ILEC Unit 4
ILEC Unit 4
ILEC Unit 4
Unit 4
Takeover STanTqma,
Merger and takeover Serwyma da STanTqma
SeZenili kompania
qarTuli kanonmdeblobiT:
Merger mierTeba / Serwyma
Consolidation gaerTianeba
Reading 2: Spin-offs
Stock market would value the separate parts more highly than combined operations
Entrepreneurial drive for success
To recognize / realize a gain on the stock
A capital gain kapitalis mogeba
The rationale behind it is that… racionaluri axsna
The court will not stray from the reasoning established in the Hell case.
As always, I remain at your disposal should you wish to discuss…
I look forward to hearing from you and answering any further questions you may have
To hold / be afforded an appraisal right
Listening 1
Listening 2