The Philippine Pre-History
The Philippine Pre-History
The Philippine Pre-History
Prepared by:
Asst. Prof. RONWELL JASON L. BACANI, mgt, paea
Faculty Member
CFAD - Fine Arts Department
FFC 2104
Art from the past holds clues to the life of the people long-ago. By looking at a
work of art's symbolism, colors, and materials, we can learn about the culture
that produced it.
Why Study Art from the Past?
We can also compare works of art, which provides different perspectives, and
gives us a well-rounded way of looking at events, situations, and people. By
analyzing artworks from the past and looking at their details, we can rewind
time and establish the connection between the past and present culture.
Why Study Art from the Past?
Looking at art from the past contributes to who we are as people. By looking
at what has been done before, we gather knowledge and inspiration that
contribute to how we speak, feel, and view the world around us.
The Pre-Historic Period
Prehistory (or the prehistoric period) refers to the time before written records,
however, human expression existed across the globe long before writing. It is
the period of human activity between the use of the first stone tools and the
invention of writing systems.
The Pre-Historic Period
Time periods
In dividing up human prehistory, historians typically use the three-age
system. The three-age system is the periodization of human
prehistory into three consecutive time periods, named for their
respective predominant tool-making technologies:
Radiocarbon dating can be used to date organic artifacts, or things that were
once alive. All living things contain a radioactive isotope of Carbon called
Carbon 14 which they absorb from the sun while they are alive.
The Stone Age
The Stone Age was a broad prehistoric period during which stone
was widely used to make implements with an edge, a point, or a
percussion surface. The period lasted roughly 3.4 million years.
The Stone Age
• Paleolithic (Greek: palaios – old; lithos – stone)
The Pre-Historic
The Philippine Pre-History covers the events prior to
the written history of what would become
the Philippine archipelago.
Dr. Robert Bradford Fox Dr. Jesus Peralta Dr. Zeus A. Salazar
The Tabon Man
metatarsal bone
University of Wollongong palaeontologist Gert van den Bergh was part of a team that
uncovered most of an ancient rhino skeleton. (Supplied: University of Wollongong)
The Kalinga Man?
Researchers found a
700,000-year-old site on
the Philippine island of
Luzon where unknown
hominins butchered a
The Kalinga Man?
Hundreds of stone tools and animal bones, including the best part
of a rhino skeleton showing signs of butchering, were unearthed on
the island of Luzon.
The Kalinga Man?
50,000 BC (estimated)
First evidence of the systematic
use of Stone Age technology in
the Philippines.
Prepared by:
Asst. Prof. RONWELL JASON L. BACANI, mgt, paea
Faculty Member
CFAD - Fine Arts Department
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The Philippine Pre-Colonial