Using Flexible Loans To Improve Access To Credit For Farmers in Kenya
Using Flexible Loans To Improve Access To Credit For Farmers in Kenya
Using Flexible Loans To Improve Access To Credit For Farmers in Kenya
Towards Realisation of Vision 2030
©2021 Authors 67
Published by Academia Kenya,
Towards Realisation of Vision 2030
refinanced in cases where their crops were flexibility by introducing more flexible highly flexible loans and limit credit
affected by some shocks such as flood or loan options. More options such as rationing.
draught. Only a handful of farmers (13%) credit lines and bullet payments
said their terms of loans allowed them to should be included within the portfolio
make bullet payments. The results also of flexible loan features. Acknowledgements
show that few farmers agreed that they Lenders should also educate farmers This brief is derived from a Master of
would access a credit line (3%) or their on all the features of loan products Development Studies thesis by Fredrick
loans be rescheduled (3%) in case of any available to them to improve the Onyango Odhiambo and supervised by Dr
shocks that affected their farm output. financial literacy and, therefore, their Radha Upadhyaya. We acknowledge the
However, these were rarely agency. Farmers are most likely farmers who took part in this survey. We
exercised by borrowers, especially those unaware of their choices because the also thank the students and faculty
that were in farmer groups. This is because loan officers do not educate them members of the Institute for Development
the borrowers were pressured by their more about their options. Studies for their valuable comments during
fellow group members to repay their loans Farmers should be offered more cash the development of the original thesis.
quickly in order to improve the group’s
overall credit rating. Lenders provided loans instead of in-kind credit to
incentives to groups for paying up their improve access to credit. Lenders who References
loans more regularly and for finishing their offer in-kind credit argue that the
KBA (Kenya Bankers Association).
loan repayments earlier than scheduled. fungibility of cash explains the
(2018). Realisation of Full Potential of
Because groups competed to get rewards provision of farm inputs. However, the
Agriculture Sector: Is Commercial Financing
for having maintained clean records and results showed that offering in-kind
a Core Missing Cog? Nairobi: Kenya
repaying their loans earlier, the incentives credit was associated with lower
Bankers Association.
pushed borrowers to repay their loans access to credit.
Labie, M., Laureti, C., & Szafarz, A.
regularly and complete their repayments Lenders should also improve the loan (2017). Discipline and Flexibility: a
before the loan period expired. administration and allow borrowers to Behavioural Perspective on Microfinance
The bivariate results showed that exercise the rights within the loan Product Design. Oxford Development
access to credit differed across sex, contracts such as allowing borrowers Studies, 45(3), 321-337.
education, type of credit, and wealth status a grace period before they begin loan McIntosh, C. (2008). Estimating
of households. Access to credit also repayments or allowing them to make Treatment Effects from Spatial Policy
differed across three features of flexible repayments at time intervals of their Experiments: an Application to Ugandan
loans namely bullet payments, loan choosing. Microfinance. The Review of Economics
refinancing and loan rescheduling. Medium-Term and Statistics, 90(1), 15-28.
On whether flexible loans influence Odhiambo, F. O. (2019). Flexible Loans
credit access, the results showed that
Provide Credit Guarantee Scheme:
and Access to Agricultural Credit for
flexibility had no influence on the amount of Lenders consider agriculture a risky Smallholder Farmers in Siaya County,
loan farmers borrowed. The main drivers of sector. Smallholder farmers are even Kenya. Nairobi: University of Nairobi.
access to credit were the type of loan, considered riskier. In order to Weber, R., & Musshoff, O. (2013). Can
education level of the farmer, and the incentivise lending institutions to Flexible Microfinance Loans Improve Credit
household wealth. More specifically, higher provide more credit to smallholder Access for Farmers? Agricultural Finance
credit access was associated with higher farmers, the government can provide Review, 73(2), 255-271.
levels of education, wealthier households, credit guarantee schemes. This will
and provision of cash-based loans as act as a way to de-risk lenders from
opposed to asset-based loans. any loan defaults. Authors
Disburse credit through lenders: Fredrick Onyango Odhiambo,
Policy Smallholder farmers are more likely to
be credit-rationed when the loan ResearchPro Solutions,
Recommendations product is highly flexible. Thus, the P.O. Box 102609-00101, Nairobi, Kenya.
government can provide more funds Dr Radha Upadhyaya
to the farmers through lenders that
Short-Term offer flexible loan products. This will Institute for Development Studies,
Lenders should re-design their flexible encourage more lenders to offer University of Nairobi,
loan products to improve the level of P.O. Box 30197-00100, Nairobi, Kenya.
©2021 Authors 68
Published by Academia Kenya,