The Himachal Pradesh Factory Rule 1950

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( Sil/l/a-4, the 6th May, 1952
, ,(. .iJ.;;i)·12j4S-1II.-In exercise of the powcrs conferred by the Factories
~'. ,'1-, (Act LXIII of 19~5) thc Himachal Pradcsh Govcrnmcnt arc
, ... ·01 ' : makc the following ruks:




ling ftOpugnant

( "J '1"\~I)e"
I,'....••. : '-'::: - ..; ,.~
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IJ~"Li ... Us :... \h,:\1'I v I:"
•. ~~,...; .

( (:::) "i\'nifici:d HUITiit;;;·:::.:ion" nlcans the iClfOductic':l of ri~O;~li.I:·."

.fito the :lir or ;l r0,";;1 by any artificial m':::os whalso;;vcr. except
t!lC t!r.<~\'oJid::!--~,~ ::.:::::~ ofstc:1rn or \','~i(:- \':q~,-lt1r into the :1~lnns~
phcrc JiIC\,.-lly l;t.:;.: tv ,..:':1 1il~llufaclurjng pn'c~~~: .
Provi,id that the inlroducti,)n of directlv from outside through
c moi.,icncd mats or scr~~n5 placed in opening:'-at times wi1<:n {he tc:;'r~e­
rawre of the room j-; ~O degrees or more, sh:lll not be dC(:;]lcd to be
( ,.. ell :;;]( humidification.

{iI.) ,cBcit" ir.c]udcs·Ciny chi'.-ing strap or rope.

(c) "Degrces" (of t~;,,?cr:lture) mcans degrees Ull the Fahrenheit
sca ie. .~
U} ·i);:.uict ~;:H:;slr;: ~., inchllic such othcr omcia! :;s may bc ap-
po"", .. C~";'::"-C""l
"-·"d'·(1~. t,1,: '." ; r"
,... , " .. lml~~JO.lcr.1l l-".h·l'f
.. ,'., .•...
((r~ . F\1ine" includes _L!~ cr ·:~:,[).0ur..

(II) ,. Hcu,:h Oficcr" :ile:::15 th,' iv!unicip:t! J-k ..Ith Oflkcr or Dis,rict
dealih OJiiccr <'r such OI'iC; ofJicial as may bc appC':ntcd by til,?
Chief Coml11:5~jl'lic'r ill-IhJl beh;Jif.
(i) . Hy~'r(;n~CI~r" I!"·:,i·" :,.; ;,.c: rat;; wet ;;;;.1 .,lry hilb :lyg;·(,n~~'l:f
con:,.r:nin!! t() Ihe r:r.:stribcd condjliell~ :1- r:t1atds ,-.. nslfUclJons
...1.. -:IiI::'1'
" hoi I L d 11C· . • -
. '
• J ,;

". \
I' , .,
, l
(k) "Maintained" means maintained in an efficient state, in'efficiru
working order and in good repair. ' " ',:_ ,
j,Jl:J~~::tion sl1c'uld also
be sent to the In;;/x'CII)r as soon as the -~c<:lln"'l'
I '-
fOJ th~ wor_~(Jng of the factory for the purposes of theAct.
Rilles 31011 prescribed /ll/der sub-secliol/ (I) oJ~liol/6
; 3. Approl'ol of plal/s.-(l) No manufacturing process shall be carried
on i~ :l~~' bUilding eC)nstruct~d or e:i1ended or tlkcn into usc as a factory or
a part of a factory after the date of the commencement of the Act, IJOles~:
- previous perinission in writing is obtained from the Chief Commissioner Oi-
the Chief 1nspcctor. - - - "

'~ Application for such permission sh,!lI be made in the prescribed ~:'orlli
'No. I which shall be accompanied by the following documents;- .
,I (a) A flow chart of 'the manufacturing process supplemented c>y a
, brief description of the process in its variuus stages;
.." ' (h) Plans in duplicate drawn t~ scale shc·.\'i!1~:-
-, (i) th~ site of l~le, factoiy and imm~diate surroundings inclui;ing
iidj:lcent b.uilding~ and other SlrUClllres, rO:lds, drains, cte,; ,
(ii) Ih;: r-1~n elevation and nccessa'rv GOSS-SCC:iOliS of the va.ious
bt!ildi!1~s, indicating all re!vJnt d-~::::!s rc::::ing tv naturalligi.ting,
vClililatioil and mean, of escape in case of fire. The plans ~halj
:~!so ck::r1y indicate the. position of ::ie r::::il and machinery; .. islcs
.... , •. ·.·l,.::~pt
~"~lJU __
.... "':1\,5'
__ I

i 1;"1', "I hl' PL";;ill'; leI/nrC! ..: ; .j \.~I1;l'n"

to ~i"11 r,)J
111 No. :: ,.:.::i1 .... ·1 :r . '. 'IO',V11l9 1
n 11 C] 1I~ I ifie:: 1i",~,::--
The corpor::te nlenlbcr~hir "f :lIlV of the follo\\ii1;! ill.;:illl!iun'):-
(0 'tJIC IIl~till:,ic of Ci\'il r:Jl~illecrs.
II> if'he Institute ofSlru·:tur,d ,.11':;11'_','1',.
(~)\ fhe ROy:l1 Institute ,)1 8ri,i,l; !\rchitcct-.
(d)' he Institute of En~illccr, (Ir,d'a) t()~::t:~r wit!l thc D:gree ofa
'recognised Civil En~i!l·:uillg Cullc;;c ill I;~,J~:: prol'idcd that,
he hJS ,liso b,~ell (,r ,j",·c VC:HS 1'1 hrou n"Jc rr:lctJc of h,<;
oll'n JeCOUll1 ::, Ci:'·::· :\,,'i'::,::1, :' .. r·::.. ~,r:;,,: ..l firm of Civil
,l _ [.
"ngIl1ccrs. I

.) ./'0
(!),,' p:.:-r~on .'1 1"1-':':' l)., l.1 ~.\'
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c~:c'..:p r,
\'d<~ ::' ~:\Il~' GO\"rrl
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f. 1l1C~1l sh:1!1 !JC :luthori,cd 1·' -.:~"':Il :i i~'~ :-. _ -:. i' ~: ~:"';l:~y or t, I

jt \' : !:~~:':: ;i;::.! :-:.r·:-("ifi,~·~·· \11'\ \1:~:" i·, :'1 ~:,_. C'l)~"doyr;),~nf of the

(,\\,n:'j" ,l', I" ::i.!:~I,!,:r t.lf (iii..: i ... . :":'~~ ' __ : ;_~:...-" I " ~~~
I/ Is"!!I"cn. ~--
(~: (i) Th-';~il;tcrllal hei~ht of J ',',','rkr0,"':l <:,t11 ~'e ,wl k·;, rh::n ! -1 r,'d
r :~<l!~" fWi11 the n""r k:~'el 1,1 '!": !I\\\','-S! J':'fI t';' :!1~ r')0f; provideJ I
'fl':!! in ;.hc C,'I~C or
b;:jl:.!in~..; !::~\ :;"': :~ , : i :: r",·"f. or :1 cornr-::;- I ".: -,,:

' 'f ()L
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J P:nvi(lrri fUrlhc:r lh:!l i:l C.\,<~ "1' t":i:::('ri:,

~.,.:'<,": i:~~! k5-~ lhJ'1 50

t Lr~l)rl~) I l--l··f"o"
ll~ Ill'. j',,,i,.. . clor ."" ' 1,.,
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l)lh j'',-

'1;' \\'ork ~re rC:lsoll~1hly g0lll J. I,'\ .... t;·j,[ =--.t~I,;: :" . . i l ' : l : ) ;':1,'111 rL~ pJo\'i~';UilS
: tillS slIb-nrlc.
(:i) TI~.:r;; ~li:l:1 be pr()\·;:.!cd ~! ~~! i!i·~ ..· ,,'.:.-:~ ;'':I~f.'''';) c:llploy;::d in I •• :'

111: \\ . .'lr~!'"oonl C'f:l f~:(''')ry \\here Jl'~" :1"I:I_di l i .:: ..... :=i.:.:i pv'.\·cr is t!,cd,
'J'':~ j····.;:t '0 ';(j;l'Ir.~ it""
• • .... '':'':'_ - of li·· L... r ., '.' .'
._ .... '' ~.. .1-·":.t • L;C,...ll ....,;·,d ly'
i , .. ... .. , . . ' , ,. .•.. t ... .... .} ...... .'.~

i HLi( hirH ,:y all 3 Gf(,:.Iihlll~ 5pac~ L'; ~~t kJ~,t .. ~"", \.·~:~',i.:- :':':':L . - ......,
;' (i:'i) rartj~.:l:!:~!·S 0r C'~("h \l:...."'\r~:!'I'I~)I·,1 (~f I:~;: j';~~t{")ry in \l:hich PCi:;Cj'I~
Clr~ fL'c:":l;alv (:1·,lrdo':.:d ~h:1!1 l": . '::-''':,,':..: "1 r:l"-':~ 1-:\ \'.Li ...·h ~!i:dl 0'::
,:1 ....1 .. t!~e IIl;pC~'lor: \\'llen rL.;U:I.':,;'
\.:1 l(l
'r!:~ r~o\'i'iOI1' or cl~usc (i) c;' <ub-rl'k .) ,!12i! ,,'[ .;ppiy 10 rJoms
l • U l""""-':~.-".- 1'.l:"';'ll! •'elr

,O':r1."-' "C'ljO\\'"''''
I,. '1·•. -= :'1., I
j •• " 1.'' : 1
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:.:: • :;- .•...•) • \.1 ~ ~
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;:].,lll~;;~~~(J/iOIl for rcgiJlr(.'liI'lI iii:,! .~;·;:I,; (:( ii,·(,.';1',·.-/\1I ()(,cl.l[Jiers

d exi~ljn~ f::ClOri", ::IS \1',,11 ~,tho'.e (':);'.',,1'; rN th:: firSI ;in:e under
It,'c ~('ope 01' the F~ctories ACI, ;hall ~~t Ihe f:;,':0r:, Juiy registered a"d
I!;ccllced. ,\n aprlic:I:~)n for rcg;~tr;!:;i.",jl ~)f f!',~ :::C~l")ry ~ild gr:tnr" of
!hen..::; "bll be sub':'liticd ii: the 1'~,:'l'l ~!<,i F,';;~; >:'J. ,) in trirlicate.
PrO\'idCd tilJt tile occupier 0f the I'fc':Iises in u,c "s a i:JclOry, on the
~\::"'. of t}.:c. c~':~:~~1.f.~.,,~~n~7,f.=.{ ~ ~)~. 1~,~-=., j, ul:>::., ~d~.:~.:.I... ~t.I.~!.:.:il su.:h (!rrlica~:OII
f.\I[,111H thllt) c·.. )=" 1:1,1,1. 'd .... \..\ I. ,,, ....... ,, ...• \, .. , I .......

j .~-.s, Grm;/ of Iii'CIIcc.-( i) ;\ li:,'I:,', rp!' :1 f:,(I,',\' ~;lJ!I l>.: !:r~nteJ b\' the
Chief :nspcc:.or,in Fl'rr~l Nt'. 4 J'f,';,'ril',,: ,'N t~,·: f'~:':;'c':'c :'r:d 00 pJyr:ie'fJt of
: the fcc, 5p~(i1leu i,lthe :-.chcuulc bert'it'.
~ .~ [\·c<. ::,,'::-:: ~';:";">! P, ,.... c'·,'.,',1 T',',';· ::.:. Cil:'r'~r ,'h~t11 rc;nJIn
" :.. rcc.lJ.p;o ri:l' ,)!~ll)l..'\..(j):i_1lr l'flLt: ~ . . ;:r :\'i' "'.1:' ',': ,i..';,:·::,.: i., ~r.:I'i:cd
t ~'I ~ct.f'\\· ...· d.

-<H,I.;'. ~ :;".:",.1" - 1':'1 "I ..• ' .I •.,,} (:~,\.. :

(.54r\,', dakJ 1r~,..: .:3··1.::).

\L1.'\iIllIJlll 1',III,",,;",'r ",'
,L' I ..0
- "I'
l~ emp \)V<"
(1~',!!~li,\' of II,!', . '.,',.r
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1'< iI
i.. . _~ .
I, , .
10, .., .' (r,
Sl) ,', I~O 300 4 ~
75 ' r •
J '~'I ; 251) 500 I ,n
I(}n ! ::n J ':, ,. " . ' I .\ 7 ~U :.
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lI, hOlT lOG ISO 200 :5',J ::UU J ,COO ! ,':1,.:,; 2,0

(" AJJ:c/l(!nJeJJI (J(h'cCJJ('\'.--(IJ :\ k'::'",' ~r;l;;I~d L,:da : ,d·: 5 :113:;,

:11~1(':,~:::,d by t!l::- C!:::f f·!:'l'·::...·!,):-.
(~) ..\ licensC'e \'.j"',) t!L'si.cs t() Ii::\"..:' Iii:, li.:~n::c alncpd~d ~il::I; :::I.;on,ir it
t:,..: C:.: .. f 1i.:'Ij'l.'Ll •.'r \\ it'i ~11l ~ipi';i\:::~ .. ,;: :,i:;i!:l~ the 11:~a:rc nf li·,( :1nlcndnl
(}nd rc::::(~:i'; th-:i\.·:,"\r. 11. i~ nCL'cs;;;:l:':: j~,·,r t'·, ...' !;::~!:~:;:.: ~,) ~~·t ,"i~ li~··'::ICo.: :lir:~f1{
•. .=1.,.... (or c·l-.h ,.,- _ .0'110 Cl':":.;" .. ,
~QO (, .. ')":" " :'1 I 11 J '.' pe"If"r'
;.:., 'I·,,,r ..r ,.:', \.1.,;

lhe number of I~;en employcd,

C~) Tile L.:c fur [':~ t!:ll::::.fnlCli[ {-,,- ~ i;,"_":IC(~ sh~tll b~ five .f\:pCCS p: 1$ t
31110tlllt (i,' :11;yl by ".-ili'!1 the fcL' tll:H \\'l'U!,! hal'c becn p:1yabk if ihe';cen
iiaJ c:';;;iiul;y bcen iS5l:ed in the 3I1le01c::.:i fU~Jll excceJs the fcc. :gin<:I:': pa'
for the licence.
7. !lel/cll'ol of liccl/cc.-(l) 1\ li::~il::: may be r~rJ~wcd ~1~. . he C:"
~., /0(7) _ -ever\'. • •"~":'I-"tl'111
i}I ........ IJ for tile r"""l",1 " IJ'-~~c"
.... : . ' ••• elf .... ....... 11 .... st.,·,1'
1I~.1 ,.. , '~ .--
: . ' " I,. .~.

1'\0. 3 in triplieatc rrescrib~d under rul~ 4 and shall b.: m3d~ 'lot ic~,·, ·.k
t '\'0-l11"""<
'" bt-<~ ,.I'··",r.,
.• ~, ,:,.,- e"" 0'1 -~ " ' - 1""'lC"
\"',"'1 .'., , , .,,,.,'-.• , '."., I" •.•{'I' 'I"'p':"
·'\i·.I.....loo::;a.,.u.l..J j.' .i'''''

tio" is so madc, :l1e premises sh3!i b:: held 10 be duly liccnc:-:d u'o(: sue:
t \ date as the Chief I;,SDeclor renews the iiceH€e. '
(\ .~.--- .-"
( ii \ (3) The sa-l'lte~shJII be charged for the renewal of a licence as for t
Ifi [rant tl;~reof:.. .., . , . . ,., ..
,;i I I'rU\'I-JeJ 11'0::1 Ii the appllcalJon f0: re!lewalls not r.::CClvea \\':[Joln '.!jI~ ~lm
1~1srecified in SUlHlIk (::) the licence shJ!; be renewed only on p3ymefl.'. '(of,
l ,! !fe~ 22.per cent in excess of the fce ordi!lJrily payable for the licence. ,
(4) All occupiers of existing factories sh:1I1 get t:1e f~ctory regislereci an
:licences rencwed. !
8. Trc:nsler cf Iic<'l/ce,-(I) The holder of 3 licence nJay n' any I:f:j'
u~fore the expiry of the lic!:nee, apply for permission to tr::nsfer his t
another pers0n.
(2) Slid' appi,ca;ioi~ shall be 11l2ek to ille Chief l:1spcctor who $;;:;]], i
hi: approves of tile tri!nskr, cnter upon the liccnce, under his Sig!l3l'J:C, a
endorsemc!1t t;; the effect th3t the Jicence has been transferrtG the f.-:rsc ,0
(3) .'\ fee of il\'c nTtes shall be c:lu,£:ed on each such application .
! J
. -._----_. __ . - .~-----._-_._--- --- -----_.-
·Sub~rule (2) of R.iJi~!· . ,-!r.:-iillJ.:(.. ...;:~-.J ~!:: .:. ';::1 Praci..:sh Governmf!n: Not;fict:lu
No. [&S. t5 (lab) 65~f'·7, ""lfCi 21 ».f,~

1":\. Thc_\.'-\;l}.J~f ~H I~l !!!':."::" of (,\Ci"\" f.:~h)'-' 511:111 r~;1lHt t·' the fil<f-
pcct"r ailyjlili:liJ-:,j c1usur;: lJi 1:~C fOlcwf\ Gr any SectIon or (<: ):Irlnleil~
I 'if/creed illll1le(k~!ch' 'I I' dc:cided :'1 .Ill :.1). Il1tl::'::llnQ the rea~o:\ or th,.: (1.).~lIrc.
i, '1.
'l"'!:-'-::---j"", .:' ~- ",.,' " •• :", • -,- • • ' ,:.-:-'.~"
11./.111 ..... , {~.\._I.',I_'_'..... , \','.~.l._.~.i. ..... l., l .. ~ .•. ,.l.... ul tIl.... '-t,\l!l. ,l~ . • 1,.::,' ...
p. ,',. ," ," '.'.",\ •

I ;;f '.\\'rKer:; lik~:." I' j,.; :l!~··_"l':.; in- tir.: c;,·-:::: :1,\(1. the probilhic j' 'ri"IT o ;'
I • .... t!~~ C!~~Al} mti,n~.ti"i1 ~!,dll:,j abo b~ S::;'.~ \.) ... t: ~ L: or :1::> ~l)~'!~~.G -tL~
f3ctorv. (lr the sect 11>;1 or OC:1:1rIlllenl oi '::C faclOr\" as the ca~e Ill~\' 1,:,
',,'"...:: '\'1'''~'in:l''('O'I;n'
.' - , ...
,~ :.- - - #

r• t.J. Prucec/t.,-C·!l1i t/..·.i .. !i :)1 c,,'j,,1;iiily (J.1' :': .. l'I!Sl'c.:.--If ~I j; ..:('n_"~";': ~;'..:., ur
rc~omes insole·ent. the I'crsdIl cairying on t;~~ business of such lic,'l~xe Sll::'!
not be li~ble to Jny pc;\:i1ly IIl1c.:r th~ Act f\'r exercising the ro\\'e~'s gr2r.t·:d ,
to the licensee b\' tJl~ licence duril~!! such lime as may re:1son~b!y be •
required tv aliv\': j,ir'lld i1i~ti;":lii appli~;'lioill(.rihe: ameiidmc;ll \,flh·c I:~.:p,c
unckr rule 6 in his OW;] n:lr,le f,). the un-cx;,ircd portion of th.: ,,:i~;:l:::
licence. "- •,
l.oss oIIiCCl1cr.-Whc.·c a licence: g:~nlcd under 'th':5: Rules i, 10"
Of 2c~i·jcnt:ll:y \.~ . .~qrj.":~.'· .f. '! \.!";-:::::L~ r:::lY be ~:-:1:ltcd en p:ly:7rcr;t (';·:1 L·,. ;:
rupe~s five,
j 1. .Pay":.. ·/:: IIf j~'l'5.-(I) E\"c;-y 3;'\i':i(:-~1:0:1 L:IH~Cr lhcSL :'~~;k:- :-;I.~;i b:
~:C':I:'i-:~P3i~i~J by J lr~;IS::j'Y r":Cl'i;·'l S:1Q\\':ng \;1~l the :!pprorri~::1.: f..:...: h:: t""\~'~;1 l
!'];,J into the Joc:!! [rc~s~;:":: und:.?f the h::':1d of:"!C'~~oul1t.
(2) If an application (or the grant, renel\'al or amendment of:J li,-en,:.; i'
rcj~cted, the fcc p3iJ Silii': b~ rci::l~d~d t,ltil~ :lf1i,li:ant.

Form prcscr:·'J."d 11/I:7-:r s:/.?-st'crioll (1) vi sectioll 7 :1

..' j 2. Notice 01 occll,,>ariulI.-The notice of p.:cupation sh~tii b~ i'1'::!uJ~xi
'in Form No.3; as prescribed une.:. ruk 4. '-
( "
CilAI'TE<1. II . ~
Tn::: j
Ru l ,
rrc\..·rih!:I IJt].I!'r .C'CC/;·'11 9. ~
. P;)lI'crs ollllspccr·Jrs.-An Insp-:ctor' shall, for the purpose l,f t!~" ~
, \n CX~ lion of the Act, hav~ power t'o d v of the following thinp>. :
'._.'~.. .... h .
~:._ l at IS to say:- . ~ -~
; .~~ .~. (!l)'!~ pllOtogr:1ph :111\' II'Nker to in;pec!, ex:!mll1e, me3sur~, CO;):.', '
• ~,:-,."
~~c;.~ ~ . photo<'r"p"l
..'":.... , -,"'["'1
t"L .... or t,·t
.L~, .,';) 11·,
.... ....~t: 111ay b~
"'-. c'·' all)' b"I·I~:".
,\...1.,.:: t'.,
. ('-J "

; ,::' ;-.:'... room, any phnt, 1113chlnery. appliance or apparatus; any rcci,SOi::r
or document or anything provided fo~ tile purpose of sec::ring !;'.:
htahh, safdyor, welfare of the workers- e'mployed in a factory;
(b) In the case of an In'peclor, who i, duly qualified medical practitioner,
to cury out sllch medic::!1 cxamii1:!ti0ns:ls may be necess:!ry. for th: '1
purpo~e of his duties under the Act; .
(c) to prosecute, conduct and defenj before a Court any complaint or 'I
, . --:.' '. other proceeding arising under the Act or in discharge of his JUlies ~
. -.'. as an Inspector: j'
. ...... Provided that the powers .): th~ District 1\-1agistratr.s and such other '
:"H.: public ':lfftcers as 1re r.ppointed to be addiriuna! Inspc:ctors shall hi: limited .
. ~,' ". to the' ection of factorie3 in respect of the fo!lomng ',latter:;, namely:~;;
:. / leanliness (Section II), Over-crowding (Sect!oi--;-f6), Lighting (Sel;!to.
s 17), Drinking ''''3t'~r (S~(T0n IS). Lit,;:1e, ud Urinals (Sf"ctio~~i~i.,
~~.·:;;R=U=I·e·l"2·S·-U-bs-t-I:-U(edby Himachal Pradesh G(:'\'Crn~cnr\'ide NotificalioJl No:-I&S.·IS
Ir .. L.'\ £C,.'C·' ·rr
:_ •• ~ ...... ...
:liol~ I(,\, Prc.:.:lUlions in th.; Cl,C of fire (Section j8),
i!el Vl, Working hours oi adults (Chapter Vl-c:\cc:pt
~;xem;->tion lInccr the i'r0viso to Seciio'l 62), EI11::lcy-
'--'",,:nr"or'Youn~ per,;on, (Ch:lllll:r VII), Lcav~ with wages (Ch:q;ter
Viii) and Display of notices (Section 108),
"13 A. Quolificatiolls ;1 all !t;sprctor.-No persoll shall be ilppoi Ited
as an Inspector ,or the purp05cs of the Act unless h·; posscsses the qnalf.;,,:i,
tions hereunder:
(0) he must not be less than 23 ycars or more than 35 years of age;
(b) he must havc-
(i) had a good gcncral education upto the IntermeGja,~ 's!an'~: '.,1
of a rccogni;;cd Univcrsity;
(ii) securcd a l)L~r(:'; or Diploma equivalent to a Degrce of arc,
cognised l;ni':~r,il:!. in any of Eng:nccri;if'_ TechnQI(l~y or
·1.-· !;,"j", " . ..
......... '
. .. \' ;':1 pr'I.A:;-.
u ..... \".. · 1-\,..,.·.
• • • .,.-1:- • • • • • : ••••
. ~I····I .....·•... .,...,·1' ,."[ I"",-t
:._'''-.L "-'."
l\\'O "tars i:~ .t \\ 01 ~.:-~:l)P or u m3nuraclurin~~ C0i1CCiJ1 of !..:..Y.J~~
standing aild in the C!SC of Medical Inspccto~ an <:,(pcricnel ,,;'
at least two ycus in a public hospital or factory medical dcp ifl·
nlrlH 0r ;JlI('ri1:!~i\·,~lY:1 diplolna in ::1dL;qi;~ll n~~d:cir.~:
(!') where for a p~rticulill' post special !\r.ol\·kdf;C 10 d~~l with SpeCI;';
probkrns is rC'luired, the Govcrnmer.t may, in :!Jcition to the bu:~:-::
qu:!!ifications. I',c,;crib~ 2ppropriali: qua!ilic2tior:s for such a p' 5t:
ProviJcd that in tho: C!S~ 01' t!le persons who havc b';~n '·:()rkin!.: ;'!,
Jnspec10rs undc, the .\ct at the timc of the CO'l I f1H: r.':" rr,C1: \ rf
./ ~~ ~hcse Rules" II;: (Jovernment may, subject to such ,c~JIL!itio[~~ :::';
....... 'It Ill""
~ ",; <"r"l',',· t-_···,·
' ..'\ _ ; l , : ! . . 1'_,
I . . .f-!"\")
I .... :"'" 1\..'· • .:'.\.01_ , •. '\ ,.r .;, •• ;-')
1- ...... "1

\../ Tu!e.
'Rule prescribed u':dcr sub-seclion (4f(f section Ill.
I' ~v/ 'tJi,firs';}!'Cerri.".,j'.'f.' .'w!?con,-( I) For pt· rpo~cs of t I'c c:-'i"..-,i nati" II
and ,"crtiflcati01l 01' V(:'UI1t> p~r:~('rl$ \\'i~() \\j~h to cbtain cer~i:icalc~ c.f titrc~~:
!he t~rtjfying Sur~~:~:n ~fi~:';! ~fl~1i.~:(: a sliil~tk tii:l':: ant.! r;~~..:( r.. H (il"- allCi:'::··
( - . '
31'.':'': ot such persons anJ sh;dl !lIVC prevIous nOllce 'n wr.::::. :::h So.i:n
.. . . ,. .
arr?r.g~ntents to the ~;a;lazei'~ ~)f-f~!ctories sit~atcd wj, th~ I~<:tl li,,~;,>
r:s,;gned to him.
( (2) The CertifYing S~r;;eor. shall issue his ci:nificat.::s in F0fm No.5.
The fC'il and counterfoil ;h:,11 be filled in and the left thumb mark 01' til,:
per;on in whose n3me tk c<:niii':at.:: is gr:ln[cc shall be: t::,,~n on tiiem. (In
L clog Silt,slIe
as to the C', r;ecll:c:;, 0'rtne , enlrleS ' • [,h
il1a(,e ' an d0.f 'tole
titne<s of the nerson CX:U,:ii',e·L he shall ,i,!!) thi: foil and initial the coullte,[.-)il
and - silall d~lj~er t';e fvil '10' the pcrs0n in Il!iOse n,!,';iC the :l'rti!ic2.'C' is
nanted. Thc foil so d~Ji\crcd ;,hilll hc the cutific;\l.e of 2r;ril ',j
-ll"l'~r "'C,,'L1/1 (,l'l
..... ~...
_, q (..,
:' • •
: _,.1'0,:1
', • •
.. ,1- .. ',1 h
..• ' . • -
. ··[ f-.v t! · r -,if\·;·"'j·.1
t· ._: ,.:.:
;:- . . •

fOi a ~.:rl<.'J or at L:a~t 1'.\\1 ~;:.Ir.) .. (iei" t:~t: j~:-i,.;t: \,,.If lhe.; -..:ll·t:;j.:~.d\?
_(3) The Certifying SurfCOil :'hall. Up(ln requ.:,,' by th: Chid' Insr-c e,:'
C3fr\, out" such ('x~llnjn~ri(,:l :lihl furnish Il!I;1 \\-ii;l such ftDllrt :-.s ItC 1:'.:1 \'
~ii:Ji~i!le, for ;;ny f"etorv t'f L'i'i,S L'f desciil'~II;i1 c,;' ,he LCl,,['ifS \',::)~rL-' -

1(') C"" .. - (If :': ~'.~(" '.. " .,. t I\l-
' ...... \· ..... i:ll:..u
.1. ;. " • L· ' 1.,./';"'" f··.\.:.• ,
,._ ..

• _.,L:~ l,dIL . . · "I·.:I.'.~ ' .... J\. ,a:,,-;' :.... ..; ..... \ ........
dye to the n:l:uc,: .'f Iii, !11~nur,,(,ur;::g process carfl~"~ on, or (; ,lcr
COJI...!itioIlS of
t: . . 111':"..'il1. L)f\\t.

,::'\ ~--'-----------_.- -- -_. - -----------_._--- ----- - ----_.- -

. ... ..... .;, •. :...·,;.·\II. .... ,iL'-~, :11 _'. "'.""L·\l:"::'I..i1~~\.)~!J•.. ;!· ~''''''' t\·,~. l;.{t ,Ij


v /" 65.j/)~, d"ku 13-9-(':;-' - - - - - - -_ _

.. cd
(b) b\ rC~i,0n CJ[ any challg~ in the lllanu:;!cturing process e:lrricd on, or
i;l the subst~nces us~dtl;en:in, or by feason of Ihe :ldOl'li')1l of :lny
I,e\\' In:lnuf:lcturing pro.;css or of any new substancc for use in a
111:1nu:'acturing prl)CC.iS, lhl:r~ i..;J Jik:~ih,~'0J of i::jury [(J :~!.: h'_'~dlh
l'; workers employcd in Ih:lt m~nufaclur:ng. proc~ss, or
(c) young persons arc or :lrc about 10 bc employed in any WOI k whieh
., , is li"c!v to c:luse injury 10 their hC:llih .
. ('1) F,'r 1:1:: I'u~rose of the cXJmin~lion of persons er.lf1loycd. in proce·
&s cow red by the Ruks rdating. 10 lJ.ln£~ru~s OJ)er:];;o;),;, tl;~ Ccni:'yiil:;
,geon shall visit thG facto:ies wilhin thc local lim~rs assigncd to him :It
,., ch in[ep'als as arc prescnbed by the Ruks relating to such dangerous

rations. .
(5) At such \isirs the Certifying Surgeon shJII examine the p~rsons
pioy.:d in such proc~sses an:l shall record the rcsults of his examin;llio;l
:.1 Rcgister known as thc Hea!th Register (Form No, 17) which s!nll be
.,, pt b:: lh~ foctory managcr ,and produced to ihe Ctrlifying SurgCOII
"., ::J~:l \·i"lt. '
(Il) If the Certifying Surgcon finds as a result of his cxamination th:lI ~i1Y
employed in such proce5s is no longcr fit for medical reasons to \':c ~k
: ;Oil
th:ll,pruec-;s, he shall susr~:1d such per;;O:1 from working'in tint p~oc~.'S

.; SLi.::i tij"j~c ~s he m=tj' thill~ fit (ljjd J10 pC:-SO:1 :1:-t("[ SI!sr'?osion ~i~:~:1 ij:;

,lP'. ,y~d in that process without the wrillen s::nclion of Ihe Cen;i)";::; ~"r·
',-..;' ;n :~:~ Ecalth Register. . , ,
! (··1··-····
I) . . '1n r 0.f ~ 1··, ·····\·
:IL JII,:u''''''c . . :··1:;.·rr,
.: .. :-.; ... 1·"'I·:·~C
..• : .Ii: .... ;·.: \ ...... l:.:'" ,'f")In~~S'r·
Cfd .. ~··_. I1"'_""
L!-: '.'. •..•.• ·

les :0 :ilSp.:ct any process in \':;,:·:h :IllY pe.rson i;: eil.plo)'cd or is'lii-c:: :J i..;
" ,bplo\'ed.. .'; - . • . . .
~. . ,
I (R) The manager of a factory shall provide for the purpose of any medic::!
1~I:lmin~ti0n which the Cerli[Y;JJg'Su~geoil wis::.:s to conduct at the f:;clory
{for hi, exclusive usc on the occasion of ~n exam;r;:'"ion) :I foom whi;lJ S:l::~~,_,
be properly ckaned ancl.arl~uately ventilated and lig lted and furnished
~ ::_~c~een,}_t~bl~with writing materials and chairs.. " :

( ii .;'.' , '. CHAPTER 111

f E...:elilptionsitilder sub-sectioll (2)' 01 section 11 .(.
l 1:::. . leaniiness 01 walls alld ceilings.--{I) Clause (d) of sub·s.:d;~)n (:)
pf ,seCllOn 11 oithe Act shall not apply to the class or description 'of f:lctori::s
br parts of factories specified in the Schedule hereto:-.,,: '.
~ Pro\'ided that they are ~ept in a clean si~ie by washi~g, sweeping, brush- \
pug, dusling, vacuum-cleaDlog or o.ther effectIve ,meaos : ' . ' :: ',.:' .
( Provided further that the said dause (d) shall apply :~_-:
i (i) as respects factories or parts of factories specifi~d in Part A of
the'said Schedule, to work-rooms in which the ameunt of cubic
space allowed for every persoo employed in the room is Jess than
500 cubicfeet; .
(ii)' as respects factories or parts of factories sDecified in Part B of the
said Schedule, to work-rooms in which the amount of cubic
space allowed for every person employed in the room is less thau '.
2,500 cubic feet; ~- .. . . " .:--~ . . '
. (iii) to.eogine houses, Titling' shops, 'lunch-rooms, 'canteeos, ,.she!te,rs,:.. ..;.~;:,.:-
- creches,' dOlikrooms; rest rooms aod wash-places; alld.p-:,,~,~:.~::';;:~;,~,:'};;;,~~
-' . . . . . . J . __ i ' 4 • • _ . _ . . . . . . . . ~,:::-..... .' ~:_.
, (,,) to such parts of w:li!~, sidcs :lnd tcps llf paSS:lgcs and staircas~s
are less than 20 f,:e! above the Ooor or stair.

,I. I
(2) H i~ appears to the Chd Inspector that any part of a faciory, to
whIch by v!rtue of sub-ruk (I) any of the provisions of the said' clause (d)
do 1.0t apply, or apply as valled by sub-rule (I), is not being kept in a clean
s~ate, he may by written noticc require the occupier to whitewash Or
corour·wash, wash, paint or \'arnish the ~,ame, and in the e\Tnl of the occupi~r
fa'iing to comply with such requisition within two months from the d::tc
of thc notice, sub-rule (I) sll:ll: ceasc to apply to such part of a factory, unk -5
thc Chief Inspector otherwise determines,
Blast furnaces.
Brick and tile works in \1 hich unglazed bricks or tiles are nnde,
Cement works.
Chemical works.
Copper mills.
Gas works.
Iron and s:eel mills,
Stone, slate and marble lI'orks.
':!~c foljo\':iil~ f':'!;-(' ,·,f i·..•::· ::'::::
Rooms used onlv fL'r the Slora~e of articles,
Rooms in whid, the 'walls or ceilin~s consist of !!alvanised Iron,
gl uozed h"l,l.,
, • ... .....o o~i-o-'C's-bo~boo tl1ot'I'-
n" -- ,!·,t
-,.=:.:~'-.~ J . . . . . . _~~ , ' .... ;11 , o,J\,.. ••

Parts ia which <knsc s,e:mi is continuously evolved in the process,

Parts in which rilCh, t:!r Lr', 'ke l11~tc'ri:,1 is m:lIlufacturcG 0, is .,,,,..:
to a substantial extent except in brush works. The parts of a ,~i:1~s
factory kr1t.~, ..':n ;-":s ~:.~ g;.~~:) Iil'li::>c. ROO/TIS in which £r:l;~Ji;~:.: :5
Iil:ll1l1fact~~r;:d 0; i5 ~:'··~d !(\ ~ ~.,,-.·t"""::~1 c.':tcnt;~ ~r;'/ f"r;"~:~~.
P~1fts ill \\'liich ce·__ :, L\. ~';"I L·\i"':...: ul ;rL'1l C..:;UC, JirTIc or slo~e is Crt::·:-.:.....:
. or crc'J:ld.
Parts of walls, 1':!rtitioI15. cclini::;; l'r t,:,ps of rOOI~lS which are at :C::,.
20 feet ::bl'\ ~ l:.:: f;I.'c:-. .
Ceiling or lOpS 01' rool11;; in ccment \",'rh, bkach works I'r dye II', >',
with the exception of linishing rooms or ware hOL:ses.
Inside walls of C'il mills t-~!(\W ~ height (\f 5 feet from the crol'nd :i,',c:
r ]e\'eL _
Inside walls in tanncri.:s below a hei!!ht of 5 fert from ,!;c r.rouno :loo~
( 1e1'e1 where a \I'et process is carried l ' n . · -

Coach and il10tor body works.
l Electric generating or transforming ;;talions.
Engineerin!! work"
l in
Factories which ~u~ar i.' rcf1n('d ('~ !~l·"~llr:~C!lJ~('d.
!·ounJriL'5 0illl.T tlL:r.- (011n . . ::·i~s iii \\·lIi . . . h br~lss L~:~ljng is c~lrri~J on.
l Gun faclC'ries.
Ship building work;;.
l Those parts (\' wrie5 \\/:.:r.: unpainted or un\'arnished wood is manu-
facturc , to-
l Rcg'.';cr prucri;)cd IIlIder SIIV-SlCiioll (I) (>/ Sl'crioll II
]6. RetlHi! c>l\t'/;/jC \\'ushili:: (;c.- Tl)·~ r(( ... )~d ~,r~l!~_\\'hich \\fit.?·
\\'i1~hifl~" I:~\lot:.r-w;!~hitl~, \ ~.r!1· :~in::; \,.'tt'. ,!:;.' \,.·:;;;-: ...:\i~·t:t S:l::1i be e!"l[cru.~ j:; ;:
;::~ .. :'.; :l.:.~:;. ,:.~\~ ~,: f. ~ '.
:, . c
l./ , , '' ' "'.., ., -

J .
'y, to 17. DiJ{",.wl 4 Ira'll' "'(lsies and l'[(fl/cllf.[.-(I) In the ca~t: c"- a (actor'
;e (tI) where the draina~c system is proposed to c)c conncctcd to IPe pU~I,C $ewer:;;~.
clean ~)':;tcp:, ;-,r:'Jf :lrrr()\'~ll or the :ljrJng.:rnLn~:\ "!<':..\: shalll.iC" 0;':':." 1":--:-t;"t1 i .
h Or k)\·~d~uth(lr:~·\.·· ",
u pll'r
(2) In th·: C3S: cf (.Iclory silU3ted in a I'~~.~~ \I'here no f'~:~.:'- ~cwcr:l!.::
r ~ystcfll c.'t:i,!~, r: ;,-,;- :=;'prl)\";t! f,f (he :irral1;.· . .··::(·nls rn:1dc for the (;;,'-Jf!(),,:t1:1'
:radc··w;l~I~'- ;\nd ~;,il!":l'; '~j:,:: b~ nhl;,in.:,! :';."11 the I'uh!ic I k;t11h Autil,'
~iti~s llr SUch ;1::';',.'<::::;\, til: C:.:ci'C\';;;llli"i :..·r ;1:;IY appoint inlhis lJl'h;t1f.

Rul<,s IS I,) 2:-; ('r<,Jeri!',·" ulld", Sl/f-""'crioll (1) of .\"eCI"-vlI '5

J~. If}"" c:rt:i;";,:! h,I<".. . .'i(:,"!i,1l1 li{// {;·!,,,,·.I.-Ther~ sh:J;1 be ll'
r .>
artificial humid:ii~::,i"ll in :::1::' rool11 of;\ (olton spinning or we:i\'in£
~ (:Iclary:-
(0) by th~ usc of S!cal11 c"ri:1~ ~n)' pcri'lL~ \\'I1,:n the dry bulb 1~l11paatllr~
r of th..!l rLlOlr: c.\cc~ds S5 d~Qrces;
(/I) :il any ti:.J( whell 1;1~ w~t·bulb rC3Lil1~ of the hygrometer is hj~!'.~r

ron, f
I than th3t specilicd in the following Schedu:e in relation to the dry
bulb r~:li.!i;l:; of 1!1~ h:gro"l~kr :It :;\:It time; or as regards :I ::ry
buib r~aJi,,:; inlcrt;;u1i;,tc bCl\\'~:::: ;,ny -two dry bulb rC:ldi,,;;s
ir.dical~d cons~cuti\'::h' . in the Schec~k when the dry b!.l!b rcadin" ~

docs nfli e.~cced ll;~ \·:~t bulb re::c:n!: to the extent indicated in
r rc!·'t;Yj
... , . ' - ' . ....~ "ftl··
II) t'···I,)·I ~ ' '('~'.
.... ("L 1',\"") ' . l~ltll)
. , rC'tdinns"-
• <>.•

,. ·'d
~ :s --.---- ._.-.
:;~J t Dry bulb Wtt bulb Dry bulb \Vet bulb Dry bulb Wet bulb

60.0 58.0 77.0 75.0 94.0 06.0

:3St f 61.0 59.0 78.0 760 95.0 87.0
I 62.0 GO.n 79.0 77.0 96.0 87 :'
.~: "I' 630 (i 1.0 800 7S.0 97.0 OS.O
64.0 62.0 S1.0 79.0 98.0 88.5
)or 82.0 80.0
6:'.0 63.0 99.0 ~9.()
r: 66.0 64.0 83.0 80.5 100.0 SO.5
67.0 65.0
84.0 81.0
63.0 850 90.0
69.0 67.0 86.0 82.5 103.0 90.5
70.0 68.0 87.0 83.0 104.0 90.5
(.,.. -.
71.0 690 88.0 o'>.J 105.0 91.0
72.0 70.0 89.0 84.0 106.0 91.0
73.0 71.0 90.0 84.5 107.0 91.5
l 7-1.0 72.0 91.0 S5.0 108.0 91.5
( r
( u· (
Provided however, that clause (b) shall not apply when the difference
L ~ between the wet bulb temper:llure as ir.dicakd by the hygrometer i~ the
I department c erncd and [he wet bulb ·temperature taken with a nygro-
,. If
meIer outs' e in the shade is kss th3n 3.5 degrees.
19. rOI'jsioll of Hygroml'leT.-In all departments of cotton spinn.ingaod
l weaving n'i11t5' where artifici3! hUlllidificarion is adopted, hygrom<:ters shall

c; I
\ ~ \~,
( J l' '


\ J 1 be provided and maintained in such positions as are approved by the Ins-

p·ector.· The number of hygrometers shall be regulated acc::>rding to tbe
(' j s~- ..
(0) ~\'ing department.-One hygrometer for departments with less than
500 looms, and one additional hygrometer for every 500 or part of 500 Joonls
in excess of 500.
(b) Ot;lcr departn;ents.~One. hygrometer for each room of less than
3,00,000 cubic ket capacity and one eXira hygroJ11~ter fur each 200,000 <;ubi~
feet or part thereof, in excess of this.
(c) One additional hygromcter shall be provided and maintained out·
side eaeh colton spinning and \'.'caving factory wherein artificial humidi-
fication is adopted, and in a position approved by the Inspector, for taking
hygrometer .shadr. readings .
.. 20. Exemption frol1l maintenance of hygrol1leters,-,\\'hen the Inspector
is S3tisfied th3t the I;mits of humiclity 311owed, by tr.e Schedule to rule 18 are
never exceeded, he may, for any department olher than the weaving (kpart-
m'ent, grant exemption from the maintenance of the hygrometer. The Ins-
~C!Q[ spaJJ record such exemption in writing. ~

21. Copy of Schedule to Rille 18 to be a!fixe,tnear ncr}' Hygrol1leter.-

A Jcgibk copy of the Schedule to rule 18 5h:11l be af1hcd ne:'.r each hygro-
22. Temperatllre to be recorded at,each HygrOI1lC.'I<!f,-.-\t each hygrome-
ter maintained in 3ccordance with" ru:e 19, corrcct \\'ct and dry bulb
tempcf:'.tures shall be recorded thrice daily during each working day by
compe tent persons nominated by the manager and approved by the
Inspector. The tcmpcrature shall be taken betwcen 7 A,~1. and 9 A.M. between
1'1 A,M. and 2 P.M. (but not in the rest interval) and bctl\'een 4 P.M. and
5.30 r.M.' In. ,~xccpiional circl.:ms'ance5 such 3dJilior.3\ rcadings :lnd,
tell,'ctn sue;l hours, as the Inspector may specify. skil r.e taken. TI~e
temperatures shall be entered in a Humidity Register in the prescribed Form
No.6, maintained in the factory. -At the end of each month, the persons
( who have taken tl)e readings shall sign the.register and certify the correctness
of the entries. The Register shall always be available for inspection by the
. 23. Specifications of Hygrome/er.-(I). Each hygrometer shall compflSe
two mercurial thermometers of wet bulb and dry bulb of similar construc-
tion, and equal dimensions, scale and divisions of scale. They shall bc mount-
ed on a frame with a suitable reservoir containing water. .
(2) The wet bulb shall be ,closely covered with a single layer of muslin,
( ke'pf wet by means of a wick att~ched to it and dropring into the water in
the reservoir. The muslin covering and the wick ,;hall be ,;uitable for the
purpose, clean and free from size or grea~e.
. (3) No part 0f the \I'et bulb shall be within 3 inches from the dry bulb
or'less than I inch from th.e ,;urface of the water ill the rescrvoir and the water
reservoir sh:111 be pelow it. on the side of it :!<way from the dry bulb.
: (4)' The bulb shall be spherical and suitable dimensions arid shall be
L freely exposed on a!1 sides to the air of the room.
: '(5) The bores of the stems :;hall, be such that the position of the top of
the mercury column shall be readil~ distinguishable at a distance of 2 feel.
Ie , . (6) Each thermometer shall be graduated so that accurate readings may
be tal:en between 50 anel 120 degrees_ . ' .
(7) Every degree from 50 degrees upto 120 degrees shall be clearly m3r1
hv horizon131 line~ on thc stem, cach fifth and tcnth de!!ree shall b~ m~!f~
f,~, long,;r mMh than the intcrmcdiate C,' ;~ec, and the -teml'cratllre 1113~~
Pj'pu,ite cach tenth degr<;c, i,e,. 50,60,70, '(J. 90,100.110 and 120.
(1;) The m~lrkin!!s as abovc shall he a,','.:rat<: Ihal i, t,) sav, atn" tel11:',"
t,;:,' kl\\<:,'n 50 a~d 120 de~r<:<:s ,h~t11 \',: ;:I,!i,;\I<:d r",IJin~, be in ," i.'.:
:11\\il: {halllW().(~l1lh:'loradc~rL'~:
(')) A d;stin<:iivc number shall he inucJii'ly marked I!DOnlhc thcrmo;11e;:
(10) The accuracy of C:lch tJlermurnel<'~ ;h;1I1 b<; c-:nificu by the 1':3ti,':1
I'hvsical Lahoratorv, L0nd0n. or somc C0[;1;1etent :ll:thority arp0inled h' ..
('h';<:( Inspector 3nd ,u<:h cenilicate ,h::!1 he 311acheJ to the J IlJmi'~1
2-1. TIII:rll1oll1etcrs tv be lIIailltailled il/ ,:ii,';elll ore/cr.-Each thermol1lc!'
sh311 be maintained at all times during the'Period of employment in cflieici
t working order, so as to g.ive accurate indic31ions and in p3rtieular:-
(a) the wick and the muslin coverin~ of the \\'CI bulb shall hc rene\\'c'

,0nCe a week:
(h) the reservp:r ,h~t11 he Ii lied wilh ";It"r which sh:J1I bc compietel
rcnewed once a day. The Chief Inspcctor may direct Ihe u,e a
distilled watcr or purc rain W31;;1" in any r3rlicular mill ,-,r mill, i;
certain localities:
(c) nL) \\·:lt~r sh:dl b..: ::j1;"li;,:J l:;;-.."\,."::: :1.1 iii"; wi\.":" \lr (Ll\"L'ri,:,; ~ .. l;.:-= :',

period of c'l1lploymenl.
25. All inocClIroft"' 1!J('rn~()nlcf('r 11 1) ( lo"rf.~ t/SIl:! 11"j'/'O:11 fif.'sIt (f.·r/~rL·I:.'~".-·
:;" 2.;1 I l~spc.:tor gives nOli(\? in writing Ih...:t ~ lb.:rlllolllclcr is nul ~h':\..L.:i :-:i.~
it 511311 not, after one month from the dat~ of such notice, be deemed to k
2ccur31e unless and until it has been rc-ex3mined as prescribed and a fr:,I',
certificate obtained whic,h ccrtificate shall ~ kcpt atwched to thc Illln~idi!\'
"' "
J\.c~lslcr. -." ~

2(,. Hygrol11C'1CT ".iI

IV bL' aifix<J Iv ",::i/. uni,'ss prolccted by \'U"J·-(J)
:--;,1 hygrometer shall be affixed to a \\'311. ::,illcr, or other surface unkss r~o­
teclcd therefrom by wood or other non-conducting ma!er!;!1 at 1c:l51' h~lf 2"
;iich in thickncss ,and dist3nt at least one inch from' the bulb of e:lei,
( thermometer.
0) No hv!!rometcr shall be fixcd at a h~!~hl of marc than 5 fe<:1 6 ind',~'
fro~ thc flo'o-r to the top of thermometer slem or in the direct dral!gh:s
from a fan, window, or vcntilating opening.
27. No rcading (0 bc (oken witMn 15 millulCS 01 rellcl,'ol of lI'oter.-?'o
readin!! shall be taken for record on anv 'h\'!!rometer within 15 minutes of Ihe
rencw:!1 ofw3ter in the reservoir. ..-
28. HoI\' (0 introduce s(eomfor IINmidijicotiall.-ln any room which in
SlC3m pipes are used for the intrvduction of steam for the purpose of artificial
I humidification of the air the following provisions shall apply-
l !
(a) The diameter of such pircs shall not exceed two inches and in ,tbe,
case of pipes installed after 1st day of January, 1949 the di3meter
shall not exceed one inch;
(b) Such pipes shall be as short as is re3sori3bly practicablc;;
(c) All hangers ~upportir.g such pipes ~hall be separated from the b2rc
l pipes by an efficient insulator nor less th3n half an inch in thickness;
(d) No ,uncovered jet from such' pipe sh311 project more than 4-1/2
inches beyond the outer surf3ce of any cover;
II (c) The steam pressure shall be as low as practicable and shall not
exceed 70 Ibs. per square inch;

f, 12

(f) The pipe employed for the inlroduction "of steam into the air ·in a
department shall be efTectivdy covered with such non-conducting
material, as may be approved by the Inspector in order to mini-
mise the amounl of heat radiated bv them into the department.
Rules 29 10 33 preJcrihcd under sub-secliol/ (4) of sec/ion (17)
·29. Lighli!lg-app!iwtiu/l (II;'! eV/II/III:I/CC/IIen/.-(I) Subject as In
these Rules provided, rules 29 10 33 shall apply to factorits in which
persons arc being regularly a manufacturing. process (If processes
for more than 48 hours ~I "ed, m in shil·15. provided that nothing in these
Rules shall be deemed to require the provi,ion of lighting of a specified stan-
dard in any building or sll1:-::ture so constructed that. in the 0pinion [If the
Chicf Inspector. it would not be re~l;onably rracticable to comply ",ith such
requirement. _
(2) Rules 29 to 33 shall ~[lme inlo fcrce. in respect of any class (If des-
cription. of factories, on such (bles as the Chief Commissioner may, by noti-
fication in the Official Gnctte. appoin, in t;"i.; hebalf.
30. Lighling of ill/Niur {Ii:rt.l".-- (I) The ~cncral illumin:lIion over 1110$(:
I interior parts of a factory \\'here pusons arc regularly e!11ployed shall be n0t
I less than 3 feet candles measured il1 tl~e hC'rizontal plane at a lewl of 3 ft-el
above the floor:
Providcd that in anv such prlS ;n ,':hid1 the mountin!!"hei!.:hr of the li~l.t
source for 2eneral illu'minatinn nece<sarilv nc('cds 25 feet ;leasured from
the floor or-where the structure of the roo'm or the position or conslrucli0n
of the fixed machinery plant prevents the uniform attainment of this
standard, the general iliullli:l:di,'n 101 Ii:,~ ,::id 1,',",'1 shall be not iL:~~ Ih'lil II'Ul"
candle and where work is ~etuI!llv beill!! d01~~ the illumination sh:t11 he not
less than 3 feet candles. .-
(~) The illunlinaiion (H-l', :'"::i III h1."r iiltl';";i.,:- r·;~1 IS of IhL' f;1Cl()fY over \\Ohi ....o:i
persolls employed pass shall, Il hen :llld Il'her~ 3 person is passing. be n<)( less
than 0.5 foot candle3 at flocr level.
. (3) The standard speeifkd in this rule shall be without prejudice to the
. provision of any adc!iti0nal. iliuminJtion required to render the lighlioge
( sunlcient and suitable for the nalure of the \\c'rk.
31. Pre~'el1(ial1 (>f glare.-(I) Where any source cf artificial light in the
( factory is less than 16 feet above Ooor level. no part of the light source or of
the lighting fitted having a brightness greater than 10 per square
( inch shall be visible 10 per~l'I" whilst normally employed within 100 feet of
the source, except "here the angle cr cleva:ion from the eye 10lhe source or
( part or the fitting as the case may I:'e exceed, ?O'.
(2) Any local light, thaI is I" sayan anilkiallight de,igncd to illuminate
( particularly the area or part uf the :Ire" nf\\\'rk ofa single operat,ive or small
group of operatives "'orking ncar ('~ch uther. ~hall be pro\"ide;:rwith a suitable
( shade of opaque material to !,revcn! gl:lre ('r with other Effective means by
which Ihe light source is cC'lllrlcle!\' screeneJ from the eyes of e\"Crv person
l employed at the n0fmal \\"(lr~:ng place. or shall be so placed ill:ll 110 such
person is exposed to glarc thercfl"C'l;l.
L ,. ]2. f',"lc' IJI Chi,! Ins!'utor ,.. LrclI1l't.-Where the Chief Inspect'or i,
l ., satisfied in re;;rcct of any puticular factory N part thereof or in respect of
any de$!·'Ij)!;on of \\ork-room or process that any requirement of rules 29
t,~ 31 is ::,.·ppropriate or is not rcc.sona.bly practicable. he may by ordi:t III
writinq- exempt.rhe r~c'nr" f l ( !v~d t'"'.. . r.~()r. ,.. . :-- rt"',r~""~\I"\'''t ",( ".-',-t· ..,"'.····
• j " '

'," ., ..

a process from such requircment to such extent and subject to such condition~
19 as he may specify.
33. Exemption from mle 30.-(1) Nothing in rule 30 shall apply to the
parts of factories specified in Part J of the Schedule annexed hereto.

en 0!0Ihir.~
in -;ub·n,!~ (I) ofruJe 30 sh~!1 appl~ to the factories of parts
of factNies respectively specified In Part II of the smd Schedule.
h Parts of f"etorics in which light sensilj,·C pl1Cltographic matcrials are made
or used in an exposed c o n d i t i o n . ' -

Cement wClrks. \?
Works for the o:rushinl! and grinding of limcslone)
Gas \\'orks -
Cok,~ oven works "I
Elcclrle;}! stations":\
Flour Iilllis. --'
Meltin~ and brewerics.
Parts of factories in \l"1',;(h the followin~ rocesses are carried on.
Concrete or artl cia stone makill!,_
Con\-aSI01l 0/ Iwn In,o 'led.
Smelt1n~ 01 Iron are.
ir0n or s!cel rt'!!In!:.
('! rt'lIin:: (l;'" rl"·:-~it:~. t{:ir:~('ring lH 3I1n':~11il~~ ()f Illl,;lais.
o Gbss blowing and othc~in moltcn glass, tar distilling.
Pctroleum rcfini _ .l1Cfhlending~ 0

R- s 34
to 39 preJ-cribt'd under sub-section (4) vI section 18
3~Quantitr (If drinking "-ater.-The quantity of drinking water to be
pfuvldedlor the workers in e\ery factory shall be 3t least as many gallons a
day as there are workers employed in the factory and such drinking water
( shall be rea available at all ti~es during working hours.

3.5. (Jllrce oj.fllpp/r.- The wa:er provided for drinking shall be supplied-
(a) from the tap, eonnectt:J with a public water supply system. or
l (b) fro~- Nher "l'urc~ :ippr"owd In writing by the Hea!th Ofncer.
l 36. ~rag(' of "'all'fo--If drinking water is not supplied from taps COf)-
_nected \\ iIh a flublit: lI"~ter -l'pl'ly syq~m it ~hall be kept in suitah1e vessds
( anJ rellc\\-cd :11 Iea,t Jail\'. Ail practicable ~t<·ps ~h<lll he taken to prc:,erve the
\\ater all(f~fn)1l1 rl'n!~I;lill~tiCln <lnd to_keep rhe ves:;c1~ scrupulously
l clean~ . .._ '. _'
37. Cleanline.<.\" of well '" res('TFoir.-"(J) Drinkin!! waler shall not be
l supplied from any 0:'
veil or reservoir unle'" it is so-constructed, situated,
protected and . ltained as to be free from tl:e possibility of pollution by
l chemic'. r bacterial ami impurities. - - ,;/-- .1

(2) \Vherc tlrinkill~ W:ller i~ ';.Ipr>liet! r~"rn snch weil 0, rc<!"n°t'ir !hl" \Y:lt~r' ·1

Provided that this requirement shall not apply- to any such well 0
reservoir if th watei therein is filtered and treated to the satisfaction 0
the Ilealli mcer hcfClre it is slJpplied for c.'n,umplion.
3il. Reporl/wlII Iladlll Ofjiccr.- Tk In>pcctor may by orda in writin
direct the mana!!er to obtail~, at such lime or ~I sli<::h illtcrvals as he mav direct
:1 rCI'"rt fr,1m Ille Health Olii,:cr :h 1.1 Ii,: :·.I:~e,' f"r hUIll;!;] c.lns(liilpti,l:
"f Ihe' \\:lIer sUPl'lied I,) Ihe ",(lrkcr,. :lnct j:~ ,".:ry L:hC III submit I" the III,
pecl.1I" a CllPY of such rep0rl:lS ,oon as it i, r,',:i,~d fr(ll11 the Health Ol1iccr.
39. JI'oler cClllrn.-(n ewry factl1r1' \\ '··,'r.'ill IIllHe than two hund red
and lifly workers arc ordinarily efnployed:-
(0) tllc drillkin:; \\':Jl<:r shall he sur .. ::"~ ;iI e'\:ry cant,'en, .Iunch-roull).
and rest-rool11 and also al ,,,1n\,cnl<::ntlv acc~sSlble pOlnts,_
throu:;houl Ihe faclory, which f.,I' Ihe purpo,e of these Rulcs,~
shall be called "water centres"; ~
(b) tbe water centres shall be sheltered from the weather and adequately_
(c) thi: number of water centres to be provided shall be one "centre"~
t~('ry ISO p ..'r:'(1IlSCI11pf0ycd ~t ::;i~: ,)Il~ ~ili1L' iii th:; fJ~lvry: t
Provided that, in the case of a factory \\ here the number or persons el11-,
ployed exceeds 500, it shall be sufikient if tha~ is one such "centre"1
as aforesaid for every 150 person- t:r to Ihe. firq SOO and or~el
I.~ )r \ , ,.••.
'iIi f"'\"r··llil
I '
- . ' . ,c t l"r·~'"l"·"r·
....... "'.....
-. ~
(tI) evdv .. ;\·~ter centre" shall hc majn:~ined in a cle~n and ordcr!\'1
condilion and shall be in charge of a suitable person who sh:JiI!
dis!rih~!tc the water. Such person ,h~:I be provided with c!c~Jl:
clot~while on duty,

f!;jrl' 40 /0 49 prescribed under sub-sec/ioll 3 of sec/ioll 19

40. LOlrille OCCOll1l1iOdvlion -Latrine :!cc'll1ll11odal!l)J1 sh;J1I be provided
in cvery f:lctory on the following scale:-
(0) where females are employed, there s!lall be at Ica~t one latrine for·
every 25 females;
(0) where males :!rC employed, there sh~!1 be at Ie:lst one LitriJ)c f0r:
every 25 males provided that, where the number of males emplcyed •
exceeds 100, it shall be sufficient if there is one latrine for every 25
( males up to tLe fi~st 100, and one for elWV 50 thereafta. ~
In calculating the number of latrines' required ~nder.ttiis rule:, any odd ~
number ofworkGs Ics, than 25 or 50, as the o,e may be, shall be reckoned as ~
250~O. ~ ~
l ~1:---r:;;~riti 10 cOli/arm to pu~/!c heallh requirelllen/s.-Latrines,
than tho,e onnl'clcd \I'lIh an efhclent water borne scwage system, shall ..
oth~r t
comply"," Ithe requirements of the Public Heailh authorities. !
042. Pri~'acy o/Iatrines.-Every latrine shall be under cover and SO"
partitioned off as to secure privacy, and sball have a proper door and ~
fastenings-/" . .. '. i
043. --t{,gn-boards 10 be displayed.-\Vhere workers of both sexes are_
l employed, there 'shall be displayed outside each latrine block a notice in the'
language understood by the majority of the workers "For Men Only" or ~
"For \~om90 Only" as the case may be. The notice shall also bear the ~
figure ofJ! or of a woman as' the case may be,
4·t . Urilla! accO/1/1I10dalion.-Urinal accoml11odation' shall be provided
for the use of male: workcrs and shall not Ix; less than 2 feet in. length for

_I, or ~
,,11 orlr Lvery 50 male,: prO\llleC: Ihal ,'-here Ihe l1umbn u( males employed exceeds
-- rt
500, il shall be suflicienl if lhere is one urinal IN e'-ery 50 nlaJcs up lO the first
500 employed, and onc for every 100 thereafler.
I rcc!.
In calculating thc urinal acc-o-mmodation required under this rule any
plio \11
odd number of workers less lhan 50 or 100 as the ca,c may GC, ,hall Ix
1,,,- f reckoned ~ or 100.
~ r_ r
45. Vril/als 10 c'Jl/loflll 10 public heahh fl'quirellll'l/ls_-Urinals. other
d red I lhan those co -eucu with ~'11 diiciefll \later-bor;le s~wafe system, and urinals
in a facto wherein more than two hundred and fifty workers are ordinarily
r employ shall comply with the requiremenls of the Public Health authorities.
)i 11 ts , ~6. Cenail/ lel/ril/l'S ::/lel uril/ols 10 i,l' cOl/l/col'd 10 .\c\rtlge sYJlelll_-\Vhe~
uks, l
, any general system of under-ground sewage with an assured water supply for
• any particular localitl is provided in a municipalil)', all I::tril1es and urinals
ltely t of a fa~t~~~~tcd in such localily ,hall, if Ihe factory i, ,ilU:ileU ,,-ithin 100
,. feet of~:.,~,~~ sewer, bc connected Wilh thal sewerage :;)',tel11.

e m-
II ~7. JV"jlt!-h'~:Jltil;;;, nl/(Jur-jrlJ~hjJj:; (II ,'Liifj·':l;) ~jJ1t! :;Jil,,;\·.--Th~ \\:dls
ceilings and partitions of every latrine and urin~l shall be while-washed or
colour-washed and the whilc-washing or colour- .. ashing ,hall be rep~:lted at
one ! kast once in t.:\~IY pClilh.l uf (uur IJlOJllh~. Ti;~ lLuc." \,.Iil \\ili~il till": \\ilitc
washing or colC'ur-washing is carried OUl ~hall b~ enlccL! i:1 the pr~st:ribed
regi,ter (Form No.7):
~I iv
Provided that this rule ,hall not apply to btrir.cs anL! urinals, the walls,
1~ II
ceilings or partiii,)ns of \\hich arc bd in glazeu tiks or u,:;~f\lisc fi;:ish~d to
::.1 11
provide a smooth, poli,hed impervious su,f:lce :lnd th:l! they are washed
with su_itab~terge"tsand disinfectants at Ie:lSl once in c\-ery period of four
1110nlh~ ._. .
'cd 48.. ConslTlloiol/ 1I11l11ll1liI/ICI/II//Cl' of drllil/s_-All dr::ins carr,-in£ waste
or su-lIa!!c water shall be conSlructeu 'in mJSl,nrv 0r l"h~r im'~u~lle:lhle
material and shall be rc~ubrly Ilu,hcd :lnd Ihe d1i;,ent di"l'l)sed o-f I'" con-
nccling such drains wilh a 'ilit:.ble dr:lin.:gc jine:
0r Provided that, where there is no such drainage line, the etnuent ,h::11 be
cd deodorize~ and rendered innocuous and then disposeu of in a suitable
25 -mannejJO the satisi'aclion of the Hcalth Officer.
49. Waler laps i/l lalril/l's.-Wherc pipeJ waler ,uppl)' is a,-ailablc a
sufficient number of water taps, cOJl\-eniel1lly accc;sible shall be provided in
as or near such rine accommodation.
Illes 50_ 0 52 prescribcd ul/da sub·seC/Jol/ (2) 01 Seclion 20
:r 50. Nun r ond 10cCilion oj Spil/oons_- The number and l6cation of the
II spittoons be provided shall be to the satisfaction of the Inspector.
5L Type 01 spillool/s.- The ;;pino(lns ;h:lll be o( either of the following
o lypc" : -
(0) a gal\'aniz~J iron cllntaint:f with ~l l'c)nic'al funnclshaped cover. A
layer of-suitable di;.infcctant liquiu "ldl alway; tie maintained III
e e containcr: or
e (b) • container tilled wilhur)'. clean sam] anJ cDvaeL! wilh a layer of
r bleaching powder: or
r) any other type'approveJ by the Chief In;pector.
52. Cll'aning 01 Spil/oollS.- The spittoc)n mentioned in clause (0) of rule
5\ shall be emptied, cleaned and disinfected at Ie:'.o't once every day; and the
spittoon mentioned in clause (b) of rule 51 shall be cleaned by scrapping
('lit the ",[' laver flfsanci ~< flf'en a< nel'e,,<~r\' fir atlc"q once everyday.


heing opened while the m:lchincry is in mOlion and shall rC'1der i! ir'1~-.c's<i1:>!e
(0 f(;st~lrt l:,~
:n:lchine :.:n:il!h d·.),)r, hFC been '!'.l:c~f.
,''' : ~l
5. Sl'lIauillg Mrdn.-The tlrivc ,r.:t11 be fromCOi:il1er·sr.afi.' .vhich S,1;1.:
be flrovidcd witli f:lst ;Intl Ill""e flulkys and dEcicon: helt shifli:!g devices.
f G. Cul"lIdcrillg ;\Io('hi",·,. <'1(.-1;; resrcct 01 c1kndering lll~.:iiincs,
'Il mJnglcs :l11d similar m;lchinc,. :!l1 such machincs sl,:111 hl: providcd "jIb an
:11 ellicicnl "nip" guard alollg lile \\!lUk i"n~th on thc i'1lak<.:.'iidc 01' each pa;r
:11 of bowls :lml simibr p:lrl, whiel1 sl1:1ll b;,: su tillcd and maint:lint:d, whilst Ihe
rollers of bowls an:,in 111l1lion, ~s tll prevcllt aCCess Iv 11',c point of contact
r. of th.:: rollers vr bo\> 1:;.
of! «
rs, Line Shafr.-The line shail or second motion in collon ginning factories,
;te when below floor level, shall be cornrlctdy enclosed by a continous wall or
,m unclimhab!c fencing with only Sl) man: openings as :Ire IIccessary for :leeess
ng to the shaft for removing cotton sced, cleaning and oiling; and such openings
shall be provided with gates or Qoors \\hlch shall bc kept closed and locked.
h.:r SCIlED'.'LE ll[ ~


D,jilliliolls.-For the purro,e; l,f this ScI:ecuk >-,.
(a) Wood-working machine means a circular saw, b:lnd 5;1\V, plani.lg
machine, chain mOrlising ITUchine or vertic:ll spindle moulding
Or machine operating of wood·or cork.
I ( .nv (b) Circular sa'.v means ~ circular saw working in a bCllch (inel~ding a

10[ t
rack bench) but does not include a penuulum l1r simi!:!r 5:1\\' which
is moved towards the wood for the purpose of cutling operation.
(:) Band saw means a band saw, the cutting portion of which runs in a
(, .~r-

vertical direction
. but does not inClude a 10;1~ S:lW or b~lld re·sawinn
~'. ~

I()n (d) Planing machine md"5 a machine for overhand pl:rnings or for'
~icknessingor for bOlh operations.
lap 2. Stopping and ,!/arling dcri,,, -t\n efficient storring and starting
device shall be provided on every wood-working machine. The Coni rol of this
device shail be in such il position as to be readily and conveniently operated
by the persons in charge of the machine.
l -"0 ;
. 3. Space around lIIocIJincs.- The spac~ surrounding every wood-workihg
l the machine in motion shall be kept free from obstruction.
or 4. F/oars.-The floor surrounding every wood working machine shall
( t be maintained in good and k\'l::/ condition; arv-J shall not be allowed to
become slippery, and as far as practicable shall be kept free from chips or
other loose material.
.5. Training and Supen-isian.-(I) No person shall be employed at a
wood-working machine unless he has been s.ufficiently trained to work
,, that class of machine, or unkss he works under the adequate supervisiOri
of a person who has a thorough knowledge Of the working of the machine.. '..,
(2) A person who is being trained to work a wood-working ma·chin~:'.
shall be fully and carefully instructed as to the d~ngers of the n:achin~,a!?,d.::,.
the precautions to be observed to secure safe worklllg of the maehin~.;,,;:, ;~;.i
:,:- . ... - "
i.:\,.: .. ;.~uI3r .;.illUllall. be !eneeo as lollows:-
fi Circular SOW.n

(0) Behind and indirect ill1~ with the saw there shall be a riving knik

IId which shall havc a '"noolh surface, shall be strong, rigid an-d easily
adjustable, and shall also conform to the following conditions:-
(i) The edge of the knife ncarcr the saw shall from an are of a circk
, -. having a radi0~s not ncecding the radious of the brgest saw
I used on the b~nch.
(ii) The knife shall be mJintained as close as practicable to the saw,
having regard to the naturc of the work being done at the time,
·..· ., and at the levcl of the bcnch table the distance between the front of
edge of th~ k"ik ;llie: tile ic<:lh uf th~ saw shall not exceed h.-,If ~n

(iii) For a saw.-Df a diameter oLless than 24 inches, the knife shall
extend upwards 1'1'0111 th~ bench table to within one inch L~f the
!, top of the saw and for a saw of a diameter of 24 inches or over

, I·
shall extend u['wards from the bench table to a height of at least
nine inches.
(b) The top of the sa \I' shall b~ cOL··~reu by a strong and casily adjustable
i, l
: guard, v.ith a I~;.,·.~c ;11 :i.L :.:dc of the saw farthest from the fencc.

The guard shall b~ kept so adjusted that the said flange shall extenu
below the rools of the teeth of tile saw. Thc guard shall extend from
the top Of th~ riving knift to a point as low as practic:lbk at the
cutting edge of the saw.
(c) The part of the S:\\I' i1elow thc bcnch table shall be protccteu by !LL'O
pla:es of met:11 or (.ther s!Jitable material one on each sid.::. cf the
saw; such plates sh:dl not be more than six inches apart, anu shall
extend frOJOl the. axis of the saLv outw:\rds to a distance of nN Ie"
than two inches beyond tl'.e tecth of the saw. Metal plates, if not
·! beaded, shall bc of thickness of at least 1/10 inch, or if beaded
I ( be ora thickness (11';11 ka,t lilO inch.
7. Push Slicks.-A jll"h stick or otr..:r suitable appliance sh:l1l b.::
( rr(":id<~J' for usc at c····crv c;r(uhr <~<'.\' :,nd2t C\'ery vertical spindle mouldin~
In~chjnc to enabk the \\()j h i0 b..: Jar:t \\ ii.j~\)ul L:D-nCCcssary risk.
r 8. Band Saws.-Every band saw shall be guarded as follows:-
(/. (0) Both sides of the bottom pullcy 'shall be completely encased by sheet
or expanded metal or othersuitablc material.
( (b) The front of the tep pulley shall be covcred with sheet or expanded
metal or other suitable material.
( (c) All portions of the blade shall he enclosed or otherwise securely
. guarded exctpt the portion of the blade between the bench table'
l and the top guide. .
( 9. Plallillg ;\!achil/es.-(I) ;\ pl~ning machine (other than a pbning
q machine which is mechanically iCd) shal! no' be used for overhand planing
unless it is fitled with a cylindriclil cutter block.
(2) Evcry planing m:tchillc us·.'d for l)"crhand planing shall be provided
with a "briuge" guard capabic of cL"'ning the full length :lnd bre:!dth of the
'II;: cutting SIOI in the bcnch ;lIlt! ,0 cc,r,;:ructed :lS W be easily adjusted both in
I' a vertical :!nu horizont.tTdircction.
I r (3) The fttu rc-Jier of e\'cry I'I:\ning machine used for thieknessir,g
l ,I except the combined machine for o\'crh"nu planing and lhicknessing, shall be
,j provided wirh an efficient guard.
I r: I,I' ".
( I 10, VNtirol spilltlle II/O/tltlillg m!Jclrill<'s,-(I) The cutler of
\eni,';,! "pind!..: m'\ulding machi;le 'h;l!1 he ~uarded by the mosl eli;
~lI;lr(! 1;;I\'int: re~~;,rJ 10 thc 11~lure of,;~c \\'ork b,'in~ pcrformed.
(~) I':,.: '·:"oei h.. illC: IOhllJlJeJ ;,: :' \'~i'li,'al ,pin.J\c "llluldil1~ ,:~::.,
ii) ~ I': tll' ht.'lhkr ,Ir "ilJch cl)Jl'tr;..~~i.·~ ..
,11:111. If ;'li,::l:l!c. h::~ !h.'I...1
rc,h:u: f.,r;" pu\,ihl: lilC ri.;k \lI';!·:,'i';'I1: to I lit: worker,
J I, ('1r:Jill mortisillg II/(Jchinc~.-Thc ch;,in of cvery chain mon
.. ,
l11;lChillc \1i~11 be rWl'iJcd with:J ~!J:lrd wliich sh:!11 en,'lose Ihe cu!!crs :l'
;1' l"\r.:-:!i\:~hk.
~ ,

I I~. Adjustmcil/ alltl nraintcllallcc of gunrtls.-Thc guards and ot'

apJ'lil!I1CCS requircd under this Schedule shall be:-
(0) m:1inlaincd ill an enicicnt Slate,
(/)) constantly kcpt in position \\'hilc Ih~ machincry i., i!1 motio:l. l!;]C:
(c) so adjusted as to cnable Ih~ worl to be dOI1~ without un-neccs.
13. L.\l'mptioll.r.-I':,ragraphs 6,8.9 and 10 sh:dl not apply 10 any w·
\\'tJrkil1:; l,1:1chine ill respect or which it Ca!l be proved that other saftgu~
are provided, maintained and used \\'hich rendcr t",c nl:1cliinc as s3fc a
I I'
\\'('I~:", ( •..:
I'In (Ii":
, ", ,.
Id:lnli~" r"'C'Ci"lP~I.1 ~:l
t 11:'
. I
J ~IC.


I, Illstolla/ioll of mochi:Zes,-I-lil!s for breaking down cracking, grati,
1 mixin~. refining and warming rubber or rubber compounds shall be so ins!.
led t!l~[ the l0P of the front roll is not Ie,;s Lh~1l forty-six inches abo\'c I
floor or working Ievcl. prClI'idcd that in exiqin~ ins!aJbt!ons where the tc'r
fronl ro:1 is belo\\' thi~ height a strong ri~id distance bar gUilrds shall ~
fillCd across the front of th~ machine ;;, s~,ch position that the operat
caHnot rcach the nip of the rolls,
2, Sofety DCI'/'ces.-(l) Rubber mills shall be equil"'cd with:-
(a) hoppcrs so constructed or guarded that it is impossible (or t1
operators to COllIe into contact in any manner with the nip of th
(h) IlorilOl1lal safc!v-trin rods cr tight wire cables acro~s both (ror.
and rear, whicli wili when push~d or pulled, operatc instantly tf
disconnect thc power and apply the brakes, or two reverse the rolb
(2) ~3fcly-trip rolls, Qr tight wire cables on rubber mills shall c~ieric:
across the entire length of the face of the rolls and shall be locatcd not more
th'an sixty-ninc inche'S above the floor or working leveL
(3) Safety-trip roJs and tight wire cables on all rubber'mills :;hall be exa-
mined and tesled daily in the presence of the managcr or other rcsponsible
person and if any defect is disclosed by such examination and tcst the mil:
shall not be used until such defect has been remediec.
Rille prescribed III/tier sub-sec/ion (2) of sec/ion 23
5-4. EmpIO)'JllW/ ofyoung persons on dongero~s macllines.-The follov.;r'E
machines shall bc dcemed to be of such dangerous character that young
persons shall not work at them unlcss thc provisions of section 23(1) ,are
compiled with:- ..
Power presses other than hydraulic presses; Milling machines used in tbo
, l11t'taltrades; Guillotine machines; :"
I .
Exclllpliolll/Ildcr sl/h-SeClioll (4) of .IcC/ion 28
/,'XClllplioll or cerloin hoislJ a/ll/ /ifIS.-11l pursuancc of the pro';-
sions (,·f \u1o-,;e('lio" (4) (If scction ~S. ill respcct of ~n\' cla~s or dcscription
of 1",·;'1 "r liff ~,,,,cified in the firs! C01umn of tl,c followillg ScI:cdule, the
rcquin.:mt:nl(; pf :!)I~ section 28 ~pccificd in Ih~ ~ccond column (If Ihe said
schedule "nd sctl'l'l'o,ite 10 thai c1J's or descriplion of hoist or lin ~hall not
Sc Ill. () U I.E
R~q:'::;"'::::~~ii!S \\hi\".h ~h:':lli0l ~rr!Y

Jroiqc; nr lifl~ m:1~r~!v lI'cd for r:l.isi,,~ Suh·\ec:;,'n Hh) in ~o f"r;l" il requirel
m;~t,.:riJ.l, fllr c1::1.r!..."~n~ h!a .. t furll:1ct:~ ~~Ic .~[ the hn!rnm !:louin!!: sub-
or limc kilns. -- sectiC'n 1(dl; sub-sectioll 1(e).
lfoj'l, n(\t (['lonecled wilh mcch:l.- Sub-~cc'ir.n 1(11) in ~o f:'lT~" il r~quirc~
nie;:!l povl"cr :lnu which ;trc not thc ilC;<tW"y or ';flw~V enclosure to
fpr Clr'::;r.:; pcr . . ~~n:'_ be $0 conslfli<.:!C'd a, (0 I'TCVC;H ;)ny
rC'I~l..l~ l':'" t!~;ng(rllm ~cin:; trJr;-...~J
hctwt:t.:11 ;lily part of Illc hoist or lift
31ul ;lllY f1.'\cd struc[ure nr movin g
r~' I : "t:'~-~eci io;r I (c). -

./ fillies prescribed IInder sl/b-SeClion (2) of seclion 29

,.i Jfobrc·55.rope
. \. ;-";0 lifting machinc and 110 chain, ropc, lifling tackle oeept a
or a librc rope slillg, shall bc t"kcn into usc in ""Y f:lCtllfY for the
, r.rsl t:;jl~ in Ih:-:l f;lctory u!1lcss it h:lS been t::-:~~\l :;nd ;1:1 ;'.Ii:S hJ.\"= bcc:l
,I, thoroughly o~rnined by a competent person a"d a certilicJlc of such a
Ic~a :1IH.I t.:.x;lIniil:lt;oll specifying rJ,c SJ(c work::l:; :{);)U l'r IU;!~5- anJ si§;neJ
by ~~lC r('r~,'n~ m:~kin~ th:: h:'l anJ [he c.\~m::l~!in:l, 11:15- P~'::!l l);"L!in~d ~nJ
is ~tP( ;\\'aiJabk for in:,pcc(IOI1.
~5n (r.) Evcry ji~-cranc is so constructcJ th:tt the safe workil1\! loaJ
:j may be varied by the raising or Ipwering of thc jib, omission ~hafJ have_
.i., attachcJ thcr'.:lo eiihcr an automatic indicator of s;lfc working load5 cr
an automatic jib angle indicalOr and a table indicating thc s:lfe working
10ac1, at corresponding inclinations o[thejib or corresponding raJii of load.
(6) A table showing the safe working leads of every kind and size of
'I chain, ropc or lining taeklc in use. and, in the case of a muliip!e siing. the
safe working lo"d "t. dilTerent angles of thc legs, shall be poStcd in the stores
in which the ch"ins, ropes of lifting tackles are kept, and in prominent positi"ns
0n thc rremiscs. "net no ch"in. fOre <'f lifting I~eklc not shown in the table
,1,"11 bc uscd. The fore£oing provisions of thi~ paragraph sh,,11 not arply
i in respect of any iifting I"ekle if Ihe safe working load thercof. or in Ine
case or a multiple sling, the .<"fc ,':",king 'o<ld "t c1iffercnl angles of !he Jc,s
IS r~;i;nly Iil:lr)..,cd Url)il Ii.

l t 5.'C. P:Hticu)OfS uf register to b..: Illainta;nrd llnJcr claus:: (0) (ii~ II

,ub,sl'ctien (I) of ~cclioll 29 of the Act shall t>~:-

i (i) N"me or occupier of factory.
,I (ii) r\dorc~s C'f the (~!Ci0ry.

~I, • K.uJ<: 55 A to H inscrHoJ t:y Him~chi..&1 PrilcJesh Govcfrmcul

!!,S 15 (Lab.) 654/57, d.ted 23·9-55.
~ofif:cation 1'0.

(iii) Distinguishing numb~r of mark, if anv, and description ~uffieicnt

, . to idenlify the lifting machine, chain, rope or lifting lackle.

(iv) Date when the lifting machine, chain, rop~ or lifting tad:le was
first taken into use in the factory.
(v) Date ann number of the ce"i!icale rebtin~ to anv tesl and c~a",inJ­
tion made undcr rules 55·A and 55·G 'together with the name
and address of the person who i,,"ed tho certificate.
(I'i) Dale of each periodical thorough examination made und~r clause
(a) (iii) of sub-section (I) of scotion 2') of the Act and rule
55-F rind h'l whnlll il w;:, CHi:':d I)lIt.
(rit) l):llCS or :lnnC::lling or {)Lh~r Ii;::!: Ir~.ltrn~nt of th~ cha;n ~r.d (I[;\-:r
lifting tackle made und~r ruie 55· E), and, by W:1Om it wa~
carried oul.
(I'iii) Particulars vf any tkfc"Cl5 tJl1'cLling the wurkjll~ !0.1i.! fv-';il~
at any such thoroueh examination or afler anne:lIing and of Iho
steps taken to remedy sue:l dereels.
The register shall be kept readily a\"~:J~bk for in~I'eetion.
550. AII-r:iils on which ;l IrJ\'cl:i~~ eran·: 1ll(\\'~S :1r.d C\-~~V Ir~~~ (lJl
which the carriage of a transport~r or fllllW:1Y Inf\\'CS. ShdJl t-.::· ~If P:-\I;h.:r
~i7c anu adequlltc slrcngth and h,:~s~ ~'1 (\'en rllnnij~g <;U,r.IC;.· :1J c\;;ry
r:1il or track shall be rrorC'r!y I~:{~. r1~!C'11l1~ie~y SUrr0ncd :-;~'.:! Pi(';,~r1y
55E.~-1 ch;\ins aneJ lirti!1g ~:ckk :~CLr:t 3 fope ~Iing ~:n:1 lLl!:':;;;S i~l{:Y
ha':e been subjected to such o:~er h~Jt "o:>lI'1~nt as Illay "., a;,,'r(weJ hy
the Chirr Inspector or Factorics. if~::,!T-:('~i\'cly ~ll1!lC3kJ unJ~r t:l~ 5uper·:i::i0n._
of a co,.n~Cht person at tile following ,:I:cl\'als-
. . .
(I) All chains, SllllgS, fln!;5. h00 ..:5, ~!lackks ar.J S\\ 1\1..:15 t15CJ 111
connection with molten md:'!l or molten slag or WhCl they arc:
n1 .'lde of I--If
•.. ,"1C ..
h ··r l'r ." .. ' "'. """",'
\. .......-·t 1,··,,'1

'~'''l':_,p .... ,'.,
. ,., ,:, ", \ II."
,. I. r...
I (ii) All other chains, rings, h0i.:·k.:-. ~:l;:C':~h.·s anti S\;.-i'lcis in :-;cncr~d
I usc, once at k~15t iil t"'\·.:-ry ;','.;,:1\-1: l;lUlllh5:

i Prp\·idcd th3t ch::\ins ;1~d !irtin~ !:!~. . !d:: IH't in f:'CC\I:;iq !I,:: ,1;:-:~1. ~~I~"; ..·n
tOlh.:: Chief Inspcctor's approv;J1 b~kL11111L'::k'd L'I~;Y \\';H:I'~ ll('\.·~·,,,.~j). P:lrtl ..... ui~"s
of SUdl annealing shall be cnlcrcd in :l r('~-i:acr rrc:;cri~)clj under n:k 55-C.

( \
i 55F. Nothing in the foregoing rule 55-!: sha!l a;'~':y h' t"~ foilowing
c1assc' of chains 2nd lifting tnckles:-
(i) Chains made of malleab!e cast iron.
(ii) Plate link chains.
(iii) Chains, rings, hooks, shackles nnd s,~ivels made of sieel or any
non-ferrous metal.
(il') Pitched chains working on sprocket Of pocketed wheels.
( (,.) Rings, hooks, shackles and swi\'els permanently "ttaehed to pitched
chains, pulley blocks or \\'eighi"g machines.
(I"i) Hooks and swivels ha"ing screw threader pam of hail bc~ring or
other case hardened parts.
(,'ii) Socket shackles secured to ,\'ire ropes hv while met:!' eJ[l[\in~.
(mi) J.lordeau~ connccl;0ns. . .
Such chains "and liflinc tackle 5hall nc t!h'~ll~!:'h~\' C ',,'lIi!li:cJ l'\" a
l ;ompclent person, once at -Irast in C\'cry tw('i\'f~ JTl0nlli's ;! iJ r<.:rtjc~lars
~ntcred in the register kept in accord~nee with rule 55·C.
SSG. All lifting' J~achiries', ci:ains, ropes and lilting; \ekk, exccpt ~
libre rope or fibre rope sling, which ha'c been Iengi"~~d, ~h~red or repaired
by welding or "therwise, shall, before being J~aill t:;.;';en into usc he adequ:ttcl

re-tested and re-cxamined hy a comrC"~nt rerson and a certificate
test and cxamination bc l)hl:lil1~J :!I:.J r:1rti' entered in thc
I.:epl in accordance with rul-: 55-C.
5511. No person unde,. J~ \:~;', "r :1~C ~llJ n" pcrson \Vh" is n
sunicicnlly COllll'clcnl ;tnJ rl'ii~i);" ,ii,::; "l' ell1l'lv)'cd a:; driver (If a liftin'
nl'lchill" \l'llctI1~r d,'," "') "', \
..... \. I 11 ;.. ,.. :. ' j".. I"·· . . "I' \ 1"I"""'i,( , ,)r~I'J
,. ..

signals to a drivcr.
-5(,. Pressure PfoIlL-(I) [Iery 1'1~:l: llr nl:lchin,ry other thJ.n tl1
Il.'orking cylindcrs of primc mnv~rs us:d in a factl),)', and opcratcd J.t
P rc"sure
... . -=~1""!II'r
... , - tll"n ' H , p ,c"J, •.. ; . " .. '
.. ·",""·'1"\,.1 .... I
I ~ ,
, '1'·,'1 b1...
".- .
(a) of good construction, sound mJtaial, adequate strcngth, and fre
frol11 any patent dcfcct;
(6) properly maintained in a safc condition;
(c) fittcd with:-
(i) suitable s~fcty 1':111': or other cn'ective device to
that th: 1ll:I.X!Il1:Jnl permissible working pressure
vessel shall not be cKcl'i::dcd; .
(ii) a suitable pressure gauge easily visible and dcsigned to show
at all times. the correct intern~1 pressure in lbs. per squar
c i,:ch, aliJ n',."t2J \\ i::; :1 pr'Hllincnt red Burl:: :ll the s~f
working pressure of til, ,esse I :
(iii) a suitable stop valvc or \ ::I\'cs by ,,'hich the vessel may be ...,
isol:lted f")1ll ot,l~r \'=,:,~:, 01' S();Ir,~ of Slip ply of pr~,sure;
"J r- (i1-) a suitable dr~in cook or \·J.lvc at th.: lo\';est part of the vessel

for the discharge of connected liquid.

() d) thoroughly examined by a competent person:-
(i) cxternally, once in e\'cr\' period of six months to ensure
general condition of t;" \'e5>el ilnd the working of its
fittings, and
c (ii) intcrnally, once in every ['eriod of twelve months to ensure
cnndition of the walls. and tit's. hoth inside and 011tside
the vessel, sounJness oi the parts of the vessel, and the
(, effects of corrosion. J i bv reason of construction of the
vessel, a thorough intc;n;1 examination is 'not possible;
this examination may be repl3ced by a hyqrl!ulic test which
shall be carried out once in every t,,'o years; provided that.
the vessels in contifllJ0t!S processes which cannot 'be
frequently opened, the period of internal examination may
be extended to four yea rs; .
l (iii) hydrauliealiy tested at int:r\'als of not more than fou'r years;.
provided that in resrect of pressure vessels with thin ·walls
wch as sizing cylindcrs made of copper or any other Don-
ferrous metal, periodic hydraulic test may be dis.pensed
with on the condition thaI the requirements laid down in .
. sub-rule (2) are fulfilled: ..
Provided that it shall be sufficient for the purposes of sub-rule (IJ(c) if.
.. : the safety valve. pressure gauge and stop valve are mounted on a
i pipe line immediately adj:l('enl to- thc \'essc! and where there is
a range of two or more similar vessels in a. plant'served bi the.
.same pressure lead. only Oile set of such mountings. need be
fitted provid.:d they cannot be isol3tcd. .

°Rule 56 suosti!ll!ed vide Him~chal Pr:"Jcsh Government Notification No. 1'& S 15

(Lab) 654/57, dated 23-9-9-65.

t I
thl: part cannot 11.: c.)ntinued to be used with safely unless certain repairs
are carried out immcrlial·;ly or within 11 specified time.
, ,,(II) Th,'; reqt,liremcnls, of tiiisful~ sli;I:, be
i~ '~'ddiiicin to and not ';} -
derog:lli,):) of the requirements of any othcr ..\Ci, ruk;; or rcguh:ion;;',
(12) 0.'",;',il:" in Ihi" .uk shall aPi)ly 10:- .....
(0) ~1Y \,c",:III';-,i,11 cnmes within the 1~'J;'C't)( t;',c Jndi:t!l 11.\ilcrs Act\:
(b) metal hottles of. cylinders used f,1r th,; SiOrafe or transpor! d
et)mrressed pses (If liqllidilied or dissoh'ed ga;;e~ under pre,:;urc,
Ru:es prescribed u.'iJcr slIb,s,','t:Jn (2) of Sect:oll 34
57, £xCfssil'e 't'eighrs,-(l) No woman or young p.:rson shall, unaided
by another p<:r,oll. li:'I, carry or move by h:!.nd or on h<:ad, any material,
anicl.:, lelol or appliance aCt:cding the ma.l:imum limit in weight set out in the
following Schedule:-

Maximum weicht
Persons of material, article,
tool or appliance

(t:) Adl~!t kmal.: 65
(b) Adolescent nde 65
tI (c:)
AJo!,;se,;nl rely,ale
~lalc child
.I!' 35
,~ 30
(e) Fen13le child

(2) No woman or young pcrson shall engage, in conjunction with others,

( in liftinc, carn'inc or moving by hand or or, head, any material, article, tool
or, appiiancc,.if tl~;: weighl thereof exce::ds the lowest weight fixed by th.e
( Schedule to sub-rule (I) for any ofthe persons enpged, multiplied by the
numbe: of the persons engaged,
Rule prescribed under section 35
(2 58. Protection of eyes.-Effeclive screens or suit:lble goggles shall be
.provided fN the protection of persons employed in or in the immediate
vicinity of the following processes:- • . '" ..
\ (0) The processes specified in Schedule j annexed hereto, being processes
, which involve risk of injury to the eyes from particles or fragments
thrown off in the.course-oF-t-hel.'n:>=S;--.---
l (b) The processes specified in Sched~le II annexed hereto, being pro-
!' , cesses which involve risk of injury to the ey/'s oy reason of exposure
'I / to excessive light. ~CHE~~~~- J .---- - ,

r I Dry grinding ~f metals or artic!es of metal appli~d by hand to a r~voiving

, wheel 'or dISC driven by mechalllcal power. Turnlllg (external or Internal)
I \ of nonferrous met:lls or of cast iron, or articles of such metals or such iron
i\where the work is done dry, other th,an precision turning where the use of

!!oggles or a screen woul,j seriously interfere with the work, or turning by
eans of hand tuols,
. Welding or cutting of metals by means of an electric oxy-acetylene or
si ilar process.
The f()l1owing processes when carried on by means of hand tools or other
pMtahlc IIh,l, :._-
Fc((lin~! (lr"l~I;1I in\lJh·in~ thc r~moval of l11el;IIo
Cu((in~ Ill;! "r cLJtlin~ ,)11" eoiJ rite!, or hoil; fr,"n I>,1"·:r, l'r o!hcr planl.
vI fl"::"' .,l.ip .....
Chil'l'in~! t'; .~l·~dill:: II:" h,)i~.:r~. n: "'!1i;"I:, p!:lIC:-'.
JjIc..:.J.~ •. ';; vi ,.ii",:.":"Ijll~· "1 .)~\.nj\,.~. :.:\.'Ii~ILlc..: I..,r :'\i..1~.
\\'cldill~ ,1r CUllin:; l,f J1l~tal; b:: mC:Jn; of an <:b:tricai, o:xy-ac<:tylcnc or
similar pr'Ke«o
All pr,,")((''''':;:~ in COlli1~ctil..'n \\"jih f; 1~1(:I{illg rllrll~lccs.

RII/es prcscribrd II/Ida sllIJ-srcriol1 6 of Seer ion 36

59. ;1/iniI/l1l111 dil11rl1sions 0/ I/Ianilo/no-Every chaIllb~r, tank, \Oat, pipe,
OtiC or otb:r C(\:lr::l~I.! S;":1r::. \\ hi·~~~ ;'CfSll l1S 111JY h:l',c to el1['.:: :lnd \\'hich rn::!y
contain dangerous fumcs to such an extelll as to involve ri,k. of the person;
being overcome therebv, shall u,,!;:;s thae is other elTecti\"e l1le;lnS l); egress
be p~ovic!ed with a m;I~!lCle \\ hieh may be rectangular, o\Oal or circularin
:\~iJj)~ :ln~ wh:.:h :;h:tI::-

(a) in tll(; C~l:\"; ·or ~: r~.::..~n:;uLlr or o,·~ll Sh~IPt:l be 111'[ 1..~-iS th.:n
10 ill\:h~s !cll1g ;Jnu 12 il\cilc; witi~;
(h) in Ihe case of a circ'o!:~r sl;:II'~, be not less t':'~:l 111 il~c::cs j;l
Ir diameter.
Ex".,i,priol1s 1I!/It1.!r" sub-si!crio!/ (5) 0/ S<!crivll 37

~. 60. EXClllpiions,:-The req uiremcnts of sub-section 4 of Section 37 shall

DC't apply to the follo\\Oing processes carried on in any factory:
(a) The oper:ltion c.f rerairing a water-sealed gash older by the ele-
ctric weldin:; process, subject (0 the following conditions :-.
( (i) The f~l~:I\);J\~r s;~;,l~l c\;~2i;1 tI!i:Y the f0110\':ill~ f:~~~~;, SL:jXlr~H..:iy
or mixed at Co pressure greater than atmospheric pres~ure, namely,
( town, gas, coke-oven ps, producero gas, blast furnace g:JS, or
gases, other than air, used in t!l"ir manufacture:
Provided that this exemption shallllot apply to any gasholder containing
acetylene or minure of gas<:s to which acetylene has been added
(ii) Welding shal! only be done by the electric welding process and
shall be carried out by e:xperienced operatives under the constant
° ° supervision of a competent person.· .
(b) The operations of cutting or welding steel on wrought iron gass
mains and services by the application of heOat, subject to the follow
0' ingconditions:- °

(i) The main or service shall be situated in the open air, and it shall
contain only the follo\\'ing gases separately or mixed at a pressure
greater than atmospheric pressure, namely, gas, coke-oven gas,
• producer gas, furnace gas, or gases other than air, used in
their manufacture; .
(ii) The main or service shall not contain acetylene or any gas or
mixture of gases to which acetylene has been added intentionally;
(iii) The operation shall be carried out by an experienced person or
persons and at least 2 persons (including those carrying out the'
01 age 5h;111 be Plc:--C~ll UL-lillg. .1. 1': \.I1~1411VJlI

(ir) The site of the operation shall be frte frol11 any inflammable or
explosive gas or vapour;
(v) Where' acetylene gas is used as a source of heat in connection with
an operation, it shall be compressed and contained in a porouS
• substance in a cylinder; and
(vi) Prior to the application of any /lame to the gas main or service,
this shall be pierced or drilled and the escaping gas ignited.
(c) The operation of repairing an oil tank on any ship by the electric
welding proces'. subject to the following conditions:-
(i) The only oil contained in the lank shail hal'e a iic,i! point of not
less than 150 0 F (close test) and a certificate to this effect shall
bc ubtaineu from a competent analys!;
(ii) Tk anal),t's ccriificale sh:lil be kept ~I'"ibt>!c for inspection by
an Inspector, or by any person employed or working on the ship;
(iii) The welding operation shall be carried out only on the exterior
surf,lce of the tank at a place (a) \\'jlich is i"rce from oil or oil
leakage in intbrnmable qU:l11iities and (b) 'I'hicl. is not less thin
one foot below the nearest part of the surface of the oil within
the tank; anu '
til') Welding si.all he done only by the ,:kclr:c welding and shall be
carried ?"t by experienced (.peratil"s t:m'er the cl~ant super-
VISion 01 a COinpetellt pcrS::l n. , '-.,..-'
Rilles prescribed IInder sub·seC/ion (I) of seCT/on 38
61. ·.'.fnNis II est'i,'I'C i,; cases (lff:r(',~( I) Evcrv r~ctorv ~ha Ii he i'rovided
~ith 3degu:1t<:, mi:iillS-l.,L~~:H;e in case of lire fur ~1.1C r.<:£?ons e..:21.Ployed there-
in. and wilhq,lI.t..I?r.ejuc]i~e tQJbe gc.n,G.rality .of the [oregQi!)g,:~ ,
'-~1:'ich room of a f:lctory building shall in relation 10 its size and
the number of persons employeJ in it be provided wilh an ade-
9. u :1!e ~umbcr cf nits for usc in C:I:ce of fire thouglLnQl ncCcss;j-
rdy c0"tiIlCa:JO such u.s, positil'l1eJ,t!i::;"tc~.;li-rc[£Qn \~ave
~ r~~iSC1Jjab~)' rrt..:'; allJ l1nob:)trllCi..:~...r~~~::~:E:-:"!~·~··i~l_!~..i.S \\"0.rk pl:lcC to
:til px it
(b) i\o L:xit jjit(;lh.~\:d ( ... r lise iii. ca~~ l::r r!.. ~ ~;:~.:i t":: ::~::; ~;~:;il ~ ;eet ::1
, width nor less tin) G fi'Ct 6 inchcsjnJlcigh!. -
I'fc1\ In the case of a factory building or part of a factory building of
\..:.../ more than one 5torey and in which not Je,s til:Jn twcnty persons
work at anyone tillll" there shall be provilkd ;'1 k~q one subslan-
,: ti:!l stairl'.':LY..pcfil1:lncllt!v .constructed either inside or outside tbe
building and \VJ1il;h ,!n~9iQs direct a~)d- unimpcJed a.,~,~~.J.Q..SU).und

( level. .. . ,, .
I (d) IntT\ccase of a factory building or P:lrt of a factory building in
.\ which twenty or more persons work :It anyone time above the
Ii level of lhe ground /loor, or wherein explo,i\'c or hi~hl inflam-
I' ma ble u<ed or store , or IV ,1C, IS Sll ted' below
i: ground level, tbe nll:.ilns of escape sha Inc l!ue 2.t Itast two separate
:I ~1d su bs.\anlia.L.slai r\\:1\s~rl11:iil.~.n.Q.y_iQ~~irUctcd either inside
It!" ol;("itic II:e.Sill.diri!; :':l.,L2\ hich ;~IcLJ.~ireCl ,1nd unimpedeu
:" !

~ccess to grl'\lml level.

(e) Every swil'll::y in :I t":lct,'ry \\hich ~n'Qllh a m~~ns of escape in
l ease of lire sh:lll be proviJcd \\'ith a substillH!al handrail which if
the st:lirway h:1;; an open ~ide shall be on. t1".at side, 'and ir rife
st~,if\\;\y has t\\',' llpal ,i,k5, ;;L1ch h:,!"i"rii ,h:::11 be providcJ on
bOlo sides,

• • 27

(2) [nlh~ ca,~ nf:l huildin~ CL1:l,lructed'or L"':l\;~led for usc as a factory
aflU Ihe date of the passing of tht' Act. the f<,!lutling additional require-
mcnts shall apply:--
(0) At least 1)11.: "I' the ;;,!:r'-':IY, IW)";,:;d ,h:\11 he nf firc-rcsistin'-!
(Ii) ["cry Iwi,I-"'ay or lift-wny in,;iJ~ a f:letory building shaH

,! he cOI1lI1Ie:d,· encioseJ \I'ith firc-!'e,i"i;l'~ i.::lteri:ll, and all means

ofacccs's tIl tile hoist or lift shall be fitt~c!-with doors offire resisting
materia Is:
Provided that any such hoist-way or lift-way shall be enclosed only at the
top by some malerial easily broken by fire or be pro"ided with a "ent at the
top. . .
(c) No fire escape slnir shall be constructed at any angle greater than
45' froillthc Ilorizol1lal.
(d) No part of a factor~' building shall be farther (ak)ng the line of
Ira\'cl) than 150 f~ct f.olll ;lilY firc escape ,t:\ir.
(e) No stairway shnll be less than 45 inches in width,
-(3) Everv factory shall be pro\'ided either~-
(d) :In :Imjlle supplyOf\G1Y1i1:lii'1t.iT.h:,l :: ' sl;(li..:i":!l~ pr~s.5~lre to
rt':!Gil:TI, ):Ins 0 t 1e aclor" buiiJin~ ).,,' her '.,·ilh nec~ssary
bille jllpCS an .1 drau ll:lki:l:! e:>qj,·;; u;;~,....9f the 'yakr
l:1..cnSC 0 y part of the f:lctor\,: or
t '
(b) both buckets and chemical fire extin!!uishers in suitable number
and at suit:1bk sites according to the srze and n:lture of the factory.
*(4) All such apparatus for extinguish~rs in fires sh:tll be k<,p~ in good

I '.order and shal! be periodically examined:

Rule prescribed ul/der seclioll 41

-61A. Ladders.-AII ladders used in replacing bells shall be spccially
m~de :Inc! r~s(;rl'('d fOf lint work and provided with hooks or nn cff,,:clive
non skid device, Lndders provided with hooks fined in sllch sl;itab!e posi-
tion that they r~st on the shaft, when the bottom end of the ladder is res~ing
( 00 thc floor. ~$ ?;;:Pk0h:~"mL
( V" Rules prescribed ullder sub-seC/ioll (2) of sectioll 42
62. Washing facililies.~l) This rule shall come into force, in respect
of any class or description of factories, on such dJt~s as the Chicf Commis-
sioner may. by notification in the Official Gazette, appoint in tbis behalf.
. (2) There shall be provided and maintained in e~'ery f<lctory for the use of
empbycd pcrSOIlS :1d.::qu:tte and suilabk f.lcili,i..:s fo. washing which shall
include soap and nail brushes or other suitable means of cleaning and the
facilities shall be conveniently accessible and shall be kept in a clean and
orderly condition.
C,) Without prejudice to the generalily of the foregoing provisions the
wasliingJacilities shall include:-
(a) a trough with taps or jets at il1tervals of not less th3.n tlVO feet, or
(b) wash-basins lI'ilh taps attached thereto, or
Cc) taps on stand-pipes, or
Cd) showers cO:1trolled by taps, or
·~ub·rulc 3 and 4 of rule 61 and rule 61-A and items Xl &. Xli of rule 63 inserted by
H:mac;,al pradesh Government Notification No. I&S. 15Clab) 654t57. rlalcrl '1_Q_;;~
(d circubr-tr'lu~h,of Ih-: f'1I1nt:lintyp..::-
Provided (hat th..: In.;r'::l't,'r Ill~y, Io:I,in~ r..:gardJo thc nccds and hahits
01' the workcr,. fix lhc J"~,)p,)rti"n j;; which thc af,H';ll1cntiim;;d tyl'''' of
f,lci:iti,,~ shall h..: in,la!i.: I.
(-l) (0) Every tr\'lI~!~ ::1',.1
h."in ...: <~ ~j'1\'; ;l 'Illt)dll~. i:nrl.~f\·i"lI' o.:;!Ir(;)("I:
ancl shJII bc tilled with a ":",,,-pipc :ln~ plll~,
(li) The fl"nr or grclu:H: uncler and in thc inllll.:Jiatc Yicinity of .;very
trollbh, top,j..:t, \'::l~h-l>:bin, 't::nd-pipc and ~!;c)\\''''' sh:t1Il>c so bid <Jr finished
as to provide a smouth illlpcr\ i'HIS surf..k" anJ shall be aJ"quakly drain.;J.
(5) For persons wl1O,;e work ill\'olves contact Wilh any injuriolls or
noxious substance there sh:lll be at least one: lap, for e\uy fiftcen persons;
and for persons whose work do::s not involvc such conlact the number of
t:lr~ ~hall he:ls follows:-

No. of worker~

Up to 20 1
21 to 35 2
36 to 50 3
,5 I to 150 4
151 to 200 5
E.~ccding 200 bul n0t c'\;ce:,:(lin'J ~n() 5 rlll~ 0ne t:111 1"'1' cvcr\, 50 PI'
f~:letion of 50:
Exceeding 500 II rlus one tJp for evay 100 or
fraction of 100.

(6) If fem:lle workers :lrc elllpl0yed. sep:lra(c washing f;lcilitic~ sh:1I1 be

provided and so enclosed or screened that the'interiors are not visiblc from
any place where persons of the other sex work or pJSS. The entrance to such
(- facilities shall bear consricuous notice in the Iangu:lge undcrstood by the
majority of the workers "For Womcn Only" and shall also be indicated
( pictorially, "
(7) The watcr supply 10 the washing facilities shall be cJpablc of yielding
( at leJst six gaIlons a day for each persoll employed in the factory and shall
be from a source approved in wriling by the Health,Officer. Provided that
whcre th: Chief InspeclOr is satisfied that such,an yield is not practicable he
I may by certificate in writing permit the supply of a smaller qu ty not being
less than one gallon per dJy for cvery pcrs0n employed in th actory.
Rules prescribed IInder sl/!J-sec/ioll (I) of sec/ion 45 _
i 63. First Aid Appliallce.-The first-aid boxes or cup-boards shaIl be
distinctively marked with J red cross on a white ground and shall contain the
following equipment:-
A.. 'For factories "in which the number of persons employed does not
exceed ten, or (in the case of factorics in Which mechanical power is used) nOt
does not exceed fIfty persons-eJch firs(-ald box (\[ cupboard shall contain
'! the following equipmcnt:-
( " (I) 6 small sterilized dressiilgs.
'"I '(ii) 3 medium size sterilized dressings..
(iii) 3 large size sterilized dressings.

l (II') 3 large size sterilized burn dressings.

(\.) I (I oz.) boUle containing a two per cent alcoholic solution of
iodine .

I -

(I'i) (J oz.) hut!:: c,'nl,lining sa\-vol:!lik h.!\ing I},~ dose and mode of
adll1ini,t:·.!:i'n i'ldic':llcd '''ltiJ~ j.!h~1.
( l ("ii) A snak~-bi;~ I.lnc~1.
(riit) I (I 0Z.) h{,~:~~' pf I'(ll:~, . . il.lnl rl'! !'il'II1:' ·l·'i:..~ C'i> ·1:11=,.
(ixl I pair "·i,,,·;-
(,} !l',)r-:.-I.,f"l' :: .. · .. ;i!L·l:~·!i.
I •
. c: ::~ :\\.!,.. i .. :.:r.
Go\~rnll1~"1 <If India.
(. ri) IAsni-ill
\ I. (,' ' :~," 10')"'"
...•. \. • .., /'
(xii) Okntlncn~ (l)[ lV.HIlS: :llld a s~;t:tb!l~ :'~!~)l.':l! :1ntiscptic solution.
B. For factori~s ia \\'hich mech;l;li,':ll p\l\\:: is used and in which the
number of persons e:Olpllwed exceeds t~n 11[11 G,)e; not exceed fifty-each
first-aid box or cup-b0ard shall contain thc fllI !\)'.'. ing equipment:-
(i) 12 small sterilized dressings.
(ii) G I11cdiumsiz: ,t:riIiLcu dress:n;;;.
(iii) 6 large size st~rilized dressings.
(il') 61:lrge ,iz~ ;;cl;lil.-:J burn d;·c"i<,.
(v) 6 (1/2 oz.) packets sterilized cOl[on WO\l!.
(I'i) I (2 oz) boule containing two pc: celli aleohcJic silUlion of
(I'ii) 1(2 N.) 1:>,'!ll: c,'nt:!inin~ s:!!-·;phtik ;1:"'::'! i!;c dosc and Illode of
admini:ilr~,i01~ inoic::ted-on tl~e bhc'l. -
(,'iii) I roll ofadhc5i\'c plaster.
(ix) A snJ~~ bite L~n(~L
(x) I (I oz.) bottlc of potassium rerl1l:!n~a:~:\le cry,rals.
(xi) I pair scissors.
(xii) I copy of first-aid leaflet jssued by the Chief Adviser, Factories,
Gon~rnment of India. .:
C. For factories employing ~~h:!n (jt'IY~'~s-cach first-aid box
or ':upboard shall contain the followlOg equIl'nl,:nl:-
(i) 24 sn1:l11 stcri! drcssings.
(ii) 12 medium size sterjliz~d dressings.
(iii) J 2 large size steri ..zed dressings..
( (il') 12 large size stcrilized burn dressings.
(v) 12 (1/2 oz.) packets sterilized cotton w001.
(I'i) Snake bite lancet.
(I'ii) I pair scissors.
(I'iii) 2 (I oz.) bottles of potassium permanganate crystals.
I (ix) I (4 oz.) bottle containing a t\\'o rer cent alcoholic solution of
l iodine. _
(x) I (4 oz.) bOll Ie of sal-volatile having the dose and mode of adminis-
tration indicat~d on the label. '
(xi) I copy or the first-aid leaflet issued by the Chief Ad\'iser, Factories,
'~=;'",,-,",==;--:-:.,..:-' Government ofIndia.
1 I
(xii) 12 roller bandages 4 inches wide.
(xiii) 12 roller bandages 2 inches wide.
I (xii') 2 rolls of adhesive plaster.
I (Xl') 6 triangular bandages.
(ni) 2 packets of safety pins.
(xvii) A supply of suitable splints.
(.niii) I tournequet:
Provided that items (xii) to (:('I'iii) inclusive need not be included in the
standard first-aid box or cupboard (n) where there is a properly' equipped .
ambulance, room, or (b) if at least one box containing such items alld placed .
:111.1 I'·.. :'nt~illed in.! ,';,1,,,.: .::it lite !C'q"i,,':llC:lh nfSCCli,)n45 i, s'.'i'~r:ltc­
Iy pr\,\jckd.
D. Tn k'lI pf ,:", dr·:-.: ':!' r,:qllin:d lJ:\';:: i:~,n-; (i) :Jnd (ii). th.:r: m~y
he: C\I:·-·~ilJll"d
J •. I: .... ;... : " .,'.; '!Ic·";"'·· :':··.':'''·c',1 11\· th,: Chi.:!" In-;'-:ct0r
1.11" F:i~:0ric,;. . . .

·f v Ruin rrcs;·..·il·,·d /;"./er .cu!>·scrti"" (3) of scoi"" 45

6·t. A/Ilbulance 1\00/11.-( I) This rule skdl come into force, in r.:,pcct
of .111\. class or dc-;cripti\'n 0f raclories. on such d~lcs as the Chid Commis-
sioner nlJy, by notilication in thc Omci~l Gazdte, ~ppoint in this behalf.
(2) The JnlbulJn~c ro~m or dispenSJry shall be in charge of a qualified
I . medical practitioncr assistcd by at least one qualilicd nurse and such subor-
di n:J te ,ta rr as t he Chief f nSf'ectnr nl:J v di rect.
~"F.xp/analion.-I:l this rule quaJiri:d mcdical practitioncr mc~ns a
pcrSl..11: hv!ding ;1 qu:dif!('.:ii'_'il :..:rJl1kd by =-~Il ~1Lj[hl)rity spcciG~<J In tll~
schedule to the Indiall i\\c,iJC:i' Dcgrees Act 1916 (7 of'I~16) or in lhe
scheduks· to the Indian C"uncil j\kdic~l Act, 1956 (102 of 1956:"
0) The ~nlbUJ;1I1C(; r" .... ,' or Ji,!'cn'~r\· 'h~ll he s~par:Jtcd from the rcst 0!
the f~~wry :Jnd sh:III hc u,~J ,'nil' f\)r tlie rurpose of first aid trc:Jlln.:;ll :Jnd
rest. II ,hall h:Jvc ~ Ih),lr ;I;c·:! or at k:i,t >0 SC;U:1rC fCd :Jnd smooth. 1·,:JrJ
,, :Jnd il;l:,crvious w;lIl, :lI',d 11,,-'1 :Jnd sh:J1I bc adcqu:Jtcly ventilated and lighted
,j by uc1,n naturJ! and ani:ii~i..d mC'-lns. ,\il ::,kqu:i,e supply uf \\hoi~solli':
l drinking wa~er shall be h;,.~ l'n :Jnd the room shall contain at le~s~:-
0) A gl:Jzeq sink Willl h,1[ ~nG cold \·.:lt~r ;!1"':Jys available.
(ii) A table with a Sl1100t h LOp a t least (i' X 3 '6'.
(iii) Means for sterilizing instruments.
. (i\') A couch.
(1') Two stretchers.
(n') Two bucket, or c,'ntainers with Cll'SC fitting lids.
(rii) Two rubber Itvt .... :.i'(f h.I':;s. .
(1'iii) A kettle and spirit SIOve or other su"abk means of boiling waf-r.
Ux) Twelve plain ,,"00den sr1inrs 36' x4' x r.
( (x) Twelve piain woodcn splints 14'· x.3- X r.
(xi) Six plain wooden srlints 10' x 2" x!'.
( (xii) Six woollen bl:Jnkcls.
(xiii) One pair arlery furccp;.
I,,. (xi1') One bottle of brandy.
.i., (.n) The medium·size src'n~e5.
;- Cni) Six hand towels.
(nii) Four "Kidney" trays.
, .(:niii) Four cakes carbolic so~p.
.i. (xix) Two glass tumblers and t\\'o winc glasses.

:,iI.. (xx) Two clinical thermometers.
(xxi) Graduated measuring glass with teaspoon.
(xxii) One eye bath.
( . . . f. (xxiii) One bottle (2 Ibs.) carbolic 10ti0n 1 in 20.
( (::.>:i1·) Three chairs.
(XXl·) One screen.
J:. f
(xxl'i) Dne electric hand lOrch.
r: I (x.nii) Four first-aid blnes or cupboards stocked to the standards pres-
.'~ 'i _ cribed ur.r1er·itel11 C of r_u_Ic_,_6_3_. . ---, _
" ~ t·.! ··Expl~nation tn sub-rule ~ ofruk 64 inserted vide Himachal Goveromeot Notilica-
'to. ,".
tioo No 1&:5.15 (Filc.)/68-Il, daled 6th August, 1964.


(4) The occupier l'; e.'er) t"aclory.lo \,hieh thc>e Rule; apply shall, for tr.e
,... purpose of remOYlng serll'U; cases or
accident or sickness, in the pre-
• mises and mt:i1nlaln In good com,btlon a sUilablc conveyance unless he has
I •
made arrangements for obt:lining such a conyeyance from a hospital.
(5) A record of ,,11 C;I\es uf~ accident and sickness treated at the room
sh~Il be kept and pruduceJ to the Inspector or certifying Surgeon \'hell
Rules 65 to 71 prescribed ullder sectioll 46
i (,5. Ca/ltcel1.-(I) RilL:; 65 to 71 shall come into force in respect of
, ~nyclass or description of t"~ctoric; on such dates a; the Chief COl11l1lis,ivli.:r
may, by notification in the Official gazettc, appoint in this behalf.
(2) The occupier of e",:ry f:lctory not;(ied hy the Chief Commissioner,
and wherein more than l\"'v hundrctl lind llfty \'.orkers arc ordin~rily t;11p-
Joyed shall provide in or near the factory an adequate canteen according
to the standards Vescrib:d i;l thc~e Rules.
(3) The nwnager of a f3ct()ry ~hall sub:l1;t for the approval of th,~ C',ief
Inspector plans ~nd site p!:lns, in duplicate, of the building io be
constructe or ad:lp:ed fl'r u;e as a Ct'IHee:1.
(4) he canteen buildin~ shall be si!u:lid not \~5S lh:ln fifty G",! f;ol1l
any lairine, urin~I, boil.:r h')use, rC>:l1 s!:lcks, ash dU;T,ps and any oiher
source of dust, smoke or al:00xious fumes:
Provided that the Chief Inspector may in any p:lrticular factlHy relax
til~ Pfli\i:>iullS uf t:li:) $lJb·;:.l:~ to S~:C:l C;\t ..'i11 ~l:; n~:1Y b~ r"::1SClfl:t:--!c i:1 !~~.?
circumstances and may r~quire 'measures to be ~doptcd to secure th~
essential purpose of this suo-rull:.
- (5) The canteen building shall be constructcd in acc0rdance "ith tr.e
I plans :lpproved by the Chid Inspector and ,h:lll accommodate ttt least a

I Jilling h:dl, kitchen, store IL'L'I:n: p~i;Hry ::;~ .. ~
workers ~nd for utensils.
\\:~shing rbCLS srp:'!r:itcly

(6) In a c;:\l1,een the 000; ;(nd inside \\'::1lls uptv a height of -! feet from
l;~~ <..! . .)l)r ~hall bo; nl;:'h.~~ l;~ ~::iO('l:j ~nd i:~:;~:'\'il"',~15 rrl~!C'ri:d: th~ r:~":ll:!i~:~~

portil)n of the inside walls sh:lil be made ;l11ooth by cemcnt plas:a or in

( any other manner approved by the Chief J nspector.
(7) The doors' and windo\i,s or a cantccn builJing 'shall be Oyproof
( c<'nstruction and shall allow adequate ventilation.
(5) The canteen sh:l!1 :'~ ;;:!1:cie~,:!y ;;:;!',l~d :It ~1l1imc; when :1t~y rerS0l1S
have access It.
(9) In eveiY cante~n-
(i) all inside walls of rooms and all ceilings and passges and stair-
cases shall be rmewashed or colour-washed at least once in each
year or paimeJ, once in thrce years dating from the p~riod
l when last time washed, or painted as the case may bc;
(ii) :~II wvod work shall be varnished or painted once in three years
dating from t~';~ period when 1:lst varnished N painlcd;
{iii) ;lil il;lernal Slille'iUral irL'n or sleel work be \arnishcd or p.linled
, ollce in ljuLc ~~~lrs u~;lillg frl'!;l till: I'L'riuJ \\hc... n bq \~rni:)hcL1

( I or painted:
Pro\'idcd lh:ll inside \\3;1,; 'l,f lhe kitchen shall' b~ lime-washed· once

Il 1
l·'..;ry four nl<·n,i",


- !

.' .:.

(1)) R~ClHds of dates on which lime-washing, culour-washing, varnishing

or 1':I;l:l;n:; is carri~d (luI. sh:dl he 111:1in!:lined in the prescrihed Regist~r·
(Form :\11. 7).
(10\ Tb~ precincts of the C:ll)iecn sh:dl be l1loin!ained' iil a clean and
·',l,~il.:!" ".,,;~ .. ljli.\Il. \\'~hk \\'.n ...: ;· ': .. 11] ",-' l;:i;"li,·d :l'.;.J\' in :~t1ji;lhk: Cl)\'('fCd
dra;lh . :';1,1 ,h:JiI 111)1 b·; :dltl\\L·..I tn a':,:UIllU!;lI': as "til C:llhC a nuisancc.
.. Silil.::··;,- ;~: i~:!lJ_.:I:':;ll ~il.l:; l,~ III.:J·.:' f·,I: Ii:.: I.:l,;k... liull ;1:',1.-1 I.L:,\,:\"di 1..11'
!!.;trbJ ~( .
..-' .
66. f)il/il/g 111/1/.-(1) Thl''<1ining lnll sh:dl accul1lmod:l!~ at a lillle at
least ~O eLf cenl of the workcrs \\ urkin:; 0 t a tilll~:

l'rL)\'iJ~J that. in any particllbr factury or in any p:lrticulJr clJSS of
factorie,. thoe Chi~f Ct)l11l11issit)n~r 1113Y. hya nt)tification in this behalf,
alter the percentage of workers to be acconllnod:lt~d.
(2) Thoe nON orea of the dining hall. excluding the area occupied by the
s~rviL~ CLlunlc:r anJ any furniture C:l.Lcpl l;tllks iJnJ chairs, shail be nut less
th:ll) 10 ,quare fCd per diner to be accol1lnlodoted as prescribed in sub-
(3) A portion of the dining hall and s~rvice countoer shall be partitioned
off and rCi~rvcd for women workers in proportion to their number. Washing
pLl((5 :',,;. "'Lli1~:n s!u!i be separate :!nJ ,:r,,:!:.:J to s.:cure rri\'acy.
(-1) Sul1ki,,11l lab!.:s, chairs or bwchL'i ,;h,:i1l,,; :!\':lil:1blc fur the numbcr
or Jin~~be accUJl1modat~tI as pr~scribed in s~b-ruk (I~.. " .
67. E<{IIiPIili:III.-( I) There shall b.:: prov,J,;u :ind maull'lIned Sufil';icnt
lJtensili, crockery, cutlery, furniture and any other equipment necessary for
the efilcient running of the cantoeen, suitable clean cluthes for thoe employees
servicing in the canteen shall also be provided and maintained.
(2) Thoe furniture, utensils and othcr equipment shall be maintained in a
clean anti hygenic condition. A service count;:r, jf provided, shall have a
top of smooth ond impervious material. Suitable" facilities including an
adequote supply of hot water shall be provided for the c1eoning of utensils
and .:quipi11tnl.
68. Prices to be charged.-(l) Food, drink and other items served in
tl:.: ca;;:c~n s!;:llI be sold oJ! a non-prafil basis and the prices charged shall
be subject to the approval of the Canteen Managing Committe.e.
(2) The. chorgc'per portion oJ food stuff, beverager and any other item
served in the canteoen shall be conspicuousl~ displayed in the canteen.
*(3) Where the canteens are managed oy a co-operative society of the
workers, a nominal profit not exceeding 5 % may be charg~d_ by such society.
69. Accoullls.-(l) All books - of accounts, registers aDd any other
documents used in connecti0D with tile running of the canteen shall be
produc.:d on doemJntl to an Inspector of Factories.
(2) The account pertaining to the canteen shall be audited, once every
. twelve months, by registered accountants and auditors. The balance sheet
prepared by the said auditors shaH be submitted to the Canteen Managing
Committee not later than two months after the closing of the audited
i 70. Managing COnlll1illee.-{l) The manager shall appoint a Canteen
I' Managing Committee which shall be consulted from time to time as to:
'Sub-rule" of Rule 68 and proviso to rule· 70 .inserted vide Himachal Pradesh
Government Notification No. I&S. 15 (Lab) 654/57, dated 23-9-65.
(0) th~ qu:l1ily and q'l:~ntity offtllld ~:'J!r, tn h~,er\~J in thccank~n:
(1)) th~ arr:IJI:"'Ill"I:: ,,: t:': meIlU':
(<') (illl~' lIr IlH::lb ill II;: ":!lk~IL :""j
(d) allY othcr m:t{(U a, m::y hc directcd hy the C()!l111ill~~,
(1) 1 he CII1I~ell ~1:11l ",'J:,' C";l1Il1i'k~ ~'l':!J C,I:"j,t 'If :,n dj~JI nurnbu
or pcr';"I1' 11"lllill:lted rH' t:,,: "ccupi.:r ,,11,1 cJ:::~d b:, t:"2 ',I Mkcr" The
, 1lull1b:r ,lrd,ckJ Wuff,.", ,i:,'~, h: in t:IC p:"p,,;,idr; o!' 1 ror e"cr" I ,OO'J
workers emf-Joyed in the r~et,)1 I', rr,,\,idcd til:!1 in 110 (';1<': shall thac b~
n)l)re th"1l 5 or Ie,;; than 2 I<'",d"r; 011 ,:". CQIli'l;::(~",
(3) The man:,scr shall d:t:rl11i:)t: JnJ SUi)dli,:~ t!i,' prvc:Jur~ fvr ekc-
ti,)ns to the CJnteen h1:lnagir.:; Co:nlllittcc.
(4) A Canteen M:lin~ing Cvmmittec s:1311 he di,;oh't:J by thc managa
two years aftcr thc last ekction, no account being taken of a bye-election:
·Pro\·iciro th:1f \vhere tl~c ('~;}t("r"n~ ~:'"" r) . .' .... ·'~,v~ ~~~~""'.~~~: ;:;~ c'.)'O;~.:i~t; . ...:
societlcs rcglStcred under the Hinuchal l'r:td~sll Co'o[luati"e'Societie, Act,
1956, it shall not be nece"sa,.' t.... 2ppoint sue!) a m:,~:,:;i:lg com;nit:~c.
71. Plinion oj running coJ{ 10 be bome by o(ClIjJier,-:"The Chief Com-
missioner may by special or general directions i;su~d in this b.:half and
notified in the Official G3ze;t~, rrcscrih~d lh,~ :"'):'0:!i.'rl of the C,1S:'Or
rllllnin!! a ,~nleCIl 1"'1:.::h ,!lJli h: h,'rn,: by t:l: ",-:::;<'c.

}':':'!I..'J' prt..'!)'cribc!c! 1Il1dt:r Jeer/on 47

72. 5:,.-I;.. ,-s, 1\..SI RvJ,;;s lII:J Lillich ]\uolIIs,-li) Thi; shall come
..into ioret: in respect or any class or description or'" Llctori·:s. on sueh d:\tcs <-
:IS lil;: Chd' Commissioner m3Y, by notili,:lli"1l ill tl;;: Oi:ici.t1 GJ7.elf~.
appoint ill this beh:l1f. ,
(2) Thc shclters' or rest-rOOf'lS :lnd IU:lch-fl)G;:~' ,h:d! c,1:lf,Jrm I,) the:
fullowing standard; an"; the manager of 'a LICltJrY si1311 submit for the
approval of the Chid Inspcctor site pl:tn in duplicatc of the building'to be
cvnstr'.ictcd or aGJptcd:- .
(0) Thc building shJIl be soundly cOllslr~ct.:,:' all.! all the walls Jnd
roof shall be of suit2ble he3t resisting l11:ttc:'jals and shall be water
( proof. Thc floor :;nd walls to a heigh; or 3 fCt:1 sId! be so bid or
finished as to provide a smooth h3rd 21ld impef\'ious surfice.
{ (b) The hei~ht of cvef\' 1'00111 in the buildill~ shall be not less than 12
feet frotn floor level to the lowest part o(the roof and there shall be
{ at least 12 square feet of floor area for every person employed:
Provided that (i) workers who habitually !;0 homt.' fN their meJls
l during the rest periods may be excluded in calculating the number
of workers to be accommodated, and (ii) in the case of factceies
{ in existence at the date of com:nencement of the Act, where it is
impracticable, owing to lack of space to provide I2 s<fUare feet of
( floor area for each person, such reduced floor area IJI:r person shal1
be provided as may be approved in writing by the Chief Inspector:
( (c) Effective and suitable provision shall be made in every room for
securing and maintaining adequate ventil:ttion by the circulation of
l fresh air and thcrt: shali also be providcd :llld m:tintained sufficient
and suitable natural or artificialli~htillg,
( (d) 'Every room shall be adequately f'Urnisllcd with chairs or benches
with back-rests. ' .
·Proviso to Rule 70 inserted ,'iJe H;m3ch31 Pr3desh Governmcnt Notification No: ,.'
.1&5, 15(L.~b) 654/57, dated 23-9.65.
(e) Sweepers shall be employed who~e.prill1:J.IY Juty is to keep the
rooms, building and precincts thereof in a clean and tidy condition.

. Rules prescribed ullder sub-sec/io/l (3) of see/ioll 48

73. Creches.-(l) Rules 73 to 76 shall come into force, in respect of
any class or description offactories, on st:ch dates as the Chief Commissioner
may, by notification in the Official Gazette, appoint in this behalf.
(2) The creche shall b~. conveniently accessibie to the mothers of the
children accommodated therein and so far as is reasonably practicable it
shall not be situated ·in close proximity to any part of thc factory where
obnoxious fumes, dust or odours are given olT or in which excessi\'c!y noisy
processes are carried on .
. (3) The building in whit:h the creche is situated shall be soundly construct·
ed and all the \\'alls a:1d r:Jofs sh:lll be of suitabk heat ;c"i~tjn:; materials dnu
shall be waterpoof. The floor and internal walls of the creches shall be·
so laid or finished as to provide a smooth impervious surface.
(4) The h~ight o(the r60ms in the building shall be not Itss than 12 feet
irorn the floor to the lowest part of the roof and there shall be not less thaD
20 square feet of noor ;l[,'J ;'or each child to be :1CCC!~~!~:o.!.ti~<!.
,- C . Effective and suitabie provision shaH be maLIc in cvcry part of the::
creche for se::curing and maintaining adequate ventilalic)11 by the circulation
of fresh air.
(6). The creche shall be adequately furnished and equipped and in parti·
cular. there shall be onc suitahle cot or cradle with t~,e ll~ce'5a,y b('d(';n~ fcr
cactI cmld; pr.cyided th:it for children o\·er two yeC1rs of age it win ~e
sufficient ir sUHable bedding is made available:: at lea5t one chair or equivalent
or st:aling accummodalion for ihe use of each moth.:r Wililc she is feeding
\-r attending to her child, and a sufficient supply of suitable IOYS for tile:: older·

(7) A suitably fenced and shady open air !lb1y-!.'found sh~1I bc proyiccd
II·', t'le "Icc·r cldldn,n. Pr('\·ided that the Chief 1n5r>cc:,'r 11::1',' b.. order in'
\~;iiing ex"mpt any factory from compliance wilh i:l!S sur.-r,;:" ii' he is saris·
n"d tllat i1,,,re is nut SUIlie'iellt sp"cc a vai1:lble for tilc prov.;;ion o( such a
·74. Wash Room.-There shall be in or adjoining the creche a suitable·
\\·<;·sn room flir 1I1l; washing of the chilLlren allJ their clulhing. The wash room
sl.all conf0,m to the following standards;-
(a) The floor and internal walls of the room to a height of 3 feet shall be
S0 laid or finished as to provide a smooth impervious surface. The
room shall be adequately lighted and vcnti1:lted and the floor
st.ali b", effectively drained and maintained in a clean tidy condition.
(b) T"erc: suall be at least one basin or similar vessel for every four
- cI,ilJrcn accommodated in the creche at allv one time toeether
witn a supply of water provided, if pr:lct!c':1bIC, through taps frem
a source appro\·cd by the He::ith Ofiiccr. Such. source shall bi:
capable: of yielding for each child a 5ul'I'ly of ilt least live gallc'ns
01 watcr a day.
l (c) An ad"quate supply of CIC:lll c!01bc5, St'ap :lntl ck:lJl towcls shall be
r.;.ade available for each child while it is ill the creche.
'.. :::,lppfJ cf mitk end rcjrcsIJIIlclIl.-:\t Ic~;.t half a pint 'of clean pure
~~;ik s,:ai: he ;wailable for caell child on C\·cry day it is :icc0mmodatcd in the
creci;.:: and the mother of such a child sh:lll be allowed in the course of her

d:li!v work, 2 illlen':li, of .11 i,·;\~t ~O millie> I,' f:cd the child. For children
:lbo;:c two YC:lrs nr :!"e there sh:lll bc l'~,,,::.:~,,: ;:, add ilion :;n adequate
supply or wholcsome rerre,hlllcnl. .
7(,. C!othes fdr C',cli,' Swff- Th·: ce,':::: : :;.::. <hall hc providcd II'it!:
suitahle Cle:lll clothe, r"r lhe' whik O!l du!\' i:', :::..:. (":.. 1.:.


..___RII!es prescribed IInder Sl/b·sc(!ioJl (~) (~( scc/ion 53

\•../77. Compensatory Ho/ida)'s.-(I) E.~cql ill ra;;e or workcrs cng:\ged
i'1 :1ny \v('ry. whirl, f"r 1,..("~"ir:l rf'",!<:'V":' r-~ .:! J" .~~rril:,rl f'!1 r0:1!;rll1i""'lll::ly

throughout the day. the compellsator\" hl'lib:' (.,) bc allowed under sub-
section (I) or s 'on 5~ or II;;: Act s!',:111 r': ''-' <~,.',: ' 1!::I1 not more :!~:In t\\'0
holidays ar Iven in one wcek.
(2Y he manager or the r:lctory sh:\11 c':'?by. 0[1 or before the end or Ihe
1110n!h ill which hoEda\', :1r': h~\. a nc,·::.' i" r,:':':ct or "'orker~ :.~I."":'~':
cOl1lpen;;atory holidays' durin~ Ihe ro!:,'" in~ I;;on!h and or the dal;:s
thereor. at the pLiee at which tile NOli.:c c'; i',',i,'ds or \Vork. prescribed
under section 61 is dispJ:lyed. 1\l1y suhscq:::::, c·i:.':l~C in the notice ill resrecl
of allY compensatory holid;})' sh:.lil be m:iGe r.,', iess than three days in
adv:1nee or the date or that holid:1)'.
(3) Any compensatory holiday or hl'Ji':.~\'5 ['.' \\'h;.::h a worker is entit'ed
shall be given to him berore he is disch.1rfcd or dismissed and shall nol be
reekoncd as' part or any period of noti,'c r~'~:li:~d tl) bc given berore dis·
,har;.:: or dismissal.
(4) (n) The manager shall ~pinlain a RC!,isi'" in Form No.9:
Providcd th:!t, ir the ChicI' Tilsrccto~ c: r.!;~ :·:i~s is or th~ opinion th~:
any muster-roll or register maintained as r:ort ,< the routine of the ractory or
retlJrn macie bv the mana!!er. !!ives in r~,,,~('( ,,:, ~nv or Hll "f the workers
in the ractory the particular< r~q"ircd ror r'iC cll;',)rC~ll1ent or section 52. hc
Ill;'y, by order in writin'g direct tInt surh rnu<iu·r,,11 or re!!i'l.~r or ft'tlJrn shdll,
to lhe cor~esponding e\tent, .he maintained in rbee (.1' and be treated as the
regi<ter or return required under thi, rule r,'r IIl.1' f;lctNV.
(b) The register maintained under claus.: (0) shall he pre~erved for a
period of three years arr~r th" last entry i:l il and shall be produced beror<."
the Inspector on demand. .

__MfiS((,.-roll prescribed under sub-section 4 0/ section 59

~s: ']lfus/er-roll for exemptedfactories.-The manager of every Tactory
I[ in which workers arc exempted under section 64 or 65 from the provisions or
section 51 or 54 shall keep a muster-roll in Form No. 10 showin!! the normal
piece work rate or pay. or tl'e rate or pay per ;)our, or all exempted Ilmpl"yees.
l Tn this muster-roll shall be correctly enterd (he o\'cr:ime rour~ of wC'rk and
( payment therefor or all exempted workers. The muster-rolt in. Form No. 10
shall a\'ailable for insflCction.
~78A:~-Period of overtime worked shall be entered in overtime slips ir.
duplicate, a copy of which duly signed by the manager or by a person duly
authorised by him shall be given to the worker immediately after completion
of the overtime work.
• I

-' .
'780. 1 r:c ca~h eqUivalem of the advantage accruing through the
, concessional s:>.k te' a worker of food grains and other articles shall be
computed at the eno of every wage period fixed under the provisions of the
Payment of Wages Act, 1936.
-78e. FAr the purpose of computing c;1sh equiv:!lent of the aJv:1nt:1ge
accruing thro::gh the concessional sale to a worker of foodgrains :1nd other
articles, the di!Terenee between the value of food!!rains and other articles
value :1t til: average rates in the n-carest market p(evailing during the wage
period in which the overtime was worked and value of foodgr:lir.s and other
articles suropii~d at conces,ional r:ltes shall be calcl:l:1t~d and all..-.\V,~d for the
number of overtime hours worked.
This rule sh:lll not apply to any Federal Railway Factory whose alterna-
tive method of computation h~s been approved by the State Government.

/' Notice prescribed lInder sub-sec/ion (8) of scctiol/ 61

...~. Sorice of pr:riods of \I'ork for adlil/s.- The notice of puiolls 01' work
{or adult wc;kcrs shall be i:l Form No. II,

R,gis/cr !Jrcsuihcd JII;i/cr sllb-scctiull 2 (1/ Si'c/ion (,~

''JlO: Rc?i-,.-cr (lr ad;;l/ 't"lJrkcrs.- The IT~I,,:cr I',f :lc!t:lt w,:rkc:rs 'hall be
in Form ,,;. I~. '
Rilles 81 to g4 prcscribcc!lIlIder sl'oiol1 6-1
81. So/ c,n!'licah/e.
82._ .vOl Gfplicat>!e.
83. jYO{ c.:,pl;"cob!C;.
84. No: cpp/icnhle,
Sch~':t:le nnl applicable.
L .\'Mice prescribed linda .wb-scClio/l (3), of .~l'c/.:Vl/ 7 ~
I! 85. ,Ynticc a/pClinds (f lrork for childrell.-The no'iice uf periods (If
( work fcr ':hi:J workers shali be in Form No. 13.

R.egis/er ,prescribed l:llder sub-sation {2) 0/ sectio/l 73

86. Register 0/ child lIwkcrs.-The register of child workers shall be io
Form No. 1-1.
- 86 (A). The cas!; equivalent of the advantage 'accruing through the coo-
cessional sale offoodgrains and other articles payable to workers proceeding
on leave sh311 be the difTerence between the value at the average rates in the
nearest market prevailing during the month immediately preceding his leave
and the value at the concessional rates allowed for foodgrains and other
articles he is ~,.titled to.
For the p~rpose of th:: cash equivalen' monthly average market rate ('f
foodgrains r:.::~ ether al"tidcs shall be computed at the end of every month .
• Rdc 75.\ to 7~C ; "ide J lilllJch31 Go\'crnm~l\t ?':otific;!tion No. r&$. 15
(Lnto) r,S-lj57. d21CL! 2J·~b5.
"!{:..:k \iJc llilll;Jc.:hal Pradtsh Go\"crnmcnl
t-t·.\ :;ubJi.ilu',:-d Notjfi~ati\)n ~o.
I&S. 15 (l.ab) [51;57. datcd 23-9-65.

Rule prescribed under sec/ioTJ 80

. ~les 87-94 prescribed under sections 83. Gnd 112

'-- .81. LeQl'e lI'it/' wages rl'gis/er.-(l) The manager shall keep a register
in form No. 15 hereinafter called the Leave with Wages Register:. . ....
Provir1ed rhat if the Chicf In<rector i, of tlie opinio'n 'that any muster-roll
or re!!istef maintained as part of the routine of the factory: or return made by
the n;3n:lger, gives in respect of any or 311 of the workers in t~e fact"ory, the
rarticulars required for the enforccm~nt of Chapter VI IT of the Act, lIe may,
by order in \\'riting, direct 'th3t such muster-roll or register or return shall. to
the corrcsponJing extent, be maint3in~d in place 'of and be treated as the
registcr or return requircd und~r tll;s n;:~ in respcct of that factory~' .
(2) The Leave \ jth Wagcs Ref;i;'l~r shall be preserved for a period of
three Yc:l~s af le last entry in it :lnd ;h~.!1 be rroduced before the Jrispector
on t~c-;:~::;~ .'.
"SR:' LCGI'e Book.-(I) The nl:lna~cr shall provide each worker with a
rC'C'k in Form No. 16 (htrcin~~I~r cl~~d the leave book). The kavc bC'ok
shall be ,he property of the worker and the manager cr his agent shal! ' not
demand it except to make the relevant entries therein whenever necessary and
shall nor keep it for more th3n a \\'e~k 3t a time.
(2) if :I \\'orker loses !'is L~:m; Book. the rmnager shall pro"ilk him with
:lnother cC'py on the paymcnt of ann3 one and shall complete it from his
'89. ,\fpdical certificate.-if any \\'orker is absent from work due'to his
:n .. , ..• ...',"J.
l"II~.): d;;" J ,. \1"Ilt-
> UuHI :> to
. '\";111'II II'
,r ·1·,
,I" \"'1 l,h.. I"
IL'I ..
:>~tl H.I 1 II'"~"S
\ C \\.:,1 "::::-'- . . . . .to
C'",· .. "::-;1
..... t"•
cover the \\'hole' or part of thc rcric'd ,'f his illncss under 'the provisions ('f
c1au,e (7) o( section 79 of Cilapl~r \'111 ~s rcvi,cJ by the Fa:torics (i\me:J~'
'meI1l) .. \Ci, J95-l. he sh:dl if reqlJi:td ry rhe manager. produce a medic:>.1
certifical~ signed by a registered or r~cognised Vaid or Hakim stating the
cause c·:' :he absence and the period for which the worker, is, in Ihe opinion of
such T'l~dical practitioner, Vaid or Hakim. unable'to attend (0 his work, or
olha reliable evidence to pr~ve lhat hc I<3S actually sick during the period for
which the leave is to be availed of.
90. Notice to Inspec/or of illl'oll/ntnry unemp!oymen/.-The manager
shall give, as soon as possible, a notice to the Inspector of every case of
involuntary unemployme!1t .of \\'orker:" ~iving numbers of unemployed and
the r~ason for their unemployment. Entries to this effect shall be made in the
Lea\'e with \V3gcs Register and the LC:lve Book in respect of each worker
conccrned, .
'91. j\'otia by 1I'0rker.-Before or 3t the end of every calendar year, a
worker, who may be required to avail of Je3ve in accordance-with sub-section
(8) of section 79 of the Factories Act. 19~5, may give notice to the manager
of his !nt~nli0n not to avail himsclf of.kave with waQes falling due duriog
~he following calendar.year. The l11an2:;a ~hail makc nn t:ntry to that effect
In the Leave with \Va!;es Register and in the Leave Book of the worker
concerned. .

'Ruk:: $3 (I) 89 .Ind 91 sub.<tilutoJ \'iJc Hi.n:lchal Pndcsh'G()\'anmcnt i'iotilication

No. I&S. 15 Ilat» 654/57, d:llCd 2.3-9-65.

~ : ··'fA:. . .!iiI

- <
30 .,
*92. Notice r./ 'eGI'e with \\·oges.-{I)"~ far 3S circumst:lnccs permit,
nlcll1has orthe S~nlC family. C'lI11I'r1';lilf! IlIIsb3ild. wi'" ~nd children sh311 be
allowcd lea "C 011 the ;.;) me da te.
0) " \\orkcr nlJ\' exc:h~ll;,e thc·period of hi,; le~"e wilh another lI'orker,
subje,1 I,l the ~ri):-,)\',!I "I '!IC 111:11l:\~er.
t9:<. r,71'n1C11t o( "·u.:;n i( till! 'l'Orkcr dies.-lr a \l'orker dies beforc he
resull1cs v'ork, the balance (Jf his pav due for the period of leave with wages !lot
av~ilcd of sh~11 he r~ir, (,) hi- norni!ll'C \l'ithin Oile week of the intimatio!1 of the
dcath of th~ \l'orkt.:r. For this purposc cach workcr shall submit a nomination
in Form No. 28 duly sign~ct by hims~lf and attested by t\l'O witnesses. The
·nomination shall r~main in force until it is cancelled or revised by another
9.:1. Register /0 be maintained ill case of exel11ptiollllllder sec/ioll 84.- (I)
'Where an exemption is granted under section 84, the manager shall maintain
a rcgi')lcr S1h)\·. iilg (il~ P\..hj~il..1l1 o( c3ch worker as regJr<i~ leave due, leaVl:
taken and wagcs gm nkd.
en He shall disl'l.\y !1t the m~il1 entr3nce of the f;letory, a notiec giving
full details of the s,·stem established in the factory for leave with wa!!es ;lnd
shall send a copy of it (0 the f n s r e c t o r . · -
(3) No ail.:r3ti')11 s!l~il hc 111:lde in thc scheme 3rrroved by the Chief
Commissioner at tll<: time or gr::nl.,lg exemption under section Sot without
its previous s3net;011.


..; R II!': prescribed Imrlc'r see/io/? 87 '.

.~ 5. DOli emus tivlls.-{I) The following operations ,';hen carried
. any factory ar<: declare to. be dangerous operations under section 87:
.. I. ·..M'!.Dl)[ac;:ture oj acrated-W..1ter and processes incidental th('reto.
"j '
V EI.:ctrol~'ljc-plat~~ or oxid~tio~ of metai articl~s by use of all
electroh'te Cont:lIIlJn!! chromiC aCId or other chromIUm co·,npounds. .'
f 3. 1'o·1anuf:lctl.1r~ :::ld re';:::r of electric accumulators.
rt ,q) 'Glass niariufactun:. . ' - .. ~':.

J . :s. :Grindin!: or glazin!! of metals
'. ,.. . '
. -' ...,-;.
6. -Manufacture-a'ncf treatment oflead and certain compounds
7. Generating pctr.Q1...gas from petrglij' . ~ .. '~: .. .;;
.8. Cleaning or smoothin? ·of articles .by a jet of sand, metal sh~t..:.
or grit or l',L:~,- :lor'::.isive prop<:llcd by a blast of compressed air :}
or steam. _. . ' . ,. . . ";'
..'9. Liming and tanning of raw hides and skins an'd processes incidenta~ '"
thereto. . . . . . . . ..

. All types of band:saws. __ .' . --'
I, 1 Manufacture.o[pattery, - ., . ,. "
I· .. ~:; e provisions specified in the Schedules annexed hereto shall apply
.. '10', Glass or description of factories wherein dangerous operations specified
;f 'in 'e\ch:Schedule are C:lrric_d_o_U_L .....:.... ---:_
,; . "S\ib=-Rule I and 3 of R~le 92 deleted and sub'rule (2) Rnd (4) re·numbered vide

, -HImachal Pradesh Government Notification No. I&S. 15 (Lab) (,54/57. dated

22·9-65 as sub-rule (I) .nd (~).
tRule 93 substituted bv Himachal Pradesh GoVernmellt Notification No.
I I&s .:15 (Lab)654/57. dated 23-9'-65. .
'1Tlem tOand 11 of sub-rule t ofRule95 inserted vide Himachal Pradesh Govern-
11 mellt Notification No. I&S. t5 (Lab) 654/57. dated 23-9-65.
Chief Commis~ion' .by notification in
in this behalf, _=~~~~O=:':L~::'..'..':~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

1. Fencing ofmachincs.-All machines for filling bottles or syphons',

shall b.: so constructed, pbced or' fenced as to prevent, as far· as may be
practicabk, a fra;ment of a bursting bottle or syphon from striking any.
persoll employed in the factory.
2. Face-guards and. gaunJicls.-( 1) The occupier. shall provide aod
maintain in gcJod conditie.'D rur ::-t:: u,~ of all persons engaged in .siling·
bottles. or syphones: .
(a) suitable face-guards to protect the face, neck and throat, and',
(b) sl~it3blc gJ.untlcts for bOih arms to protect the.whok ham! and,

l-'roviJ-:J thai:
(i) paragraph 2 (I) sh:dl not apply "'here: bottles arc filled by
means of an allt0~atic machine so constructed that DO
fragment of a bursting bo~tlc can escape, and
(ii) where a machine is so constructeJ that only one arm of the
I _ bonier nt w('Irk U""C'rl
. it ise.~l)(\scd to danger
_, a oP21.1~~!ct
n~ed not bc proviJcd for th~ 2,::1 which is DOt e,~poseJ to
(2) Thl: occupier shall provide and maintain in good condition for the
use of all persons engaged in corking, crowning screwing, wiring, foilin;.
c:.r~\Iling. sighting or labelling h(l!:ks l'r sYP!](lns:-
(0) sui~able face-guards to protcct the face, neck and thro:!t, and
(b) suitable £:."otlets for both :lrms to protect the arm and at !east'
half (\f the pa!r.! and the space b~t'.\-~::n the thumh and f(lrefinger.
3. Wearing offace-guards alld gcuntlels,-AII persons engaged in any
of the processes specified in paragraph 2 shall, while at work in such processe~.
wear the face guards' and gauntlets pr(lvided unl'cr the provisions of the
£aid paragraph.



l L Dejillilio{;.c.. -FL'f tLe purposes of this Schcdt.:Ic.-

(0) "Elcctro!::tic chromium process" means the electrolytic plating or
oxiJ;,tiL':, of metal arlicl~s by the usc of an ele.:trolyte containing
chror:lic ::cid or nther chromium clJmp,)unds,
(b) "Bath" [';';cans ,.ny vessel used for an electrolytic chromium process
or for :,In'.' slIbsc,qllent process.
(c) "Ernrlc'~d';'. mC,I"lS in paragraphs 5. 7. ~ and 9 of this Schedule,
employcl! ill any process involving contact \'lth liquid' from' a
(Ii) "Suspension" lII~an~ su\pcn,ion from employment in any process
in\'oh'ing contact with li'1uid from any tnth by written ccrtifi.:atc
!! in llJ~ Health Rc~i,!c~, ,:";,ICJ hy thc CcrtiryiJfg Surgeon, WI1;1
- ,hall havc power of ,u\p,;n,ion as regards all persons employed
i;1 a ~iY sueh pr".::e",

!c'.d:,iII'<: drallghr,-;\n c;;:,,::,,: nh:tlh' dr.,u.:'lll slwll he appli~d tel

C\rcr\' \t:>scl i:l which an ckl'lr"I, :i~ chrumium rrocc,;, ;,; carricd on, Such
drau£ht shall he provided hy 1J1~'-:hanicJI mcan,; 30d shall operate on the
vap0lir or spr,l\' givcn oil' in th..: r""c,',;, as ncar :J'; be at the point or
ori;;in, The nhJust draught api'!JilnCc shall b,~ so constructed, arrang~d
and maintained as to prevent I:l'~ \'Jpour or sp;ay entering into any room
or place in which work is carried on,
3. Prohibirioll re/aring 10 II'0mall alld youllg persolls,-No women,
adolescent or chill:! shall be employed orpermitted to work at a bath,
~, Fluor of \I'orkrooms.-'j ;IC l:our of e\'e~y room containing a bath
~h:!11 be impe[\'ious to wala, The fl,)('f shall b~ nnintained in good ~nd
ieI'd condilion and shall be washed down at least once a day.
S. Prorecli,'e c1olhillg.-(I) The occupier or the ractory shall provide
and r:~3!l1tain in good and clean c'''l'.!iii'''llhc re)llo\C'ing articles or prr,:,~:;;,:c
clothing f('[ the use or all per;OIl, c:llj'Iv::cd on ;lny process at which Ih~y
, ~r..:· !~:'!'"'!(' tl' C('l;,lt? in conl:lcr \'.'i~~1 !j<~!;~ r;"O:~l :l b~{h ond SllC~l c~,'~:~;::~
,I sh31l be \\'orn by the persons conccrned:
(a) waler·proof aprons and bib,;, and
(b) fvr po:r;0;lS actually wvrkil1g at a G'llh, 1'1'1s..:-filling rubber glo\'c,;
I and rubber bOOlS or oth~r \\'ata-proorrool\ycar.
I, ,(2) The occupier shall provide and for the:use of all persons
n. cin;d0Y12d s~itJbk ,accoIlllr:'OG~ll;on f.')i" l;~:; St0r~~~ ~:',d adcqu~ltc arr::lr:E~·
ments ror the drying of the protcctiI'c clotJ1ing.
, ,
, ' 6, Medica! requisiles,-:-Thi:. occu;>icr shall provide and maintain :1
i, sufjj.:iClit supply of. suitable OiJltllh~nl and imperm.:ablc wa~cr-proof plastu
in a separate box readily accessible to the workers and used solely for the
purpose of keeping the ointm<;nt and plaster. '
7. 'Medico! exami/laliQ/l.-{a) Evcry person employed shall 'be examined
by the Certifying Surgeon once in c\'ery .J.~'S-jlnd such' examination
f: shall take p13ce at the, factory, •
(b) A Health Register in thc prescribed Form No, 17 shall be kept by the
occupier of the factory and in it shall be entered the names of all persons
1 c;mployed tQ.gcther with such entries. as the Certifying Surgeon may make
,I , from time to time. '
(c) 1'\0 person after suspension shall he employed without written sanc-

tion from the Certifying Surgeon entered in or atlached to the Healt,':!
8. Caulionary placard,-A cautionary placard in the, form specified by
i the Chief Inspector and printed in the language of the majority vf the workers
employed shall be affixed in a promincnl p1::lce in the factory where it C:l.!1 be
[ easily and conveniently read by the workers.
, '9. Weekly exalllinalioll.-A rcsponsible perSOll appointed in writing
by occupier of the factory shall twice in e\'ery week inspect the hands and
for~aiilli of all persons employcd and shall keep a rccord of such inspections
r, in {be Health Register. '
:I.!....; •



,, ACCU:-"l L'LATORS .
I, Sllr"".~.\.- '1 ::1' 'L'I:cduk ,Iuli 11,:': 111'1'1)' I,) th<: manuractur<: t)r repair
: I tlr ..:kClriL· ~11.:\.·llllll.iL:[llr ... 111 _ p.1rr' l!:_~i'.?(lr not c~)1l1:lining L.::Jd Of. any ~
cOmp,HII1t1 or k:ld. l.r \0 liJ~ r('pilir ,", th<: pr('mi,;('s of allY accumulator
! furmil1g pi' rt lIr a ,{:l i i"l1ery hililery.
2. f),jillilirJtl.l.--.Fur Ih~ l'urp0s<:, ,',:',1;:,; SckJuk:-
\ (II) '·I.Cild 1':l..Ic(',,," m(':lI1S Ih:: m('ltil1g of kad or any m~llcrial con-
(aiail1g kJd. CJslil11;, pasting. kJdb urning, or any other work,
! including trimmil1g. or any Dihcr Jbr3dil1g or cullil1g 0f paslcd
pl3tes, in\'oh'il1g thc use:, ml)\'e:i11~nt or manipublion of or contad
with an\' oxide of lead.
(b) '''Manip~lation or r3W oxidc of ICJd" means all)' kad process
involving :lnv manipul;Jtion or mO\'cment of raw oxidcs of Ic:ld
,)Ihcr 1:13;1 it;; COI1\'c::lI1CC !1 il rccepl3Ck or by I11('Jns of an'
implement from (lI1C opcr:llion I,) another. '
(c) "Su,;pel1"ill l1" meal1S su,;pens:011 from employm~nl in 311y lead
pro~~,;:. b:; wrill~11 cCrliiic:,~:s i'1 Ih~ lI~alth R~~i:,[.:r (Form No,
17) sigl1~d by thc Certifyil1g SurgcOI1, who shall h~ rower 'of
Sl:.:;pcn.:;i\,\n :1:- r~~;lrd~ ::!l J1('r~ll:I' clllph..1yl'd in :1ny si.!,:h ~~~. ._
3. Pru!;;'ujjiuJ: I"L,'..· ::j,::; 10 I~·t.i;i:d: l.'Jit! Jouns P(!ISUIlS.--i'u W0JII:..l.n oi
young pcrson sh:lll be employcd or p<'rmilled to work in any le;ld proces~'~
'or in any rool11 in which the mal1ipul;llion or r3W oxide of kaJl or p:lsling
IS carned on. , ,.
4. Separation (lr eerlaii/. proCl'ss;'s.-E:lch of th~ foilo\\;ing' pro.c:~sses
shall be carried on in such :I n1:ll1n('r and ullder such conditions as to secun:
efTectual separation frolll OI1C an0lhcr, :ind from any other proccss: .:',
(a) Manipulal.ion of r:l\v oxide: of I~ad;
(b) P a s l i n g ; , /
(c) Drying of pasl<:d platcs; ,

I, (d) Formation with k;td humin; ("l.llckil1g") r.cccssilrily c~~j-icd on

in connection therewith;
(e) Melting down of pasted plitcs.
5. Air space.-In eva)' room in which a lead process '(s carried on, there
shall be at least 500 cubic feet of air space for'each person employed therein,
..... ' .":'.: (;.; ;
. .

and in computing this air space no height over 12 feet shall be taken .into
.( account. • _
6.. Ventilalion.-Every workroom shall De provided with· inlets ,.. and..
".. " ...'... ; ';:;'1~;

outlets of adequate size as to secure and maint:linefficient v~ntiiation"lli<a1(';'

I parts of the room.
. 7. Disiance bel\l'eell workers ill pasting room~-In .ev~ry.·";·
:' .. :r.,.:', .1 f.'

the distance bctween the centre' of the working position of. any paster and~
that of the paster workil'g nearest to him shall not be less than five. feet. "rt"
• . -
.•.•• : J

8. Floor oj \I·orkrool11s.--(I) The Iioor of every room in wJJlcb: a.

lead process is carried on shall bc- '..;~ :,:' ",:::;
(0) of cemc'nt or similar material 50 as to be smooth and impervious' .. '
to water; .It.
(b) maintained In sound ~ondilion; , ' . ' , ' , ;;.·l:l~i~:)..f.i~,
(c) kept frce from matena!s, plant. or otherobstru~tloJ1~~L~!:~~~~~""
for, or produced in the process carried on in' the rOOID. " . ;j'o.';z",y,:..;
. . ; - '<'~.:~~~~:;.~~{:7r:j.
.. ~~ :~>Itt,' .'.. :::;'.~~; -, ,,,;:;:~.'7--' -~-~~,-".- _.~ '+~:OW<f1T;P,-~!*".~;i{~•
. ..,.... ~.

. .
H .

"~/' (2) In all such rLlLlm~ plher Ihan grid ca,ling ~hLlp> tht: !loor ~h:lll bt:-
(d) cleansed daily afler bein? th?roughly spraycd with water at
time when no olher work IS being carned on m the room.
(3) In grid casling shops Ihe noor shall be cleanscd daily.
I (4) Without pr~judice to the requirements of sub-paragraphs (I), (2) and
(3), where manipulation of raw OXide of lead or paslJng IS camed on, the

I floor shall also be-

(0) kcpt constantly moist while work is bcing done;
(b) provided with suitable and adequate arrangements for dramage;

(c) thoroughly washcd (bily by mC:lns of a hose pipe.

9. Work-benches.- Tr.e work-benches at which any lead process IS
, carried on sha 11-
(a) have a smooth surface and be m:lintained in sound condition;
(b) be kept free from all materials or plan not required for, or produced
in, the process carried on thereat;
and all such work-benchcs other than those in grid casling shops shall-
(c) be cleansed daily eilher after being thoroughly damp.:l! or by
means of a suclion cleaning ilppar;)tus at lime when no other
wNk is r,~in~ urried on Ihereat;
anl! all such work-bcnches in grid c:lsting shops, sh:lll-
(d) be cleansed daily;
nnd e"e.\' \\'or k-bc;ol:..:h l!:>.:{~ ft"'lr f:1:,tin!! 511:111--
(e) "be covered throughout with sJ~eet lead or olhcr illlr~f\'iou,; malt:rial;
(f) be providcd wilh raised edges;
(g) he kept cl'nslanlly moist while pasting is bei:1£ Clrr:cd on.
10. £,y/J{Jus/ draugh/.- The following processe,; sh:1I1 not b..: c:lrrieJ on
without the use (If:ln ef1ieic:lt exh:lust draught:-
(a) Melting of Ic:ld or materials containing kad;
(b) i\bnipubtion of r:lW oxide of lead unkss llolle in an ellclt"<d
apparatus so as III prcvent Ihe escape of du,;t into Ihe work ro,) 111 :
(c) Pasting; .
(d) Trimming. brushing, filling or· any l)thcr ::hrading or cLllling
of pasted I'I~tcs gi\'ing risc to dust;
(e) Lead burning. olher lhan:-
(i) "lackin!!" in the formation rooms:
,. (ii) Chemic;1 burnin!! for the makin~ of lead Jinil1l.:s for cell
cases necess:lri!y carried on in such-a r.l:lnncr that the applica-
., t ion of dlicic Ii t ex ha ust is im prnctie;J bk.
Such exhaust draught shall be effected by mcehanical means and shall
operate on the dust cr fllnv: gi\;en off as nearly as may be at ilS point of

j origin, so as to prcvent it entering the air of any room in which persons work.
] I. Fllllles am/ gascs (rOIll lIIe/lil1g pOls.-Thc products of combustion'
produccd in the heating of any mclting post shall not be allowed to escape
'.1' into a rool11 in which pers0ns work,
~ .~~, 12. COIl/ail,cr for ""oss.-A suit:lble rcccpt:lck wilh tightly fitting cover
shall be provided :IIHI used fl)r dross as it is reI1l0\'cd frl)1ll cvery me:ting po!.
ti Such receptaclc ,h:"! be kept c,)\Trcd whilc in thc \\"l'rkrl1ofll. except ""hcn

dloss is being dcpll>ill'd Iherl·in. ..
13. Conlail/cr /0,. Ira" lI·aslc.-A suitable recepwclc shall be pro"'ided
. -. ·"'uy \·.crl:r(\l)r~: ir. which;;tes ant! w:lste f:1::teri\1!. which ni:ly ~;vc
..' .:_ I.\"...
- ; •.. : 'Il-·
CL.~. ~j\a:. l'(_ .... t:r __
.! .... O(';I~:
. - '

• I
14. Racks alld Shl'lrl's in drying room.- The racks or shelves provided
in any drying room shall not be more than R feet from thi: floor nor more
than 2 feet in width: provided that ~s regards racks or shelves set or drawn
from both sides the total width sldl not exceed 4 feet.
Such racks or shelvcs shall be cleansed only after being thoroughly
damped unless an enicit.:nt suction c1caniJig apparatlls is lIsed for this purpose.
; IS. M ediea! Examilla/iun.-(u) Every perwn employed in a lead
Nocess shall be examined by the Certifying Surgeon within the 7 days
\ i'r~c~Jing or following the d::!e (,1'1::5 firs! C;11illu)'ment in such process and
thereafter shall be examined by Ihe Certifying Sur!!eon once in every calendar
month. or at such other inten'als as may he spccified in writiriLby the Chief
Inspeclor. on a day of which due noticc shall he given to all concerned .
\ .. First Employment" me,1n5 lirst cmployment in a lead process in the
factory or workshop and also re·cmp!nyme!lt thcrein a lead process follow'-
ing any cessation of employmcnt in such pn)t.:~ss for a period exceeding three
\ calendar months.
(b) A Health Register in form ,'0. 17 containing the names 01' all

I ;-~rsl'ns employed in :I lead P:' .. :"5 :;;'. ... , :x k:;;r.

(el ,~o person after suspellSion shail be employed 'in' a lead process wilh-
out wrinen sanction from the Crrlif:.. il1~~ SI,"~lC('n er.lered in or att:lcht"d t,~
I;",; lJc~1iiil Rc.:;islcr.

I 16. Pro/eel ire cla/hing.-I'roteClil·c clothing shall be provided and

maintained in good repair for a!II'C,S('ns empl0)"ed in-
(a) manipu1<,i{ion of ra IV ().,ill..: of kad;
(b) Pasting;
(e) the formation roon);
3nd such clothing shall b..: w'c'rl1 by ih~ persons cOl1cerned. The protectil'~
clothing shall consist of a lI'aterrr0of :!['WI1 a!~d water-proof footwear: and
also, as r~gards j1ersol1~ ~mpk'\,:d ill t,;c 1112!~i;):t1;tJi'''1 of raw exide of lead
N in pasting. head coverings. Th~ h~;HI cnv~rinEs ~hall be washed dnil~'.
J 7. ,1/t'ss-RoOIll.-Ther~ ;:::!I1 k l'bc~d and l1l~in{ain('d for the use
c'f all pcrSQIiS ~mploy~ll in a 1c:;J 1.'r,'c'·55 lUll! rcmaining on the premises
during the meal intervals. a sl,itllbk mess-room which shall be furnished
with (a) sufficient tables and ber.rhes. al~d (b) adequate means for w;uming
The mess-room shall be plae,'d t:nd~r the charge 01' a responsible person.
and shall be kept cle<ln.
lR. C!oak-rOOfl.-There shall b~ prOI'idcd and maintained for the use
of all persons employed in a lead pr,~c~ss-
(a) a cloak-room for clothing put olf during working hours with
aJequate arrangemeni; fe'r drying the clothing if wet. Such
acconllnodalion shall be s~parale from any mess-room,
(t» sef·arate <lnd suitable arran~el11~l1t5' f,'r the storage of protecti\'e
c:('lhing provided unde, para~rarh 16. .
19. Wa.<hillK ]ocifi/ies.- TII~rc sllall n,' ["'(11 idcd and 'maintaineJ in a
ckllnl~ ~(;lle and in g0nd .er:·ir ("r 1~~,' u:,e PI' ;;1I l'l'rspns emr!_"ycd !n a
kId pr('cess-
(a) A w'a~h place under cowr. lI'it;1 cither:-
(i) a trou~1I wi·th a 511:""th imj1CITi,1us surfac~ liaed lI'ith a
w"slC pipe, II ithoul plug, :tnd of sullicient length to aHow
of at least {II'O feet for e\'ery five such persolls emp:r,:'"d at
;IIlY ('riC lillh:': :llhf J::t\i,":,:: ;i con~:~iti~ ~t!Pf'!Y of \V~i~·. (:'"~I:1
tJpS or j~ts Jk".-c th.: tlvu~i, tit intervals of nOl mor.e than
1\1'0 fcet ; ur
(ii) al 1e>I'l Oll~ \\':Ish h:l5in fer n'n) five such person employed
;It :111\' 011" lirll~ rillc·d. \,,;th a .... :::.!~ pipe ;lnJ plu.~ ~Ild h;I\'ing
:! Clllh(;!i:i ~lll'l'ly 1Ii" \\.d·:r bi:.; \ I j l :
(iii) it ~lIllil"il"lll ,tlp!,ly "j l'~c;ln towels Il~:tdt: or suit:l!"\!:.:
l11a!,'r;;II, rC!1c\\C'd d:,;Iy. \'. hid1 supply. in the c,lse of
pa~.lL'rc; ;lnd p':r':ol1s (':nilln~-~c1 iq :hc 11l:\llipuLIlj()1l or r:1W
oxide ,'I k:lti. ,h:dl I;lclll,k " "~p:lrate l11ark.:J to\l'~1 fOf
l';:C~l St:t.:J~ \\··r:.. . .: I: and
(il') a slIliiciclll ~u:.rl;, of ~O:hl or t>tkr ,uit~hlc ,lcansing. m~teri:1i
~:ld o! IlJi! bru'!le,.
(b) There sbli ill al!clt;oll bc rr,)\'i(kJ l11e:Jns O! \\'a~hing in close
proximity to the rooms in which m:lI1ipulJti0n of raw oxide of
k3d or pa<li:lg is c::r, id 0:1 i!' rqlli;cJ by nut;cc in \I rit ing from
the Chic! 111;p·;·([ur.
10. Ti,J1c to hI.' alf')I\"cd !(IT In:.-;i;i:lg.-*-Tkfl)iC ~:lch n!C':l1 and before
the end of the day's \':ork: at least te;, l11illut~S, in addition to the regu-
lar meal times, s"all be allowed for washing (0 e~ch person who has been
employed in lhe 1l1~nii11:::ltinn of 1':1\\' 0xiJ·~ ,,(k:;,! ()r in p:Jsting:
j'rovi<1ed that if there be one b~sin or two fect of trough for each such
person thi's RL'!C ~h~1l not ~rf\ly.
2:. r\;L·//::j·~·.i fur I.,.:!i:,·i:.,:>·.-·Su~~ . .::;.>n: l';!lh aC('()I'iilli0dalion to liJ~
s;lIi,f;tClion of the Cllief Inspector shall be pro\'jJcd for all persons eng3gcd
in the manip:Jb:ion of raw oxide of lead or in pasting, ~nd a sufficient supply
of soap and clean towels.
21. Foods, drillks, etc., prohiliitcd ill \I·ork-rOOll1s.-;-..Io food. drink,
p:Jn ~nd 5ur:\ri or ('.lb"ceo shall be Cvns~i~lcJ or brougilt by any worker
into any work-room in which ~ny lead process is carried on.
SCIlW t; 1.[ I\'
I' 1. EXC,'Jl.:1//on.--!f t'~c Chief TI:~;)\.·~~'):'" i, 5~~ii:,fi('d in r~sr!:cr of :lny f3e-
, lOry or any ciass of process that, owing tu the special methocs of work or
the special conditiop.s in a factory or otherwise, any of the requirements
of this Schedule can be suspended or relaxed without danger to the persons
,II employed therein, or that the application of (his Schedule or any part thereof
is for any reason impracticable, he may by certificate in writhing authorise
such suspension or rebx:llion as m~y be indicate in the certificate for such
period and on such conditions as he mav think fit.
2, Defilliliol/s.-For the purpose of this Schedule-
1 (0) "Efficicnt exhaust dr:!Ught means )0calised vel1lilation effected
by mechanical means, for the removal of gas, vapour, dust or
fumes so as to prevent them (as far as practicable under the
" atmospheric conditions usually prevailing) from escaping into the
. air of any place in which work is c~rried on. No draught shall
I' he deemed emcient which fails to remove smoke generated at the
point where such g~s, vapour, fume, or dust originate.
(6) -'Lead cOlllpound" me~ns any compound of lead other than
f· galena which, when treatcd in the manner dcscribt:d below, yields
to all aqueous soluti.on of hydrochlo.ric acid a quantity of s0!uble
[. lead compound exceeding. when calcu'lated as lead monoxide,
( fiv~ per cent, of the dry weight of the portion taken for analysis.
, 'lj


The method of treatlllLnt shall be as follows;-

A weighed quantity of the material which !l;lS been dried at 100°C.
and thoroughly mixed sh;lll be continuouslv shaken for one l!Cour,
,tt the CO\;1111011 tClIlpLraturc with 1,000 timcs its weight of an
aqlieous so1lut!on of hydrochloric aciJ containing 0.25 per CCIlI,
by wcight of hydrogen chloride, This solut;on shall thereafter
be allowerl-to stand for one hour and then filtered. The lead
salt cc)lOt;lincd in the clear filtcrate shall then be precipitated as
lead sulphide and weighed as lead sulp!late.
(e) "Suspension" means suspension from employment in any process
specified in par;>,graph 3 by written cerificate in the Health Regisicr
Form l"o. 17 signed by the Certifying Surgeon who shall have
po\\'er of suspension as regards all persons employed in any such
3. Exhaust dra:/ght.- The followin,:! processes shll not be carried on
except under an e:iicicnt exh;lust draul'!hl or under such other conditions
~ ,

as may be approved by the Chief Inspector:-

(il) The mi:dng of n\\' nntcrials to form a "b;ltch",
(b) The t.:ry ff;ndin~, gl:1ziEg and po;;onini; of glass or ;lily <lrtick 0r
(e) All r~""c'~,<c< i:l \\'l,;('I, bydro!luoric ~cid f~r:1CS N ;l:ll:~1(')n;'I::~1
\":.lpu:":i5 ~i"": biv;';i1 vIT.
(d) All proccsses in tk m;lking of furnace moulds or "pots" including
the grinding or crushing of used "rots".
,- (e) All processes involving the use o'f a dry !c;ld compound.
4. Prohibition relating to IrO!llCI: elld young pcrsons.-No WOllle;) or
young person shall be employee or permitted to work in any of the opa;ltions
~pecified in paragr:!ph 3 or at any place where such operations arc carried on,
5. Floors end \I'urk ,bc/lchcs,-The lloor and work benches of e'!ef\'
room in which a dry comp-ound of lead is manipulated or in which an;'
process 'IS carrl"d (I" ~.
. ';.; I0'1"'11'0~ orr S'II;~'I (I..
' .. . : :'4 c •~ sh~11 b'
•• _. J t,; k",...t
; .... t'
.. 1 J,,~'IS'
oJ l ~I'"
...... • ..... I

comply with the follo\\'ing requiremcnts:-

The floors shall be-
(0) of cement or similar material so as to be smooth and impervious
to water;
(b) maintained in sound condition; and
(c) cleansed daily after being thoroughly sprayed with water at a
time when no other work is being carried on in the room.
The work benches shaIl-
(0) have a smooth surface and be maintained in sound condition, and
(b) be cleansed daily either after being thoroughly damped or by
means of a suction c!caning apparall.!s at a time, when no other
,work is beingc<lrried on thereat.
6. Use of hydrofluoric acid,-Thc f,)lIowing provisions shall apply to
rooms in which glass is treated with hydrofluoric acid:-
(a) There shall be inlets and outlets of adequate size so as to secure and
maintain efficient ventilation in all parts of the room;
(b) The floor shall be covered with gUllaparcha and be tight and shall "
, slope gently down to a 'covered drain;
(c) T!le workpbce; shall be so enclosed in projecting hoods that
openings required for bringing in the objects to be treated shall be
as small as practicable; and
(d) The enicient exhau<;t draught shall be so c0ntrived that the gases
arc exhau~ted downwards,
7. Srorage alld rrallsporr (If HYdrojflloric~I.-HydronuOJjcacid shall
not be stored or transported except in cylinders or receptacles made of lead
or ru bber.
8. fJlolI'-pil'L's,-E\ery glass blower shall be provided with a separate
blow pipe bearing the distinguishing mark of the person to whom it is issued
and suitable facilities shall be readily available to every glass blower for sterilis-
ing his blow pipe.
9. faod-drillks, I'le., proliihilnl ill ,,'orJ.:-roollls,-No food, drink, pan and
sup:Jri or tob:Jcco sh:J11 be brought into or consumed by any worker in :lny
room or workplace \\'herein any process specilkd in paragraph 3 is carried
10. I'mlcr!il'e rlr'!!:i,,:.;,- The occupier sh:J1I rrl'vil'e, maint:!in in good
repair and keep in a ck~n condition for the use of all persons employed in
the processes srceified in raragraph 3 suitable protect.iYe..clo.thing.r09,t~c_:Jr,.
and !:o~!.:ali, :",c'.lILl;,;'.: ie' ,i;" l,:llur" of lhe work anJ ,uch cluliJin!.: fuOI-\\ear
'C!c.:' shiiTi t;c~\'orn by die persons concerned. -
11. lVo,<hillg fncililies.- There shall be provided :Jnd maintained in a
c!canly state :liOU in good repair fllr the use of all pcrsnns empluyeJ in the'
processes spcciJieJ in paragraph 3:
I (0) a "':Ish rlace wilh eilher-
I (i) a trough with a smooth impervious surface fitted with a waste
:~ . pi",-, without ;,I\I~ and of sl,fficienl Ien~lh to allow or nt least
"!-f:, t\\'0 feel ror c\'cry li\'c such persons employeu at anyone lim.; anJ
having a CC'!1,!:!i1t supply of water rrom t:Jps or jets "(>l"':: I!l':
~ trough at inl<:r\'~I, of not more than 2 feet; or
~: (ii) at least one wa5h basin for every five sllch persons employed at
( 'f
I; allY one tim.:, tilteo with a waste pipe and plug and having an ad-
~~ equate ~upp!y 01' waler laid on or always r~adily available; and
(iii) a suflicient supply of clean towels made of suitable material re-
n.:wect daily wilh n sufficient supply of soap or other suitable
cleansing material and of nail brushes; and
(b) a sufficient number ofsland pipes ",ith taps-the number and location
of such stand pipes shall be to the satisfaction of the Chief Inspector.
12. M('''iclIl ('Xlllllil/o(ioll,-(a) Every person employed in any process
specified in par'lgraph 3 5hall be examined by :he Certifying Surgeon within
se\'en days preceding or f0110wing the date of hi" first employment in such
proce;;s and thereaft.:r ;hall be examined by the Certifying Surgeon once in
every calendar month e'r at sl!.:h olher intervals as may be specified in writing;-
In the Chief In'p.:unr on a day of which due n0tice sha II be given to all
Cll /lce rn.:t1,

(h) A Health Register in Form No. 17 c'ontaining the names of all persons
;:,;;p!cyed ;n an\' process "r.:-cified in paragraph 3 shall be kept.
(c') Np r,'r'l'!' ~r!er su-p.:nsion shall be employed in :?ony process specified
in pa;'agraph 3 withollt wrillcn sanction from the Certifying Surgeon entered
in ()[ attaded tl' the Health Register.
JI..,. tlCUULt


1. f)c.flllitiolls.-For the purposes of this Schedule--
(lI) "Grindstone" means a grindstone composed of natural or manu-
f;ll:lurcu sandstone but does nol incluue a m~lal wheel or cylinuer
inlo which blocks of natural or·manufactured sar.dstone are fitted.
(h) "Abrasive wheel" means a wheel manufaclured of bonded cmery
or similar abrasive.
(c) "Grinding" mc.ans the abrasion, by aid of mechanical po\ver, of
Illetal, by means of a grillu'lone or abrasive wheel.
(eI) "Glazing" means the abrading, polishing or finishing, by aid of
mechanical po\l,'er, of metal, by. means of any wheel, bufT, mop or
~imilar appliance to which nny nhrading or polishing substance is
;,llnched or applied.
(c) "Racing" mear.s lhe turning up, cutting or dressing of n revolving
erindstone before it is brou!!ht into use for the forst time. .
(.f) '~l racking" means the Chirping 0f the surface of a grindstonc by a
Il~ck or similar tool. . .
(:.:) ';!)olld;nl'" nl~";.i"" fL.·:" ,I"'",in
ll\'1' Ih.~ surface f..'f "I rC\'l'!v;ll, r

;;illds;o~c by'~h~· ap'piic;;i~~o( a rod, ba; ',Ir strip of n~etall~ sU~h

, 1;·.\T<'IJtiOlls.-(I) :--:otlling in this Schcullk ,ilail apply lO any factory
in which oll!y rerairs nre carried l)n excepl any part th~reof in which one or
more persons are wholly or mainly employed in the grinding or glazing of
11lCla Is. _
(2) Nothing in this Sch~du1e e:<eept paragraph 4 shall apply to any grino-
ing or glazing of metals c~rried on inlermit:,'l1lly and at \\hich no person is
cmployed for more than 12 hours in nny w~d:.
(3) The Chief lll>pector may hy' n:rtitie:'tc in writing suhjcct to such
conditi0n~ :'s he Tl1Jy spec::'y ther~in, relax N suspend any of the provisions
of this Schedule in resp~ct of any factory if owing to the special methods of
work or ('l!~efwise such rtbxation N suspension is practicable without danger
to the hl'8J:h or sJfety of the persons employed.
3. Equipment for ren;vra[ of dllSl.-No racing, dry grinding or glazing
sha II be i)crrormed with0Ul:-
(u)' a hooo or other appJial1l:c so cOIlstruCleu, arrang<:d, plact:u ano
mJintained as scbstantially to intercept tht: dust thrown orr; and
(I)) :t duct of aucqu~te size, air tight nnd so arranged as to be capable
of carrying aW2Y the dust, which duct shall be kept. free from
ohstruetion and shnll be provided with proper means of access for'
inspection and cleaning, and where practicable, \\'ith a connection
~lt the clld reml':~ from the fan to enable the Inspector to attach
thereto any in;;rument necessary for :lse~rt:tining the pressure of
air in the said cuct; and
(c) a fan or other ~fficient means of prC'ducin!! a sufficient to
otraet the duSt: --
Provided that the Chie;' Inspector m:lY acccpt any oth~r appliance that is,
ill !;i" (lpinil'n. ;lS enceic:.:1 for the intcflTpiic'n, rcmo\al anu uisposal of
dust lhrown ofT ;l.s.a hooc. duct and fan would be.
[. 4., R('strierion'~I/l'Cmp!,.'.\·ntelI' on g',-if/;/il;g tlrt!r-aiio;,~.--?'ot more ihan on~
person sh;i11 ~11 rillY time raform th~ actual process of £!rinding or glazing
I upon a grindstone, nbrasiw whed or glazing appliance:

I ,

I'rll\-i(kd thatthi, para!,r,lrh shall not prnhihil thcel11j1I')yl11cnt ofrer«,n<

1<) ;1"j\l ill th:: Inanil'ulati'"1 or I"-:I\-y or hulky articles :11 <lny such ~rind.
,tone, ahra,i\c \\hecl or g.lazing appliancc.
5. (;II/:illg_--Glazing or 'lIhe:- pr,)cess~_,. exccpt I';-"le,\ incidcnti.:! t"
',\,,-'i ~'l iildill''': GP.,n ~! :'!i"iild':'l\)Ih.' .';I;i11 flul b~ Llr:'j""d \):1 in ~in\' ftHHll in \\ h:,,:::
\\I..'! ;~ril1din~ lI~l)n a g-rilld:"IPI1C i" dOIl~. -
(J. fll/ckillf: alltl rotltlill!.'.-Had:in£! or roddin~ sh.dl not b~ d,)nc unk"
dJling thc I'r~Ce5S cith~r (;;) an adcqu-ate supply of wata i, laid on at thc
Ui)p.:r ,urf:!(~ or" thc grindstonc ur (b) adcqual~ appliances for the intercep-
ti')l1 or ~u,t are provided in accl1rdance with thc n:quircl1l~nts of paragrarh 3_
7. LXI/lllinorion of rillS! cqlllillll('I/{.-(a) All euipm~nt for thc extraction
or SUl'rressiC'n of dust shall at least once: in cvcry six months be examined
and tcsted by a competent pcrson and any dcr~ct disclosed by such examina-
tion and test shall be rectificd as soon as practicable.
(Ii) ,\ r,:~;,"er cOlitaining particulars of such cx:lInination and test shall be
kcpt in a rorm appro"cd by the Chief Inspeclor.



Or- LEAD /\. 'D CERT:\!;~
J. r:x~lI;p:iulls.-W,,'crc the Chief InsFcct~r is sa:isfi:c tbat rdl or any of
(I y. PI"'V·;·.il":)' l~f 11.;, SI,',C'dul.... ~rl: no' !,...,.-c,<:~·-.. r" ... t l.... •v"\~ .." c'io·.. 0f tlv'
~e~s~ns·~mJ;!~y&'h~ . ~;~y by' ccrtifi~a,~'
il;' ~~Titi~g .. ~x~~~~~ ~n;' fact~r;'
I from ~11 or ~ny
spccify tha:in_
of such pro\'isions, subject to such conditions as he may

2, DcJilliriolls.~For the. purposes of this Schedule-Co) "Lead Comp-

I pound" means any compound of lead other than galcna, which, when treated
in thc manner describ.::d below, yields to an aqueous solution of hydrochloric

acid, a quantity of soluble lead compound excecding when caJcubred as lead
monoxide, five per cent of the dry weight of the portion taken for analysis.
In the case of paints and similar products and other mixtures containing oil
or fat the "dry weight" means thc dry weight of thc material remaining after
the s! !la, be·:n thoroughly mixed and trca:d with s~!;::lb!·~ s;)!\,ents
to rcmove oil, fats varnish or other media.
The method of treatment shall be as follows:-
A wcightcd quanti:y of the 'material whioh -has been dried at 100°C
j and thoroughly mixed shall be continuously shaken for one hour, at the
comnlC'n temperature with 1,000 times its weight of an aqueous solution of
hydrochloric acid containing 0.25 per cent by wcight of hydrogen chloride.
This solution shall thereafter be allowed to stand for one hour and then
filtered. The lead salt contained in the clear filterate shall then be precipitated
as lead sulphide and weighed as lead sulphate.
(b) "Efficient Exhaust draught".-means localised ventilation effectied
by heat or mechanical means, for the removal of gas, vapour, dust or fumes so
I as to prc\'ent then (as far as practicable under the atmospheric conditions
usually prevailing) from escaping into the air of any place in which work is
I. carried on. 1\0 draught shall be deemed efficient which fails to remove smoke
generated at the point where such gas, vapour, fumes or dust originate.
3. Applimtion.-This Schedule shall apply to all factories or parts of
factories in which any of the following operations are carried on:-
(0) Work at a furnace where the rcduction or treatment of zinc or lead
orcs is carried on.

Ii,)I he n:, nil'U"'li'lIl. treatmcnt "r Icduction uf a~hcs containing lead,
lhc d""ilv<:.ri,ing oflcad or the Illeliing (lfscrap Icad or zinc.
(c) The manufacturc of solder or ~"klY, containing more than ten per
cent of lead.
(d) The 111:lnuf;Jctur~ of any oxide. carbonat.:, sulphate, ciHomate,
acetate. nitral~ or ,ilic;JIC of kJJ.
(e) Handlin:; (lr mixing of Icad t~lra-elhyl.
(f) I\ny oth~r op~ralion involving Ihe use of ~ lend compound.
(g) The ck:lning of workrooms wher~ any of the operations afore-
said ~lrc carried on.
-I. j'wltil;lI,oll r"/(llillg 10 lI'Ulllell {/Ild )'l/lIl1g l'l'I'solls.-No women or young
person shall bc cmployed or permitted to work in any of the opcrntion speci- '
lied in p~Hag;~ql~1 3.
5. Rctj',irClllfIlIS III be olt.rcrred,-~o p~"on ,hall be clllp!oy~d or
permi([~d to \\(lrk :n any proce;;s involving Ih~ use of Ie:ld CCo,llpol!nds if-
the proc~ss i, such lhat du;;( or fUllle frOIll a Icad compound is produced
th.:rcin, or the i-,~r't\ns ~;njJ!uycJ thcr~in ::re "li~lblc to be ,pia,lled wilh any
lead COllll'-,'uJllI in the cour,e of their ~rn['10YIllL'nt unless fhe provisions of
paragr:lrhs Ii 101-1 are C(H~lrli,'d wilb.
6, Ex/wlIsl df({lIl;ltl.-\Vh~r~ dust. fUIllC, gas or vapour is produced in
the proce;;;;, pro\'i,:on shall bc Ill~de fN rcmoving them by means of an
efllci c nt t.:Xh::ll~{ Llr~tll~hl :-.0 c~)fltri\(:J ~l:-; to npL'r41~L tin l!ie dli:'f. rU;))c. g:\S or
vnpour as closely as po;;sibk to IhG point of origin.
7. Ccrli(iml(' (If filll<ss.-A person medically e.'\amined under para-
graph S :1I;<I ("lllld :it IN cl11j'h'ymenl sh~dl be granted hy n Certifying
Sur!!eon a cerli:icatc t,f fitncss in form No. 27 and such c.:rtificate shall he in
the -custody C'f :he r.l:>.n:lgcr of the factory. ThG c~:l;fic~lle sl',:11I be Kept
r~adily a\'aii~lbk f\)[' in;;'('clion by nny Inspector aid Ihe per,on gr~l1llcd
such a cerrificnte shall carry with him, \t'hilc at work, :~ 1Ok.:n giving reference
to such ccrtificle, .
8. ,\!celicaJ ExuJ)Jil:~:tilll!.-- (I) The pC;"SOH ~0 ~J1ip!\.)ycd ~1i:::1 h~ i~~('di­
cally cxami;;~d by a Certifying Surgeon within 14 d:1~, (,I' ilis Ii,.:;: L:l;pJOY-
mcnt in such rroccss :1r1d th~rcafler sh,ll! be ex:ullind by the Cnlifying
Sur!!eon nt int~f\':1ls 0f nOI more than three months. nnd a r";"l'rd cd'such
exa;TIinations shall be entered by the Certifying Surgeon in the special .cCfti-
ficate of fitness gr~lIl1~J unJcr pnragr:lph 7, -
(2) If at nny time Certifying Surgeon is of opinion that any person is no
longer fit for employment on the gr0unds Ihal continunnce th~rein would
invplve special danger to health, he shall canccl the special certificate of
fitness of that person.
(3) No person whose special ccrrificale of !ilncss has been cancelled shall
be employcd unit,s the Ccrrifying Surg~on. after rc-c:-;al1lination, ngnin certi-
fies him to be fit for el1lplt'ymenl. "
9. food drink, pnn :lno
FO(l{!, drinks, clc .. I'/""hihircd ill 1l'/irJ.:-mon,s.-"I'o
supari or tobacco shall be brought into or C0nsullled by nny worker in any
work-room in which thc process is c:lrricd on and no person shall Icm:1in
in any ~uch r00111 dl!rjll~ iilt~f\';lls ,-(If !~ll'~d;\ \.~r r~"l.
If). /'rulcc:;rt' c!uu':i'"l.;..--s.uit::bk- rrPi((~i\l' P""l'i"~!II:- ~llid hf_':ld l"ll\lliJlt.:.~
shaH be pro\·ided. mainl;;ined anJ k,'pt clean by lilt' factory occupier at~d
such o\'crall~ a nd hL':'i1'c()\'~rillgs ~h:lll b~ wpm I->y Ihc i-...'r<ol1s cl11plp)'cd.
] I. C/('(Jlllinc:\".i:; -(~.r \:"(lr/';./"{I(JI11S {III·h. ("lL- T!~L" j(\()111S ill which I he
persons arc ~lOlpl()yed and ~!I1 tools anc ;lpl',;,r"alllS u,~J by thcm shall be kept
in a clean -,t~ltt',
, ~


12. I:',I\/';"~ F,/('il;;;,·:.. --( I) Ti,e '<,·l.j-':':i ,1,.,:: pnlVide and maint:1in
l"llr llt~ u;-.~ llf all 1"'~r:'l)Il') C:l~;"'I!:lycd ~uil;lhL.: W;t;-..Ilill::! L'\..'l!ili...:s consisting l)f:-
_(a) :1 tr(lu~h with a sn1<)oth impen'iuus 5IUr;\Ce filled with a waste pipe
',\ jtii ..~.( plll::~' :111'.1 (l( :\t1~~:-_'!'_-i!' L-;1:~11~ !,' :d!",','; :It k~:lSf l\\'{) f,.:L't ft1f
c\~r~ (,,:n pcr:'\lllh l'mpl(.'~cd at :!!iY l)ll...' t:Il:',:. :llld h:l\'jng a COn'd:1nt
~tl p1'l: or cka n-\\ a lcr l"r"1m la j"" p;' jl:h :, ~'I\\'~ 1h~ lrlltlgh ~l' i 11 tt.: [\";11"'1
llrnolmore than t\\·o fCd: or
(h) at !c:bl onc w:tsh-h:ISill r,;r C\'cr\ tcn rd,,'lh cmployed :1t :1n: one:
timc. filled with a waSle pipe 'and I'!:';; ;:nd having a constant
supply of clean water;
together \I-ith, in either case, a sunicient supply or n;lil brushe5, soap or other
suitable cleansing material and clean towels.
(2) The facilities so pro\;ded shall be pbced unda the ch:1rge of a
responsible per>.';) and sIn!! l>c kept clean.
13. Mess·room or Call/{'t'II.-The oCCUl'ier ;!ull pr,wiJe and maintain for
the usc of thc pason5 employcd suilabk and ::I"'I~I:lle arrangemcnts for
takin" their meals. The arrangcments shall consist of the use of a room
separ~te from ;1ny workr,1om which shall be furnished with sufficicnt tab!cs
and benches, and unkss a canlcen serving hot n:,;\I, is providcd, adequat~
me:1n, of \I·ar:;·.i:1~ rood. The rO(lI;l sh;1!1 b,; :It:,·.~u:!lcly vcntilated by the
circul::ti,)n of fresll air. shall he placed under the ch:lrg~ of a responsible
I person :l!1d sh311 be kept c!c:ln.
I 14. Cloak·roo!1l.-The occupier shall pro\'ide and maintain for the usc
of persons employed, suit:lble accommodation fM clothing not worn during
working hours, and for the drying of wet clothing .
1. P,-"l!lhiff.J 1l rClf11ing If) It"(Hl1eli and yll!''':; _r{·r.'"ni1.~.-N(\ \V(\TnL'r1 or
young person shall be employed or permitted tl) \I ork in or shall be allowed
to enter any building in which th· gel1eraJing of pctrol gas from petrol is
carried on.
2. Flame trops.-The plant for generating petrol gas frOfD petrol and
Ii associated piping and fillings 5h:111 be fitted with at \cast two efficient flame
I traps so d~signed and maintaincd as to prevent a nash back from any burner
to the plant. One of thcse traps shall be fitlcd as close to the plant as possible.
The plant and all pipes and valves shall be installed and maintained frce
frol!1 leaks.
3. Generating building or rooll1.-All plants for generating petrol

gas from petrol erected after the coming into forc~ of the provisions specified
in this Schcdule, shall be erected outsid~ the factory building proper in a
separate well ventilated building (hereinafter refared to as the "generating
! building"). In the case of such plant ere::ted beforc the coming into force of
the provisions specified in this Schcdule there shall be no direct communication
between the room where such plants are ere<:tcd (hcrcinafter referred to as
"the gen~rating room") and the remainder of the factory building. So far -as
practicable, all such generating rooms shall be constructed of fire resisting
4. Fire extingllis!lers.-An efficient mcans of extinguishing petrol fires
shall be maintained in an easily acccssible position ncar the plant for generat·
ing petrol gas from petrol.
5. Plant 10 he approrcd hy Chief lnspector.-Petrol gas shall not be
manufact.ured except In a plant for generating petrol gas the design and
construction of which has been approved by the ChiefInspector. -
6. Escape of petrol.-Effective steps shall be taken to prevent petrol
fr0m esc:1ping into any drain or sewer. .
7. Prohibition relating to smoking etc.-.No person shall smoke or
carry m:1tches, fire or naked light or other means of producing a naked light
or spark in the generating room or building or in the vicini1y thereof and a
warning notice in the language understood by the majority of the workers
,ldl b. po:,k,~ ;n the f:lC(NY prohibiting sm0l:in~ and the carrying of matches,
fire or naked light or other means of producing a naked light or spark into
such room or building. '
8. Access to petrol or r.Dn/aincr.-No unauthoriseu person shall have
access to any petrol or to a vessel containing or h::!ving actually contained
9. £Iectricjitlings.-AII electric fittings' shall be of name proof construc-
tion and all-electric conuuctors shall either be enclosed in metal conduits or
r~ J·:ad S!~C~~11Crl.

Ill. COlIStmction oftloors.-:\II doors in lhe t=c"ncr;ltillg room or buiiC:lIig

shall be constructed to open oU!\\'ards N to slide and no uoor shall be locked
or U~h~i'~:c::::d c-r fastened in ~uch :1 nl~~n:':'" f!~::t if C111:H't he c:lsilv ~nd i::1·
mediately opened from the inside whik ps is being gencr;Hed and al;Y r-:rson
is working inlhe generating room or building.
1J. r:c;'~ir I'f cal1tail1i:fJ.-':"n \'e",el tb:lt bas C0l1lained petrol shall bc
repaired in a generating room or building :ind no repairs to any such vessel
shall be undertaken u'nless li\'e'steam has been blown into the vessel and until
the intaior is thoroughly steameu out or 0tller eqL:~l!y efTecti\'(: ste;:-; ha"e
oeen taken to ensure that it h:JS been renuereu fre~ frol11 petrol or infbmmable
y::r0 t:r.

SCl,[[)U.[ \'111


1. Vl'/nitiun.-For the purpose:: (If .};;; Sd~eJulc-"S~nd bbstir.g"
means the blasting of any articles by a jct (If sand, metal shot, grit (lr (lther
2. Sand blaSTing ta be dOlle in enclosed clwlI/bcr.--:-Sand blasting shall not
be done in any room except in an enclosed chamber or cabine.t in which
no other work is performed and at which efiicient means are PTQ\·ided.
arranged and maintained to prevent the escape l'[ uust to the outside (If such
chamber or cabinet.
3. i'rohibitioli relating to e!/Il'lo)"lIlent of \\'011/('// and young !,erson.<.-~o
\':om3n or young person shall be employed l'r pcrmilled to \"Nk 2 t any
"perati0n of;;and blasting.
4. Pro/enire cquiplI/f'/!t.-(l) Unless he i; wearing a suitable pro;eni,'c
h·:lmet a:Hi gauntlets: ..

I (1/\ ·;)n ;;hall b,' c";npI0y~d l'r permillcd to \\'('Ok:11 b!:J;ting in

-II ,:ir \,.;; \\\.\JI\. \\llhin thin\' fL';.:t llr~Jlld t'b5t;nt':~;:[':::r:Hu~
. ;;~til)1l in the open air;and .'
I ,- I
.' J s
- .


(h) 1,1) per·.on 'h~lI he Clllpl(1ycd or p,'rl11itkd tl) \\'<11'k or ~1"l\l'cc1 ill ~
',:\Ild h!:I'~:'~~ C":llll[,,:r whi\,t th,' ,;mel hlastill~ :q'p;\r:lllls is ill

(~) TI': (llTII!';," nf th.: factorY ~hall !'~(h';C.: ::Ild ll,ai:lIaill in [!lltHI
::!I 1._·Li- . . ;~. ll\cr:t1I ... ;tlltl ;?IUi.::.. :;-. til;:: ;It...: n.: ....·~ ..... ;Jr~ hl cl)JlIpl~.
ll)IlJ;ti . . lIl.
\\ iIb (il~ I\.'t.juir('l)iL';::' ;"If !!-~i~ St'h('dulc.
(3) [vclY pro"",ti\.: ""I 11K t ,h:dl c:lrr: the di'lillglli,hill~ Inark "f the:
pcrs,)Jl lw Wlll)ll1 it i, te I,.: u,.:J and sh:t11 be I'rll\'iJ~'J \\'iti: a ;,ulii,'i::;t ,ul'Ply
of purc air fM b:"';llhin~ and v<:ntilation, wgcthcr with suitabk c.rrang.:-
I1lcnts to p,rlllitlhc escape of the expired air.
(4) No pcrson shall wear a protcctive helmct that has becll worn by
alll1th<:r l'"rsl1n un!.:" sucll I'rl.[Lcti\c h"lI;;,:1 ,1;:tI! 11:1vc 1>:"11 IlInro\!ghly
(5) All per5nn< en!;~gcd in s:\nd bla,ti'~g \\hi.: al ~\'Nk sll:!!! \\'car tk
protccti\'c equiplll~;l1 prl)\'iJcc1 [;I~cler Ihe p~o';i,ioll' of this 1';1f;1~";q,II,

SClI[D~:L( lX
I. l{//llioll{/rr /ifllicl's,-(I) C;lIlli,~n:1r\' no(ices a5 to
:''1I I ,r:lx in the
fClr!1) sp~('ijicd by 111i? Cilit:l' 1:1~PI~"':ior :,h:l:l'b~ :.ll:I.\,?J in prc:~'~:1~11l ['lositio!ls
in thc factor~' wl~cr: tht'y ,;'~y be casily and convcniently rc~;d by the persons
, cmployed.
(2) A cupy or a \":lrni;~~ n",i<:-: as:o anlhr:lx in the fOr:J~ ,:',,:~ifil'd by the
Chief Inspector sl;;1,11 be gi\'1:n to cach pcrson cmployed wl;CI! he i,; engagcd,
and subsequcntly if still employcd, on the first C:lY ofc:lch c;!I,:ncbr year.
(3) Cautionary notices as to the cffects of chrome on the skin shall b..:
allixed in prominent positions in cvcry f:lc(()ry in which chrnl'l: 51l:utions are
""l'd ..1.1.'\
~. °IIC' "1'1'1,
._ n,"',·-.;o,
• '.-_ . .5'''111
'H '...... (;,1' "',
l~. ," ,,~~(.J, .l...
0< I,) L.~
I· ".,,,,',\,
, _ '. "",1
" " ,"\; .. ~; "ll!":
l' \.,
read by the persons employed.
(4) Notice5 shall b~ affixcd!1l rrl"~lincnt pl:lces in the (.,clc)ry st:ltinC'
l"~ position of th,: "first Aid" box, or cupboard and ti:.: nal11<.: of th..:
pcrson' in charge ()f such box or cupbo:lrd. " ,
(5) If any' per50n emr.1oyed'1n the f:l.ctory js'illiter:llc-cffcctivc steps
·shall be' taken [0 c,Xplain carefully to such illiterate person the contents ,of
,the notices specified in paragraphs I, 2 and 4 if chrome solutions arc t:sed
in tlie factory, the contents of the notice specified in p:lragrJph 3,
2. Prolccli,'c clollJillg.-The occupier sh:lllpfovid~ and maintain ·in
good condition the following articles of prot~ctive clothing:-
(a). ,waterproof footwear, k& coverings, aprons a;ld rubber glc)vcs
for 'persons employed in processes involving contJCt with chrome
solutions including the prcpar:llion of such solutions: ' _
. '(b) protective footwear, aprons and gloves fo~ persons emr!oycd in
the handling of hides or skillS otherlh:ln in processes spc'Cificd in
cia use (al:
Provided that gloves shall not be required for pcrsons fleshing by hand or
where there is no risk of contact with Iimc, sodium sulphide or other causiic
"i~' . 3. ' Washing faciiilics, //Icss-roo//l, and c1oakroom.-Ther..: shall be
~ ...
. ,

'-"\': r1 er! ~,~d ";lil1l~;ne,1 !': 1 ck~nl\' ~1~tL' ~nrl in good reJ1:lir for the lise of
;:1: p~r~f)lb ,,::nplpy:..:d-·- .
(0) ~ Irllu:;h Iliih:, 'Il"'llrh il11pu\'i"lh .;urf:l<:': fillCd with a W:"I" pip..:
wiIIH"~1 plll.t!. :I!ld 111" suflicienl 1c1l:;lh I,' :lllo\l' at kJ,t two feel for
L·\I.'I: It.::l 1'._" ,\'1>, \..·!ilr:ny~:d ~ll :1 i):. \\~.:'':: 111'1:(:: ~\ll(~ h:IVil1~:1 ClllhL:lll
'lIr,ply (\r \\.Ih;r fr,1:11 l;!j'l:, ~",r j.:: . . ~~~)\'~ Ibe tr()lI~h at iIlIL'r\';d" Ill"
lI'JI I1H're Ih..In tl':() (eel: or
(h) :l, I"~'I '"1'; 1'::;,,", b:I:,:n fl;r ewrY ien ".:cb r'~rson, emplo\'cd :It :lily
Olle liilll:. lilkU \\ilh a \\'3Stc pip~.all<J plu~ ;Jlld having a Ct.)IlStJIl~
suppl\' o( "':llef lv:;clh~r with. il~ c'ilhcr cas':. a suflicicnl supr!Y 01'
n~ii hrushes, S"JJ1 or Olh..:r suitable ckan,;ing nlJ.~erial. and clean
to"'" Is;
(c) a suit~bk iI1CSS-rI10111, Jdcqu:lle rl1r the numb.:r rellOJining on II'...:
prcmises during the m::al inlerv:lls, which sh:lll bc furnished \l'ilh
(I) sl:f1icicnl l~hk~.~nd h.:nc:'cs i1il8 (2) J(!cqu:Ilc mc~ns l"or ":lrl1l-
in!,! fOl)d Jnd fl)r boilin~ \I':lter;
Tilc '11t';S-rl1,1Il1 ,;h:1I1 (I) b~ seJ1~rale fn);ll ;1r.1 rOOi11 or shed i'1 \\hich hide'
skins ar..: slllr~u, trcJtcd or mal1ijlulal~<I, (1) be scpar::!lc from Ih.: cillak-
f001ll :1 "d 0) bc pbced under th~ cha r~~ of ~ r,:;pl)llsib:,~ person;'
(d) suilabie :lccorllm(;(btion for c10ii;in:; not \\'0rn t!L;ril1g \\'I)rkill:;
hl)L!rS \\ith ad~qu:ltl: 3rr~1!1~Cljlc:~i:' (.)1" drying the clothing ir \\\~1.
TI:,.: ::"~'0nln10d:!ti('n ~() pr.)\'i,i.. .J '~~:ill l"\;::: !""l:1cc<! under lite ch:1!·'·("
o( ~ f,,:-::puJlsibk p~rS()Il,
~. Fuoc!, drillks, etc_ pro!libilec! ill I:·ork-rool/ls.-No food, drink, J1:1n
~nd sup:1rior {ob:lcCO Sh~11l be brotJp.hl i!~!('\ L': c('I1'\tJl1h?d h\' C1nv \\\'Hkcr ill
\\'or;':-rpom c.r sht.:d in \\'hich hi(l~s or 5~in~ arc S;C\fCU, {rcJ(~d or Jll;!i1i-
puI3ted.· .
5. -·Firsl aid '(/rral:;;(!I11e;'ls.-TI;·~ uccu.pil:r si::11l (,:) 3rrungc for an
inspection of thc hJl1ds of all persons cOlllil1!! into conWcl with chrome
solutions to be 1ll3dc twice a \':':~~ by a resronsible person: .
t/\) r:·0\,!~I.: :1~':.' J:1:1!!1I;1::\ a 5e!Ti('i,:!'~ q::";"~Y l'~' ~u!i:!l'll..: oiilt:nt.'j1~ :1~'.!
inlr~nneab!e \':~lIcrpr0ofplaster in a bux r~~~diiy ::ccr#s;,ibie to the work::r
and I,.·d ,okl:! for the purpos.: or k.eeping lh~·I.)irl!lP.~nl arid plaster.

The provision specified in Schedule III· ann~xed to rule 53 shall apply.
1. Defilliliolls.-For the purposes of this Schedule-
(0) "Pollery:' includes earthenware, stone\\'3re, porcelain, china, till'
anj any other articles made from clay or from a mixture contain-
ing clay and other materials such as quartz, flint, feldsplr and
(b) "Etficient exhaust draught" means localised ventilation effect.:d
by mech3nical or other means for the removal of dust or fume so as
to prcvcnt it from escaping into the'air of any place in which work
is carried on. No draught shall be d~~med .:fiicient which fails to
remove effectively dust or fume generated at the point .where dust
or fume originates.
ScherlliICX and -Xi-inserted~ldc Himachal Pradesh Government· Notification
No. 1&5· (Lab.) 654/57, dated 23 :1-65..
(e) "Felliing" in::)ude~ sc.i1i,lping, towing. sand papering, sand si'd:i!1>:.
brushing or any other process of cleaning of pottery-ware in which
dust is given off.
(d) "Leadless glaze" means a glaze which does not contain more than
one per cent of its dry weight of a lead compound calculate ;1S
lead monoxide,
(e) "Low solubility glaze" means a glaze which does not yield to dilute
hydrochloric acid more than five per cent of its dry weight of a
soluble lead compound calculated as lead monoxide when deter-
mil~ed i:l l~e !~'1' ckscrih{'d below:-

A weighted quantity of the material which !)as beea dried at 100'C

and thoroughly mixed shall be continuously shaken for one hour,
at the common te:n;:>erJture with 1,000 times its weight of an
Jqueous solution of hydrochloric acid contJining 0.25 per cent by
weight of r.ydr0gen chiloride, This solution sh;111 thereafter be
allowed to stand for one hour and then filtered. The le:1d S:1! t
contained in the clear filtrate shall then be precipitated as lead
sulphide Jnd weighed as lead sulphate,
' ~} "C'.llll..-'
fJ .• l ~ '-.' ~.\..I_IJ
. ~- I 1.ll.L
t.' •.
'"",-rz" .....\
ur ..."liL:~J. 1",,...- .,' r :., .' •• l.,.
_~ ...... I .. ~ • • • •
···.···,·,1 1 •••••••

(g) "PotIer's shC';>" incll!Jes all places where pottery is form~J bj' pres-
sing or by any other process Jnd JIl pbces \\here ,:,ai':':;, ;',~,:in;,
or other treatment of pottery Jrticles prior to placing for the biscuit
fire is cJrried on. '
/ 2.-', Efficient exhclIst draught.- The following processes sl1::lil not;';..: carr:cJ
on without the use of:ln efficient exhJLi~t draught:
(i) All processes involving the manipulation or use of a dry ~ilJ u il-
l: [ritted lead compound.
TI'~ r ·· 1 :., ... (\~.,
I t
, . : "'C' L" (" ....... ~·:n,-{
l ""J ....• _:
\,.t, ... th·"r C"l
', •• , . ' -
;1_'Y ..... ·..... (\r !'!",-
t'l"'·... •...

cuit, pro\'ided that this shail lIot 'apply to the wcst k; ,;;.,; "IIJ to
the occasion:d finishing of pottery articles without th,~ ~id of
mechanicJI power.
(iii) The sifting of clay du:,! or :\l1y olher material for 11~:!l;i;·.~ tile'S 0r
other anicles by pressure, except \\'here-
(0) this is done in a machine so enclosed as to elTcctivcly prc\'ent the
c~c~re of d1l5t"; or
(l» the material to be sifted is 50 damp that 110 dt.:,t can l'c
given off.
(iv) The processing of tiles f.rom clay dust, an exhaust opening being
connected with eJch press; this clause shall also apply [0 the
pressing from clay dust of articles other than tilcs, unless the
material is so damp thaI no dust is given off.
(I') The fettling of tilcs made from cJ~y dust by pressure, except where
the fetlling is done wholly on, or with, damp m<1!cri:ll: this clause
shall also Jpply to the fellling of other articles made from clay
dust, unk,s the material is so cbmr t:13t no dust is giwn 00'.
(l'i) The process of loading and LJnJo~ding of sagg:Hs where handling
and manipulation of ground and pO\\'dercJ tiillt, quarlz, :,Emina
or other matrfials are involved.
!'.',' The brushing cf eanhel1w~re bi,cuit, unless the process is carried on
in ~ r00r:1 nro\'ided with el1icient ~cn'Cral mechanical wlltilat;011 or
other vemilation whic!: is certified by the Inspector of FacLOri<:s as
Jdequ~te, having regJrd to alllhc circumstances of the case,

(r;!'i) Fclllin~~ "f hi,c,:it W:Ht: which h~, been fired in pow~red f1i'nt nr
quanz C';l'epl whac: this is Oe'n': in m:lchint:s s~c1oscd as 10
elrt:clu,dly I'rc\'cill tltc e:'C:lpt: c'f ,just.
(ix) Wart: c/c:lnin:.: :lrt~r the: applic:lli'.'ii 01' glne: by dippin!; or otlter
(XI Crushing ane! dr\' grinding or ·",Ih:ri,:!, rur peltlery be1di<:>, :I:'el
SJ!.!!!ar'\, ullk· ... " \.";tr .. iL"d 011 in In.!":;liIlC~:'IO cllclo:)~J 35 lv Cir.:-.:t!vl,.<\'
pr~~'ent lht: c>,'ape ell' dust or i; 50 d:,mp th3l no dust C3n r;~
!!iwn all',
(xi) Sit:ving or 111:1~lipul:tli,)n or pe"'c~rt:d !lint, 4U:lrtz, cby grog elr
'mixture uf thc,t: matai:ds unle;; it is so d:lJnp lh:n no dust CJn h~
given off.
(xii) Grinding of tiles l'n a p()\\,a driwil wht:c1 linkss an efTici~nt wal~r
spray is ust:d on the wilecl,
(xiii) Lirtin!! and con\'~vin!! of nnleri:\1,; bl' elevators or convevors
unless lhey art: eJi~ct\ . . ";ly encl0;eJ anJ so arrang~d as Ie' prc~'C,\l
escape of dust into tltt: air in or r.~ar to any pl3ce which p.::rsc';'S
are employeJ, . ;
(xiI') The preparation or weighing out of flow materi31, lawnin'g or cry
colours, colourillg, Jus!ing or ce'!our hlowing,
(,n) In mould n;~t;in:.! unless th~ hi,,' N similar rcc~ptacI2; u,~J r..' r
holding pl~;t~. e)r Petri, ar~ pr0<J·:J "e'ith suilabk CO\'U" "
Cni) Thc l11~nipub:i\,)Jl 0f c:l1cin~c f:'~t~~i:t1· unle,s the maleri~1 /':15
b~cJl mad.::: :1iiJ r"::l:i:.Jic5 so \';:::: i:i:H :10 dust is f;i\'cn otT.
Cia use II (I) Protecti\'e eq ui pll1cnt.
C1JUSC 11(4) Protective equipment.
3, Each of the following processcs shall be c3.ried on in such a p.1Jn~,~r
:!nd in such conditions so as to s~cure e:r~clllal sqJration from one 3nOl;',a
anc Irom I WCl proc~;;c;:-
otler •
(a) Crushing and dry grinding or sieving of materials, fcttling, pressing
of tiles, drying of clay and greenware, loading and unloading of
I; (6) All processes involving thc usc of J dry lead compound,
J 4, No !!Iaze which i; not a Icadlcc,s ~127e or a low solubilitv (!1aze shJI! be
used in a factory in which pottery is manuiactured. . -
5. No woman or young person shall be employed or permitted to work
in any of the operations specilkd in c1:!l:sc 2, or at any place where such
operations are carried on.
6. The potter's \vheel (Jolly and Jigger) s"alt be provided with scr~ens or
so coustructed as to prevent clay scrappings being thrown off beyond the
7. (1) All practical measures shall be taken by damping or otherwise to
( dust arising during cleaning of floors,
(2) Damp saw dust or other suitable material shall be used to render the
moist method effective in preventing dust rising into the air during the cleaning
process which shall be carried out after work h3s ceased,
8, The floors of potter's shops, slip houses, dipping houses and ware
,cleaning rooms, shall be hard smooth and impervious and shall be thoroughly
cleaned daily by a moist method by an adult male,
9, Medical examination,-{l) All persons employed in any process
included under clause 2 shall be examined by the Certifying Surgeon within
seven days preceding or foliowing the date of their first employment in such
process, thereafter all persons employed in any process included under cla~e
2( I) and (xiI') shall be e.':llllined by the Certifying Surgeon once in ·every
three calendar months, :l:-:d those employed in any process included in
clause 2(1 J) to x(xiii) and (.n) and (.ni) once in every twelve months by the
Certifying Surgeon. Records of such exuminations shall be entered by the
Celtifying Surgcon in the H,'ailh l~egi,ter and Certificate of Fitness granted to
him 1I1llJcr clau~e 10. .
(~) If at any time the Certifying Surgcon is of the opinion that any per:;on
employed in any process included in clause 2 is no longer fit for employ-
ment on the'ground that continuance therein would involve damage to his
health, he shall cancel thc Certific:lle of Fitness granted to that person.
(3) No persoll whose Certificate of Fi:ncss has been cancelled shall be r~­
employed uiliess the Certifying Surgcon after examination, again certifies
him to
be fit for employment. .-
10. Ccrrij;ca/e 0/ Fi/I1C55.-,'\ pcr,ol1 medically examined under clause 9
and found fit for employment slnll be granted by the Certifying Surgeon a
Ccrtilic:ltc Gf Fitness in FC'~m No.5 :)11(1 such certificate shall be in the
custodY or the manager of r~e f:lclory. The certificate shall be kept readily
:1\·~il:tbJc for ;n,;peCliull by allY in:;pector and the person grailled such a
c:~rti:k:lte ,!1:!!! carry \l'ith hir:l ,'.. hile :It \l'Prk, a token giving reference to SUCll

II. j'rn/cclil'e cq/liplJlc/!/.-(I) The occupier sh:t11 provide or maintain

,u;l:,ble o\·cr ails and head cL"~ring; for all p:rsons employed in processes
included in cl,luse 2.
(2) Th-:: occupier sh:1I1 pro,·iJc and maintain suitJble aprons of a walrr
pfL10f and sirllilar mJlerial, which e1l1 bc sponged daily, for the use of the dip-
per" dippers ;lssistants, thro'.\·crs jolly workers, casters, mould makers and
1;:lcr press :1!iJ pug mill \\"orl-\c-rs.
(3) Aprons provided in purSllanc,;: of clause 11(2) shall be thoroughaly
cic<1f1ed daily by the worker:; by sponging or other wet process. Allover all
;I:1d h,':ld c,.werin'!s shall he "·as!1,~(L c!e:llled and mended at JeJst once:l wee:':,
~:!~"~ !~~;~; \\':~5!ijn~:~ c!c.:i.n;ng Ci r:1::'IHJfl~g shaH b,-~ ~1;-1)\·id('\.~ ft.l[ by lhe occtlri~,. ".
(4) Nt> pC'ison shall be :lllo\\'~d to work in emptying of dusty material:;,
..,·~i~hin~ ,.llil ::nd mixing of dusty materials ;llld charging of ball mills or
plunger,; ,,·ithout wearing a suitable and efficient dust respirator.
12. 'lI'as/;;"lIg /ocililies.-The occupier ·shall pro\ide and maintain in a
ck:lIlly statc "nd in good repair for the use of all persons employed in any of
the processes specified in c1au,c 2, a wash place under cover. with either-
(a) (i) a trough with smooth impervious surface fitted wjth a waste
pipe, without f'lu~, and· of sufficient length to allow at least two feet
for every Ii"c SiK;·, ; ~rsons employed at any .one time. and having
a constant supply of clean water from taps or jets above the troughs
at inlen·:ds of not nwre than two feet; or
(ii) at kast one tap cr stand pipe for Cl·ery live such persons employed
at an)' one lime, and having a cOllst;!nt supply of clean water, the
tap or stand pipe being spaced nqtless than 4 feet apart; and
(/,) A sllllicient supply ,~r c!can to\\·cls made l,f suitable matt'rd
ch~!I1~:\.:d i..bily \\·iLn ~uilii.:i(,l1t 5lJPi~!.J of nail brushes and s~'lap.
13. Tillie 1:.'lolI"c,1 f;ir I..,J.ihim:.-Before each meal and before the end of
1':,: d.·v",; '\·o!-k ;I[ ka5l {cr, ",ill~lles. ir. addition to thc i"C!!ular meal timc;.
'r~l: h;: :';;"".'ed '·,'r \\"::,h:I~~ tl' e::ch pCrS011 cfnpl0yed in an):- of the process;:;
n~;?i;iic;~;2'tl iq clause 2.
14. ,\!css-roolJl.-(I) There shall be orovided and maintained for use ot
all person, rcmaining within the prc'l1ises during th~ rest intervals, a suitable
mess~room providing accommodation of the square feet per head and .fprnisb-
ed Wlth- a. ~.
(i) J sumcient num ber of tJbles Jnd chairs or benches with back' ~est; -
(ii) arrangements for washing utensils;
(iii) adequate means for wJrming food;
(il') adequate quantity of drinking water.
(2) The room shall be adequately ventilated by the circulation of fresh air
and pi:lced under the charge of a responsible person and shall be kept clean.
15. Fwd, dril/ks, elc. prohibited in lI'ork rooms.-No food, drink, pan and
sl/pari or tobacco sh'all be brought into, or consumed by any worker in, any
lVork-room in which any of the processes mentioned in clause 2 are carried on
and no such person shall remain in any such room during intervals for meals
or rest.
16. Cloqk:room etc.-There shall be provided :lOd maiiifained for the
usc oLll p;;rSOrlS employed in any of the processes mentioned in clause 2-
(,,) .\ (!o;}k-room far cll'!~,i'jg l'llt oIT ctlfing working hours and su::h
..:c,:o;I1Illodatioo sh;;ii 0;; s<:;)<trakd from any mess-room;
(10) ;~:,:!rate and suita:-!e arran:'::l1cnts for storage of protec:i\'c
eq ui pment provided under cIa use 11.
17. These regulations shall not apply to a factory in which any of the
. fo!!:)"o:':l~ ::~:icks, but no other pottery arc r.lace:-

I (a) un-glazed or salt glazed bricks and tiles, and

(6) ~~'::~l;tectural terra-coa:l m~de fro;n plastic clay and eith~r un-
glazed or glazed with a lead less glaze only.

I 1S. ExC't,':pliol1.-If in res;'~~t of any fJetor)' the Chief Inspector of

Factories j< s:lIisfied that all or any <If the provisi(,;lS l,i this Sehedu Ie are not
neec~sary for the protection of the persons employed in such factory, he
I ma:y by a certitic::te in writing e.~empt such factory from all or any of such
prOI"Sil'il;, su:,jeet to such cOOlditiolls as he nny specify therein. Such
ccr:ifie:l:c !1l:ly at any time be rel'oked by the Chief Inspector without

I RS:; igning any rcasons.

Rule prescribed under section 88

I /1%. Xutification oj aceidel/ls.-When any aceiJent or occurrence specified

in the Schedule takes place' in a factory, the manager of the factory shall
forthwith send notice thereof by telephone, special messenger or tdegram
to the In:pector, and if the accident is fatal, or of such a serious nature-that
it is likely to prove fatal, notice as aforesaid shall also be sent to:-
(0) ,he District Magistrate or Sub-Divisional Officer; and
(b) the L,mcer in charge of the nearest police station.
_ 1/ (2) The 1ll1tice so given shall be con.fiJ~lCd by the manager of the faclo~y
to the :1:'lwe mcntlOllcd authontlc> wllllln.J1J.!Jll.l,r·s of the occurrence bv
S<:Il<!;l;:; :,' 1;;,':n:J ",,-itt<:11 rL'I'l'r! i,; Ih<: prL',<cril'c:d F,'rm No. Ig. .

]. :\ ...· (·;dC:1!S \':l:;("h C:1US;C-

(a) death to any perwn;


(f,) SIl<:h h,.,I:1\ ;Ililln' as 1'1'':\\:111·; nr "'ill pr"hahly rr~v.:nt (he persons
Inill.:: jll :H '.... orkill:.: 1111 .1 Iyn,.d or
4:-\ hf\lIr~ illlrll\:<.Jialelv
(. ;11\ ~.\ ;:I.~.~ I;;': :1;..:Lidc 11 I. , .
2. The f"ii. '.' ill;: l·L,,,.:,> of oCL'urr,'Il,:: -. \I helh..:r or nOl they arc altcl1(kd
, ', \ ., 'I
I'" .'1 .' l I
"1. '
".' , .; : '~_",: i ..
- ;.; .' ..

(al Hur . . ::'·:'';.~ ·...... "cl thc.;d fllf L·cllli.!jl~jn~~ ::'h:~lJn ulltkr rr...' ;).'urc !.!l\;akr
111.1:': .,.'1,--,;II~lic pr<:"lIr.: "Iik" :11:,11'1'1:1111 which C.Jl1le' wililin Ihe
SCI):'~ ,11'ri1-: Indial1 Uoikrs I\el.
(0) c.,ILii',e <'I (,ilure or a Cr;!Il~, d~rriLk winch, IlIli5( ur other ap-
r'i:II-'--:' 1I,~d ill raising or IO"'':''iI1~! p.:r;;()lIs or g.)ods, or allY rart
Ihere"r or Ii]'; overlurninC! nf a cr:lne.
(c) Expl,),iun (lr fire callsil1g- dal1l:lg.: to any room or place in which
p<.:r'Lllh aI',' e:nployed, or fire in rO,")]'; of cotlOn pressing factories
when :1 Cl,([.)n opener is in us.:.
(d) [xrl",i,)J!,)( a r~ceiver or cont:liner uSe'd for the storage a't a pressure
!fr·~·:!!~·; !:~.~il alJilOSphcr:c Pi·C~:'t~:-·:' or :111\' Q:lS or ~:l~es (i:lcilldin~
;ir) 0r :!ily liquid or solid resul,ing (rom i~·~ compression of gas. ~
(,,) C0!!J;)S;: nr subsidence of ;'i1y. 11,;.,)1', ';;:llkry, roof, bridge, t'Jnnel,
chim,ley, wall or building flmning part of a factory or within the
t'O!:1;'\l:iilO 1)1' curtilage off~lLl\);·Y.

prescribed' /IIit/a sect ilill S9
.!: 97. :-~0. 19 should be
/\'":,,,' "ri"":,,lllilig or discasc.-·-..\ notice in Form
, Ii sent forth\\'il:i o0ih 10 the Chief lnspcc:l0r anJ to the Cc:rlil~ing Surgeon, by
the managcr or a f:lctory in which there occurs a case of le:ld, phosphorus,

mercury, mal::::l:1~,C, :1rs.:nic, carbon bisulrhide or benzcne poisoning;
I ;~
or poi,:o!lill1.! t'y ni,rLlus fumes, or by hak'gens or halogen derivative'S of the
'I hydrocarbons cf thc' aliphatic series; or of chrome uk.:ration, anthrax
':i. siliL'osis, t0xi, ;,Il.::llii.l, t0xic jaunGi~.:, pi'imary Opilhdio;na:ous cancer of
the skin, or l':llho!ogic:l1 manifestations due to redium or other radioactive
f subs:ances or X-ra\',;.
'ii. CIlAl'l EIZ X
Rilles prescribed Illlder sectioll 107
98. Procedllre ill appeals.--(I) An app.:al presented und'er- section 107
shall lie to the Chi.::( Inspector or in cases where the order appealed against is
an order passed uy that officer, to the Chief Commissioner or to such
! , authority as the Chid Commissioner may appoint in this behalf and shall be
I, ..
.itl the form of memorandum setting forth concisely the grounds of objection
! , to the order and bearing court fee stamp in accordance with article 11 of
:t~ : Schedule II to Iii.: Court Fees Act, 1870 and s1i'all be accompanied by copy
.~.~ oftbe order :lpi'e.;:~d against. .
(2) Appoil/tmel/t of assessors.-On receipt of the memorandum of appeal,
il' the appellate authority shall, if it thinks fit or if the appellant has requested
Ii, . that the appeal should be heard with the aid of assessors, call upon the body
declared und.:r sub-rule (3) to be repr~sen tative of the industry concerned,

I to appoint all :l,,;,:ssor within.a period of 14 days. If an assessor is nominated fr
by such body, the app"lIate authority sh:llI appoint a second assessor itself. •
1 It shall then fix a date for the hearing of the appeal and shall give. due notice
r!." of such datc to Ihe :::ppellant and to rhe Inspector whose order is appealed
If against, and sl~all call upon the two assessors to appear upon such date to
i 1: assist in the bearing of the appeal.
(3) The appellant shall st;llt: in the memorandum presented under sub-
rule (I) whether he is a mClllbu of onc or more of the bodies representing the
industry or industries concerned a~ may be prescribed by the State Govern-
Incnt in this behalffrom time to time.
Thc boJy cmpolVcreU10 JI')1I,int the as~e5sor shall,-
(a) if the appellan.t is a memher of one ufsuch bodies, he that body;
(b) if he is a membcr nf two such bodies, be th:.t body which the
appellant desires should :lppoint ~uch as~esso.r; and
(c) if the appel1<lnt is not;1 mcmber of any of the aforesaid bodies, or
if h:: docs not stale in Ihe nlell10randum which of such bodies he
desires should appoint the assessor, be the body which the appellate
authority considcrs as the best fitted to represent the industry
(4) Rel'JUllera/ioll 01 1I.'sc.I,urs.-,\ n assessor appointed in :!cconbllce •
with the provisions of sub-rules (::) and (3) shall receive for thc hearing of the
appeal, a fee to be fixcJ l'y tbe aprc!!:Ile al,thority, subjec: fo a maximum of
fifty ru~es per ilicll1. II" slt:lll :lISe) rcceivc the actual travelling expenses. The
kes and tra\·elling eXf'e!'ses shall be raid to the assessor by Government; hut
whefe: a:'3~5s.('rS h:1v~ p(';,;n ;l;"I'~'ir'!Ld .. ' Ih~ rL'qllc~l of 'lit:: ~ppcliailt ::llld lh~
appeal has becn decidcd ,,·holly or partly at:ainst him the appellate authority
111;\\' l~if,'Ct that the fe'" ~nd !'.. l':,'llil':! cY~r'~<,'< of the asseSSN sl~~!1 he paiJ
in "·}wle or in part hy the apl'.::ll;ln[.

~ Rule I'rl'scrihctluutler seCl~~' lOS .

99. Displav oillo/ices.-The apstract of the Act and of the Rules reqUired
to b.:: Ji,p'eyeJ in C\'cry f;!c!ory sh~!1 be in FlHnl ~o, 20.

~ RaIl'S prescrihl'd II/uler sec/iill 110

. ," 'I r '" ',T·
JUO. Rt:/lIrJls.- T l~;; !1":Jn~:::.::..:r ,:t1 L\"L'r~' !:ic:L'ry ~:::!!. Jl!rn!~.) 11..'. !!.G ln~-
pCOM or o(\thcr ollic"r al'l'l':l1tl'd hy the Chief Commissioner· in this behalf
[he fi)ilo,.. ing n.;.lurns, 11:1!l1l:1:::-
(i) Alll1lwl rell/TII,- On or b,f('re ti.c 15,h Janl!~r~' of each ye:J.r, :\11

(: ) annual return in duplicate in Form No. 21.

AIi!llIOI r('/w/ cf !w!idays.-lkfNc the end of eech year, a return giving

II notice of all t~,C da\·s on \\ hich it is il1tcn(kd to close the fadory

d:.lfil1~ 'he ;,CXl l';lSI'::'f! ye:! •. Thi~ return ~ha!! l'c submitted whether
the fa-ctorY is or is not working during the year preceding dIe year
to which tile return re):lleS:
Providcd that the Chief Commissioner m:1Y Ji~pen;-;: with this return in the
·case of any specified factory or of any class of factories or of the factories in
any particular area: +

( Provided further th:\( the al1l111:\l return oflw1idays shall he dispensed with
in case of-cli factorie;:,-

I (i)) ..•. hich regularly 01'>l'[\·C 51 1:1d:\\·, ~s 11l.J.:da\·', l'r

I"I.'r l :!:: r::- ('t'..;;.~r, .. t: :1 I~.'.;:d d:·:y il~ : Iw \\ ::d, :1S a hol:J:-:y; or
(r.) \\, 1': .:11
(c) \\ hich obser\·c holiJays, a,c0rdint: Il' :l list ~pprovcd by the Chief
lnspector: , .. . .:
Prl'\ i,I,.. !. fll rI h'r." Il1a t "herc t hc 1ll:1I1;1 !'LT l,r :on\" factory mJ kes ~nv
(kp:lrwf':: rfl,m slich a h"liJay or list of ilolid~I·Ys as :lk'r~,aid prior intimation
,Idl te gi\c::: to th,~ C!>i.:f In-pl'ctOr.
• -1
L',) l!.71/Y<'I/l/:' r,iil//I.·--·ll,c ll1;JIl:'<=CI' <II' f,ILlol'y ,hall furnish to
tile ChicI' !:I'PCl'tlli" Ull (11' bcflll'C thc 15th July and 15th January of
each year, as half-yearly rdurn in cItlplicatc in Form No. 22.
(4) !-carc 11'1111 ":(I"r's-· .. fll/lltnl I'CIIl;,/I.- Tk' Il1JnJ!Ccr of even' factory
,i,,111 rUI'I1;,i, I,) I!.c ('i,i<::·II1\l'l·(III;·. I:·', Lllcl' [hJIi th.:: ),[ Fcbruarvof
[h.:: w:,r ,;ul'.-c"Ill>·'1! I,) Ihilt Il) \\'hi,,'1; i: r·cbtcs a r.::lurn il1 Ful'lU No:23.
(:;.) C(J/IIpe/lSa IlIrr I;I/!i,!o.l's--A /1/11((/1/"<'1,,11/, - The r,1a naga of e vc ry fact ory
,h~,l1 furni,h tl) lhl' Chid- II1'I'c 1,'III(, 11,,( later than the' 1st h:bruary
of the year sub,cqu':nt Il) lh:ll (ll ll"i:i,:h it rebks, J rdurn in Furm
No. 24
,~ Rille prcscrihcd IIl1der secliull 109
.,IOI. Srrl'icr olnoliccs.- The despatch by post under registered cover of
3;ly notice or order shall be deemed suflicient service on the occupier, owner
or manager ~ fac(0J'\' of such notice or ordcr.
/ Rilles 102 lu 105 prescribed IInder secliun 112
101. Infurl11a:ion rl'qllirrr! hl' Ihe JII.I'!, <'('{III'.- The occupier, o\\'ner or
manager of a factory sh311 furnish any information that an Inspector may
r~(1" i:c f 0 r the pu rpl'~'':: of ~.~ ~ i:':yi 11~ I~ j il1:;I.'.l r \'. ;~~'li;;: r :1:1 y pro v;: :~:; I ~ ;': lit: J\~ ~
h;;s becn compiicd II'illl "r wi,c[ha allY order of all Inspector hilS b<:en duly
C:trri:,d out. Any Gcl1l;l:ll! hI' :In IIl'J'c'l'[0r fc)r allY such illf,)rlll:1tion, if
made, dliring the cour$~ of all iIlSPCClioll. ,hall he complied with forthwith,
11 .. , ·.~r) .. ,1°t·)11·-0\.'I;·\I··!"··I~·,f··I"')I·\·
11,,1..1· dill :'l~• • • ' ••• 1._ II 1:1,,;1 ..... (, ~.vJ, .... ,' (',,,,-f"'\
1 .. \..\,;JI \\.Il:, • .=, S""lI
... :.',,-. l"U L ...
LJ ...
con:rlieY':h within sewil day,; 9f recciptlhercof.
11).', J.[uslcr-rorr.-The 1!1:11l.1~er of cI'erl' f3ctorv shall m:lint:lin :!
muster-roll of all the wu,ker:; ell;plc)ycrl in t'he f:lcto'ry in Form No .. 25
sh?wing (a) the~DJeof each workcr, (b) the n3ture of his work, at~d (:2J.he
d:u)y Jtt.::nd:lnce ofth.:: \\,url,:,;,-: _"
Provided that, if the daily attendance is noted in the Register of Adult
\Vorkers in Form No. 12 or (he p3rlicuJ~,;; rcquired under this' j.i.,!c are
n \.'
..... I'~II ..On\'
_ 0 r re~'I't"
:=::- l . , . 10 ~-l ,1101 • ...- I')""'"
<"'0"0,"' -," r'qu',
I '·"~.-.Ltl L: ·..· d ll·"I"r
.le; ,_. t":-
11.Z'! ru'-'
need not be Intained.
lO·t cr:iSler of accidcnls alltl don-::'cr(J!/s oCCllrrCJ1ces.-The r.l~n:1!C~r
of e\'ery factory shall maiatain a regist~r of all accidents and dangerous
occurrences which occur in the factorv in [-'orm No. 26 showjn~ thc~
(0) Name of injured person (if nny). -
(b) Date of accident ordallgercius occurrence.
(c) Date of report on Form No.1 8 to Inspector.
(d) Nature ofaccident or dangerous occurrence.
(e) Date returQ....of injured person to work,
(f) N ber of days of absence from work of injured person.
fainlenance 01 illspecliOIl bonk.-The m3n:lger of every factory

shall maintain a bound inspection book and shall produce it when so requi-
red by (he Inspector or Certifying Surgeon,


,I ',

i', ,

FMm No.1
(Prescribed under Rule 3).
I.,\pplical1['s 1".1111<:
Applicant's Calling
, Applicant's Address
2. FulJ name and postal address of faclory
3. SiLU3tion of the factor\,-
Province -
Distnct _. . ..
Town or villa~e .. ..
Ne3 rest Police-Station ..
Nearest R3ilway Station or Steamer Ghat
4. P3rticubrs of pbnt to be instaIJcd ..
Signature of 3pplicant. .
D3(e .
:NOTE.-This applic:Hi0n sha:! be aCC01l11'3nj~d by ti,e f,1l10wing
documents : -
(n) A f10w C];3r[ of nlJl1uf3cturin~ rruCC5S sUj.'j'knh~;ltc,1 by a brief
description of the process in its v3ri"us Sl:!gcs;
(b) Plans, in dup:icat~, drawn to sC3k, 5:10·,"il1:;:-
(i) the site of th~ factory and il11l!l~cliJle surroundir.;;~ includin~
~Gjacenl uuilJillgs and olh~r ~tj'uciur~:;) rll~~J::i, dr;liilj, etc., and
(ii) the. plan elevation and necessary cruss-sections of the various
buildings, indic3ting all rck\·:?r;~ d~(~i!; rC!3ti:!g to mtural
lighting, \'elllil3lion and p.1C3ns of C;C3re 111 cas,; of tire. The
plans shalJ also clearly indicate the POSlliOU of the plant and
'. .r.1:lchincfY, 3isks.and pass:!£c \\'3Y5; ~nd
(c) Such other particulars as the Chief Inspector Imy require.

• FOR~l No. I·A

[!"'<!scrib"d und<!r nil;"! 3(4)(iiij]
Name of Factorv _ _ _ ._.._. _.._ .. , __ __ ._ _.._

Signature of the occupier 0 •••••••• ° 0

" • .,

Signature of the Manager ••••• , .....•.• ;'" ._

-- . -- ------ _. -- -


I [Prescribed llllC:", rule 3(1)(d)]

I Careful attcntion to the questionnaire will assist in drawing up the' plans

in accordancc with thc bw and thus prevent delay in dealing with the ?Ians.
Notc.-Thc site plan should be urawn to a minimum scale of 100'= 1-
:lncl tho: othcr plans drawn to a minimum scale of 10'= 1-.
1. (0) Is the Form No. I-A submitted ....................•.••..
filku in for all work-rooms, godowns,
clc., which arc proposeu to be cons-
tructeu or extended?
(b) Is the sectional elevation of each room , ., .
or shcd ctc., sh0wn scparately?
(c) Is thc minimum hcight of evcry room, _ .
shed etc., shown clearly in the sectional
ek\'~tion ?
(d) Is the m~tcri:t1 of which the roof is .
constructed indicatcd in the scction:d

(c) A re the positions of lhe various ma- .....................•....

chines fitted or proposed to be fitted,
shown in the dra\\in~s to!!cther \\'jlll
their names? --
U) Are the maximum number of persons .
v:orking or rropo5cd to be working in
different rooms, sheds, etc., mentioned
I in th~ cr;'"i\\'jr~~?
(<;) Are all new buiijin:;s, parts of builJ-
jngs or alteration in the existing

I buildinQs sho\vn bv the boundarics

July Jll~d:<:J by a Grs,incti\'c col0ur~
2. FVfllI No. I·A. Is thc brcathing space
of a work-room, sheds, clC. calculated as shown
(q) Floor area of a room multiplied with .
. height of the room (the maximum
heiQht for calculation should not "
exceed 14 fcel).
(b) Is the maximum number of persons
shown as the lower value of tile two
calculations shown below:-
(i) Floor area of a room less ,area .........................•
occupied by machinery in
room divided by 36.
(ii) Breathing srace as in (n) 'above .
divided by 500.
(c) Is the window and shli!!ht nrea .
provided at the minil11t;~l rnte of 1
square fcd to evcry 15 sljuarc f('ct
of floor area of room?
II is ;e(cn,n'·~nded that 'sir.Jo\\' and skylight may be provided opposite
~0 one :'nC't!~er ~l!r] :15 I" ;,ro\'ide be~t Cr(\$S vemilati,)n.

"Form r-A and questionnaire annexed to Form I (a) inserted vide Himachal
Pradesh GOl'emmcllt Nt>ti§catioll No. 1&::;. IS(la/» 65-l157, <lated ~3·9-65.

~. f)t}(}rs---
(11) I,; C\'G\ \\\lrkr'l<lm pnwidcd ,\\ili; at · .
1e:\Sl 1\\ () d,llll''; '?
(Ii) ,Is thc minimull1 sizc of c\,<:ry el,)l)r · : - .
(t') ,\1'..' ;!I1 t;12 ddO,S op.:'lling l)ut·'\:Ij"\.;~·.'
4. Fir('-('.l('\!i','s,--If any factory buiic:;Jf!
i,; of morc than O:lC ';Io,cy-
(tI) Arc t",o lirc-c,;capes pro\'iJeJ 011 · . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ~

eilher siJc of lhc builJin!:'. 'J

(Ii) An: the lire-e,;capes accessible froll1
ever" room in the building?
(e) I,; th~ malerial u,;ed in c0nstru-:ti,111
on the f1re-cscape non-combustibk 1
(d) Arc the \\'indows or doors ~i\'ing
aCC~5S to :1:1 (,Xl~rJl:l! ~t;!::-.::~s::
arranged to open immedi~tely from
5. Lolril/(,s cnd Urillols-
(a) Are the l.11rincs ~nd urin~1s pr,willed
(Ii) Arc the,;e ,;c.licicnt to 1Il.:.:t the
rcqllir;:jl1l..'nl~ t,r :"'o1.:Lli')Jl fl':.iJ wi~h
Rules IS and 19 of Facloric,; Act,
48 ?
(e) Is the minimum dist:wce of the
nearcst building shown?
(d) Is the minimum distance of the
nearcst source of wale, S:h)\\;;'~
(e) Is the surrounding grllund UplC a
distance of 4 feet all round made of
I 1 ~ I ., • • ' ,_.
,... .,."• • •.......I ;."c:;:'1
•••• •

U) Is the s:Ji"r0l:;1~j;lg grounJ r:li5~C tt..)

at least six inches above !:'.round

l~vd (if n~ces5ary)"! -
(g) Is any latrine, ventilator or opening
in the proximily of any opening of
the main bu ilding?
(ll) Are these flush-type?
(i) Are all the drains, pipes and sewers
for carrying sullage, ,sewage water,
effluent and waste products running
in, factory premises constructed of
( impermiablc material?
(j) Are the drains of flush-type latrines,
connected to the drainage system of
tile local board?
(k) Is an efficient system of sceptic tanks · ' .
provided. if no drainage system
(f) Are the latrines provided witll roof- · .
6. Drinking lValer-
(a) Is the drinking water provided from · - ..- - --
a source provided by the 1001
board' or otherwise fr'om a satis-
factory source?
(b) Is any well constructed in the premi- .
ses of the factory for drinking
\\':lter or humidifiC:ltion purposes?
(c) Is the cylinder of the well pucca and _ .
impervious to water through and ..I
upto a depth not less than the
lowest level of sub-soil water?
(d) !,re the position of \\'ater centres .
ShOWD in the plan? ~l
7. After showing the above det:lils, the plans, the site plan, lhis question.'
naire and Form No. I-A should be submitted in triplicate direct to lhe Chief
InspeclOr of Factories, Ilimachal Pradesh for appr(l\·~d.
8. A certifiC:lle of stabi:ity signed by a person h:":;~g the qualiRc:llions
bitl down under Rules 5h::111 be submitted on Form :\0. J·D, before the
manufacturing process with the aid of power is begun iii the builtling.
Sign:\ture . .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Dcsi~n:lli01l .

• t=OR~1 1'\0. 2
[Prescribed IInder mle 3 (3)(n)(i»)
Pbn antI specification.
I. ~ame of the factory .
Namc llf b:JilrJcr(s)/ur cuntractor(s) .
-' . Genera 1 tvpe of cnnst r(lct ion:
(0) Full n:lmc of ;i~lUory (in block ktl~r;.) .
(b) QualiRcations .
(c) Present occupation , ,
(d) Permanent posl~ll address , :.
~ 4. Purpose for which the building is to be used .
5. Name of room or l.,uilding for which the certificate is granted giving
reference to plan No .
6. Nature of work to be carried on in the above room/building
• •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• J ••••••••••••••••••••••••

7. Nature and amount of moving power. .

8. Signature .
9. Date , ..

So/e.-The person giving the certificate must be (0) a Co~porate ",Iember

of the Institution of Civil Engineers, or (b) a Corporate-Member of the
'lnsti,ution of Structural Engineers, or (c) a Fellow ..\ssociate or Licentiate
<,f Ihc Ruy~d Institute uf nritish .. \rci:i:~cts. or (d) te :l Gradu:ltc in Civil
Engineering and be also a Corporate I\fember of the Institute of Engineers
(Jndia); provided that no person, except in the case of buildings occupied or
~F0rm N\). :}<J anJ Form] sub::-~j[U(cd vide HimJc.hal }-"ratle~h Go\crnfftclit
Notification :'-lo. I&S. 15(I;lb.) 654/57, da ted 23·9·65.
, I
... ' - .... .=- ... - ... ' ...... dIJ vI,; dUlIJOnSea to Sign a
cnllllC.\tc 01' stability If he is in the full employment of the owner or~ the
builder of the building.

·FOR~1 NO.3
(Prescribed lInder rule 4)
A~; J) 7
(To. be sf/bmirred in triplicate)
I. Ful) namc of thc factory with hctOiY .
licence number if :1lic:1c1y registered.
2. (a) Full postal address :1nd situ:1tion ........•.........•............
of the f:1ctory. .
(b) Full ad'dress to \, hich communi- _ " .
c:1tions rel:1ting to Ihe factory
should be sen t.
3. };ature of manuf:1cturing process/

(0) Carried on in the factory d tlring _.. , .._ .

the last twelve months (in the
c~~c of l~C L:c:(,;y ~d;-C~1t~y in·
(h) To be carried oa in the factory
during the next twelve months _' .
(in the case of all factories).
_. "'::!~-;-.·:s ~:;:~ '::d~!cs cf ;~rij1Ci;:'::1 ~=-0- '. __ _ _ _....•
ducts manufactured during the last _.
tWc!"e months.
~5 (,-) },f"x'm"ffi nun'~'" l" w,,-t-.'r-
I- '_ ~~~'p'os~d- to b~'~;;~lo;ed ~~-;-l;~' --' , , .

• one day Juring the ycar. .
(ii) Maximum Ilumba of worKcrs ..........• _ .••........... _ ..
employed on anyone d3y
during the last twelve months.
(iiI) Number of workers to be' ordi- '"
. narily employed in the factory,
6. (i) Nature and total amount of. .
power (H.P.) installed or pro-
posed to be instalkd.
_I (ii) Maximum amount of power. ..
./ (H.P.) proposed to be used. ~
.,I 7. Full name anJ resiccntial addrcss _ - ~ .
ef the ixr~"n who Sh31l be the
manager of the factory for the
purposes of the Act.
°F,'rm Nn. :2 r~rl,ccc1 ~~·l FNm No. 3 sut-,till1ted vide Jlimach,1 Pr3dc$h Go,-ero-'
meal Notification No. I&S. 15 •.1.:lb) 654/57. dated 23-9-65 .

.' .:

~~~---_.-.- .. -'~-~~~=-~-==="'i:;
R Full n~lllC ~r~d rc,i,k:iti31 address , ..
of t h~ occu i,i,r-
(i) Th.: Propridor of t h.: Lu.:lory _ . , .
in CIS': of :I pri\';!!e' firm/prop-
r:·.'i.l!'"\' cn::~Lrll,
lii) lJir~ :l\lf' i;lC:I:'\.· PubJiL
Iii' ::' , ..
- LiJlljl~d Li.lhilil) Cu;npJny,' ,
(iii) Where the l\ bn.:~in~ l\genl .
h:h bel'l1 apr'''':;;;Ht:J, tb~
- n::n1ts of l\bl1:J~in;: A,,~nts and
Djr~ct,Hs lhcr~(;L - -
(ir) Sh:lr~·hulders in ca;:~ of:l pri\':I!': .
COmp:lOy where nu ~lan3gi;;g
Agents 'h3ve be~n appointed.
(1') The Chief l"ci:,ini;lf3Ii\'e Head .
in case of:l GO\'~rn!11ent Of loc31
fund [3clory.
. 9. Full n3me :lila Jdcir~;s cfthc o\\'n~r , .
of the prcnlis~$ (\j bui:Jiil~ (inciuJ-
ing the precincts i~erel'f) referred to
in section 93.
10. Iii tii~ (;l:,>: of":~ :",~ ..·~ ..",i·: .:.)ii.~~:·~:~';..:J , "
or extended after th; date of the
. ' ... ' cominencement of the Rules:
(n) Reference number 2nd catc of ".,.' .. , .
o approval of the plJns for site
\vhctller for oJ': or i:2',V bui!c:i:':;
and for construction or extension
. of factory by t!it: Sl3te Govan-
ment Chief In:;,eci''f.
(b) Reference number :Inc date of ..
apprr. '/al of th.: arrangements, if
any, nl~d~ fur l;i-,: G;~pos.lI of
(rade'waste and efl1ue'nts :lnd the
name of the authority granting
such approval. .
II. A;'iou~t of fee Rs (Rupees )
(i) paid in.................... Treasury on ..
vide Chall:ln No.,: : ...•....... (enclosed).
(ii) transmitted by crossed Cheque/Postal Order No ..••.•...•..
. . .dated. '.' , on the/of the ·
Bank/Post Office drawn in favour of the Chief Inspector of
Factories, Himachal Pradesh.

Signature of Occupier . .•••.•..••.•......•

Da t e .
Signature af Manager .. '........•....., .
Da te' .......••••....•••..•..••••.••••
...:- . Notes.- I. This form should be completed in ink in -block letters, or

L .~.
r ,

I J 2. If.P?wer is not used at the time of filling up this form,-but

IS Introduced latter, the fact should be communicatcd to
( the Chief Inspector of Factories immediately.
3. If any of the persons named against item 3 is minor, the
. )
fact should be clearly stated .
4. In the case of a factory, where under the proviso to sub-
sections (I) and (2) of section' 100, a per,;on ha~ becn
nominated as the occupier, information required ill item
3 should b: suppkd only in respect of that penm.
5. In th~ casc ofa factory where a Managing Ag::nt or ,\gent;
have been appointed as occupiers under th~ Indian
_.Companies Act, 1913 (VII of 1913) be supj'l:i~:! 0'111' in
respect of that person or persons.

(Prescribed 1II1d('( rule 5)

· . N
ReglstratJon I 0.............. S'IN
ena 1 0 . . . . • . . . • . . . . . . . . . .
Fee Rs " .
Licence is hereby granted to.............................. . .
valid only for the p.emises described bclow for use as a factory er:1r1oying
not more than persons on any on~ day J::~:'1S; lh~
year and uSiilg moti~c. power. not exceeding....... Him"ch'll, I'r~de~h
~!!b.lcct to the ;:':-CI::Slons (it t~~~ F2;:~\.~r1C5 Act, 19~5 ::!ilJ ii',~ ~.: ...~ ::::.~.:
This licence shall remain in force till the 31st day of Decemb~r. !<)

Ii;c 19 Chief Inspeclor of Factories.

Descripfiol/ 0./ fhe ficcl/sed prcmises

The licensed perl11;ses shown on Plan 00.. . . . . .. . . . •. . .
dated _._ are situated in ··
and consist of....................................................•
.. .... .... . .. . .. . . .. . . . . . . . . .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . ... . . .
................ _ - :: .

Da te of renewal Date of expiry :3igo:ltlJe of Licc-nsir,; a~;IJOrity


............ . -
'. . . . . . . . . . . ..,. . . . .
" :
. ',' .


1. Seri:-tl No.; ¢ Serial ?\il. · .........•

Dak , _ . ¢
¢ DJle ···
2. Nal1le ····· .. ·· ¢ 1 hereby ccrtify that I have persc-
3. ·f~thcr's naOlc
4. Sex................ g ¢
nally ex:-tmined (name) .

5. Residence ··········· ¢ ... . .

· '.' '" . ,.g S01:,'JJl:';~l.l~r ,J:' .
... .' , , ., .. ¢ .
6. Age certified
- g .. rcsll~li~~ :1t .. _ 0.

7. Physical fitness - '

8. De'scripti\'e Ol:!rks · Q ; .
· g who is desirous of being employed
· , ' <:> in J fa,',,);'y, :lIlJ til:'l his/her ag~ .
............................. . gas ncarly :IS (:-tn be ascertained
. 9. Reason for- ·0 from my examinatioll. IS .
,j Q L.... 1 .....II ..',1 t""l
O)''''rs '"''5''' J'--
(1) r ~" I ..UJ."
·..,' (If• e·..
.. _ ·:t;-1'" ~.~. II .. , I.·.... I'S. Ill '•

...... , , ,., oempl0yment In fJetory as an adult

............. _ ¢child.
o t

... '.' ~~. '.' ,., , His/Her descriptive marks are fI·
(2) cert lficate being revoked.. . . . ' .
. . . . . . . . . . ' ," ¢ " .. 1
........ _. . . . . . . . . . . . ... ¢ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . ..
'...... r t

¢¢ ~,
¢ __ f
. . ¢ Thumb impression
Thumb Impression ¢
lnitials of certifying Surgeon. <:> Cer.tifying Surgeon.

Note.-£.xact detail'; of cause of physical disability should be clearly stated.

i r-OR~1 No. 6

(Inscribed IInde r Rule 22).


lJcpanmcll! ' .

r Di,tinclive marke or number. " .

L P(bilion in depJrtmcnl. '.


03te, rear, /'.lonth I •.Between II I

nay m. 2nd 2 Ilctwren 4 Rem3rks
j;;:':'.\':'::-l ; ;, .....:,. anJ 5·.30 If fjJl
and 9 a. m. in the reS! p. m. humid it)'

_._-- ~---I
\::::."~ Drv
Jl:,': I

t>"!';,.11 t-.:,~
v.::-t I
I bulb t~!~.

I \Vet.

, , ..
.... \
bulb. bulb.

.l (u
4 th :: ::I
I 0: ~'I ,
11th .. I
J 2th .. I

"I.. . !
' .
17th .. ·.
J 8th
20th · .,
22nd .. I
23rd .. i
24th · .,
25th ..
• 31st

{Signed) .
Certified that the above enrties correct.
l I. -(Signed)
~L.."~ .
, I . (Prescribed under rule 16) ~
Parts lime-I
Treatment Date on which limc. w 2.ihing,
whether painting, varniShing or oiling
Part or Factory, varnished lime.washed,' was carried out (according
or .. "pam'ed,-'/ to the English calendar) IRemarks
e.g., name of room
oiled, e.!:., varnished - - - - - - - - - - -
walls ceil· or oi:"d DJte I \lc.nth . Year
ings, wood .
work, etc. I' "
2 3 'r _ _5
__ _-----=6=-- 7_.

!: 1,
I --...:.

Signate:-.: of ~lJna&cr.

£~FOR~I ,,'0. 3/ 9'-l-l)~J"'-;'\ 1

(Prescribl.'d under mIl' 5(,) ~



1 I. NJm: of occupier of (factory) · .

2. Si:t:JI:0n Clnd 3ddress of fJctor)' · .
I 1 N,!mc, description and distinctive · .
~ number of pressure vessel.

"'. ?-:ame 11i1J aJdress of manufacturer · .
5. Nature of processes in which it is · .
6. Particulars of vessel:
(0) Date of construction · .
(b) Thickness of walls
(c) Date 011 which the vessel was first
, '
taken into usc.
(d) Sare working pressure rceommclld· · .
cd by the manufacturer.
(the history should be briefly givcn
and the examiner sh.ould state
whether he has seen the last prc\'ioll,
7. Date of last hydraulic test (if J:1Y) · .
.and Fcssure applied.

} ~', I~ the vessel in open or othen..ise

L'.\posed to weather or damp?
· .
y, What p:lrls (if any) were inacces- ......................
sible ?
11) \\'h:ll ex,1n1inations :Ino t~,!, \\,:re · .
l:l:11!c'1 (Specify rr~;,urc if
hydraulic len was cnried OUI),
I I, Conditillll of v~sscl. (State :Jny Exlanal,., .. " .
u~fecls m3tcrialIy an'ecting the s:lfe
":orkin); pressure or the s3fe work- j n(~rn:ll. , , , " ,
ing of the vcssel).
J~ Arc the required fillings and appli-
anccs provided in accordance with
(be ru'les for prcssure vessels:'
13. Are' all fittings 'and appli3nces
properly ll1a:ntaincJ and in goou
condition? .
l~. lZcfl3irs (if any) required, and p.:riod
\I'ithin which they should be executed
· . - .
:l!'d :lnv other condition which the'
person' making the examin:llion
I'links it nece,s3ry to specify for
,,'curing sa I'e working.
i: ~:~li~ \\\)rking pressure, c31.:1Ii3\~J ............. \ .
from dimensions and from' the
thickness :lnd other date as ascertain-
ed by the present examination. due.
allowance being made for conditions
c: \\'crk::lg if unusu:l1 for cxc::,p-
tionally severe. (State minimum
thickness of walls measured during
lile examination).
10. \\... ..:i'(: r~iJaits allccting lU(: s~f;.;
\\'orking pressure are required,
S'3~C the II'crki:,g pressure-'
(0) lkfore the expiration of the .......................... ,
period specified in column (14).
(b) After the expiration <if such ...... .. ' .
period if the required; repairs
h3ve not been completed.
(c) After the completion of the re,
quired repairs.
17. Other observations .. ' .. ,',. , ,. , ..• , ..
I certify that on.,.,."", .. , .• ,.,. ,the pressure vessel described
abov.: lVas thoroughly ckaned and (so far as its construction permits) made
aexessibk for thorough examination ,and for such tests as were necessary for
thorough examination and on the said date, I thoroughly examined this
pressure vessel, including its fittings, and that the above is a true report
of my axamination. .
Signature. ,~, , ...... , .. ': .. : , , ..
QualificaiiOil. , ; ", .. , . , , , , . " ...
Address:·....:;: .•... , ...• , .. , .,
Da Ie .... , , . , . , ... , ..••. ' ." . , , .
If employed by a Company or Associattion (", .', ,:. •. ',' ,' i .: .,
give name and address. ( : ~ :..

_.. _----- - - - -

--_.--- ---------

r- r _/

-2 ~
C> .... ~

0 ~ ---
Z z

6 ..:0
:..:.. 0 . I
-. U
..... - ,
~ 0
--'. !i
C' I-
c:: I

_ _ _ _ _ _ _-c- --~- - - -..... _ . -

-I .. ~
L I.':" ,'.I ,\

(Prl'srriuui :!lIi!" ". -3)

1'-!():'HII Ei'.'DING......... .... 19
I. Numlx" vf RcgislyJ
., 2. _Narnc.
3. DCparlnll'J1i.
4. DJi.~~5 fr.);~~ ·.,i~i,.::l ov~nin1t.: il:l~ r;,:·..:i1 \\.,-'~~J.

5 Extc~tor ,)\'cnimc \\'orkcJ on c::·~h oce.' 'no

6. Tot3l 0'.';.:: :i::1C work:ed< all prch:t:C!;r,:: -. case
of riecc '>\"fliKUS.

7. 1~ Or-Ill;: J J t' 'L rs.

8. O::c:llr;lc : .. :-~ or ,pal'.

9. Nurm:d l~:ni!1£'.
10. . ,~

.. -
11. Ca~h ''':Yl.i\ .:lent or advJIlI:::.lg:.:: :~\."'':l ..;:.~;
.. . ~1":"!::1
. . f0Uf:h
t I1C ('l)I~C:,,'''''I\ln:l I ~:: I l: ('I r JUl.".! :.' : at 1::1
.,..-,' I,

- - - --------
-r<"{llllU ~L:~SII:u~L'Ll vide Himachal Pr:Hk,ll (--' .. \::: - '-:t :":('r:hlo7~:::J:l ~·o. I&S. 15
~ (Lab) ()5~;\7. J4(eJ 2)·9·65.


~ ..

,... ~ ~ .-.. ~
,- --
F ----r- ,i' ,

f'nR" No.1 l.
(I',,-rrrl"c,i ,,~,r;:rlri,li:'7?),'

NOTICE OF PEltlODS 0'" \\'()[n~ FOR\DULT \Vor(J..:I"~s

N~ll\c or F~ctor)' ['!ac~ n' lr;L.I . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . .
Period or Work
- - - - - - _ ... _---- -- "-- ..- - --- --.
~, {c n
Dl'S(' r i I'; I ~. I;
_·_-----------1__- . ._._. _
or g.rll:W
TOlal numbe, "r mel' employed
'!'lllal (lumber of Clllph'ycd
Group ------_._--,---_. ---------~-------

I '
I ,
I niL.--
I .

(; II' I II J . Group
0',1:l::-C t ~
I I ('If "'tHk

i i ' "
J2!J/,,'2:-:iTi; 2J!'j';l:;!'!2:;ji/2J,1 ~IJI; 2~~I'-I> }h~ 2::; ""
-I~- -'1-- -1- -'--i-' -'-: _.- -..
ncl;,y , ~-

On working dn)'s:- 1----- -~I- -1-

-1.- -,I'" - -1- - - .-- - I _J

From,. " " I I I. II

To .. .. .. I I,
From ..
To: ..
.. ..
"I i:
I '
i I I I'I I:
To,.. "
;.:On pnrtial working dnys:-.
! I, I I:
~~o~:: :: ::, I, I I I I II ! I J I

'i~o'm.. Ii!: iii II

_ ..!__19I:
..:: Iii t ,I I
. Da'tc on whic this noticc filst c'xhibiICd : _
.. _-- .-._------ ------_.-.-
i ,
(SigI1L·d) . . , .
JI f UlIlIgl'f

..------------_ ----------- •. ~- ......_. ~ '- ... ,. -....... .""'..........

\ .,
- ,... -- ~ -. -. -.
- J ( ....,

~. , : - J.--:------------_------------_.~
- ------

nlH~1 :-~:). l~.

S, e (h '- . c. L
(/1(,( ni"f'tI IIII./('r "/I'.' ,~:nl

I, EG 1:,T[I, Oi' 1\ I lU IT ',yO I::: U,:;

i-!Cl. and d~tl: of certificate

Lell:r ,or if an auolcccu;..
Grlll:p N":llhcr or ! -..-: ,.
Serial ,'. !\lame f'~ tllcr', N,:lurc a ~ i 1\ r~l"y, if Tob:n Numher ! !(c"'""k,
No, nnme or 'vork Form f'.!r'). \\:or-kill!.: Nt~. of giving n.1\'::-clll.;'c I =e:- __.
11'- III sllir~s Cl.:rt,nC;llC tp Ih ...· , .. - .
illhl d.\tl,." \, ,,:clliril:.tlc I


, I 2 ) '\
I1 5_ '_ I! (,
7 I !I 'J
'----- ~-. ------
, ----,----..-,


.' --------------- --"-- ._--_--:..._-------
I , /-

a :J


1 1,
-'<: " I II :=:;'
'" -~ r' i
/. I I
o C
----::1- I
a _, ','
:/) u , i I I •
o . .r-:. i I I i

'-' '- I L ------:----

: i I,
i i r, ~
( I J~
a i
\ --~---'I~
I ::
I I ' I ~
a I I I~
z _.---- --I ! i
- ; - 1- -

i g
I J z
I .e
- \-
° '-
I u

%. ! -

;: I

t )


I ,

~ Cl

! I
" ...::! -

o~ u
;.: - .. '-"
i -
~ '- ~' ~.
I i
"-...... ~


( . (;J
! 1
( --I


- I

.} (Prescribed IIn,[,", r:,!" ·87)

l~i:\:Ji:)TJ:i( Ul e 1.1.:,\ ":: \\ I 1'1 j ":,\c'li::;
Noi11C of the ·F:lctory, .. ,. . .
Serial No, .. , ,, . Adult/Child .
DCj'a rtmen!. .. ' _ '. Nan~~ _ .
S~rjal No. in the register of Father's name · .. ·······
Ad u 1t/Child lI'orke~, . Date of cischargc .

Date and ;amount of p.1\·mcnt m~dc in

lieu or leave due ..
Dak of. entry into s~r\'lcc .
C.d·.::ndJr yc~r 0:- ~ . .':'\':::-':
\Vages p~ril1d L·om to - ., .
Wages earned during tJ'.e wage peril)d .
>;\). of U.1)"s w0rk ·····
No.' of days layoff: ~ , .
1'\l). of days of 013lcrnitv k:l\·C ·•

1'\0. of days of Ie:l\'e cnjc'yd .

Total of column 4 to 7 . .
Balance of lea\'e 1'1'0111 preceding year ".·· .. ··········· earned curing til": Y~:J.r J1~ci1ti0ned in Culunli. i ...•...•..

TOlal of column 9 and lU .

\Vhether leave in accordance with scheme under
s~(\icn 79(8) was rcfu,d ·".·.·.····,·····
Le:'.'~e enjoyed from to , , .
Balance of lea\'e to credit .
Normal rate or wages .
Cash equivalent of ad\'anl:lg~ accruing through concc5sion3-1 S3-1e
of foodgrains and, other articles.
Rate of wages for the leave period (total of column> 15 and 16)

Note.-Separate page will be alloaed to each worker.

FORM No. 16
(Prescribed under rule 88)

(Shall be the· same as "Register of Lea\'e with Wages" (Form No. 15)
but shall be made out separately for each worker on a thick bound
- -- '----'.. .
-. --------

• --

- -- ------
l'Ol{~I No. 17.
(/'rC.I'crfherl 1iI/r/"r },'//!,' 14).
(I n respect of pci'sol1s cmployed III llCCUP;\liolls decl:1I'Cd to be 1!;1I1gCI"l1S' lllyn;II;OIl', lllltk'r "'I'li"[1 ~-.\
Na mc of Cc rt i fyi ng Su rgco~ :
(a) Mr i' . 7
1 1'0111 T" .
(h) Mr .. ..... ... .... ~ '" - 171'0111
, .. ,
Ttl, ......•..........
(c) Mr . I ••••••
FrOIl1 ,_ Tl' .
-_ ...~---:--.:.....~
~~ I • I ,.,, ---- .
r):ll\"·snr~:I~'\,II.(·.11 I,
---.--.-- ---~j:-~.~-,~~
I~'/ VlIE,:-: ~ ;:_:
I ~ I c. .i7
,-,. c: o
on :::. '.-- ..'''I

, hY(l:·!d~'I~~.s
'i,',('I'Ll ,;
;~j.~ i, " ~I . :
~1. ~ 1'_ ,~, ;~'I ~~ '~
, ..
I ,,'
.. '" '"'- .
E .9 .... ('OJ ",
~I ,..
'=- 1_ .• _ . _ - . , ' - - - - . . • - - - - -'" -. •.•..

I .:; '3..,'-I .:: ....: ,",:;; f

~. '0 :> ...
-'~I 1-= .3 ", =' "._ .,
~ ..
.c ,.,.c C .., I V; r.J
'n ~
I ..c.
Co ::: 0:,3 O. ! '.J I ,'- f' VI -

::: ~I
o 0.-' 7:::; I'
~ .:s ~:-::' ~ ~';,: ;:j'~
o :.0 E :0 ~ ... ... ,:/',

z z ~
.,. ... :: .:>!
o ~ ."..
.?, ,'f;
7;...c.: I c·~i3S_,~I;~,.1

~ 'j
~'- o ~j ~J U ::,~
"',,," " o c co " ,. ....
t.: ~ - . - ---- - ' - - - ...- . - ._, ... w. '-','~~ _. c:. ." t. _ t _ r.
;:; ....' ~~ I''::' '!. . ,
;; .:~,
'"- ~
I :j

~ 2 (:; ~ i
_.) ,-;, I 0""
/:1 t' I
I: C:. --:i >
'.J..r:: :"U' ~j ./, _.~ ....,
.0 :-::
~.,::: ,~;; ~
'" l'
~) ,., Co \D
~ ~. Z ~ I ~ Cl c. O.'::i .- .'
~ '. /..';:; . ~ G,
::: c:
:'.t'sull nr
' "
Il'dl~':d [-::HI1Q!,!tI<'l\
::: ~ ~ I~",_l c
, oJ
I'.:: :
... Ow

~ II' I

• I
J ,.! ~ ·1 I \ I r, I 7 x ~ II)
-.--!-----T :_":"'r-r~-'-j---l---:--- _.
12 11 l.j I)
-"'-- ---,-- - - - - - -..•.---.---- .- __ - __ .. .1 .-: __ ._1_ ..•._ . _ .

.. :1
.. I
,. "~I . I!
! •

I '
I' I
- - - ---._--_ ..._-_.
NOTE.--'-(i) Co 11111I II , 8. J)':l;JiI,,1 summary '(11 I""SOI'S J'l)r :I:I;l,kr ('II' djsl'!.;'r~e sil""I<.I he 'I:l:cd.
:" '(if) CO/IIn1I1'! L 5lH/lild he exprcssed: ;IS tit/,:;lI'l/slIsJ'cllt:ed.
FOR~1 No. 18
(Prescribed under. Rule 96)
(T0 b~ r.-::i[ forth\vith 10 th~ !nsp-~Ctc: c·: F::i'::;J:.e.;",.
(See instructions on reve~se) .
i. ~ame of occupier (or Faclory)
2. Address of works where accidcnl or dangerous occurrcnce

I 3. :"ature of Jr,~'~;lry
Branch or Departnknt and e~aC! place where the :lcciJent

or dangerous occurrence happened
5. Jnjurctl r('rsr·::·s l1:lme and ac';:~~ss
(~j Sex, (~j .-\.:~ i;Jst binhd:! ... ) ::nJ le) ("':"'~lx}u('n or
I ,
, - ( \ .. c.' ;-"'
\ ..... j, \.'-'J~ \'-J
-Date and 110ICr of ac~iJcnt or c"ngcrous OCCurrenc,:


q (2) C::!~::~ 0!' ;1:1:t.::-e of 3..:cidtfJ[ v.- dJn~;;r(lus occurr~ncc: (:1)

I (~) Ifc:':.:-~~ \..:: 77.;)~hii1ery:""""O"'· --------
:~~.'J u ..'. e
.1..111 ~ 0... t.'h e m...
') L"J.:_ ,.. d purl
'r ~ ~ .!n '\' c.:usln~
- . , tl.L
\\lyo/ ;JCCiOe!1l, and (b) (i)
(ii) State ',\ h~lher j( was mo\ect by mechanical power
at (he time - ------- - (b) (i i)
\ / (c)
State cx~C!Jy \\'h~t jnjured ;,(';,on 11":15 d0ing ~: l the
10. :"alUn: 2!;0 c.\l,'~[ of injuri~s (e ..;., fatal, los-; of finger,
fracture of kg. scald, ~cralch f0l!QII"ed by ~e:,;i~)
11. 11 acciJent is I,O[ falal, ~Iale \\ntlhcT injured pc'r,on \\'as
djjableu for .;3 hOurs or mor~
I::'. !'ame of ?llcoica) Officer in at:~~,::;:c-: on i~,:~:et!
i certify Illil[ 10 the be~1 of my knowkJge and belief the above particulars
3r~ correct in every re;pecl.

Sif:-.Giure of Occupjer or 1\l:nager .
II _Da Ie of ce;p:tch of repoil .
NOTE.-To be completed In kgible handwritjng or prcferable type-
r, written.
This spcce /0 bc c(,mr!eie,! by Inspector cI Fac;ori,s
-_..... of Recti"""
;;.t= r"
.Acei(.~t No.
\ in"~."'lry No.
[ C.: u:-3tion N0.
:>~); (.\1., W., 13 or Gj
i particulars, (".g., f;llaJ, kg injury, 3rm
I i~j~~·y. crc.)
t:'~~.::: (If In\'cqi~:':!:(';':

~ j~:ouJI of IIn-eslig;lii0n


Extract from the Factories Act, 1948 (Section 88)' -.' . ...... -

, Where in any factory a n ~ceidcnt occurs which causes death or \\'hich

causes any bodily injury by reason of which the person injured is prevented
from-working for a period of forty-eight hours or more immediately
r. following the accident, or whieh is of such nature as may be prescribed in
this behalf, thc manager of t hc fact~ry shall send notice thereof to such
authorities, and in such form and within such time, as may be prcscribed.

Extract from the Factories Rules, 1950. (Rlilc' 96)" "


When any accident or occurrcnce specified in the Schedule takes place in -
a' factory, tho;:' manager of the factory shall forthwith send notice thereof by
telephone, sp~cial messengcr or Lkgram to the Inspector and if the accide'nt
is fatal, or of stich a scriuus ,ntui''': 1ll3t it is likely to prove fatal, nOlice as
aforesaid shall also be sent to : - . .

(a) the Dis:rict ~l:1gistrate L'r Sub-Divisional Officer, aqd

. (b) the Olliccr-in-Ch3r~cof the nC3 rest Police Sra'ion.

(2) The notice so ~i\'C:l sb!l be c0!1nrl11cd hy the l11an:\ger f'f tl~,; r::cwry
to the aho\'e'mcntioncJ aUlhorili-:s within 12 hours ofthc occurrence bv
sending to them a written repurt in the prescribed Form No. 18: -


I. Accidents which causc-

(a) death to aroy rcrson;

(b) such bodily injury as :':'C\'eilts or wili probably prevent- [he··'
person injured from \\ 01 ~;:lg Cor a p.:riod of -18 hours immcdia-
tely fn!l')\I'ing the ac.:i,!.::.r. .
2. The following cl3~ses of occu rrences, whether or not they are
( attended by personal injury or disablement:-
(a) Bursting of a bOIler or \'cssel used for cont:lInlOg steam und.:r
pressure greater than atmospheric pressure.
(b) Collapse or failure of a crane, derrick, winch; hoist or other
appliance used in raising or 100\'ering 'persons o.r goods, or any:
part thereof, or the overturning ofa crane.
(':)' Explo~ion or fire causing l.!:Jmal;;e to any room or place in which
perwns are employed. '
(d) Explosion (if a receivcr or container used forthe storage at a
rrcssure gre3ter th311 ~,tl11o<rheric pre:ssurc of any gas or ga,es
(including air) N any Lgu:d P;' ",lid rc;u!ting f~f'm [he
compression of gas. .
c (e) Col!aN~ ~r sub, (·f any Ol.;or, 'galkry, 'roof:. bridge, tunn~l,
chimney, \\'all or buildil1~ fllrmil1g P31t Ill' a factory cr within
C the compound or cUlti:ag.: of factllry.

:'r . .. ,- : . .: . T,) b-. :- ':.<

Ch~f f;:s~::::,~
:\\J. "f Col .": . .. _ . . . .

Re G:! - k..


(Sec ;1I5(rUClio/ls UII rel"crs,')
I. ~al1le of Factory , _ .

2. ,.,.ddre",; of r':lChlr\', ' , ' , ...••

3. Addrc~:) of OI1;L~ or pri\'Jtc rC'.'i~c:-lce of

Occupl,;r, , ,.,., .. , .. , """"
, 1':lturct..1f I~~~~~:·_~::.· _ _

.._--.. - - - - - -

6. ALlor,;",; of p:lli~:ll ' .

7. Sex and ag~ of p:llicnl. .

~. Precise occuj::ltion of p:lli~J1t. .

9. l"aturc of poi,;oning or disc:ls,;, fr,1!;) which

patient is suO'.:ring , .

( Go:naal parli-:ui:tr,; Iv. H:I,; the C:l"O: O'::Cll r"jlvrlcJ 10 l:," \."~;[ii·) ing
Surgeon .

( Sign.1ture of r::,ciory Manager , .. : '.' .

D::. ted .


~xtract from the factories Act, 1950, (Section 89)
Where any worker, in a factory contracts any disease specified in the
( Scbedule, th~ r:l::nager of tbe factory s~::.!1 sene no:ice thereof to such
I authorities and in such form and within such time, as nuy be prescribed.
II• . . . . Extract· fTom ·the Factories Rules, 1950.
• A notice in form No. 19 sbould be sent forthwith both (0 the Chief
! Inspc::tor and to the Certifying Surgeon by the }'1:Inager of a factory in
which there occurs a case of lead, phosphorous, mercury, manganese,
arrenic; carbon bisulphide or benzene poisoning; or poisoning by nitrous
f2mes, or by halogens or halogen derivatives of the hydrocarbons of tbe
Jairhatic sene,. or of chrome ulceration anthrax silicosis, toxic anaemic,
toxic jaundice primary opitheliomatous cancer of the skin or pathological
manifestations due to radium or other radio-active substances or X-rays .

, fty

FORM No. 20.
(Prescribed under Rille 99) 'SR- ..:.. ,

L.>' d"
,. ~

::'-\COR!ES RULES, :°50
(To be fixed in a COn5:"C"'Olli and convenient ,,!Jee at or near the main
entrance to the facwry),

., "Factory" means :IT:y rr~::U.s...""S including th~ ,r~:incts t';e~eof-
(i) whereon ten or morc....workers are \\'C'rki~~ or wcr::-· working on
any day of Ihe prcceding twelve month,. ~nd in aflY part of which
a nnnu("!eturin~ process is being eflrr,,',! l'~ ".. :,h the flid of power,
or is ordinarii\' ,,' crrri.ed on1or,
(ii) whereon twt"nt~' 0r more workers fl~ "'l'r~jllg or were working' on
:lny dfl)' of l~~ f'~=di•.,g twelve m.:';::'". ~n.J, in <lny p:Jrt of
which a manufaewring process is bein:; on ied on· wi,hout the aid
0f rower. or " ,'rdin:lrily so eflrri~c' ('~.-
but docs not incluJe a E;i;:~ ,ubject to the l'i"-':.<"ll ,..J l::e Indian f.·lines
Act, 1923 (I V of 1923), or a railw:Jy running sheJ,
'I\VC':~:-::~'~ :~~(':;;~5 :: ~~·:--._~;1 L;11i-~!C';'::-J, l~:~_':::':: t~~ :!·.;-.-"::1 ~::y
whether f'-.,[ \''':~::;~'5 c:- i...... :: ;;1 ~:lY n13IlUr~Cli.II;:-~ ;.... r:."<l \ r ii) LI~anillg any
part of the machincry or premiscs uscd for :l IO~J"ufaeturing process, or in
any other kind of work incid~ntal to, or eonnc·:~~,J ,,'jlh l:~e manufacturing
proccss, or th.: subject oi lil.: manufacturing pr0':;;~5,
tl!\. f "rrc'l,~·.:'"
1\"'1:1I1U ~cttlrlng
~ t •
!1:C:1ns ;lily r;'"C':..·::,:~ ~0r ~11~'::l~. ·~Ilcnng. re·

pairing, ornJ.nlcntillg. fiIlS!iing, packing; oilir~~. ·:<:;; (:::Jning, brc:!king

up, demolishing, or olhe;'wise treating or ad:Jling any <!fti.:Je or substance
with a view to issue, sale. transport, delivery (If Jis['losal, or pumping oil
<"\\,~('Oo> or -=l.:"...
\V3tcr l)r _.......,;:::.... " '''''''",·''n 1I"llsforl111'1'"
11=""I~ •• '.= 0-' . 1 _ . . . . 01 ••_:..."'''''1'
:-'••.•-"""1;""'" .... 0-' .Drl'ntl'n"
by letter press, lithography, photogravure or (liner similar work or book-
binding, \\'hich is carried on by W:Jy of tr:Jd~ c'r fur purj)()SCS of. gain, or
incidentally to another hll,;"e'< ~o carried on o~ c"::'(rt:c:i~~. :-ccar:structinr,
rcpairing, refitting, fiilishin£ or brc:lking up sh,?> N vcssds.
I. lfollrs a/work (.4du/is) sections 51 and 5~,-:':0 :lJu!t worker sh:JJI be
required, or allowed to work in a factory fer m0r~ :h:!n 48 hours in any weck
for more than 9 hours in any day.
2. Re/{1xarion of hOllrs 0/ Ilwk (Adlllts) SeC/ion 64.-The ordimry
limits on working hours of ::Jdults 'l1:J)' be reb.xcd in ccrtain spccial cases,
e,g., workers engaged en lIr~cnt rCl"lirs; in F'~?Jr~fcry or complementary
work which IIll.lSt neces,uih' be carried on oU'iide the limits bid down for
the general \vorking of the faJ:10ry; in work which is necessarily so intermittent
that the intervals during ~\ hich they do not \\,0,1\ while 0n duty ordi:larily
:lmollnI 10 m(lf:: than thc intcr\'als for rest: in W0ik \\'fl'C;; ~'or recl:incd
rC:lsons lllust be c~rj'icd ('n c0ritinuouslv tl~;'" . .'~.:·:liDlJt rh~ c:::\'; in m~kin\!
or supplying articles (If prime- necessity 'which ~ust, bc m:Jde or supplied
every day; in a manuf::JcIll.ring proccss which -eiGnot· bc c:Jrric'd 9n c:l,cept
during fixcd seasons, or:Jt rimes d.~rendcnt on t~e irrcgt.:lar action of natural
forces in enginc f(>('m, ,'r b"ikr huu>cs or in ;;ttcllJing ;0 power plant or
transmission m:J.chio"ry.

f_\ .·...
.. _
,... :,-,-. 1',_,_'.... .
I. l,I"
. ••.••.•
'" :.:' ,.,. ,I r" v
':",. 1 I!,:' ;._.~ ;".-.~i.\:: ·;-::~I Ih:f l'\l"c.:\"'''~ lh..'

f d:.H\in~ linlit<--
(i) lh.'. h)talll·.:i·'~!··,:f."lrhd·l:lr·'1.)f\\\'rk 1(, Jli~ d.:: >!:JI11FHt:XCt:CU t~ll:
(,',:) ~>..: !\ ,~. : ' ..... :•. " .:f l~ ::1. (,.r :......: .:" :.: \... ~ -.: ::1 11\1t C\I.··.·.:d l:;'~::
f"n ;~ll: :'IlL: qU.l'h.:r;
(iii) lh~ ~pr::~h~,)\'cr inclusive iI1t..;r\':d" (p;- :'L· ... i ~h:1!! Illl{ C\I.:l,,:J I~ i
11l'lIr:-- i;l :lny l.li1:
In (hL: c~:-:c cof ~--::. ;~:- :ill ~:~l:i~ \':l..~tkcrs ill ;lily 1",I\,:lllry. th~ ordill:lry lil11it,
on \\'orkin!! l10ur;; of adu:,~ 111:1\' b,:; re!Jxcd_ fllr a period or periods not ex-
ce~din!! in -the ar:r:re~ale 3 1110nihs in any year, to cnat-le the factory to deal
\ with a~ exccptiO-I;3! pre;;; of wt1rk_
~ Pa.!"mrot fM Orcrril1le-si'etiol/ 59_-Whcrc a worker \\'ork;; ill a

II fa<:tory for more thall 9 h"urs in any day l~r fnr l'1"r~ [!lan 4S he'll,' 111 311\-
weck he sh:!ll. in rC5j1ccl "f O\-~rlim., work, be entitled to W:lfCS at thc rate of
h\-ice his ordinary T:lt~ cf \'::!~:e<_
4. £.wl1Il'lioll (If S!lpi'r1'isory Slaff-section (d __ Charter VI of the
A':l-\\\)I·: !I\Jurs l\f ~:'Juhs-Jet:s not L:j1piy h.\ !'~I"Pl1=, 1~\.'I~:lif Pt)Sjti~)ib
0~ S;~!r,~;-\"j:,inn- flf rr.:i11:i~~nlc:1t or enlflIoy~rl nn :1 c, . . ,,~~J(,:l:i;d po,i:ill!l ill :1
f~ . .~,r.ry.
•• 11·ll~. /1' :-,'i./
fl'"I.~.\. ,:'." -",-
. (_I· I ! ...) re(',',','11
" " ..
"'.'.' ::'"'
__ _ '•
. '• ...,.f·'~l
,.• .• , "','O·t',-r
•.•. , ,;.1-"'1', 1-.~

rtcllircd or afl(w-,~d tr;\\-0fk ill :l factor" (\11 1!1'- for'" C~'-' C'! !he wcck. unless
-he'h:l~. or \':ill havc, a ho!i(!:Iy fN a \~'hole (by on o~~ of the three days
J;i1:~-;.:,Ji3IcJ\' hi'~~c\rc or :l:!~r thl~ ~:1id day~ :t:HJ th.~ T~1:11~:~~'~r of the f:1clory h:ts.
r·~f\",rc t!t~ '5:tiJ "d.l\' ('If the SUb:'litutl:d d~y. \\'h;,:!:~\·cl is ~~;!i~r. c~li\'er~d a
n(lti~c at the of:ic~- 0f Ih~ Inspector of his illlention t(\ reOl~ire the worker to
-work on the said day and of ihe day which is to b~ SUb;;lil-utcd, :Ind displayed
:n-noticc to that effect in the factory: _
~ - Provided that no SubSlilt:lion shall be madc which win rC';lIlt in an\- worker
-work-in>:: fo~ nwrc lhall tcn d:1VS consecutivel\' \\-il:,(lU, a I:olidav for:l whok
tfav_ - _ . "
',""here :l \~"t"'fk~r ii, f:lct0fv ~s a festdt
nf c.':::"il'"'l:;·~·=~ f;-~",!i~ l!,C 0rdin:lfV
prcwision rclating (0 weekly "holidays, is dcrri\-~,j of :lny of th~ weeki)'
h~1id:i\'s: he shall bc :lllowcd, within the month in which thc holidavs \\-ere
due to him or within the two mo_nths immediatel" following- tiiat 'month,
compensatory h"lid:lys of equal number to the holiday, so 10;;!.
__ 6. h:Ii'T\'a!s for r('SI L-tt/II/IS) seClions 55 ant/ 56_- TI,C peri'Jds of work of
;aJult workers in a factory each day shall be so fixed t~3t no period shall
-exceed 5 hours beforc he has h:ld an interval for-ust of at le3st half an hour
and that inclusive- of his intcrval for rest thev shall not sDreadover more than
- 10! hours in any day or. with the permis-sion of th~ Chief Inspector in
V>Titiil,g, 11 hours.-
_ 7. Prohibition of double employment, sections 60, 71 GI/{199.-No child
"br:-:~xcept in certain circumstances an adult worker. sb1J be rcquired' or
allowed to work in ;lny f3ctory on any day on which he has already been
_~'orking in any other fac-tory. _
- Jf a child works in a factory on any day on which he has already been
working in another factory, the parent or guardian of the child or the person
-having custody of or control over him or obtaining any direct benefit from
l his W:lI!CS shall be punishabk with fine, which mav cxtcnd to Rs_ 50 unless
it app;ars to the court that the child so
-,vorKed' without the consent or
connivance of such parenl. guardian or-person.
r. ".,. Of:: 'I~ ,,/ : !I:; I.' " ' ',,': {.:" ('1::"0'1'1 II J!IIJ~ r
. J. . '.' j"

.. , ,.; " .
if",!,., " !!'",~, (r!'J!. . .,\ ..r .. ,:.".-!. __ .~: : :. : .......
' -••'.
'" .1

t':-;".' ..•. ~i ..... : i. .....:.', .. , .1 .. ·• : .~ ;"!. i,.r I~ll~:l' 1;,.·~: "::·1 =I:"l!f'\ i,~ .:r~'.
l::;\' ;llIti
1 1)--"1 \·L
• '.' I!" \- ~. ,",.:.,.-:~.
.. 11 .j..... .'. • ," - " .'
'.,~ -.' l' -
I ,.'
1.·.I ••
'~' ,
,'.\. I
• ··I...h ..... ~'I t.:1I 1..1I1l\,..;rLd
LIIl;'ll'\L'd iii ~I r.:L'{\.,r\ ,lull ;'.: l;";,ikd tv.. · : I:il't .. \\ ~i;·.:!~ 'h;.!~! :;.'~ ..: ,,'cd.::.;'!
.. ;~:·~·.l ... i l)\Ci r.h.)r .....
lt l ih:111 :- I'nltlr, ,-':H.:!', :llhi l',h:h child ~h~lil be (:llpk1YC~1
in {'n;·: L'!1(' 0~ 1"'_' I:: : ....

Thc pro,i.iil)n r.:blin'! I,) "·.:.:kh· Iwli":l\"; 5,,~1I al:'.() ilrr1y to child
work.:rs and 110 e.xcm:'li'';-:l I"r'"11 tbi; rro,'i;i~n mJ~' be granlcd in respcct
uf any child.
10. Lca'T.' cI
EJ1ipfflynh't:1 ,~r ii'ON/c'n. S<CIIOI1 (1Ct.-Nl'l wonlJn ~h211
ill :l!l\' cir(,l.l:l1~t~~ncc' h: t.:'~~1:"'11)"·I:--~t in :lri\' fh:t,",f\' fll! l~lll:": l'~;!!l 9 h<'llJr" in
any \flY~ or tx-r·.\...:~n t:ic !li)~!i'", 0':' 7 P.~.f. (t!;d 0 A.~f.·


II. Leare Ifit/; I:·':!..'l',\", S.. 'cli(;IIS 7'1. ~\)&R~ (I;ld RJI/.''i.-F.\··~~\· \\'(\rkt:;
• 1,1
I •• "
Cn! .... :...
". 1 I l
,.'t . . --l ...
. . . . ; . ,.
,- .... - : . :
.' l ' ..... I , .•
• •• I I
, .. -
ct"l',r;r'l"''''- : ..... ,: ..
.'. • •_
j .••, '_'_'"'11'"
.....' :

,;;.tli h~ ~lI\)\\ ..·d duri!~:-' ti~..: '.::.... 1 .~~··:.'Ilt r,cripc! ('! I ~ !l~t'!i!I~~' ).:-;!\I..' \'.ilh \':J:~t'5
:' .:':~ !l~lnlh·~r 0rl~:~\:': \':_:~.;!~.l._ . . -.~ i:.: r.~;.:? ~"':--
(i) ifan adu;l~. 0!1': cia': (lH c"crY t'."cnl\" COYS 01" \I'().-!;: I'.:rfoflllcd I1\'
hilll during tile pr.:;il)t!' r-cr('Jd oj 11 months 5ubjcct i" :l1ll;nilllu'{l
of 10 dav5.
un i; a chilJ. (lil':: l~~l'; ;"\.'1' L~':L'Y 1:- 1:.1\:\ of \\'ur~ I'.~.: !'urn:cJ h\" I:illl
during thc pre\"i;':,:, I',~ri,'\; l)r 12 noonths suL'j'CCI to a r.~iili!1lul1l
of 14 days: -
Proyided that a !'cr;,,,l ,,( I,::,':c shalJ bc ;I1Cl1.l5ivc 0f :1n" hn1i(hY \l"~l:ch
lll.i\"occur during su~h rel'i,)d. • . .
f0f the leave allowed w hinl. 7. work':r shall be raid ill a ral.: equ:Ji to
the da;ly' avera!!e of his tnt:ll full time c:lrnin!!s. exclu,ive of :lny overtime
e3n:. !~S, and bonu~. b~lt ;r<i'.~·:;\·(· (·f (k:HI~;':SS ::11\,\\.':tncc and th-.? C~:::~:
( equiva'icnt of any ad\"Jl1la~e :,ccruin; by the sak.· bv the employer. of food-
gr:lin; and other :m;c!e5 :ll C0i1ce-:,iorn! rJt.:, for the days on which he
worked during the month imllll'diatcly prcc.:ding his Ie:lYc.
'Where the emrloYlllCl11 0:' a rcr~0n who has compl.:tcd a period or' 4
months continuous ;cn"icc in J fOCIl'fv is lerminat.:d b.:forc he has CL)r.1l'kt.:cI
:l r.:riod of 12 monlh, cOl1tinu.)u:, ~(,I ;'icc he shall be d.:emed to h:lve become
entitled to leave for thc numbcr of da·.. ; c:llculated at th.: rate of. if an adult
one day for every 20 day~ 01" work pcri-ormcd by him, al1d if a cI;ild ODe day
for every 15 days of work rcfornlcd hv him ond the 0ccuri.:rof the futor.
'h.:lH ray to hilI) the amount r:lyabk in r.:spect of the leave to which he is
deemed to have become entitkd,
If a worker entitled to ka"e \\,;th wa!:es is dischon~ed from the factory
~fore he has taken the entire Iea"e to which he is entitled: or if having applied
for 2nd having not bcen granted such k?vc. hc quil:' his employment before
he has taken the ka\'e, the occupier of the factory sh<!ll 1':1)" him the amount
payable in respect of the ka"e not taken and such payment shall be made
beforc the expiry of (he s.:cond working day after thc day on which his
employment is termin:!led.
The Man:lccr ;I~all mainloiOl a lea"c \\·;th warcs re!!ister in the prescribed
Form No. 15 "and shall providc cach worker with a b"Ook called the "Leav.e

Book" in the prescribed Form No. 16. The Leave Book shall be the propt
of the worker and the Manager or his agent shall not dlfmand it except
make entires of the dates of holidays or interruptions in sen'ice and sha;
not keep it for more than a week at a time. If a worker loses his Leave Book,
the :'-!:Inager shall provide him with another copy on payment of one anna
and shall complete it from his record. .

12. Clcanlincss. Scc/ion ll.-·Except in ea.;es especially exempted, all
inside \"'1lls and partitions, all ceilings or tops of moms and all waHs, sid'~s
and tops 'Jf passages and staircases in a factory shall be kept white-washed or
., colour-wa,hcu. The white.washing or clour·washing shall be carJied out at
least once in every period of fourteen months. The floors of every work-
room shall be cleaned at least once in every week by washing using disinfec·
tant, where necessary or some other me: hod,
13. Disposal of Wastes (llId EfJlIICII/S. ScC/iall 12.-Effeetive arra:l~e·
ments sh,,11 be made in every factory for the disposal of wastes and eJlluents
Gue to the manaufaeturiilg process carried on therein.
14. VClIli/a/ion and fi'lii/lCl"(llII/T. Scc:i"'1 13.-Effccti\'c and ,:;i::,1o:'
pro\'ision shall be made in every factory for securing and maintaining in
e\'Cry workroom adequate ventilation by the circul3tion of fresh ai, and such
;1 1(:'~l;"\~'r:ltur(: as will s:.:curc; lu WOI k.. . r:-- [j',Llcin r~Js0nable conJ;i.i":I~., ~:'
COJ1liOrt and prev';nt injury LO h<:ailh.
.., J 5. Ol'l!rcroll'ding. SeC/ion 16.-Unlcss cxe111,tion has been gr:!nted,

trone <hall be in every workroom ofa faeto,y in cxiqence on I~t April. 1949
~t lea,l 350 cuvic feet and or a f::elorv b,~:l! ~,rlcr this date at least 500 cubic
fect of ~p~cc for every worker L'1l1p(OYc..l i.:i,_·!~ii1 ~nd for this purrCtS':- I:'"
i account shall be taken of any sp:lce which is mor-; tl:an 14 feet abO\'e th-:
Iewl of the Iloor of the roem.

i 1f:.. Li~hf/J1g. Seclioll 17.-T I~ ('\'\.:~ry F:-: ;., ('If:1 f::c!(\ry wh~re \\'(\rkt'r~ ti,~
workin~ or passing, there shall be provilleu ;:nu m~intained sumeiel1t and
suit:!blc Jighing, natural or artificial or both.
\ . " 17. nril!kil/~ Wa/cr. ScC!nin 1S.-[n n'L'I,\, f~ct('rv efl~cti\'e arrancL'-
ments shall be ~ade to provide and maintain at sl:itablc points. convenientlY
situated for aH workers employed therein. a sunieient supply of wholsesome
drinking water.
r "
" [n e\'e,y factory whercin more than ~:50 \\'l'rkcr~ :Ire ordin:lrily cmplcyed
I the drinking water ~hall, during the hot wealher, be cooled by ice or other
r~ effective methods. Tne cooled drinking water shall be supplied in every
cante~n. lunchroom and rest room and also :It conveniently accessible
;1 r0ints throughout the factory.
., 18. La/ri:lcs find Uril/a/s. Sec/iol/ 19 mid RII!£'.<.-Tn C\'esv factory
~~ s:.:fficie!lt latrine and uri·nJI accomr1lOdation d' \11e prescribed typ~ (separate
enclosed accommodation for male and fem:l1e_ wl'rkers) shall be provided
conveniently situated and acc:essihle to \\'or):er;; at all time:s while: they arc
.,~t ;'! the factory. Every latrine shall be under c,wer and so p:lrtitioned 011' a;;
[(\ ::l.?,;:urc priV:ll'y :lnu sh;:11 ha':c a prc'rh:r :..!t\l.\r ~Ih.i r3~(("n!ng~. S\\'(-"-~r('r5
;' shall be: employed whose primary duty it w()\Ild be to keep clean latrines,
.: urinals and washing places. .
':" i ~". Spilloons. S('c/ioll 20.-111 every ,l'acwry. there shal! be provided a
sufficient number of spittoons of the type prescribed in convenient places
( p, I; anci they \hall be maintained in a clean and hygienic condition. No person
'j \

,h~1I ,pi I withill thl' pr':llli", "I' a t;"l,'r~· ex,~rt in the spith)ons proyided
r,'r Ihe PUq'lh'. \Vh\l(\':,· ,pi" ill ,,';Jlr;J\cnlillll til' Ihis provisioll shall be
pUlii<h;thk II ilh lillc Iltlt c"\,·,edin~ Ii" i "pees.

20. F"I:( il/g o( .If(l"!;i,,.·,".'" S,', li"l/ 21.-111 ,\er: !;JClury uJl1gcroll' pa rt,
vI' machili"" c.g .. c\·cr\ llltl\·il1g p;1f1 "I' a primc mo\·cr anu c'.-cry Ily-whcel
COnI1CClc,: tv:'l pril1lc 11l,"·cr, ctc., ctC,. >hall be ,ccurcly fenced by safeguarus
of 'ubst:Jl1li.ll C0l1strllcli,'11 \'.. hi,h sin!! bc kcpt in position while the parts of
JllJchincry ~h;.:y :lrc r~ncillg ar.: in 111otion or in use:. C

21. lVvrk 01/ or ncar ;\locl/illcrr i/l motiOIl. Scction 2~.-No woman or
child shall b.: allowcd i;l any faclO~y to c1can, lubricate or adjust any part
of the machiney while that PiHt is in motion, or to work bet\\'een moving
parts, or between fixed and moving parts of any nnchiney which is ill r.~ction.
22. Emplo)'/l/el/I of YOlil/g 1','rSfJIiS 011 DOl/gerous ilfr.chil/l'r)'. Section
n.-No ypung person shall)\\'ork at any machine declared to be dangerous
unk,s hc has been fullv il1)(ructcd. a" to the dan~crs arisin~ in conncction
with the machine anu 'the prcc::uiions to be observed a;d has received
suJ1i.:icnt tr:lining in "·l)r~ at the nlil.:hi:lc or is under adcqUJIC superyision
hy 3 p~rs('n \\'lio h;~.:;
a t;-.. ';·\·lt:~JI 1-\;1...)\'. !~'J='~ and exrericncc oft!~(' 111:lchinc.
)3. Casil!g of Nf!II· Muchiner.,·. ~-,'C1iVI/ 26.-ln ali ma~nil1.:ry drivcn
by powcr ai1d in;;t:lI:d i:. ;~:1:" (.1'::,':\' "e"r 1st April, 1949 e\'~:·y Sct serc\\',
bolt or key on any revoh·in;; shal't. spindk, \\'hed or pinion sh::IJ be so sunk,
encased or othrwise elTccti"cly g'u:lrded a, to prevent d3n~cr: :111 spur.
w,'rm and other toolh~J ,)r I'ri':li"il :;;::Iriil~ which docs 110t i~-jl:ir" I'rc'~U"J;1
adjustment while in motion 511;;11 be' <:oi01plctcly encased, l;il!CSS it is so
SilU:ltcd as to be as safc ::s it would be if it '.\'ere compltely encased.
Whoever sells or kts 011 hire or as agent of a seller or hirer, C3U5CS or
procures to be sold or kl 011 hire, f0r use in a factory any machincry dri\'en
bv power which docs "ot comph· \'..ilh these provsions. shall k punishable
with imprisonment for a term "·ni';l l11ily extend to three I1ivli,ilS or with
fine which may extend to five hundred rupees or with both.
~4. Prohibitioll oj Em;,10.l"IJi,I::'-/ If'vlllel/ omf Children I:car Cot.-on
c Openers. Sectioll 27.-1\'0 woman or child shall be employed in aily part
a factory for pressing corton in which a cotton opener is at \\'ork.
25. Exessive Weights. Secliol/ 34.-1\'0 \\'omen or young person shall
unaided by another person lifl, carry or move by hand or on head. any
material, article, tool or appliance cxceeding the following limits.
Adult female-65 Ibs.
Adolescent male-65 Ibs.
Adolscent female-45 Ibs.
Male child-35Ibs.
Female child-3D Ibs.
26. Protectioll ojEyes. Sectioll 35.-Effective screens or suitable goggks
shall be provided for the protection of persons employed in or in the vicinity
of processes which involve risk of injury to the eyes from particles· or frag-
ments thrown off in the course of the process or which involve risk of inju-ry
to the eyes by reason of exposure to excessive light.
27. Precautions in Cose of Fire. SeC/ioll 38.-Every factoty shall be
provided "ith adequate means of escape in case of fire for the persons
employed therein. The doors affording exit from any room shall, unless they
are of the siding type. be constructed to open outwards. Every window,
opor or other exit ~ITl)rding a means of escape in case of fire, other than thc
means of exit in orJin:ny use shall, be distincti\<:ly m~rkeo. Effectivc and
clearly audible means of giving warning in case ()f fire to every prson employed
in the factory sh~1I be provided. Effective me3sur,;s shall be taken to ensure
that wherein more than twenty workers are ordi.arily employed in any pice
abo\'c the ground flour, or wherein explois\'c or his:hly inflammable materials
are used or stored, all the workers are familiar \\ ith the means of escape in
ca~c of lirc and ha\'c been adequately trained in t~e routine to br. fol/I;weo
ill such case,

2S. Washillg Fllcililies, Seclion 42.-1 n every factory adeq ua te and
suitable factories for \\'ashing shalt be provided and maintained for the use
C'f the workers ,herein, Such facilities sha.\(include ~C':!p and n~il brushes or
other suitab.e n~('JnS of cleaning and the f::cilities shall be conveniently
accessible and shall be kcptin a c.ean and ordeny cC'nditiun.
If f~male workers are employed separate f~ci;itie; shall be provided ano
so enc!ilsed N ,creened that the interiors :!re not visible from aey pbce
'.\"!:(or:- ;"::-:·1:':::; l,f !~>.:' \~:I:':'r sc-x w(lrk or r:~5~.
29. Fociliiil's /:r SlOrillg and Drying Clu!liilig S~<li()n ';3 onc! 1/111\'5.-1 n
the case (\f cert::in cangerous operation, e,g.. k~d processes, liming and
ldlilliilg ll( r(i\'''' io,iJ..::') :tnJ skins, ~~'J :iGi~~~~ p:~.,,:\:;) for kLCpij~~ c1Lil:',il:g
I • \\"0111 di.:rin~ \'.L"~;il~ [,OlliS :lnu for i.1:c (~r·~":;·.'': (:' \':C! c!()l!~in~ sh~l1l b..:
rro\'iuc.j ~ll~r m:liliiai-;'cd. . - -
30. Fueililies/or Silting. Seclion 4~.-Jn
e\'CrY f:lctc'ry 511itable arrange-
:;;CI1IS for ,it!in!! sh:lll be provided and maint:lin.:d fM all workers obliged to
\\'-'i k in :1 >::::~~il~~ :-'0.::\iClI1 in (\rue-r that lil('\' I:~::\" l~lkt; ~1l.i"\~111:1~;; uf ~I;I\'
('PI~ortllnilil:; 1'01' r~'l \\j;ich may occur in th.:: c~ur:'e'l'r t;lc;r work. - •
31. Firsl Aid OI/(l Ambulance Room. SeC/ilm -45.-Thcrc shall in every
• . ·~I,,-\·
rl\. • '. b. v~
.' I ," :.-.J "",.! 'l'·l:llt···ill,··J <0 '\' tl> Q'" r···",:,)·h· "C'~ .;--:;t:l .." cu .. :·,",· . . 11
.......... ~...... HI" .... .. ~ _ .... ~ ,. ,_ . . . " 1_ •• '.:'" •

working hOllrs fir:'t :;id boxes or CLlpbo:1~ds equ;;:-;:-'J \\'it'l Ih:: ;,rescribcd
( , ce: 11 t,-= 11 15... \i1 ~~ . .·h ["'\".\~' ~nd cupboards :,h:~i1 h:' k;.. . rI i:l (!;c ch:lrgl? l)f :'
resf'0~sib!e pe~'t'll 1I'!1') i, t~aincd in fi'rsr aid rre:~tr,~(:!it :!nd who ;;hall ,.!way:;
be :lvaiJabic dUlil'; the working hours of the factory. .
1n cvery factory wherein more than 500 \\'ork.:r; 'are employed there
( shall be provided and maintained an ambu13nce room of the prescribed
,ize and contain!!]=, th.: prescribed equipment. Tne ambulance roon; ;;h:111
( in charge of a qualified medical practitioner assi"t.:d hy at least one qualitieo
nurse and such olhcr ,taffas may be p~escrib.:d.
3:2. Can!N'/lJ Seclion46 Gild Rllies,-In ,pecifi.:d factories wherein more,
( Ih:1n 250 w(\[ker;; are ordinarily empioy.:d, a canteen or canteens sbJ!1 be
pro\ioed ano m~:nt;lineJ by the occupier fN t~e u:,.: of the w0fkas. Food,
( drink and uther item;; ;;erved in the C:1nleen ~;lall be solo on a non-!'rofit ~a,is
:lnO the prices charged ,hall he subject to the appro\:ilC'fa Canteen :--Ianaging
( .. Committee \\'h:<'h ,hall be appC'inted by the ~hn~gcr and sh:111 c(\nsist
\lr ::n cqual numher 1'1" per,(\ns nominated by the I,t'cupirr and elecleo by the
( \\l·lrb.'i":'. TI:c :~!:i:-:~·'.:·l'lr \."j,,·t.:t'.:d \'.·<..'rkl'r~ :o.~~:'lll h: ;n !;~;..." PT"(\!'Cqi:('l:1 PI' I f()r
e\'cry I ,000 ',\'or~e~s .:mrloycd in the factory pro\'ided that in no C~5e ,hall
( IhC/l: he ;l~'-;rc than 5 N ic" I;:an 2 worker, I'll II',': Ct'm:nitlec, Tht' Com-
m::icc ,hidl b" c",:,!:,'.1 r!\):il time to time 0n to iLe quaiity.1nd liUaJ11ityof
( i'L'V",; .... lUlr:' ~tl l'L :- .... { .\......: ill t:;..,; C~:IitCCll~ the ajr~tr::;'::~L'i:{ (·f ll:c 1~1'_':11l", etc.)

~-- - - ---~--------------
33. SIIl·her.l, Rt's/ RO(JII1.l' UIIII LIIIIC;' Rooms. Sec/ion 47.-Jn
factory. wherein more, thun 150 workers ar.e ordinarily employed, adequate
and SUitable shelters or rest rooms and a SUitable lunch room, with provision
fer drinking water, where workers can cat mcals brought by them shall be
r provided and maintained for thc use of the workers. "
34. Creches. Sec/ioll 48 al1d Rllles.-In cvcry factory \"hcrcin morc'
than 50 womcn 'workcrs arc ordinarily employed there shall be, provided and
1l1"intaincd a suitable room or rooms for lht: usc of children under the :l!!C
of six years of such women. The Creche shall be adcqualely furnished a.:i'd
equipped :lad ill particular there shall be onc suitablc color a cradle with'the
necessary bcdding for e:lch child, at least one chair or equivalent seating
accommodation for the usc of the mothcr whilc shc is feeding .01' attcnding
. to h~r cl,ild and a sufficient supply ofsuitablc toys for older children,
Ther~ shall be in or adjoining lhe Creche a suitable \\'ash-room for the
w:lshing of the childrcn and lhcir clothing. An adcquate supply of clc:ln
c1olhes, soap and ck:ln to\\'c:lS sll~1l be made a\'ailablc for e:lch child \\'hile
il is in the Crechc. Atle:lst h:lI[:l point of c1can pure milk sh:lll be :lvaibblc
I I for each child o.n .every'Jay il is :lccomll1od?led iIi -thc crech~ and the mother
of such a child shall be allowcJ in the coursc ofhcr daily work suiwble'interv:lls
, . ~L' feed the child. FN children ~!>0Ve t'.vo ye:lrs 0fagc, ther.: ~h~ll be rrovided,
in :!dJilioll: an Jtkquatc Si:j"~-';~" l-.f \'.;;uksonl~ r(;fr~:,hJlKJlL .-\ ~lIil~ddy :"cncl:J
:lnJ sh:ldy open air pbyground ~!::i!1 als0;Oc pro\'jdcd for the dder childrcn.
" Welfare (If{icNS. S.. ,·li"l/ 49,--Tn cven' r~ct0r\ "·.hcr,<n ::00 0f
nwrc workc-rs are 'ordinarily employed thc occllpier sh~i1 cmploy in thc
f:lctory such numha of Wc·lfare Ollicers as In:ly be prc5rribeJ.


( 36. ]);;ngerUlJ5 Upc}"(,,/:'OJ:s. SCi..";ioll }j7 alld RuIcs.- -[:~1;:!I.'Yll,\..·;it L.e

wumen, adolesccnts :lnJ chiiJrcn is prohibited or restricted in cert"in'
( (\l':;:llions decl:Jred to be dan!:cfut,~: e.g., manu[actlife of :!{'!;'lcd W:':':f.
t;'('("lfoplatillg, n1~nUr3(lUrC :lJl~i f\:'rair (\f electric :l(,C'Uil-;~ib:clrs, rbs.s
:~"''l·'lIr7!C!!lrC'. !!rindili'..! t'f ,.I:1'~ir:CJ ('I" Incr~l~~ nl~lntlf:l.ctur(' :1!~d lrc:linh..'ot ",I'
k~d ~nd certain conlpoullds 0( Ic:ld, gncrating pelrol gas 1'1'0;11 petr01,
sandblasting and liming and tanning of raw hides and skins.
JI. No/ice of Accfc!,'llis. SCC;:t'l/ SS lil/d RII/cs.-\\'here lil :lI~Y f"e,,)ry
( ~Il accident OC,curs which caU;:C5 Lfe:tth or which causes bL,diiy injury by n::lsc'n
c,f which the person injured is prevented from working for a period of 4~
( hours 01' more immedi:llcly fL,lIowing the accident (If which, though Il\)t
:lllcndcd by personal injury or disabkment, is of one of the fo!lowing types:-
(i) Bursting of a \'e~el used for containing steam under pressur.:
greater than atmospheric pressuro other 'than pla"t which comcs
~\ilhin the scope of the I ndiao Boilers Act.
( , (ii) C(',lbpse or failure 0f :l Cr:llle, derrick, winch. ),;>i;l 0f 0ther
appli:lnces u~cd in raisi"g or lowcring persons cr goods, or :lilY
( part thereor, or the ovcrturning of a crane.
(iii) Explosion or lire c;iusing dam:lgc to uny r(),';n or pl:lce in
( which persons are emrlc'y~d, 0r tire in fOL'ms Qr L:,'ltCl1 pressing
r:lct()r!C~ \\·:il~r(,:1 C<.~tt0r. c,pcner i~ in U'e'.
( (il') Explosion of a recei\er'or con.tainer used for the storage at a
pressure greater than atmospheric yresSllre of ~ny gas or l!aSCS':
( (inclllL'i:lg :lir) \~r any hju:d or snl,d resulting h'll1 the compre5-
~iun vf ga=,o

r-' ,.~

I }


(I') Colbpse or suhsidence of :lOy floor, !!:lIlery, roef. briJge, tunnd,

chimeny, \\':111 or building forming I':lrt of a factory or within

the compound or curtilage of factory,
The l-Ianager of the faclory shall forthwith send notice thereof to the
Clli~f J:i5PI?CtOr. if lh~ ~!(,-·i.J~lIt is Eli:d or 0r Sli_·;·. :t ~l';'"i\)~::"t fUltJ:-~ (hal ir j.;
likcly to rrq,ve falal, nOlice: shall abo be sent tt) th~ Jjjslril'l 1\la~i,trate: or
the Sub-Divisional Ollieer and the Ollicer·in-cll:lr~e of Ihe n<."arcst 1'"li,'c
Stalion.- -
3~. Notice of c{!Train Di.<c.'asl'J.-SeClion ~9 aJ1l! RII!es.-\\'here any
I':or;;~r iii a faclor\' c0ntr,!~I' ~,I!\' of the foIl0\\'in~ ci,easc,; the ~f:ln:l~~r (·f Ihe
factory shall send 'notice thereof forthwith both to the Chief Inspector and
the Certifying Surgeon:- .
~ Lead, phosphorus, mercury, magnnese, arsenic carbon bisulphide or
be;l7ene poisonin~: or poisoning by' nitrous fumes, or by halogens
or halogen derivatives of the hydroc:lrb,)ns of lhe aliphatic seri;:s;
( I
or of chrome ulceration, anthr:lx, silicosis, 'toxic anemia lOxic
jaundice, primary, opithcliom:ltous canccr of the skin, or p:llho!o~i<::J! mani-
fcst:llions due to radium ( l l other radioactive substances or X-rays, •
39. 1\'0 Charge for Faci!ifi<!J' (Jill! C""",'nh'llccJ-charge sh:til be: rc:.di;~J
[rom any worker in respecl of any arrangements or f:icililies 10 be pro\'idd
or any eql!ipmcnts or appliances to be supplied by the occupier under the
provisi0ns of the Act.
.<0. POl\'er of lllspectvrs.-Sectiolls 9 am! 82.-I n spectors ha \'e power 10
inspect f3ctories any time and may require the production of rcgisters, ceni-
~':~~i';5-~ C:~., rrcscrib~d lInd . . . r l:i':: /.ct ~:h.~ ;,>.: Ru:~~.
Any Inspector may insti'lUle proceeding:> on behalf of any \\'t'rkers to
reCO\'er any.·..sum required to be paid by an employer under the provisions
( reb(in~ to leave with wages, Wllich the employer h:Js nol p:lic..
41. Oblitaliolls of WorkerS.-Seni,JIIs 97 (llid I!! .-No wl1rker in a

(i) shall wilfully interfae Willi or misuse any applicance, con\'enience

or other thing provided in a. f:JclOry for the purposes of securing
the health safety or welfare of the workers therein. .
(ii) shall wilfully a~d without any reasonable cause do anything likely
to endanger himself or others, and .
(iii) shall wilfully neglect to make use of any appliances or other Ihings
provided in the factory for the purpose of securing the health or
safety of the workers therein.
If any worker employed in a factory e:ontravenes any of thesc. provisions-
'of any rule or order made thereunder he shall be punisha.ble wilh imprisony
h1ent [or a term which may extend to three months, or with fine which rna
extend to R ,. 100 or with both.
If any- wcrker employed in a factory contravnes any prOVISion of the
Act or any rules or orders n~ade thereunder imposing any duty or liabilitv
on workers he shall be punishable with which may extend to Rs. 20. -
42. Certificatt!s of jitlll'ss.-Sectiolls 68, 70 alld 98.-No child who has
completed his fourteenth year or an adolescent shall be required or allol\·ed
~o work in any factory unless a certificate of fitness granted \\'ith reference'
to him is in the custody of the Manager of the factory and such child or
adolescent carries, while he is at work, a token giving a reference to such
certificate, Any fee payable for such a certificate shall be paid by the occupier
and shall not be recoverable [rc,m the young person, his parents or guardian.

- ... --------
A n adolescent who has been granted a certificate of fitness to work in
in a factory as ari adult and who-while at work in a factory carries a token
glvrng reference 10 the cerlificate shall be deemed to be an adult for all the
purposes of the provisions· of the Act relating to the working hours of adults
and the employment of young persons. An adolescent who has not been
granlcd a certificatc of fitness to work in a factory as an adult shall, notwith-
sl:,nding his :lge, be dcemed to be a child for all the purposes of the Act.
Whoever knowingly uses or attempts to usc, :lS a certificate of fitness
granled to himself, a certificate granted to another adolescent to work in
f:lctory as :In <ldult, or who having procured such certificate kl.lOwingly
allo\\"s it to be uscd, or :In attempt to use it to be made, by another person,
shall be plInishabk with imiJrisonment for a term which may extend to
onc 11I0nth or wilh fiiiC \\"hich m<lY extend of to Rs. 50 or with both.
43. Rlgisters. Notices and Returns-SeC/ions 61, 63, 72, 74, 79, 80, and
J 10.-.'\ register ofaclllil workers in the prescribed Form No. 12and a register
...r chilu wurk~r$ In the prescribed form No. 14 ,hall be maintaintd by lhe
Ill:lnag~r of every f:lcwry.
,, ,\ Ilolicc of-periods of wNk for :ldulls and a notice of periods of work for
children ill lhe prescribed fonn Nos, 1I and 13 shall be correctlymainlain-
, , l".! :~~H! (~i:"!'~\'::d i:l c,·.. . . !·v f;lc:orv. t'!'o:ld !~[ wflrkcr \lr c!~ild sh:~1l be r~qllircd
or aill)\l·ed to work in a'ilY factory olh~:lli,e lhall in ~CCl>rJ;lJlCC \lilh Ii-cir
re,peclivc notices of periods of work displayed in the factory. .
Ti~~ 0'.I"I:·:~', l'l';.'uj,iu$ or m:ln:lgcrs ol'faclNies sh:lll submit the prescrihed
,;.'ric>die:li r~turns 101he Tnspec10r regularly.

,fORM No, 21
[Prescribed wider sub-rule (I) oj rule 100J
.\~:~:~.':·.L ~ETL·r.="YEAR E:"-'U/:"« :;lsT Dr('c.:~r.R, 19
;-"':~i;ll': I~·t· l~ilCtor\' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • •
?'J :ll1ie of Occllpie'r ,. ,., ' ,.: , .,,,,, ,
Na me l'f,. r\''.;!ll:l~er. . , , . , , , , , .. , . , .. , . , '.
J. L;j~'lji ..: { _ 0'

1 Postal aJures$ , , . , .. .- ,,.,, " ,

3. J\!::lur:: l)[ JndlblfY ...........................•............
./ Womt'n
I Adolescents
*4. Avef:lre number of \\'(Irkers -< Male
( el1ll'll;y~ul!:lily. I Fel11:1k
I Children
I Male
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _._._ .. _ _ Lfemalc
( TFl1rm No. 21 su~;,itukd vide II.P. Go,,!. nlllir:catillO No. 1&5.15 (La!:» 654/57, dated
( "1h..: ;;Iuage d:rily 11 II III bl'r ;hLluJd be caJclll;tled by (biJing the aggreg:l\c
Illlllli)cr of attcIHbnees on "'orking days by the: numb.:r of working d:lys in
the year. Tn reckoning attcnd;lnecs, allend:lnces by temporary as- \\'ell as
rCrl11al1ellt el11pl,"e<'$ sl1l'ulJ l'>c CI'lIll1ed anJ ;", ci1:I'lnyee~ 'should be
i:·l,.. l~a~:.:d. \\·h~·!h·:; The\' ;!rl.' ..." Il';·:(,\"..:'d dirlTllv \'r ~::.dcr C('IntraCll."i":'.
,\llel1t1anccs on '~f'ar:l\-e shift (e.g., Jiight ;]nJ da'y shirts) should be CUlIllteu
separately. D;IY$ l'n which ,h,' faetc>ry was c1o~cd fN II hate\'er cau~e. and
( ua,·s on ,,·hieh the lilanufactt;r!lw tJfocesses were not c:"ri,'d on should nl',!
' IrL'''l''''I
,....... 'I~
". ..,·t·,:
" ....
\ \ · .....' _ (1'1\",
.,. ".
j. n~'·I·I··'J
•.. .. ,"lt~"'I,I"ll'CC
.•. '" r 0r 1·..
III ... ,<::.
_ lilan
, h'I',f
• '1 .<::.!~irt
, ..

on a workin~ d:l\' should' be ir.nored \Vhik attendance for half a shift or

more 011 ,uch-d:t::',Il0uld be (,ea-I.:d a~ full allCnthtncc.

· .. ----. -" - ~--- -

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