Characterization of Hemp-Lime Bio-Composite

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Central Europe towards Sustainable Building 2019 (CESB19) IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 290 (2019) 012027 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/290/1/012027

Characterization of Hemp-Lime Bio-Composite

B Pietruszka1, M Gołębiewski 2 and P Lisowski 1

Building Research Institute, Department of Thermal Physics, Acoustics and
Environment, 21 Ksawerów Street, 02-656 Warszawa, Poland
Warsaw University of Technology, Faculty of Architecture, Department of Structural
Design, Building Technology and Technical Infrastructure, Koszykowa Street,
00-659 Warszawa, Poland

Abstract. Hemp-lime bio-composite (hempcrete) is a new building material consisting of two

main constituents: hemp shiv and lime-based binder. Hemp shiv is a woody core of Cannabis
Sativa plant obtained in decortication process and chopped into particles. Lime-based binder is
a mix of binders with highest content of hydrated lime (other ingredients often present in a mix
are: natural hydraulic lime, pozzolans, cement and others). Its natural origin, ability to crate
healthy indoor environment, good thermal properties and especially high ecological values
(including low carbon emission in the entire life-cycle) makes it an sustainable alternative to
commonly used materials in construction industry. Due to its mechanical properties hempcrete
is not a load-bearing material. It is used as a filling material for single-layer walls with a structural
frame and as an insulation material for existing walls, floors and roofs. Construction techniques
include forming monolithic walls by compacting the mix in a formwork, spraying, bricklaying
from precast blocks and prefabrication of entire wall elements. In this paper the results of
mechanical and hygrothermal properties of the developed hemp-lime composites will be
presented. The results will be used to obtain the hygrothermal characteristics of the building
partitions applying numerical simulation methods.

1. Introduction
Construction has a huge share in overall energy use and consequently GHG emission. It is estimated that
the production and transport of building materials is responsible for from 7 up to 9 % of global emission
in western Europe [1]. Lowering its negative impact on the environment is one of the main challenges.
To satisfy the sustainable development criteria, new constructions need to use recycled materials from
existing buildings or bio-based materials which have a low carbon footprint [2,3,4,5,6]. Wider
implementation of materials with organic infill such as hemp-lime composites seems to be one of the
solutions as its current use is still inconsiderable in comparison with commonly used materials. Research
on such materials should bring a better understanding of its properties and wider use in practice.
Hemp is a plant which played a significant role throughout ages in many countries around the world.
Products such as fibres, seeds, flowers were widely used in numerous industries. There are historical
traces of intentional use of hemp-binder composites for building purposes (e.g. India). In modern times
it was applied for the first time during renovation works of historical wattle and daub buildings in north-
east France in 1986. Due to unique properties, it worked well with other organic materials like old and

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Central Europe towards Sustainable Building 2019 (CESB19) IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 290 (2019) 012027 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/290/1/012027

damp timber [2,4,5]. Success in renovation works led to the development of a technology and the use of
the material in new buildings.
The material, so-called “hempcrete”, has two main constituents: hemp shiv, obtained from Cannabis
Sativa (industrial hemp) plant in a decortication process and chopped to particles of proper size; and
special binder whose main ingredient is hydrated lime. There are four main building techniques using
hemp-lime composites:
• bricklaying of precast hempcrete blocks or bricks,
• tamping of the material in two-sided formwork in order to form a monolithic partition,
• spraying the material onto one-side formwork in order to form a monolithic partition or insulation
• prefabrication of entire partitions.

Hempcrete can be characterized as a non-load-bearing material with low mechanical strength, medium
density and good insulating properties [7]. Other features are biological and chemical corrosion
resistance, good fire resistance and high vapour permeability [7]. Due to low mechanical strength in
most cases, hempcrete is combined with a load-bearing structure – timber, steel or reinforced concrete
frame. Less dense mixes in loose form are also utilized for horizontal insulation layers of roofs and
floors [5]. Aforementioned ecological values of the material are the result of low embodied energy and
low (or even negative) carbon footprint mostly due to organic infill (of fast-growing and absorbing huge
amounts of CO2 plant [8]) but also lime carbonatation which lowers final emission. Employing materials
with low thermal conductivity also reduces the heating demand, thus decreases the ecological footprint
of the building in the course of its operation [9]. In addition, the hemp-lime layer may absorb and expel
heat and humidity in relation to the environment and act as a thermal storage by reducing the flow of
energy through the wall [3,4,5,6,9,10]. This paper covers selected properties of hemp-lime bio-
composites: compressive strength, thermal conductivity, sorption characteristics and vapour
permeability. Microstructure of various composites is also shown.

2. Materials and samples

Two different mixes were prepared (Table 1) – both using hemp shiv „Białobrzeskie” cultivated and
processed in north-east Poland (the material has not declared functional properties for construction
purposes). In the first mix T a special binder for hempcrete production „Tradical PF 70” was used (75%
of hydrated lime, 15% of hydraulic lime, 10% pozzolans and other minor additives). For the second mix
B, so-called „builder’s mix” of commonly available binders was used (75% of hydrated lime, 15% of
hydraulic lime and 10% of cement CEM II/B-V 42,5 N).

Table 1. Characteristics of samples prepared for tests

Proportions Initial density
H:B:W [kg m-3]
T750 1 : 2 : 2.9 Tradical PF 70 750
T650 1 : 2 : 2.9 Tradical PF 70 650
T550 1 : 2 : 2.9 Tradical PF 70 550
B650 1 : 2 : 3.1 „builder’s mix” 650
TL550 1 : 1.5 : 2.18 Tradical PF 70 550

First the possibility of manual compression of the mix was tested and three densities of the fresh mix
were chosen – 750 kg m-3 (the highest possible), 650 kg m-3 (the medium) and 550 kg m-3 (the lowest
that guarantee integrity of the sample). Both mixes (T and B) were prepared in the same procedure: first,
the binder was mixed with water for 2-3 minutes then hemp shiv was added and mixed together for
another 5-6 minutes (to obtain a homogeneous mixture). The samples were created by tamping the mix

Central Europe towards Sustainable Building 2019 (CESB19) IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 290 (2019) 012027 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/290/1/012027

manually with the use of wooden rammer: in steel forms (10 x 10 x 10 cm) for compressive strength
tests and in plywood forms (30 x 30 x 10 cm) for other tests (when required, smaller samples for testing
were cut out from these blocks). Forms were opened after 1 ÷ 2 hours and samples were moved to curing
chamber for first 28 days (temperature 18ºC ± 2 ºC, relative humidity 90% ± 10%). Rest of the time
samples were stored in temperature 23 ºC ± 2 ºC and relative humidity 55% ± 10%.

3. Experimental part
The experimental programme consisted of mechanical strength, density, thermal conductivity, sorption
and vapour permeability tests.

3.1. Compressive strength

The mechanical strength of hemp-lime composites is considered as a secondary feature. In typical
applications, material must carry its own load only. Strength tests help to examine the correctness of
binding process (Figure 1).
The compressive strength of the material noted in literature is contained in a wide range
[11,12,13,14,15,16], generally from 0,05 to 0,9 MPa. Analysis of previous research indicates that
compressive strength depends on characteristics of the binder (higher share of hydraulic binders results
in faster strength gain) [11], characteristics of the hemp shiv (bigger share of short particles results in
higher strength) [15], proportions of these components [12] (higher share of shiv results in lower
strength), density (being a result of compaction method and level) [13] and method of mix preparation
as well as curing conditions [16].
Due to the lack of standards regarding testing of mechanical properties of hemp-lime composites, the
research methodology was based on studies carried out so far by other researchers (especially [11]). The
tests were conducted in accordance with EN 12390-4 [17], 90 days after samples production. Due to
slight inequities on the surface of samples, fiberboard washers were applied. In the compressive strength
test, samples were subjected to an axial compressive force in the same direction they were created. The
stress increase was 1 kN cm-2 per minute. Initially under the stress samples behaved quasi-elastic (the
stress-strain graph was linear), than the curve lost linearity – that point was interpreted as ultimate
strength. Final strength was calculated as an average of 3 samples of each type.

Figure 1. Compressive strength test of T750 hemp-lime composite

3.2. Density measurement of samples

The density of the dry samples was determined according to EN 1602 [18]. Before the test, the samples
were dried at temperature 100 oC, next conditioned at temperature (23 ± 2) oC and relative humidity
below 5% until a constant mass of the sample was obtained. Five samples of every type of material were
tested and the mean values of density for each type of material are presented.

Central Europe towards Sustainable Building 2019 (CESB19) IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 290 (2019) 012027 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/290/1/012027

3.3. Thermal conductivity λ

Tests were performed in accordance with EN 12667 [19]. Before the test samples were conditioned to
achieve a constant weight under constant temperature (23 ± 2) °C and relative humidity 0, 50, 80 and
90%. Measurements of thermal conductivity λ were carried out in the steady-state conductions by the
hot plate method, with a FOX 314 apparatus. The measurements were made at the average sample
temperature of 10 oC, the difference in temperature at the sample thickness of 20 K and heat movement
from bottom to top, on samples with dimensions (300 x 300 x 100) mm. Three samples of very type of
material were tested and the mean values of thermal conductivity for each type of material are presented.

3.4. Sorption curves

Tests were carried out in accordance with EN ISO 12571 [20]. Samples were placed under constant
temperature conditions of 23 °C and relative air humidity of 0%, 50%, 80% and 90%, respectively until
their mass were stabilized. Measurements of mass change were made every 24 hours. Five samples of
every type of material were tested and the mean values for each type of material are presented.

3.5. Water vapour permeability

Determining the coefficient of water vapour diffusion resistance, µ, the tests were performed in
accordance with EN 12086 [21]. Prior to the tests, the samples were conditioned at a temperature of
(23 ± 5) °C and relative humidity (50 ± 5)% until the mass stabilized in three consecutive weighing (change
in mass within ± 5%). The samples, diameter 128 mm, thickness 100 mm, were then placed in metal
dishes on the bottom of which a drying agent (CaCl2) was used. Measurements of the change in weight
were recorded at an interval of 12 hours. The tests were terminated when five consecutive changes in
the mass per unit time were constant and housed within a tolerance of ± 5% of the average for each
sample tested. The determination of the water vapour diffusion resistance factor, µ, in steady-state
conditions were calculated acc. to p. 8.6 EN 12086 [21]. Five samples of every type of material were
tested and the mean values of water vapour diffusion resistance for each type of material are presented.

4. Results and discussion

Figures 2 and 3 show the structure of pure hemp shiv (without binder) and hemp-lime bio-composite.
Stem cells of hemp shiv, which form the porous structure, may be observed. We can also observe the
transverse diaphragm pores, which have influence on the material thermal conductivity, since increasing
material porosity increases the material insulation properties.

Figure 2. Pure hemp shiv (without binder)

Central Europe towards Sustainable Building 2019 (CESB19) IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 290 (2019) 012027 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/290/1/012027

Adhesion of binder to the hemp shives has influence on the behaviour of the composites under loading.
When forming the composite structure, it is important to get reliable contact zones to ensure adequate
material strength characteristics. At the initial phase of the sample loading, the compressive strength is
determined by the binder. Incorrect mixing or compacting of the samples may lower the effectiveness
of the connection. In addition, the contact area between both materials can crack in the course of
composite drying [3,4,5,6,9,10,11,12,13,15]. This may be caused by the different characteristics of
particular components and different volume changing processes during drying, which may weaken the
contact area between the matrix and the filler.

Figure 3. Hemp-lime bio-composite images

Central Europe towards Sustainable Building 2019 (CESB19) IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 290 (2019) 012027 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/290/1/012027

Results of compressive strength test didn't show big data dispersion between the samples of each type.
Standard deviation values were in range from 0,01 to 0,02 [MPa] and variation coefficient didn’t
exceed 0,11.
As expected higher density of samples resulted in higher compressive strength – dependence in
considered range is close to linear. The type T samples showed better results than type B. The TL550
mix was slightly stronger than T550. Presented results are generally similar to those noted in the
literature [11,12,13,14,15,16] and lower than declared by European hempcrete producer (around
0,9 after 90 days for similar mixes) presumably because of lower hemp quality (presence of a greater
amount of silty parts in the shiv may lower hempcrete strength [8]), slight composition differences and
possible methodology differences. Visual inspection of the samples after destruction indicates that the
process of binding inside was not completely finished. Results are summarized in Table 2.

Table 2. Characteristics of hemp-lime bio-composite

RH [%] Compressive
0 50 80 90 strength [MPa]
Density [kg m-3] 412 434 439 452
T750 -1 -1
Thermal conductivity [W m K ] 0.098 0.113 0.111 0.123
Density [kg m-3] 366 384 388 399
T650 -1 -1
Thermal conductivity [W m K ] 0.088 0.102 0.105 0.111
Density [kg m-3] 346 361 366 375
B650 -1 -1
Thermal conductivity [W m K ] 0.084 0.094 0.100 0.106
Density [kg m-3] 317 336 341 349
TL550 -1 -1
Thermal conductivity [W m K ] 0.084 0.098 0.096 0.108
Density [kg m-3] 309 324 328 335
T550 -1 -1
Thermal conductivity [W m K ] 0.080 0.091 0.096 0.101

Obtained density of the dry hemp-lime composites varied from 309 kg m-3 for T550 material to 410 kg
m-3 for the T750 type material (Table 2) and a significant decrease in the initial density shown in Table
1 of the composites can be observed. Such a difference is the result of water evaporating during the
samples drying while leaving the untouched material shape.
As shown in Table 2, thermal conductivity of investigated hemp-lime composites depends on the
material density (material type) and moisture content. The thermal conductivity results for the tested
samples varied in a range from 0.080 W m-1K-1 to 0.12 W m-1K-1 for a dry T550 sample and T750
material conditioned at 90% RH, respectively. Observed increase of thermal conductivity goes together
with increase of sample density and water content in the samples, what is observed for many materials
[3,4,5,6,9,10,11,12,13,15]. Pure hemp shiv (without binder) had the lowest thermal conductivity of
0.046 W m-1K-1 (for a dry sample) and density about 92 kg m-3.
The hemp-lime bio-composites gained moisture content in the range of 16–25 kg m-3 for 50% RH
and 27–42 kg m-3 for 90% RH, for the samples of the lowest and the highest densities, respectively
(Table 3).
Concerning the water vapour diffusion resistance factor µ, the obtained values were in the range from
29 to 24 for the T750 and T550, respectively. Such values are characteristic for vapour-permeable
materials e.g. lime-cement mortars or gypsum board. This means that water vapour can flow freely
through the internal structure of such composites. Obtained results indicate that the impact of the type
of binder on hemp shiv concrete permeability is not evident. It is expected, that the large interparticular
spaces between hemp particles strongly contribute to permeability, while the concrete micro/macro
pores contribute to permeability to a lesser extent.

Central Europe towards Sustainable Building 2019 (CESB19) IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 290 (2019) 012027 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/290/1/012027

Table 3. Characteristics of hemp-lime bio-composite

RH [%]
50 80 90
T750 Water content [kg m ] 25 29 42
T650 Water content [kg m-3] 20 24 34
B650 Water content [kg m-3] 17 21 30
TL550 Water content [kg m-3] 20 25 34
T550 Water content [kg m-3] 16 20 27

5. Conclusion
The research on the prospective application of hemp shiv acquired from Polish crops showed
a promising potential as an eco-friendly and sustainable building material. The characteristics of these
composites are determined by the composition of the employed hemp-lime mixture. Properties of the
material are not sufficient for typical load-bearing walls as well as typical thermal insulation layers:
mechanical properties are rather too low (their increase will result in worsening of more important
insulation properties) and thermal conductivity is over two times higher than for insulation materials.
Material can be utilized in a specific applications: formation of “breathable” single-layer walls matching
thermal insulation requirements, containing load-bearing structure inside, and as an infill material
(similar to aerated concrete) additionally insulated. Other applications are: renovation of old buildings
(often containing bio-based materials as a structure or infill) and making of additional vapor-permeable
outer or inner thermal insulation layers on existing partitions.
Analysis of the obtained results enables to formulate the following conclusions:
1. The best thermal properties (low value of thermal conductivity) were obtained by using T550
composite. However, for the other tested composites the λ values are promising for the materials
application as an appropriate filling material for timber frame constructions of the external walls,
even without additional insulation.
2. The best compressive strength results were obtained by using T750 composite, because of
formation of the highest area of contact zones.
3. Hemp-lime bio-composite images have shown that quite a homogeneous structure was obtained
using these composite which can be used for the construction of external walls, preventing the
growth of mold and mitigating the negative impact of interstitial condensation.
4. The density of the hemp-lime composite and related thermal conductivity are both determined by
the content of lime and hemp in the mixture. The increase of filler content simultaneously raises
the apparent density and increases thermal conductivity coefficient.
5. All the hemp-lime composites, due to relatively low water vapour diffusion resistance factor µ
(between 24–29), may be appropriate materials for the external walls, when using the suitable
external and internal plasters providing diffusive openness of the whole barrier.

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