Lamb Wave Propagation Modeling Using Cellular Automata: P. Kluska, W. J. Staszewski, M. J. Leamy and T.UHL
Lamb Wave Propagation Modeling Using Cellular Automata: P. Kluska, W. J. Staszewski, M. J. Leamy and T.UHL
Lamb Wave Propagation Modeling Using Cellular Automata: P. Kluska, W. J. Staszewski, M. J. Leamy and T.UHL
Also, signal features produced by defects tend to be embedded in the background
noise associated with material, structural and environmental variability and thus are
difficult to detect reliably. It is widely acknowledged that numerical simulations can
help with the entire damage detection implementation process and interpretation
analysis, leading to accurate SHM diagnosis and prognosis.
Various methods have been developed for modelling and numerical simulations of
elastic wave propagation, including semi-analytic techniques (e.g. methods based on
the theory of diffraction, boundary element methods) and numerical algorithms such
as methods based finite differences, finite elements, spectral elements, elastodynamic
finite integration techniques (EFIT) or local interaction simulation approach (LISA),
as reviewed in [4] . The LISA is particularly attractive for very fast parallel
computation of large models of wave propagation in complex media with sharp
interfaces [5]. More recently the Cellular Automata (CA) approach based on
rectangular [6] and triangular [7] . The latter offers arbitrary meshing geometries and
is an attractive alternative finite difference based methods.
The major objective of the paper is to explore the CA approach for Lamb wave
propagation in metallic structures. A 2-D case study of wave propagation in
undamaged and damaged aluminium plates is investigated. Numerical results are
compared with simulations based on the LISA technique.
Lamb waves are elastic perturbations propagating in solid plates with free
boundaries. These waves arise from coupling of shear and longitudinal waves
reflected at the top and bottom surfaces of the plate, leading to an infinite number of
dispersive modes. The wave propagation problem can be analysed using the classical
elastodynamic wave equation
where where and are Lamé constants, ρ is the material density and W is the
vector of particle displacements. This equation can be solved using the displacement
potential approach or the partial wave technique, as demonstrated in [8]. The former
decoupled the elastodynamic wave equations leading to the well known Rayleigh-
Lamb frequency relations
q 2 k 2 2
tan(qh) 4k 2 pq
tan( ph)
q2 k 2
tan( ph) 4k 2 pq
for antisymmetric An (n=0,1,2, ...) modes, where k is the wave number and variables p
and q can be defined in terms of circular frequency ω = 2πf and the shear cT and
longitudinal cL wave velocities as
The fundamental S0 and A0 modes will only propagate in the plate for small values of
the frequency-and-plate-thickness" product. The elastodynamic and Rayleigh-Lamb
equations can be solved numerically to obtain physical displacements and phase/group
velocities as a function of the frequency-and-plate-thickness" product , respectively.
Cellular Automata (CA) were introduced in the early 1940’s and developed
further in the following years by John von Neumann to model self-replicating
systems [9]. At the same time Stanislaw Ulam started his work for Los Alamos
Scientific Laboratory and began research related to biology [10]. Both scientists
shared their experiences and built the base of the CA theory. Following these
development the potential of the method for modelling complex physical phenomena
has been recognised. Stephen Wolfram made a detailed study of CA and proposed
their classification [11].
CA are mathematical idealisations of physical systems and introduce discretisation
of time and space. CA consist of cells array in D-dimension. Every cell has set of
states. These states are usually the same for all cells. The state of i-cell at a time step
t+1 is determined by a rules function R. Set of rules utilize i-cell neighbours’ state and
its own state, i.e.
where R is a function containing set of rules, si is the i cell’s state in the next step,
t is the time step, sji the neighbours’ state in the previous step and N(i) is the
neighbourhood of the i cell.
Two different types of cells are used in practice. Figure 1 shows neighbourhood
types examples for rectangular and triangular CA. In these examples the dark cell in
the middle of such structures is the i-cell from Equation (5) and can be described
using the Cartesian coordinates pair (x, y) according to considered 2-D space.
CA are an efficient tool for dynamic physical systems simulations because of
possibility of parallel computation. Numerical implementation of CA for mechanical
phenomena simulation are different in comparison to methods based on finite
elements that involve partial differential equation. In CA applications the global
behaviour of physical system is determined by a local interaction between cells based
on a specified rule set. Figure 2 shows how strains from neighbours acting on a
particular cell can be calculated for the 2-D problem. These strains are used for
specific rule functions introduced in Equation (5).
CA were used to model Lamb wave propagation. A rectangular (400 x 150 mm;
2 mm thickness) aluminium plate (Young's modulus E = 71 GPa, Poisson ratio ν =
0.338 and density ρ = 2711 kg/m3) was used in this model. Both damaged and
undamaged cases were investigated. A circular hole (diameter equal to 4 mm),
located in the middle of the plate, was considered as a simulated damage. Figure 3
illustrates the geometry of the considered model. The excitation and response
positions were selected at the top (x=200 mm and y = 5 mm) and bottom (x = 200 mm
and y = 145 mm) of the plate respectively.
Figure 3. Aluminium specimen used for CA Lamb wave propagation modelling.
A five-cycle - shifted by 900 sine burst signal with a Hann window envelope, as
shown in Figure 5 - was used for excitation. Although in theory a minimum two
Lamb wave modes propagate in plates, it is always possible to select excitation
frequency for which the amplitude of one fundamental modes is reduced almost to
zero. This so-called single mode excitation was used in the current 2-D investigations.
The excitation frequency - selected experimentally - was equal to 100 kHz. This led to
A0 Lamb wave mode propagation.
Figure 5. Excitation signal used for Lamb wave propagation modelling.
Once the model of the undamaged and damaged aluminium plate implemented
CA were used to simulated Lamb wave propagation. The simulation results for the
(x,y) plane are presented in Figures was developed Figure 6.
Figure 6. CA Lamb wave propagation simulated for the undamaged (left column) and damaged (right
column) plate for various time snapshots.
Here, the normalised displacement amplitude is given for various time moments.
The results - given for the undamaged plate in the left column and for the damaged
plate in the right column - display expected wave propagation features. The incident
wave is clearly broken after it passes through the hole (Figure 6a - right column and
attenuated when it reaches the bottom of the plate (Figure 6b - right column.
Numerous reflections from plate edges can be observed in Figure 6c for both cases
The same results but obtained for the LISA method [123] - shown in Figure 7 -
display very similar wave propagation phenomena and wave interaction with damage
features. Direct comparison of Lamb wave responses can be analysed in Figure 8. The
CA and LISA results for the incident wave are almost identical for both cases
investigated. However, wave reflection components simulated by the CA approach
appear to be delayed if compared with the LISA approach. This is probably due to
different meshing geometry used in the relevant models. The amplitude of the incident
wave for the damaged plate is reduced in Figure 7b, as expected.
Figure 7. LISA Lamb wave propagation simulated for the undamaged (left column) and damaged (right
column) plate for various time snapshots.
Figure 8. Lamb wave responses obtained for CA and LISA simulations: ( a) undamaged plate; (b)
damaged plate.
The work presented in this paper was supported by funding from the Foundation
for Polish Science under the research WELCOME project no. Project no. 2010-3/2.
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