Booking Confirmation: Equipment
Booking Confirmation: Equipment
Booking Confirmation: Equipment
We request you to review the specific parameters, viz. Service Contract, Price Owner, Named account customer and
Commodity description. In case there are any changes required to these parameters, please send us a request before
any containers(s) are picked up.
The rates and other applicable charges on your shipment will be invoiced based on Price Calculation Date (PCD)
For Non-FMC shipments, PCD is the Estimated Time of Departure (ETD) of the first vessel in the latest booking confirmation issued upon customer
For FMC shipments, PCD is the date on which Maersk Line A/S or one of its authorised agent(s) takes possession of the last container listed on the
transport document.
Note: FMC regulated trades are shipments exiting or entering a port in the United States, Guam, US Virgin Islands, American Samoa or Puerto Rico
Price Calculation Date: 2022-02-26
Quantity Size/Type/Height ( Collapsible Sub. Equip Gross Weight Pack. Qty/Kind Cargo Volume
1 40 DRY 96 15000.000 KGS 1 Piece(s)
Load Itinerary
Type Location Release Date From To Return Date Time Load Ref.
Empty Container Depot Name to be confirmed later 2022-02-21 00:00
Depot Depot Name to be confirmed later
Ho Chi Minh City
Return Equip ICD Transimex 2022-02-23 00:01
Delivery Terminal ICD Transimex
40 Xa Lo Ha Noi, Phuoc Long A,
Ho Chi Minh City
All obligations of the Carrier in relation to the Carriage, including loading a container and issuing a bill of lading, are subject at all times to all parties under the definition of Merchant being acceptable to
the Carrier. The Merchant shall be liable for and indemnify the Carrier against all claims, liabilities, losses, damages, costs, delays, attorney fees and/or expenses, and additional Freight incurred as a
result of the Merchant nominating a party not acceptable to the Carrier.
Whether or not a party is acceptable to the Carrier can be verified on
* ICDs include ICD Transimex, ICD Tanamexco, Cat Lai Giang Nam and Dong Nai Port. Kindly note OOG/BB cargos are not accepted at all ICDs, Catlai
Giang Nam to transport to Vung Tau.
**SI cut off for relay cargo on 728 service (tranship via China, HongKong) is 17:00PM Wed (before departure date)
2) Equipment release date is decided by customer at booking stage by choosing the date you want to pick up the empty container(s).
Important note: Additional detention/demurrage charge is applicable if the date selected exceeds the agreed contract deal or other standard free
time.(CY cut-off date -5 )
3) Empty container(s) exchange: Please send booking confirmation to for nominating CY/Depot prior to your arrangement.
Telephone number: +84 28 35203666 in working hours or 0907752751 in non-working hours
4) Customer service hotline +84 28 38238566 (or 0902302227 on Saturday from 09:00-12:00)
6) Please declare correct trans-shipment port declared at ICDs/Terminal to avoid any COD charge:
Next trans-shipment port displayed on booking Trans-shipment port declared with ICDs/Terminal:
YanTian Intl. Container Terminal YANTIAN
Ningbo Meishan Terminal NINGBO
Total Terminals International LONG BEACH
Oak Intl Cont Term Berth 58/Z985 OAKLAND
LSA APM Terminal Pier 400 LOS ANGELES
Hong Kong Modern Terminals Ltd Hongkong
Xiamen Songyu Container Terminal Xiamen
Apm Terminal - Berth 88 E425 Newark
PSA Singapore Terminal Singapore
Please access our website at for export procedures, including the standard process of
Transport Amendment Fee, Late Payment Fee application.
Important: To stay informed about transport plan changes on your shipment, subscribe to notifications on our website: https:// From September 17th 2018, notifications would only be sent to those subscribed