Sound Waves: You Idea On The Grid Below. You Idea On The Grid Below
Sound Waves: You Idea On The Grid Below. You Idea On The Grid Below
Sound Waves: You Idea On The Grid Below. You Idea On The Grid Below
Part 1: Sound Wave Graphs
a. How would a wave that has a b. How would a wave that has a
greater AMPLITUDE and the greater FREQUENCY and the
The wave graph below represents a
same frequency look? Sketch same amplitude look? Sketch
sound wave.
you idea on the grid below. you idea on the grid below.
Part 2:
A student is listening to a pure sound wave being produced by a speaker. Each picture shows a sound
with a different frequency, but with the same amplitude.
a. Which picture (A, B, or C) shows the student listening to the sound with the highest frequency?
Why do you think so?
b. Which picture shows the student listening to the sound with the lowest frequency?
Why do you think so?
c. Draw a wave graph for each sound that indicates the relative frequency of each sound.
Part 3:
The same student is now listening to sound with different amplitudes. These pictures show sounds with
different amplitudes, but with the same frequency.
a. Which picture or pictures (D, E, or F) would best show the student listening to the sound with greatest
Why do you think so?
b. Which picture or pictures would best show the student listening to the sound with the lowest amplitude?
Why do you think so?
c. Draw a wave graph for each sound that indicates the relative amplitude of each sound.
Part 4:
View the diagrams below and answer the questions that follow:
Case A:
Loud, High-
Case B:
Soft, High-pitched
Case C:
Loud, Low-pitched
Case D:
Soft, Low-pitched
e. Describe the movement of the speaker for a high pitched sound compared to a low pitched
Creating Sounds …
Compare how you would have to move the speaker to produce the Is this sound
sound in each case. Low or
Describe the motions below. highpitch?
Sound Be sure to describe what is different about each one. Loud or soft?
Case E:
Low Frequency,
Low Amplitude
Case F:
Low Amplitude
Case G:
Low Frequency,
High Amplitude
Case H:
High Amplitude
4. Develop rules for what effects frequency and what effects amplitude to explain your observations from
this activity.
5. Some of your friends are confusing frequency and amplitude. How would you describe these terms in
your own words or pictures to help your friends understand each one?