Giet University: Pre-Ph.D. Course Work Assignment For Research & Publication Ethics
Giet University: Pre-Ph.D. Course Work Assignment For Research & Publication Ethics
Giet University: Pre-Ph.D. Course Work Assignment For Research & Publication Ethics
for first copy and Xerox the other copy for evaluation purpose..
2) The Candidates should write their Name,Enrollment Number, Branch & Name
5) Each assignment must have front sheet in the given format. Please ensure that
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6) The candidates should submit all assignments at one time, for further action.
The assignments must reach the office of Ph.D section on or before: 15/03/2022
Signature of Expert
1. Discuss ethics in research. Mention the advantages and disadvantages Open access publications.
4. Give a detailed account on i) Indexing datd bases ii) Intellectual honesty and research integrity.
5. Write short notes on the following: a)Salami slicing b) H-index c)Scopus d)Predatory journals e) Conflict
of interest) Impact factor g) I l0 index
6. Write a short note on Impact of research on environment and its benefits to human community.
7. How do you address the Issues of Research Ethics in Science and Engineering.
10. Research Misconduct means fabrication, falsification, plagiarism, generally in proposing, performing,
reviewing, or reporting research and creative activities.” Substantiate with relevant examples.
11. Is Plagiarism only An Ethical Issue? What if plagiarism is detected ? Publisher’s policy
15. What is COPE, Write a brief note on guidelines on good publication practice.
Thank You