Alchemical Chemistry 0

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Index Introduction

My earlier work ‘Biodynamic/Glenopathic Chemistry’ outlines the basic

Introduction 2 structural form of the circular and then gyroscopic form of the Periodic Table.
From this it was possible to identify the energetic qualities of all the elements
From Alchemy to Steiner 3 of the Periodic Table, within the language and context of Dr Rudolf Steiner’s
(RS) world view.

The Energetic Activities 7 There are many practical applications that can be derived from this stage of
the work, however after a ‘wait there is more’ moment in my process with this
work , it is now obvious that a further relatively obvious and simple step, can
The Periodic Table of Life 11 open up a whole other vista for the application of the Periodic Table
organisation. The real value of this vista is in the way it relates to Dr Steiner’s
Practical Considerations 24 medical lectures, especially the 1920 and 1921 series, where RS focuses his
attention on the old alchemical ‘threefold’ reference of creations processes. As
usual he gives it his own spin, which does not necessarily conform to the
Epilogue 28 expectations of ‘the real alchemists’, however his take is consistent with his
other indications, and the indications provided by the Astrological model,
which has a very wide acceptance.

The real charm of this stage of the work is that it arrives at a very practical,
safe and potentially free avenue of health care for all who can be bothered to
understand it. It is precisely because of all these qualities, and that RS
appears to have already made the bones of its application available in his
lectures, that I feel it is necessary to make this information available to
whoever wants it. The potential value to humanity far outweighs my need to
exclusively benefit from it.

In keeping with my previous books, I will outline the various stages of the
logical unfolding of the understanding, that leads to the final organisation.
This system does not arise from faith or mysticism. It is a rational scientific
development of one fact upon another, albeit using a reference system
beyond what materialism allows itself, but nevertheless, it follows sequentially
© The Garuda Trust — All rights 2014 along a path that provides clarity and application to RS indications.
First edition 9 June 2014
I thank him wholeheartedly for leaving behind what he did, as I very much
doubt my efforts could have reached this point, without him. To me he is
ISBN 978-0-473-28961-4 indeed ‘Saint Rudolf’.

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From Alchemy to Dr Steiner central activity arising from two active poles, does not always gain their
acceptance. I do not wish to make one right and the other wrong, I merely
The pivotal image of this next stage in the Periodic Tables application is based
wish to acknowledge the difference in the meaning of the word Alchemy.
upon the ‘threefold’ stage of development. Within the ‘Biodynamic Model’
presented in ‘Biodynamic Decoded’ the threefold stage has been identified as RS is very specific with the details he provides of how and where each of
the dominant process found within the physical body. From Astrology this is these poles work and interact. This is all contained within the medical lectures
the layer of the ‘Modes’ and characterised as the consolidating Fixed activities, given in 1920 and 1921, which can be obtained on the web at http://www.
the expansive Cardinal processes and ‘in-between’ Mutable processes that , for free. As much as I would love to quote endless
arise as a dynamic expression of the interaction of the first two processes. passages from these works, issues of copyright say I have to be very minimal
This same image is used by RS in his description of the physical processes, with this practice. If you are serious about this study you need to read these
where he describes the nerve sense processes, centered in our head region as lectures anyway. They are free and available so you may as well go to the
contractive, with the metabolic activity centered in our ‘belly’ as expansive. ’horses mouth’.
The Rhythmic system which includes our circulation and respiration, comprise
The task I see ahead, is to show how the structural framework found within
the middle sphere, that mediates between the activity of the two poles. The
the circular Periodic Table, corresponds within the stories RS tells in these
middle is only healthy when the poles are working together properly.
lectures. This is the ‘why’ of ‘ why I do what I do’ and shoes how
This activity was imaged as : correspondences are made. The flesh of this structure, comes from the
stories within the lectures.

Nerve Sense Rhythmic Metabolic RS’s story begins, with the two opposite vortexes, the left hand spiral from
above and right hand spiral from below , working towards each other. In the
second lecture of 1920, he says “ The polarity in man is only comprehensible
if we know that his structure is a dual one and that the upper portion
perceives the lower. The following too must be considered: the lower
Fixed Mutable Cardinal
functions — one pole of the whole human being — are considered through the
Salt Mercury Sulphur study of nutrition and digestion in the widest sense, up to their interaction
with respiration. The interaction goes on in a rhythmic activity; we shall have
This image of the threefold activity, is different to the way it is described by
to consider the significance of our rhythmic system later. But linked up with
some, who have pursued the ancient literature of the alchemists.
and belonging to the respiratory activity there is the sensory and nervous
For them the threefold image has an emphasis on a linear movement from the activity, which includes all that appertains to external perception and its
consolidated substance of the ‘Fixed’ pole, which they call ‘Salt’, to continuation and its being worked up in the nervous activity. Thus, respiration
increasingly ‘lighter’ substance. An example is when a plant or mineral is and sensory and nervous activity form one pole of the human organism.
moved from substance, by fire, to produce an ash. This is termed the Nutrition, digestion, and metabolism in its usual sense, form the other pole of
‘Mercury’ phase. This ash is then distilled further, often several times, to our organisation. The heart is primarily that organ whose perceptible motion
‘etherise’ this substance and extract the essence, into the ‘Sulphur’ phase. expresses the equilibrium between the upper and lower processes; in relation
This essence, can have a practical application, as a tonic or remedy for all life to the soul (or perhaps more accurately in the sub-conscious) it is the
forms. ( see the agricultural work of Dennis Klocek ) This image of perceptive organ that mediates between these two poles of the total human
‘etherisation’ from solid to gas, is metaphorically given significance as an organisation. Anatomy, physiology, biology can all be studied in the light of
image of the journey of the base human, through a spiritual training, to this principle; and thus light is thrown, and only thus, upon the human
become the awakened adept. Thus all manner of ritual and esoteric training organisation. As long as you do not differentiate between these two poles,
can be given relevance. superior and inferior, and their mediator the heart, you will not be able to
understand man, for there is a fundamental difference between the two
It appears therefore, that RS and astrology’s use of this layer of creation, as a

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groups of functional activity in man, according to whether they pertain to the agriculture also read the medical literature.
upper or the lower polarity.
Within this picture, we can identify the contractive Cosmic / Sal processes
The difference amounts to this: all the processes of the lower sphere have and the expansive Earthly / Sulf processes. What also follows is that in
their “negative” so to speak, their negative counter-image in the upper. The between each of these polarities stands a middle Merc activity. Thus while
important point, however, is that there is no material connection between there is the primary Sal, Merc Sulf process between the Head , Chest and
these upper and lower spheres, but a correspondence. The correspondence Belly, there is also a ’secondary’ Sal, Merc and Sulf process within the Head
must be correctly apprehended. without search for or insistence on direct region and within the Belly. Due to the very nature of the threefold form we
material connection.” can identify a threefold center to all of the polar activities present . This
I have previously drawn provides a format for a three folding of the threefold.
this story as this picture,
however it does not fully
emphasis the phenomena
of the contractive activities
from the nerve sense
system, working completely 
through and into the Sulf Sal
metabolic system. While 
the expansive nature of the Merc Merc
metabolic system, in turn,
works right the way up into Sal Sulf
the nerve sense sphere , as

Sal Merc Sulf
This paragraph provides us
with a image of the contractive dominated nerve sense
zone, having within it an expansive process, which is
While this may seem a bit of a ‘head trip’, there is a very practical
source from the metabolism. The metabolism, has a
application to this, once we get to the Periodic Table.
dominating expansive nature , but also a contractive
process within it, sourced from the nerve sense system. Throughout the first five lectures of the 1920 series RS talks of the dual
This image is the same as that given to us by the Chinese expansive and contractive processes, however from lecture 6 onwards he
in the yin yang symbol. talks of the six planets, and through these, he shows the correspondences to
the metals, and how these three ‘Sal / Head’ processes work in relationship to
Many of RS stories describe how these two processes drive each other. Hence
the three ‘Sulf / Belly’ processes.
it is not just a game of two forces working against each other, but one of four
activities working together to provide our health. A similar image was Thus providing flesh for this bone.
presented within the agricultural lectures. Sadly, it did not appear clearly
until the last lecture. If it had been shown during the second lecture, many
subsequent understandings, which presently cause confusion for many
reading the Agriculture Course, clearly fall into place. Alot of what is stated
comparatively clearly in the medical lectures, was just hinted at in the
Agriculture course. It is important that folk interested in biodynamic

The Energetic Activities When looking for which influence this might be, Astral or Spirit, they too have
their specific fingerprints. The Astral body in RS’s picture is the curvy shape,
The expansive and contractive activities described in the previous chapter do as he is illustrating a dynamically moving process. So wherever activation is
not come out of nowhere. They find their source in the working of the 4 needed anywhere in the organism it has to come from the Astral body. The
energetic activities RS calls the Spirit, Astral, Etheric and Physical bodies. My Spirit activity , while still a contractive process tends to show itself as ordering
earlier writings showed how these internalised activities have their source and directing influence.
from the great cosmic spheres within which we exist. The Spirit is sourced
An analogy for these bodies activity is provided by the participants in the
from the very real forces being beamed to us from the Stars, the Astral
building of a house. The Spirit is the architect, who has the overall plan and
activities find their source in the planets and their EM spheres around our Sun,
provides the direction of the process, that needs to be followed for the overall
while the Etheric activity finds it source in the Schumann cavity that exists
project to be a success. These plans however have to be handed to the
between the Earth’s surface and the Ionosphere, while the Physical activities
master builder, who is the Astrality. He provides all the movement and
are sourced from the Earth’s own activity.
necessary skills to bring the plans into fruition. The Etheric body provides all
These activities are ’wound in’ to the various kingdoms of nature, in the life-forces and energy of the workers, who use the Physical bodies
increasingly complex ways, however whatever the combination of incarnated substances, such as wood and nails to finish the job. Without the architect the
and excarnated activities, one way or the other all four activities are active in builder will direct his energies in a unstructured and chaotic manner so the
all forms of life. building will not have the integrity it needs to ‘be within the law’ of life. If the
One image RS gave of these activities was in his Spirit is not present, the other activities loose focus, and do not do what they
September 1924 lectures entitled ‘Pastoral need to be doing. If the Astral influences are weak, then there is not enough
Medicine’. In this series of lectures he talks of basic force to stimulate the Etheric workers into action.
A s tra l what happens to ones inner experiences when
When we look back to the Astronomical reality from which these ‘bodies’ are
any of the bodies are not in the right
E th e ric sourced, the planets are essentially the only moving part of the game. The
relationship to the others. He was talking to
Stars are called Fixed Stars because from our perspective they do not move.
S p irit P h y s ica l both priests and doctors and so these are a
We know that they are moving, but within our lifetime and indeed a 1000
wonderful series telling how one or other of
years, they move only a very little distance, from our perspective. Also when
these disciplines will observe the same energetic
we come to the Earths atmosphere and Etherics carrier, water, we can say
that if it was not for the movement of the other planets, and their alteration of
This picture then acts as the background for the the EM field of the Solar system, the Earths atmosphere would be stable
information we have developed in the first Similarly, when water is left to its own devices, it will be calm and eventually
chapter. If we look from a human perspective stagnant. Water gains its life giving quality only when oxygen is wound into it
then the Head will be to the top and the Belly by outside movement.
will be to the bottom, of the picture. We can
Hence the planets and its Astrality are the only moving part of our reality, and
imagine the ‘Cosmic’ activities of the Astral and Spirit work from the Head
we need it to be active, for all the other processes to have the motivation they
region towards the Belly, while the Earthly activities of the Physical and
need to carry out their tasks.
Etheric activities, work predominately from below in the Belly, and move
upwards. Thus the Spirit and Astral are both contractive influences, while the So while we may give the contractive process in the Belly region a name such
Physical and Earth activities are expansive influences. So when we look at the as Cosmic Substance, what we are really identifying is the working of the
Head region and find a expansive activity, it will sourced from the Etheric Astral working from above into the below region. From all of this, we are able
activity working upwards from the Belly, while any contractive process found to put together the next diagram. I have inverted this diagram to represent
in the Belly region, will be sourced from the Astral or Spirit working how these processes work within the Earth and Plant, as my main application
downwards from the Head region. for this is to agriculture. RS talks of how the Agricultural organism, and

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plants, are placed in nature as if the human was standing on their head. The
Hindu culture has a similar appreciation. The head is the most contracted and
solidified part of the human, while the reproductive processes are in the
abdomen. For plants the roots are the most consolidated part while the
reproductive processes are taking place above the Earth.
ANABOLIC— Building Up — Expansive


Earthly Cosmic
Forces Substance



Earthly Cosmic
Substance Forces


Nerve Sensory

CATABOLIC - Breaking down - Contractive

northern hemisphere
The Periodic Table of Life references.)
In Glenopathic Chemistry (Biodynamic Chemistry) the circular periodic table
A further step was taken when
was shown as it stands in creation.
the 2D representations of the
S Firstly on page 114 it was shown periodic table were extended
orientated as if we are looking in into the 3D spherical form.
the north hemisphere, towards There are several chapters in
the Suns ecliptic. This means the beginning of this book,
facing to the south, with the that explored the three
East on the left hand — as is the dimensional nature of space,
tradition of many Piscean age and these chapters provide
cultures. The key thing to notice val uabl e references for
E W here though is that the main practical applications of this
vertical axis is the World 3D form. I have produced this
Physical, World Spirit axis. form into a real hanging
sculpture, that can be used practically in ways outlined later.
The next step that was taken ,
on page 118, was to change the So in a sense that book was concerned with a description of ‘what is there’.
orientation from the northern The energetic activity of each element was identified, and some images of the
N hemisphere focus upon the Sun, elements interactions and relationships with each other was provided,
N to focusing the same vertical
The question arises what can be done to focus our view more sharply
axis upon Magnetic North.
upon how this all effects life processes on Earth?
Chemistry, is an expression of
the electro magnetic nature of If we are wanting to learn more about how the chemical elements are going to
creation, and thus conforms to work on internalised physical body life forms, then we can shift the vertical
the real electro magnetic nature orientation of the circle, from the World Physical body to the Internal Physical
of our Earth. It does not conform body. The following diagram is the result. In doing so we are changing the
W E to our human desire to be warm orientation from the primary archetypal cross, to the secondary manifest
or worship of a Sun god. So this cross. Please note this picture is also orientated to magnetic north and so East
change of ori entation is is on the right hand. (See pg 13)
necessary once we begin to
As a small aside — A close inspection of Dr Hauschka’s zodiacal relationships
work practically and intuitively
to his 12 elements, shows his cycle of the zodiac e.g. page 155, ’Nature of
with the periodic table.
Substance’, are placed as if one is looking towards the north. They would rise
(This basic difference of out of the east and move to the left, rather than moving towards the right
orientation, was the cause of the side if one looked south. I do not remember any comments about this in his
‘disorientation’ I display during text, suggesting he was aware of the need to focus chemistry upon the
the third DVD of my presentations, now available as ’Energetic Activities’ in magnetic reality, even though he did not mention it.
2014. I am now use to working with the magnetic orientations, but still need
Once the shift of axis is made we can begin the perceptive process of what
to teach from the northern hemisphere ecliptic pictures, as these arise from all
can be seen. The first thing that strikes me is that at the ‘base’ of the
the previous stories, developed from the several thousand years of previous



physical arm is the element Carbon, followed by Silica. Carbon is the basic
but they do provide ‘atomic weight’ to a environment, as and when they see
element of organic life. We are all carbon based life forms, while Silica is the
fit. So they too suggest they can act as chaotic elements that respond to the
element that forms the ‘formative’ scaffolding upon which the Carbon is
environment they are in, and thus to the needs of the time.
placed. Carbon is quite a special element, in that while it exists as a gas, in
physical forms such as coal, the carbon we have are deposits from life forms. Therefore the vertical axis of this diagram can be looked upon as being
It does not readily combine with any elements other than it sisters in protein, Mutable, or responsive to its environment. So what is that environment?
Nitrogen, Oxygen and Hydrogen. So it is a element intimately linked into the
Just looking at the organised structure that is presented to us, we can identify
chaotic processes of life, and in many ways is the molding substance that
that clay is made of Aluminum Silicate, and it readily locks up Phosphorus.
becomes an expression of the environment within which it finds itself.
Above that is a layer with Boron, Carbon and Nitrogen. These three elements
Opposite to the Internal Physical arm is the Internal Spirit arm of the noble are major components of Humus, the central component in the ‘living’ layer
gases. These gases have a complete outer ring of electrons (8), and so do not of soil. Humus provides us with the most stable and usable sources of both
easily interact with other elements. Their motif is that of the autistic spectrum Boron and Nitrogen for agriculture.
of human psychology. They are individuals who do not feel the need to
The next layer up, has Calcium, Magnesium, Oxygen and Sulphur, all of which
socialise or interact with others, however as we know autistic people sure do
are central to the proper develop of leaf growth. Magnesium is the central
impact on their environment. Thus the noble gases may not ‘talk’ to anyone

agriculture is for the development and sizing of fruit. As RS shows, this is a
plant process akin to taking place within our metabolic function.

So within the Periodic table itself, is the form of the threefold plant and
human. Below the middle line is the ’nerve sense’ soil, and above it is the
‘metabolic’ atmosphere. Therefore we can identify, the below region carries
the contractive SAL qualities of the nerve sense system, while the above
section of the Periodic table carries the expansive SULF qualities.

3 fold x 3 fold
These references can now bring us back to the imagery we looked at in the
first chapter of this book. We have placed the threefold qualities onto the
periodic table, but now how can we 3 fold this 3 fold?

First let us observe that so far we have the threefold organisation setting the
vertical structure, but also that the middle axis of this picture is comprised of
two arms that suggest a very mutable and responsive ‘being’ awaiting to be
influenced by something ‘outside’ itself.

So, if we look to the physical (yellow) ring of this diagram, we find Si at the
base and it polar mate is Argon, above. To either side of these we have two
groups of three elements . On the left we have Sodium (Na), Magnesium (Mg)
and Aluminum (Al), while on the other side we have the elements of Chlorine
(Cl, Sulphur (S) and Phosphorus (P).

We can observe that the first group are a group of positively charged cations,
while the right hand group are negatively anions. Our next significant
observation arises when we look at the diagram coloured to indicate the
‘metallic states’ of the elements. (pictured left). All the brown coloured
elements are metals of various nature. The green elements are ‘in-between’
elements of metallic and non metallic nature, while the blue elements are all
non metals. The mauve colour indicates the noble gases.

From this picture it is very clear that the elements on the left are much more
dense and tending towards contraction, and thus associated to a SAL process.
element of photosynthesis, that occurs primarily in leaves, while calcium along While the elements on the right are softer and more reactive, and thus more
with oxygen, as the carriers of the Etheric activity, is necessary to grow large associated with the active SULF processes.
and nutritious leaves for fodder, while Sulphur is necessary to activate the
From the layout of the diagram, we can identify that the Sulf elements can be
many biochemical processes needed for life to occur.
observed as, the P can be expected to act as a Sulf, Sal quality, S is a Sulf
While the next layer of Lithium and Fluorine do not find much use in Merc quality, while the Cl has a Sulf Sulf quality. Similarly the Al has a Sal Sal
agriculture, the next two layers of Sodium Chloride and Potassium Chloride nature, Mg has a Sal Merc quality while Na is the Sal Sulf element.
do. Sodium Chloride is essential for the regulation of the digestive acid
These associations have developed out of simply looking at the diagram of the
processes found in our stomachs, while Potassium Chlorides use within

circular periodic table, seeing what is there, and making correspondences to lecture 4 (pg 65) he says “it is generally forgotten that man exhibits a duality,
information we have already accumulated throughout our biodynamic journey. so that what originates in the lower sphere has always complementary organ
We can now look further into the qualities and the relationships that are in the upper, and that certain organs of the upper sphere could not evolve
known about these elements to bring depth, texture and context to this without their complementary organs, almost their opposite poles, in the lower.
image. Luckily we have Dr Steiner’s 1920 and 1921 medical lectures to draw The more the fore-brain approximates to the form which it reaches in
upon to provide some further gravitas to this image. mankind, the more evolved does the intestine become in the direction of the
process of the depositing of waste material. There is a close correspondence
I would love to now provide extensive quotes from RS to illustrate his
between cerebral and intestinal formation; if the great gut and the caecum did
associations, however this process will have to be left to the second edition of
not appear in the course of animal evolution, it would not be possible for men
this book. I will need to re read all these 30 or so lectures and craft a more
capable of thinking, to arise on a physical basis; for man possesses the brain,
academic presentation of this material, which will take time. At present I am
the organ of thinking at the expense — I repeat, entirely at the expense of his
wanting to present the overview approach to this study, for no other reason
intestinal organs, and the intestinal organs are the exact reverse side of the
than to create a hard copy copyrightable material version of this information.
brain parts. You are relieved of the need for physical action in order to think;
It can then be ‘freed’ into the world for others to work with.
but instead your organism is burdened with the functions of the highly
So in a shortened version, I can provide some of the imagery RS gives for this developed larger intestine and bladder. Thus the highest activities of soul and
outline with references of where you can find it in detail. spirit manifested in the physical world through man, so far as they are
dependent on a complete brain formation, are also dependent on the
Continuing on with the physical body elements we can build up a picture of
equivalent structure of the intestine.” He we see the polaric relationship of the
references. On page 19 is a diagram of some of those RS makes.
Moon Saturn relationship in the nerve sense system.
Initially RS talks of the threefold processes as Salt, Mercury and Phosphorus.
Other stories shine more light on this basic reference. RS makes several
Traditionally, the Phosphorus part was always described as Sulphur. While I
comments about the role of phosphorus. Firstly it is within the processes of
have no evidence that he had the actual picture I present here, he obviously
the large intestine that we have the secretions from the gall and the pancreas,
had it in some form of imagination. His phosphorus emphasis, does accurately
which help in the breakdown of fats. Both these organs depend upon a
describe the Sulf aspects of the nerve sense activities of the head, he often
phosphorus chemistry for the production of these excretions. When we come
referred to. Similarly from his descriptions, and from the fact that Sodium is
to the head, RS talks of the three sections of the brain, the back brain, middle
the controller of the water and thus Etheric activities of organism, then we can
brain and front brain. He talks of the back brain as the perceptive brain. It is
see he is describing the less obvious ‘extremes’ of both Sulf and Sal, in his
the area that picks up all the ‘cosmic imaginations’ or the electro magnetic
initial stories. It is therefore important to appreciate that in the original
vibrations that are floating past us. We may or may not register these
alchemical stories, they are not talking of the actual substance ‘salt’ or
impressions, but generally we are experiencing them as those random visions
Sulphur, but a process, that in the 1600s they could observe expressed most
that come and go across our ‘minds eye’. RS comments that to bring these
obviously in these substances. For RS, he has chosen to focus on Phosphorus
impressions into clear rational thoughts we have to move them to our
as the Sulf element, and many of his comments regarding it, talk of its
forebrain, and this can only be achieved if we have enough available
function in the nerve sense system, instead of in the metabolic system, as we
phosphorus (P). It is the P that acts as the incarnating element of the spirit
would expect.
into our nerve sense system. He goes on to describe how P is a ‘dissolving
In various later lectures parts of this 6 fold story are told. In lecture 6 he talks agent’ and that if this does not work strongly enough then the natural
of the planets, then in lecture 7 he talks of how the metals are related to that contractive, consolidating and crystallising activity of the head will dominate,
reference, but the most consistent examples he gives are the relationships of and we will experience a sclerosis of the brain. Here we have an image of the
these six activities to those of the head and the digestion. RS emphasised the relationship of Aluminum and Phosphorus in our head. If the P is not active
exact correspondences taking place between these two systems, and that one then the Al will build up and we will experience dementia. One ‘cure’ for
part of one system can only exist because of the development of the other. In dementia is ‘brain gym’. Doing mental exercises like crosswords to keep the

17 18
certain individuals in whom the spirit and soul principle is too closely linked
with the etheric and physical bodies, have an organic hunger or thirst for salt
(NaCl); that means that they tend to reverse the process of depositing salt.
They want to cancel the process of earth-formation within their own bodies,
and restore salt to an earlier, more primitive, state than that in which the
earth has solidified.... And what does this opposition to earth-solidifying forces
mean? It means nothing less, in essence, than the liberation of the lower man
from the soul and spirit principle, the expulsion of this principle from the lower
sphere into the upper in the first instance. Thus in all cases where there is a
pronounced appetite for salt, the lower organic sphere is striving somehow for
liberation from the too potent activity of the soul and spirit within it, and
trying, so to speak, to cause this activity to flow towards the upper organic

To add some interpretation to this clause for those not familiar with his
terminology, he is saying that the astral and spirit activity in the belly region
is too strong, and that the addition of salt strengthens the metabolic zone
enough, to push the astral and spirit back into the head region, where it
belongs. This condition, where the astral and spirit are too strongly
incarnated, in this case right into the digestion, will lead to insomnia and also
constipation. In insomnia, we can not sleep because the astral and spirit will
not separate properly, and thus our front brain thinking processes will not
stop. We can also conclude that due to the astral and spirit activity we have
too much P activity. Hence we need to push out the astral and spirit, which
means we need to strengthen our back brain function, and RS says to do this
by increasing the NaCl density.

The constipation reference brings in the story of our digestive system. With
brain active. In other words by exercising your rational activity you are the digestion we can identify three parts , We have the stomach, the small
increasing the P levels in your brain, so that it can dissolve the Al. So the P is intestine and the large intestine. The stomach is the only part of the body
providing the expansive active processes of the Sulf pole into the naturally where we find Chlorine, in the form of hydrochloric acid. This acid in the
crystallising Sal pole. stomach has the job of a dissolving the carbohydrate basis of foods. In RS
To bring in another one of RS references, we can reflect on his descriptions in language it is the HCl that needs to ‘kill’ the etheric forces of the food we are
‘Man as a Symphony of the Creative Word” where he talks of the metabolic ingesting. This is achieved through an activation of our own inner etheric
system as imaged by a cow, the rhythmic system is expressed in the cat activity, and so by exercising this ‘etheric muscle’ we experience an increase
family, or the Lion , while the head region is expressed in the Birds and in etheric activity. This is a rather strange image I know , but that is what he
notably the Eagle. Thus it can be concluded that people functioning from their says. RS says the etheric forces of other beings are too much for us, so we
back brain—due to high chlorine uptake— have ‘cow brain’, while strong must overcome them, before they are of use to us. It is certainly a simpler
thinkers express ‘Eagle brain’. image if we just gobbled up other beings etheric forces , but no this is not RS
story. So in either case it is the HCl that achieves this dissolving ‘etheric’
As a opposite example to Phosphorus, RS provides an image of salt, sodium stage in the stomach, and it is the role of salt (NaCl) to control the quantity of
chloride, in the 5th lecture (pg 72) “It is of fundamental significance, that HCl we have in our stomach. More alkalinity comes form the sodium and more

19 20
acid comes from the Chlorine.

The second stage of our digestion occurs in the small intestine. This is where
through Sulphur chemistry we digest the proteins we eat. Given proteins arise
due to the inclusion of the astral body and nitrogen, this is the stage where
astral forces are ’digested’. While in the large intestine, the P chemistry is
active digesting the fats, and hence this is the stage of the digestion where
the Spirit forces are assimilated.

Where there are any disturbances in these processes, we can see that if the
stomach activity is too dominant, then the sloppy watery nature of the
stomach shows as diarrhea, when the protein digestion is disturbed we have
flatulence. The more disturbance the smellier it is, while if the third stage is
disturbed by too strong a contractive process dominating, we have

To add to this picture we can reflect on more information about the 3 fold
head system. We have seen how sodium has a relationship to the stomach
and a quote from pg 79 clarifys its relationship to the back brain, grey matter
process. “It is a complete foolish error to suppose that the substrate
substance of thought is mainly given in the grey matter of the brain. This is
not so. The grey matter serves principally to conduct nourishment to the
brain. It is essentially a colony of the digestive tract, surrounding the brain in
order to feed it, whereas the white matter of the brain is of a great
importance as substrate substance of thought.” This is only achieved in the
presence of Phosphorus.
Energetic Bodies, Hydrogen, Magnetism, Steiner Physical Forces,
Where the sodium process becomes too strong, and it dominates its smaller Physical Body Chemistry, Alchemy, Planets, Metals, BD Preps,
brother Lithium, we see bi-polar disorder spectrum illnesses appear. Human Physical Organisations, Plant Processes
Interestingly , the treatment is Lithium Nitrate, which we can see on the PT
are exact opposites to one another. This process of opposition of elements
generally stimulates the activity of both elements.

Where there are disorders in the Magnesium activity, the rhythmic brain is The examples I have given here are spoken of from my experience. I have
disturbed and we see epilepsy arising, while we saw earlier that front brain played with these remedies and have found them to act as described.
disturbances lead to dementia and Alzheimer's, caused by a build up of
Aluminum in the brain. So far this discussion has been from the orientation of the northern
hemisphere. Once we move to practical applications with the periodic table we
So the solution for insomnia and constipation is to stimulate the opposite pole
have to move to the magnetic north orientation which means the summary
by using NaCl, while the solution for dreaminess and diarrhea is Aluminum
diagram needs to be spun over. (See above) You can now compare this
picture and the cover picture for mutual references.
These are the conclusions that naturally arise from following RS instructions
from the 1920 lectures, when seen from the context of Biodynamics and
circular chemistry.

21 22
The Next Step Practical Considerations
The previous discussion was focused upon the workings of the elements found
One of the largest problems of explorations into chemistry, is that most of
upon the Physical ring of the circular periodic table, indicated by the yellow
the chemical elements are either toxic to handle, explosive when exposed
circle. Referring back to the diagram on page 12 - what this all suggests is,
to air, or radioactive. Thus one needs to be relatively highly trained
that by using the related elements (same arm) to those discussed here, on
chemist to not kill yourself.
the other circles, we should be able to influence the other bodies activity. The
elements of the green circle will be how we can directly influence the way the The second ‘problem’ of chemistry is the availability of these toxic and
etheric body works in the three physical zones, while those in the blue circle dangerous substances. Basically the average person can not access many
will influence the astrality, and those elements in the purple circle will of the elements, and then of course one can only access those that
influence the spirits activity in the three zones. naturally appear in nature. So there are various combinations one might
like that are not available at all.
I have done some experimentation into this association, and so far find it to
be a worthwhile avenue of exploration. My experiences conform with what I These are certainly large enough barriers, for the insights available from
would expect to occur. No doubt the second edition of this book will contain this book, to remain intellectual potentials, but practical impossibilities.
more experiences. For now this ‘indication’ is enough. However there is an answer to these problems, and one that may allow the
insights here, to be available to all of humanity, free of charge. It is this
I would like to conclude this chapter with the observation, that the
very ability of this system, that ‘forces’ me to give this whole methodology
correspondences offered here provide a complete reference for the use of all
freely to humanity. As now more than ever before, the ‘people’ of the
the chemical elements, within the context of Dr Steiner’s worldview, and thus
world are in need of a non-corporatised answer. Yes there is some effort
completes the task of extending RS indications on chemistry.
needed to bring all the information together, but time and co-operative
While ‘Glenopathic Chemistry’ provides the references for identifying the many efforts by interested parties, should provide a simple materia medica,
levels of a elements energetic activity, this extension of that work brings ‘normal’ people can use for simple solutions to their issues.
these activities right into the bodily processes. Thus providing an avenue for
The answer to the above questions lie in a few simple truths. A cornerstone
very practical applications.
‘truth’ of all of my efforts is that Creation = Movement + Time. From this
movement over a very long period of time, creation has unfolded according
to basic principles that can be identified at all levels of creation. Many
people have shown that the mathematical image of this order is the golden
mean, while RS, and others have reaffirmed the axiom of ‘As Above, So
Below.’ My entire body of work is dedicated to showing the reflected order
that exists between what is above us, with how life process organise
themselves. From this, it can be seen that there is archetypal order, from
the beginning of the story as expressed in ‘Biodynamics Decoded’ through
to the end as expressed on page 18. It is important to observe, that my
entire story follows one stage after the other, from simple observations of
what is there, as scientific fact in front of us. I am seeing what is just

A cornerstone recognition for me was when I began to travel, and noticed

every culture on Earth has revered the circle and octagon within it. Why is
this? Because this form is the representation of the macrocosmic truth that

23 24
we live within a electro magnetic sphere, where all matter organises according then by ‘pulling at the frayed remains’ of what has been left lying about my
to the North South polarity of the strongest field. This sets the external reality cultures past, has recreated a precise map of what activity can be found at
of life, while we can also identify that internalised life, as the below, is a any spot in the circle. (see Glenopathic Chemistry) Simply by standing in any
reflection of this reality. Thus the second cross, which makes up the octagon, spot of an Earth circle, one can experience and be effected by the specific
and related to the Earth based equinoxes and solstices, provides an energy gathered there. We only need to see the experiments of sand on a
archetypal image of the creation we are. It seems all cultures have recognised vibrating plate, to observe the process. The form of the sand arises from the
that the simple act of drawing a circle , within the electro magnetic soup of vibration. By changing the vibration the form changes. Just as the form arises
our life sphere, brings about a ‘being’ that can resonate with the archetypal from this vibration , so when a circle or octagon is drawn, the Earths magnetic
form of the energetic sphere that is the Galaxy, Solar System and Earth. The field drives the organisation to occur.
circle becomes a energy organisation device, and the pattern of organisation
This occurs with every circle, or octagon of whatever size. So once you notice
is the order I have described throughout all my writings. All circles and
these lying about your environment , you can see an opportunity to find
octagons will create this order, regardless of there size or the material from
whatever remedy you might need, literally at your finger tips.
which they are made. The older cultures know this. There is a great story of
the large stupa in the middle of Katmandu. There is an army of 300 people The picture on the cover is therefore an energetic organisational device that
protecting this stupa, as they believe and no doubt experience, that the stupa can be used, simply by putting your finger on any energy you wish to attract
generates a force of cosmic harmony that radiates across their lands, and to yourself. Be sure and align the north pole of the picture towards the north
creates stability for the development of their culture. Their ongoing peaceful in your environment.
existence depends upon the existence of the stupa. Islamic culture identify
The advantage of this method is that at no time do you come in contact with
this form also as a representation of cosmic harmony, and all their major
the physical chemical substance, and therefore all the problems of dealing
buildings are octagonal.
with them do not exist. Nothing will blow up, nothing is radioactive, and I
One of the best examples of the structural use of this form is St Peter’s would like to say nothing is poisonous, however it is possible to get too much
Basilica and rotunda in Rome. St Paul’s in London is another great example. of any particular vibration, and this could cause an imbalance, that could
The christian’s made a slight change to the basic form of the Greek cross, by cause some illness to occur. So ‘tread carefully’, it is a art form that needs
extending the west apse of their building, but the basic Greek cross is still some practice.
formed by the equal lengths of the other three apse, which then resonate the Collection Method
boundary of the fourth side, often a third or half way down the western apse.
The clue of the Christian cathedrals is all of the Greek cross imagery in the While standing on a spot or even using a finger on a spot, can achieve
tiles and paneling throughout the buildings. The priest garments also display energetic movements, it is also desirable to be able to make up remedies that
it. There are several examples of octagonal chapter houses off the later can be taken along with you and used as needed, and given to others.
Templar cathedrals. We have the wonderful natural qualities of water and Silica at our service. Dr
Other cultures such as the ancient Britain's made stone circles, while the Omoto of Japan, and others, have shown that water is a programmable
American Indians call their earth drawn circles ‘medicine wheels’. They have crystal. Simply by bringing water into a persons field, the water will take on
very clear understandings of the effect of the various parts of the circle. The whatever energetic quality the person is concentrating upon, immediately.
detail within the Tibetan mandalas formed on this ordering, suggest they too Glass bottles are made of Silica and we know that silica has the ability to
would have detailed understandings of the internal structure, as do the transfer electro magnetic energy. Therefore water inside a bottle and placed in
Chinese with their I Ching and Fung Shui. the Sunlight, while placed upon a specific spot within the circle, will
So while the knowledge of the power of the circle and octagon is lost to our accumulate and hold the energy of that spot.
western culture, it has not been lost to several others. My efforts firstly by Thus you now have the ability to collect whatever energy you want. This
just following the ‘As Above, So Below’ principle of astronomical order, and remedy is essentially very similar in quality to a Bach Flower remedy, that is

25 26
essentially made in the same manner, except flower parts are placed in water
in the Sunlight.

The individual remedies can then be combined or they can be potentised to

further specialise their effect. However now we can use all the elements of the Epilogue
periodic table, I wonder if this is necessary. What has been presented here, is the outline of a new methodology that
needs to be worked upon further, for it to be able to answer most questions
In Steiners’ methodology, the substance is usually selected for its activity
that arise in the process of maintaining health of both people and nature. My
upon the energetic bodies, and then the potency is used to direct it to the
aim in ‘giving this away’ now, is so others can join me in this exploration
physical system we what. We need to remember he and his followers have
process, and for humanity as a whole, to have access to the ancient
only described the function of some 20 chemical elements.
knowledge and techniques, that are essentially our birthright. Here is a safe,
In the system I have provided, where we can access all the elements. We are free and thorough methodology that can be accessed by anyone with a circle.
selecting the physical system we want, by choosing a substance of that
I appreciate there is some background understanding needed to really
system. Then if we wish to work with a specific energetic body, we would
diagnosis problems , and to then identify the solutions. But like all modern
choose the element of that family that works, on that body.
sciences, some training in required for something to be used, at its most
So using the salt example given earlier. We can identify that the astral and powerful levels. Anyone can start though by gathering elements you know you
spirit are working to strongly into the metabolic system. So instead of just need.
using salt as RS describes, we can push the astral and spirit out by
I have written books and have a range of DVDs available to help in the
strengthening the etheric activity in the metabolic system, so we might
learning process. I anticipate there will be seminars and training sessions
choose to use Potassium Bromide , instead of Sodium Chloride.
available in the future as the need arises. Please do make the effort to get the
overview I provide as this acts as the rational basis for the practical parts of
Using ‘Glen’s Organising Device’ the method.
In the process of visualising the 3D spherical representation of periodic Table,
While I have a facebook page — “Adopt an Octagon” for the spreading of the
I designed my clear and coloured ‘wind sculptures’. These devices have been
word, I also have a yahoo group — ‘’ that could
experienced to create a sense of calm and order in whatever environment
provide a more useful forum for discussion of this subject. I do not find
they are hung in. Therapists in particular appreciate them hanging in their
facebook particularly functional for ongoing discussion and archiving. So if
treatment rooms. They are designed to be blown by the wind , so they spin
you are interested in pursuing this subject further join the yahoo group and
and also for the Sun to shine through them, thus throwing various types of
start asking questions.
light show about the room or garden.
My website , is where I put this side of my activities,
They can also be used in a similar way to the paper image of the picture. One
while any purchases are run through the BdMax online shop. www,
can hold the gyroscope and put your fingers upon a couple of points you wish
nz .
to receive.
This has been a fantastic journey, which began the moment I left high school.
Alternatively, my experiments suggest that if you have a few small circular
40 years later this is where it has come to. I feel very privileged to have been
magnets, you can place two ( so they stay in place ) one on either side of a
on this somewhat individual process of unfoldment, which has lead to the
element, on the plastic disk, and leave it to hang in the environment you wish
most fundamental of universal truths. A bottle of water, sitting in a circle in
to influence. I am unsure just how far this will radiate, but I can say when I
the Sun.
placed one of these within two meters of a sizable in ground wasps nest, that
after two months the nest had stopped being active. In this season of huge I am writing this on the 90th anniversary of Dr Steiner’s Agriculture lectures,
wasp problems, we have had hardly any, after this. which for me has been the doorway into his outstandingly practical worldview.

27 28
My efforts have been focused on understanding and applying these, classically
difficult lectures. A task I believe I have achieved. My book ‘Energetic
Activities’ is where I physically pulled these lectures apart and reordered
them, so the two dominant theological discussions in this course, are seen
separately. In this bold act I hope a clear theology can be seen by the
Biodynamic community, so that a coherent and functional story can be told to
the rest of the world. Biodynamics, can not expect to be taken seriously by a
scientific world, when every practitioner has a different theology, especially
when their story is developed upon the denial of significant sections of its
founding document. (Who are they trying to kid?)

I trust my efforts, both practically, through the effectiveness of the unique

products I have created, and through my demonstration of chemistry’s
coherence with the order Dr Steiner described, provides the Biodynamic
community with enough evidence to take my suggestions to their ‘unknowns’,

Beyond that community, I trust my efforts provides others with a sequential

story of universal creation, and simple techniques by which they can interact
with it.

Here’s to the future development of humanity within the principles of

universal harmony.


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