ELA Syllabus Grade 2

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IXL Skill Alignment

2nd grade alignment for Journeys Textbook and Reader's


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Journeys Textbook and Reader's Notebook - 2nd grade

Unit 1
Neighborhood Visit
Textbook section IXL skills

Lesson 1: Henry and Mudge Text-based comprehension

1. Which book title goes with the picture? 2RA

2. Spell the short a word 8UT
3. Spell the short i word 9V4

4. Order alphabetically based on the first
letter W89
5. Order alphabetically based on the first two
letters 5TZ
6. Use dictionary entries B7M

7. Identify the subject of a sentence QZJ
8. Identify the predicate of a sentence FHU

9. Choose the sensory details that match the
picture HEE

Lesson 2: My Family Text-based comprehension

1. Compare and contrast in informational
passages NQN

2. Spell the short e word 6JW
3. Spell the short o word K6E
4. Spell the short u word MBR

5. Use guide words T6U

6. Is it a complete sentence or a fragment? 69X

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Journeys Textbook and Reader's Notebook - 2nd grade

Lesson 3: Dogs Text-based comprehension

1. Choose the text that matches the writer's
purpose Y9R
• Coming soon: Read along about science and

2. Spell the long a word: silent e, ai, ay 9KW
3. Spell the long i word: silent e, ie, y 78Y

4. Multiple-meaning words with pictures WVW

5. Is the sentence a statement, question,
command, or exclamation? C5B

6. Add descriptive details to sentences V7X

Lesson 4: Diary of a Spider Text-based comprehension

1. Match each effect to its cause J68
2. Read along with fantasy BHZ

3. Spell the long o word: silent e, oa, ow W69
4. Spell the long u word: silent e, ue, oo, ew KGG

5. Use context to identify the meaning of a
word TJQ

6. Select the nouns HK5
7. Which word is a noun? VJ5
8. Identify nouns YKS

Lesson 5: Teacher's Pets Text-based comprehension

• Coming soon: Read along with realistic fiction

1. Complete the word with the correct initial
consonant blend 37W

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Journeys Textbook and Reader's Notebook - 2nd grade

2. Spell the word with a consonant blend CAV

3. Complete the word with the ending that you
hear E9G
4. Identify base words, prefixes, and suffixes 8F6

5. Is the noun singular or plural? BYK

6. Unscramble the words to make a complete
sentence EW7

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Journeys Textbook and Reader's Notebook - 2nd grade

Unit 2
Nature Watch
Textbook section IXL skills

Lesson 6: Animals Building Homes Text-based comprehension

1. Use text features MKE

2. Complete the word with the correct final
consonant blend T8M

3. Determine the meaning of a word with pre-, re-,
or mis- KQY

4. Form regular plurals with -s and -es MNW

5. Choose topic sentences for expository
paragraphs AQZ

Lesson 7: The Ugly Vegetables Text-based comprehension

1. Read realistic fiction UC6

2. Homophones with pictures F6T

3. Sort common and proper nouns CK8
4. Identify common and proper nouns 9SQ

5. Put the sentences in order 5SF

Lesson 8: Super Storms Text-based comprehension

1. Match each cause to its effect X8Z
• Coming soon: Read along with narrative poetry

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Journeys Textbook and Reader's Notebook - 2nd grade

2. Complete the word with the correct digraph: ch,
sh, th 6GX
3. Complete the word with the correct digraph: ph,
qu, wh 5WP
4. Spell the digraph word: ch, sh, th PN8
5. Spell the digraph word: ph, qu, wh 3B5

6. Form compound words with pictures 87D

7. Use action verbs LBG
8. Identify action verbs 8MS
9. Identify helping verbs X6A

Lesson 9: How Chipmunk Got His Stripes Text-based comprehension

1. Use actions and dialogue to understand
characters ZDC
2. Determine the themes of myths, fables, and
folktales VES

3. Match the -ed and -ing sentences to the
pictures AHU

4. Choose the synonym JJX
5. Find synonyms in context NZD

6. Place sentences on a timeline XJY

7. Identify time-order words Y2J
8. Use time-order words QDD

Lesson 10: Jellies Text-based comprehension

• Coming soon: Read along about science and

1. Match the contractions WJR

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Journeys Textbook and Reader's Notebook - 2nd grade

2. Form pronoun-verb contractions CNV

3. Form contractions with "not" DQM

4. Identify comparative and superlative
adjectives 5JQ

5. Which sentence is in the regular past
tense? JMT
6. Change the sentence to future tense H7T
7. Is the sentence in the past, present, or future
tense? R5F

8. Revise the sentence using a stronger verb LZV

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Journeys Textbook and Reader's Notebook - 2nd grade

Unit 3
Tell Me About It
Textbook section IXL skills

Lesson 11: Click, Clack, Moo: Cows That Type Text-based comprehension
1. Draw inferences from a text XEU
• Coming soon: Read animal fantasy

2. Use regular plurals with -s and -es WHZ

3. Use the prefixes pre-, re-, and mis- JBV

4. Complete the opinion passage with a
reason 5UN
5. Greetings and closings of letters ST2

Lesson 12: Ah, Music! Text-based comprehension

1. Use text features MKE
2. Complete the fact and opinion sentences 79N
• Coming soon: Read along about art, music, and

3. Spell the long a word: silent e, ai, ay 9KW

4. Rewrite sentences using introductory
elements MF2

5. Choose the picture that matches the idiomatic
expression XFB

6. Complete the opinion passage with an
example GF5

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Journeys Textbook and Reader's Notebook - 2nd grade

Lesson 13: Schools Around the World Text-based comprehension

1. Use key details to determine the main idea LMZ
• Coming soon: Read along about business and

2. Spell the long e word: ee, ea 78K

3. Punctuating dialogue 5G2

4. Complete the opinion-reason-example table YRX

Lesson 14: Helen Keller Text-based comprehension

1. Read along about famous people PDE
2. Identify the purpose of a text Y2F

3. Spell the long o word: silent e, oa, ow W69

4. Prefixes and suffixes: review 5ES

5. Sort common and proper nouns CK8
6. Identify common and proper nouns 9SQ

7. Select the detail that does not support the topic
sentence WXK

Lesson 15: Officer Buckle and Gloria Text-based comprehension

1. Match each effect to its cause J68

2. Form compound words GRF

3. Identify base words, prefixes, and suffixes 8F6

4. Abbreviate days of the week S8T

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Journeys Textbook and Reader's Notebook - 2nd grade

5. Abbreviate months of the year ETN

6. Put the sentences in order 5SF

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Journeys Textbook and Reader's Notebook - 2nd grade

Unit 4
Heroes and Helpers
Textbook section IXL skills

Lesson 16: Mr. Tanen's Tie Trouble Text-based comprehension

1. Read realistic fiction UC6

2. Form and use the regular past tense JV2

3. Identify homophones TUJ
4. Use the correct homophone Q92

5. Identify personal pronouns MWM
6. Choose between subject and object personal
pronouns NYJ
7. Identify possessive pronouns WQH
8. Choose between personal and reflexive
pronouns MWE

9. Choose topic sentences for narrative
paragraphs YME

Lesson 17: Luke Goes to Bat Text-based comprehension

1. Order events in a story 5YL

2. Spell the long i word: silent e, ie, y 78Y

3. Choose the antonym 9Y4

4. One or more than one? B2N
5. Use the correct subject or verb UHK

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Journeys Textbook and Reader's Notebook - 2nd grade

Lesson 18: My Name is Gabriela Text-based comprehension

1. Choose the picture that matches the setting or
character ZSQ
2. Read about famous people 5MZ

3. Determine the meaning of a word with -ful or
-less 6TR

4. To be: use the correct past tense form NJH
5. To be: use the correct form XMT

6. Add descriptive details to sentences V7X

Lesson 19: The Signmaker's Assistant Text-based comprehension

1. Read along with realistic fiction BU7

2. Choose the r-control word that matches the
picture VVD

3. Shades of meaning with pictures W8Q
4. Find the words with related meanings C65

5. Commas with dates PM9
6. Commas with the names of places FMY

7. Insert dialogue into a story EHM

Lesson 20: Dex: The Heart of a Hero Text-based comprehension

1. Compare and contrast in informational
passages NQN
• Coming soon: Read science fiction

2. Complete the word with the correct r-controlled
vowel: ar, er, ir, or, ur PLR

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Journeys Textbook and Reader's Notebook - 2nd grade

3. Use the prefixes pre-, re-, and mis- JBV

4. Commas with a series N74

5. Use linking words to complete a passage YJC

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Journeys Textbook and Reader's Notebook - 2nd grade

Unit 5
Changes, Changes Everywhere
Textbook section IXL skills

Lesson 21: Penguin Chick Text-based comprehension

1. Match each cause to its effect X8Z
2. Draw inferences from a text XEU
3. Read about animals W8U
4. Use key details to determine the main idea LMZ

5. Complete the word with the correct r-controlled
vowel: er, ir, ur 8UL

6. Use dictionary entries B7M

7. Use sense words 6B8
8. Does the adjective tell you what kind or how
many? PL8

Lesson 22: Gloria Who Might Be My Best Friend Text-based comprehension

1. Use actions and dialogue to understand
characters ZDC
2. Read realistic fiction UC6

3. Identify homophones TUJ
4. Use the correct homophone Q92

5. Choose the picture that matches the idiomatic
expression XFB

6. Identify the adjective that describes the
noun FHH
7. Identify adjectives HKK

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Journeys Textbook and Reader's Notebook - 2nd grade

Lesson 23: The Goat in the Rug Text-based comprehension

1. Order events in a story 5YL
• Coming soon: Read along about art, music, and

2. Determine the meaning of a word with -ful or
-less 6TR

3. Form and use compound words P7P

4. Identify the irregular past tense I EWV
5. Identify the irregular past tense II S8A

Lesson 24: Half-Chicken Text-based comprehension

1. Determine the themes of myths, fables, and
folktales VES

2. Determine the meaning of a word with pre-, re-,
or mis- KQY
3. Use the prefixes pre-, re-, and mis- JBV

4. Which sentence uses an antonym? XC6

5. Form and use the irregular past tense: set 1 G88
6. Form and use the irregular past tense: set 2 LKH

Lesson 25: From Seed to Plant Text-based comprehension

1. Use text features MKE
• Coming soon: Read about sports and hobbies

2. Complete words with variant vowels USB
3. Which word has a different vowel sound? 8WJ

4. Use context to identify the meaning of a
word TJQ

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Journeys Textbook and Reader's Notebook - 2nd grade

5. Form and use the irregular past tense: set 3 SFB
6. Form and use the irregular past tense: set 4 64F

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Journeys Textbook and Reader's Notebook - 2nd grade

Unit 6
What a Surprise!
Textbook section IXL skills

Lesson 26: The Mysterious Tadpole Text-based comprehension

• Coming soon: Read science fiction

1. Spell the long u word: silent e, ue, oo, ew KGG

2. Multiple-meaning words with pictures WVW

3. Use pronoun-verb contractions HTZ
4. Use contractions with "not" CDA
5. Use contractions in a sentence VEF

6. Complete the opinion passage with an
example GF5

Lesson 27: The Dog That Dug For Dinosaurs Text-based comprehension
1. Complete the fact and opinion sentences 79N
2. Choose the text that matches the writer's
purpose Y9R
• Coming soon: Read about famous places

3. Choose the short o or long o word that matches
the picture KBQ

4. Describe the difference between related
words 54B
5. Order related words based on meaning QCT

6. Does the adverb tell you how, when, or
where? 6SH

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Journeys Textbook and Reader's Notebook - 2nd grade

7. Identify adverbs YJA

8. Put the sentences in order 5SF
9. Complete the opinion passage with a
reason 5UN

Lesson 28: Yeh-Shen Text-based comprehension

• Coming soon: Read along with historical fiction

1. Choose the diphthong word that matches the
picture T2Q
2. Complete the word with the correct diphthong:
oi, oy, ou, ow AGT
3. Choose the diphthong sentence that matches
the picture XM8
4. Complete words with variant vowels USB
5. Which word has a different vowel sound? 8WJ

6. Sort words into categories DRQ
7. Which word is not like the others? DVZ

8. Identify plurals, singular possessives, and plural
possessives LQP
9. Form the singular or plural possessive D58
10. Identify and correct errors with plural and
possessive nouns VYS

11. Complete the opinion-reason-example
table YRX

Lesson 29: Two of Everything Text-based comprehension

1. Use actions and dialogue to understand
characters ZDC
2. Choose the picture that matches the setting or
character ZSQ

3. Spell the long a word: silent e, ai, ay 9KW

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Journeys Textbook and Reader's Notebook - 2nd grade

4. Find antonyms in context 2LH

5. Identify possessive pronouns WQH
6. Use possessive pronouns 3Y2

7. Select the detail that does not support the topic
sentence WXK

Lesson 30: Now & Ben Text-based comprehension

1. Compare and contrast in informational
passages NQN
2. Read about famous people 5MZ
3. Read about animals W8U

4. Choose the picture that matches the vowel team
word CSK
5. Complete the vowel team words E68
6. Complete the word with the correct vowel
team HTK
7. Choose the vowel team sentence that matches
the picture DJD

8. Identify base words, prefixes, and suffixes 8F6

9. Choose between adjectives and adverbs 4Y7
10. Is the word an adjective or adverb? 5D5

11. Add descriptive details to sentences V7X

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