Code Practice For Broilers
Code Practice For Broilers
Code Practice For Broilers
August 2008
21305 Body 05/08/2008 15:44 Page 1
I n t rodu ction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
T h e F i v e F reedoms Concept . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Stockmanship, Staffing and Training . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Feed and Water . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Health . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Disease Control
Leg Health
Heat Stress
Buildings and Accommodation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1
Poultry Site
Poultry Houses ~ Structural and Operational
Ventilation and Temperature
Emergency Procedures
S t o c k i n g D e n s i t y a n d F re e d o m o f M o v e m e n t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 5
Automatic or Mechanical Equipment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 6
R e c o rd K e e p i n g . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 6
Catching, Handling and Transport . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 7
A d d i t i o n a l R e q u i re m e n t s f o r F r e e R a n g e B i rds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 9
Acknowledgements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2
Appendix 1: Good Farming Practice Advice Leaflets with regard to: . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 1
1. Spreading of Poultry Litter on Land
2. Disposing of Dead Birds from Poultry Houses
Appendix 2: Notifiable Diseases in Poultry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 3
Appendix 3: Internet link to Council Directive 2007/43/EC laying down minimum
rules for the protection of chickens kept for meat production. . . . . . . 2 3
Internet link to Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food
publication: Biosecurity Information for Registered Poultry Flock Owners.
Chairperson of the Farm Animal Welfare Advisory Council
The Farm Animal Welfare Advisory Council was set up to allow representative groups with
a variety of perspectives on animal welfare, meet and exchange views, seek consensus on
various issues and developments relevant to the care of farm animals. These guidelines
are the product of this consensus and have been adopted unanimously by the Council.
This Code of Practice is intended to encourage all those who care for broiler chickens to
adopt the highest standards of husbandry. Without good stockmanship, broiler welfare
can never be adequately protected. Adherence to these recommendations will help
flock-keepers to reach the required standard.
In establishing rules for the protection of chickens kept for meat production, a balance
should be kept between the various aspects to be taken into account, as regards broiler
welfare, health, economic and social considerations and the environmental impacts.
The welfare of broiler chickens is considered within a framework, elaborated by the Farm
Animal Welfare Advisory Council, and known as the ‘Five Freedoms’. These form a logical
basis for the assessment of welfare within any system together with the actions necessary
to safeguard welfare within the constraints of an efficient broiler industry.
The five freedoms concept can be summarised for broiler chickens as follows:
• Ready access to fresh water and a diet to maintain full health and vigour
• Provision of an appropriate environment including shelter and a comfortable resting
• Prevention or rapid diagnosis of disease and treatment
• Provision of sufficient space, proper facilities and company of the birds’ own kind
• Ensuring conditions and treatment to avoid mental suffering
In acknowledging these freedoms, those who have care of broiler chickens should
For the purposes of the code, “flock-keeper” means the owner of the birds or the person
responsible for looking after them. The recommendations are relevant to broiler chickens
under all types of husbandry system. Following them will help to ensure that the welfare
of the birds is safeguarded.
The strain of bird selected must be suitable for the production system. Care must be
taken in the production of birds within extended growing periods (e.g. organic, free
range) to use suitable strains and feeding regimes.
• Birds must be cared for by a sufficient number of staff who possess the appropriate
ability, knowledge and professional competence.
• All flock-keepers should demonstrate full understanding of the welfare needs and
basic biology of the birds and have shown that they are capable of safeguarding them
under all foreseeable conditions before being given responsibility for a flock. A good
flock-keeper will have a compassionate and humane attitude, will be able to
anticipate and avoid many potential welfare problems, and have the ability to identify
those that do occur and respond to them promptly.
• A training plan should be implemented to ensure that those working with broiler
chickens recognise not only normal behaviour and good health but also signs of
illness or disease or impending health problems. If specialised tasks are to be
performed, for example vaccination or humane culling, then specific training should
be given. Alternatively, the services of a competent contractor using trained staff
should be obtained.
• Staff should establish a methodical routine in completing the range of tasks involved
in keeping chickens. As part of this they should be particularly vigilant in checking that
systems are operating properly and birds are behaving normally. This will enable
flock-keepers to detect problems in their earliest stages and acquire a good
understanding of the action to be taken if a problem is noticed. If the cause is not
obvious, or if the flock-keeper’s action is not effective, immediate veterinary or
technical advice should be obtained.
• It is essential to ensure that enough time is available within the flock-keeper’s daily
work routine for the birds to be properly inspected and for any remedial action to be
taken. Large flocks can be managed successfully but in general the larger the size of
unit, the greater the degree of skill and dedication needed to safeguard the welfare
of the birds.
* The catching team, regardless of who employs them, works under the direction of the
owner or keeper while on the holding.
the birds to travel more than 4 metres; in these situations, all birds must be adequately
cared for in terms of stocking density, feeding and drinking space to allow for such
• Sudden changes in the type, quantity and make-up of feed should be avoided. Any
changes in diet should be introduced gradually.
• Compounded feeds which have been prepared for other species should be avoided,
as certain substances can be toxic to birds.
• For broiler chickens, feed must not be withheld for more than 12 hours before the
birds are slaughtered or delivered to a new farm. This period of 12 hours must be an
inclusive period to include the catching, loading, transport lairaging and unloading
time prior to slaughter. Prior to transport, water should be provided up to the start of
the loading procedure.
• Water meters should be fitted to each house to enable daily monitoring of water
usage. Daily records of water consumption provide an early warning of potential
problems and a water meter is a necessary management tool.
• Daily access to water throughout the period of lighting and a sufficient number of
drinkers, well distributed and correctly adjusted, must be provided.
• All birds kept in husbandry systems in which their welfare depends on frequent
human attention must be thoroughly inspected at least twice a day to check that they
are in a state of well-being.
• Birds kept in systems other than husbandry systems in which their welfare depends
on frequent human attention must be inspected at intervals sufficient to avoid any
• Where birds are kept in a building, adequate lighting (whether fixed or portable),
must be available to enable them to be thoroughly inspected at any time.
• In order to reduce the risk of welfare problems developing in broiler chicken units, it
is recommended that a systematic inspection of all flocks should be undertaken at
least twice each day at appropriate intervals. Young birds, in the first few days of life,
should be inspected more frequently.
• These health and welfare inspections may be linked with other visits to the poultry
houses but each inspection should be undertaken as a separate, specific procedure.
• Flock-keepers should establish in advance the best course of action to take should
problems be identified and ensure that veterinary or other expert advice is available
when needed.
• Light levels during inspection should be sufficiently high to ensure that all birds in all
parts of the house are clearly visible.
• While it may not be possible to examine each bird individually during routine
inspection a good indication of flock health should be gained on each occasion.
Where birds are not being fed on ad lib diets, inspection is particularly effective at
feeding time when any birds which are not fit will be slow to feed and can be
• In order to ensure a thorough inspection, the flock-keeper should walk as close as is
practical to every bird and encourage it to move, taking care not to frighten the birds
with sudden, unaccustomed movement, noise or changes in light levels. The aim
should be to pass close enough to the birds to see them clearly and for them to be
disturbed and so move away. This should enable the identification of any individual
that is sick, injured or weak. Any such birds should immediately be removed to a
hospital pen and treated or humanely killed. Birds with considerable difficulty in
walking, severe ascites, malformations, severe wounds or seizures should be culled
immediately unless they can be treated and are likely to recover without unnecessary
suffering. Dead birds must be removed without delay.
• When a bird is routinely slaughtered or killed on farm, this must be done using a
permitted method. The permitted methods of killing poultry include decapitation and
neck dislocation.
• In the event of signs of serious respiratory disease the use of personal protection
equipment (ppe) must be considered (e.g. in suspected cases of Avian Influenza and
Newcastle Disease). When respiratory signs together with mortality are observed
professional help must be sought.
D i s e a s e C o n t rol*
A documented health and welfare programme should be implemented for each unit
which sets out health and husbandry activities covering the whole of the production cycle.
It should also establish management procedures and control measures to reduce the risk
of infections and injury. This will normally include an effective vaccination protocol (which
should be carefully monitored to ensure efficacy) to reduce the risk of disease outbreaks.
The health and welfare programme should be developed in consultation with an
experienced poultry veterinarian and reviewed against performance and updated
Important indications of good health are clear bright eyes, alertness, good posture,
vigorous movements if unduly disturbed, active feeding and drinking, singing and
vocalisation, and clean and healthy skin, shanks and feet. Any departure from the norm
may indicate a problem which should be given immediate attention.
Birds that are seriously injured or show evident signs of health disorder, such as those
having difficulties in walking, severe ascites or severe malformations, and are likely to
suffer, must receive appropriate treatment or be culled immediately. A veterinarian must
be contacted whenever necessary.
All those in contact with birds should practice strict hygiene and disinfection procedures.
Where possible the site should be managed so that all houses are empty simultaneously
to facilitate effective cleaning and disinfestation. An “all in – all out” approach with
periods when there are no birds on site will also act to provide a disease break.
When houses are emptied and cleaned, old litter should be removed from the site before
re-stocking so as to reduce the risk of the carry over of disease.**
Leg Health
Leg health issues are multi-factorial and include nutrition, genetics and litter quality. The
responsibility of the flock-owner is to seek prompt professional attention when required.
This would include input from professional experts including processors, nutritionists and
veterinary practitioners. Flock-keepers must monitor all birds for signs of lameness, leg
weakness or abnormal gait on a daily basis. Any bird which is unable to move about freely
and find feed and water must be humanely killed using a permitted method as soon as it
is detected unless it can be treated and is likely to recover without unnecessary suffering.
Flock-keepers, in consultation with the veterinary consultant, must communicate with
breeding establishments on all aspects of leg health. Flock-keepers should also follow up
on monitoring returns from the slaughterhouse on the quality of legs and feet.
Lesions on
Lesions on the
the central
central foot
Generally, the foot as a whole shall be classified. However, the lesions on the central
foot pad are of major importance, not lesions on the toes.
Birds can suffer from lameness due to infections acquired in the parent flock or hatchery. It is
believed that 60% of lameness cases result from infectious causes. High standards of
biosecurity and hygiene in the parent flock, in the handling of the eggs, at the hatchery and
in subsequent handling and transport of the chicks should be maintained. Husbandry
measures should be designed to minimise floor eggs and heavily soiled eggs should not be
set as hatching eggs.
H e a t s t ress
• Every flock-keeper should have a documented emergency heat stress plan posted on site.
This should be agreed with the poultry veterinarian.
• Birds should not be exposed to strong, direct sunlight or hot, humid conditions long
enough to cause heat stress as indicated by prolonged panting. Housing affects the birds’
ability to maintain their normal body temperature but under any management system
ambient temperatures high enough to cause prolonged panting may occur, particularly
when humidity is relatively high. All accommodation should therefore be designed so that
its ventilation is adequate to protect the birds from overheating under any weather
conditions that can reasonably be foreseen. Attention should be paid to air throughput
and distribution, especially at bird level.
• Flock-keepers should plan ahead to avoid heat stress. During the summer months
consideration should be given to reducing stocking density at the time of ordering or
placing day-old chicks. If suffering or mortality occurs, the onus will be on the person
responsible for the birds to demonstrate that the measures taken were appropriate for the
design of the building, its locality and the predictable maximum temperature/humidity at
the time.
• During hot and humid conditions, the birds should be checked frequently, but not
disturbed unduly.
• Steps should be taken to minimise the potential for heat stress by increasing ventilation
and air speed at bird level. Portable back-up fans should be available. The air temperature
within a building may be reduced by improved insulation, hosing the roof and the correct
use of evaporative cooling of incoming air. The heat output of the birds may be reduced
by lowering stocking density or changing the feeding patterns.
When a new farm is being constructed, ideally it should be located as far away as possible
from other commercial poultry premises, other livestock enterprises and other potential
sources of contamination such as abattoirs, sewage treatment plants, landfill sites etc.
When a farm is close to such sites a higher level of protection against the introduction of
disease is required, including wildlife control and ensuring that no drainage or waste from
the nearby property enters the farm.
Poultry Site
• Good biosecurity* is extremely important to prevent the introduction of a wide range
of microorganisms into poultry farms. Site design and management practices should
be planned to facilitate this.
• The perimeter of the site should be clearly identified and if possible, fenced. Access
should be via specific entry points where there should be a bell or other means of
attracting attention along with a notice asking visitors to wait to be admitted by farm
staff. Whilst there will be a need for people to enter the unit (managers, workmen,
veterinary practitioners, auditors etc.) visits should be carefully controlled. Access to
poultry houses should be restricted to those with essential duties.
• There should be a hard standing for parking, which should be kept clean and
disinfected so as to ensure that it is maintained in a hygienically acceptable condition.
On-farm roadways should ideally have a hard surface, which can be cleaned
effectively. Roadways should be kept clear of faecal soiling to prevent vehicles
becoming contaminated. A disinfectant footbath and brush should be placed at the
entrance to the site and /or near the vehicle parking area. Endeavours should be
made to provide a separate gatehouse where visitors can change into overalls and
boots and sign a visitors’ book. Spray disinfection of the wheels of vehicles at the
point of entry to the site is also advisable.
• The site should be kept clean and tidy to discourage wild birds, rodents and flies.
*Biosecurity is a term that includes all those measures that may be taken to prevent
the introduction of unwanted organisms into the flock.
S t r uctural
• Ideally, there should be a hard surface/gravel around the perimeter of houses which
is designed to avoid puddling.
• Buildings should be of sound construction and well maintained to prevent access by
wild birds and to deter rodents. Insulation cladding should be maintained in good
repair as damage allows easy refuge for rodents. Avoid storing materials such as
feedbags, litter and moveable equipment within the house for the same reason.
• Where possible surfaces should be smooth, hard and impervious to enable effective
cleaning and disinfection. Ancillary buildings such as storage rooms, rest rooms,
toilets etc. should be of a similar standard.
• Materials used for the construction of accommodation, and in particular, for the
construction of pens, stalls and equipment with which the birds may come into
contact, should not be harmful to them and should be capable of being thoroughly
cleaned and disinfected.
• Accommodation and fittings for securing birds should be constructed and maintained
so that there are no sharp edges or protrusions likely to cause injury to them.
• Drinkers must be positioned and maintained in such a way that spillage is minimised.
• Feed must be either continuously available or be meal fed and must not be withdrawn
from birds more than 12 hours before the expected slaughter time.
• The noise level must be minimised. Ventilation fans, feeding machinery or other
equipment must be constructed, placed, operated and maintained in such a way that
they cause the least possible amount of noise.
• Intensive housing systems require a preventative maintenance program with
automatic systems requiring alarms and emergency back-up systems and procedures.
• Flock-keepers should take measures to protect birds from predators, rodents and
other animals.
• Those parts of buildings, equipment or utensils which are in contact with the birds
must be thoroughly cleaned and disinfected every time after final depopulation is
carried out, before a new flock is introduced into the house. After the final
depopulation of a house, all litter must be removed, and clean litter must be
• Where any poultry other than those kept in the systems referred to are kept in a
building, they should be kept on or have access at all times to, well maintained litter
or to a well-drained area for resting.
• Broilers may spend their lives in contact with litter and their health and welfare are
linked to its quality. Conditions such as pododermatitis, hock burn, foot-pad lesions
and breast blisters are consequences of poor litter quality. Well-designed equipment
and high standards of management are important if good litter quality is to be
maintained. The ventilation capacity should be sufficient to avoid overheating and to
remove excess moisture. The feed composition should be well balanced to avoid
problems with wet or sticky droppings.
• All birds must have permanent access to litter which is dry and friable on the surface.
Measures should be taken to minimise the risk of mould and mite infestation. The
litter should be inspected frequently for signs of deterioration and appropriate action
should be taken to rectify any problem. Mouldy litter should not be used. Litter
should also be inspected to ensure it does not become excessively wet or dry. A water
system, which minimises water spillage, should be used, such as water nipples with
drip cups positioned at an appropriate height for all birds. Nipple drinkers without
cups may be used if they are well managed and the water pressure is checked
frequently. Flock-keepers should ensure that litter is kept carcase free*
*See Appendix 1 for Good Farming Advice Leaflets
• The concentration of ammonia (NH3) does not exceed 20 ppm and the concentration
of carbon dioxide (CO2) does not exceed 3000 ppm measured at the level of the
chickens' heads;
• The inside temperature, when the outside temperature measured in the shade
exceeds 30°C, does not exceed this outside temperature by more than 3°C;
• The average relative humidity measured inside the house during 48 hours does not
exceed 70% when the outside temperature is below 10°C.
*The exact parameters have been set under Council Directive 2007/43/EC. (See Annex
11 of the Directive.)
• Birds kept in buildings must not be kept in permanent darkness.
• Where the natural light available in a building is insufficient to meet the physiological
and ethological needs of any birds being kept in it, then appropriate artificial lighting
must be provided.
• Birds kept in buildings must not be kept without an appropriate period of rest from
artificial lighting.
• Birds should be housed at light levels which allow them to see clearly and which
stimulate activity. This should be provided by lighting systems designed, maintained
and operated to give adequate light level. Illumination of the house to at least 20
lux* which illuminates at least 80% of the usable area will encourage activity. Houses
should have a uniform level of light. A temporary reduction in the lighting level may
be allowed when necessary following veterinary advice.
• Within seven days from the time when the birds are placed in the building and until
three days before the foreseen time of slaughter, the lighting must follow a 24-hour
rhythm and include periods of darkness lasting at least six hours in total, with at least
one uninterrupted period of darkness of at least four hours, excluding dimming
*The exact parameters have been set under Council Directive 2007/43/EC. (See Annex
1 of the Directive.)
E m e r g e n c y P r o c e d u r es
• Flock-keepers should make advance plans for dealing with emergencies such as fire,
flood, power or equipment failure, or disruption of supplies, and should ensure that
all staff are familiar with the appropriate emergency action. This must include an
independent alarm system that is tested and serviced at regular intervals. At least one
responsible member of the staff should always be available to take the necessary
steps. Fire precautions should be a major priority for all flock-keepers. Where
buildings need to be locked, arrangements must be made to allow rapid entry in case
of emergency.
• Expert advice on all fire precautions can be obtained from fire prevention officers of
Local Authority.
• Contingency arrangements should be made to ensure that adequate supplies of
water and suitable feed can be made available in emergencies. Efforts should be
made to minimise the risk of drinking water freezing.
Well-developed record keeping should be sufficient to meet quality assurance,
regulatory and management requirements.
T h e o w n e r o r k e e p e r m u s t m a i n t a i n a record f o r e a c h h o u s e o f a h o l d i n g o f :
• The number of chickens introduced;
• The useable area;
• The hybrid or breed of the chickens, if known;
• By each control, the number of birds found dead with an indication of the causes, if
known, as well as the number of birds culled with cause;
• The number of chickens remaining in the flock following the removal of chickens for
sale or for slaughter;
For these purposes a bird should not be considered fit for its intended journey if it is ill,
injured, or fatigued, unless it is only slightly ill, injured or fatigued and the intended
journey is not likely to cause it unnecessary suffering.
• Any person transporting birds must ensure that the birds are transported without
delay to their place of destination.
• In the case of birds transported in a receptacle, any person in charge of birds must
ensure that they are not caused injury or unnecessary suffering while they are in the
receptacle either waiting to be loaded on to the means of transport or after they
have been unloaded.
• The means of transport and receptacles must be constructed, maintained, operated
and positioned to provide adequate ventilation and air space. Receptacles in which
birds are carried must be constructed and maintained so that they allow for
appropriate inspection and care of the birds. Receptacles in which birds are carried
must be of such a size as to protect the birds from injury or unnecessary suffering
during transport. Receptacles in which birds are transported must be constructed and
maintained so that they prevent any protrusion of the heads, legs or wings from them.
• The catching and handling of birds without causing them injury or stress requires
skill. It should only be undertaken by competent persons i.e. those who have been
appropriately trained to the task. Responsibility for the management of the
operation should be clearly allocated.
• High standards must be applied irrespective of the potential economic value of the
• Panic among the birds and subsequent injury should be avoided. Catching should
take place in low or blue light to minimise fear responses. Catching and handling
should be carried out quietly and confidently exercising care to avoid unnecessary
struggling which could bruise or otherwise injure the birds.
• Unless they are caught and carried around the body (using both hands to hold the
wings against the body), birds should be caught and carried by both legs. No
catcher should carry by the legs more than three chickens (or two adult breeding
birds) in each hand. Birds must not be carried by the wings or by the neck.
• One possible way of avoiding the potential for damage to the birds is to collect the
birds mechanically; only devices proven to be humane should be considered for use
in gathering birds.
• The distance birds have to be carried should be minimised by taking the crates and
containers into the house. Density in the crates should be adjusted according to
weather conditions and size of bird. It is important to ensure that once birds are
loaded in the container they are not exposed to extremes of temperature.
• Crates or containers should be suitable for the purpose of transporting birds and
allow them to be easily put in, conveyed and taken out without injury. They should
in particular be protected from rain and road spray which greatly increases the effect
of wind chill, although effective ventilation must be maintained.
• Journeys should be carefully planned so that birds are not left on the vehicle for
long periods either at the start of the journey or at their destination. The provision
of adequate ventilation and protection from adverse weather and extremes of
temperature are essential during loading and transport.
• Measures should be taken to ensure efficient removal of excess heat and water
vapour. It is important to make use of the natural airflow patterns around a moving
vehicle to optimise conditions for the birds during transport. However, when a
vehicle is stationary for any length of time, mechanical ventilation may be necessary
to maintain acceptable levels of temperature and humidity. When this is the case it
is more effective to extract air from the vehicle than to blow air into it.
• Birds should be unloaded as soon as possible after arrival at a slaughterhouse.
After unloading, birds must be protected from adverse weather conditions and be
provided with adequate ventilation. In addition, if any bird has been subjected to
high temperatures in humid weather, it must be cooled by appropriate means.
• Factors such as soil type, drainage and size of colony and frequency of flock rotation
are very important in deciding the number of birds that a particular area can carry.
Heavy, poorly drained soil can carry fewer birds than land which is light and well
F re e R a n g e I n d i c e s S u m m a r y
Stocking Density: Indoors: Max. 13 birds/m2
Or 27.5kg/m2
• 1m2 pasture per bird e.g. 10,000 birds per hectare
• Access – available from 28 days onwards paddock fenced
with 2 rows electric fence (top and bottom) and netting
• Pasture dedicated to poultry only.
Slaughter Age: Minimum 56 days (slow growing breed optional e.g. hubbard JA57).
T h i s a d v i c e l e a f l e t i s i n t e n d e d t o re d u c e t h e r i s k o f d i s e a s e i n a n i m a l s .
• Only accept litter from poultry farmers who have adequate systems in place to
ensure all poultry carcases are removed from houses, stored and disposed of
according to good practice;
• Vehicles used for the transportation of animal fodder should not be used for the
transportation of poultry litter or any other waste material including chicken carcass
• Sites for litter stacks must be on dry ground, vermin proof and remote from all water
sources and proximity to livestock (including on neighbouring farms);
• Animals should not be grazed on lands on which poultry litter has been spread;
• Do not spread poultry litter that contains poultry carcasses or parts of carcasses, do
not chop litter and check lands thoroughly immediately after spreading to ensure
the pasture is carcass free, remove all offending material. Where possible plough
litter into land immediately after spreading.
• Where possible litter should only be spread on tillage land and immediately
ploughed in, again check tillage land thoroughly to ensure land is carcass free;
• Where litter is ploughed into land keep dust to a minimum and ensure that there
are no grazing animals in adjacent fields.
• Do not use land for grazing livestock;
• Avoid spreading and stockpiling litter in warm weather;
• There should be a three-year interval between land spreading of litter;
• Do not make baled silage from lands where litter is spread;
• There are disease risks for animal and man associated with handling of and contact
with poultry litter therefore care must be exercised at all times and any un-necessary
contact should be avoided;
• Wash your hands thoroughly after handling litter;
• Avoid spreading near waterways and comply with the recommended level of animal
manure for land spreading;
• Contact your local District Veterinary Office for further advice.
May 2006.
9. Water used for cleaning poultry houses should be captured and disposed of, on land
not used for livestock and remote from all water sources and proximity to livestock
(including on neighbouring farms).
10. Farmers/hauliers who accept litter from growers for land spreading must be made
aware by the grower or the haulier that there are disease risks associated with the
spreading of such litter, cattle should not be grazed on, or adjacent to, land on which
such litter has been spread and farmers/hauliers must be advised of other measures
to reduce the risk of disease (this advice is available from the local District Veterinary
May 2006.
• Avian influenza
• Newcastle disease
• Psittacosis
• Infectious laryngotracheitis
• Turkey rhinotracheitis
• Mycolpasma meleagridis, gallinarum and synovia
• Samonella arizona (Arizona disease), pullorum (bacillary white diarrhoea) and
gallinarum (fowl typhoid)
• Salmonella enteritidis and typhimurium
• Campylobacter jejuni
August 2008