Performance Enhancing Drugs
Performance Enhancing Drugs
Performance Enhancing Drugs
Performance-enhancing drugs
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PEDs 2
Performance-enhancing drugs
sportspeople in athletics and bodybuilding consume these drugs. These substances are, at times,
known as Ergogenic aids. Medicines used for cognitive performance are also referred to as
nootropics, which are also consumed by students to boost or level up their performance in
academics (Chodosh, 2019). These drugs are as well used by the military people to improve on
boost or level up their performance in the activities that they do. The central focus is to
understand who these drugs work from a psychological perspective, how the drugs increase
performance and the mental systems they affect, and how biological and technological
person’s biological sex. Ovaries in males produce more testosterone than ovaries in females. The
low-level testosterone production assists the building up process of muscles in the body the same
way. Steroids in the body perform many biological practices. Anabolic steroids are not only used
to cheat in sporting activities, but they are also useful in ameliorating diseases like HIV/AIDS.
Diseases like cancer and HIV/AIDS that suppress the body by causing its wasting can, at times,
users to gain back essential muscle mass in kids; these drugs help those with extraordinarily late-
puberty or even mature adults who do not synthesize enough testosterone naturally.
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Blood doping is one of the well-known uses of performance-enhancing drugs. The human
body synthesizes millions of red blood cells that make up the most significant percentage of the
blood cells. They are like vehicles through which oxygen is delivered to body tissues through the
circulatory system. These essential cells in the body also transport carbon dioxide away from
body tissues for excretion purposes. The more a body has red blood cells, the more the body
feels fatigued since, during exercises, the muscles get replenished (Watt, 2020). To be enduring,
athletes, swimmers, cyclists, and bodybuilders use these performance-enhancing drugs to delay
the onset of fatigue since they seldom take rests. Demands such as exercises make a healthy
heart increase its contractile power, together with its myocardial consumption of oxygen above
its resting value. This will increase oxygen supply by the red blood cells that improve
enhancement drugs by athletes and other sportspersons. There has been a continuous detection of
steroids, and they are currently being developed in multiple states. For example, the introduction
with Gas Chromatography Combustion Isotope Ratio Mass spectrometry.” This will significantly
impact the use of the drugs since many users, mainly sport persons, will detract from the use of
of medications, there are profound improvements that have made the use of these drugs useless.
Many people are opting for these alternatives, like the use of genes. My position on the
performance enhancement drugs is that as long as these drugs are helpful to the human body and
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are used appropriately, then why should we not give it a shot? It is worth it not specifically in
Performance-enhancement drugs are widely used, and their uses are diverse, but the most
common is boosting performance in terms of bodybuilding, growth, and strength. These drugs
have various effects, both positive and negative. It may be because of the adverse effects or the
advantages they give to sportspeople over others, which may be the reason for their prohibition.
However, everything that has an advantage does not lack a drawback, and performance-
enhancement drugs are not exceptional. It is advisable to follow the appropriate procedures for
Pharmacy Practice.
Chodosh, S. (2019). Most people who dope aren’t Russian Olympic athletes. Here’s how the