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Garage, service station and specialist repair shop
Layout of a typical garage, service station and specialist repair
Tools and equipment for a garage, service station and specialist
repair & power tools
Learning Objectives
After completing this unit, the student will be able to understand
• To understand the garage ,service station and specialist repair shop
setup and environment
• know the requirement of tools &equipment used in garage, service
station and specialist repair shop & power tools
• Study the layout of garage, service station and specialist repair shop
1.0 Introduction
The servicing of the automobile has also changed greatly to keep in step
with the engineering advances of the industry.
The tools and equipments which the early mechanic used were poor
compared to today’s standard, and in many cases were made by the mechanic.
170 Automobile Engineering Technician

Today’s automotive mechanic is welltrained and works in a clean, bright,

well-ventilated, specially designed automotive service centre.
A thorough knowledge of the parts an understanding of the mechanisms
are essentialin order that faculty conditions in any part of automotive mechanism
may be detected and corrected. As a result, the mechanic must possess the
knowledge, skill, and experience in this field to be successful.
1.1 Garage, service station and specialist repair shop
General Garage
For efficient and proper running of motor vehicle, it is necessary that
motor vehicle should be properly maintained and repaired. Satisfactory repair
works reasonably charges, qualified and experienced technical staff providing
prompt attention and good workmanship help a garages to get reputed and
popularize in the market.
A garage in general is a place where cars stored and cared for it includes
departments like storing, sales room, auto-supply department, oil and accessory
sales. It also provide maintenance service in case of tyres, battery, lubrication
and running repair. it should be very wellequipped for providing petrol, lubrication
and washing bay as well as for tyre and battery service. For major works it may
not be necessarily having the equipment. Although there would be available
equipments air compressor, car lift, jacking facilities and axle stands etc.
Types Of Garages
According to ‘’Auto Mobiles association’’system, garages are graded
into following four categories.
(a) One spanner sign or small garages
(b) Two spanner sign or medium garages
(c) Three spanner sign or large garages
(d) Break down truck or big garages
(a) One spanner sign garages
These garages, small in the size have adequate facilities for customers.
About 50% of the staff is properly trained and qualified. In such garages mainly
deal with replacement and adjustment of most of the major components for a
particular range of vehicles.
Paper -III Auto Servicing and Maintenance 171

(b) Medium garages

These have good customer facilities and about two-third of the staff is
well trained. All routine services and some of the specialized work carried out
(c) Large garages
In these garages, all the staffis well trained and qualified. The inspection,
diagnosing, servicing and repair can be carried out without advanced booking in
the garages.
(d) Big garages
These garages cancarry out most ofthe first aid type repair until midnight.
They provide recovery van services to carry away damaged or broken down
vehicles. They provide electrical repairs until at last midnight. In addition to
providing good parking area and waiting room facilities.
Service Station
A service station is a place where in addition to care of the motor vehicle
like mechanical service and minor repairs, petrol is supplied, cars are lubricated,
and cleaned, washed and other types of simpler services that are required daily
are performed. In general it includes a number of sections like garage general it
includes a number of sections like garage general service, mechanical service,
major repair shop, tire shop, paint shop, body shop.
A service station is addition to the equipment available is garage is usually
run in conjunction with a sales agency for a particular type of motor vehicle to
provide comprehensive repair service for that particular vehicle.
The equipment available, in a general garage will be added with
specialized equipment like lifting tackle, and different types of jigs, fixtures and
tools specially designed for checking, adjusting and repair of particular type and
make of the vehicle. Aservice station may consist of a machine shop having a
lathe, drilling machine etc.
In case of big service station special types of machines like crank shaft
grinding machine, valve reface, surface grinder, reboring and boring machine,
and brake drum lathe also will be equipments.
Specialist repair shop
It is an engineering workshop where works not attended in service station
will be attended. The specialist repair shops need experts in their particular line.
They usually provide good service in attending to repairs at reasonable charges
172 Automobile Engineering Technician

as well as take off the responsibility from the shoulders of the service station
men. Similarly the electrical repair, radiator repairs, painting and welding jobs as
well as body work can also be send to specialist repair shop.
Differences Between General Garage, Service Station And Specialist
Repair Shop Garage Service station Specialist repair

1. In garage replaces and In service station fuel It is an engineering
repairs are carried on by filling and wat er workshop. Where
the skilled workers. servicing facilities are works not attended in
available. It has a small service station will be
workshop to provide attended.
repair for particular
make of vehicle. It may
have sales agency for
particular type of
2. Petrol pump, washing All the equipment in the It has crankshaft
bay, tyre and battery garages plus small work grinding machine, FIP
servicing equipments are shop tools, viz. lathe, test bench and
available. drilling machine, jigs and painting shop etc.
fixtures are available.
3. Generally garage is It is also located on main Located on sides of
located on main roads. roads or nearer to the the highways or main
highway. roads.

1.2 Layout of a typical garage, service station and specialist

repair shop
The internal layout of a garage should be such as to make it water proof,
clean and spacious to provide sufficient space for small work benches, to storage
and repair benches. Following consideration should be made in the layout of
garage and service stations:
(i) To provide light to the work benches, opening the windows should
be provided at the proper place.
(ii) To keep the floor easily cleanable, it should be a smooth concrete
floor with a surface cleaning compound.
Paper -III Auto Servicing and Maintenance 173

(iii) The doors are provided as many members as required for easy
flow of men and materials.
(iv) The electrical control should be accessible to the operators.
(v) To form a neat storage for hanging tools, hooks or screw eyes
should be provided on the peg boards.
(vi) To provide a deposit of waste material.
(a) Layout of typical garage and service station

Fig 1.1 Layout of Typical Garage

(b) Layout of modern service station : They layout of service station is shown

Fig 1.2 Layout of modern service station

174 Automobile Engineering Technician

1.3 Tools And Equipment For A Garage, Service Station

And Specaialist Repairshop &Powertools
Many of the tools and items of equipment are necessary to enable the
motor vehicle workshop to cope with the wide variety of servicing and repair
work. The following is a list of tools and equipment in the auto shop.
Hand tools : Many kind types and sizes of tools are used in automobile
1. D.E. spanner set : These are the most commonly used type of
spanner in garage. The opening should be the right size to fit the nut or bolt. If
the spanner opening is too large, it could round offthe corners of the hex. These
make the use of the proper spanner more difficult. These spanners are available
in different sizes ranging from 6 to 32mm.
2. Ring spanner : In ring spanners the end openings completely enclose
the nut or the bolt head, so that they do not slip and cause damage. Further, the
end holes in the ring spanners are twelve sided, because of which they can be
used in restricted spaces, since the nut or the bolt head can be worked upon
even when the swing of the spanner is restricted to 15.
3. Tubular spanner : These are also used for the same purpose as ring
spanner. It will be like a long tube having hexagonalends at each end of different
size. They may vary in size from 8mm to 32mm. it can be used where double
end and ring spanner cannot be used.
4. Socket spanners : These types of spanners are useful in restricted
spaces where common types of spanners cannot be used. Theyconsist of sockets
of different sizes which can be used with various types of handles. The handles
have projection at one end around which the sockets fit. One type of handle has
a universal joint at the projection end which makes it possible to work with the
handle at an inclination with the socket. A ratchet handle is also available which
obviates necessity of lifting of the socket from the nut or the bolt head.
5. Adjustable wrenches : This wrench has jaws that can be adjusted
to fit nuts and bolt heads ofvarious sizes. These types ofwrenches have advantage
that these can be suitable for a large number of nut and bolt head sizes.
6. Torque wrenches : Important nuts and bolts in automobile work
have to be tightened with a specified amount of torque, because excessive torque
may result in their breakage while less torque they will remain loose. This is
made possible by a torque wrench. It is a specialised form of socket spanners.
Paper -III Auto Servicing and Maintenance 175

7. Screw driver : The screw driver is used to drive, or turn screws.

The most common type has a single flat blade for driving screws with slotted
heads. There are also the Phillips head and reed, and prince screw drivers.
8. Hammers : Amedium weight ball pen hammer is the one commonly
used in automobile work. It should be gripped on the end of the handle. When
you swing the hammer, the face should strike the object squarely, and not an
9. Pliers : pliers are a special type of adjustable wrench. The two legs
move on a pivot so that items of various sizes can be gripped. There are two
types gripping pliers and cutting plier.
10. Pullers : Pullers come in a variety of types and sizes and are used
to remove wheels, gears and bearing from shafts from housings. Each pulling
operation differs from the other, and care must be exercised to prevent damage
to the parts during pulling.
11. Spark plug spanner : For removing or tightening spark plugs.
12. Feeler gauge : For measurements such as valve clearance, spark
plug gap, contact breaker gap etc., we use feeler gauges which are simply blades
of differentthickness.
13. Valve spring compressor : Valve spring compressors or lifters
are used to compress the valve spring to facilitate the removal of the valve retain
lock or keeper from the valve stem.
14. Piston ring compressor : Piston ring compressors are places around
the piston covering the rings. As the compressor is tightened, it compresses the
piston rings into their grooves on the piston. Then the piston and rod assembly is
installed into the cylinder.
15. Piston ring expander : It is generally use to expand and remove
the piston rings from their grooves without breaking.

D.E. Spanner Ring Spanner

Fig. 1.3 Adjustable Spanner Fig. 1.4 Screw Driver

176 Automobile Engineering Technician

Fig. 1.5 Ball Pen Hammer Fig. 1.6 Cutting Plier

Fig. 1.7 Socket Spanners

Fig. 1.8 Torque Wrench

Fig. 1.9 Valve spring compressor Fig. 1.10 Piston Ring Compressor

Fig. 1.11 Piston Ring Expander Fig. 1.12 Puller

Paper -III Auto Servicing and Maintenance 177

Fig 1.13 Feller Gauge

Service station equipments

A large number of different types of equipments are required in a garage
or service station for carrying out different types of repair works. Different types
of equipments are required to cope up with the wide variety of work to be done
can be classified as under.
Special equipments for service station
1. Compressed air plant
2. Car washing machine
3. Lifting tackles
(a) Hydraulic jack
(b) Car lift
(c) Axle stands
(d) Jib crane
(e) Achain hoist
4. Chassis dynamometer
5. Wheel balancer
6. Tire remover
7. Brake drum lathe
8. Brake shoe lining riveting machine
9. Spark plug tester
10. High pressure grease gun
178 Automobile Engineering Technician

11. Wheel alignment gauges

12. Degreasing plant
Special equipments for engine repair:
1. Crankshaft grinding machine
2. Cylinder head surface grinding machine
3. Line boring machine
4. Connecting rod big end bearing boring machine
5. Cam shaft grinding machine
6. Valve refacer machine
7. Hydraulic press
8. Cylinder boring machine
9. Cylinder honing machine
10. Connecting rod rebabbitting jig
Special equipments for compression engines
1. Bench nozzle testing and cleaning equipment
2. Fuel injector tester
3. Fuel pump tester
4. Nozzle and needle grinding and lapping machines.
Power tools : Power tools are increasingly used in modern automated
auto workshops. They are operated by pneumatic, electric, hydraulic powers.
Their use envisage quicker, effortless and efficient service.
Pneumatic Nut and Bolt Tightener : It tightens and loosens the nuts
and bolts in no time. This is a portable machine whose working end can be
changed to suit different sizes of bolts and nuts.
Valve Refacer : It is used to recondition the weared and worn valve
faces. On employing an attachment, it can be used to grind valve stem, tappet
and the rocker arm.
Portable Drilling Machine : This is an electrically powered machine
which is used to make holes whenever required. It can be taken conveniently to
any area of repair since it is handy, compact and portable.
Paper -III Auto Servicing and Maintenance 179

Drill Stand : It is used to mount the drill machine. The job to be drilled
can be placed and clamped on its base. The height of the drill machine can be
adjusted suitably to accommodate jobs ofdifferent heights. For this purpose the
grooves are cut on its vertical stand. The height adjustment is done by means of
a lever and mechanical linkage.
Polisher and Sander : This is an electrically powered machine used to
rub the burrs fromthe surfaces ofcomponents, and then polish it to super finishing
accuracy. The standing is accomplished by means of emery paper or emery
cloth of coarse grade while the fine grade is used for polishing.
Portable Grinder : This is used to grind the rough surfaces, unwanted
projections, pro-truding corners etc. being sturdy and handy, it can be taken to
any remote, restricted and less accessible areas for repairing.
1. Agarage in general is a place where cars are stored and cared for. In
garage replaces and repairs are carried on by the skilled workers.
2. Service station has a small workshop to provide repair for particular
make of the vehicle.
3. Specialist workshop is an engineering workshop where works not
attended in service station will be attended. Eg., body work, FIP
testing etc.
4.Important factors to be considered while location service station-
easily approachable, idle sight, availability of the vehicles in the
surroundings, availability of qualified and experience labour force
(mechanics), provision of proper drainage, sanitation system.
5.Torque wrench is a important tool for tightening nuts and bolts with a
specified amount of torque, because excessive torque may result in
their breakage while less torque they will remain loose.
6. Valve spring compressor or lifters are used to compress the valve
spring to facilitate the removal of valve retainer lock or keeper from
the valve stem.
7. Feeler gauge is used for measurement such as valve clearance, spark
plug gap, contact breaker gap, etc.
8. Piston ring expander is a general tool. It is used to expand and
remove the piston rings from their grooves without breaking.
180 Automobile Engineering Technician

Short Answer Type Questions

1. What is garage, service station and specialist repiarshop .
2. What are the tools used in garage, service station and specailist
Long Answer Type Questions
1. Explain the tools and equipment used in garage, service station and
specialist repairshop.
2. Write about power tools.
3. Draw a neat sketch and indicate the garage, service station and
specialist repairshop.
OJT Activity
1. Visit different garages, service stations and specialist repair shops ,
to understand the workshop environment and identify tools
equipment used in the shop.
2. Prepare the layout of garage, service station and specialist repair
Major Equipment For
Service Station
Car Washing Machine
Vehicle hoist
Air Compressor
Lubrication Equipments

Learning Objectives
After the completion of this unit, student will be able to
• Know about the different service station equipment construction and
•Know the lubrication equipment and explain about lubricating

2.0 Introduction
A good automobile shop must have an equipment such as car washing
machine, air compressor, vehicle hoist and grease gun to undertake servicing
jobs of vehicles.
182 Automobile Engineering Technician

2.1 Car Washing Machine

Regular chassis washing of both cars and commercialvehicles to remove
grease, oil, mud and other corrosive deposits is most essential. This type of
cleaning is a time representative of preventive maintenance. This is easily done
by a spray of water with a solvent, at high pressure (above 25 kg/cm2).
Car washer consists of a pump which is driven by a electric motor. The
pump sucks water from a well or from water tank filled beneath it and delivers
to the nozzle through a pipe of hoses with high pressure. There are two types of
car washers as follows.

Pressure Guage Electric Motor

Nozzle Hose
Water Tank

Fig 2.1 Car Washing Motor

That provided with single hose which can be used to wash only one
vehicle at a time
1. That provided with twin hoses which can be used to wash two vehicles
at a time. The nozzles are adjustable, so that the deliveryof water can be regulated
at variable force from fine spray to solid jet.
Automatic Washing-
The automatic car wash machine has a three horse power pumping
station which pumps up to 100ltrs of water per minute through 15 numbers of
nozzles, 12 of which spray as a pre-wash arch which washes tires, wheels and
rocker panels and rest three nozzles sprays on back top brush. The machine
dispenses a specially formulated foaming, high pressure chemical during a pre-
wash pass which is applied along with high pressure wash.
The high pressure spray automatically adjusts to the vehicle’s dimensions
by the use of P L C based control panel and lastly, high pressure air blowers
maintain the best air-steam helps to dry the complete vehicle surfaces.
Paper -III Auto Servicing and Maintenance 183

The features and benefits of

1. Washes all shapes, sizes and configurations of vehicles.
2. All brushes are made of extremely durable at soft bristles that are
carefully hand-woven.
3. There is an intensified rear wash programme to effectively double
wash the backs of vehicles.
2.2 Vehicle hoist
In a big workshop, a hydraulic hoist becomes necessary to facilitate the
service work. Different types of hoists are used in automobile workshop. They
(i) Drive on lift or single post hoist
(ii) Two post hoist
(iii) Four post hoist
(iv) Six post hoist.
(v) Generally single post hoist as shown in fig 2.2 used in workshop.


Plat form
Valve’b’ (or) Platen

Valve’c’ Plunger

Hydra ‘c’

Fig 2.2 Vehical Hoist

The lift or hoist consists of a platform which is fixed on the top of the
ram working in a hydraulic cylinder. Normally the platform will be at ground
level and will be raised with the help hydraulic pressure applied on the ram.
184 Automobile Engineering Technician

When valve ‘A’is actuated, high pressure air form the compressor acts
an oil surface in the reservoir. Oil rushes trough piping into hydraulic cylinder via
another pilot valve ‘B’.
Pressured oil entering the bottom cylinder, lifts the plunger up. An
automobile stationed on platform attached to the plunger is thus lifted up giving
access for washing and servicing.
To lower the vehicle, valve is brought to the original position. Due to self
weight of vehicle, platform etc., and plunger descends gradually pushing back
oil into the reservoir through the restriction valve ‘C’. The speed at which the
vehicle or platform is to lowered can be adjusted by the restriction of the
unidirectional flow regulator ‘C’.
2.3 Air Compressor
Air compressors are used to compress the air which can be used for a
number of purpose like washing of vehicle, cleaning of engine, spraying of
lubricating oil, spraying of paint, tyre inflation, greasing a vehicle, for lifting hoist,
for pneumatic grinder, for spark plug cleaning etc.

High Pressure Cylinder Low Pressure Cylinder

Fly Wheel
Pressure Guage Electric Motor
Out let Air

Air Storage Reservoir

Fig 2.3 Air Compressor

An air compressor is shown in fig2.3. It can be compared with the

working of petrol engine or any other engine. The air compressor is coupled to
electric motor.
An automatic pressure controller is provided between motor and main
current line, to break the circuit when the pressure inside the air tank reduces a
maximum valve.
Compressor piston draws air into the cylinder during suction stroke
through the inlet valve. As piston moves upward during its next stroke, the inlet
Paper -III Auto Servicing and Maintenance 185

valve closes and the air gets compressed and delivered to the air tank through
outlet valve. One pressure gauge is fitted on air tank for observing the filling
2.4 Lubrication Equipments
Lubrication is the most important factors in the maintenance of the car.
If this is neglected in any way the mechanism wears more rapidly and troubles
are apt to occur. On the other hand liberal lubrication means long life and efficient
running, with general freedom from trouble.
To lubricate certain components beneath the chassis with the help of
lubrication equipments, grease guns and high pressure lubrication equipments
are used.
Grease guns
Grease guns are used to lubricate the chassis components with grease.
Several types of hand operated grease guns are available. They are.

(a) Push Type (b) Grease Gun

(c) Light Type

Fig 2.4 Grease Gun

(a) Push type

(b) Grease gun
(c) Light type, and
(d) Bucket type
Hand and compressed air- operated
Depending upon the type of lubricant and pressure used the first three
types of hand operated grease guns.
186 Automobile Engineering Technician




Fig 2.5 Hand Operated Bucket Type Lubricator

Push type grease guns consist of a cylindrical barrel one end of which is
fitted with a nozzle cup, a piston moves inside the barrel. The piston rod assemble
cap is screwed tightly to barrel. To and fro movement of piston rod develops
pressure inside the barrel. When lever is depressed grease comes out of the
nozzle under high pressure.
Bucket type grease gun valve will be operated by a fever which sucks
grease from the central tube and delivers through outer tube and hand nozzle. It
is shown in fig 2.4
High Pressure Lubrication Equipment
High pressure lubrication equipment is shown in fig 2.4. it is similar to
hand operated grease gun but operated under air pressure.

Air Regulator Valve

Grease Tin

Air Reservoir
230 v. A.C Gun

Fig 2.6 High Pressure Lubricator

Paper -III Auto Servicing and Maintenance 187

A separate container for grease filling is arranged on compressor tank

and valve is fitted on it. Grease gun pipe and air compressor pipe are connected
to valve. It is necessary that lubricant should be forced into the bearing until the
old lubricant is forced out new lubricant appears.
1. Car washing equipment is used to regular chassis washing of both
cars and commercial vehicles to remove grease, oil, mud and other
2. Compressed air is supplied by the air compressor. This air is used
for lifting the vehicle, spraying of lubricating oil, spraying of paint,
for pneumatic grinder, for spark plug cleaning etc.
3. Types of vehicles hoists :
(a) Drive on lift or single post
(b) Two post hoist
(c) Four post hoist
(d) Six post hoist
4. Cleaning the vehicle, greasing of all points, changing of mobile oil of
engine, adjustments of brakes etc, of the vehicle by mounting it on a
lift or hoist.
5. To lubricate certain components beneath the chassis with the help of
lubrication equipments grease guns and high pressure lubrication
are used.
Short Answer Type Questions
1. What is the purpose of car washing machine, vehicle hoist, air
2. What are the types of lubrication equipments.
Long Answer Type Questions
1.Explain the construction and working of car-washing machine or
automatic washing machine.
2. Write about vehicle hoist, air compressor, high pressure lubrication,
hand operated lubrication.
Paper -III Automobile Servicing and Maintenance 189
262 Automobile Engineering Technician

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