Screening The Personal Need For The Structure and Solving Word Problems With Fractions

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Svecova and Pavlovicova SpringerPlus (2016)5:652

DOI 10.1186/s40064-016-2285-3

RESEARCH Open Access

Screening the Personal Need for the

Structure and solving word problems
with fractions
Valeria Svecova* and Gabriela Pavlovicova

This paper presents the results of a pilot study of the impact of Personal Need for Structure of the selected mathemat-
ical competence. We were interested whether there is a relationship between cognitive-personal variable (Personal
Need for Structure) and the mathematical knowledge about fractions of freshmen. We realized the experiment with
113 students of the Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra, Slovakia. We examined statistically significant
dependencies between the cognitive-personality variable of the Personal Need for Structure and its subfactors F1 (the
wish of the structure) and F2 (the reaction to the lack of the structure) and the success rate of solving tasks and word
problems with fractions. We used statistical Cochrane Q test to detect dependencies between factors of the Personal
Need for Structure scale and the Mathematical knowledge. We proved that the success rate of solving word problems
with fractions is inversely proportional to the need for the structure. This means that the higher the overall score on
the Personal Need for Structure scale and its subfactors is, the lower is the success rate of solving the word problems.
Keywords:  Personal Need for Structure, Fractions, Word problems

Background and exact responses and for diverting away from uncer-
A theoretical construct of the Personal Need for Struc- tain or ambiguous information (Kruglanski and Webster
ture (PNS) is based on the assumption of a certain indi- 1996; Kruglanski et  al. 2000; Webster and Kruglanski
vidual’s ability to reduce the uncertainty of the situation 1994). The individual feels uncomfortable and uncertain
(of any situation), which is associated with a greater in uncertain situations (Thompson et  al. 2001; Neuberg
ability to meet the new situation and cope with stressful et al. 1997; Neuberg and Newsom 1993).
situations. The cognitive-individual variable PNS is char- Neuberg and Newsom (1993) identified two concep-
acterised by the representation of simplified information; tual different factors of the need for structure—desire
by generalisation of previous experiences (Markus and for structure (F1—to have a structured environment)
Zajonc 1985; Allport 1954; Abelson 1981; Bruner 1957; and response to the lack of structure (F2—an individual’s
Fiske and Taylor 1991) and by organising information response to the lack of structure in a specific situation).
into less complex categories which an individual uses in The F1 factor—desire for the structure is referred to
new and ambiguous situations to preserve or keep his/ as the extent to which the individuals want to estab-
her certainty (Neuberg and Newsom 1993). lish a structure in their daily lives. People with a high
The research on PNS is mainly associated with vari- desire for structure prefer the clear and structured way
ables like stereotypes and bias (Neuberg and Newsom of life and a certain place for everything. The F2 fac-
1993; Sarmány-Schuller 1999; Stangor 2000). A high tor—response to the lack of structure is referred to as the
need for structure is related to the need for rapid, simple extent to which the individuals respond to unstructured,
unpredictable situations. People who expressively dislike
uncertain situations or changes in their plans at the last
*Correspondence: moment achieve a high score in the response to the lack
Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra, Tr. A. Hlinku 1,
949 01 Nitra, Slovakia
of structure. The results of research studies conducted by

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Svecova and Pavlovicova SpringerPlus (2016)5:652 Page 2 of 9

Neuberg and Newsom (1993) indicate that both factors Theoretical framework
of the PNS scale are in different relationships to various Based on Sternberg (2002), cognitive psychologists are
individual features: response to lack of structure corre- examining the biological basis of:
lates with neuroticism and introversion, while desire for
structure does not. ••  cognitive processes,
Steinmetz et al. (2011) proved that there is a stronger ••  attention,
relationship between a rigidity scale and the F1 factor ••  consciousness,
than the rigidity scale and the F2 factor. The F1 factor ••  perception,
is mainly focused on “the need”, or personal desire for ••  memory,
a structured and known environment (situations) while ••  mental representation,
the F2 factor is focused on “the response”, or response to ••  language,
an unstructured and uncertain environment (situations). ••  problem solving,
He also proved that the F2 factor correlates with adapt- ••  creativity,
ability. He reasoned this by the fact this reply is closer to ••  decision making,
the way how people “think” or how they negotiate with ••  cognitive developmental changes throughout life,
an unstable environment (situations). A higher personal ••  intelligence, artificial intelligence and many other
need for structure may represent lower adaptability aspects of thinking.
and flexibility. Stranovská et  al. (2013) proved a nega-
tive relationship between need for structure and verbal The ability to develop cognitive structure can be pre-
intelligence. sented as the measure how an individual is able to avoid
Several studies have indicated that math anxiety inter- information, which does not conform the structure of
feres with cognitive processing via the reduction of work- knowledge he already has.
ing memory capacity (Meece et  al. 1990; Ashcraft and The ability to develop cognitive structure refers to the
Kirk 2001; Ashcraft 2002). Burns and Isbell (2007) proved way individuals (and the group) perceive and process
that mathematical intelligence is dependent on a simpli- information about uncertain incentives and uncertain sit-
fied categorical thinking and the proved that long think- uations or situations that are considered as uncertain by
ing can stimulate the fear and increase math anxiety. This specific people. As reported by Bar-Tal and Spitzer (1999)
study was the impulse to analyse the extent to which indi- high capability of creating cognitive structures is related
vidual differences in need for simple design and structure to the ability to solve new ambiguous situations, the
affect the success or possible failure of the processing of willingness to experiment with the unknown, the desire
mathematical information. to change established ways of problem solving, to act in
It is important to mention that equal application of a social situations using heuristic methods effortlessly.
simplified, distinctive cognitive structure to mathemati-
cal concepts and procedures may explain why some Personal Need for Structure
people face greater challenges than others when con- Several psychologists (Abelson 1981; Markus and Zajonc
fronted with situations requiring effective integration 1985; Fiske and Taylor 1991; Neuberg and Newsom 1993)
and application of mathematical concept (definitions and dealt with cognitive-personal variable PNS. They found
methods). that this variable is characterized by a representation of
Therefore, we also draw our attention to the impact of simplified information, generalization of previous experi-
personal structure on the selected mathematical compe- ence, an organization of information into fewer complex
tence. Since this is a pilot research, we focused on “frac- categories that the individual uses in new and ambiguous
tions”. We concentrated on the use of different algorithms situations in order to maintain security.
and their application in solving word problems. Research results of Sarmány-Schuller (1999) pointed
The rest of the paper is structured as follows. In “Theo- out that the need for the structure has significant positive
retical framework” section we characterize cognitive- correlation with the preference for abstract conceptual-
individual variables Personal Need for Structure and ization. This means that people with high need for the
Mathematical knowledge. In this section, we also refer to structure have problems with “active experimentation”
similar studies about these variables. In section three we (willingness to cross their borders, willingness to change
describe methods, we used within the research, and we their established ways of behaviour, thinking, attitudes,
outline the aims of the study. A summary of the research simple structure). Research of PNS is associated with
outcomes and the analysis of the variables influence on variables such as stereotypes and prejudices. The high
syntactic abilities can be found in section four. Discus- personal need for structure is characterized by the need
sion and conclusion are presented in the last part. for fast, easy and accurate answers, a step away from
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uncertain or ambiguous information. In uncertain situa- However, fractions are a problem for many people as
tions, the individual feels uncomfortable and insecure. they concern the relations between the quantities. What
The primary purpose of our research was to bridge pre- is a half? One-half of what? If Alice and Bob spent their
vious research findings on social stereotyping with fur- pocket money on food, it does not mean that they spent
ther exploration into math anxious students’ maladaptive the same amount of money.
modes of integrating information. According to Hejný (2004), problems of students with
The aim of the research is to determine the relation- fractions leads mathematics teachers to divide math-
ship between the F1, F2 factors of PNS and the process of ematics education into several areas, based on answers to
solving fraction tasks. We used existing certified methods following questions:
of measuring the need for a structure in the field of psy-
chology of personality. Current international studies sug- ••  How to open the world of fractions for students who
gest the need to apply these methods when exploring the want to participate?
development of mathematical powers. This seems to be ••  What are the causes that students do not understand
quite a weak section on the scale used in Slovakia. fractions?
••  How can the situation be improved?
Personal Need for Structure and mathematics
In the year 2013 in England, research focused on the Mathematics teachers firstly tried to find answers to
impact of mathematics anxiety and personal structure these questions in theories of the separate and generic
of mathematical thinking was made. There were 99 par- model. Later, they used other theories, especially the
ticipants, which consist of 53 students of mathematics theory of reification from Sfard [as cited in Hejný (2004)].
and 46 students of psychology. The primary hypothesis The skeleton of this theory is a sequence of five stages:
driving this experiment was that when respondents Processes of objects → Interiorizing → Condensation
were confronted with mathematical content, math anx- → Reification → New object
ious respondents would demonstrate the need to impose At the beginning of this theory, the activities of
inappropriate and maladaptive broad categorical think- younger students are mostly manipulative. Records of
ing. This hypothesis was stated based on the review of them are stored in the memory of the student as expe-
social cognition literature that focuses on the cognitive riences, which are interiorized in a meaning of Piaget’s
processes that underlie stereotyping in social realms. theory (the pupil interiorizes not only activities but also
Furthermore, for those who adopted an entity theory, it their products, and he can equip them again in his imagi-
is predicted the have high math anxiety and the need for nation). Achieved experiences are often various; they are
simple structure, respectively. When we take together connected to each other, and they are condensing into
the literature on anxiety, social stereotyping and implicit one organic whole, which changes into preterm and term.
theories of intelligence, we can better understand the This last step describes Sfard as condensed experience.
specific cognitive responses to the complexity that may Between the theory of reification and the model theory
underlie barriers to effective mathematical processing are many intersections, e.g. Sfard process of the objects
and computation. This research also tried to explain the corresponds to the phase of separate models and conden-
impact of presenting complex mathematical concepts sation, to the reification we can often assign a phase of
through a series of incremental steps designed to address separated models and condensation, and to the reifica-
the cognitive and emotional needs of math anxious tion we can assign a phase of generic models. The the-
students, while at the same time promoting the devel- ory of reification emphasizes dynamic phenomena and
opment of valid mathematical reasoning abilities (Sarna- theory models emphasize static phenomena. These two
taro-Smart 2013). approaches fill up each other.

Mathematical knowledge Research

The current Slovak curriculum puts into the center of According to Grebenev et al. (2014), physical and math-
mathematical education at the primary level of primary ematical education traditionally raises specific and strict
school acquaintance with natural numbers and with four demands for the cognitive sphere of students. These
basic mathematical operations. Later, the field of natural requirements are determined by a combination of induc-
numbers expands in two directions: fractions and deci- tive and deductive stages of the educational process, a
mal numbers and negative numbers. study of logically complete copies of the physical theo-
Natural numbers, which represents an amount, are ries, and a large share of independent practical exercises.
relatively easy to understand and to imagine. We can Psychodidactical aspects present the teacher as media-
count and say, e.g. how many apples we have in the bowl. tor of student’s knowledge. Therefore, it is not just a
Svecova and Pavlovicova SpringerPlus (2016)5:652 Page 4 of 9

process to give the topic from the teacher to the pupil, Methods
but the emphasis on the pupil’s personality also increases, We were interested whether there is a relationship
as well as the focus on his cognitive development and between the personal structure and the mathematical
learning and personal characteristics. According to Maj knowledge about fractions of freshmen. To determine
(2008), it is necessary that the competency of the teacher the appropriate structure, we used the PNS, and to detect
go beyond the union and didactic knowledge, as well as dependencies between factors of the PNS and Math-
beyond pedagogical skills. These competencies should ematical knowledge was used statistical Cochrane Q test.
go psychological direction too, both regarding pupils’
knowledge and their way of thinking, as well as regarding The PNS scale
their personal development. The PNS scale is based on the assumption that the abil-
The research of mathematical anxiety of second- ity to reduce the uncertainty of the situation is bound
ary school students and older led to the experiences to the capacity to deal with the new situation. The scale
and memories of teaching elementary mathematics at determines the tolerance of students for the uncertainty
younger school age. Therefore, we chose primary school of situations in mathematics.
teachers in service as participants in our research. The The PNS construct is based on a two-factor concept of
selection of education methods and teaching forms in the personal need for structure (Sarmány-Schuller 1999):
academic praxis is influenced by teachers’ teaching com-
petencies and professional competence as well. It also 1. The desire for structure (sub-factor F1).
influences his/her internal attitude for an individual sub- 2. The response to the lack of structure (sub-factor F2).
ject, which he/her consciously or unconsciously trans-
fers to the students. So when the teacher is not able to The total score of the personal need for structure PNS
apply mathematical knowledge and skills on an informal is obtained as a sum of scores for both sub-factors. The
level (to solve open or application tasks) he/her tends to reliability analysis conducted on the PNS scale yielded a
avoid such kind of the tasks in the teaching process. That Cronbach’s alpha of 0.88, with the item- total correlation
means, if the mentioned tasks occur in the worksheets, between 0.58 and 0.60 (Moskowitz 2011). Table  1 con-
the teacher tends to omit them (if the national program tains factor loadings, reliability analyses of the PNS scale
of education permit it). and items of PNS scale.
The results of previous research, as we describe in more
detail in Švecová (2015), showed that the need for struc- The mathematical test
ture (sub-factor F1—desire for structure) is related to The mathematical test was designed according to ISCED
knowledge preference for the multiplication operation 2 for external testing of pupils in ninth grade (15  years)
and to algorithm converting the mixed number to a frac- of primary school. This mathematical test is in Slovakia
tion, namely a statistically significant negative correlation carried annually in order to detect the individual level
between desire for structure and knowledge preference for of pupils’ knowledge of Mathematics. We selected word
the multiplication operation (r = −2.2) and statistically sig- problems with fractions from these testing. The test
nificant negative correlation between desire for structure included five word problems. The example of one of these
and converting the mixed number to a fraction (r = −1.6). word problems is as follows:
We chose the theme of fractions because we assumed In a company of 1050 employees are 2/3 women. 4/5
that the individual algorithms for operations with frac- women have a professional qualification. Calculate: (1)
tions provides a suitable environment, which can be seen How many women work in the company? (2) How many
as a structure. The knowledge of the various mathemati- women do not have a professional qualification? (3) How
cal algorithms may evoke in students certain confidence many men work in the company?
when they work with fractions. Our assumptions have
been verified by experience from the real life. Students Cochran’s Q test
can quite quickly learn algorithms for summation, sub- We assume a negative correlation between the per-
traction, multiplying and division. Thus, they are capa- sonal need for structure and solving word problems
ble of performing arithmetic operations with fractions. with fractions. Cochran’s Q test verified this assump-
According to Tichá and Macháčková (2006), the older a tion. Cochran’s Q test is an extension to the McNemar
student is, the more he prefers templates. The students test for related samples that provides a method for test-
tend to leave the visual representation, solving by deduc- ing for differences between three or more matched sets
tion or using trial-and-error method, and they shift of frequencies or proportions. This is an alternative to
towards the symbolic representations. They use mainly the one-way analysis of variance for repeated measures
equations. (Munk 2011).
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Table 1  Factor loadings and reliability analyses of the PNS scale (Moskowitz 2011, p. 26)
Item Factor loading Item-total correlation

1. It upsets me to go into a situation without knowing what I can expect from it 0.56 0.45
2. I am not bothered by things that upset my daily routine 0.59 0.48
3. I enjoy having a clear and structured mode of life 0.66 0.57
4. I like a place for everything and everything in its place 0.61 0.51
5. I like being spontaneous 0.54 0.44
6. I find that a well-ordered life with regular hours makes my life tedious 0.61 0.50
7. I do not like situations that are uncertain 0.58 0.48
8. I hate to change my plans at the last minute 0.68 0.58
9. I hate to be with people that are unpredictable 0.57 0.47
10. I find that a consistent routine enables me to enjoy life more 0.69 0.60
11. I enjoy the exhilaration of being put in unpredictable situations 0.64 0.53
12. I become uncomfortable when the rules in a situation are not clear 0.55 0.43
Eigenvalue 4.45
Total% variance 37.8
Cronbach’s alpha 0.84

Participant Evaluation and discussion

The participants in our research were 113 university We assume that there is a negative correlation between
students in Preschool and Elementary Education at the the personal need for structure and solving word problems
Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra. After with fractions. We stated following hypothesis verified by
passing the Bachelor’s degree, most of the students in using non-parametric tests of the mean value.
Preschool and Elementary Education continue to the
Master’s degree in the study program The Teacher Train- H0  The values of variables in a vector of variables F1
ing for Primary Education. Later, these students will and F2 do not depend on solving word problems with
be teachers for primary level of elementary education, fractions.
where mathematics plays an important role. The average
age of the students was 20.5 years. The summary of their Students solved five word problems with fractions. An
graduated secondary schools is in Table 2. example of one of these word problems was in the previ-
As we can see in Table  2, most of the students have ous section. The solution of problems consisted of three
undergone grammar school with pedagogical direction, steps.
what is related to the chosen study program of Preschool
and Elementary Education. ••  The first step (Step 1) was to determine (calculate) a
In the first phase of the research, the participants com- part of the whole. Fifty-two students solved this part of
pleted the PNS scale and also mathematic test focused on the task correctly; that represents approximately 46 %.
the application of algorithms when computing the frac- ••  It was necessary to use two arithmetic operations to
tions. In the second phase, participants solved the word solve the Step 2 and there were two possible solution
problems with fractions. The duration of the mathematic strategies. The first solution strategy (Step 2a) was to
test was 30  min. We examined the correlation between determine the part of the whole and then subtract
the personal need for structure and resolve the word the result from the whole. Twenty-five students cor-
problems with fractions in this paper. rectly used this strategy; it is approximately 22 %. The
most often mistake was that students calculated only
Table 2 Distribution of  students by  type of  high school part of the whole and they considered it as the cor-
they graduated from rect result. The second strategy was to determine the
Type of school Number of students
remaining part of the whole (Step 2b). We consider
this second strategy as more demanding as it requires
High school 28 a different view on the problem. Eleven students
Pedagogical and social academy 36 solved the task by using this strategy, which repre-
Business academy 20 sents almost 10 %. This step caused the biggest prob-
Another grammar school 29 lem for the students.
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••  The third step (Step 3) is based on Step 1, and just the Table 4 Dependence between  variables PNS, F1, F2
subtraction was needed. Those students, who cor- and the steps of the word problem
rectly made Step 1, made Step 3 correctly too. γ Z p value

The given word problem was correctly solved by 34 Step 1 and PNS −0.202096 −2.20315 0.027584*
students, which is 30 %. This low success rate is probably Step 1 and F1 −0.162838 −1.75124 0.079905
related with the major impediment, which Hejný (2003) Step 1 and F2 −0.218315 −2.36709 0.017928*
refers to the inability of students to understand the word Step (2a) and PNS −0.320169 −2.91986 0.003502*
problem, to understand the situation described by the Step (2a) and F1 −0.235694 −2.12026 0.033984*
word problem and/or to understand the challenge of the Step (2a) and F2 −0.327924 −2.96757 0.003002*
word problem. Step (2b) and PNS −0.088889 −0.57637 0.564366
Scheffe test for multiple comparisons confirms the Step (2b) and F1 −0.156993 −1.00798 0.313464
various difficulty of each step (Table  3). The individual Step (2b) and F2 −0.092764 −0.60487 0.545268
steps of the word problem created two homogeneous Step 3 and PNS −0.214941 −2.34241 0.019160*
groups. The first homogeneous group consists of Step 2a Step 3 and F1 −0.168076 −1.80574 0.070959
and Step 2b. The second homogeneous group consisted Step 3 and F2 −0.235255 −2.55416 0.010645*
of Step 1 and Step 3. Test for multiple comparisons con- * p value < 0.05
firmed that there is a statistically significant difference
between these two groups. This is also evident from the reliability. So we can conclude that there is an inversely
fact that student who correctly solved the problem using significant dependence between the variable F1 and solv-
Step 1 and Step 3 may be wrong in Step 2. When students ing word problems with fractions. It can be concluded
wrongly designed Step 1, they were also wrong in Step 2. that the higher is the total score of the PNS scale and its
We were interested, if and how the individual steps of factors F1 and F2; the lower is the percentage of solving
the solution of given word problem are related to the per- word problems. We assume that this situation can be
sonal needs of the structure and its subfactors F1 and F2. related to the fact, that solving the word problems is not
The results of non-parametric correlation between differ- a sufficiently structured environment for students with a
ent variables are presented in Table 4. high score in PNS.
Table  4 illustrates the significant differences at 0.05 Figures  1, 2 and 3 represent graphs of logistic regres-
level of significance between the variable PNS, subfac- sion. Logistic regression is this a mathematical modelling
tor F2 and the Step 1 (number of women). Furthermore, approach in which the best-fitting, yet least-restrictive
we proved statistically significant differences between the model is desired to describe the relationship between
Step 2a and PNS variable (significant level 0.01), as well several independent explanatory variables and a depend-
as between Step 2a and both factors F1, F2 (significant ent dichotomous response variable. In our case, a straight
level 0.01). There is also statistically significant differ- line reflects the probability that respondent resolved the
ence between variables PNS, F2 and the Step 3 (number step of the task if the scale PNS reached a certain score.
of men). That means that we reject the null hypothesis We accept the argument that success in solving the
H0, which claims that there is no statistically significant word problem has an inverse connection with the needs
difference between variables PNS, F1 and F2 and the of the structure. The word problems could cause a dif-
solution of the word problem with fractions with 95  % ficult situation, stress, and uncertainty for students with
a high personal need for structure. As reported by John
Table 3  Scheffe test for multiple comparisons confirms the et  al. (2000) uncertainty cannot be omitted from the
various difficulty of each step learning process, but its impact can be examined and to
Step 1 2 what measure can be this impact minimalized. This fact
will be in the focus of our next interest. Brown (2000) rec-
(2b) **** ommends to teach individuals toward tolerance for ambi-
(2a) **** guity (intuitive behaviour, trial-and-error, to not search
3 **** for rules and algorithm for each time) and to accept it as
1 **** a part of learning.
Svecova and Pavlovicova SpringerPlus (2016)5:652 Page 7 of 9

Fig. 1  The relationship between variable PNS and Step 1 of word problem. This figure is a graph of logistic regression. Logistic regression is this a
mathematical modelling approach in which the best-fitting, yet least-restrictive model is desired to describe the relationship between several inde-
pendent explanatory variables and a dependent dichotomous response variable. In our case, a straight line reflects the probability that respondent
resolved the Step 1 of a problem if the PNS scale reached a certain score. In Step 1 respondents determined (calculated) part of the whole. X-axis
displays the independent variable. It is a score achieved by individual respondents in a PNS scale. The y-axis shows the dependent variable of inter-
est. One stands for the correct solution, zero for the incorrect solution. The blue circles represent the number of respondents who reached a certain
score on the PNS scale and who were successful/unsuccessful in Step 1 of the problem. For example, six students who reached 45 points on the
PNS scale, correctly solved the Step 1. On the contrary, five of the respondents who were unsuccessful in Step 1, had 50 points on the PNS scale
Svecova and Pavlovicova SpringerPlus (2016)5:652 Page 8 of 9

(See figure on previous page.)

Fig. 2  The relationship between variable PNS and Step (2a) of word problem. This figure is a graph of logistic regression. Logistic regression is this a
mathematical modelling approach in which the best-fitting, yet least-restrictive model is desired to describe the relationship between several inde-
pendent explanatory variables and a dependent dichotomous response variable. In our case, a straight line reflects the probability that respondent
resolved the Step 2 of the task if the PNS scale reached a certain score. During the solving process in Step 2, it was necessary to use two arithmetic
operations. The first solution strategy was to determine part of the whole and subtract the result from the whole. X-axis displays the independent
variable. It is a score achieved by individual respondents in a PNS scale. The y-axis shows the dependent variable of interest. One stands for the cor-
rect solution, zero for the incorrect solution. The blue circles represent the number of respondents who reached a certain score on the PNS scale and
who were successful/unsuccessful in Step 2 of the problem solving. For example, four students who reached 42 points on the PNS scale, correctly
solved the Step 2. On the contrary, nine of the respondents who were unsuccessful in Step 2, had 50 points on the scale PNS

Fig. 3  The relationship between variable PNS and Step 3 of word problem. This figure is a graph of logistic regression. Logistic regression is this a
mathematical modelling approach in which the best-fitting, yet least-restrictive model is desired to describe the relationship between several inde-
pendent explanatory variables and a dependent dichotomous response variable. In our case, a straight line reflects the probability that respondent
resolved the Step 3 of a problem if the PNS scale reached a certain score. In Step 3 which is based on Step 1, just the subtraction operation was
needed. X-axis displays the independent variable. It is a score achieved by individual respondents in a PNS scale. The y-axis shows the dependent
variable of interest. One stands for the correct solution, zero for the incorrect solution. The blue circles represent the number of respondents who
reached a certain score on the PNS scale and who were successful/unsuccessful in Step 3 of the problem. For example, six students who reached 45
points on the PNS scale, correctly solved the Step 3. On the contrary, four of the respondents who were unsuccessful in Step 3, had 55 points on the
scale PNS

Conclusion solving word problems. Based on the results of statistical

In conclusion, we can say that the word problems and processing of the claim we note that the percentage solu-
their solution are a significant variable in our research that tions to word problems with fractions depend inversely
influences needs of the structure and success in math- on the need for structure. This fact corresponds with the
ematics. The impact of personal needs of the structure on claim that word problems represent for students with high
the mathematic competence is an area of the research that scores PNS inadequately structured environment. Thus,
is not very explored yet, but it may affect achievements of word problems as such are for students with high needs for
the student in mathematics. Similar studies in the field of structure stressful and raise uncertainty in some situations.
psycholinguistics were taken by Munková et al. (2014). We agree with the research results of Fujimoto et  al.
We prove that the success of solutions to word problems (2005), Bouckenooghe et al. (2007) which showed that the
with fractions depends inversely on the need for struc- need for a structure is connected with the ability to solve
ture, meaning that the higher the total score of the PNS new ambiguous situations that mean to change the usual
and its subfactors F1 and F2, the lower the success rate in ways of behaviour, thinking, attitudes, and simple structures.
Svecova and Pavlovicova SpringerPlus (2016)5:652 Page 9 of 9

We can conclude that word tasks and their solutions Bruner JS (1957) Going beyond the information given. In: Bruner JS, Brunswik
E, Festinger L, Heider F, Muenzinger KF, Osgood CE, Rapaport D (eds) Con-
appear in our research as an important variable which temporary approaches to cognition. Harvard University Press, Cambridge,
influences the need for structure and success rate in math- MA, pp 41–69
ematics. The effect of the personal need of a structure on Burns KC, Isbell LM (2007) Promoting malleability is not size fits all: priming
implicit theories of intelligence as a function of self-theories. Self Identity
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