Natcher v. CA
Natcher v. CA
Natcher v. CA
Later, the heirs executed an agreement of Nevertheless, the RTC ruled that the transaction
consolidation-subdivision of real property with can be an extension of advance inheritance to
waiver of rights wherein they subdivided among Natcher, being a compulsory heir.
themselves the parcel of land covered by the TCT
into several lots. In so doing, Graciano DONATED The CA reversed the RTC, ruling that the probate
to his children, share and share alike, a portion of court has the exclusive jurisdiction to make a just
his interest in the land amounting to 4,849.38 and legal distribution of the estate and that the
square meters leaving only 447.60 square meters court a quo, trying an ordinary action for
registered under his name. reconveyance/annulment of title, went beyond its
jurisdiction when it performed the acts proper only
Subsequently, the 447.60 sqm left to Graciano in a special proceeding for the settlement of estate
was further subdivided into two separate lots, of a deceased person.
one having a land area of 80.90 sqm and the
second with 396.70 sqm. Graciano sold the first Thus, according to the CA, the RTC erred in
lot to a third person and retained ownership of regarding the property as an advanced
the second. inheritance and what it should have done is
merely to rule on the validity of the sale.
Graciano later married petitioner Patricia
Natcher. During the marriage, Graciano sold the Issue: WON the trial court (a court of general
second lot (396.70 sqm) to her and as a result, a jurisdiction) had the jurisdiction to determine the
new TCT was issued in her name. Graciano, five issue regarding the settlement of Graciano's
years after marrying Natcher, died, leaving his estate.
second wife Patricia and his children in the first
marriage as heirs. Ruling: NO. [A]n action for reconveyance and
annulment of title with damages is a civil action,
Later, private respondents filed a civil case before whereas matters relating to settlement of the
the RTC of Manila alleging that upon Graciano's estate of a deceased person such as
death, petitioner Natcher, through fraud, advancement of property made by the
misrepresentation and forgery, acquired the TCT decedent, partake of the nature of a special
by making it appear that Graciano executed a proceeding, which concomitantly requires the
deed of sale in her favor. They further alleged that application of specific rules as provided for in the
the fraudulent sale resulted in the IMPAIRMENT Rules of Court.
of their legitimes.
Clearly, matters which involve settlement and
distribution of the estate of the decedent fall
within the exclusive province of the probate court
in the exercise of its limited jurisdiction.