Prevalence and Determinants of Hypertensive Disorders of Pregnancy in Ethiopia: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
Prevalence and Determinants of Hypertensive Disorders of Pregnancy in Ethiopia: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
Prevalence and Determinants of Hypertensive Disorders of Pregnancy in Ethiopia: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
pregnancy; HTN, Hypertension; JBI-MAStARI, mellitus (AOR: 3.07 (95% CI: 1.66, 7.70)), body mass index �25 (AOR: 3.92 (95% CI: 1.82,
Joanna Briggs Institute Meta-Analysis of Statistics 8.42)), alcohol consumption (AOR: 1.77 (95% CI: 1.11, 2.83)), urinary tract infection (AOR:
Assessment and Review Instrument; NOS,
Newcastle-Ottawa Scale; OR, Odds ratio; SNNPR,
4.57 (95% CI: 3.47, 6.02)), lack of nutritional counseling during antenatal period (AOR: 4.87
South Nations and Nationalities Peoples’ region; U. (95% CI: 3.36, 7.06)), lack of fruits (AOR: 3.49 (95% CI: 2.29, 5.30)), and vegetables con-
S.A, United states of America; UTI, Urinary tract sumption (AOR: 2.94 (95% CI: 2.01, 4.31)) were the risk factors of hypertensive disorder of
pregnancy in Ethiopia.
The pooled prevalence of hypertensive disorder of pregnancy is relatively higher compared
with the previous reports. Maternal age �35 years, twin pregnancy, previous history of pre-
eclampsia, family history of hypertension, family history of diabetes mellitus, body mass
index �25, alcohol consumption, urinary tract infection, lack of fruits and vegetables during
pregnancy were risk factors of hypertensive disorder of pregnancy. The governments and
stakeholders should work to strengthen the antenatal care practice to include the possible
risk factors of hypertensive disorders of pregnancy.
1. Introduction
Hypertensive disorders of pregnancy (HDP) include; preeclampsia, gestational hypertension,
chronic hypertension, and chronic hypertension with superimposed preeclampsia [1]. HDP
affects 5 to 10% of pregnant women worldwide and, resulted poor maternal and prenatal out-
come [1, 2]. It is the second common cause of maternal death worldwide. HDP accounted
about 76, 000 maternal and 500, 000 prenatal deaths globally per year [3]. According to World
Health Organization (WHO) report in 2019, 295 000 maternal deaths was recorded globally
due to pregnancy and child birth related causes in 2017. The risk of maternal death is 40 times
higher in the least developed countries compared with European counties. Sub-Saharan Afri-
can and Southern Asian countries accounted about 66% and 20% of the global maternal death,
respectively [4].
Ethiopia is one of the highest estimated number of maternal deaths observed in the world
that accounts about 4.8% (14, 000) of the global share in 2017 [4]. Based on the Ethiopian
demographic health survey (EDHS) report in 2016, pregnancy related maternal deaths were
412 from 100, 000 live births [5]. In Ethiopia, nationwide cohort studies were not conducted
that indicate the incidence and risk factors of HDP. However, different public health studies
involving varied study design have been conducted on HDP and reported inconsistent results
on the prevalence 1.2% [6] to 19.1% [7] and risk factors of HDP [8, 9].
Researchers identified different risk factors for HDP [9, 10]. Factors like; advanced mater-
nal age, twin pregnancy, being primigravida, previous history of preeclampsia, family history
of hypertension (HTN), family history of diabetes mellitus (DM) [11], being overweight or
obesity or body mass index (BMI) �25 [9, 11], urinary tract infection (UTI) [12], alcohol con-
sumption [13], lack of fruits and vegetables [14] during pregnancy increase the risk of HDP. In
Ethiopia, only one systematic review and meta-analysis was published by Berhe and his col-
leges and reported 6.07% of HDP prevalence [15] which is lower than the prevalence of HDP
in Africa which was 10% [16]. The previous review was including 17 (13 cross-sectional and 4
case-control) studies for the estimation of prevalence of HDP in Ethiopia. There is no pub-
lished systematic review and Meta-analysis study that shows the risk factors of HDP in
Ethiopia. Therefore, the current systematic review and meta-analysis was planned to assess the
risk factors of HDP in Ethiopia. In addition, this review was planned to estimate the prevalence
of HDP in Ethiopia by including more articles published since the previous review up-to
March, 2020.
Fig 1. Flow diagram shows the included studies for the systematic review and meta-analysis on the prevalence and determinants of
hypertensive disorders of pregnancy in Ethiopia.
• Hypertension: Systolic blood pressure �140mmHg and/or diastolic �90mmHg that is mea-
sured at least two times within four hours interval.
• Proteinuria: urinary protein excretion of �300mg /24-h urine sample or �1+ on qualitative
dipstick examination or a total protein: creatinine ratio �30 mg/ mmol (or �0.3 when both
are measured in mg/dL).
• Gestational hypertension: hypertension diagnosed after 20 weeks of gestation.
• Preeclampsia: gestational hypertension plus proteinuria.
(S4 File) [21]. In addition, publication bias was assessed by using funnel plot asymmetry test
and Newcastle-Ottawa quality assessment Scale.
3. Results
3.1. Characteristics of the included studies
A total of 2270 articles were retrieved through electronic search by using different search
terms of which 1245 article were eligible for title and abstract assessment after removal of 1025
duplicate records. Out of 1245 articles screened for eligibility 1152 records were excluded by
their title and abstract assessment. A total of 93 articles were undergo full- text assessment for
eligibility, 59 studies were excluded due to different reasons (51 articles didn’t full fill the inclu-
sion criteria, 4 articles were done on different population, 2 articles were repeated publications
and 2 were review articles).
In this review a total of 34 studies were included. Twenty of them were cross-sectional, thir-
teen studies were case-control and one study was cohort. Published and unpublished studies
done in Ethiopia up- to March, 2020 were included. Most regions of Ethiopia were represented
in this systematic review and meta- analysis. Eleven studies were conducted in Amhara region,
eight studies from Addis Ababa city, five studies from Oromia region, four studies were from
Tigray region, four studies were from South Nations and Nationalities Peoples’ region
(SNNPR), one study from Somali region and one was a nation based study. In the included
studies the smallest sample size was 129 [22] and the maximum was 174, 561 [6]. Overall, this
systematic review and meta- analysis included a total of 320,942 pregnant women in Ethiopia
(Table 1).
Table 1. Summary of research articles included in the systematic review and meta-analysis of HDP in Ethiopia (N = 34).
No Authors Publication Year Study Site Study Design Sample Size Prevalence of HDP (% SE Quality
(Region) CI) assessment
1 Hinkosa et al., 2020 [9] 2020 Oromia Case Control 597 3.57 [2.08, 5.06] 0.759 7 points
2 Walle & Azagew, 2019 [23] 2019 Amhara Cross 422 16.8 [13.23, 20.37] 1.820 7 points
3 Belay and Wudad, 2019 [22] 2019 Oromia Cross- 129 12.4 [6.71, 18.09] 2.902 7 points
4 Gudeta and Regassa, 2019 [24] 2019 SNNPR Cross- 422 7.9 [5.33, 10.47] 1.313 5 points
5 Legesse et al., 2019 [25] 2019 Tigray Cross- 8, 502 5.08 [4.61, 5.55] 0.238 4 points
6 Mekonnen et al., 2018 [7] 2018 Somali Cross- 408 19.1 [15.29, 22.91] 1.946 6 points
7 Gudeta et al., 2018 [26] 2018 Oromia Cross- 356 10.3 [7.14, 13.46] 1.611 5 points
8 Kahsay et al., 2018 [27] 2018 Tigray Cross- 45, 329 2.98 [2.94, 3.26] 0.081 4 points
9 Wodajo and Reddy, 2016 [28] 2016 Amhara Cross- 320 8.8 [5.70, 11.90] 1.584 7 points
10 Wagnew et al., 2016 [29] 2016 Addis Ababa Cross- 42,963 4.2 [4.01, 4.39] 0.097 6 points
11 Shegaze et al., 2016 [30] 2016 SNNPR Cross- 422 18.25 [14.57, 21.94] 1.880 7 points
12 Terefe et al., 2015 [31] 2015 Amhara Cross- 8, 626 3.9 [3.49, 4.31] 0.208 5 points
13 Tessema et al., 2015 [32] 2015 Amhara Cross- 490 8.4 [5.94, 10.86] 1.253 5 points
14 Vata et al.,2015 [33] 2015 SNNPR Cross- 7,702 2.23 [1.90, 2.56] 0.168 5 points
15 Seyom et al., 2015 [34] 2015 Oromia Cross- 5, 415 2.4 [1.99, 2.81] 0.208 6 points
16 Selamawit and Sisay, 2015 [35] 2015 Addis Ababa Cross- 3,488 7.2 [6.34, 8.06] 0.438 4 points
17 Mariamawit and Shiferaw, 2014 2014 Addis Ababa Cross- 3,351 7.8 [6.89, 8.71] 0.463 4 points
[36] Sectional
18 Wolde et al., 2011 [37] 2011 Oromia Cross- 1, 863 8.48 [7.22, 9.75] 0.645 5 points
19 Gaym et al., 2011 [6] 2011 Nation Based Cross 174, 561 1.2 [1.15, 1.25] 0.026 4 points
20 Teklu and Gaym, 2006 [38] 2006 Addis Ababa Cohort 3, 424 5.3 [4.55, 6.05] 0.383 4 points
21 Mekbebe and Ketsela, 1991 [39] 1991 Addis Ababa Cross- 6, 766 5.14 [4.61, 5.67] 0.268 5 points
22 Hailu and Kebede, 1991 [40] 1991 Amhara Cross- 567 12.2 [9.51, 14.89] 1.374 6 points
23 Mekie et al., 2020 [41] 2020 Amhara Case Control 330 --- --- 7 points
24 Fantahun and Berhane, 2019 [42] 2019 Amhara Case Control 291 --- --- 5 points
25 Girum et al., 2018 [43] 2018 Addis Ababa Case Control 243 --- --- 7 points
26 Kahsay et al., 2018 [44] 2018 Tigray Case Control 330 --- --- 6 points
27 Grum et al., 2017 [13] 2017 Addis Ababa Case Control 291 --- --- 7 points
28 Temesgen, 2017 [45] 2017 Amhara Case Control 470 --- --- 5 points
29 Mohammed et al., 2017 [46] 2017 Addis Ababa Case Control 261 --- --- 7 points
30 Aklilu et al., 2016 [47] 2016 Amhara Case Control 831 --- --- 4 points
31 Ayele et al., 2016 [8] 2016 SNNPR Case Control 466 --- --- 5 points
(Continued )
Table 1. (Continued)
No Authors Publication Year Study Site Study Design Sample Size Prevalence of HDP (% SE Quality
(Region) CI) assessment
32 Tesfay et al., 2016 [48] 2016 Tigray Case Control 400 --- --- 5 points
33 Endeshaw et al., 2016 [49] 2016 Amhara Case Control 453 --- --- 7 points
34 Endeshaw et al., 2015 [14] 2015 Amhara Case Control 453 --- --- 7 points
antenatal care (ANC) period, fruits and vegetables consumption were evaluated for their asso-
ciation with hypertensive disorders of pregnancy.
3.4.1. Association between maternal age and HDP. In this sub-categorical analysis, thir-
teen studies were included for the assessment of age as a risk factor for HDP [9, 13, 22–24, 30,
32, 42, 44–46, 48, 50]. Seven studies had shown statistical significant association between
increased maternal age with HDP [9, 22, 23, 30, 32, 44, 49]. Whereas, two studies [13, 45] had
shown lower risk of HDP as maternal age increases whereas four studies [24, 42, 46, 48]
reported non-significant difference between younger and older mothers. The pooled meta-
regression analysis showed that there is statistical significant association in the occurrence of
HDP in the maternal age �35 years compared with the maternal age <35 years with the odds
of 2.91 (95% CI: 1.60, 5.26) (Fig 3).
3.4.2. Association between gravidity and HDP. In this sub-categorical analysis, twelve
studies were included for the assessment gravidity as a risk factor for HDP [7–9, 13, 28, 42, 43,
45–49]. Five of the included studies had shown statistical significant association with primigra-
vida and HDP [9, 28, 42, 43, 47]. Whereas, four studies [8, 13, 45, 49] showed lower risk of
HDP among primigravida women and three studies [7, 46, 48] showed non-significant differ-
ence. The pooled meta-regression analysis showed that there is no statistical significant differ-
ence in the occurrence of hypertensive disorders of pregnancy in the primigravida and
multigravida women, OR = 1.27 (95% CI: 0.78, 2.41) (Fig 3).
3.4.3. Association between twin pregnancy and HDP. In this sub-categorical analysis,
eleven studies were included for the assessment of twin pregnancy as a risk factor for HDP [9,
13, 22, 23, 28, 30, 41, 44, 46, 47, 49]. Eight of the included studies had shown statistical signifi-
cant association among twin pregnancy and HDP [9, 13, 22, 23, 41, 44, 47, 49]. Although, two
studies [30, 46] showed a lower risk of HDP among twin pregnancy, another one study [28]
showed non-significant difference between the groups. The pooled meta-regression analysis
showed that there is a statistical significant association between the occurrence of HDP and
twin pregnancy, the odds being 3.04 (95% CI: 1.89, 4.87) times higher than that of singleton
pregnancy (Fig 4).
3.4.4. Association between Previous history of preeclampsia and HDP. In this sub-cate-
gorical analysis, fourteen studies were included for the assessment of previous history of pre-
eclampsia as a risk factor for HDP [7–9, 13, 23, 28, 30, 32, 42, 43, 45–48]. Thirteen of the
included studies had shown a statistical significant association between previous history of pre-
eclampsia and HDP [7–9, 13, 23, 28, 32, 42, 43, 45–48]. However, one study showed a lower
risk of HDP among previous history of preeclampsia or HDP [30]. The pooled meta-regres-
sion analysis showed that there is a statistical significant association in the occurrence of HDP
and previous history of preeclampsia with the odds of 5.36 (95% CI: 3.37, 8.53) (Fig 4).
3.4.5. Association between family history of hypertension and HDP. In this sub-cate-
gorical analysis, fifteen studies were included for the assessment of family history of hyperten-
sion (HTN) as a risk factor for HDP [7, 9, 13, 23, 26, 28, 30, 32, 41, 42, 44–47, 49]. Thirteen of
the included studies had shown statistical significant association of family history of HTN with
HDP [7, 9, 13, 23, 26, 30, 32, 41, 44–47, 49]. Whereas, two studies [28, 42] showed lower risk
and non-significant association with the women having family history of HTN and HDP. The
pooled meta-regression analysis had shown statistical significant association between HDP
and family history of hypertension with the odds of 4.01 (95% CI: 2.65, 6.07) compared to the
women with no family history of hypertension (Fig 5).
3.4.6. Association between family history of DM and HDP. In this sub-categorical anal-
ysis, eleven studies were included for the assessment of family history of diabetes mellitus as a
risk factor for HDP [9, 22, 28, 30, 32, 42, 44–47, 49]. Seven of the included studies showed a
statistically significant association of family history of diabetes mellitus with HDP [9, 22, 28,
32, 44, 47, 49]. While, one study [42] showed lower risk of HDP among pregnant women hav-
ing family history of diabetes mellitus and three studies did not show significant association
with HDP [30, 45, 46]. The pooled meta-regression analysis showed that there is a statistical
significant association between the occurrence of HDP and women having family history of
DM, with the odds of 3.07 (95% CI: 1.66, 5.70) (Fig 5).
3.4.7. Association of BMI, nutritional counseling, UTI alcohol consumption, fruits and
vegetables ingestion with HDP. In this sub-category analysis obtaining nutritional counsel-
ing during antenatal period, consumption of fruits and vegetables reduce the risk of HDP.
Lack of nutritional counseling during ANC period, lack of fruits and vegetables consumption
during pregnancy increase the risk of HDP with the odds of 4.87 (95% CI: 3.36, 7.06), 3.49
(95% CI: 2.29, 5.30) and 2.94 (95%: 2.01, 4.31) time, respectively. Similarly, BMI of �25kg/m2,
alcohol consumption and presence of UTI during pregnancy increased the risk of HDP with
the odds of 3.92 (95% CI: 1.82, 8.42), 1.77 (95% CI: 1.11, 2.83) and 4.57 (95% CI: 3.47, 6.02)
times, respectively compared with the women whose BMI< 25, and women having no history
of alcohol consumption and UTI during pregnancy (Figs 6 and 7).
4. Discussion
This review was conducted to determine the pooled prevalence and risk factors of hypertensive
disorders of pregnancy in Ethiopia. In this meta- analysis the pooled prevalence of all forms of
Fig 3. Forest plot of odds ratio for the association of maternal age and gravidity with HDP in Ethiopia.
HDP and preeclampsia were 6.82% (95% CI: (5.90%, 7.74%)) and 4.74% (95% CI (3.99, 5.49))
respectively. This is slightly higher to the previous meta- analysis report done by Berhe and his
colleagues which was 6.07% (95% CI: 4.83%, 7.31%) [15]. This result found in the range of the
global prevalence of HDP which is 5.2–8.2% (51). However, in this review the pooled preva-
lence of HDP was relatively lower than the meta-analysis done in Africa [16]. This discrepancy
might be due to the number of included studies and study setting. Additionally, in this review
there are retrospective cross-sectional studies that might under report the prevalence of HDP
Fig 4. Forest plot of odds ratio for the association of twin pregnancy and previous history of preeclampsia and HDP in Ethiopia.
due to poor secondary data storage system [27]. In this meta-analysis the pooled prevalence of
preeclampsia was 4.74% (95% CI: 3.99%, 5.49%) that is found in the range of the global report
and slightly lower than the meta- analysis finding in African continent level [16, 51]. In the
subgroup analysis, higher prevalence of HDP was observed in Amhara region and articles pub-
lished from 2016–2020 with the prevalence of 9.88% (5.12, 14.64)) and 7.82 (6.68, 8.96), respec-
tively (p-value <0.001) (S6 File). This difference might be due to different methodology and
different outcome of interest for the assessment of risk factors of HDP in Ethiopia.
In this review, different risk factors were assessed with their association to HDP in Ethiopia.
Age is an important predictor for HDP and assessed for its association with HDP by classifying
Fig 5. Forest plot of odds ratio for the association of family history of DM and HDP in Ethiopia.
maternal age �35 and maternal age <35 years. Maternal age of �35 years is almost three times
more likely to develop HDP compared with the maternal age <35 years and the association
were statistically significant. Similar findings were reported in the studies conducted in Kenya,
Asian, China, Latin American and Caribbean women among older maternal age group with
HDP compared with maternal age <35 years [11, 52–54].
The frequency of gravidity as a risk factor for HDP was assessed in this systematic review
and meta-analysis. The odds of developing HDP in primigravida were 1.27 times compared
with multigravida pregnant women. There was not statistical significant difference in the
occurrence of HDP between primigravida and multigravida pregnant women in Ethiopia,
Fig 6. Forest plot of odds ratio for the association of BMI, nutritional counseling, fruits and vegetables consumption with HDP in
although studies conducted in Kenya, China and Latin America had shown than women in
primigravida were 2.1, 1.5 and 2.38 times more likely of developing HDP compared to multi-
gravida pregnant women, respectively [11, 53, 54]. This difference might be attributed to the
heterogeneity of the articles included in this review in respect to a particular variable. In this
regard, without considering one article published by Ayele et al. (2016) in the analysis the odds
of primigravidity to be associated with HDP 1.5 times compared to multigravidity and was sta-
tistically significant [8].
In this meta-analysis, twin pregnancy increased the risk of developing HDP three times
more compared to singleton pregnancy and the association was statistically significant. This is
similar with the studies conducted in China multiple pregnancy where they have shown a
3.68-fold higher risk of HDP compared with singleton pregnancy [55]. Similar report was
observed in other multicenter trials were the odds of developing preeclampsia were 2.62 times
higher compared with singleton pregnancy [56]. Multiple pregnancy causes an increased pla-
cental mass or placental hypoxia that possibly leads to the secretion of placental circulating
antiangiogenic factors like;- soluble fms-like tyrosine kinase 1(sFlt1) and soluble endoglin
Fig 7. Forest plot of odds ratio for the association of alcohol consumption and UTI with HDP in Ethiopia.
(sEng) which antagonize the placental growth factors and vascular endothelial growth factors
results in hypertension, protein and maternal syndromes [57].
Previous history of preeclampsia is an important risk factor for HDP. In this meta-analysis,
women having previous history of preeclampsia were shown to develop HDP and the likeli-
hood of its occurrence could be increased by five times as compared with HDP in those
women having no previous history of preeclampsia and the association was statistically signifi-
cant. Supporting evidence of our current finding was reported in the study conducted in
China [11]. Similarly, family history of HTN could also increase the risk of developing HDP by
four- fold compared with women having no family history of HTN. Likewise, the women hav-
ing family history of DM had an increased risk of developing HDP by three-fold compared to
women having no family history of DM. Thus, family history of HTN and family history of
DM have shown statistical significant association with HDP. This report is consistent with the
studies conducted in Swedish medical center, China and US hospitals [55, 58, 59].
Obesity is one of an important predictor for HDP or preeclampsia. In the current meta-
analysis, women having BMI �25 had 3.9 times more risk of developing HDP compared with
the women having BMI< 25 and the association was statistically significant. Supporting evi-
dence has been found in the systematic review and meta- analysis conducted by Wang and his
colleagues [60]. The exact mechanism how obesity and overweight are associated with HDP or
preeclampsia is not well elucidated but obesity and overweight associated with hyperinsulin-
ism, insulin resistance and maternal systemic inflammation. This is one of the proposed
The search strategy may miss unpublished articles; publication bias likely high. In addition,
high statistical heterogeneity was observed in this review because the inclusion of articles with
different methodology and different outcome of interest for the assessment of risk factors of
HDP. The included studies lack consistency to include more articles for a particular variable of
risk factor that leads to small study effect. These together reduce the quality of the generated
6. Conclusion
The pooled prevalence of hypertensive disorders of pregnancy was found to relatively higher
than what was reported previously in Ethiopia. In the subgroup analysis, the highest preva-
lence was observed in Amhara region and in the studies conducted between 2016 to 2020.
Maternal age �35 years, twin pregnancy, previous history of preeclampsia, family history of
hypertension, family history of diabetes mellitus, body mass index �25, alcohol consumption
and urinary tract infection during pregnancy were significantly increased the risk of develop-
ing hypertensive disorders of pregnancy. Conversely, pregnant women obtaining nutritional
counseling during antenatal period, fruit and vegetable consumption during pregnancy signif-
icantly reduce the risk of developing hypertensive disorders of pregnancy. During patient diag-
nosis and management clinicians will conduct detail patient evaluation to identify the risk
factors of hypertensive disorders of pregnancy and to develop better treatment protocol. The
governments and stakeholders should work to broaden and strengthen the antenatal care prac-
tice by involving all possible risk factors of hypertensive disorders of pregnancy in the ANC
follow up guidelines. Additionally, large-scale prospective cohort studies should be needed to
identify risk factors of hypertensive disorders of pregnancy in Ethiopia.
Supporting information
S1 Checklist. PRISMA check list of the review.
S1 File. Table of data extraction document.
S2 File. Table of quality assessment.
S3 File. Table of funnel plot.
S4 File. Table of sensitivity test.
S5 File. Search strategy.
S6 File. Fig of subgroup analysis by region and year of study.
Author Contributions
Conceptualization: Endalamaw Tesfa.
Data curation: Endalamaw Tesfa, Endalkachew Nibret.
Formal analysis: Endalamaw Tesfa, Solomon Tebeje Gizaw, Netsanet Fentahun.
Investigation: Zewdie Mekonnen, Sefealem Assefa.
Methodology: Endalamaw Tesfa.
Software: Endalamaw Tesfa, Netsanet Fentahun.
Supervision: Solomon Tebeje Gizaw, Yohannes Zenebe, Mulatu Melese, Abaineh Munshea.
Validation: Yohannes Zenebe, Zewdie Mekonnen, Sefealem Assefa, Mulatu Melese, Abaineh
Writing – original draft: Endalamaw Tesfa, Endalkachew Nibret, Solomon Tebeje Gizaw,
Yohannes Zenebe, Zewdie Mekonnen, Sefealem Assefa, Mulatu Melese, Netsanet Fentahun,
Abaineh Munshea.
Writing – review & editing: Endalamaw Tesfa, Endalkachew Nibret, Solomon Tebeje Gizaw,
Yohannes Zenebe, Zewdie Mekonnen, Sefealem Assefa, Mulatu Melese, Netsanet Fentahun,
Abaineh Munshea.
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