Apple Varieties
Apple Varieties
Apple Varieties
Lal Ambri
This was the first hybrid developed by SKUAST–Kashmir, Shalimar in 1973 from a
cross of Red Delicious x Ambri. Fruit has excellent taste with Ambri aroma, medium
to large in size, juicy, firm texture, bright red colour covering 95 per cent of fruit
surface and good shelf life. A better quality and high yielding (20-30 t/ha) apple,
excellent keeping quality, matures in last week of September.
Faculty of Horticulture, SKUAST-K
This hybrid of apple is a cross of Ambri x Golden Delicious which was released in
1973 by SKUAST-Kashmir. It is a good pollinizer for most of the apple varieties. The
fruits are medium to large size apple, Fruit color yellow with golden blush. Flesh
creamy white, juicy, sweet and crisp with excellent keeping quality. Average yield
from matures plants is 15-17 t/ha. The fruit matures in the last week of September.
Faculty of Horticulture, SKUAST-K
This hybrid of apple is a cross of Golden Delicious x Prima x Rome Beauty which was
released in 1996 by SKUAST-Kashmir. Fruit medium in size, sweet with slight
acidic blend, skin dark red blush colored apple with yellowish green background,
crisp, juicy having resistance to scab and moderate resistance to Alternaria and San
Jose scale. Fruit matures in the third week of August. Average yield from a mature
plant is 12-15 t/ha.
Faculty of Horticulture, SKUAST-K
This hybrid of apple is a cross of Lord Lambourne x R-12740-7A which was released
in 1996 by SKUAST-Kashmir. Fruit small to medium in size, sweet, with dark red
coloured over yellowish green background, lenticels prominent, juicy having
pleasant flavour and resistance to scab. Fruit matures in the third week of August.
Average yield 15-17 t/ha.
Faculty of Horticulture, SKUAST-K
Shalimar Apple 1
This hybrid of apple is a cross of Sunheri x Prima which was released in 2009 by
SKUAST-Kashmir. High quality apple, reddish orange blushed with sweet taste.
Medium sized fruit with an average yield of 23-25 t/ha from a mature plant. This
hybrid is scab resistant. This is a mid-season variety and matures in end of August.
Faculty of Horticulture, SKUAST-K
Shalimar Apple 2
This hybrid of apple is a cross of Red Delicious x Ambri which was released in 2009 by
SKUAST-Kashmir. Fruit small to medium in size, oblong to conical in shape aroma
of the fruit is like Ambri but more juicy than Ambri. Flesh creamy white, juicy, sweet
and crispy texture. Average yield from matures plants were 25-28 t/ha. The fruit
matures in the second week of September.
Faculty of Horticulture, SKUAST-K
This hybrid of apple is a cross of Ambri x Cox's Orange Pippin which was released in
2004 by SKUAST-Kashmir. Average fruit yield 245 MT/ha at 20 years of age. Fruit is
medium to large in size, red coloured, matures in about 157 days after full bloom.
Faculty of Horticulture, SKUAST-K
Royal Delicious
This variety is also known as Starking Delicious. An orchardist Jewis Mood in New Jersey, USA had
discovered this new budsport on the limb of Delicious tree in 1921. Trees are moderately vigorous in
nature with narrow crotch angles and are fairly hardy. After Red Delicious it is the most popular variety of
apple grown in North part of the country. Fruits are large, oblong to conical in shape having dark red
stripped, sweet, juicy and crunchy with firm texture. It is a mid-season variety and matures early than
Red Delicious. It is ready for picking in 130-140 days from full bloom. This is an irregular bearer and self-
Faculty of Horticulture, SKUAST-K
Red Delicious
A chance seedling had originated in the orchard in Iowa, USA in 1870 and named in 1895 by Stark Bros.
Nurseries, Missouri USA as 'Stark's Delicious' and later changed to 'Red Delicious' in 1914. Original
seedling was known as 'Hawkeye'. It is the most widely grown cultivar. In India, it was first planted in
Barubagh' by Satyanand Stokes around 1918. Red Delicious has many sports and ranks as the world's
most prolific apple. The tree of the original cultivar is vigorous and moderately hardy. Cultivar comes into
fruiting slightly late. It is ready for picking in 140-150 days from full bloom. However, the maturity varies
with the altitude and location of an orchard. The fruit is conical with protuberances near the calyx. Skin
colour is yellow with sparse red stripes and flesh is firm, sweet and juicy. It has moderate bearing and
overall productivity is fair. It is self-unfruitful. Maximum storage life is 180 days.
Faculty of Horticulture, SKUAST-K
Golden Delicious
Golden Delicious is a good pollinizer for all the Delicious group varieties which was originated
in West Virginia USA in 1914. This cultivar is a chance seedling possibly a hybrid of Grimes
Golden and Golden Reinette. It is a self-fruitful cultivars. Tree is moderately vigorous, fruit
medium to large, conical to oblong, skin golden yellow with russetted prominent small dots
scattered all over. Flesh creamy white, fine crisp, sweet with a blend of acidity. It requires 148-
154 days from full bloom to maturity. It is a late maturing variety that ripens in the second
week of September.
Faculty of Horticulture, SKUAST-K
Golden Clone B
Selection from Golden Delicious. Tree with medium growth habit, high and regular
yielder, precocious, medium to late bloom cultivar, good pollinizer, mid to late
maturing variety i.e. harvested in second fortnight of September.
Faculty of Horticulture, SKUAST-K
It is a spur type variety originated as a bud sport of Red Delicious. The tree is compact in
size, mid maturing and precocious. Fruit is conical in shape having weight between 230-
240 g and skin has a solid blush and flesh is sweet, aromatic and juicy. Fruits get darker
with advancing maturity and increased altitude. It is a consistent and heavy producer,
matures in 120-130 days from full bloom. The fruit matures in the end of August.
Faculty of Horticulture, SKUAST-K
Red Gold
It is used as pollinizer variety for a Delicious group of apples, a regular and heavy bearer
and have tendency towards alternate bearing, if allowed to overbear. The tree is fairly
vigorous. Fruit is small to medium in size with globose shape, slightly oblong weighing
(145-155 g). Flesh colour of the fruit is yellowish, juicy, crispy, sub-acidic in taste and
attractive in appearance. Mid-season variety and the fruit matures in 140-150 days from
full bloom. Matures in the second week of September.
Faculty of Horticulture, SKUAST-K
American Apriouge
The tree is very vigorous and erect. Fruits are small, oblate, slightly ribbed and are
symmetrical and quite juicy. Flesh is firm, crispy grained, aromatic and sweet in taste.
The colour of fruit skin is bright and glossy with pinkish deep red-blush covering 75 to
100 per cent. It ripens in the third week of September. It offers good taste in desserts and
comparatively much cheaper in price.
Faculty of Horticulture, SKUAST-K
Ambri is the most popular and is only indigenous cultivars of India and originated in
Kashmir. It is an attractive apple with good keeping quality. It is widely famous for its
crispiness, aroma, flavor and attractiveness. Fruits are medium to large in size, conical in
shape and blush red with stripes over a greenish yellow background. It matures in the
month of October. The pulp is white, crisp and sweet. The fruit can last for 4-5 months
under ordinary storage in its native place and for about months in cold storage. The
production of Ambri apples in Kashmir has increased in Shopian and Kulgam districts.
Faculty of Horticulture, SKUAST-K
Gala Mast
Trees are medium in vigour, precocious, regular bearing habit, high yielding, sweet and
juicy. The fruit are small to medium in size having round to conical shape, moderate fruit
ribbing, red to pinkish blush or strips over yellow ground, flushed and mottled, aperture
of locules on transverse section is closed or slightly open. It is a mid-season cultivar and
the fruit matures in the 3rd week of August.
Faculty of Horticulture, SKUAST-K
Granny Smith
Trees are moderately vigorous and this variety is considered as a good pollinizer. Fruits
roundish globose to slightly conical in shape having green colour, light yellowish on
ripening. Flesh very firm, crisp, greenish yellow to whitish and sub-acidic in taste. It
ripens late during first week of October and requires 176-182 days from full bloom to
maturity. This variety has good shelf life.
Faculty of Horticulture, SKUAST-K
Vance Delicious
It is a bud mutant of Delicious and a regular bearing variety. Fruits of Vance
Delicious are conical in shape, skin solid red with strongly defined deep red strips,
strong crowing at the calyx end, colouring two weeks earlier to Red Delicious. It is a
mid-season variety which ripens in the first week of September. It is a high yielding
Faculty of Horticulture, SKUAST-K
Oregon Spur
This variety was originated in USA in 1968. It is a bud sport of Delicious with large
number of spur bearing branches, conic fruit shape, strong crowning at calyx end,
red purple group, dark intensity of over colour, solid flesh, medium depth of stalk
cavity and large width of stalk cavity aperture of locules is fully open.
Faculty of Horticulture, SKUAST-K
Silver Spur
Trees are compact to medium in vigour, high spur density, precocious, regular
bearer. Fruits are medium to large conical in shape with prominent lobes, deep red
skin with stripes and mid to late season variety, fruit matures in the mid of
Faculty of Horticulture, SKUAST-K
Top Red
It is a high yielding variety. Fruits are large, conical in shape, skin striped. Fruit
colour up earlier than Starking Delicious. Flesh yellowish, firm tender, juicy,
aromatic, sub-acid. Ripens in the second week of September.
Faculty of Horticulture, SKUAST-K
Well Spur
Trees are compact and spur type, spur density very high, fruits are conical with
prominent calyx end which is lobed, dark red colour stripped washed on the whole
fruit, develops full colour even under mid hills and mid maturity (2nd week of
August to last week of August).
Faculty of Horticulture, SKUAST-K
It is a hybrid of 'Ingrid Marie x Golden Delicious'. The plant is vigorous, hardy with
upright growth habit and productive. The Elstar is a medium-sized apple whose skin
is mostly red with yellow showing. The flesh is white, and has a soft, crispy texture,
slightly acidic. Mid-season variety and the fruit harvested in end of August.
Faculty of Horticulture, SKUAST-K
Red Velox
Red Velox is a mutant of Red Delicious, tree is of moderate vigor, fruit is small to
medium size, dark red in colour, with light stripes, colour development is full and
100 per cent, shape typically of Red Delicious. Particular characteristics of the
variety, is the early and homogenous colour on the whole tree. Fruit matures in the
1st week of September.
Faculty of Horticulture, SKUAST-K
Mollie's Delicious
Developed as a seedling in New Jersey, US in 1966 from the cross [(Golden Delicious
x Edgewood) x (Gravenstein x Close)]. Early blooming cultivar having trees medium
to large in vigour, fruits are globose to conical, lobes are present but not prominent
red stripped skin over greenish yellow ground with 50-75 per cent red colour, early to
mid in maturity, ripens in 3rd-4th week of July. Susceptible to powdery mildew.
Faculty of Horticulture, SKUAST-K