Rfid Technology and Its Applications in Internet of Things (Iot)
Rfid Technology and Its Applications in Internet of Things (Iot)
Rfid Technology and Its Applications in Internet of Things (Iot)
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4 authors, including:
Xiaolin Jia
Southwest University of Science and Technology
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All content following this page was uploaded by Xiaolin Jia on 25 July 2018.
Abstract—Radio frequency identification system (RFID) is an IOT first became popular through the Auto-ID Center and
automatic technology and aids machines or computers to identify related market analysts publications. RFID is often seen as a
objects, record metadata or control individual target through prerequisite for the IOT. If all objects of daily life were
radio waves. Connecting RFID reader to the terminal of Internet, equipped with radio tags, they could be identified and
the readers can identify, track and monitor the objects attached inventoried by computers. This paper introduces the primary
with tags globally, automatically, and in real time, if needed. This concepts and technologies of RFID and IOT, discusses the
is the so-called Internet of Things (IOT). RFID is often seen as a applications and challenges of RFID technology used in IOT.
prerequisite for the IOT. This paper introduces the technologies
of RFID and IOT, discusses the applications and challenges of
cost of the already used systems such as bar codes. Although 8ELTXLWRXV1HWZRUN
RFID technology was discovered many years ago, it has 006HUYLFHV
advanced and evolved only during the last decade since cost )DFLOLW\&RQWURO
has been the main limitation in all implementations. ,QWHUQHW1*1HWF
As predicted in [3], RFID is one of the big opportunities in 1HWZRUN *60
:L0D[ :3$1
information technology, which will change the world broadly * ,6'13671
and deeply. When the RFID readers abided by appropriate 6DWHOOLWH1HWZRUN
communication protocols are connected to the terminal of 'HYLFH*DWHZD\ 007HUPLQDO*DWHZD\ 'DWD&ROOHFWLRQ
Internet, the readers distributed throughout the world can 5),'0RELOH
identify, track and monitor the objects attached with tags
globally, automatically, and in real time, if needed. This is the 3HUFHSWLRQ :L)L
so-called Internet of Things (IOT). %OXHWRRWK
The IOT refers to uniquely identifiable objects (things) and
their virtual representations in an Internet-like structure. The Fig.1 The system architecture of Internet of Things (IOT)
¾ Class 3: Batteries are found on board that will power The control unit is usually based upon a microprocessor to
logic in the computer circuit. Class 3 provides longer perform these complex functions. Cryptological procedures,
range and broadband communications such as stream ciphering between transponder and reader, and
also signal coding, are often performed in an additional ASIC
¾ Class 4: Active tags are part of the definition of class (application specific integrated circuit) module to relieve the
4 tags. Peer-to-peer communications and additional processor of calculation intensive processes.
sensing are also included.
¾ Class 5: Class 5 tags contain enough power to activate III. APPLICATIONS OF RFID TECHNOLOGY
other tags and could be effectively classified as a
reader. The functions of RFID system generally include three
aspects: monitoring, tracking, and supervising. Monitoring
Passive tags, which have no built-in power source and the generally means to be aware of the state of a system, by
power is provided by the radio frequency wave created by the repeated observing the particular conditions, especially to
reader, are usually classified in the class 0 to 3 range. Class 4 detect them and give warning of change. Tracking is the
describes active tags, which have an internal power source (a observing of persons or objects on the move and supplying a
battery), that provides the necessary power for the operation of timely ordered sequence of respective location data to a model.
the tag over a period of time. Class 5 is reserved for tag readers Supervising is the monitoring of the behaviors, activities, or
and active tags that can read data from other tags. other changing information, usually of people. It is sometimes
done in a secret or inconspicuous manner.
D. RFID Reader
The RFID applications are numerous and far reaching. The
RFID readers are also referred to as interrogators because most interesting and successful applications include those for
they query tags as the tags enter their read range. The reader is supply chain management, production process control, and
responsible for orchestrating the communication with any tags objects tracking management. Now RFID has been gradually
in its read range and then presenting the tags’ data to an and broadly used in the following fields.
application that can make use of the data.
¾ Logistics and Supply
Readers in all systems can be reduced to two fundamental
functional blocks: the control system and the high frequency ¾ Manufacturing
(HF) interface, consisting of a transmitter and receiver, as ¾ Agriculture Management
shown in Fig.3. The entire system is controlled by an external
¾ Health Care and Medicine
¾ Marine Terminal Operation
¾ Military and Defense
¾ Payment Transactions
¾ Environment Monitor and Disaster Warning
¾ Transportation and Retailing
¾ Warehousing and Distribution Systems
Fig.3 RFID reader consisting of control system and HF interface [2] ¾ Other applications in many walks of life businesses
For instance, in Manufacturing, RFID technology offers a
application via control commands. number of applications in the automotive industry. A RFID-
The reader’s HF interface performs the following functions: based antitheft vehicle immobilizer is a protective device
(a) generation of high frequency transmission power to activate installed in many cars. RFID also holds great promise for the
the transponder and supply it with power; (b) modulation of the assembly and manufacturing processes of automobiles, in
transmission signal to send data to the transponder; (c) particular, for flexible and agile production planning, spare
reception and demodulation of HF signals transmitted by a parts, and inventory management. RFID technology not only
transponder. helps to automate the whole assembly process in which a
significant reduction in cost and shrinkage can be achieved, but
The reader’s control unit performs the following functions: it also offers improved services to automobile users that
(a) communication with the application software and the include more efficient replacement part ordering and
execution of commands from the application software; (b) automated generation of maintenance reminders. The benefits
control of the communication with a transponder (master–slave that RFID offers to the automotive industry, both to the
principle, as shown in Fig.2); (c) signal coding and decoding. production process as well as to end users, are visibility,
In more complex systems the following additional functions traceability, flexibility, and added security.
are available: (d) execution of an anti-collision algorithm; (e)
encryption and decryption of the data to be transferred between As illustrated in Fig.4, the evolution of IOT is coinciding
transponder and reader; (f) performance of authentication with that of RFID and sensor technologies. Form supply-chain
between transponder and reader. helper to vertical-market applications to ubiquitous positioning,
Technology Reach Software agents and
Many researcher and scientist work to implement low cost
advanced sensor fusion security and privacy protocol to increase the applicability. Lots
Miniaturization, power-
efficient electronics, and
Teleoperation and of lightweight solutions have been proposed for RFID, but they
telepresence: Ability
available spectrum
to monitor and control are still expensive and vulnerable to the security and do not
distant objects
fully resolve the security issues. So there is a good research
Ability of devices located Physical-World Web
indoors to receive
Locating people and
scope in the field of designing an efficient ultra-lightweight
geolocation signals
everyday objects cryptographic protocol for low-cost RFID system.
Cost reduction leading to Ubiquitous Positioning
diffusion into 2nd
wave of applications Surveillance, security,
healthcare, transport, food C. Other Challenges
safety, document management
Demand for
expedited logistics Vertical-Market Applications Three other issues also are mainly holding back RFID’s
RFID tags for facilitation widespread adoption. The first one is the cost. The RFID tags
routing inventorying,
and loss prevention Supply-Chain Helpers are still more expensive than printed labels. The second issue is
design. It is still needed to engineer tags and readers so that
2000 2010 2020 time
Source: SRI Consulting Business Intelligence they guarantee highly reliable identification. Another challenge
to RFID is its integration into existing systems. It is significant
Fig.4 Technology roadmap of Internet of Things (IOT) to develop effective RFID middleware which used to link new
RFID systems into existing back-end infrastructures.
and so on, the RFID technology is a very important and
fundamental groundwork for IOT. Despite these challenges, it’s only a matter of time before
these issues could be solved. RFID’s potential benefits are
IV. CHALLENGES OF RFID TECHNOLOGY large, and many novel applications will be see in the future,
even some of which can not begin to imagine.
Although promising, RFID is not without its challenges,
which arise from both a technological and usage point of view.
A. Collision Problems The IOT uses a variety of information sensing identification
device and information processing equipment, such as RFID,
Communication between tags and readers are inherently WSN, GPRS, etc. combining with the Internet to form an
susceptible to electromagnetic interference. Simultaneous extensive network in order to informationize and intelligentize
transmissions in RFID lead to collisions as readers and tags the entities or objects. This paper analyzes the applications and
typically operate on a same wireless channel. Therefore, challenges of RFID technology, which is the important and
efficient anti-collision protocols for identifying multi-tags foundational component of IOT.
simultaneously are of great importance for the development of
large-scale RFID applications [1]. ACKNOWLEDGMENT
Many anti-collision protocols for RFID tag identification
This work is supported by the National Natural Science
have been proposed, such as query tree protocol (QT), binary Foundation of China under Grant 60990320 and 60990323;
tree protocol (BT), frame slotted ALOHA protocol (FSA), etc., 10876029, and the National 863 Propjet of China under Grant
but almost all known protocols exhibit an overall 2009AA01Z230; and the Southwest University of Science and
identification efficiency small than 50%. Besides, uniform IDs Technology (SWUST) funded project of China under Grant
distribution has always been assumed in the past. Furthermore, 11XNZD83.
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