The Influence of Peer Pressure On College Students and The Countermeasures
The Influence of Peer Pressure On College Students and The Countermeasures
The Influence of Peer Pressure On College Students and The Countermeasures
With the pressure of competition becoming more and more intense, the phenomenon of peer pressure among college
students became more and more common in our daily life, not only about our work but also about our studies. However,
some college students believed that peer pressure had harmed them. This had sparked public concern and became the
focus of society. This review further explored the dissertation research on the effects of peer pressure on college students
from previous years. This paper analyzed the influencing factors of peer pressure on college students, such as gender,
the family environment, and grade, and the methods for college students to reduce peer pressure. In conclusion, we were
looking forward to a diverse and comprehensive study of peer pressure.
If college students choose a major without too many group's promotion to individuals. Most college students
people of the same gender, everyone will feel lonely can deal with the pressure properly. They can drive
because there are no friends of the same gender around themselves in a good way and put in a lot of effort.
them and they are not willing to let themselves make Sometimes the peer pressure can help them get a good
friends with people of other genders, and they will feel a grade or achieve some improvement, promote the
lot of pressure when facing this situation. In "Gender development of their interests and hobbies, and improve
Stress of Preschool Male Students," Zhao, who is the their adaptability to an unfamiliar environment. With the
main character, feels worried and anxious about the study pressure of competition becoming more and more intense,
and employment environment because he thinks there are the phenomenon of peer pressure among college students
not enough men in this major [3]. become more and more common in our daily life, not
only about our work but also about our study.
Family environment can affect gender differences in
personality traits of college students. Improving the However, some college students believe that peer
family environment is important for promoting the pressure has harmed them. This has sparked public
formation of a good human personalities and maintaining concern and become the focus of society. This review
the mental health of children. The model of family further explores the dissertation research on the effects of
education should take into full consideration the peer pressure on college students from previous years.
differences in the influence of the family environment on This paper analyzes the influencing factors of peer
the personality traits of children. The role of parents' pressure on college students, such as gender, the family
emotional attitude in guiding children's personality is environment, and grade. and the methods for college
very obvious [3]. The psychological development of a students to reduce peer pressure. We are looking for
person, the formation of personality traits, and the family ways to address the negative effects of peer pressure, both
environment in which he lives, and the emotional attitude externally and internally. This review only discusses peer
with parents and children have a direct link, in this regard, pressure on college students, and it doesn't include social
the American psychologist Nosh has the following vivid peer pressure. There are still many gaps to be filled in this
description: "Children learn to blame in an environment area. In conclusion, we are looking forward to a diverse
of criticism; in a hostile environment, learn to fight. In an and comprehensive study of peer pressure. When you are
environment of ridicule, learn to blame themselves; in an new to a new environment and facing unfamiliar people
environment of encouragement, learn to be confident; in and things, everyone is under a certain amount of
an environment of fairness, learn to be just; in an pressure. It may come from good classmates and strict
environment of safety, learn to trust; in an environment teachers.
of approval, learn to love themselves; in an environment
But in university life, there is all the interpersonal
of humiliation, learn to feel guilty ........" [4].
pressure that comes from peers, as everyone tries to find
Academic stress is an internal and external pressure good friends and get acquainted with the people around
that is beyond a student's ability or that may threaten him them more quickly. The pressure they bring can also
or her. How can stress be handled properly? Stress can be allow students to fit in better. Sometimes, family reasons
both a motivator and a resistance to learning. It is not only can also cause peer pressure on students. If the gap
an important factor in mental health but also an important between rich and poor is too wide it can put a lot of
variable in academic performance. Many students suffer pressure on some students, and if some families have
from academic stress, they are anxious and nervous. different education and philosophies it can also put a lot
Sometimes, academic stress can promote students to of pressure on students. But if students think they are not
learn and motivate them to study hard. This may help rich enough, they will study harder for scholarships, take
them to get a good grade. On the contrary, sometimes their studies more seriously to get a good job or take part-
students just feel stressed, but they don't try hard or just time jobs on campus to earn more pocket money. All of
make some effort unconsciously. This will cause them to these will give students exercise and promote their better
get more and more stress and will make them more and development. If you feel that your family philosophy is
more anxious. The pros and cons of college students' not compatible and you feel some pressure between
academic stress on their learning and growth depend on students, you can also learn good practices and habits
how they handle it [4]. from others so that we can all get along more amicably.
Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 638
gradually lose confidence. If the students in the group other negative emotions, they can try meditating in a
that have bad values and behavior are not conducive to quiet environment. When meditating, students can
the socialization of college students.If some students in consider asking themselves about their personal feelings,
the class are particularly good at their grades, other such as whether the extra study will really help them in
students will feel inferior or sad because of this. Then the their future development, and what their expectations and
pressure from the grades can affect the students' mindset plans for the future are [6]. Students may consider
and some of them may simply give up trying because the recording their questions and feelings during meditation,
disparity is too great and go down the wrong path from and then take them out when they feel upset or stressed.
then on. Do not deny yourself because you have not surpassed
others or have not been affirmed by others. One should
Of course, some students may also feel inferior and
be clear about one's future plans and path. When walking
sensitive because of the wide gap between the rich and
according to your own plan and direction, you will not be
the poor in their families. They feel that they are not rich
negatively affected by peer pressure. They will walk in
enough, but spending time with other people regularly
their plans and directions and will not be influenced by
puts a lot of pressure on them and they want to live the
peer pressure. They will not have the problem of
same life like them, but if they are unable to achieve such
inferiority complex caused by peer pressure.
a standard of living and are overly inferior and sensitive,
they may resort to some unscrupulous means to acquire
some unjust possessions. Peer pressure will make
3.2. External Method
students follow the herd mindlessly. Such as stealing, The external approach is to address the negative
robbery, etc. This series of bad behaviors can have a effects of stress mainly through the external influence on
significant negative impact on students. To get into the stress and mindfulness.
group as soon as possible, they often change themselves
and act as cater to the group members. After a period, the For long-term reducing peer pressure methods, the
college students will lose the ability to judge right and factors that make the peer pressure bring out negative
lose their self-confidence [2,5]. effects are important. Family is an important factor that
affects a person’s degree of stress resistance. According
3. THE WAY TO REDUCE PEER PRESSURE to research parents’ education level would impact the
teenagers’ degree of stress resistance. If parents’
Different people have different ways to reduce the education level is low, teenagers usually take a negative
pressure. However, not all solutions can be helpful for response [7, 8]. Thus, improving parents’ education level
everyone. The following solutions would provide help can also improve teenagers’ degree of stress resistance
for teenagers to reduce their pressure in two ways. [9]. In this case, parents should take some courses to let
them know the correct way to educate children.
3.1. Internal Method The external approach focuses on external
The internal approach focuses on addressing the distractions and distractions to address adverse emotions
negative effects of stress through self-awareness, value such as anxiety and irritability caused by stress.
building, and level of stress resistance. In the face of Following is the ways to reduce peer pressure.
psychological stress, if the stimulus (stress) to which the Exercise is to some extent able to stimulate neurons to
individual is subjected is in some way contradictory to secrete dopamine thus making people who exercise feel
his or her abilities, needs, and motivations, the impact of happy. According to research doing exercise can reduce
the stimulus (stress) on the individual is small. However, certain depression, anxiety, and stress [10]. Thus,
if the individual believes that his needs can be met, the teenagers should be encouraged to do exercises to release
stimulus (stress) has a low impact on the individual. the pressure.
When the individual is faced with this stimulus (pressure), Music therapy can also relieve negative emotions
he or she will take positive measures to face it [6]. caused by stress. According to research, listening to
Similarly, when adolescents are faced with peer pressure positive music can give people positive cues and
and the pressure meets the needs of the adolescent, the indirectly help them to think positively. On the contrary,
adolescent will take positive measures to cope with it. listening to depressing and sad songs can also give people
Therefore, adolescents should establish the right values a negative suggestion. Therefore, college students should
and have the right positive personal consciousness so that listen to positive and cheerful music more often and listen
they will take positive measures when facing peer to sad music less often to help them reduce their negative
pressure. emotions to a certain extent. [11] Besides, music therapy
Secondly, giving adolescents an adequate and can also help college students improve their self-
objective understanding and knowledge of peer pressure confidence and find themselves. College students are
can also empower them to overcome peer pressure [1]. learning new skills in the process of being exposed to
When college students experience anxiety, depression, or music, and in the process they are able to tap into their
Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 638
potential strengths. [11] When their potential strengths [5] Yang Man-Li, Yang Xiao-Hua. Exploration of the
are discovered, they become more sure of themselves and role of peer pressure on teaching booster[J].
receive their affirmation. This in a way creates a Guangxi Education (Secondary Education), 2017(7).
comfortable environment for them to relax and get
[6] Cheng Liying. An analysis of the adjustment methods
pleasure from music.
of college students' psychological stress[J]. Science
and Education, 2008(30):27-28
[7] Wang Yaning. (2011). Reducing Students'
In conclusion, peer pressure is a double-edged sword, psychological pressure and maintaining students'
which may be able to bring motivation to adolescents, mental Health. Ningxia Education, 000(007), 147-
and excessive pressure may also cause adolescents to lose 147.
confidence and become anxious, etc. The right way to
deal with peer pressure is to let teenagers understand and [8] Xiangtan University. (2018). The Impact of parents'
deal with peer pressure properly in order to enhance their educational level on children's overeducation.
resilience. Teens also need to develop their own (Dissertation, Xiangtan University).
perspective to help them see stress as motivation rather
[9] Xie Dongbei, & Zhong Fufu. (2008). Experimental
than anxiety in the face of stress. The literature does not
address how music therapy should be used properly. Study on the Effect of Physical Exercise on College
Since music therapy is of a more specialized nature, Students' mental sub-health. Chinese Journal of
professional help is definitely needed. This has a key role Practical Medicine (30), 207-208.
in the use of music therapy. [10] CLASEN, D. R., & BROWN, B. B. (1987).
This review still has some limits. This review only Understanding peer pressure in the middle school.
discusses academic peer pressure, but didn’t include Middle School Journal, 19(1), 21–23.
social peer pressure. Social peer pressure includes peer [11] Sha Tao, Meng Ning. Journal of Shanxi Datong
leading others to do some bad behaviors, like drugs, University (Natural Science Edition),
drinking, and so on. Those behaviors are also happening 201,37(04):122-124
in our life frequently, and it is also important for
teenagers to grow. Thus, in the future, there should be
more research and reviews based on social peer pressure
to help us know deeper about how social peer pressure
impacts teenagers, so that can reduce the peer to lead
other teenagers to do a bad thing. In addition to the above,
we also need to expand on the proper way to use music
therapy in order to help college students relieve stress
properly. If the correct music therapy approach is not
used, it may not work or have the opposite effect. Future
research directions could strengthen the methods of
operant therapy.
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