Ba-Eco101 Basic Microeconomics
Ba-Eco101 Basic Microeconomics
Ba-Eco101 Basic Microeconomics
AVERAGE TOTAL COST - is the total cost divided by output. Like Average Variable
Cost, Average Total Cost declines for a while but eventually it will begin to rise.
Example: The total cost of an output is PHP2200, if 2 output were produced, then
2200 divided by 2 is equal to 1100 which is the average total cost.
3. How does Price Ceiling and Price Floor affects the economic circulation?
- A price ceiling can increase the economic surplus of consumers as it decreases
economic surpluses for the producer. The lower price will result is a shortage of
supply and hence decreased sales. A price floor can result in a lowering of
overall economic surplus, or total welfare, for both the producers and the
4. Strategies of companies in Cost minimization and profit maximization.
- There are a lot of strategies in minimizing cost and maximizing the profit that
every company can adapt. This are some examples of them; Product
differentiation, Low-Price Strategy, and Control Cost.
Product Differentiation
Companies that can differentiate themselves by offering high-quality products or
services are generally able to fetch higher market pricing. While pricing alone cannot
ensure profit, it does provide businesses with the potential to maximize profit.
Low-Price Strategy
Customers in the market are not uniform. When clients want products or services with
basic features at reasonable rates, organizations catering to these customers may
pursue a low-price approach. When a product or service's demand is very elastic, the
lower the price, the greater the demand.
Control Cost
Companies might lose money not because of a lack of sales income, but because of
expense overruns. Cost control is an important step toward decreasing loss. Companies
that can operate at a continuous low-cost level will be better equipped to withstand any
price decrease or market slump and remain profitable.
5. Give example of products under elastic demand and inelastic demand. Defend
your answer.
- An example of an elastic product is a Porsche sports car. Because a Porsche is
typically such a large portion of someone's income, if the price of a Porsche
increases in price, demand will likely be elastic. Customer’s will likely buy an
alternative sports car that is more affordable. We can see how sensitive the
demand is when the price of Porsche sports car increases.
- An example of an inelastic product is gasoline. Even if gas prices get higher,
people may not be able to stop commuting to work, taking their kids to school,
and driving to the store. Thus, people will still purchase gas even at a higher
price. We can see that the price increase of gasoline did not significantly impact
it’s demand.