Camp David Accords
Camp David Accords
Camp David Accords
Source: Strategic Studies , SPRING & SUMMER 1993, Vol. 15, No. 3/4, SPECIAL ISSUE:
The Middle East Peace Process (SPRING & SUMMER 1993), pp. 103-110
Published by: Institute of Strategic Studies Islamabad
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Stationing of Forces
Between three months and nine months after the signing of the peace
treaty, all Israeli forces will withdraw east of a line extending from a point
east of El Aris to Ras Muhammad, the exact location of this line to be deter-
mined by mutual agreement.
DSB, Vol. 78, No. 2019, October 1978.
The search for peace in the Middle East must be guided by the fol-
a) The agreed basis for a peaceful settlement of the conflict
between Israel and its neighbours is United Nations Security
Council Resolution 242, in all its parts.
b) After four wars during thirty years, despite intensive human
efforts, the Middle East, which is the cradle of civilization
and the birthplace of three great religions, does not yet enjoy
the blessings of peace. The people of the Middle East yearn
for peace so that the vast human and natural resources of the
region can be turned to the pursuits of peace and so that this
area can become a model for coexistence and cooperation
among nations.
c) The historic initiative of President Sadat in visiting
Jerusalem and the reception accorded to him by the
Parliament, government and people of Israel, and the recip-
rocal visit of Prime Minister Begin to Ismailia, the peace
proposals made by both leaders, as well as the warm recep-
tion of these missions by the peoples of both countries, have
created an unprecedented opportunity for peace which must
not be lost if this generation and future generations are to be
spared the tragedies of war.
d) The provisions of the Charter of the United Nations and the
other accepted norms of international law and legitimacy
now provide accepted standards for the conduct of relations
among all states.
e) To achieve a relationship of peace, in the spirit of Article 2
of the United Nations Charter, future negotiations between
Israel and any neighbour prepared to negotiate peace and
security with it, are necessary for the purpose of carrying out
all the provisions and principles of Resolutions 242 and 338.
f) Peace requires respect for the sovereignty, territorial integri-
ty and political independence of every state in the area and
Taking these factors into account, the parties are determined to reach
a just, comprehensive, and durable settlement of the Middle East conflict
through the conclusion of peace treaties based on Security Council
Resolutions 242 and 338 in all their parts. Their purpose is to achieve peace
and good neighbourly relations. They recognize that, for peace to endure, it
must involve all those who have been most deeply affected by the conflict.
They therefore agree that this framework as appropriate is intended by them to
constitute a basis for peace not only between Egypt and Israel, but also
between Israel and each of its other neighbours which is prepared to negotiate
peace with Israel on this basis. With that objective in mind, they have agreed
to proceed as follows:
b) Egypt-Israel
i) Egypt and Israel undertake not to resort to the threat or the
use of force to settle disputes. Any dispute shall be settled
by peaceful means in accordance with Article 33 of the
Charter of the United Nations.
ii) In order to achieve peace between them, the parties agree to
negotiate in good faith with a goal of concluding within
three months from the signing of this Framework a peace
treaty between them, while inviting the other parties to the
conflict to proceed simultaneously to negotiate and conclude
similar peace treaties with a view to achieving a comprehen-
sive peace in the area. The Framework for the Conclusion of
a Peace Treaty Between Egypt and Israel will govern the
peace negotiations between them. The parties will agree on
the modalities and the timetable for the implementation of
their obligations under the treaty.
c) Associated Principles
i) Egypt and Israel state that the principles and provisions
described below should apply to peace treaties between
Israel and each of its neighbours - Egypt, Jordan, Syria and
ii) Signatories shall establish among themselves relationships
normal to states at peace with one another. To this end, they
should undertake to abide by all the provisions of the Charter
of the United Nations. Steps to be taken in its respect
(a) full recognition;
(b) abolishing economic boycotts;
(c) guaranteeing that under their jurisdiction the citi-
zens of the other parties shall enjoy the protection