical which they use.
Employers may rely on the information received from their
suppliers. The specific requirements for safety data sheets are in
paragraph (g) of the standard.

2. There is no specified format for the SDS under the rule, although
there are specific information requirements. OSHA has developed
a non-mandatory format, OSHA Form 174, which may be used by
chemical manufacturers and importers to comply with the rule. The
SDS must be in English. You are entitled to receive from your
supplier a data sheet which includes all of the information required
under the rule. If you do not receive one automatically, you should
request one. If you receive one that is obviously inadequate, with,
for example, blank spaces that are not completed, you should
request an appropriately completed one. If your request for a data
sheet or for a corrected data sheet does not produce the information
needed, you should contact your local OSHA Area Office for
assistance in obtaining the SDS.

3. The role of SDSs under the rule is to provide detailed information

on each hazardous chemical, including its potential hazardous
effects, its physical and chemical characteristics, and
recommendations for appropriate protective measures. This
information should be useful to you as the employer responsible
for designing protective programs, as well as to the workers.
4. SDSs must be readily accessible to employees when they are in
their work areas during their workshifts.

5. In order to ensure that you have a current SDS for each chemical in
the plant as required, and that employee access is provided, the
compliance officers will be looking for the following types of
information in your written program:

(1) Designation of person(s) responsible for obtaining and

maintaining the SDSs;
(2) How such sheets are to be maintained in the workplace
(e.g., in notebooks in the work area(s) or in a computer
with terminal access), and how employees can obtain
access to them when they are in their work area during the
work shift;
(3) Procedures to follow when the SDS is not received at the
time of the first shipment;
(4) For producers, procedures to update with SDS when new
and significant health information is found; Description of
alternatives to actual data sheets in the workplace, if used.

6. Ensure that someone is responsible for obtaining and maintaining

the SDSs for every hazardous chemical in the workplace. The list
of hazardous chemicals required to be maintained as part of the
written program will serve as an inventory. As new chemicals are
purchased, the list should be updated. Many companies have
found it convenient to include on their purchase orders the name
and address of the person designated in their company to receive

7. Employee Information and Training

1. Each employee who may be "exposed" to hazardous chemicals

when working must be provided information and be trained prior
to initial assignment to work with a hazardous chemical, and
whenever the hazard changes. "Exposure" or "exposed" under the
rule means that "an employee is subjected to a hazardous chemical
in the course of employment through any route of entry
(inhalation, ingestion, skin contact or absorption, etc.) and includes
potential (e.g., accidental or possible) exposure." See paragraph
(h) of the standard for specific requirements. Information and
training may be done either by individual chemical, or by
categories of hazards (such as flammability or carcinogenicity).
2. Information and training are a critical part of the hazard
communcation program. Information regarding hazards and
protective measures is provided to workers through written
labels and safety data sheets. A properly conducted training
program will ensure comprehension and understanding. It is not
sufficient to either just read material to the workers, or simply
hand them material to read. You want to create a climate where
workers feel free to ask questions
3. More information regarding appropriate training can be found in
OSHA Publication No. 2254 which contains voluntary training
guidelines. A copy of this document is available from OSHA's
Publications Office at (202) 523-9667.

4. In reviewing your written program with regard to information and

training, the following items need to be considered:

(1) Designation of person(s) responsible for conducting

(2) Format of the program to be used (audiovisuals, classroom
instruction, etc.);
(3) Elements of the training program (should be consistent
with the elements in paragraph (h) of the HCS); and,
(4) Procedure to train new employees at the time of their initial
assignment to work with a hazardous chemical, and to train
employees when a new hazard is introduced into the

5. The written program should provide enough details about the

employer's plans in this area to assess whether or not a good faith
effort is being made to train employees. OSHA does not expect
that every worker will be able to recite all of the information about
each chemical in the workplace. In general, the most important
aspects of training under the HCS are to ensure that employees are
aware that they are exposed to hazardous chemicals, that they know
how to read and use labels and safety data sheets, and that, as a
consequence of learning this information, they are following the
appropriate protective measures established by the employer.
OSHA compliance officers will be talking to employees to
determine if they have received training, if they know they are
exposed to hazardous chemicals, and if they know where to obtain
substance-specific information on labels and SDSs.
6. The rule does not require employers to maintain records of
employee training, but many employers choose to do so.
7. An employer can provide employees information and training
through whatever means found appropriate and protective.

8. Other Requirements

1. In addition to these specific items, compliance officers will also be

asking the following questions in assessing the adequacy of the

(1) Does a list of the hazardous chemicals exist in each work

area or at a central location?
(2) Are methods the employer will use to inform employees of
the hazards of non-routine tasks outlined?
(3) Are employees informed of the hazards associated with
chemicals contained in unlabeled pipes in their work areas?
(4) On multi-employer worksites, has the employer provided
other employers with information about labeling systems
and precautionary measures where the other employers
have employees exposed to the initial employer's
(5) Is the written program made available to employees and
their designated representatives?
(6) If your program adequately addresses the means of
communicating information to employees in your
workplace, and provides answers to the basic questions
outlined above, it will be found to be in compliance with
the rule.


1. Obtained a copy of the rule.

2. Read and understood the requirements.

3. Assigned responsibility for tasks.

4. Prepared an inventory of chemicals.

5. Ensured containers are labeled.

6. Obtained SDS for each chemical.

7. Prepared written program.

8. Made SDSs available to workers.

9. Conducted training of workers.

10. Established procedures to maintain current program.

11. Established procedures to evaluate effectiveness.


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