Abuse No More Protocol of The Western Cape Education Department
Abuse No More Protocol of The Western Cape Education Department
Abuse No More Protocol of The Western Cape Education Department
The Abuse No More document for dealing with child abuse was developed in 1999 by the WCED in co-
operation with other departments and non-governmental organisations to develop a guide for the
now Premier, Helen Zille. Since then various developments relating to the care and protection of children
culminated in the updating of existing and promulgation of new legislation such as the Children’s Act, 38
resulted in amendments to WCED policies. For this reason the child abuse protocol document needed to be
amended to be in alignment with the relevant legislation and policy documents.
Child abuse, deliberate neglect and sexual offences against children are serious challenges that currently exist
in communities and educational institutions throughout South Africa. Because of their high prevalence this
protocol has been developed to help institutions, employees and learners of the Western Cape Education
Intervening effectively in the lives of children and their families that are victims of abuse is not the sole
responsibility of any single agency or professional group, but rather is a shared community concern.
Educators have a special role to play in dealing with this problem, along with doctors, nurses and social
workers. In fact, people in these professions are required by law to respond to signs of child abuse.
I particularly welcome the focus on minimising trauma to victims by ensuring that they do not have to repeat
the details of the traumatic incident, and ensuring that evidence is collected in the best possible way to
maximise the chances of successful convictions.
I wish to thank all WCED staff and other parties including government departments and NGO’s involved for
their hard work in drafting our new policy document.
Child protection is the moral responsibility of every WCED employee – indeed of every member of society.
The WCED therefore supports the policy and procedures in this document and encourages co-operation to
ensure the achievement of their objectives.
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(4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Annexure H: Guidelines to School Governing Bodies regarding the management of child abuse,
deliberate neglect and sexual offences.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (
1.1 Introduction
Child abuse, deliberate neglect and sexual offences against children are serious problems that currently exist
in communities and educational institutions throughout South Africa. Because of their high prevalence, this
protocol has been developed to help institutions, employees and learners of the Western Cape Education
The reporting procedures contained in this protocol may be used by learners, educators, employees, parents,
caregivers or any other person. All WCED employees must therefore ensure that they are fully conversant
with the content of this protocol and that they have a clear understanding of their roles in combating child
abuse and sexual offences against children.
Effective management of these problems can be achieved only if procedures are based on a strong legal
foundation. Therefore, in drafting this protocol, all relevant legislation regarding children has been considered
and applied. The legislation highlights the responsibility of educators who may suspect or deal with
disclosures of child abuse and sexual offences against children, and the educators’ mandatory duty to report
such incidents in the prescribed manner.
This document also highlights the responsibility of the principal to implement, manage and sustain the
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interests of the child is maintained at all times.
In this protocol, any word or expression to which a meaning has been assigned, bears the meaning assigned
to it and, unless the context otherwise indicates –
“alleged learner offender” means the learner against whom a complaint has been laid;
“child abuse”
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(b) sexually abusing a child or allowing a child to be sexually abused;
(c) bullying by another child;
(d) a labour practice that exploits a child; or
(e) exposing or subjecting a child to behaviour that may harm the child psychologically or
“corporal punishment”~&
or hitting a child with a hand or with an object; denying or restricting a child’s use of the toilet; denying meals,
drink, heat and shelter, pushing or pulling a child by force, forcing the child to do exercise.”;
“deliberate neglect”
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Children’s Act, 2005 (Act 38
of 2005);
“educator” means any person, excluding a person who is appointed to exclusively perform extracurricular
duties, who teaches, educates or trains other persons or who provides professional educational services,
including professional therapy and education psychological services, at a school;
“employee” means
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(b) a member of a hostel staff;
(c) a member of an administrative staff;
(d) a support staff-member or contract worker, as well as any educator appointed under the
Employment of Educators Act, 1998 (Act 76 of 1998); or
(e) a member of support staff or a contract worker appointed under or the Public Service Act, 1994
(Act 103 of 1994)_ %//
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offender in the employ of the WCED;
“learner” means any person receiving education or obliged to receive education in terms of the South African
Schools Act;
another person or another learner (child);
“neglect” in relation to a child, means a failure in the exercise of parental responsibilities to provide for the
child’s basic physical, intellectual, emotional or social needs;
“parent” means –
(a) the parent or guardian of a learner;
(b) the person legally entitled to the custody of a learner, or
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subparagraphs (a) and (b) towards the learner’s education at school;
“school governing body” means a statutory body vested with the governance of a public school and it may
perform only such functions and obligations and exercise such rights as prescribed by the South African
Schools Act;
“school management team” means the management team of a school comprising the Principal, Deputy
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management of the school;
“school social worker” means a social worker in the employ of the WCED that is registered under Section 17
of the Social Service Professions, 1978 (Act 110 of 1978);
“sexual abuse”
Children’s Act, 2005 (Act 38 of 2005)], in relation to a child, means –
(a) sexually molesting or assaulting a child or allowing a child to be sexually molested or assaulted;
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(c) using a child in or deliberately exposing a child to sexual activities or pornography; or
(d) procuring or allowing a child to be procured for commercial sexual exploitation or in any way
participating or assisting in the commercial sexual exploitation of a child.
The best interest of the child (victim or offender) will be the overriding factor and this will govern how the
process is managed when a report of child abuse, deliberate neglect or sexual offence is made. South African
legislation places duty to report and failure to do so is a criminal offence.
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suspicion of a sexual offence committed on a mentally disabled person”), that person shall
not be liable for any civil or criminal proceedings as a result of such a report.
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(b) Section 110 (1) of the Children’s Act, 2005 (Act 38 of 2005) (as amended)
(i) In terms of this section certain professionals e.g. “Teacher”, has a duty to report
(See Annexure F for a full list);
(ii) They must on reasonable grounds conclude that the child has been abused in a manner
causing physical injury, sexual abuse or deliberate neglect;
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(iv) It must be reported to the “Provincial Department of Social Development or a Police
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(i) In terms of this subsection “Any person” who on ”reasonable grounds believes that a child is
in need of care and protection”; may report belief (not compulsory, has a discretion); to the
“Provincial Department of Social Development, a designated child protection organisation or
(ii) There is no penalty for this section because it is not compulsory to report.
(iii) Abuse in terms of the Children’s Act creates a discretion as to whom the abuse must
be reported to e.g. SAPS or a designated social worker, but not in relation to the actual
reporting of the offence.
(iv) In the case of a sexual offence, SAPS (FCS Unit) must be involved.
3.2 Disclosure
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designated social worker.
(f) Effective management of the process will ensure that the learner victim, alleged learner
offender and employee are protected from additional and unnecessary emotional trauma and
victimisation, as the case may be.
(g) During the disclosure process, the learner victim must under no circumstances be questioned to
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the report and to further report the matter to either SAPS or a designated social worker, as the
case may be.
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perpetrator is in order to decide which process to follow and adequately manage the disclosure
(i) If a report is made to an educator and the educator reports it to a principal, then the principal
should not question the learner again but should rather immediately assist in involving the
relevant role-players.
(j) The management of the disclosure process is immediate and there should be no delays in
involving the relevant role-players, e.g. SAPS and DSD should be contacted on the same day that
the disclosure is made.
SAPS / FCS learner
Victim and
Designated Social Worker offender and
Emotional support
SGB disciplinary
Guidance to parents
process in terms of
Referral for
code of conduct
additional support
Emotional support
Guidance to parents
Referral for
additional support
3.4 Guidelines regarding the management of disciplinary measures against a learner being the
alleged perpetrator
(a) The Learner Code of Conduct must make provision for the transgression(s).
Expulsion of Learners at Public Schools in the Western Cape (Provincial Gazette 6939, dated 11
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of Conduct or other legislation.
(c) In a situation where the learner victim and the alleged learner offender are at the same school,
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(d) The disciplinary hearing should take place according to a prescribed procedure, in the
(e) The individual’s right to a fair and reasonable hearing should be honoured.
(f) These principles should also apply to the way in which arguments are presented.
(g) In deciding the most appropriate sanction, take into consideration:
(i) The age and developmental phase of the learner;
(ii) Learner’s disciplinary record and willingness to change;
(iii) Learner’s regret and willingness to put the offence right; and
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WCED Employee on Learner disclosure
Educator / Principal
School Governing
Body (SGB
Parents Victim(s) School Management
Directorate Labour
(a) Disclosure can be made by a learner victim to either another child (learner) [who would in turn
disclose to an educator] or the learner victim can disclose directly to an educator.
(b) The learner victim must not be cross examined. Only obtain information relevant for reporting
(c) Explain the procedure that will follow and the different roles and responsibilities of each
stakeholder and why they are relevant to the process.
(d) As soon as the disclosure has been made, notify the following role-players immediately:
(i) The school social worker (to assist in the managing of the process);
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(g) The School Social Worker should also be informed to assist with getting the Directorate:
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(h) Do not hold a meeting with the learner victim and alleged employee offender.
(i) The Principal must inform other staff members that there is a report, without disclosing the
(a) Corporal punishment is not allowed at any South African School and is as such expressly
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corporal punishment or subject a student to psychological or physical abuse at any educational
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“(1) No person may administer corporal punishment at a school to a learner;
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to a sentence which could be imposed for assault”.
Educator / Principal
School Social Worker
Victim and Parent
Designated Social Worker
Emotional support
Guidance to parents
Referral for
additional support
(a) Disclosure can be made by a learner victim to either another child (learner) [who would in turn
disclose to an educator] or the learner victim can disclose directly to an educator.
(b) The learner victim must not be cross-examined. Only obtain information relevant for reporting
(c) Explain the procedure that will follow and the different roles and responsibilities of each
stakeholder and why they are relevant to the process.
(d) If the disclosure reveals a parent as the alleged perpetrator it is advised not to contact the
other parent before the designated social worker or SAPS become involved, in order to prevent
intimidation of the learner victim.
(e) As soon as the disclosure has been made, notify the following role-players immediately:
(f) It may be advisable for the learner victim to obtain a Protection Order as well, under certain
(g) This should be brought to the attention of the designated social worker so that the learner victim
can be assisted during this process.
(h) The school must assist in ensuring the safety of the learner victim by communicating with the
designated social worker or other child protection agency in order to have the learner victim
sent to a place of safety or a family member if it is deemed unsafe for the learner victim to return
(i) The School (principal and educators) must provide continuous emotional support to the learner
victim and monitor the learner victim’s social, emotional and academic functioning.
3.8 Role-players that can be contacted depending on the type of offence or the circumstances
(vii) The SGB where the alleged employee offenders are employed by this body
(viii) The learner victim’s parent(s) provided that they are not the alleged offenders
(ix) The Department of Health school nurse (if available), or (if applicable) the Medical
Practitioner at a health care facility
(x) Education for Learners with Special Education Needs (ELSEN) school nurse
(xi) The Thuthuzela Care Centre closest to the school
(b) The effective management of abuse therefore depends on collaboration, co-ordination and co-
operation between the various role-players and service providers during the intervention process,
and each institution should formulate a way to liaise effectively with all of them.
4.4 Social Workers of the Department of Social Development and Designated Child Protection
(a) Provide assistance through the Thuthuzela Care Centres (if one exists in the school’s jurisdiction).
(b) Prosecutors to prosecute the matter when it gets to court.
(c) Consult with the learner victim in preparation for trial.
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court process.
(a) Assist with an investigation and hearing regarding the allegation(s) of abuse (sexual offences or
other abuses) by an employee.
(b) Convene a hearing as soon as possible and make a decision concerning the termination of the
employment contract of such an employee, depending on the outcome of the hearing.
The Western Cape Education Department (WCED) is responsible for public schooling in the province, from
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6@( 6@( KK@
Metro Central Education District 6 @( @K 66'
Metro East Education District K ( K' K6*6
Metro North Education District K'* ' K'* '*
Metro South Education District '( '( *@
Cape Winelands Education District ' '6* 6@ ' '6 6'*
Eden & Central Karoo Education District 66 *' *' 66 *(' '
West Coast Education District *@ *@ '
School social
IMG Manager
Circuit Team
Organisation or Contact Person Cellphone No.
Dept. of Social
(e.g. Child Welfare,
Badisa, etc.)
Day Hospital /
Health Clinic
Pursuant to section 110 of the Children’s Act, 2005, and for purposes of section 114(1)(a) of the Act, you are hereby
advised that a child has been abused in a manner causing physical injury/ sexually abused/ deliberately neglected or is in
need of care and protection.
Contact no:
4.1) Surname Full Name(s)
In hospital (Name/Place…………………………………………………………………………………….)
In detention (Place…………………………………………………………………….……………………..)
Date of Incident: Date unknown: Episodic/ongoing from (date) Reported to CPR:
6.1) TYPE OF ABUSE (Tick only the one that indicates the key motive of intent)
Physical Emotional Sexual Deliberate neglect
6.4) When applicable, tick the secondary type of abuse Multiple Abuse: Yes No
11. DETAILS OF PERSON WHO REPORTS ALLEGED ABUSE (Refers to a profession, mandatory
obliged to report child abuse)
Name of informant Employer
Email Address
Other (specify)
I declare that the particulars set out in the above mentioned statement are true and correct to the best of my
Chapter 2 of Act 32 of 2007 contains some general offences that are applicable to
adults, children and mentally disabled persons as complainants:
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Section 6 Compelled sexual assault
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Section16 Acts of consensual sexual violation with certain children
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Section 18(1) Promoting sexual grooming of children
*04 !"%
Section 19 Exposing or displaying or causing the exposure or display of child pornography or
pornography to a child
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female breasts to a child
against a child
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offence has been committed against a person who is mentally disabled
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another person to commit a sexual offence in terms of this Act
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without the required travel documents
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(b) Assessment of risk factors to support a conclusion of abuse and neglect on reasonable grounds
(c) Investigation by a provincial department of social development or a designated child protection
organisation upon receipt of a report of the abuse or neglect of the child; and
(d) Appropriate protective measures to be taken in respect of a child.
(e) A disclosure of abuse or deliberate neglect by the child; or
(f) A statement relating to a pattern or history of abuse or deliberate neglect from a witness relating
to the abuse of a child.
2) The broad risk assessment framework includes the following guidelines [Regulation 35(2) of
the Children’s Act, 2005 (Act 38 of 2005)]:
(a) The presence (b) The presence (c) The presence of (d) The presence
of indicators of of emotional developmental of indicators of
physical abuse and behavioural indicators deliberate neglect
indicators of physical,
of physical, psychological or
psychological or sexual abuse
sexual abuse
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that person, open a docket for the investigation of the offence that was allegedly committed and
register the docket on the CAS (Case Administration System); or
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was indeed committed, consult with the Community Service Commander who must make a
comprehensive OB (Occurance Book) entry of the report and the reasons why the Commander
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committed and provide the number of the OB entry to the person who made the report to enable
him or her to be located and be interviewed if this turns out to be necessary.
The process for managing serious misconduct (including child abuse) related to public service
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The disciplinary process is similar to that of an educator and if found guilty such offenders will be
1. Guidelines regarding the provision for punitive measures against staff employed by the School
Governing Body due to misconduct in terms of this policy document.
1.1 School Governing Bodies need to ensure that applicants being considered for appointment have not
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access to children if the person has been declared unsuitable to work with children [Section
does not disclose that information to an employer.
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measures regarding allegations of child abuse, deliberate neglect and sexual offences made against an
Inform the District Director via the Circuit Team Manager of a situation which bears the potential to
alarm the interest of the media;
Decide on a person that would act as the spokesperson on behalf of the school in all further
deliberations with the media;
Ensure that staff members, parents and learners involved, refer all media enquiries to the
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the alleged learner offender.
The management of child abuse, deliberate neglect and sexual offences against children by an employee of
the WCED will be guided by the following legislation:
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Name of business: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Full names: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Surname: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Physical address: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Postal address: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Yours sincerely
Date: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .