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Article history:
Received 9 April 2016 As human history is changing on many fronts, it is appropriate for us to understand the different
Received in revised form 22 June 2016 perspectives of major global challenges, of which, water is a major priority. The water resources in urban
Accepted 23 June 2016 areas are either approaching or exceeding the limits of sustainable use at alarming rates. Groundwater
Available online 9 July 2016 table depletion and increasing flood events can be easily realized in rapidly developing urban areas. It is
necessary to improve existing water management systems for high-quality water and reduced hydro-
Keywords: meteorological disasters, while preserving our natural/pristine environment in a sustainable manner.
Climate change adaptation This can be achieved through optimal collection, infiltration and storage of stormwater. Stormwater
Stormwater management
runoff is rainfall that flows over the ground surface; large volumes of water are swiftly transported to
Stormwater capture measure
local water bodies and can cause flooding, coastal erosion, and can carry many different pollutants that
Urban water security
Water infrastructure are found on paved surfaces. Sustainable stormwater management is desired, and the optimal capture
Stormwater governance measure is explored in the paper. This study provides commentary to assist policy makers and
researchers in the field of stormwater management planning to understand the significance and role of
remote sensing and GIS in designing optimal capture measures under the threat of future extreme events
and climate change. Community attitudes, which are influenced by a range of factors, including
knowledge of urban water problem, are also considered. In this paper, we present an assessment of
stormwater runoff management practices to achieve urban water security. For this purpose, we explored
different characteristics of stormwater runoff management policies and strategies adopted by Japan,
Vietnam and Thailand. This study analyses the abilities of Japanese, Vietnamese and Thai stormwater
runoff management policies and measures to manage water scarcity and achieve water resiliency. This
paper presents an overview of stormwater runoff management to guide future optimal stormwater
runoff measures and management policies within the governance structure. Additionally, the effects of
different onsite facilities, including those for water harvesting, reuse, ponds and infiltration, are explored
to establish adaptation strategies that restore water cycle and reduce climate change-induced flood and
water scarcity on a catchment scale.
ã 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1. Background supply and, in many cases, the limits of sustainable water use are
being exceeding (Hatt et al., 2004; Mitchell et al., 2003). In some
The world’s population has reached 7.2 billion, and more people cases, water scarcity is leading to conflict over water rights. In
live in cities than in rural areas (UNDESA, 2014). Water is a very urban watersheds, competition with agriculture and industry is
critical natural resource for the world’s fastest growing urban intensifying as cities expand in size and political influence (Bahri,
areas. Commercial, residential, and industrial users already place 2012). With industrial and domestic water demand expected to
considerable demands on cities’ water resources and supply, which double by 2050 (UNDP, 2006), competition among urban, peri-
often require water treatment (Bahri, 2012). The demand of water urban, and rural areas will likely worsen. A critical challenge to
resources in urban areas is approaching the capacity of the water newly developed urban cities is design for resilience to the impact
of climate change with regards to sustainable management of
water resources. It is currently well accepted that the conventional
* Corresponding author. urban water management approach is highly unsuited to
E-mail address: saraswat.chitresh@gmail.com (C. Saraswat). addressing current and future sustainability issues (Ashley et al.,
1462-9011/ã 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
102 C. Saraswat et al. / Environmental Science & Policy 64 (2016) 101–117
2005; Wong and Brown, 2008). The conventional approach to et al., 2003). The need for stormwater runoff management capture
urban water systems around the world involves the use of a similar and transportation systems developed as a result of human
series of systems for drainage of stormwater, potable water and experiences with various challenges due to destructive floods.
sewerage. As explained by Bahri (2012), the unsustainable nature The sustainable stormwater runoff management target is to
of this approach is highlighted by the current ecosystem-related understand the changes in the urban landscape, in which the
problems and degraded environment in urban areas due to addition of vegetation is not widely observed, with the aim of
changes in the hydrology of catchments and quality of runoff, devising approaches to limit certain undesirable effects and to take
leading to modified riparian ecosystems (Bahri, 2012). United advantage of the new opportunities (Huang et al., 2007). A
Nations Agenda 21 (1992) stated that achieving sustainable urban sustainable stormwater system is not a system to address runoff
water systems and protecting the quality and quantity of problems and avoid unwanted contaminants in the water, but
freshwater resources are key components of ecologically sustain- rather, it is a system to increase the potential usability of water
able development. Because of climate change and the spread of resources in society (Sundberg et al., 2004). Stormwater capture
urbanization, the negative impacts are intensifying, resulting in and drainage may be considered not only as systems to divert
increasing runoff, pollutant loads and pressure on existing undesired water from urban areas but also as valuable elements for
systems, with a significant economic cost required to augment landscaping the surroundings of buildings and roads (Boller, 2004).
conventional systems. Alternative approaches are required to In general, to control surface runoff, flood control agencies have
develop sustainable water systems in urban environments, and constructed large centralized facilities, such as culverts, detention
Integrated Urban Water Management (IUWM) is one such basins and sometimes re-engineered natural hydrologic features,
approach, which views the water supply, drainage and sanitation including the paving of city river channels to quickly convey runoff
as components of an integrated physical system within an to receiving water bodies. These large-scale facilities are required
organizational and natural landscape (Mitchell et al., 2007a, to handle the massive amounts of runoff generated by the largest
2007b). It is an integrated system that seeks to reduce the inputs storm events, as it would be impractical to handle this runoff on a
and outputs to decrease the inefficiencies of water resources that decentralized parcel-by-parcel basis with small-scale infiltration
are associated with the traditional practices of urbanization (Hardy devices. The current trend is toward a more overall integrated
et al., 2005). Although this incorporation and diversification of approach to manage stormwater runoff as an integrated system of
urban water systems increase the complexity of urban water preventive and control practices to accomplish stormwater
systems, they also provide more opportunities to attain sustainable management goals. The first principle is to minimize the
water use and increase the overall water system resilience generation of runoff and pollutants through a variety of
(Mitchell and Diaper, 2005; Mitchell et al., 2007b). The identified techniques, and the second principle is to manage runoff and its
key components of the IUWM system are the methods and pollutants to minimize their impacts on humans and the
measures to capture and utilize urban stormwater. Fig. 1 defines environment in a cost effective manner (EPA, 2007). The utilization
stormwater as precipitation, such as rain or melting snow. In a of remote sensing and GIS technology in stormwater management
natural environment, a small percentage of precipitation becomes is constantly evolving, and commonly used GIS technologies are
surface runoff; however, as urbanization increases, the amount of utilized to help decision-makers to determine the most efficient
surface runoff drastically increases. Surface runoff is created when ways to manage stormwater, including the selection of capture
pervious or impervious surfaces are saturated from precipitation measures based on criteria, and the evaluation of methods to
or snow melt (Durrans, 2003). Pervious surface areas naturally capture urban runoff (Wilson et al., 2000). However, as explained
absorb water to the saturation point, after which, rainwater by Wang et al. (2004), even in the most technically complex
becomes runoff and travels via gravity to the nearest stream. This analysis, it is always necessary for the human element to select
point of saturation is dependent on the landscape, soil type, appropriate criteria and make other subjective decisions. There
evapotranspiration and biodiversity of the area (Pierpont, 2008). will frequently be decisions made in stormwater management that
In the urban environment, due to the impervious surfaces that reflect the economic, political, social, and aesthetic components
cover the natural environment, the hydrological processes of that may not always be easily incorporated into a GIS analyses and
surface water runoff become more unnatural, causing damage to modelling system. Important aspects of community attitudes are
infrastructure and contamination of water by pollutants (Ragab also considered in this study, as these attitudes are influenced by a
40% 30%
Evaporation Evaporation
Precipitation Precipitation
Fig. 1. Comparison of absorption and surface runoff between a natural and an urban environment.
C. Saraswat et al. / Environmental Science & Policy 64 (2016) 101–117 103
Fig. 3. The difference between the natural ground cover and various types of impervious surfaces in urbanized areas. The impervious surfaces are directly responsible for the
reduction in deep infiltration of water, and increase surface water runoff by at least 50% (https://www3.epa.gov/caddis/ssr_urb_is1.html).
Fig. 7. Methodology for the assessment of stormwater runoff management measures to attain urban water security.
is analysed by comparing and evaluating findings under context of 3.1. Historical trends
climate change, urbanization and the regulation of stormwater
management. Using hydrographs, it is easy to understand the In the ancient history of water management, which began
major negative impacts on surface runoff and nearby water bodies. thousands of years ago, the quality of life was directly correlated to
Analysis of stormwater runoff impacts under various contexts flood control measures because floods had severe consequences in
largely employs historical trends analysis, and remote sensing, GIS, terms of human lives and crops. Even in ancient societies, the
numerical hydrodynamic and economic models. Trends analysis practices, techniques and strategies to control and manage
based on historical observations is popular technique to predict stormwater can be studied (Koutsoyiannis et al., 2008). Approxi-
future outcome. Information about past changes in flood peaks and mately 3000 years ago, the ancient civilizations of Babylonia and
groundwater table can be important to determine trend and Assyria were able to combine wastewater and stormwater sewage
response tendencies in the urban area as a reference for future systems (Durrans, 2003). In ancient times, water management was
floods and groundwater prediction. Based on numerical simulation utmost priority because of basic human needs of sanitation, clean
modelling and economic aspects of stormwater runoff manage- drinking water, and flood prevention, and gradually evolved into
ment measures, we assess current scenarios and optimal future conventional stormwater management. The conventional ap-
strategies. Water cycle under different scenarios is analysed using proach requires the construction of a massive and costly
high-resolution distributed hydrological model coupled to onsite centralized infrastructure system to function efficiently. Many
facility performance at grid level, analyse the resulting water cycle. ancient stormwater drainage systems, such as the Cloaca maxima in
Iterative simulations require to be carried out for different policies Rome, which was built in approximately 600 BCEE, still exist today
for onsite facility installations until water cycle is close to pre- (Fardin et al., 2014). Underground stormwater drainage was
development stage. Local people’s perception on alternative common in Europe and many places in the Americas in the 19th
infiltration and storage facilities are also highly important in century following rapid urbanization (Burian and Edwards, 2002)
reducing urban flood risk and improving urban water cycle. due to the industrial revolution. In particular, combined sewers can
Physical/environmental constraints with local acceptance and be observed in many cities, and the water carried in combined
engagement in urban stormwater runoff management are done by sewers has historically been transported directly to receiving
combining, simulation based on natural science approach and field waters bodies. These approaches helped prevent flood damage and
survey based on social science approaches. Finally, recommenda- also pollution in ancient times, which often resulted in financial
tions are suggested for policy makers to design optimal storm- and environmental benefits. In the beginning of the 1920s, flood
water runoff measures. prevention and stormwater management implementation was
C. Saraswat et al. / Environmental Science & Policy 64 (2016) 101–117 107
improved in linear fashion. It was assumed that stormwater was of Adelaide. However, the study was limited because it did not
wastewater that needed to be transported outside of cities, and it account for the demands of stormwater, and it only considered the
was never considered as a resource (Durrans, 2003). With the help drainage pattern in the region. The major finding is that GIS is a
of gravity, the stormwater was easily disposed through sewerages valuable tool to identify sites to build facilities related to
to nearby water bodies. This inspired the urban drainage systems stormwater management and handling of the surface runoff, as
in development and the control of damage from infrequent using remote sensing provides the capability to design from a
flooding events. It was followed by designs that became common greater perspective rather than a narrow one. For effective
in every urban setting, which can be divided in two types of stormwater runoff management, the use of specialized comput-
drainage systems: major systems, designed to manage 100-year er-based model in concert with GIS can produce better results
storm events, and minor systems, designed to manage 2–25 year (Rusko et al., 2010). Furthermore, Rusko et al. (2010) explained that
storm events (Grigg, 2012). Next was the development of detention the integration of simulations with sustainability objectives of
ponds, a conventional, yet inexpensive method to reduce peak social, environmental and socioeconomic factors into stormwater
flows and total volumes, up until recent years. However, detention management policies could prove useful. For effective stormwater
ponds are limited in that they have a negative effect on the management at the local level, this approach would be useful along
environment because they disrupt the drainage paths of streams with the use of GIS and remote sensing. It is easier for a policy
and are unable to improve the quality of stormwater due to non- maker to implement policies using different areas in the watershed
point pollution (Durrans, 2003). In recent years, the development rather than different locally adaptable strategies to solve locally
of new technology and infiltration facilities changed the scenarios variable problems, such as erosion, sedimentation, flooding or
from ancient technologies with the one-dimensional view that pollution, and in this respect, GIS and remote sensing is of great
stormwater is not useful and its management is only to reduce usability. This allows for a complete stormwater plan across the
flood damage; as a result, an environmental insight that rainwater watershed to prevent the negative effects of stormwater at specific
can be utilized as a valuable resource was developed. sites and anywhere downstream where there is potential for harm,
which can be identified easily by monitoring the sites using a
3.2. Role of remote sensing and geographic information system (GIS) remote sensing map and processing data through GIS. Another use
technology of GIS and remote sensing is to collect and manage spatial data,
which is an important requirement as such data are used as input
Remote sensing and Geographic Information System (GIS) for computer stormwater models, such as MOUSE, MIKE II,
technology have been widely applied, and the integration of both is Hydroworks, SWMM and STORM (Elliott and Trowsdale, 2007).
recognized as a powerful and effective tool to design and formulate GIS can then be used to present the user-friendly processed result
strategies for stormwater management. Remote sensing effectively of output from the models (Heaney et al., 2001). Modelling with
collects multi-temporal, multi-spectral and multi-location data the use of GIS to handle data from computer-based tools to make a
and helps in observing land use changes, whereas GIS provides a user-friendly decision support can improve communication to
platform for analysing and displaying digital data and acts as a stakeholders involved in modern world stormwater planning. GIS
decision support system (Weng, 2001). In urban environments, the and remote sensing for stormwater runoff management are used
first and foremost important selection is to identify suitable for flood mapping, flood hazard mapping, hydrologic modelling,
stormwater harvesting sites for urban water management. GIS has catchment level stormwater management and designing storm
been recommended as a DSS (decision support system) to facilitate sewer systems, including determining the slope and surface
the identification of potential stormwater harvesting sites during elevation from digital elevation model (DEM) data. Moreover, they
the decision making process (Mbilinyi et al., 2005). GIS also can can be used for planning in stormwater practices, such as Best
serve as a screening tool for the selection of preliminary sites as it management practices, Low Impact Development and assessment
has a unique capability for spatial analysis of multi-source of the feasibility system (Rusko et al., 2010).
datasets, allowing for integration (Malczewski, 2004). There is The use of GIS and remote sensing in estimating stormwater
widespread literature available on the use of GIS for the runoff from the land use, slope, impervious surface coverage and
assessment of site suitability in areas in terms of stormwater soil characteristics is common and evolving in nature. It is useful to
harvesting across the world. For example, the potential site aid decision-makers in deciding the optimal way to manage
selection for the harvesting of water in India was identified using stormwater planning decisions. However, it is important to note
the International Mission for Sustainability Development (IMSD) here that for any complex situation or analysis, it is still necessary
guideline in a GIS environment (Kumar et al., 2008). Various to have human element to select appropriate criteria and make
studies have explained the development of GIS-based DSSs subjective decisions because of the requirement of frequent
(decision support systems), developed for locating suitable sites decisions in stormwater management. Another widely applicable
for water harvesting (De Winnaar et al., 2007; Mbilinyi et al., 2007). use of remote sensing is in controlling the non-point source
Using a biophysical approach, criteria can be assessed to formulate pollution by analysing impervious surfaces inside of watersheds
a strategy to identify surface runoff harvesting sites to understand (Slonecker et al., 2001). It is also useful in estimating the
the catchment hydrological information derived from the catch- stormwater pollutant mass loading (Ackerman and Schiff, 2003).
ments characteristics (De Winnaar et al., 2007). Various studies
have shown that areas with less spatial constraints for various 3.3. Numerical simulation modelling of stormwater
water storages are considered suitable for criteria such as
precipitation, runoff, soil type, topography and distance to storage With rapid urbanization and climate change, stormwater
for stormwater harvesting (Mbilinyi et al., 2005; Kahinda et al., managers face increasingly complex issues regarding the design,
2008). However, in an urban context, the spatial constraints are construction, operation and maintenance of different stormwater
greater due to the overall lower storage space and an already infrastructures. Recent stormwater management systems have
exhausted drainage network; this places constraints on social, largely focused on ecosystem-based approaches (instead of
institutional and economic factors needed to locate suitable traditional approaches of moving the stormwater out of the
stormwater harvesting sites. For example, in Australia, Shipton and affected area), which require groundwater recharge, maintenance
Somenahalli (2010) applied GIS for the identification of suitable of the natural flow regime, downstream impacts and water quality.
stormwater runoff collection sites in the Central Business District With the advent of computer systems and tools such as GIS and
108 C. Saraswat et al. / Environmental Science & Policy 64 (2016) 101–117
remote sensing, numerical models are more widely used to 3.4. Economic assessment
simulate the hydrologic-hydraulic processes by mathematically
representing the stormwater movement systems. Numerical Economic assessment of stormwater runoff management is
models enable testing the effectiveness of different alternative important in improving the environmental quality; the basic
stormwater management measures by simulating water quantity concept is to have an incentive-based market to understand
and quality values at different locations. Numerical models are stormwater as a resource rather than waste. In this section, the
principally based on a set of differential equations representing the cost-effective measures are explored to control stormwater runoff
physical stormwater management systems. They describe rates of by providing incentives for small-scale BMPs (Best Management
change of various parameters with respect to time and space. Practices) throughout urban watersheds (Parikh et al., 2005). The
Running a numerical model implies solving these equations with solution to reduce stormwater runoff and other impacts is a market
boundary conditions and spatial/temporal changes within the mechanism within the incentive-based market, such as storm-
systems. Model results represent the responses to global changes water runoff user fees, charges, cap and trade, and voluntary offset
(climatic, land use, population, etc.) and alternative management programs (Parikh et al., 2005). There are many other proposed
measures. Examples include graphs of depth or flow at specific solutions, one of which is to pay for pollution, which is a basic
locations in the network. strategy that can be achieved by measuring the pollutant in an
The section discusses about the collection of urban stormwater environment and charging the culprits of its source (Dales, 2002);
models used for stormwater simulation and management; Showed another strategy is the promotion of technological advancement to
in Fig. 8(a), the list of potential uses of the listed urban stormwater increase stormwater conservation and prevent pollution. The
models are shown, e.g., the model MOUSE is applicable in stormwater controls can be created using fee structure that is
developing sizing rules for devices, planning and land use in directly related to the degree of water degradation, i.e., “pay for
catchments, and detailing in designing and site layouts. Fig. 8(b) your pollution,” which forces polluters to provide compensation
shows the various urban stormwater models analysed on the basis for damage to the environment in any form, with the goal of
of spatial and temporal resolution, and Fig. 8(c) shows the model preventing pollution as the first priority. However, some studies
capability of simulating runoff generation with different routing have shown that existing fees do not have the impact required to
methods. lead to onsite reductions, and in a few cases, they are not even able
to stop polluters from polluting (Doll et al., 1999). These studies
Fig. 8. (a): Potential uses of the selected models.. *Dark Blue Color Use for the Model in various purposes, Blank Not useful for the purpose. (b): Temporal and Spatial
resolution of the urban stormwater models. * Dark Green Color Represent Sub Hourly distribution, Green Color Hourly distribution, Blue Daily distribution, Dark Blue
Annual distribution. (c): Runoff generation and routing method for the urban stormwater model. *Dark Green Color Represents the Models usefulness in the methods. (For
interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)
Adapted from Elliott and Trowsdale (2007).
C. Saraswat et al. / Environmental Science & Policy 64 (2016) 101–117 109
indicated that the fees were too low to have an impact on such as Thailand and Vietnam, it remains unpopular. Along with
stormwater runoff control. Another method is to utilize storm- building stormwater infiltration measures, governments have also
water to generate revenue to combat stormwater degradation in focused on building massive sewerages to capture and transport
relation to percentage of impervious surface coverage at any level stormwater out of the city in case of flooding or emergencies. For
(Cyre, 2000). Generally, non-point source constituents are not our case studies, we chose Tokyo, Bangkok and Hanoi to analyse
regulated by any mechanism because of their unobservable nature. the stormwater runoff management practices and compare with
A popular method used for stormwater runoff control is a each other to understand the optimal strategies for recommen-
stormwater trading mechanism (Thurston, 2006). Some commu- dations.
nities have implemented this by calculating a flat rate based on the
imperviousness, and the generated money is used to develop 4.1. Tokyo
infrastructure for stormwater control, which requires local and
regional partner involvement in investing in groundwater Tokyo is capital city of Japan, with a total area of 2188 km2,
infiltration facilities and stormwater technologies, such as LID situated at 35 North and 139 East. The annual precipitation in
and BMPs (Doll et al., 1999). Trading mechanisms provide credit Tokyo is approximately 1530 mm, and it has the largest population
trading incentives to manage sustainable stormwater use, and of any city in the world. The city also suffers from serious flood
allow developers and designers to protect the overall quality of problems and stormwater runoff has always been serious concern
water bodies (Woodward and Kaiser, 2002). The total stormwater for the local government. As shown in Tokyo land use and land
produced in an urban area and its sustainability values (i.e., cover map in Fig. 9, Tokyo has undergone substantial urbanization.
economic, environmental and social) are important considerations Tokyo is focused on structural and non-structural measures for
for trading schemes in addition to water temperature and nutrient stormwater runoff control. For example, Tokyo has been investing
loading. Using a market-based strategy to control stormwater and in and building huge tunnels, such as G-cans, and simultaneously,
improve water quality, large polluters are allowed to purchase the local government has been encouraging residents to use BMPs
water quality improvements from smaller producers, as a and ground water infiltration systems.
voluntary offset of runoff, to optimize economic metrics. To address flooding concerns and the exacerbating effect of
To control and manage stormwater runoff, BMPs are considered stormwater runoff and torrential rains, Tokyo has invested in
less expensive than conventional centralized systems, and efficient underground infrastructure, using five silos and through-tunnel
in improving water quality, however, they require considerable channels to transport water out of the city; this is referred to as the
investment. Analysing their cost effectiveness is a complicated Metropolitan Area Outer Underground Discharge Channel or G-
process. Cost-effectiveness analysis identifies the least expensive Cans project, and it is the largest underground flood water
way of achieving environmental targets (Ecosystem Valuation, diversion facility in the world (Bobylev, 2007). It is located in the
2007). The five techniques used for measuring the value of BMPs outskirts of the city between Showa in Tokyo and Kasukabe in
are replacement cost methods, lifecycle cost analysis, cost-benefit Saitama prefecture and is an example of a critical underground
analysis, the productivity method and the hedonic pricing method. infrastructure of flood and stormwater control management
In the replacement cost method, estimation of ecosystem services system. The figure shows the wide network of the tunnel used
is performed based on the cost of avoiding damage or lost services. to manage the stormwater by draining surface runoff out of the city
For example, in 2006, at the University of California, Davis, (Fig. 10).
researchers estimated that for every 1000 trees in the central The project includes a 6.5 km long connecting tunnel and a
valley, stormwater runoff was reduced by nearly 1 million gallons, storage tank with 78 pumps and five massive silos. There are five
equivalent to 7000 USD (Viers et al., 2012). When those trees are concrete containment silos, which act as a regulator, with
cut down, and their required function is lost due to deforestation, dimensions of 65 m in depth by 32 m in diameter and are located
the costs are passed to the local government (NRDC, 2006). The at the limits of the rivers to connect to tunnel. The tunnel was
life-cycle approach is useful in estimating the BMP costs because, constructed underground, at approximately 50 m depth, to send
most of the time, the maintenance costs are far less than the cost the water to the storage tank after overflow conditions. The storage
involved in maintaining and operating conventional approaches tank, also known as the underground temple, is 177 m long and
(Powell et al., 2005). In cost-benefit analysis, the lack of
information of economic benefits provided by the BMPs can
ultimately obstruct the adoption and implementation (MacMullen,
2007). The method of productivity valuation, which is also known
as the net factor income, can be used to estimate the economic
value of ecosystem products that contribute towards the produc-
tion of marketed goods. Lastly, the hedonic pricing method
estimates the economic values for environmental services that
directly affect the market price, and it is widely used to determine
the variations in housing prices, while reflecting the values of local
environmental attributes (Ecosystem Valuation, 2007).
4. Case studies
4.2. Bangkok
Fig. 12. Land use and land cover map of Bangkok in 2001.
Source: http://giswin.geo.tsukuba.ac.jp/capital-cities/.
Fig. 14. Land Use and land cover map of Hanoi in 2014.
Source: http://giswin.geo.tsukuba.ac.jp/capital-cities/.
on agencies such as the UN and other NGOs, and on the national surface. Fig. 18 shows how a hybrid governance structure manages
level, the governance structure and policies are formed by stormwater. As infiltration-based approaches increase, cities have
environmental agencies and legislative bodies. Proper mainte- to share the responsibility by building and maintaining green roofs,
nance of stormwater facilities can lead to reduced costs for stream rain gardens, and swales on private properties. Local municipalities
channel restoration and pollution mitigation in the future. can oversee public communication, incentive programs and
Ferguson (2005) described the conventional engineering methods monitoring (Porse, 2013). This system is reviewed as better in
used to mitigate the effects of stormwater by quoting the oldest many respects than federal regulation in regards to the centralized
method, i.e., reduce the nuisance of water by providing a smooth system to mitigate stormwater runoff because, in hybridization
Table 1
BMP Table type and Effectiveness of different types of BMPs (Best management Practices), including infiltration BMPs.
Fig. 17. Structural Best Management Practices for stormwater runoff management: (a) Cisterns, (b) Rain Barrel, (c) Vertical Storage structures and (d) Storage beneath a
structure. (http://www.elibrary.dep.state.pa.us/dsweb/Get/Document-68001/6.5.2%20BMP%20Runoff%20Capture%20and%20Reuse.pdf).
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