Empire Manual

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. j

iI Interstel Corporation



Instructions For

/ ( Wargame of the Century.,

II Version 2.05

for the IBM PC@ I


Walter Bright
., Mark Baldwin

-~- - ---~-.---~---~

The purchaser is authorized to duplicate this program for his/her
own use only. Any other copying and distribution without per-
mission of the copyright holder is prohibited.
This software and documentation are both protected by
U.S. Copyright Law (Title 17 United States Code). Unauth- The Right Computer Hardware 2
orized reproduction and/or sales may result in imprison- Keystroke Notation 2
ment of up to one year and fines of up to $10,000 (17 USC Backing Up Your Playing Disk 2
506). Copyright infringers may be subject to civil liability. Installation on Hard Disks 3
Additional Documentation 3
Empire is not copy protected, but it is copyrighted. We ask that Starting EMPIRE 3
you treat Empire as you would a book; that is, you may loan (or Starting EMPIRE from a Floppy Disk 4
give) it to other individuals - so long as there is No Possibility of Starting EMPIRE from a Hard Disk or RAM Disk 4
it being played at one location while it is being played at another. EMPIRE Optional Switches 4
Failure to observe the Copyright Law will result in the above Controlling the Game 5
severe legal penalty and may cause irreparable damage to your Dialog Boxes 5
conscience. Drop Down Menus 5
Scroll Bars 5
This program was written by Walter Bright of Northwest EMPIRE Security System 6
Software and Mark Baldwin of Beacon Technical Services. It is Starting/Resuming the Game 7
published by Interstel under exclusive license. File Selection 8
The File Requester 8
Player Selection 9
Computer Opponents 10
Comments about this program or documentation should be sent to:
Multiple Human Players 11
Play By Mail 11
Interstel Corporation Setting the Efficiency Ratings 12
P.O. Box 57825 Production Efficiency 12
Webster, TX 77598 Combat Efficiency 12
World Map Selection 14
Tel: (713) 486-4163 Signing On 15
Initial Production Demands _............. 15
The Playing Screen 16
Printed in the United States of America, Earth, Sol System.
Information in this document is subject to change without notice. ......................................... 19

Symbols......... . . 20
Empire - Wargame of the Century
The Combat Units . 20
e Copyright 1978,1982,1984,1987 Walter Bright and Northwest Software
Production . 25
Star Fleet Planetary Task Force Command Manual
Movement ···················· . 25
© Copyright 1987, 1988 Interstel Corporation
Combat . 26
All rights reserved
Combat Between Units . 26
First Edition
Repairing Ships . 27 '
Second Printing, August 1988
Attacking Cities , . 27 I
Bombardment . 28/
The Game Modes . 8/
Move Mode .

Survey Mode . 29 Unload Ship 02

Group Survey :::::::::::::::::: 30 View ·52
Direction .............................................. 30 Wait ~. . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 53
Move To ............................................... 30 World Map 53
Escort . ............................ 30 Strategy, Tactics, and Other Hints 54
Patrol To . 30
Mark FIPth 30
Production .:::::::::::::::::::: . CREATING YOUR OWN WORLDS 58
........................ 30
View ...................... 3] Building a World 58
Computer :::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 31
All Land · ······· 59
Commands and Orders 31
Activate : : : : : ..: ..:'. All Sea 59
36 Blotch Land/Sea 60
Center Cursor . 36 Build a World 60
Center Screen . 36
Center Cursor 60
Clear Orders . 36 Center Screen 60
Combat Report . 37 City 60
Commanders .. 37 Delete 61
Delete :: .. :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 38 Exit Editor 61
Display . 38 Grow Land/Sea Mass 61
Escort Ship ::::::::::::::::::: 39 Land 61
Exit Game ............................................. 39 Load Map ········ 61
Flight Paths . 40
Save Map ········ 62
Go Direction . ............................ 40 Save Map As 62
GoHome . 41 Sea 62
41 Sprinkle Cities 62
g~o~~n;~~e; . : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : .. : : . : ... : . : : : : . : . : : . : : : : : :
42 Validate Cities 63
Info on Empire . 42 Watch Build 63
Infotrrnation) ::::::::::::::::::::::: 42 World View 64
Load . 43
Load Ship....................... .' 44
Map Editor ::::::::::::::::::::::: 44
Move Mode . 44
Credits 65
MoveTo . 45 Background Information 66
New Game . ..................... 46 Autobiographies 67
Patrol To . ......................... 46 Interstel Product Warranty. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . .. 68
Production Map . 47
Product Replacement 68
Quit . 47
Save .. ~. . . . . .. .. . . .. . . Product Upgrade/Update Plan 68
48 Product Registration 68
Save As :::::::: .
....................... 48
Sentry ' . 48 69
INDEX .......................................................
Set Production . 49




I Colors Used in EMPIRE 20
II Transport's' Carrying Capacity 22 From: Grand Admiral Trevor C. Sorensen
III Summary of All Combat Units 24 Commander-In-Chief
IV Maximum Damage Points Per Unit 27 Star Fleet Command
V Commands and Orders Used in EMPIRE 33
VI Commands Versus Game Modes 34 To: Captain William P. Brown
VII Combat Unit Production Times. .................. 49
Captain, U.G.A.S. Britannia
VIII EMPIRE World Building Commands 59


Security Classification: TOP SECRET
The Krellan Empire is invading Alliance space at an alarming rate and
FIGURE TITLE PAGE ravaging all the helpless planets in their path. Due to the vastness of the
territory invaded, even the mighty Krellan Empire does not have enough
1 Security Verification Screen 7
warriors for full planetary assaults on each and every planet. Thus, the
2 File Selection Box 8
Krellans have developed OPERATION BIG BROTHER. Its purpose is to
3 Today's Opponents Screen 10
subdue and conquer the low to medium technology planets, which the
4 New Game Options Display for Two Players 13
Krellans can accomplish with minimum forces. A Krellan battle cruiser
5 New Game Options Display for Three Players 14
or troop transport teleports down one or two strategy and production
6 City Production Selection Menu 16
teamts) to the largest and strongest city on the planet, and installs one of
7 Sample Playing Screen 17
their generals as emperor. With the introduction of some advanced tech-
8 Numeric Keypad Direction Keys 29
nology, but using the planet's own resources and manpower, they begin
9 Commanders Report 37
their conquest of the planet. After this planetary empire has been estab-
10 Game Display Controls 38
lished, they hand the planet over to the Kre llan Empire.
11 Direction Cursor 41
12 Sample Information Display 43
The United Galactic Alliance is even more sorely pressed than the Krel-
13 Sample Production Map 47
lans for manpower and resources. It will be a great struggle to counter
14 Sample Ship Report 50 this new Krellan threat.
15 Sample War Report 51
16 Survey Cursor 52
Therefore, you, Captain William P. Brown, and your crew of the U .G.A.S.
17 Sample World Map 53
Britannia, are hereby assigned to patrol the region of Alliance space as
World View in Map Editor 64
outlined in Attachment 1, and intercept as many K rellan vessels as
possible in an attempt to stop Operation Big Brother. You are to avoid
detection by any Krellan forces. Your ship will contain a number of Alli-
ance advisory teams, each with its own General Officer in command. You
are to send one team to each Krellan invaded planet to try to unite the
fractionalized cities. Your team will form a counter empire to stop and
defeat the growing Krellan planetary empire. Once the Krellan threat
has been eliminated, the Alliance will convert the planet to a democratic
govern merit.

"Orbit achieved about planet Arabella, Captain, altitude 14500 INTRODUCTION
kilometers ."
"Thank you, Lieutenant. Standard sensor scan." This was getting tough, EMPIRE - 'Wargame of the Century' by Interstel is a strategic simula-
trying to stop Operation Big Brother while avoiding detection {rom Krellan. tion of global conflict, conquest, and empire building between two or three
{orces. opposing forces. You start with one city in a large unexplored world.• Your
"What a task," mumbled Captain Brown. "One good phaser barrage would armies must capture cities to produce your war materials. As part of your
lay waste to the major cities and stop the Krellans. Instead we go to battle hand overall strategy you must decide what each of your cities should produce to
to hand." My {ellow captains said it was an honor {or us to be selected [or this best aid your war effort. As your production capacity grows, you will soon
task, he remembered. Only time will tell. Captain Brown waited (or the sensor command armies, fighters, destroyers, troop transports, submarines, aircraft
report, to see i{ one o{ the Alliance teams he was carrying would be transported carriers, cruisers, and battleships. You will maneuver your armies, fighters,
to the planet below. Arabella is a pretty world-abundant water, plenty o{ land and ships to try and smash your opponentts). There are no compromises - each
mass, and a good spread o{ cities. He hoped this world could be left behind. player must strive to annihilate the other until all opponents are wiped out or
surrender. Your goal is total domination of the world. There can only be one
"Sensor report, sir. A K rellan scout team has already arrived. Recommend
we begin our conquest immediately."
"Ok, noti{y General Marks, tell him he and the 5th team can transport EMPIRE is NOT an arcade game. You must use strategy and tactics instead
down." of hand-eye coordination to defeat your enemies. EMPIRE will allow up to
"Yes sir," responded the young Lieutenant. three players per game on the same computer.

EMPIRE is part of the STAR FLEET family of strategic simulations. It elab-

Suddenly the quiet was shattered by an alert klaxon. "Red Alert. Enemy
orates on one method of planetary conquest that is used in STAR FLEET II~
ships detected."
and STAR FLEET III ". However, the Star Fleet series games do not provide \
"Tactical display," shouted Captain Brown, "I want to see those ships!" you with the actual command of the teams that use the planets' own re-
"Shields to maximum," reported the weapons officer, "All weapons are sources. This is the role of EMPIRE. Although it is not necessary to play any
ready." The view screen filled with a graphical picture o{ the planet, their orbit, of the Star Fleet series in order to play EMPIRE (or vice versa), it does help
and that o{the Krellan ships. enrich your playing experience by immersing you in the total Star Fleet
"Sir, a Krellan troop transport and destroyer have entered orbit at 12400 universe.
kilometers. I do not think they know we are here." Captain Brown studied the
tactical display. "Confirmed sir, they have activated their teleporters and sent
down what appears to be a large landing party. They are somewhere on the
other side o{the world, I cannot determine their exact position."
"lnform. General Marks that a large K rellan landing party is on the planet's NOTE
surface ... somewhere. Tell him he is on his own, as we must leave orbit to avoid
detection. " EMPIRE is constantly being updated. It is possible that
your game has features that are not documented in this
"Yes sir," acknowledged the communications officer manual. To learn about additional features, if any, please
look at the README file on this disk.
Captain Brown wanted those Krellan ships. Destroying them would be no
problem. "Not today," he thought to himsel{, "They must not know we are
here." This battle is up to the Arabella Commander. General Marks would
have to conquer this world on his own. "Take us out o{ orbit, ahead
C-ft'actor 5."

_____ VIlI EMPIRE - Wargame of the Century

THE RIGHT COMPUTER HARDWARE EMPIRE keeps track of players by writing a special file to your pl.aying disk.
If your playing disk is write protected, the program will be unable to save, the
EMPIRE requires an IBM Personal Computer or compatible with an optional player information.
mouse. The game will run with either CGA or EGA display capability, and a
color or monochrome monitor. Other modes may be supported as indicated on
the box. In addition, the game can be played using either a floppy disk drive, a INSTALLATION ON HARD DISKS
hard disk, or a RAM disk.
The EMPIRE disk supplied by Interstel is NOT copy-protected; therefore it
can easily be copied to a hard disk.
All support EMPIRE files except "EMPIRE.EXE" should be in a sub-
The following technique will be used when referring to a key on your directory (or sub-folder) named "\EMPDAT". If you ~eep "EMPIRE.~XE" in
keyboard: another directory, then "\EMPDAT" should be a sub-directory to the dIr~ctory
where "EMPIRE.EXE"is stored. The program will save any games In the
[A) [ShiftJ [H]
same directory as your program file, or any other directory you specify in the
file selection box.
i.e., the name of the key enclosed in square brackets. For example, [Space]
refers to the computer's space bar. A batch script file is included on the disk to assist in the installation of the
game on hard drives. With the EMPIRE disk in the default drive, type:
Some of EMPIRE's commands can be executed by pressing two keys in com-
bination. The notation: I NSTALL" path"

IControlllH] where "path" is the full directory and path name (ending in a "V' or ":") oflhe
target directory.
is used to denote that the keys IControl I and [H] are pressed at the same time.

BACKING UP YOUR PLA YING DISK On your EMPIRE disk there is a file called README. DOC which contains
any updates or changes to the documentation since its printing. To read the
For your convenience, the EM PI RE disk you purchased is not copy-protected. file, type:
It is recommended that you copy the purchased disk onto a blank disk or hard
disk for playing, and save your purchased disk as a backup. Before making a README [ENTER]
backup disk, set the write protect tab on your original EMPIRE disk.
If you wish to stop the display from scrolling while reading the file, press
To make a backup copy, take a blank disk and follow these steps:
[ControI][S). Press any key to continue scrolling.
1. Format the blank disk per your computer's operating manual.

2. Follow your computer's operating instructions to make a disk copy of the STARTING EMPIRE
original disk.
NOTE: You can play EMPIRE using the keyboard or a mouse. If you
When the backup is complete, store your purchased EMPIRE disk in a safe plan to use a mouse, be sure the mouse driver is installed before you
place and use your new backup copy as your playing disk. start EMPIRE (refer to the user's manual for your mouse).


2 EMPmE - Wargame of the Century EMPmE - Wargame of the Century 3

Starting EMPIRE from a Floppy Disk
For example, to set CGA graphics and icon set 2, type:
B.oot.your. computer with an MS-DOS disk, then place your backup EMPIRE
disk In drive A:. At the A> prompt, type EMPIRE and then press [ENTER].

Starting EMPIRE from a Hard Disk or RAM Disk CONTROLLING THE GAME
Boot your computer normally. If you want to use a RAM disk, use the EMPIRE uses dialog boxes, drop down menus, and scroll bars to allow you to
INSTAL.L.EAT file on your EMPIRE disk to move the required files. Switch communicate with the game. The following is a brief description of how to use
to the directory where EMPIRE.EXE is resident, type EMPIRE and press each.
[ENTER]. ,

Dialog Boxes
EMPIRE Optional Switches
Dialog boxes appear on the screen to give you information, and request a
Several switches are available upon executing EMPIRE to control some of response from you. Normally, there will be several boxes on the dialog for you
the initial features of the game. Although the switches are available, they are to select. If you are using a mouse, just move the mouse arrow to the desired
by no means necessary, and may be completely ignored. The syntax for using box and click with the left mouse button. If you are using a keyboard, press
the switches is: the key which corresponds to the highlighted letter associated with each box.
In addition, one box will normally be the default box <the box outline will be
EMPIRE IIBI -/I I/CI -1J [/In] UKf -lJ [/MI - ]] heavier). Pressing [ENTER] selects the default box.

Note that EMPIRE memorizes the switches from game to game in a file
called .EMPIRE.~FG .. These switches may be returned to the default value by Drop Down Menus
following the switch with a" -". Below is a description of each switch.
Drop down menus allow you to select commands during the game. Each item
IB: Blanks map between map updates. This may make the screen look on the menus has a keystroke sequence associated with it. One way to select a
better on slow machines. command is to use the appropriate keystroke sequence. If using a mouse,
move the mouse arrow to the top bar, click on the desired menu title to drop
IC: For~es EMPIRE to use CGA graphics, even though EGA is
down the menu, then click on the desired menu item. If using a keyboard,
avaIlable. CGA graphics use about 40K of memory less than
press [Con troll plus the first letter in the name of the desired menu to drop
EMPIRE in EGA mode.
down that menu. The [ENTER] key will drop down the last used menu. Then
Iln: Thi.s op.tion allows you to select alternate colors for game play. This use the [i) and [ ~] keys to select the appropriate menu item and press
option IS. used by entering EMPIRE IIn, where "n" is a number. For fENTERJ. Note that not all menu items are active all the time; inactive
those who do not like the colors used in EMPIRE, additional icon menu items will be a different color and you will not be able to select them.
sets are included in the EMPDAT directory labelled EMP- Once the menu has been dropped, the [-] and [-+ J keys may be used to change
ICON#.CGA for CGA graphics, and EMPICON#.EGA for EGA menus. The rESC] key may be used to close a menu.
graphics. The default icon set value is '1'.

IK: Forces the game to be played by keyboard only, even if there is a Scroll Bars
mouse driver loaded.
Scroll bars appear in the main map and in various dialog boxes. If using a
1M: U~es the mouse driver loaded in the system. Note that if you boot up
mouse, the scroll bars may be used in three ways. First, clicking in the small
USIng DOS 2.x and are using a mouse, you must use this option.
box at either end of a scroll bar changes the value by one. If you click within a
Otherwise, EMPIRE will look for and use an available mouse
driver. scroll bar, the value will make large jumps in the corresponding direction.
Lastly, if you hold down the left mouse button while the mouse arrow is over
the scroll bar, you can drag it to where you wish. If you are using the

EMPIRE - Wargame of the Century
T<~MPTRE - W>lr~>lmf> of Lhe Centurv 5
keyboard, function keys 1 through 4 or the arrow keys will cont.rol the scroll
bar. There is a number on each end of the scroll bars which corresponds to the
function key used to move the scroll bar in that. direction. Hitting the key will
change the value by one. If you hold down [Shift] while pressing the key, the
scroll bar will make a large jump. In o!lde~ to uel'ify yoU!'authol'ization to land
on the planet below~ you MUStentel' a mification
code liON f!'OM yoU!'I.Ownd Manual me-TN- 2775 m,
EMPIRE SECURITY SYSTEM Please entel' the FIRSTword f!'OM line
3 on page 2~,
After starting the game, the Interstel logo will appear on your monit.or. Code Nord
Press any key Dr the left mouse button to stop the music during the screen.
You will automatically be passed to the security system after the music stops. I directiorl
To protect your EMPIRE game against unauthorized use, a security system
has been installed. This appears after the title and credit screens have been
shown, and requires you to enter a certain word obtained from this manual
per the instructions given on your screen. The security screen is shown in
Figure 1. The following rules apply when looking up the security words.
Figure 1: Security Verification Screen
1. Page # is as printed at the bottom of the page (e.g., this is page 6).

2. A line is any row with typing on it, including titles. Lines in figures do not
count, but lines in tables do count (i.e., this is line 17). Once past the security screen, you will be asked to proceed with your plane-
tary landing. Click the left mouse button or press [ENTER].
3. A word is any unbroken string of characters with a blank at either end;
i.e., bexampleb, where b denotes a blank. However, punctuation marks The simulation startup continues with Starting/Resuming The Game.
do not count.

4. The security words are taken from this EMPIRE manual. The changes
contained in any supplement or change sheets are not counted. STARTING/RESUMING THE GAME
EXAMPLES: All EMPIRE commands can be executed from pull-down menus, or from the
keyboard. The keys are shown to the right of the command in it~ ~enu. These
a) Find word 1 in line 7 on page 15 - the correct word is "records". keystrokes are described later in the individual command descriptions.
b) Find word 5 in line 6 on page 44 - the correct word is "move".
After passing the security check, the screen will clear and the opening
After entering the security word, press rENTER] or click the left mouse EMPIRE Desktop will appear. There are five top level pull-down command
button. You can use the backspace key to correct spelling errors. If you only menus on this screen. They are:
want to run a demonstration game, select the "Run Demo" box. You do not
need to enter a security word to run the demonstration game. The File Reports Orders Commands Misc
demonstrat.ion game will run until one of the computer opponents wins. You New Game Sound
can stop the demonstration game by pressing any key. After the current Load Display
player's turn is finished, you will be placed in View mode where you can look Map Editor Commanders
at the world, check each player's status, or quit. To continue the demonstra- Info on Empire
tion game.just enter Move mode (see p. 44). Quit

Only those commands you can execute from the EMPIRE Desktop are shown

EMPIRE - Wargame of the Century 7

6 EMPllm - Warga me of the Century
To start a new game, select. New Game. To continue a previously saved game, Section 2: File Box - The files in the specified directory will be listed in this
select Load. More on starting saved games is found in the Load command box. If you change the default directory, a new list will appear. To select afiie
description on p. 43. name, move the cursor arrow to it.and click the left mouse button, or highlight
it using the arrow keys and press [ENTER). The selected file will eitherbe
loaded into memory from the directory path, saved in the directory, or deleted,
File Selection depending on the command using the File Requester.

Several commands require that you enter or select a file name. These com- You can move the file list up or down by using the scroll bar on the right of the
mands include: Delete, Save As, Load, selecting a particular map during game file box, or the up or down cursor control keys. Simply drag the scroll bar with
startup, Load Map, and Save Map As. The file selection box is shown in the cursor arrow, click on the up- or down-pointing arrows at the end of the
Figure 2. scroll bar, or use the cursor control keys to move the list.

File He o~ts O~dm'COMMands Mise Directories contained within the current directory will be displayed in the file
box. You can make any of these directories the current. directory by selecting
it as you would select a file name. To exit a directory, move the cursor arrow
to the Parent Box and click the left mouse button, or press [P).

Section 3: Selection Line - You can create anew file by ent.ering a file name
in the selection line. To select the selection line, place the cursor arrow on the
select.ion line and click the left mouse button, or press [F). You can ent.er or
edit the file name in the same manner in which you entered the directory
path. Pressing [ENTER] or clicking the left mouse button will select the file
as described in the File Box section. If the directory path includes a file
extension, one does not need to be provided in the selection line. Pressing
[ESC] removes the cursor from the selection line.

Section 4: OK/Cancel Boxes - The "OK" box is provided as an alternative

means of selecting a file. To cancel a command, select the "CANCEL" box. To
select these boxes you can either place the cursor arrow on the desired option
and click the left mouse button, or press [ESC] to remove the cursor from the
directory path or selection line then press [0] or [C] to select the desired
Figure 2: File Selection Box
Section 5: Parent Directory Box - Selecting this box changes the current
directory to the directory one level up. You can select this box with the mouse
The File Requester or by pressing [P). If there is a cursor in the directory path or selection line,
you will have to press rESCJ before rp).
The file selection box has the following sections:

Section 1: Dir-ector-y Path - This line allows you to specify a disk drive PLAYER SELECTION
and/or directory path other than the default. The default path is the one you
used to start EMPIRE. To change the path, select. the Direct.ory Line with You will now be asked to select the number of players and whether they will
the mouse or [0] key. A cursor will appear. The left and right cursor control be human or computer controlled. This is done in the Today's Opponents
keys can be used to move the cursor. The [Backspace] key will delete the Screen shown in Figure 3. To select the players, move the cursor arrow to
character to the left. of the cursor. Type in the new directory path, press either the "Human" or the computer C'Standard" or "Expert") opponents
[ENTER], and the cont.ents of the directory will be displayed in the File Box. butt.ons and click the left.mouse button once, or use the r 11, r2], and r3] keys to
Pressing [ESC] will remove the cursor from the directory path. toggle the boxes.

8 EMPIRE - Wargame oft.he Cent.ury EMPIRE - Wargame of the Century 9

File Re D~ts O~de1'5 COMMands Hise HODE:
If you specified all the players to be run by your compui,e.r (i.e ...; a
demonstration game), EMPIRE will run until one of the players w,.nsor you
stop the game. If you press any key, at the end of the current player s turr~ the
I I game will stop. You will then be placed in View mode where you can.l~ok. at
the world, check each player's status, or quit. To restart the demonstratIOn
COHPtrrER OPPOHENTS game,just enter Move mode (described on p. 44).
PLAYER 11 [l IIIllllI ISTANDARD I I·EXPERT I The computer operated playerts) play by the same rules and under the sa~e
conditions that you do. Your computer has no special advantages, though It
PLAYER 12 [ l mTIIilll 1 EXPERT I
may appear otherwise at times.

Multiple Human Players

Two or more human players can play the game on one computer or via mail. If
playing on the same computer, after player 1 completes. his~er turnts), the
screen will blank and a message box will appear asking If player 1 has
completed hislher turn. Select the "Yes" box if you are finished: If you select
the box labelled "No", you will be placed in Survey mode (described on p. 29),
Figure 3: Today's Opponents Screen where you can then go around that portion of the world you have explored
changing orders, production demands, etc. To complete your turn, enter Move
mode. Player 2 will then be asked to report. After selecting the "OK" box, the
Selected players will be highlighted. If you want to battle only one opponent, map for player 2 will appear. Each player will have to "turn his/her ?ack"
then player 3 should be "NONE". Otherwise, select whether you want while their opponent completes their turnts). After player 2 completes his/her
another human or computer opponent. If you will be playing against any turnts), the process will repeat again and the map for player 1 (or player 3)
human opponents, you can select the "PBM" box to play-by-mail or modem will appear. And so it goes until one player defeats the other'(s).
(see p. 11). When you have completed your selections, select the "OK" button.
To cancel your selections, select the "CANCEL" box. Cancelling this At the beginning of a multiple human player game, before any enemies are
command will return you to the EMPIRE Desktop and you will have to found, the turns are very short. Up to about turn 100 the com~uter all?ws
execute the New Game command again. each player several turns in a row, avoiding a lot of rapid chair sw~ppmg.
However, as soon as a player encounters an opponent, the computer WIll stop
allowing multiple turns. You will then have to change places after each turn.
Computer Opponents

Computer players selected as "Standard" will have a slightly higher overall Play-By-Mail (PBM)
rating, whereas an "Expert" computer opponent has the same rating as a
human opponent. An "Expert" computer opponent is much smarter, and thus If you select to play one or more human opponents by mail (i.e. selecting the
harder to defeat. "PBM" box on the Today's Opponents Screen), you will be asked a password
after each turn, and the program will automatically save the ~ame at the end
If you decide to battle two computer opponents, they will not know of each of every turn. This file, named by you the first time the game IS saved, should
other. The two computer opponents will battle each other just as they would then be sent to your opponent(s) by mail or modem. The next player starts the
fight you. If you are fortunate, they will fight and weaken each other, or one same game using the Load command, completes his/her turn, t~en sends the
will be eliminated, and you can (easily") defeat the remaining computer file back or to the next player (if three). Files can be transmitted to each
opponent. However, they may just as easily involve you in a deadly "two- player via the postal service, or modem. YOU CANNOT INT~RACTIVEL Y
front" war. Remember what that did to Nazi Germany?? It is thus recom- PLA Y THIS GAME OVER A MODEM. Note that Amiga, Atari ST, and IBM
mended you select only one computer opponent until you have played the PBM files are entirely compatible, so opponents may play on different
game a few times. machines.

10 EMPIRE - Wargame of the Century EMPIRE - Waraa me OoftheCenturv 11

A~ter selecting your opponentts) you will proceed to the New Game Options
Display to set the combat and production efficiencies for each player. ~ IIIlI GMi O/IJIlIS


SETTING THE EFFICIENCY RATINGS --------------- boduction Efficiency [FH'21 --------------
1(1 • 1>1 1(1. 1>1
Production Efficiency [][] [j]
~ity production is proportional to the set production efficiency. That is, a set- ----------------- CoMbatErriciency IFH41 ----------------
ting of 100 percent produces units at twice the normal rate (50 percent)· 1<1 • 1>1 1(1. 1>1
whereas 25 percent produces units at half the normal rate. For example'
~ghter~ normally require 10 turns to manufacture. If your production effi~
[J[J [j]
ciency 1S 25, 50 (normal), or 100 percent, it will take 20, 10, or 5 turns to com- Rating Rating
p~ete ea~h fighter, res~ectively. Remember, increasing the production effi-
cL~ncy wL.llproduce ututs faster, whereas decreasing the production efficiency
II] [J[]
uiill require more turns to produce each unit.

Combat Efficiency
Figure 4: New Game Options Display for Two Players
Your combat efficiency is the probability of hitting your opponent. If both op-
ponents have 50 percent combat ratings, then each has an even chance to Because in Figure 4 the computer opponent is "Standard", the only way I
cause damage to or destroy his opponent (i.e. your 50% -i- their 50% = I). The play with equal overall ratings is to lower your production and/or combat eft
player w~th the highe~ combat efficiency has a better chance of inflicting dam- ciency. Doing this will raise your overall rating, and reduce the overall ratir
age on his opponent (i.e, your 75% -;- their 50% = 1J times your opponent's of the "Standard" opponent. You should not change the efficiency ratinj
chances). The stren.gth of.the hi~s does not change with the combat efficiency. until you are familiar with the game. Otherwise, you could put yourself;
The New Game Options Display 1S shown in Figure 4 for two players. such a disadvantage that you will not enjoy the challenge of EMPIRE. I

In this Figure, player 2 is your computer set to "Standard". If you select the I
The New Game Options Display is shown in Figure 5 for three players.
computer o~ponent as "Expert", then both overall ratings will start at 50 I
pe:cent. To mcrease or decrease the efficiencies, select the player to change by In this figure, player 1 is human (you), player 2 is a "Standard" comput
using t~e [1] or [2] key. Then use [FI], rF2], [F3], and [F4] to change the opponent, and player 3 is an "Expert" computer opponent. You change tl
production and combat efficiencies. Alternately, you may move the cursor combat and production efficiencies on this screen the same way as on the OJ
arrow t~ the scroll bar of the item you want to change, and drag the scroll box with only two players. As before, higher efficiencies make a player strongs
to the right or ~eft t~ increase or decrease the efficiency, respectively. To and as you increase your combat and production efficiencies, your oven,
change the efficiency m one percent increments, click the left or right arrows rating goes down. Likewise, as you decrease your combat and productii
next to the drag bars with the left mouse button to decrease or increase the efficiencies, your overall rating goes up. As your overall rating changes'J:
effic~ency, respectively. Holding down the left mouse button will cause the does each of your opponent's. A player's rating is based on his/her 0
efficiency to continuously increase or decrease by one percent (to 100 or 0

production and combat efficiencies, and the production and com
~ercent) until you release the button. To change the efficiency in ten percent efficiencies of the stronger of his/her opponents. For example, if you adj
increments, use rShift][Fl] - fF4] or click the cursor arrow in the grey shaded your (player I) combat and production efficiencies such that your over
areas to the left or right of the drag bars. Higher efficiencies make the player rating is 40 percent, BOTH of your opponents will have overall ratings
stronger. Be care~ul: as you increase your combat and production.efficiencies, approximately 60 percent (if "Expert" computer or "Human" opponents).
your overall rating goes down, and as you decrease your combat and addition, if you change the efficiencies of player 2 such that its overall rat!
production efficiencies, your overall rating goes up. As your overall rating is 40 percent, the overall ratings of player 1 (you) and player 3 will
changes, so does your opponent's, so that the total is approximately 100 approximately 60 percent. Again, you should not change the efficiencies u
you are familiar with the game.

12 ~MPIRE - Wargame of the Century EMPIRE - Wargame of the Century

File Re Ol'ts Ol'dm COllllands Misc HODE:
After selecting a map, you will be told how many cities there are iri the entire
world. The number of cities usually varies between 60 and 70, depending on
DO the layout of the continents.
PlAYER11 [1J PLAYER12 [21 PLAYEI!13 [31
_--------------- hoduction Efficiency [Fl-F21 --------------
1<1 • III 1(1 • !}I 1(1 • !}I SIGNING ON
[J]U OCJ []O You wi II now be asked to enter your last name. Your name will be used to
----------------- COMbat Err iciency [F3-F41 ---------------- keep a service record of your success at playing EMPIRE. In addition, the
records of all other players using your disk will be stored. Players' names are
1<1 ~ III 1<1 ~ I~ 1(1 ~ !}I used to create a Commanders Report. This report is described in the Com-
manders command on p. 37.
~ting Rating Rating
After typing your name, press [ENTER] or the left mouse button. Names can
OK] []U []O be up to 16 characters long. You can use the [Backspace] key to correct any
typing errors.

If, after typing your name, EMPIRE cannot find it in the commanders file,
you wi II be asked if you are a new player. If so, select the box labelled "Yes
Figure 5: New Game Options Display for Three Players Sir." If you are not a new player, select the box labe lIed "No Sir," and you will
be asked to type your name again.

After passing the name check, you will be told to report to your command post.
fter you finish making changes (if any), select the "OK" box in the upper left
Select the box labelled "OK" to continue with the game. .
irner. To cancel your changes, select the "CANCEL" box. Cancelling this
rmmand will return you to the Desktop.

ou can now select the world map. INITIAL PRODUCTION DEMANDS

After entering your name, you will be asked for your initial city production
demands (you start with one city). This is done through the City Production
VORLD MAP SELECTION Selection Menu-shown in Fi.g.ure-6 .._------
fter you leave the New Game Options Display, you will be asked if you wish
To select your production demands, use the arrow keys or move the cursor
, select a particular world map, or have one chosen at random. If you wish to
arrow onto the line with the symbol and name of the unit you want (the
elect a map, choose the "Select" box. The file selector (described on p. 8) will
column where the asterisk is located in Figure 6) and click the left mouse
ppear and allow you to choose the appropriate ".MAP" file. Also in the
button. The combat units are described on pp. 20-24. After making your
MPDA:.directory is a subdirectory labelled XTRAMAPS, in which you will
selection, select the box labelled "OK" or press fENTERJ. City production is
nd additional maps. These maps were a little too strange to include in the
described in detail on p. 25 and p. 49. It is recommended you start with armies
.andard set, but you may enjoy using them. Choosing the box labelled
until you are familiar with the game.
Random" ,:ill cause the program to randomly select a ".MAP" file from your
MPDAT directory. Randomly selecting a world is more fun because you will
After selecting your initial city production demands, you can begin your
ot know what it looks like (unless you have played on it several times before
nd recognize it). planetary conquest.

File He orts Ol'del's COMMands Mise MODE: TURN: 0

. * ARMIE~
64 66 68 79 n 74 76 78 89 82 84 86 88 99 n 94 96 98 U 39 32 34 36 38 40 42 44' '46 48 50 52 54 56 58 69 6264

Figure 6: City Production Selection Menu ~ Figure 7: Sample Playing Screen

Section 3: Turn Counter - This counter is increased by one each time a turn
is completed. One turn is completed after all the combat units have had a
'HE PLAYING SCREEN chance to move. As seen in Figure 7, turn 31 is in progress.
he world is shown on your screen as a map of 60 rows by 100 columns. The
Section 4: Message Line - This line is where you will receive messages and
iws are numbered 0 to 59, the columns 0 to 99. However, the outer rows and
command acknowledgements from EMPIRE. For example, in Figure 7, the
)l~mns are not accessible to the combat units for movement, so to avoid con-
cursor is currently over the troop transport named Grief. As you are prompted
ISlOn they have been shaded grey. All coordinates are given as row,column;
to give each unit a command or order, the unit name, location, and any
.g. 32,78 means row 32, column 78. Location 0,0 is the upper left corner of the
current orders will be displayed on this line. An example message is "Your
5th Army at 32,17 Moving to 28,16".
Jte:- completing your initial production selection, your screen will show a
Section 5: Map Display - This is the map area of your screen. Because of the
ortlOn. of the world map that is 20 rows by 36 columns. A sample playing
resolution and size limitations of your monitor, only 20 rows and 36 columns
creen IS shown in Figure 7.
can be displayed at a time during moves. You can move the map display to see
more of the world. The screen moves automatically to the unit to be moved.
'he playing screen consists of the following sections:
Section 6: Row Numbers - This far left column gives the map row numbers. I
ection 1: Command Menus - This row shows the command pull-down
"'0 execute a co mman, d you may use t he k eystro k e associated
. These row numbers will scroll and change with the map .
• - •• --. ~,~~vv with
he command, select the menu and item with the mouse, or use [Control] plus
Section 7: Row Scroll Bars - To move the map up or down, use [F3] and [F4],
he first letter of the menu to drop the menu and arrow keys and [ENTER] to
or move the cursor arrow to the scroll bar in the far left column and drag it up
elect the command. More on executing commands is in the Commands and
or down, respectively. If you wish to move the map one row at a time, use [F3J,
>rders Section.
[F4], or click the "3" or "4" at the top and bottom of the column with the left
mouse button. To move the map a half screen at a time, use [Shift][F31,
)eclion 2: Mod~ Indicator - This indicator tells you which mode you arc in.
[Shift][F4), or click the cursor arrow in the grey shaded area above or below
/lodes are described in the Playing The Game section.
the drag bars to move the map up or down, respectively.

6 EMPIRE - Waraarne of the Centurv EMPIRE - Wargarne of the Century

ection 8: Column Numbers - This bottom row gives the map column num-
ers. These column numbers will scroll and change with the map.
~ction 9: Column Scroll Bars - To move the map left or right, use [F'I] and
Except for the spaces adjacent to your initial city, the entire world map is un-
'21, or move the cursor arrow to the scroll bar below the column numbers and
known (blank) until you start to explore it. You cannot detect enemy units
-ag it left or right, respectively. If you wish to move the map one column at a
unless one of yours is next to them. The actual map you see on your screen is a
me, use IFl], [F2], or click the "1" or "2" at the left or right ends of the row
summary of all the most recent information that you have about the world.
ith the left mouse button. To move the map a half screen at a time use
;h~ft][F3], [ShiftJ[F4], or click the cursor arrow in the grey shaded are~ left
. right of the drag bars to move the map left or right, respectively.

The enemy unit symbols shown on the map are their last known
locations. These locations may not be accurate, as they have
probably moved since you detected them! Remember that the map
displays only the most recent information you have.

The basic time unit of EMPIRE is the turn. Each turn consists of the
following phases: 1) production, and 2) movement/combat. These phases are
repeated for each player in turn. Normally, player 1 goes first, player 2 goes
second, and player 3 goes third. The player order may differ in multiple
human-player games.

When a new game is started, it may take as many as 100 to 200 turns of play
before you .discover the other playerts), or they discover you. Be patient, the
enemy is out there. You are playing on a large world. The first part of the
game should be spent exploring and expanding your production base.

EMPIRE will prompt you to move each unit which does not have any active
orders or cannot move. The prompt consists of a short message in the message
line of-your screen (see Section 4 of-Figure--"l-)-;-and-a-blinking cursor w-i-H-be--
positioned over the piece to be moved on the map. Completion of one turn
occurs when each combat unit has either executed its orders or had a chance to
move. You will receive a message with the results of each combat involving
any of your units.

The last computer opponent will attempt to surrender when you have beaten
it to the point where it can no longer win. You do ha ve the option of refusing
their surrender and continuing until you have completely wiped them out.
SYMBOLS Each combat-unit has its own attack and defense factor. These factors are
multipliers to the combat efficiency set during the start of a game', The attack
The unit symbols used on your display are: .and defense factors are normally both equal to one, which means the unit will

attack and defend with the combat efficiency set during the game startup. An
City* Destroyer attack factor of t means the unit attacks with one-half the set combat effi-
~ ciency. Likewise, a defense factor of t means the unit defends with 'one-half
the set combat efficiency.
bJ Submarine

Army on Sentry Duty Cruiser Each of the playing pieces will now be described.
~ ~
Fighter Armies: Armies are of primary importance. Only armies can capture cities
~ ~ and conquer continents. Armies move on land at a rate of one space per turn.
Troop Transport Movement across water is done by boarding a troop transport. To board a
(empty) Aircraft Carrier (empty)
~ ~ troop transport, simply move the army onto it.
Troop Transport (armies Aircraft Carrier
on board) (fighters on board)
~ ~ Armies will be destroyed after receiving one damage point from an enemy
* NOTE: Cities with units in them will be shaded. unit. Armies attack enemy units with one damage point per hit. Armies have
normal attack and defense factors, which are one and one, respectively. How-
ever, armies have a defense factor of t when bombarded by a cruiser or
The default colors used in EMPIRE are given in Table 1. battleship.

TABLE I To produce your first army in any city normally requires six turns. After that
COLORS USED IN EMPIRE only five turns are required to produce an army.

Item EGA CGA Fighters: Fighters are fighter-bomber aircraft which are suited for multiple
roles, including reconnaissance, attacking armies and ships, and air-to-air
Land Green Dark Green combat against enemy fighters. Fighters can move over land and sea at a rate
Sea Blue Cyan of five spaces per turn. They have a maximum range of 20 spaces before they
Unexplored Area Black Black must be refueled. Fighters are refueled by landing in any of your cities or on
Neutral Cities Black on White Black on White one of your aircraft carriers. Attempting to land in a city which is not yours is
Player 1 Units' White
futile. If a fighter runs out offuel while in flight, it will crash.
White on Black
Player 2 Units Red Magenta.on.Black.Lc;
Pighterswrll be destroyed-after re'cciving-on-e-dmnage-point-from-an-enemy-.
Player 3 Units Yellow Cyan on Black unit. Fighters attack with one damage point for each hit on enemy units.
*NOTE: Player's units include conquered cities as well as armies, fighters and
Fighters have attack and defense factors of one and one, respectively.
ships. Fighters cannot detect enemy submarines when located in an adjacent square,
• but will attack one if the fighter tries to move onto the square where an enemy
submarine is located.

THE COMBAT UNITS To produce your first fighter in any city normally requires 12 turns; after that
only 10 turns are required to produce a fighter.
There are eight different combat units (or pieces) in EMPIRE: armies, fight-
ers, troo~ transp~rts, submarines, destroyers, cruisers, aircraft carriers, and Troop Transports: Troop transports are used to carry armies from one con-
battleships. Armies can only move on land. Fighters can move over land and tinent or island to another. They can carry a maximum of six armies, less if
water. Ships can moveat sea, or dockin occupiedcities. they are damaged. Troop transports move two spaces per turn.

Troop transports will be destroyed after receiving three damage points from
enemy units. Each damage point suffered by a transport reduces the number
20 EMPIRE - Wargame of the Century 21
EMPIRE - Wargame of the Century
armies it can carry by two. Thus a transport with one damage point can Destroyers make excellent scout ships, especially early in the game. Simply
ly carry four armies (refer to Table Il). Any excess armies over the ship's move one or more destroyers in different directions away from your horne
pacity when it is hit will be destroyed once you try to move the transport. If island or continent. Destroyers are fast moving, and can quickly scout an
u are next to land, your excess armies can be moved off before you move the island or continent shoreline, showing the coastal cities. In addition, you may
msport. Your transports attack the enemy with one damage point per hit. find the enemy's location before they find yours.
ansports have attack and defense factors of t and t, respectively.
an sports cannot attack armies, and cannot see submarines in an adjacent Destroyers can withstand three damage points from enemy units before being
uare. destroyed. They attack the enemy with one damage point per hit. Destroyers
have attack and defense factors of one and one, respectively. Destroyers can
. produce your first troop transport in any city normally requires 30 turns; see all combat units, including submarines, but cannot attack armies.
.er that only 25 turns are required to produce one.
To produce your first destroyer in any city normally requires 24 turns; after
that only 20 turns are required to produce each destroyer.
TRANSPORT'S CARRYING CAPACITY Cruisers; Cruisers are fast and powerful warships of medium size but with
Maximwn Number less firepower and armor than a battleship. Cruisers move at a rate of two
Damage Points
of Armies spaces per turn. These ships are typically used to protect your shipping lanes,
0 6 attack enemy ships, and bombard enemy armies on land.
1 4
Cruisers will be destroyed after receiving eight damage points from enemy
2 2
units. They attack the enemy with two damage points per hit. Cruisers have
3 Destroyed attack and defense factors of one and one, respectively. Cruisers can see and
attack all combat units, including submarines and armies.
rbmartnesr Submarines are underwater craft armed with torpedoes. They
e undetectible by armies, fighters, troop transports, aircraft carriers, and To produce your first cruiser in any city normally requires
only 30 turns are required to produce each cruiser.
35 turns; after that I
ttleships when located in an adjacent square. Besides being hard to detect,
ey are particularly strong in attack, but weaker in defense. When a
bmarine scores a hit against an enemy ship, three damage points worth of Aircraft Carriers: These are extremely large vessels designed as mobile air
mage is done instead of the usual one point. This is enough to sink the bases at sea. Aircraft carriers can carry and refuel fighters. They can carry a
taller ships (such as troop transports) with a single hit. Only the battleship maximum of eight fighters, less if they are damaged. Each damage point suf-
as powerful in attack as the submarine. Submarines move at the rate of two fered by a carrier reduces the number of fighters it can carry by one. Thus a
aces per turn.
"------ carrier with tnree oamage points can only carry lve fi-ghters (~-==-5-}:--AllY i
excess fighters over the ship's capacity when it is hit will be destroyed. Air-
Ibmarines will be destroyed after receiving two damage points from enemy craft carriers move two spaces per turn. !
tits. They have .attack and defense factors of one and t, respectively.
ibmarines cannot see or attack armies, and cannot see adjacent fighters. Aircraft carriers will be destroyed after receiving eight damage points from
ate that cities ~ detect submarines. enemy units. They attack the enemy with one damage point per hit. Carriers
have attack and defense factors of t and one, respectively. Aircraft carriers
) produce your first submarine in any city normally requires 24 turns; after cannot see adjacent submarines, and cannot attack armies.
at only 20 turns are required to produce a submarine.
To produce your first aircraft carrier in any city normally requires 48 turns;
estroyers: Destroyers are small, fast, and highly maneuverable warships after that only 40 turns are required to produce each one.
·med with guns, torpedoes, and depth charges. Because of their speed and
aneuverability, they move at a rate of three spaces per turn. These ships are Battleships: Battleships are large, heavily armored warships of destruction.
ten used to protect your own troop transports, menace the enemy's ships, They possess the largest guns and most firepower of any sea vessel. They
id find submarines. move at a rate of two spaces per turn. These ships are best used to attack
enemy shipping and to bombard enemy armies on land. Battleships are espe-
cially effective in attacking enemy cruisers and aircraft carriers.

r~~MPIT~li'_ \,\/.••...
tT.lrnn roor. hn. f'n"" ••••.•" Ii'M PI rH.' _ We> rm;un •• nf t h •• r.•.nt i rr-v 23 )
attleships will be destroyed after recervmg twelve damage points from
nemy units. They attack the enemy with three damage points per hit.
attleships have attack and defense efficiencies of one and one, respectively.
All your combat units are produced by your cities. The initial production
attleships cannot see submarines in an adjacent square.
turns are longer because time is required to build the factories and set up the
production line. Each city will continue to produce the same type of unit until
o produce your first battleship in any city normally requires 60 turns; after
you change it (refer to the Set Production command). Inland cities can only
rat only 50 turns are required to produce each battleship. Table III provides
produce armies or fighters. Coastal cities (ports) can produce armies, fighters,
brief summary of each combat unit.
and ships. The computer will not allow your inland cities to produce ships.

At the beginning of each turn, you will be informed by a pop-up window of

each unit whose production was just completed during that turn. The screen
will show the section of the world map and the city in which the unit was
produced. The window will have two selections available. Select "Production"
Troop Sub· Aircraft Battle-
Army Fighter Destroyer Cruiser to change the production of the city that just produced the unit, or "Continue"
Transport marine Carrier ship
Speed 1 5 2 2 3 2 2 2 if you want the city to continue producing the same type of units.
Hits to
1 1 3 2 3 8 8 12 All army and fighter units will be given a unit designation (e.g., 5th army,
Damage 143rd fighter) by your computer. As each of your ships is produced, you will
1 1 1 3 1 2 1 3
per hit be given the chance to name it. Simply press [S] and then the name in the box
Attack provided, and press [ENTER). Names can be up to 16 characters long and
1 1
~ 1 1 1 t 1
consist of more than one word (e.g. "Sea Vixen"). If you do not wish to name
Defense 1
.1.* 1
"2 1 1 1 1 the ship, select the "Continue" box or press [ENTER]; your computer will
• name the ship for you.
No No No No No Yes No Yes
Cargo Six Eight
Capacity armies fighters MOVEMENT
Cannot Subs Armies
Subs Subs Subs Subs
See (1) Fighters
Each of the combat units can be moved in any of eight directions according to
Prod (2)
6 12 30 24 24 35 48 60 the diagram below:
-5 -10 -25 20_ 20 30 40 50

Notes: • Against bombardment only.

lAbbreviation for "Submarines."
2The production turns given are for a production efficiency of 50 percent.

Each combat unit is moved by issuing commands (or orders) through the pull-
down menus, keyboard, or clicking the unit on the screen with the mouse
During a turn each combat unit will try to execute its current orders. Yom
combat units will attempt to move around obstacles, but if the unit cannoi
easily do so, it will stop and wait for you to give it a single move cornrnanc
(movement is described in detail on p. 28 and 44). If the unit has orders anc
cannot move or it is not sure if it should continue moving (as when next to ar
enemy unit or city), your computer will flash the unit's symbol quicker thar
normal and wait for you to give the unit a move command or new orders. Thi:

24 EMPIRE· Wargame of the Century EMPIRE· Wargame of the Century 21

called "waking up", and it allows you to command an attack, move around traded until one of them receives three damage points. That dastroyer is
1 obstacle(e.g. water), or continue with its current orders. Each combat' unit sunk, but if your ship took two "hits", then one more from any other enemy
ill wake up if it encounters an enemy unit. combat unit (including an army!) will sink your destroyer. Damage sustained
by a unit is cumulative until it is either destroyed or repaired. The number of
he computer will not allow you to run your ships aground, or drown your damage points that each unit can take is given in Table IV. Once the. number
rmies. If you try to make an illegal move, your computer will "ping" or in Table IV is reached, the unit is destroyed.
olink", and wait for a valid response.

here can only be one combat unit in a square at a time, except for the TABLE IV
Unit Maximum Damage Points
Any number of units may be in a city, such as several fighters, armies,
Army 1
and/or ships under repair. However, these units DO NOT help the city's
defense factor and will be destroyed if the ci ty is captured by the enemy. Fighter 1

Destroyer 3
Up to six armies may board a troop transport (less if the transport is
Troop Transport 3
damaged). If the transport is destroyed while carrying armies, they will
Submarine 2
be lost along with the ship.
Cruiser 8
Up to eight fighters may board an aircraft carrier (less if the carrier is Aircraft Carrier 8
damaged). If the carrier is sunk while carrying fighters, they will be lost Battleship 12
along with the ship.

"ighters, troop transports, aircraft carriers, and battleships cannot detect The probability of a combat unit receiving a hit is based on the owning
.nerny submarines when located in an adjacent square, but can attack one if player's combat efficiency rating. The higher a player's combat efficiency, the
hey try to move onto the square where the enemy submarine is located. Arm- greater the chance that player will survive the conflict. A 50 percent combat
es also cannot detect submarines, but unlike the units mentioned previously, efficiency is normal.
rrrnies can never attack enemy submarines. Armies can, however, attack all
rther enemy ships. Submarines cannot detect armies and fighters, but will
lefend themselves from fighter attacks. Repairing Ships

Ship's movement is reduced to one space per turn ifit is damaged 50 percent or Your ships can be repaired by docking them in one of your ports (i.e. moving
nore (e.g., a cruiser with four damage points out of a possible eight will nave --- them onto one of your cities nextto the-sea)-:-9ne damage-point-wil be-l'e·
Its movement reduced to one space per turn). stored for each turn the ship remains docked. Ships carrying armies or fight-
ers will automatically unload when they dock.

COMBAT Attacking Cities

Combat Between Units
A city is attacked by attempting to move one of your armies onto it. Your
army's chances of conquering a city is a function of your combat efficiency.
You attack an enemy unit by attempting to move one of your units onto it.
Capturing cities is crucial to building up your production base and destroying
Damage points are traded off for each hit until one unit is totally destroyed.
your opponentls). ONLY ARMIES CAN CAPTURE CITIES. The army itself
Only one of the units will survive the conflict. Each unit can withstand only
is dispersed as a garrison to control and defend the city once it is captured.
so many "damage points" before it is destroyed. Damage points are registered
whenever a unit suffers a hit. For example, three damage points are required
to sink a destroyer. These damage points could be three hits from a fighter or
fighters, or one hit from a submarine (submarines give three damage points
per hit). If you attack an enemy destroyer with one of yours, "hits" will be

26 EMPIRE - Warzarne of the Century £<:MPIRE- Waraarne of the Century

mouse button. If you do not want the unit to move, press the [Space) bar or

Your battleships and cruisers can bombard enemy armies on land. To be bom-
select the Wait order. Combat units can only attack by giving a Move
command. Orders will never cause one unit to attack an enemy unit.
barded, the enemy army must be in an adjacent square on a coast. To start the I Move mode can be entered through the "Commands" menu, key stroke , or
bombardment, click the adjacent army symbol as if you wanted to move the
pressing the right mouse button when in surveyor group survey mode.
ship onto it. Do not worry, your ship will NOT run aground. The bom-
bardment is like a normal unit attack, except that after the army is destroyed, I
your ship will not move onto its space. The bombardment takes the place of 1
moving one space, so you can either move two spaces, bombard two armies, or
move one space and bombard one army. Cruisers and battleships docked in a
city can still bombard enemy armies that corne next to the city. " t /
EMPIRE has eleven different modes. The screen shows which game mode
you are in. The modes are:

Group Survey
/ ~ ~
Figure 8: Numeric Keypad Direction Keys
Move To
Patrol To
Mark FIPth Survey Mode
View This mode allows you to travel around and look at the current map of the
Computer world, alter the orders assigned to your units, change the production demands
of your cities, etc. It is entered by pressing [V] from move mode, executing the
S-urvey command in the "Commands" pu!.l-down-menu,o.r:..pr.essing_the...cig.h
The mode indicator is located to the left of the turn counter in the upper right mouse button while in move mode. A special cursor shows you are in survey
corner of your screen (see section 2 of Figure 7). mode (see Figure 16 on p. 52).

You move the cursor around the map by using the direction keys, or by simply
Move Mode placing the cursor arrow over the desired location and pressing the left mouse
button. The shift key in conjunction with the direction key will move the
Most of the game will be spent in move mode. In fact, the entire game can be cursor in steps offive. Each time you move the cursor onto one of your units or
played without ever leaving it. In this mode, a blinking cursor will be posi- cities, information about that unit or city will be displayed. Note that orders
tioned over the combat unit, and the message line of the display will show the in Survey mode operate only on the unit under the cursor. For instance, you
unit identification, its grid location, and any orders previously received. You cannot operate on any armies aboard a troop transport from the Survey mode,
can either enter a move or give an order (such as Load Ship or Sentry). except to wake them up to move ofTthe transport (see the Unload command).

There are two ways to move a combat unit. The first method is to use the
numeric key pad on the keyboard. This method allows you to move in all eight
directions according to Figure 8. The second method is to place the cursor
arrow on one of the eight squares surrounding the unit, and click the left

EMPIRE - Warzame of the Centurv 29

Group Survey

This is the same as Survey mode except that you can assign the same com- View
mand to many units at once. A detailed description of this mode is found
This mode is entered when the computer is playing itself or in a demonstra-
under the Group Survey command on p. 42.
tion game, and you stop the game. It is also entered at the end of a game.
View mode allows you to view the current world map, examine the computer
Be careful of whether you are in MOVE mode or (GROUP) SURVEY mode.
player's units, or quit the game. The View command is described on p. 52.
Entering any commands in move mode when you thought you were in Survey
mode can send units in the wrong direction, cancel wanted commands, and
may cause you to waste that unit's turn.

This mode is entered when the computer is executing a move.


~irec~ion mode is entered whenever you request a unit to move in a particular

direction, such as up or down. Direction mode is described in detail in the Go COMMANDS AND ORDERS
Direction command on p. 40.
All EMPIRE commands and unit orders can be executed from pull-down
menus. Commands apply to game functions, like save, center screen, survey
Move To mode, etc. Orders apply to combat units, e.g. sentry, move, unload ship, etc.
To execute a command or give an order, use the key sequence associated with
Mov~ To mode is entered whenever you request a unit to move to a particular the command/order or select it using the drop down menus. Commands/orders
location. Move To mode is described in the Move To command on p. 45. you cannot execute will be light grey, and will not change to reverse video
when selected. All command menus are shown below.

Escort mode .is ente~ed ~henev~r you request a ship to escort another ship. File Reports Orders Commands
Escort mode IS described 10 detail in the Escort Ship command on p. 39. New Game World Map Go Home Move Mode
Load Status Go Direction Survey Mode
Save Combat Report Go Random Group Survey
Patrol To Save As Info Move To Wait
Exit Game Ship Report Patrol To Flight Paths
Patrol To mode is entered whenever you request a unit to patrol between two Set Production Escort Ship Activate
Map Editor
selected locations. Patrol To mode is described in detail in the Patrol To com- Production Map Sentry Center Screen
mand on p. 46. Clear Orders Center Cursor
Load Ship
Unload Ship
Mark FIPth
Skip Move
This is short for "Mark Flight Path". Flight paths apply only to fighters, and
are described in detail on p. 40. Misc
Production Commanders
This mode is entered whenever you view the Production Map (described on
Info on Empire
p.47). To change a city's production, place the cursor over the city and use the
Set Production command. The production menu will appear, allowing you to
change the product.ion demands (city production is described on p. 49).

30 EMPI RE - Wargame of the Century EM PIH.E - Wargame of the Century 3


Commands and orders can be executed from the keyboard. The keys are TABLE V
shown to the right of the command/order in its menu. These keystrokes are COMMANDS AND ORDERS USED IN EMPIRE
given in the individual command descriptions, and are summarized in Table
V along with the command's menu. Some commands also have alternate keys
Activate Commands IA)
on the keyboard number pad as indicated.
Center Cursor Commands IAltIlC]
Center Screen Commands [C] or[5] 1,2
Not all commands and orders are available in all game modes. Table VI lists Clear Orders Orders IO)orf*JI
all the commands and orders, and indicates which commands/orders can be Combat Report Reports [F6)
executed in each game mode. Commands and orders which can be executed Commanders Misc IAltllL)
without exception (i.e., can be given to all your combat units), are indicated by Delete File [ControJl[D)
"e". Some commands have exceptions, and these are listed as notes at the end Display Misc [AltllD)
of the table. Escort Ship Orders IE]
Exit Game File IControlllG]
Flight Paths Commands IF]
Go Direction Orders ID]
Go Home Orders IH]orl-JI
Go Random Orders IR]
Group Survey Command Commands [G]
Info on Empire Mise IAltllIJ
Information Reports III
Load File IControl)[L)
Load Ship Orders IL)
Map Editor File (Control][E]
Move Mode Command Commands 1M)
Move To Orders IT)or\ + Jl
New Game File [ControlllN]
(\ Patrol To
Production Map
Orders [P)
~.--.--- Reports
Quit File IControl][Q)
---=---~-~.--.- Save File (Control][S)
Save As File IControl]fA]
Sentry Orders IS]
Set Production Reports [F9]
Ship Report Reports (F8]
Skip Move Orders [Space)or[O) 1
Sound Misc IAltllS)
Status Reports IF5)
Survey Mode Command Commands IV]
Unload Ship Orders IU]
View Mise IAlt][V]
Wait Commands [W]orl.]l

- -- World Map Reports [F7]

Notes: I These alternate keys work on the number pad only.

2 NUM LOCK must be on for this key to work.

12 EMPIRE - Wargame of the Century EMPIRE - Wargame ofthe Century 33 j

COMMANDS VERSUS GAME MODES 1. Active only when the cursor is on a fighter.
2. .Active only when the cursor is on a ship.
3. Active only when the cursor is on an army.
D P 4. Active only when the cursor is on a troop transport or aircraft carrier.
a r r
D i M a
r 0 t
r E p 0 5. Active only when the cursor is on a friendly city.
COMMAND/ M u k s d V
s e v r 6. Active only when the cursor is on an army, ship, or fighter aboard ar
0 r C S u i
v v
c e 0
F 0 u c e
aircraft carrier.
t t I
e e
i T
I r r t w 7. Active only when the cursor is on a friendly unit which has movemen1
y P t v i a vailable this turn.
p 0 0 T
t e 0
n 0
h y n
Activate 7
Center Cursor • • • • • • • Each of the individual commands will now be described. The commands and
Center Screen • • • • • • • • • • orders are listed in alphabetical order for easy reference.
Clear Orders • 1,2,3 •
Combat Report • • •
Commanders • • • • •
Delete • • • •
Display • • • • • • • • • • •
Escort Ship 2 2 •
Exit Game • • • • • • • • • •
Flight Paths 5 5 •
Go Direction • 1,2,3
Go Home 1,2 1,2 •
Go Random 2,3 2,3 •
Group Survey Cmd • •
Info on Empire ... • • • • • • • • • • •
Information • • •
Load •
Load Ship 4 4 •
Map Editor •
Move Mode Cmd • • • • • • • • •
Move To • 1,2,3 •
New Game •
Patrol To • 1,2,3 •
Production Map • • • •
Quit • • • • • • • • • • •
Save • • • •
Save As • • • •
Sentry 6 6 •
Set Production 5 5 • 5
Ship Report • • •
Skip Move •
Sound • • • • • • • • • • •
Status • • • • • • • • • •
Survey Mode Cmd • • • • • • • •
Unload Ship 4 4 •
View •
Wait •
World Map • • • • • • • • • •

34 EMPIRE - Wargame of the Century EMPIRE - Wargame of the Century 35

;~ommand: Activate Command: Combat Report
Menu: Commands Keystroke: [A] Menu: Reports Keystroke: [F6]
This command allows you to make any friendly unit the active move unit. It. This command will replay all attacks which occurred on your units in the last
is available only in SURVEY MODE. If the command is given while the turn. This "instant replay" is especially important when there is more than
survey cursor is over a unit WHICH STILL HAS MOVES FOR THE one human player, since you may not know about battles which happened
CURRENT TURN, its orders will immediately be cleared, and the game will during your opponent's turn. A message will be displayed if you were not
revert to MOVE MODE with that unit the current active move unit. The attacked on the last turn.
purpose ofthe command is to allow you to move a specific unit without having
co cycle through all the other units.
Command: Commanders
Command: Center Cursor Menu: Other Keystroke: [Alt][L]

.\1enu: Commands Keystroke: LAlt][C] This command lists the service record of all the current players, showing how
well they have done playing EMPIRE. A sample commanders report is
This command centers the cursor in the center of the current screen. shown in Figure 9. This report presents the number of wars (or games
played), wins, losses, and average game difficulty for each player. Note that if
;~xecuting this command does not affect moving a unit, nor any other com- a player has been defeated or has captured more cities than the number of
.nand or order you can give a combat unit. neutral cities remaining, the computer will assess a win or a loss. This means
that giving up a losing game before completion will still show on your record
as a loss. To remove the list from your screen, select the box labelled "OK".
:::ommand: Center Screen
File He Ol'ts O~dm COMMands Hisc HODE:
'\'Ienu: Commands Keystroke: [C], or [5] on
numeric keypad*

I'his command centers the screen about the current cursor position as much as
»ossible. To center the screen about a combat unit, press [C] when prompted to
.nove the unit. You can also enter survey mode, place the cursor arrow over
.my square, click the left mouse button, and press [e] to center the map. Colllande~ 11m Wins Losses
Sxecuting this command does not affect moving the unit, nor any other com-
mand or order you can give the combat unit. 2 1 1 59
3 3 9 49
"Note: For the number pad [5] key to work, NUM LOCK must be on.
3 2 1 65
1 1 9 59
9 9 9 59
Order: Clear Orders
Menu: Orders Keystroke: [0], or [*] on
numeric keypad

This order cancels any orders given previously to the unit. This order is
especially useful in changing orders, or removing a unit from sentry duty.
After executing this command, "Orders Cleared" will appear in the message Figure 9: Commanders Report
line of the screen. If given while in SURVEY MODE with the cursor on a city,
.all units in the city will ha ve their orders cleared.

36 EMPIRE· Wargame of the Century EMPIRE - Waraarne of the Centurv 3

the list is longer than what can be shown on your screen at one time, you If you do not want the completion of each new army and figh ter reported. to
_n move the list up and down by moving the scroll bar on the right up and you, select the box label1ed "OFF" at the bottom of the display window. .
,>wn, or by using the up or down cursor control keys.
Depending on the speed of your computer, EMPIRE automatical1y deciaes
whether to draw the dialog boxes directly or "Grow" them. If you wish to
.ornmand: Delete change this, select the "OFF" or "ON" box on the line "Grow Display Boxes" .

lenu: File Keystroke: [Control][D]

Order: Escort Ship
his command allows you to delete a file. After executing, the file selector box
..ill appear. Once a file is selected, you will be given the opportunity to cancel Menu: Orders Keystroke: [E]
:le command by selecting the "Cancel" box with the mouse or pressing [C].
) delete the file, select the "Delete" box with the mouse or press [0], This order can be given to ships only, and allows you to assign a ship to escort
another (target) ship. The escort ship will follow the target ship as the target
ship moves. With the cursor on the escorting ship, execute the Escort Ship
ommand: Display order, then move the cursor to the ship to be escorted and select [E] or
[ENTER]. After selecting Escort Ship, the screen will change to Escort mode,
·lenu: Other Keystroke: [Alt][D] and any current escort assignments in the screen area will show as bold white
lines going from the escorting ship to the ship being escorted.
his command allows you to modify the message and battle time delays. The
isplay screen is shown in Figure 10. You can increase or decrease the time For example, suppose you want your destroyer Destructor to escort your troop
atween messages or battles by moving the scrol1 bars. Move the scroll bars to transport Salvation. When prompted to give a command to the Destructor,
ie right to increase the delay time; move them to the left to decrease the press [E]. The move cursor will disappear as the screen goes into Escort mode.
elay time. When finished, select the box labelled "OK". Select the box Place the cursor arrow over the Salvation and click the left mouse button or
ibelled "CANCEL" to cancel the command. use the cursor keys to move the line to the Salvation and select [E] again. A
line will be drawn from the Destructor to the Salvation. Until its orders are
File He o~ts O~de~s COMMands Hise HODE: changed, the destroyer will move towards the troop transport and stay within
two spaces BEHIND it. If you want the Destructor to LEAD the Salvation (e.g.
to clear a path for it), you must assign the troop transport to escort the
destroyer. However, beware of having a destroyer lead another type of ship.
Destroyers can move three spaces per turn, whereas all the other ships move
only two spaces per turn. If you are not careful, the destroyer will soon leave
the following ship far behind. .
1(1 • III
Command: Exit Game
Menu: File Keystroke: [Control][G]
GROW DISPLAY BOXES m This command allows you to exit the current game without leaving EMPIRE.
You will be returned to the main EMPIRE Desktop where you can start a
new game, get information, or quit.

If the current game has developed far enough, the results will be recorded in
the commanders log. If you resume the game later (i.e., you saved it first), the
new results will overwrite the old results in the commanders log. If you wish
Figure 10: Game Display Controls to surrender.just Exit the game without saving it.

EM£lRE - Warna me of the Centurv EMPIRE - Wargame of the Century 39

- -- -~---

Icommand' Flight Paths

Menu: Commands Keystroke: [F)

This command sets a flight path from one city to another. Once designated,
any fighter landing or created in a city with a flight path will automatically
accept orders to fly to the destination city of the flight path. You can only Figure 11: Direction Cursor
assign flight paths between your cities.

Flight paths appear as bold white lines with an arrowhead pointing to the des-
Order: Go Home
tination city of the path. Upon executing this command, you will enter Mark
Flight Path mode and all existing flight paths will appear on your screen. Keystroke: [H], or [ - ] on
Menu: Orders
numeric keypad
When the blinking cursor is on the city which you want the flight path to start
from (either when the fighter is at the city or you are in survey mode), press This order applies to fighters and ships only. In move mode, this order applies
[F) or use the menu to execute this command. Then designate the target city only to the unit currently under the blinking cursor, whereas in survey mode
using the cursor keys or the mouse by clicking on the city. If you use the it applies to the unit currently under the survey cursor (see Survey Mode on p.
keyboard direction keys to select the target city, execute this command again 52). In group survey mode, it applies to all units in that group.
to accept the target. To remove or cancel a flight path, target any non-city
square after selecting the Flight Paths command on the city where the flight- Executing this order gives the fighter or ship orders to automatically find the
path starts, or use the [ESe] key. nearest friendly city or aircraft carrier (for fighters) and move to it. Fighters
will not move to a city that is out of fuel range, and will follow aircraft carriers
Flight paths are very useful when cities are producing fighters far from the
as they move.
battle front; the fighters can be "chained" from city to city to the front without
having to give them orders every turn. You cannot set a flight path that will Be careful in sending a fighter to an aircraft carrier!! It is possible that the
exceed a fighter's fuel supply (20 spaces).
carrier could move out of the fighter's fuel range between the time the fighter
starts moving towards the carrier and when it should arrive. In such a case,
the fighter pilot will be most unappreciative of the carrier's actions as his
Order: Go Direction fighter crashes into the sea.

Menu: Orders Keystroke: [0]

Order: Go Random
. This order gives the unit orders to move in a specified direction. After execut-
ing this order, a direction cursor will appear over the unit. This symbol is Menu: Orders Keystroke: [R]
shown in Figure 11. Press one of the cursor keys on your keyboard, click one
of the eight squares surrounding the unit in the direction you want it to go, or This order commands the unit currently under the blinking cursor to move in
use the numeric keypad to specify the direction. Once moving, the unit will a random pattern. The unit will temporarily wake up if it moves next .to an
temporarily wake up if its route is blocked or it moves next to an enemy unit enemy combat unit or city. You cannot give this order to a fighter (lest It run
or city.
out offuel).

When a fighter is ten spaces out, it will temporarily wake up to give you a The unit will move at random subject to the following conditions:
chance to return it to a city or aircraft carrier for refueling. The Go Home
command comes in handy here. 1. The unit will not do anything that may cause it to be destroyed.
2. If the-unit is an army, it will board a partially or unloaded troop transport.
The Go Direction command is especially useful for sending a destroyer or
another ship in a set direction to see if it encounters land, or the enemy.

l ~o EMPIRE - Wargame of the Century EMPIRE - Wargame of Lhe Century 41

File Re orts Ordm COMMands Hise HODE: Surue TURN: 31'
Command: Group Survey LOC: 3355 - Trans ort GRIEr II 6 ArMies, Hits: 0/3 Orders: Houe To 33 63 ~

Menu: Commands Keystroke: [G)

This command allows you to select a block of combat units to give a single
order or command to at the same time. You designate the units by forming a
box around them. Then select the ONE command or order to give to ALL the
units in the box.

When you execute this command, the box will appear around the unit cur-
rently under the cursor. To enlarge the square, put the cursor arrow on the
box, press and hold the left mouse button, drag the cursor arrow such that the Tmspo~t GRIEF
enlarged box encloses all the units you wish, then release the mouse button. 33,55 HITS: 9/3
You can also enlarge the box with the cursor keys. You can change the fixed Houe To 33,63
corner of the box by clicking elsewhere and dragging the box again, or 6 APMies
reexecuting Group Survey. When you have the box around the combat units,
you can execute a SINGLE order (like Clear Orders, Go Random), and that
order will affect ALL combat units in the box to which the order could apply.
Be careful that you do not change orders on a unit you did not want to change.
Figure 12: Sample Information Display
One excellent use of this command is loading a troop transport. After select-
ing a group of armies, you can issue a single Move To order to all of the armies
in the group, sending them to a troop transport. When executed over a combat unit, you will be given the unit name, map loca-
tion, and current orders (if any). Pressing [I] over a city (or double-clicking
the city icon with the left mouse button) gives the city name and status of
Command: Info on Empire ... production. You can change a city's production while the production selection
menu is present (see p. 15). You can also select any non-unit or city square,1
Menu: Mise Keystroke: r Alt]fl] and be given its map coordinates and whether it is land or sea. I

If you move one of your fighters next to an enemy city, it will perform a photo
Executing this command displays the EMPIRE copyright notice and version reconnaissance. You will then know the production of that enemy city. After
number. To return to the game, select the box labelled "OK". that, you can always view the information again by executing this command
over the same enemy city. Be aware that this information is like a snapshot
and is valid only at the time your fighter flew past. The enemy could change
Command: Info(rmation) the city's production without you knowing it. To get a production update, you
must send a fighter back to the same city and execute this command again.
Menu: Reports Keystroke: I II

This command gives information on the designated unit or square. Press £I] Command: Load
or use the pull-down menu when the blinking cursor is over the unit or city
(including the enemy'sl) in either move or survey modes. A sample informa- Menu: File Keystroke: [Control][L]
tion display is shown in Figure 12. You can also obtain information by
double-clicking the square during move and survey modes.
This allows you to resume a previously saved game. Select the file when the
file selector box (described on p. 8) appears. No file extension is needed
because EMPIRE requires ".EMP" as an extension for all saved games and
your computer will automatically include the extension. You will be returned
to where you saved the game.

42 EMPIRE - Wargame of the Century EMPIRE - Wargame of the Century 43

Command: Load Ship Pressing the right mouse button will also change you to move mode, unless
you are already in move mode. If you are already in move mode, then pressing
Menu: Orders Keystroke: [L] the right mouse button takes you to survey mode.

This order commands the designated troop transport or aircraft carrier to go

on sentry duty until fully loaded with armies or fighters, respectively. When- Order: Move To
ever an army moves next to a loading troop transport, it will automatically be
taken aboard. If you move a troop transport next to armies on sentry, Menu: Orders Keystroke: [1'], or [ + ] on
executing this command will cause the transport to load those armies adjacent numeric keypad
to the transport, even though the armies are on sentry. When the ship is fully
loaded, it will automatically wake up and wait for your next command. This order commands the current unit to move to a designated target square.
Armies boarding a ship will automatically go on sentry. The unit will temporarily wake up if it moves next to an enemy unit or city, or
is blocked from reaching its target. If this order is given to a fighter and the
Important: The only way to wake armies on board ships (or fighters target is an aircraft carrier, the fighter will chase down the carrier.
on carriers) is with the Unload Ship command. )
There are three methods by which you can give a unit orders to move to a spe-
When a troop transport has any armies aboard, a small lighted bar will cific location. The reason for the different methods is that this is one of the
appear on the ship symbol. Aircraft carriers have "tick marks" on the deck most used orders in EMPIRE, and so the order was made as convenient as
when fighters are aboard. These indicators disappear when the last army or possible. The three methods are:
fighter leaves the ship. When a transport or carrier leaves a city, it will
automatically board any available units in the city up to its load limit. Method 1: This can be done in surveyor move mode. Place the cursor
arrow over the unit to which you wish to give the Moue To order to, press
As mentioned in the Group Survey command description, you can issue a sin- (not click!) the left mouse button, and drag the cursor arrow to the target
gle Moue To order to send several armies in a group to a troop transport. square. A thin line will follow from the unit to the target square. Then
release the left mouse button. The map will scroll if you select a target
location off the current screen. Note that in move mode, the unit you give
Command: Map Editor the order to does not have to be the unit which is flashing.

Menu: File Keystroke: rControlJlEJ Method 2: In move mode ONLY, press the left mouse button while the
cursor arrow is NOT over another friendly unit. Your computer will auto- ,
matically assume you want to give the current flashing unit a Moue To'
This command allows you to build a world of your own, edit an existing world, order and will draw a thin line from the flashing unit to the cursor arrow
or let the computer generate a new world in addition to those on your original location. Drag the cursor arrow to the target square (if not already there)
purchased disk. Building worlds is described in detail in the Creating Your and release the mouse button.
Own Worlds section starting on p. 58.
Method 3: In move or survey mode, with the flashing cursor over the unit I

to be moved, execute Moue To from the pull-down menu or keyboard.

Then, using the keyboard direction keys, move the thin line to the target
Command: Move Mode
square. Select Moue To again or press [ENTER] to execute the order.
Menu: Orders Keystroke: 1M]
For all three methods, as the thin line follows the cursor arrow, the distance to
the current arrow location will be displayed in the message line of your
This command will remove you from the current mode, aborting any com-
mands you are in the process of entering, and set you in move mode for the
next combat unit to be moved. If the combat unit is not on the current screen,
The combat unit will continue to move until it reaches its target location. You'
the display will recenter about the unit. Commands executed in move mode
will not be prompted to give the unit another order until it reaches its
only apply to the current unit under the blinking cursor'.
destination or comes in contact with an enemy unit or obstacle. If you change
your mind, you will have to enter survey mode to cancel the order.

44 EMPIRE - Wargame of the Century EM f>I1{E - Wargame of the Century 45

You can abort this order before execution by designating the current combat Command: Production Map
unit location to be the target square (i.e. a distance of zero), or using the [ESC]
key. Menu: Reports Keystroke: [FIO]

If something is in the way of a unit that it cannot easily move around, the unit This command changes the current map to show the production of each of your
will flash quicker than normal and wait for you to give the unit a move cities. All combat units will disappear from the screen, and only cities will be
command or new orders. Once around the obstacle, the unit will continue to shown. Each of your city symbols will be replaced by the icon of the combat
its target location. When the combat unit arrives at its target location, you unit it is producing. A sample map is shown in Figure 13. Cities can be
will be asked to give it a new order. selected and have their production changed while the production map is
displayed by double clicking the left mouse button over the city, or using the
If you are giving this order to a fighter, the new location's distance from the Set Production command. The city production selection menu will then
fighter cannot exceed the fighter's existing fuel supply. appear. Changing production of a city is described in the Set Production
command on p. 47.

Command: New Game You must return to move mode to continue the game.

Menu: File Keystroke: [Control][N] File Re o~ts O~dm COllllands Hise HODE:P~oduetion TURN:114

This command allows you to start a new game. You will be asked to select the
number" of players and whether they will be human or computer controlled.
You can select your computer opponent(s) to be "Standard" or "Expert". A :''''''~'::'''''''''''''''::
display will then be presented where the combat and production efficiencies of ',:::',:::: ',,:::'.::
each player can be individually selected. The game will then start, asking ':: . ',,:'.::::::
~. .' ' .' : : .' :
.' " .' " "

each human player his/her name, then initial production. For more infor-
mation on starting a new game, refer to the Starting/Resuming The Game
section on p. 7.

Order: Patrol To

Menu: Orders Keystroke: [P]

This order commands the unit to repeatedly patrol between its current
location and a designated target square, for as long as the order is in effect.

When this orde~ is executed, all current patrol routes will be drawn on the
map. Select the target square by moving the cursor to the target square and
Figure 13: Sample Production Map
executing Patrol To again, or hold down the left mouse button and drag the
cursor arrow to the target square, then release the mouse button. To cancel a
patrol route, enter survey mode over the unit and execute Clear Orders.
Command: Quit
When this order is given to a fighter, it must be in a city or on an aircraft car-
rier. Fighters are restricted to a range of ten squares. Fighters on patrol from Menu: File Keystroke: [ControI)IQ]
an aircraft carrier are restricted to a range of six squares. This is so they can
always return to the carrier. In addition, the target square is always kept
relative to the carrier's ·position. For example, a patrol route straight up This command allows you to quit your current game and leave EMPIRE. If
(north) will always remain straight up as the carrier moves. you are currently playing a game, the game results will be recorded in the
commanders file.

46 EMPIRE - Wargame of the Century EMPIIU': - Wargame of the Centurv A7

Command: Save Command: Set Prod uction

Menu: File Keystroke: [ControIUS] Menu: Reports Keystroke: [1"91

This command displays the current assigned production for a city and allows ,
This command allows you to save the current game. If you have previously you to change the production demands. The city production selection menu is
saved or loaded the current game, the last file name you entered will be used. shown in Figure 6 on p. 16.
If no file name is available, you will be taken directly to the Save As
command. After saving the game, you will be returned to the game in pro- You can select a city during move mode by placing the cursor over it and
gress. pressing [F9] or double-clicking the left mouse button. The production times
for a production efficiency of 50 percent are given in Table VII.
The file size of a saved game will vary. If your disk has insufficient space for
the file, you will get an error message. If so, replace this disk with another
emptier disk and try again. Remember, the disk you use must already be TABLE VII
Combat Unit Start Production Continue Production
Army 6 5
Command: Save As Fighter 12 10
Destroyer 24 20
Menu: File Keystroke: (Control][A] Troop Transport 30 25
Submarine 24 20
Cruiser 35 30
This command is identical to Save except you will always be asked for a file Aircraft. Carrier 48 40
name using the file selection box described on p. 8. DO NOT ADD AN Battleship 60 50
EXTENSION TO THE FILE NAME! EMPIRE will add the extension
".EMP" to the file for you. This extension is required to start the game later.
The start time is the number of turns required to produce a unit for the first
time. The continuing time is the number of turns required to produce subse-
Order: Sentry quent units. If you change production demands of a city before it has com-
pleted its current unit, the partially completed unit will be discarded.
Menu: Orders Keystroke: [S]
----"Po-select-yonr-prodnctinn-de-man-d-s, move ne cursor f()fnetme wlttlT e
This order commands the designated unit to go on sentry duty. The unit will symbol and name of the unit you want and click the left mouse button, or use
not move, nor will you be asked to give it an order until the unit is ordered off the arrow keys. After making your selection, select the box labelled "OK" or
sentry duty or wakes up. Units will wake up whenever an enemy combat unit press [ENTER].
moves next to them. Your armies on sentry duty will appear as tents, but ship
symbols do not change when they are put on sentry duty. Armies boarding a If the message "Over Population" appears in an alert window on your screen,
ship will automatically go on sentry duty. Fighters cannot be placed on sentry the game is saturated with too many units. All city production will stop until
duty unless they are on an aircraft carrier or in a city. some existing units are destroyed.

To remove a unit from sentry duty, you must enter surveyor group survey
mode and execute Clear Orders over the unit. Armies in troop transports and
fighters on aircraft carriers require the Unload Ship order to wake up.

48 EMPIRE - Wargame of Lhe Century EMPIRE - Wargame of the Century 49

Command: Ship Report Command: Sound

Menu: Reports Keystroke: [F8] Menu: Other Keystroke: LAltllSl

This command will give a list of all your ships, their names, current positions, This command is a toggle switch used to turn the game sounds on and off.
and damage. If you have more than ten ships, use the scroll bar on the right to Executing this command the first time will turn the game sounds off, while
move the list up and down. A sample ship report is shown in Figure 14. To executing it a second time will turn the sounds on. When sound is on, an
remove the report from your screen, select the box labelled "OK" or press asterisk will appear to the left of the command. No asterisk means the sound
[ENTER]. is off.

File He O~t5 O~de~s COMMands Hise HODE:Uiew TURN: 114

LOC: C 4 - Unex lo~ed Command: Status
. ',',,"'" ',',.'.','.',:1,':
Menu: Reports Keystroke: fF5]

[J[] I SHIP REPORT ~ This command opens a status window presenting you with a War Report. A
Ship Type DaMageLocation sample window is shown in Figure 15. This report gives you the number of
CLEMENCEAU Cmie~ cities you have captured and their production status. It also tells you how
CARLTON Tmspo~t many enemy units you have destroyed, and how many units you have lost.
HEIDRAMP Dest~oye~ Note that the number of armies lost includes the armies lost in unsuccessfully
LEDA, Tinsport :tr·:·:·: attacking cities, but not those armies that capture and occupy the cities.
These latter armies become the garrisons that defend the cities. They never
BRHTOL D" t~yer
ESPERIA T nspo~t take to the field again as a mobile army. To leave this display and return to
COHiE ROSSO Transport the game, select the box marked "OK", or press [ENTER].
SAGINAlI T~ansport

'.',WWii'· . w.•.....," . ,'Iii:~.'

, , , :1

_______ F_i,gure 14: Sample Ship Rep-ort

Command: ,Skip Move

Menu: Other Keystroke: [Space], or [0] on

numeric keypad

Pressing the [Spacel bar tells the unit not to move this turn. You will not be
asked to give the unit another command unt.il the next turn.

~I 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 50 52 54 56 58

Figure 15: Sample War Report


50 EMPIRE - Wargame of the Century EMPIRE - Wargame of the Cent.ury 51

Command: Survey Mode Upon completion of a game, you will automatically be placed in, view mode.
This is the ONLY time YOU as a player can execute this command. However,
Menu: Commands Keystroke: [V] you can stop demonstration games and games between computer opponents
and execute this command to check on the status of those players.
This command takes you out of your current mode and allows you to move
about the world giving orders to any of your units or cities. Upon entering
survey mode, the blinking cursor will change to the survey cursor (shown in Command: Wait
Figure 16). To select a unit to give an order.just move the cursor arrow to the
unit and click the left mouse button, or press [ENTERl More on survey mode Menu: Commands Keystroke: [W]. or I . ] on
is found on p. 29. numeric keypad

If you are in move mode, you can enter survey mode by pressing the right This command tells your computer that you want to wait before giving the
mouse button or [Vl Pressing [M] or the right mouse button again will return combat unit an order this turn. After all other units have asked for an order,
you to move mode. your computer will return to this unit for its orders.

Command: World Map

Menu: Reports Keystroke: [F7]

This command will open a window showing you the entire world as you cur-
rently know it. This is a smaller display which will appear in the center of
Figure 16: Survey Cursor your screen, as shown in Figure 17. Your cities and combat units, and enemy
units and cities, will appear as small colored dots. You close the map by
selecting the "OK" box, or pressing [ENTER].

Order: Unload Ship

Menu: Orders Keystroke: [U]

This order wakes up (i.e., clears orders) all the armies or fighters aboard the
designated troop transport or aircraft carrier. You will then be asked to give
eacf army or 19nter an or er.-Tne army7fighter will blink over the current
ship location. Be careful, do not mistake this for moving the ship!

Whenever a transport is next to land, press [U J when asked to give the trans-
port a move command. You will receive a message telling you the armies are
preparing to unload. You may have to press [Space] or [W] to stop moving the
transport ifit is where you want to unload.

Command: View

Menu: Other Keystroke: [AltlfVI

Using this command, you can change your "view" of the world. View allows r-::===B::1::0
•.... ::12Ji1.,.2 .,4.,.6 .,8•• 30.3.2 ••34 36
you to see the whole world or see the world as one of your opponents.
Figure 17: Sample World Map

52 EMPIRE - Wargame of the Century EMPIRE - Wargame of the Century 53

armies nearby to board it. You can then send the loaded troop transport to the
STRATEGY, TACTICS, AND OTHER HINTS nearest land mass (usually discovered by your fighter).

This section includes some tips on strategy and tactics to help you in playing Troop transports should be the first ship type you prod.uce. They are .the most
EMPIRE. The flow was purposely written to follow a typical game profile. valuable ship. There is no way you can win the game unthout troop transports.
These tips are no substitute for playing the game - we encourage you to devel-
op techniques of your own. After all, with the map builder, the world possibil-
ities are virtually endless. However, if you wish to play EMPIRE without
Initial Expansion
any help, then skip this section.
Your initial expansion is important, and is the backbone of your planetary
conquest. With your fighter(s) leading the way, you should start with a few
The Demonstration Game cities producing armies and at least one producing transports. The first o:~er
of business is to explore the land mass you start on and capture as many crties
Running a demonstration game will go a long way in showing you how to play as possible. Since armies are slow, but are necessary to conq~er citie~, newly
EMPIRE. As a bonus, you will learn something about how the computer captured inland cities should produce more armies. As an inland CIty gets
opponents play. You need not watch a demonstration game until it ends; further away from the front, its production can be changed to make the faster
watching about 50 - 100 turns will be enough to help you get started. fighters. As soon as you get a loaded transport, start shipping your armies to
nearby land masses. The first city you capture on any new land mass (unless
it is a small island) should produce armies. This will help strengthen your
Initial Production
hold on the land until reinforcements arrive by ship.

For the first couple of games, you should use armies as your very first city pro-
duction. But let's face it, moving at one space per turn, armies are terribly Exploration
slow. It can take many turns for them tojust move the length of a land mass.
And searching for additional cities can take what seems like an eternity. One of the first ports captured should produce destroyers. These fast ships are
especially good for exploring the coastal outlines of land masses. You might
To speed up your search for more cities, set your first city's production de- even send one destroyer on a long-range reconnaissance mission using Go
mands to fighters. Then, after you produce one or two fighters, change the city Direction until it finds something. This "something" can be another land
production to armies. Now you have a fast moving unit to do your initial mass, or even the enemy.
exploration, followed by armies to capture the cities you find. To be effective,
you should send the fighter(s) out in all directions, like spokes on a wheel.
This way you will get a general layout of your home continent, plus discover Building Ships
--a<inttionalctties Eo conquer (wftJi armles)-:-You may even aiscover another
land mass nearby. As you capture more cities, you can send your fighter After exploring your initial land mass and capturing several cities, you are
outward to find even more neutral cities to conquer. ready to begin production of the larger shi ps. One stra Legy sometimes used is
to start building a battleship as soon as possible, maybe with your second or
Be Careful!! DO NOT move your fighter more than ten spaces from any city, third port city. This will get a powerful warship into the battle sooner, but at
and have them come straight home (using the Go flome order). Running your the cost of a city being nonproductive for many turns. After destroyers, you
fighter(s) out of fuel is not the best way to start your planetary conquest.
should produce submarines, cruisers, battleships, and aircraft carriers. Al-
ways try to have at least two cities producing transports since heavy transport
losses can leave your armies stranded where you do not want them, or prevent
Troop Transports
an invasion from being reinforced at a critical time. However, keep in mind
that your primary fighting units are armies and fighters. Do not sacrifice these
You will start out on an island or continent. You MUST build troop trans- units at the expense of heavy ships.
ports to get your armies across the sea to other land masses in order to expand.
The sooner you start producing transports, the better. Usually you should
have the first coastal city captured produce transports. Then start moving
armies towards the city so that when the transport is finished, you will have

54 EMPIRE - Wargame of the Century EMPIRE - Wargame of the Century 55

Large Scale Expansion Other Hints

As you expand, you will be moving outwards in all directions from your home Games are sometimes started with the enemy in a land mass next to yours.
continent. As you do so, your army, fighter, and destroyer or submarine pro- These games are wild and usually end quickly (less than 150 turns) '. Other
duction should lead; change your rearward coastal cities to making the other games can last several hundred turns. Here are a few more h int s to
ships. The flight path command is perfect for getting fighters to the battle remember.
front. Remember to leave a few armies behind on sentry duty near your cities
producing ships. They will provide immediate defense in case the enemy 1. Submarines are powerful enough to destroy cruisers, battleships, and air-
sneaks a troop transport to your rear area. craft carriers by themselves. They attack with three damage points per
hit, but they are weak on defense.
You can also have forward cities producing warships and transports. But be
careful, cities close to the front are more likely to be attacked by the enemy. 2. Armies can attack all ship types except submarines when the enemy ship
is in an adjacent space. Attacking ships with armies is usually a losing
proposition--count on losing the attacking army. However, sometimes
Invasions the army will get lucky and destroy a small or heavily damaged ship.

You will eventually come in contact with the enemy. Either you will find 3. Never attack with a troop transport or aircraft carrier. Their attack fac-
them first, or one of their units will suddenly show up next to one of yours. tors are halved, and transports are too valuable.
Taking and holding enemy land masses is not easy, especially since both of
you will contact each other on heavily populated battle fronts - lots of armies, 4. Fighters can destroy more than one enemy unit per turn, especially arm-
fighters, and supporting ships. When you invade the enemy's land, he will do ~eSJI.nd fighters.i.'I'his is.because the fighter can move Uf> to-five spaces per
everything possible to push you back into the sea. His armies and fighters turn, and can attack up to five units as it moves. Fighters are also great
will counterattack your armies, and his ships will try to sink your transports for harassing enemy ships. You may lose a lot of fighters, but destroying
bringing over reinforcements. Conducting a successful major invasion of an an enemy transport loaded with six armies near one of your land masses
enemy land mass is the most important and complex operation in EMPIRE. or a large and expensive warship could make it a worthy expense. There
A large invasion is a combined arms operation that requires careful planning is always the chance that the ship is damaged to start with.
and coordination. You need transports to land and reinforce your troops, war-
ships to soften up the beaches and protect your transports, and fighters for 5. You can hide your combat units in your own cities. This is a good way for
close-air support and attacking enemy reserves. transports to escape enemy warships and fighters. The big disadvantage
is that if your city is captured you will lose all of the units hiding in the
You will need fighters (and possibly aircraft carriers), destroyers, and sub- city.
marines to clear a path and escort your transports. Cruisers and battleshij:ls
shoold-ooml5ar enemy beaches to clear the way for your armies to unload. 6. If you encounter the enemy on a different land mass fairly early in the
Fighters are great for attacking inland enemy armies that could be used to game, do not spend all your efforts on trying to invade him. Keep sending
counterattack your invasion, and protecting the beachead against enemy some transports and armies away from the enemy to capture neutral cit-
fighters. ies. This will enable you to increase your production base and gather
enough strength to eventually attempt a full-scale invasion of the enemy.
Troop transports can carry up to six armies, but six is usually not enough to
capture and hold an enemy land mass. You should plan on using at least two 7. Keep the enemy off balance-in other words, keep the initiative. Do not
or three transports loaded with six armies each for a full scale invasion. Hold always attack the enemy at the front. Try sending a couple of escorted
back leading transports so that all armies unload near the same turn (in other troop transports around to attack the enemy in the flank or rear. He will
words, swamp 'em). Unload the armies and get those transports away from have to shuffie forces around to meet your threat. Your armies might also
the battle and back to pick up reinforcements. If you have enough transports, capture enemy cities that were producing major warships.
try and have a second wave to quickly follow the first. On an enemy land
mass, you should always start producing armies first. Chain fighters to your 8. Use judgement, and be prepared for anything. You are playing on a large
newly captured cities. Be prepared for a fight - your invasion may be hotly world.

56 EMPllm - Wargame of the Century EMPIRE - Wargame of the Century 57

One important additional feature of EMPIRE is the ability of the player to MAPCOMMANll MENU KEYSTIWKE(Sl
create his/her own worlds. This map generator can also be used to modify All Land Pieces IAltIlL]
worlds supplied with the purchased disk. The tools for building maps are All Sea Pieces IAlt][S]
described shortly, but first some philosophy on map (world) creation. You can Blotch Land Growths (BI
create any type of map with the map generator, but in order to not confuse Blotch Sea Growths IAltlfB]
your computer (who is a simple soul) during a game, some general rules Build a World Growths [WI
should be followed: Center Cursor Other (AltlfCl
Center Screen Other rc:
1. Keep the number of pieces between 1,000 to 2,000 squares, out of the total City Pieces [X]
5,684 available squares on the map. Delete File (Control 1101
Exit Editor File [Contro lll E]
2. A large number of smaller land masses work better than a few large ones.
Grow Land Mass Growths rGI
3. Single square island cities and empty land masses are acceptable. Other- Grow Sea Mass Growths rAltllGl
wise, have at least two cities on all land masses, at least one of which Info on Empire Other IAlt][11
should be a port (i.e. next to the ocean). Land Pieces IL]
Load Map File lContro l] LI
4. Do not put cities next to lakes (i.e. small bodies of water with no Save Map File [Contro lll S]
connection to the oceans). Save Map As File IContrnl ll A J
Sea Pieces IS1
These are general rules to creating a "standard" type EMPIRE world (rules 3 Sprinkle Cities Growths IKJ
and 4 are REQUIRED). However, there is nothing wrong with experiment- Validate Cities Other IVI
ing. There are even some unusual maps supplied with your EMPIRE disk Watch Build Growths IAI
(see the "README" file). As an example, you may design a world which is World View Other [AltIlW(
mostly land with just a few rivers and lakes. In this type of world, aircraft
carriers are nearly useless, but battleships and cruisers become mobile forts
bombarding the shorelines. Each command in the map editor will now be described

Command: All Land

Menu: Pieces Keystroke: [Altll L]
You enter the map editor by executing the Map Editor command in the
EMPIRE desktop. The available map pull-down menus are shown below. Executing this command will remove all water on the current map and
replace the entire world with land.
File Pieces Growths Other
Load Map Sea Grow Land/Sea Mass Validate Cities
Save Map Land Blotch Land/Sea Center Screen Command: All Sea
Save Map As City Sprinkle Cities Center Cursor
Delete All Sea Build a World World View Menu: Pieces Keystroke IAlt][SI
Exit Editor All Land Watch Build Info on Empire
Executing this command will remove all land masses on the current map and
Map commands can be executed from the keyboard. The keys are shown to the replace the entire world with sea.
right of the command in its menu. These keystrokes are gi ven in the
individual command descriptions, and are summarized in 'fable VlII along
with the menu in which the command appears.

58 EMPlltE - Wargameofthe Ccnt.ury EMP\]{E - Wargame ofthe Century 59

Command: Blotch Land Command: Delete
Blotch Sea
Menu: File Keystroke: [Con trol]] OJ
Menu: Growths Keystroke: IB I
This command allows you to delete a file. After executing, the fi Ie selector box
will appear. Once a file is selected, you will be given the opportunity to cancel
the command by selecting the "Cancel" box with the mouse or pressing ICI.
Pressing [B] will cause a land mass to be "blotched" (i.e. land mass is spotted
around) starting from the current cursor position. The land mass will stop To delete the file, select the "Delete" box with the mouse or press [OJ
growing after a few moments; you need not stop it. Pressing [Alt1[B] will
blotch a sea mass.
Command: Exit Editor

Command: Build a World Menu: File Keystroke: IControl]rE]

This command removes you from the map editor. Be sure to save your world
Menu: Growths Keystroke: [WI
Your computer will try to build a world and then lay cities on it. The quality of
the world varies, so it is a good idea to go over it and modify it where you do
not like it. Of course doing this will spoil the surprise of a randomly created
Command: Grow Land Mass
new world. Perhaps you could trade worlds with your friends. This process
Grow Sea Mass
will take several minutes to complete. You can stop it at any time by pressing
Menu: Growths Keystroke: tGI
any key. After the land masses have been built, you will be asked if you wish
to sprinkle cities or not.

This command causes a land or sea mass to start growing from the current
cursor position. The land/sea will continue to grow until you press any key to
Command: Center Cursor
Menu: Other Keystroke: IAltJICl

This command centers the cursor on the screen.

Command: Land

Menu: --Pieces ------l<Keystroke: rL]I-------

Command: Center Screen

Presaing [L] will change the square under the cursor to land.
Menu: Other Keystroke: IC I

This command centers the screen about the current cursor position.
Command: Load Map
Menu: File Keystroke: [Conrrolf LI
Command: City
This command allows you to load an existing map into your computer. After
executing, the file selector box will appear. You should only select a file
Menu: Pieces Keystroke: IX I
named with the convention "nnnnnnnn.MAP".
Pressing IX I will change the square under the cursor to a city.

f)O EMPIl{I~- Wargame of the Century 61

Command: Save Map Command: Validate Cities
Menu: File Keystroke: [Control liS] Menu: Other Keystroke: IVI

This command allows you to save the current map with the current map Your computer will cycle through each city trying to val idate that the city's
name. The file selector box will only appear if there is no current map name. position is acceptable. A message will be displayed if your computer does not
Before saving the map to disk, the computer has to process the city's like a city's location. The rules your computer uses are:
information (see Figure 12). This will take a few seconds.
1. A city must either be a one square island or have another city on the same
land mass.
Command: Save Map As
2. There must be at least one port city on each land mass which has cities.
Menu: File Keystroke: rControlllAl
3. Cities cannot be by lakes.

This command allows you to save the current map using the file selection box.
The process continues until all cities have been checked, or you press any key.
When naming a map, DO NOT USE AN EXTENSION. EMPIRE will
automatically add the file extension ".MAP".
Command: Watch Build
Command: Sea Menu: Growths Keystroke: LA]
Menu: Pieces Keystroke: ISI
Pressing I AJ will allow you to view the world as it is created. This command is
a toggle switch, pressing [A] will turn the command off, and pressing I A]
Pressing rSl will change the square under the cursor to sea.
again will turn it on. If the switch is on, then the computer will put on screen
the section of the world on which it is working. If the switch is off, the current
screen position will not change, but any activity within the screen area will be
Command: Sprinkle Cities shown. When Watch Build is turned off, worlds are created faster.

Menu: Growths Keystroke: 1K J

Pressing IKJ will cause cities to be randomly sprinkled on ALL currenL land
masses-until 6e to 7e cities have been assigned. Your-computer will then try--
to validate each city, moving and removing cities it does not like. Pressing
any key will stop the process.

62 EMPlH.E· Wargame of the Century EMPlltE - Wargame of the Century 63

Command: World View
Menu: Growths Keystroke: W7\
Interstel has gone to great strides to ensure the software product you pur-
This command will open a window showing you the world as it currently chased is as error free as possible. However, due to the extreme diversity and
exists. This is a smaller display which will appear in the center of your complexity of the game, it is not possible to test every conceivable situation. If
monitor. A sample world view is shown in Figure 18. a bona-fide error is found, Interstel is not under obligation to notify any per-
sons or organization; nor is Interstel required to release an updated version
File Pieces Gpowths Othep of EMPIRE, but may choose to do so. If you think you have found a program
error, we ask you write and tell us about it. Give as much information as pos-
Ma : B:\EMPDAT\UAP COllnts- SEA: 4941 LAND: 1577 CITIES: 66 sible, i.e., what happened, what computer you are using, the command you
were executing, what you were trying to do, etc. Send us a printout of the
screen if possible. DO NOT SEND US YOUR DISK(S). Please enclose a
self-addressed stamped envelope. After receiving your letter we will look at
the problem and send a reply.

To obtain information of new game or version releases by Interstel, you

must send us the registration card included with this manual.

,.-:::::2=:4 ~b=8 ::10=1:] . i28.3.0 .32.3.4 36

'I.. tl CREDITS:
Figure 18: World View in Map Editor
Game Author: Walter Bright
Game Development: Walter Bright and Mark Baldwin
IBM version: Mark Baldwin
Game Documentation: Robert L. Winkler
Cover Art: David Dorman
IIIustrations: Richard Launius
Typesetting: Robert L. Winkler and Karen Smith
Printing: Wetmore, Inc. -Tl ouston, Texas
Box Manufacture: Carton Sales - Houston, Texas
Box Layouts: Graficus - Houston, Texas
Play testers
IBM version: Colin Barnhorst, Craig Brittain, Michael Comen s
Brad Cotlingham, Robert Jones, Jr.
Michael Kelly, John Mitchell
Lawrence Ohnheiser, Gary Poole, Larry Renaud
Charles Rosen, Nick Volk ov, Robert Winkler
Project Managers: Trevor C. Sorensen, Robert Jones, Jr.

64 EMPIRE - Wargame of the Century EMPIRE - Wargame of the Century 65

For those of you who are interested, here is some history and technical
information about the creation of EMPIRE. ..
EMPIRE was first written in FORTRAN-I0 by Walter Bright while he
attended Caltech between the years of 1976 and 1979. In 1981, Walter wrote
an ASSEMBLY language version for the PDP-ll and a version for the LSI-ll
in 1983. In 1984, EMPIRE was translated to the C programming language for Walter Bright
the IBM PC. This version (1.0) was marketed by Northwest Software between
1984 and 1987. A version of EMPIRE for the V AX computer has been
distributed by DECUS since 1980.

The original version 2.0 of EMPIRE was written for the Atari ST by Mark Walter Bright was born at an early age in 1959 in Phoenix, Arizona. He went to Caltech in
Baldwin. All other releases are based on the ST code. The Atari ST version 1975, where he wrote the original version of EMPIRE. In 1979, he graduated with a degree in
Mechanical Engineering and went to work for Boeing designing gearboxes for the 757. In 1982, he
was written in C using the Megamax C compiler. Development was also done left to work for Data I/O. He rewrote EMPIRE in C for' the IBM PC. Deciding that he could write
using the Mark Williams C Compiler, the Micro EMACS editor, and a better C compiler, he wrote one which is now sold as the DatalightC compiler.
Beckemeyer MICRO C-Shell and utilities. The sounds were generated using
Synthetic Software's G.I.S.T. sound utilities. The title screens were prepared
on Batteries Included DEGAS Elite. The program source code is
approximately 18,700 lines long (700 Kbytes), and overlaid in 22 files.

The Amiga version was written in C and 68000 assembler. Tools employed
were Lattice C and assembler, Innovatronics Inc.'s Power Windows 2.0,
Metadigm's MetaScope debugger, and Scotto's pizza. The program consists of Mark Lewis Baldwin
over one megabyte of source code.

The IBM version (2.0) was written with Microsoft C. Tools employed include
the Micro EMACS editor, MKS Toolkit, TLIB version control system, and
Essential Graphics. Gothic fonts were developed by PROSOFT. The program Rumor has it that Mark was born on the three hundred and twenty-second planet of
Beteligeuse where in his second year he was SUllen away by space gypsies. Other stories say that
source code is approximately 26,000 lines long (900K bytes) and overlaid in 40 he was born right here on earth in Detroit. Michigan in 1952, but those stories are hard ill believe.
files. Anyway, Mark spent a semi-normal life growing up in Michigan, Indiana, Alabama, Japan,
Georgia, Germany, and Florida. It was during this time that he picked up an interest in strategy
games of which he claims that he now has over 500. College was next on the agenda, where Mark
received both Bachelors and Masters degrees in engineering in 1974 from Purdue University. It
was also during this time that Mark picked up his interest in computers. This was due to the fad
that as a freshman, one could avoid taking drafting by taking a computer class.
Since Uncle Sam had paid for Mark's four years at Purdue, Mark had to return the favor at
SAC headquarters in Omaha Nebraska for the next/our years doing various analyses on both U.S.
and Soviet ICBM's. However, seeing that a life in a blue suit was not for him, Mark left the Air
Mark Williams C is a registered trademark of Mark Williams Company. Force in 1979 to work on the Space Shuttle Program in Houston, Texas.
MICRO C-Shell is a registered trademark of Beckemeyer Development Tools. Mark spent the next seven years happily producing shuttle mission designs. During this
Lattice C is a registered trademark of Lattice, Inc. lime, Mark also started a consulting firm mostly working with various software designs for the
I'owerwindows is a registered trademark oflnnovatrunics, Inc. petroleum industry. It was here also that friends of his started a software publishing company
MetaScope is a trademark licensed to Metadigm. uriginally called Cygnus, but now known as Interstel.
Atari ST is a registered trademark of the Atari Corporation. Mark got his first computer, an Atari 800, in 1982 and published several articles about the
Amigu is a registered trademark of Commodore Electronics, Ltd. computer over the years. In late 1984, Mark's "friends" aL Cygnus prevailed on him to convert
IBM is a registered trademark of the International Business Machines Corporatiun. STAR FLEET I- from the IBM to the Atari. A year later, it was published and Mark was bitten
PROSOFT fonts are copyrighted by PROSOF'T, a division of The Tesler Software. by the publishing bug.
TUB is a trademark of Burton Systems Software. To finish a long but boring story, Mark left Houston and the space program in January, 1986,
MKS Toolkit is a trademark of Mort ice Kern Systems, Inc. to move to Colorado where today he is wasting away on the computer and spending his free time in
Microsoft is a registered trademark of Micr osoft Corpora lion. the mountains panning lor gold.

66 EMPIJ{E· Wargume of'Lhc Ccntury EMPIRE. Wargame of the Century 67

•• , I)


The diskfs) on which your Interstel program is recorded is warranted to be

.' . r

free of defects in materials and workmanship under normal use for a period of A centering 31,36,58 - 60
one year (365,25 Earth days) from the date of purchase. This warranty ap- Activate command 31,33 - 34,36 direction 40; 41
plies only to the original purchaser and only to the purchased diskts), not to Aircraft carrier 1,20 - 24,26 -27, 35, 40 -41, survey 29,36,41,52
the software or information encoded on it. 44-46,48-49,52,55 -58
All Land command 58,59 n
PRODUCT REPLACEMENT A II Sea command 58,59 Damage points 21-24,26-27,50,57
Armies 1,15,20-29,35,41 -42,44,48-49, Defense factor 21,24,26
Interstel will replace your purchased diskts) free of charge if it proves defec- 51-52,54~57 Delay time 3H
tive during the warranty period only. In order to receive warranty replace- Attack factor 21 - 24,57 Delete command 7,31,33 - 34,38,58 - 59,61

ment, you must have registered your product with Interstel, or provide proof Demonstration game 6, 11,31,53 - 54
of purchase or the registration card with your claim. Photocopies or similiar B Destroyers 1,20,22 - 23,26 - 27,39 - 40,49
reproductions of the registration card will NOT be accepted. Backup disk 2 55-56
Battleshi ps I, 20 - 24, 26 - 28, 55 - 58 Dialog boxes 5,39
PRODUCTUPGRADEffiPDATEPLAN Blotch Land command 58 - 60 Direction cursor 40,41
Blotch Sea command 58 - 60 Direction keys 29,40,45
This plan allows you to purchase any enhanced version of your Interstel Bombardment 23,28,56,58 Direction mode 28,30,34
product at a special reduced price, or free updates of your current version. Build a World command 58 - 60 Directories 3 - 4, H- 9
Building worlds 44,58 Display command 7,31,33 -34, 3H -3::"
Interstel may periodically release new versions of products, incorporating Docking 20, 27 - 28
new or improved features. When a new version of a game becomes available, C Drop down menus 5,7, 16,31
Capacity, carrying 22 - 24 \.
registered product owners will be informed via a product upgrade notice. This
notice details the enhancements available in the upgraded version, the pro- Center Cursor command 31,33 - 34, 36, E \

duct costs, and ordering information. 5H-60 Efficiency ratings 12 - 13, 21, 27, 46, 49
Center Screen command 31,33 - 34,36, combat 12-13,21,27,46
Interstel may also make new releases of the current version in order to cor- 58-60 production 12-13,46,49
rect any bugs found. You can return your original diskis) at any time for a Cit.ies 1,15,20 - 23,25 - 29,35 -37,40 -49, EMPIRE deskLop 7,10,14,39,58
free update to the latest release of your version. 51-60,62-63 EMPIRE files 3 - 4
Capturing 21,27,55-57 Escort mode 28,30,34,39
PRODUCT REGISTRATION Clear Orders order 31,33 - 34,36,42,46,48 Escort ship order 30, :11, 33 - 34,39
Colors used in EMPIRE 4,20 Exit Editor command 58 - 59,61
To take advantage of Interstel's warranty and Product Upgrade Plan, you Combat 12-13,19-21,27,37 Exit Game command 31,33 - 34, 39
must first register your product with IntersteL The product registration between units 26,56 - 57 ExpertopponenLS 9-10,12-13,46
card is included with this software. We encourage you to complete the card efiiciency 12 -13, 21, 27, 46

and mail it promptly. Cum bat Report command 31,33 - 34, 37 F

Cummanders command 7,3 J, 33 - 34, 37 Fighters 1,12,20-27,30,35,40-41,43-4
Product registration gives you the following benefits Commanders report 15,37,39,47 4H -49, 52, 54 - 57
Commands see individual commands File requester 8- 9
1. Interstel Product Replacement allows you to replace any defective pur- Computer mode 28,31 File selection box 8- 9,43
chased diskis) during the warranty period only. Computer opponents 9 - 13, 19,41;,53 - 54 Flight paths 30,40,56
2. Interstel Product Upgrade Plan allows you to purchase new versions of Copy protection 2 Flight Paths command 31,33 - 34,40
your product as they are released, at reduced prices. Creating worlds 44,58

3. As a registered product owner, you will be informed of new and updated Cruisers 1,20 - 21,23,26 - 28, 49, 55 - 58 G
software releases by IntersteL Cursllr 19, 2H - 30, 35 - 36, 39 -42, 44 - 46, Game display cont.rul s 38 - ;19
49,60-62 Game modes 2!l- 34

EMPIRE - Wargame of the Century 69

EMPlIU'; - Wargame of the Century
.-. \1 (,;! _ •. ,.

,~~ ~
The diskts) on which your Interstel program is recorded is warranted to be
free of defects in materials and workmanship under normal use for a period of A centering 31,36,58 - 60

one year (365.25 Earth days) from the date of purchase. This warranty ap- Activate command 31,33 - 34,36 direction 40,41

plies only to the original purchaser and only to the purchased diskts), not to Aircraft carrier 1,20 - 24, 26 - 27,35,40 - 41, survey 29,36,41,52

the software or information encoded on it. 44-46,48 -49, 52, 55-58

All Land command 58,59 D
PRODUCT REPLACEMENT All Sea command 58,59 Damage points 21-24,:26-27,50,57
Armies 1,15,20-29,35,41-42,44,48-49, Defense factor 21,24,26

Interstel will replace your purchased diskts) free of charge if it proves defec- 51-52,54-57 Delay time 38

tive during the warranty period only. In order to receive warranty replace- Attack factor 21 - 24, 57 Delete command 7,31,33 - 34, 38, 58 -59, 6

ment, you must have registered your product with Interstel, or provide proof Dernonstration g arne 6,11,31,53-54

of purchase or the registration card with your claim. Photocopies or similiar B Destroyers 1,20,22 - 23, 26 - 27, 39 - to. 49
reproductions of the registration card will NOT be accepted. . Backup disk 2 55-56 \
Battleships 1,20-24,26-20,55-58 Dia lug boxes 5,39
PRODUCTUPGRADEffiPDATEPLAN Blotch Land command 58 - 60 Dir ectiou cursor 40,41
Blotch Sea command 58 - 60 Direction keys 29,40,45
This plan allows you to purchase any enhanced version of your Interstel Bombardment 23,28,56,58 Direction mode 28,30,34
product at a special reduced price, or free updates of your current version. Build a World command 58 - 60 Directories 3 - 4, /l- 9
Building worlds 44,58 Vtsplaycommand 7,31,33,-34,38--39
Interstel may periodically release new versions of products, incorporating Docking 20,27 - 28
new or improved features. When a new version of a game becomes available, c Drop down menus 5,7, 16, ;:1
registered product owners will be informed via a product upgrade notice. This Capacity, carrying 22-24

notice details the enhancements available in the upgraded version, the pro- Center Cursor command 31,33 - 34,36, E
duct costs, and ordering information. 58-60 Efficiency rut.ings 12-13'11,27,46,49
Center Screen command 31,33 - 34,36, combat 12-13,21,27,40
Interstel may also make new releases of the current version in order to cor- 58-60 production 12 - 13,46,49
rect any bugs found. You can return your original diskf s) at any time for a Cities 1,15,20 - 23,25 - 29,35 -37, 40 - 49, EMPIREdesktup 7,10,14,39,58

free update to the latest release of your version. 51-60,62-63 EMPIRE tiles 3 - 4
Capturing 21,27,55 - 57 Escort mode '28, 30, 34, 39 /
PRODUCT REGISTRATION Clear Orders order 31,33 - 34, 36, 42, 46, 48 Escort ship crcer 30,31,33-34,39 I

Colors used in EMPIRE 4,20 Exit Editor command 5li - 5!?, 61

To take advantage of Interstel's warranty and Product Upgrade Plan, you Combat 12-13,19-21.27,37 Exit Ga me command :J I, 33 .134, 39

must first register your product with Interstel. The product registration between units 26,56 - 57 Expert opponents 9-10,12-13,46

card is included with this software. We encourage you to complete the card efficiency 12 - 13,21, 27,46

and mail it promptly. Combat Report command 31,33 -34, 37 F I

Commanders command 7,31,33-34,37 Fighters 1,12,20-27,30,35!40-41,1 4J-4f~

Product registration gives you the following benefits: Commanders report 15,37,39,47 48-49,52,54-57 I I

Commands see indiuidual com mands FilerequesterH-9 J

1. Interstel Product Replacement allows you to replace any defective pur- Computer mode 2/l,31 File selection box 8 - 9,43 (
chased diskts) during the warranty period only. Computer opponents 9-13,19,46,53-54 Flight paths 30,40,56
2. Interstel Product Upgrade Plan allows you to purchase new versions of Copy protection 2 Flight Paths command 31,33 -}, 40
Creating worlds 44,58
your product as they are released, at reduced prices.
3. As a registered product owner, you will be informed of new and updated Cruisers 1,20 - 21,23,26 - 28, 49, 55 - 5M G
software releases by Interstel. CUrl;"r 19, 2M- 30,35 -36, 39 -42,44 - 46, Game displ'1 contruls 38 - :19
49,6U-62 Game modes 211- 34


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