DISS WEEK3&4 Q1 Module

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education


Quarter 1 Week 3 and 4

What I need to Know?

This module will discuss the Historical Context of the emergence of each discipline.

MELC: Explain the major events and its contribution that led to the emergence of the social science

1. Identify the different disciplines of Social Sciences using learners experiences;
2. Distinguish the historical foundation and the emergence of each discipline;
3. Understand the development of the historical foundation of each disciplines to the present time.

What’s New?

Direction: Re-arrange the jumbled letters to get the correct answer and write on the space provided before
the number.

MCV Word War Games

_________________________1. L-H-A-I-I-O-S-T-R--C O-U-I-O-A-F-N-D-T-N

_________________________2. Y-A-O-E-G-R-P-D-M-H
_________________________3. Y-O-O-L-S-G-Y-H-C-P
_________________________4. N-S-C-S I-I-I-G-U-T-L
_________________________5. Y-O-A-E-G-G-P-R-H
_________________________6. I-O-Y-O-O-C-G-S-L
_________________________7. T-C-L-O-I-I-A-P-L C-C-E-E-I-N-S
_________________________8. O-O-I-E-C-C-N-M-S
_________________________9. T-H-L-G-R-P-O-O-O-A-N-Y
_________________________10. Y-I-O-S-T-H-R

What I Know


Write the letter of the correct answer on the space provided before the number.
___1. The following is the proponent in Psychology except:
a. G. Stanley Hall
b. John Locke
c. Thomas Hobbes
d. John Dewey
___2. The emergence of this discipline start when it separated from statistics as a field of study.
a. Sociology
b. Anthropology
c. Demography
d. History
___3. Auguste Comte is one of the proponent in______.
a. History
b. Psychology
c. Linguistics
d. Sociology
___4. This marked as the rise of scientific and rational philosophical thought.
a. Demography
b. Sociology
c. Anthropology
d. History
___5. Modern linguistics started to develop in the ______.
a. 17th b. 19th c. 18th d. 20th
___6. The place where the first sociology department establish.
a. America b. China c. Europe d. Germany
___7. The following is the proponents Political Science except:
a. Thomas Hobbes
b. Aristotle
c. Socrates
d. Niccolo Machiavelli
___8. It is Emile Durkheim founded a formal academic field of study.
a. Sociology
b. Psychology
c. History
d. Political Science
___9. This kind of discipline is relatively new field that was principally worked on by American scholars.
a. Political Science
b. Sociology
c. Anthropology
d. Psychology
___10. In what year the first psychological laboratory established.
a. 1878 b. 1879 c. 1979 d. 1877
___11. It is one of the oldest disciplines of the social sciences.
a. History b. Linguistics c. Psychology d. Sociology
___12. Is one of the proponent of Geography?
a. Carl Ritter b. Socrates c. Plato d. David Hume
___13. It became a separate discipline with the publication of Adam Smith
a. Economics b. Geography c. History d.Political Science
___14. The following is the proponents Anthropology except:
a. John Locke b. John Dewey c. David Hume d. Franz Boas
___15. The rise of Western imperialism begin in __________.
a. 18th & 19th centuries
b. 20th century
c. 17th century
d. 18th century

What is It?

Historical Context of the Emergence of each Discipline

Many historical foundation was motivated by the realization that the field has evolved into the
discipline is lacking not only a formal history but also any real historical sense. In contrast to almost every
other academic field, we seem ignorant of how discipline reached its present stage (Cohen, 2005). This
lesson tackles the historical foundation, the proponents and the emergence of each discipline namely:
Anthropology, Economics, Geography, History, Linguistics, Political Science, Psychology, Sociology and
Some discipline of social sciences had their beginnings in the emergence of national states that had
to categorize and analyses. For example, anthropology emerged in the service of imperialism while others
have been in existence since the time of the Ancient Greeks (Jose and Ong, 2016).
One of the most important issues in Social Science is the idea of whether complete objectivity is all
possible. Subjective accounts of people who report and recall what they know, what they feel and what
they think about the world around them give way to various interpretations and organizations of the social
data; thus value free research is somewhat difficult to achieve. It is not easy to determine factuality from
mere fantasy especially if the subject matter concern is the past events.
Most of the Social Sciences employ the so-called , “Triangulation Technique” of data analysis
wherein three sources of the same data are analysed in order to verify and validate what has been
previously gathered from a certain source. This may be in the form of the following:
 Three different sources telling the same story;
 Three different ways of gathering data; and
 Three different types of data.
For instance, in the discipline of History, to be able to come up with valid and reliable historical
interpretation , analysis has to come from a triangulation of data gathered from the following: a.) different
informants or eyewitness accounts of people and b.)different modes of gathering data , first coming from
an interview, the second from the library, and the third, provided by three different types of data such as
a historical record, an oral account, and a material evidence.
Subjective accounts may also be subjected to triangulation or cross validation with other accounts
even if these are mainly based on personal beliefs, interpretation and disposition. If two out of three people
for example affirm what another person is saying and claiming about a particular phenomenon or issue,
chances are that the other persons claim is accurate and consistent. This is called “ intersubjectivity”
which means that people tend to validate each other thoughts, feeling and interpretation. Indeed,
subjective accounts of events or observable facts in history, anthropology, sociology or social psychology
are also credible and valid data provided that they are affirmed by the intersubjectivity perspectives and
convictions of people.
Ethics is another parameter that must be included in the performance of social research. Ethics
states that there is a right and wrong way of doing things especially when it involves research among
people. In the study of society, people are involved and proper respect and recognition must be accorded to
them. During the incipient stage of social science, ethics was not much of an issue and we can assume
that certain ethical standards were not met. Treating people as study pieces, human subjects and
laboratory specimens made all this exercise a purely intellectual and academic endeavour (Tatel Jr, 2016).

Table 1.1 presents a brief summary on the definition and nature of the emergence of each discipline
Discipline Nature of Emergence Proponents
1. Anthropology is the study of human kind. It comes The rise of Western Franz Boas,
from the Greek word Anthropos, which means “human” imperialism in the 18th and Bronislaw
and logos, which mean “study.” Moreover, it attempt to 19th centuries prompted Malinowski,
find answers on questions involving humans: interest in the study of David Hume,
a. How we originated? culture of the colonies. John Locke,
b. How we have changed? Further, This marked the Jean-
c. How we are still changing? rise of scientific and Jacques
It consists of four branches namely: a. physical or rational philosophical Rousseau
biological anthropology mainly concern about how human thought. Enlightenment
emerged & evolved through time; b. Cultural or social thinkers such as David
anthropology-it concerns on the different cultures from Hume wrote a number of
time to time; c. Linguistic anthropology is the humanistic works on the
anthropological study of language; and d. Ethnology is nature of humankind.
study of present culture.
2. Economics seek to understand people’s activities Economics became a Adam Smith,
concerning production, distribution, and consumption of separate discipline with the Karl Marx
goods and services.” It derived from the Greek word oikos publication of Adam Smith.
meaning “house” and nomos, which means “laws.” The wealth of nations in
Economics is divided into two major fields namely: a. 1776.
microeconomics focuses on small or individual organization
in the system while b. macroeconomics focuses on the
broader sense.
One of the known theories of this discipline are the
supply and demand curve. The focus is to determine the
economic equilibrium for price and quantity (Jose and
Ong, 2016)
3. Geography means the “description of the earth.” It became an academic Immanuel
Stated by Getis (2004), “Geography is defined as the study discipline in Europe during Kant,
of spatial variation of how and why things differ from place the 18th and 19th centuries Alexander
to place on the surface of the earth.” There are five theme while many geographic Von
of geography namely: a. location; b. place; c. regions; d. societies were founded in Humboldt,
movement and e. human environment interactions. the 19th century. In Carl Ritter
addition, the earliest
geographers were
concerned with exploring
unknown areas and with
describing the observable
features of different places.
Such ancient people as the
Chinese, Egyptians and
Phoenicians made long
journeys and recorded
their observation of strange

4. History is the study of the past and its records The Greeks were the first Herodotus,
about events. It comes from the Greek word historia, which writers of history and It is Thucydides,
means, “to inquire knowledge through investigation.” one of the oldest discipline Leopold von
Herodotus is a popular Greek historian and was of the social sciences. Ranke
considered the, “father of history”. His first book is called
as the “HISTORIES” which is the record of ancient
traditions & culture of Greece, Asia and Africa.
5. Linguistic is the study of how languages are Modern linguistics started Ferdinand
structured, how they are learned, how they change to develop in the 18th de Saussure,
through time and how they are used in different cultures century with philology Jacques
and societies (University of Western Australia School of reaching its zenith in the Derrida
Social Sciences, 2017). It is composed of the following: a. 19th century.
Phonetic, which concerns the sound being used in
language; b. Phonology that concerns with the structure of
words; c. Syntax that concerns the structures of phrases
and sentences; and d. Semantics that concerns in giving
and studying the meaning.
6. Political Science is both theory and practice of As an academic discipline, Plato,
politics including analysis on public policies. It divided into political science is a Aristotle
six subfield namely: a.Comparative politics which compare relatively new field that Augustine of
theories on a specific nation to other nation; b. was principally worked on Hippo,
International relation which focus on the politics among by American scholars in Niccolo
nations included the international law, diplomatic affairs, the 19th and 20th centuries. Machiavelli,
& subfield conflict; c. Political theory mainly concerns is Thomas
the classical, modern politics & aims to discover what Hobbes,
theory suits to the characteristics of a good politicians; d. John Locke
Public Administration mainly concerns is the bureaucracies
on how it is functional & how to improve the theories; e.
Constitutional Law studies how laws are made & being
applied on a certain nation or state; and f. Public Policy it
aims to create a plan to develop programs that would be
sufficient & adequate to societies.
7. Sociology is the study of the interaction or It is Emile Durkheim Auguste
relationship of the society. It derived from the Greek word founded a formal academic Comte, Karl
socius meaning “companion” and logos meaning “word” field of study during the Marx,
(Arcinas ,2016). There are three approaches in sociology late 19th century with the Herbert
namely: a. Structural functionalist theory which means, establishment of the first Spencer,
“Society is a system of interconnected parts that work sociology department in Emile
together in harmony to maintain a state of balance & social Europe. Durkheim
equilibrium for the whole” (Mooney, Linda, David Knox and
Caroline Schacht, 2012); b. Conflict theory mainly a
society by groups competing with each other; and c.
Symbolic interaction means the level of analysis is in this
perspective is more on the microsociology side (perspective
concern the individual interpretation compared to the
other two perspective).
8. Psychology is attempt to understand and explain In 1879, Wilhelm Wundt Wilhelm
the way people think, act, and feel. It comes from the established the first Wundt, G.
Greek word psyche means “mind” and logos which means psychological laboratory in Stanley Hall,
“study of”. Psychology comprises of the following School of Leipzig (Germany) thereby John Dewey,
Thoughts: a. Structuralism which uses the method of effectively making Sigmund
introspection to identify the basic elements or structure of psychology a formal field of Freud B.F.
psychological experience by Wilhelm Wundt and Edward study. Skinner,
Tichener; b. Functionalism which attempt to understand John Locke
why animals & human have developed the particular
psychological aspects that they currently possess by
William James; c. Psychodynamic which focuses on the
role of our unconscious thoughts, feelings & memories on
our early childhood experiences in determining behavior by
Sigmund Freud, Carl Jung, Alfred Adler, & Erik Erikson; d.
Behaviorism which apply the operant & classical
conditioning by John B. Watson, BF Skinner & Ivan
Pavlov); f. Cognitive which mental processes including
perception, thinking, memory & judgment by Hermann
Ebbinghaus, Sir Frederic Bartlett & Jean Piaget; f. Social
cultural, the study of how the social situations & the
cultures in which people they find themselves influence
through their thinking & behavior. (Jose and Ong, 2016),

9. Demography is the study of human population. It The 19th century saw the Thomas
comes from the Greek word demos meaning “people” and emergence of demography Maithus,
French means “graphie”. It is main concern on the size and when it separated from Adolphe
characteristics of the population (Arcinas, 2016). statistics as a field of Quetelet,
study. William Farr

What’s More

Activity 1.1

Complete the following concept map based from learner experiences in every discipline. Define each
discipline and cite an example that you have learned from practices that you have observed in the

Activity 1.2

Explain the following:

1. Do you agree that anthropology can be considered as the fundamental discipline concerned with
human? Cite an example based from your personal experiences.
2. How do you compare the emergence of Sociology and demography based on the community you
lived? Expound your answer
3. Why is there a need to study language and its context? Give concrete examples based on your
experience in your community.
4. How is Psychology closely connected with sociology? Explain your answer by applying the

What I can Do?

Direction: Choose one from the social science disciplines that we have discussed. Make an
INFOGRAPHICS about the development of the discipline from its historical emergence to current time.

Relevance: 10 points
Originality and Creativity: 10 points
Overall impact: 5 points
Assessment 1.1

Write the letter of the correct answer on the space provided before the number.
___1. The place where the first sociology department establish.
a. America b. China c. Europe d. Germany
___2. The following is the proponents Political Science except:
a. Thomas Hobbes
b. Plato
c. Socrates
d. Niccolo Machiavelli
___3. It is Emile Durkheim founded a formal academic field of study.
a. Sociology b. Psychology c. History d. Political Science
___4. This kind of discipline is relatively new field that was principally worked on by American scholars.
a. Political Science
b. Sociology
c. Anthropology
d. Psychology
___5. In what year the first psychological laboratory established.
a. 1878 b. 1879 c. 1979 d. 1877
___6. It is one of the oldest disciplines of the social sciences.
a. History b. Linguistics c. Psychology d. Sociology
___7. Is one of the proponent of Geography?
a. Carl Ritter b. Socrates c. Plato d. David Hume
___8. It became a separate discipline with the publication of Adam Smith
a. Economics b. Geography c. History d. Political Science
___9. The following is the proponents Anthropology except:
a. John Locke b. John Dewey c. David Hume d. Franz Boas
___10. The rise of Western imperialism begin in __________.
a. 18th & 19th centuries
b. 20th century
c. 17th century
d. 18th century
___11. The following is the proponent in Psychology except:
a. G. Stanley Hall
b. John Locke
c. Thomas Hobbes
d. John Dewey
___12. The emergence of this discipline start when it separated from statistics as a field of study.
a. Sociology b. Anthropology c. Demography d. History

___13. Auguste Comte is one of the proponent in______.

a. History b. Psychology c. Linguistics d. Sociology

___14. This marked as the rise of scientific and rational philosophical thought.
a. Demography b. Sociology c. Anthropology d. History

___15. Modern linguistics started to develop in the ______.

a. 17th b. 19th c. 18th d. 20th

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