3.8 Hazard Communication
3.8 Hazard Communication
3.8 Hazard Communication
Employee Right
Right to
to Know”
29 CFR
CFR 1910.1200
• Manufacturers/Importers:
• determine hazards
• responsible for quality of hazard
• Manufacturers/Importers and
• communicate hazard
information to customer
Chemicals in the Workplace
Basic Goal of the Standard
Employers & Employees Know
about Chemical Work Hazards
& How to Protect Themselves
General Requirements
• Manufacturers/Importers
Convey Information by
• Labels on Containers
Make sure your employees understand the labels on containers.
Employer Responsibility
• Identify, List Hazardous
Chemicals in Workplace
• Obtain SDS's & Labels
• Written HAZCOM Program
• Provide Info. to Employees
• Hazard Evaluation - SDS
Training Chemistry/Toxicology
• Employees must have the
knowledge necessary
• to understand all sources of
hazard information available to
Emergency Information
• Safety Data Sheets
• Manufacturer's
Product Labels
• Warning Labels
• Chemtrec
• Shipping Papers
Written HAZCOM Program
°Provisions for Labeling
² Training Program
³ List of Hazardous Chemicals in
Work Area
These are the basic requirements for the HAZCOM program.
As you can see from the first item, you have the responsibility
for determining what your in-house labeling system is going
to be.
Written HAZCOM Program
´Means to Inform Workers
• Hazards of Non-Routine Tasks
• Hazards Associated with
Chemicals in
Unlabeled Pipes
Emergency Information
Remember the chemical terms and concepts portion of this class?
and Warnings
Internal Labeling Systems
Since you must determine and document what your in-house
labeling system is going to be, we will discuss three types of
labeling systems that may be used in your facility. The HMIG(S)
stands for the Hazardous Materials Information Guide or
Hazardous Materials Information System. The NFPA system is the
system developed by the National Fire Protection Association. The
HMIG(S) and the NFPA systems are the most widely used in-
house labeling systems. The DOT system (US Department of
Transportation) is the system that is used by all materials while they
are being transported. Since they are already on the materials you
receive, by default, they will become your in-house labeling system if
you do not choose another one.
HAZMAT Information Guide
The Hazardous Materials Information Guide consists of a label with
four colored rectangles three of which contain numbers. The white
rectangle sometimes is used to indicate required PPE and it is
sometimes used to warn of special hazards.
The blue rectangle indicates health hazard with a number of zero
through four. Zero would represent little or no hazard while four
would represent an extreme hazard. The red rectangle represents
flammability and also includes a number as explained above. The
yellow rectangle represents reactivity and also includes a number
as explained above. The white rectangle may contain small
pictures of required PPE or it may contain a number that relates to
a chart in order to indicate required PPE.
NFPA 704 Labeling System
• Blue
health hazard 2
• Red
fire hazard 3 1
• Yellow
reactivity W
• White
special hazards
The National Fire Protection Association system is virtually the same as the
HMIG. The primary difference is the diamond shape. The white diamond is
sometimes used to indicate PPE and sometimes used to indicate special
hazards. The indicator above shows the material is reactive with water. The
numbers in this system are zero to four and mean the same thing as the
HMIG. These are the two most widely used in-house labeling systems.
Many manufacturers use one of these systems on their product labels.
Because the two systems are so similar and because either one may already
appear on your product labels many employers adopt both systems as their in-
house labeling systems. You simply train the employees in both and list both in
your HAZCOM program. This way you don’t have to relabel something that
already has one of these labels on it.
DOT Labeling System
• Color Coded
• Graphic Symbols
• Hazard
• Hazard Class & Division #
It is more difficult to teach your employees the DOT labeling system
than it is to teach them both of the other systems.
HAZMAT Marking
In addition to DOT labels, there is a DOT marking system which
provides the proper DOT shipping name and the DOT ID number.
Hazardous waste labels are another
form of hazard information.
Exemptions/Exceptions to Employer
• Not Required to Label Portable
Containers if
• Contents Transferred from
Labeled Containers
• Intended for Immediate Use of
Transferring Employee
This exception to labeling HAZMATs is best unused. It allows an
employee to transfer a hazardous chemical into an unlabeled
container as long as he or she then uses it all. The employee can’t
put the container down and walk away from it to go to the bathroom
or anything else. It offers an unnecessary risk so it is better to
always label every hazmat container.
Safety Data
SDS Must Include
Specific Chemical Identity
Common Names
Acute and Chronic Effects
Exposure Limits
Whether Carcinogen
Precautionary Measures
Emergency & 1st Aid
Preparer of SDS
Exemptions/Exceptions to Providing
•• Not
Not Required
Required ifif
•• Household
Household Quantity
•• Household
Household Use
the Windex
Windex case
Manufacturers, importers and distributors of HAZMATs are allowed
to leave important information off of an SDS if they consider it a
trade secret. For this reason you can never trust any SDS as a final
source of information. The HAZCOM standard requires this
information to be released to medical personnel in an emergency.
• Copies of SDS's Must be
Readily Accessible to
• List of Hazardous Chemicals
• Not a Final Source of Information -
Rule of thumb; 3 sources
• Incomplete Information
6. This program ensures that all employers receive the information they need
to inform and train their employees properly and to design and put in place
employee protection programs. It also provides necessary hazard
information to employees, so they can participate in, and support, the
protective measures in place at their workplaces.
2. Chemical Manufacturers/Importers/Distributors:
Communicate the hazard information and associated measures
downstream to customers through labels and SDS's.
2. Hazard Evaluation
3. Employers can post signs or placards that convey the hazard information if
there are a number of stationary containers within a work area that have
similar contents and hazards.
3. Copies of the SDS for hazardous chemicals in a given work site are to be
readily accessible to employees in that area. As a source of detailed
information on hazards, they must be located close to workers, and readily
available to them during each workshift.
2. The hazards of the chemicals in the work area. (The hazards may
be discussed by individual chemical or by hazard categories such
as flammability.)
9. Medical Emergency
2. Under the contingency described here, the treating physician or nurse has
the ultimate responsibility for determining that a medical emergency
exists. At the time of the emergency, the professional judgement of the
physician or nurse regarding the situation must form the basis for
triggering the immediate disclosure requirement. Because the chemical
manufacturer, importer, or employer can demand a written statement of
need and a confidentiality agreement to be completed after the emergency
is abated, further disclosure of the trade secret can be effectively
2. The request for information must be in writing and must describe with
reasonable detail the medical or occupational health need for the
information. The request will be considered if the information will be
used for one or more of the following activities:
4. The standard further describes in detail the steps that will be followed in
the event that an employer decides not to disclose the specific chemical
identity requested by the health professional, employee, or designated
1. Introduction
2. Knowledge acquired under the HCS will help employers provide safer
workplaces for their employees.
3. Employers who simply use chemicals, rather than produce or import them,
are not required to evaluate the hazards of those chemicals. Hazard
determination is the responsibility of the producers and importers of the
materials. Producers and importers of chemicals are then required to
provide the hazard information to employers that purchase their products.
3. Performance-oriented means that you have the flexibility to adapt the rule
to the needs of your workplace, rather than having to follow specific, rigid
requirements. It also means that you have to exercise more judgement to
implement an appropriate and effective program.
5. Chemical manufacturers, importers, and distributors of hazardous
chemicals are all required to provide the appropriate labels and safety data
sheets to the employers to whom they ship the chemicals. The information
is to be provided automatically. Every container of hazardous chemicals
you receive must be labeled, tagged or marked with the required
information. Your suppliers must also send you a properly completed
safety data sheet (SDS) at the time of the first shipment of the chemical,
and with the next shipment after the SDS is updated with new and
significant information about the hazards.
7. The requirements of the rule that deal specifically with the hazard
communication program are found in the standard in paragraphs (e),
written hazard communication programs; (f), labels and other forms of
warning; (g), safety data sheets; and (h), employee information and
training. The requirements of these paragraphs should be the focus of your
attention. Concentrate on becoming familiar with them, using paragraphs
(b), scope and application, and (c), definitions, as references when needed
to help explain the provisions.
8. There are two types of work operations where the coverage of the rule is
limited. These are laboratories and operations where chemicals are only
handled in sealed containers (e.g., a warehouse). The limited provisions
for these workplaces can be found in paragraph (b), scope and application.
Basically, employers having these types of work operations need only keep
labels on containers as they are received; maintain safety data sheets that
are received, and give employees access to them; and provide information
and training for employees. Employers do not have to have written hazard
communication programs and lists of chemicals for these types of
1. Compliance with the HCS is not a "one shot deal." In order to have a
successful program, it will be necessary to assign responsibility for both
the initial and ongoing activities that have to be undertaken to comply
with the rule. Early identification of the responsible employees, and
involvement of them in the development of your plan of action, will result
in a more effective program design. Evaluation of the effectiveness of
your program will also be enhanced by involvement of affected
2. Survey the workplace. Purchasing records may also help, and certainly
employers should establish procedures to ensure than in the future
purchasing procedures result in SDSs being received before a material is
used in the workplace.
3. The broadest possible perspective should be taken when doing the survey.
Sometimes people think of "chemicals" as being only liquids in
containers. The HCS covers chemicals in all physical forms - liquids,
solids, gases, vapors, fumes and mists - whether they are "contained" or
not. The hazardous nature of the chemical and the potential for exposure
are the factors which determine whether a chemical is covered. If it's not
hazardous, it's not covered. If there is no potential for exposure (e.g., the
chemical is inextricably bound and cannot be released), the rule does not
cover the chemical.
6. The next step is to determine if you have received safety data sheets for
all of them. Check your files against the inventory you have just
compiled. If any are missing, contact your supplier and request one. It is
a good idea to document these requests, either by copy of a letter or a note
regarding telephone conversations.
7. You should not allow employees to use any chemicals for which you have
not received an SDS. The SDS provides information you need to ensure
proper protective measures are implemented prior to exposure.
4. If OSHA inspects your workplace for compliance with the HCS, the
OSHA compliance officer will ask to see your written plan at the outset of
the inspection.
2. There is no specified format for the SDS under the rule, although
there are specific information requirements. OSHA has developed
a non-mandatory format, OSHA Form 174, which may be used by
chemical manufacturers and importers to comply with the rule. The
SDS must be in English. You are entitled to receive from your
supplier a data sheet which includes all of the information required
under the rule. If you do not receive one automatically, you should
request one. If you receive one that is obviously inadequate, with,
for example, blank spaces that are not completed, you should
request an appropriately completed one. If your request for a data
sheet or for a corrected data sheet does not produce the information
needed, you should contact your local OSHA Area Office for
assistance in obtaining the SDS.
5. In order to ensure that you have a current SDS for each chemical in
the plant as required, and that employee access is provided, the
compliance officers will be looking for the following types of
information in your written program:
8. Other Requirements
10. Established procedures to maintain current program.