Metallurgy: MCQ On Unit 1 & 2
Metallurgy: MCQ On Unit 1 & 2
Metallurgy: MCQ On Unit 1 & 2
2. when two elements mix of dissolve in the solid state, the resulting phase is called…
3. When solute of the atoms of solvent are replaced by the solute atoms _____is formed
C)Compound d) none
a) metal b) ceramic
c) polymers d) Composite
10. The interstitial solid solution of carbon in BCC delta iron is______
11. The intermetallic compound of iron and carbon with a fixed Carbon content of 6.67% by weight is
c) ledeburite d) none
c) ledeburite d) none
a) austenite b) cementite
c) perlite d) ledeburite
a) austenite b) cementite
c) ledeburite d) pearlite
a) pearlite b) cementite
c) ledeburite d) austenite.
a) BCC b) FCC
c) BCT d) Orthorhombic
a) BCC b) FCC
c) BCT d) Orthorhombic
a) BCC b) FCC
c) BCT d) Orthorhombic
20. The temperature at which cementite changes from ferromagnetic do paramagnetic character is…
a) 210 b) 727
c) 910 d) 1410
a) A0 b) A1
c) A2 d) A3
a) AISI b) SAE
c) EN d) ASTM
a) chromium b) tungsten
c) manganese d) silicon
25. Which of the following is preferred for making of Hammers & chisels
26. The alloy of iron and carbon containing less than 2 percent Carbon is called as
c) brass d) bronze
27. The alloy of iron and carbon containing greater than 2 percent Carbon is called as
c) brass d) bronze