Case Analysis of Happy Cow: by - Gazal Doshi 20030241065

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Case Analysis of Happy

By –
Gazal Doshi 20030241065

Submitted to Prof. Krishna Singh

Ques-01: Explore data and forecasting products by using visual analytics.
We have performed the analysis of the given dataset of sale of ice creams and after performing
multiple type of visualization, we are getting similar kind of results. Some of the highlights are:
1. Highest Sale: S. Caramel Staff
Proof: After doing the analysis of the given Happy cow dataset, and depicting it in form
ofgraph, the maximum area covered is by the ice cream flavour and group is S. Caramel
in staffs.

From next type of visualization, we are getting a similar result. We notice that the sale of
S.caramel for staff is the highest among all other flavours.
Conclusion: The dataset suggests that the sale of S. caramel flavoured ice-cream is better than
other flavours throughout the season. So, there is need to focus less on this particular flavour and
focus should be on increasing sales of other ice cream flavours as well. Also, the sale is almost
constant throughout the given dates, that also shows that irrespective of season and months, S.
caramel sale is best among others and customers like it more than other flavours.

2.Decrease in Sales: Double Scoop of Staffs

It is noticed that there is a constant decrease in sales of this flavour. So, there is a need to either
improve the quality or stop investing in such products. Also, the sales are decreasing throughout
the given weekly data. So, irrespective of the month or season, it needs to be considered that the
sales are decreasing and focus should be either on increasing the quality or stop investing in such

A similar pattern is observed once again while using other analysis technique and plotting data in
a different way.
It is depicted in the diagram below:
Some insights gathered by using Forecasting techniques:

We have used some forecasting techniques using the Forecast function of Microsoft excel along
with 3- months moving average and 5-months moving average. The insights after the analysis of
data using these techniques are:

For Staff: There is a considerable increase in sales in the month of May (compared to April),
which is obvious due to the summer season. But after that there is a decreasing pattern that
occurs in the analysis. This shows, that as the season changes from summer to rainy, there is a
decrease in sales. Further, the sales decrease more in winter season. Similar pattern is also found
when we have used some other forecasting techniques like, 3-months moving average and 5-
months moving average.
For Students: Though the sales started high from April itself (probably due to start of new sessions,
students interacting over small parties), but it decreases in further months. However, there is again
an increase in sales in the month of September (as compared to previous months). This maybe due
to start of a new semester or because of student’s likeness to eat ice cream in such seasons. So, in
such season more focus should be given on students. Further, the sales remain almost constant and
there are more sales when compared to staffs. Similar pattern was also found with other forecasting
techniques like 3-months moving average and 5-months moving average.

For Tourists: Tourism is more in Winter season as compared to summer season. This is because
people love winter season and it is their favourite season to explore new places. A similar pattern
is also supported by the graphs generated by forecasting techniques using given data. It is noticed
that the sales are low in the month of April. It is very low in the month of June (i.e., people don’t
like to travel in the month of June at all, probably due to the high temperature). However, as rainy
and winter season approaches, there is a sudden rise in sales of ice creams. This shows that people
get out from their homes in these seasons and love to travel in these months. Similar pattern was
also found with other forecasting techniques like 3-months moving average and 5-months moving
Ques-02: Explore the sales performance of three consumer groups (students, staff
and tourists)
Looking at the Happy cow ice cream data we could infer that, the favorite flavor among the group
is S. Caramel and Mango throughout the season.
Also, we got to know that the Tub Ice Cream and YY Sesame are the least favorable flavor
among all.

Flavour Touris Staff Student

Highest Mango S. Caramel S. Caramel

Lowest Tub Ice Tub Ice Cream, YY YY

Cream Sesame Sesame

Overview Chart (Flavour and Category)







Tourism Staff Student

Total Revenue (Inclusive of Discount)


Tourism Staff Student

Table: Overall distribution of revenue as per flavors and customer groups.

Flavor Touris Staff Student

1 Topping 80 131 333

3 Topping 20 56 333

Apricot 80 1440 2054

Banana Caramel / 1240 2546 9197

Chai Tea 1520 1770 9953

Cherry Almond 1160 1770 4571

Chocolate Cookies 675 1770 4571

Chocolate 3999 6864 13906

Coffee 1200 84 180

Ginger 320 840 988

Granola 100 840 988

Green Tea 2200 3057 9668

Hazelnut 2040 3296 9825

Ice Cream SAND 405 1836 5010

Lime Coconut 800 990 1662

Mango 4311 8030 14128

Mint Choco 2560 5543 14861

Miscellaneous 293 5543 14861

Pina Colada 1280 870 26

Pure Coco . 3240 5729 13570

Red Bean 360 1342 1896

S. Caramel 3560 10226 25202

Strawberry 3760 5427 11542

Tub Ice Cream 0 0 196

Vanilla Bean 1640 2273 4938

Waffle Cone 2326 4080 8708

YY Sesame 920 0 0

Double Scoop -1440 -3930 -9802

Finger B 100 -720 0 0

Gift coupon 3 cone -261 0 -390

Single Scoop 0 0 -208

Triple Scoop -280 -342 -1118

Total Revenue 37388 72079 171648

Total Revenue (Inclusive of Discount)




50000 37388

Total Revenue

Tourism Staff Student

When looked into the overall Sales performance, we could say that students are the highest
contributor to the Happy Cow’s Revenue. About 61% revenue part is from Student and 26%, 13%
is from Staff and Truism respectively.
We can see that tourist spent less for ice cream or in this season there were very less tourist visited
the store. For attracting more Tourist there has to be some specific offers pertaining to the tourism

Tourism Staff Student





Double Scoop Finger B Gift coupon 3 cone Single Scoop Triple Scoop
Tourism -1440 -720 -261 0 -280
Staff -3930 0 0 0 -342
Student -9802 0 -390 -208 -1118

The discount strategy could actually work in flavor of Happy Cow Ice cream, as we know that the
student group has spent highest on ice cream even though we found that the highest redemption of
discount Is taken by them (Students).
The discount strategy for the student group could be maintained as same because it is giving what it
can for revenue but for Staff and Tourism there should be some alternative for more redemptions.
There is one interesting thing observed that the lowest discount redemption is from Tourism group
but Tourist have taken discount in all the categories unlike other groups.
The highest discount redemption took place from ‘Double Scoop’ category from all three groups.
Also we see that the discount Category ‘Single Scoop’ and ‘Finger B100’ did not go well for all
group only one group has taken the advantage of this category.
Discount Insights
1. Overall, Lowest Discount was availed by Tourism.
2. Among all three groups, the highest category which was redeemed was
Double Scoop.

3. Highest discount was availed by Student in Double Scoop category as

well as overall.

4. Category availing highest discount was Student.

Happy Cow could actually add some more benefit for staff members and their families in discount
categories so that the overall revenue could go higher from this category too.

Ques-03: Both Marry and Prem, senior sales assistant belief that different groups of
flavors sell better at different times of the year. Do the data backs it up? please
propose your groupings and visualize them to generate insight into the ice cream
sales. Regarding flavor groups, does grouping gives a better level of analyses than
individual level.
Both Marry and Prem, senior sales assistant belief that different groups of flavors sell better at
different times of the year. Yes, grouping of various flavors can give better results at different time
of year. For this, we have taken weekly data of Student, Staff and Tourism.
Let’s understand each of the weekly data and visualize them to generate insight into the ice cream
Student Data
Here, we have generated graph for sales of ice cream. Below are the insights obtained:
1st Group: From 1st April 2017 to 28th April 2017, flavors preferred more are: Waffle Cone,
Strawberry, S. Caramel, Pure Coco, Mint Choco, Mango
2nd Group: From 29th April 2017 to 19th May 2017, YY Sesame, Waffle Cone, Vanilla Bean,
S. Caramel is sold more.
3rd Group: 1st September 2017 to 29th September 2017, YY Sesame, Waffle Cone, S. Caramel, Mint
Choco, Mango, Hazelnut is preferred. Ice Cream sand, Mango, Hazelnut is sold more than other
time of year.
Sales of Student Weekly data YY Seasame St
Waffle Cone St

Vanilla Bean St
Up 3 Toppings ST

10000 Tub Ice Cream ST

Triple Scoop ST

8000 Strawberry St

Single Scoop ST
S. Caramel St

Red Bean St

Pure Coco . St

Pistachio St
Pina Colada St

Mint Choco St

Mango St

Out of all 28 flavors, not all the flavors have great demand. To understand the preference, we have prepared
Pareto Chart, that gives us the weightage of ice cream flavor of Student weekly data.
As per graph below, the highest weightage is given to S. Caramel. This flavor is
demandedthroughout the season. Next 5 flavors are Pure Coco, Mango, Mint Choco, and
Apart from the groups detected, Management should focus that these ice cream should be
available all the time in inventory.
To understand if grouping gives a better level of analyses than individual level, we have created

Fri 7th Apr 2017

Fri 14th Apr

Fri 21st Apr
Fri 28th Apr
3000 Fri 5th May
Fri 12th May
2500 2017
Fri 19th May
2000 Fri 26th May
Fri 2nd Jun 2017
Fri 9th Jun 2017
1000 Fri 16th Jun
500 Fri 23rd Jun
Fri 30th Jun
0 2017
Fri 7th Jul 2017
-500 Fri 14th Jul
Fri 21st Jul 2017
Fri 28th Jul
-1500 2017
Fri 4th Aug
Fri 11th Aug
Individual level analysis of Ice cream flavors is as below:
1. Double Scoop ice cream flavor is not at all sold in any day. Stock up in inventory will
result into loss.
2. Student demand of ice cream is more between 1st April to 28th April, and demand again
picks up from 8th September to 29th September.
3. S. Caramel, Pure Coco, Mango, Mint Choco, and Strawberry is preferred more than
other flavors.

Staff Data
Here, we have generated graph of staff weekly for their product sales of ice cream. Below are the
insights obtained:
1st Group: From 2nd June 2017 to 23rd June 2017, flavors preferred more are: Double Scoop, Red
bean, Apricot, Coffee, Green Tea, Hezelnut, Waffle Cone, Strawberry, Ice Cream Sand
2nd Group: From 23rd June to 7th July Chai Tea, Chocolate, Mint Choco, Green Tea, Vanila
Bean, Banana is sold more.
3rd Group: 1st September 2017 to 29th September 2017 Double Scoop, Vanila Bean, Pina Colada,
YY Sesame, Strawberry, Mint Choco, Pure Coconut is preferred.

Product Sales of Staff Weekly

Double Scoop
10000 Staff
Triple Scoop Staff
Tub Staff
Single Scoop Staff
7000 3 Topping Staff
6000 Cus IC Sand Staff

5000 1 Topping Staff

4000 Ginger Staff

3000 Pistachio Staff

2000 Lime Coconut

Red Bean Staff
Apricot Staff

Cherry Alm Staff

Out of all 28 flavors, not all the flavors have great demand. To understand the preference, we have
prepared Pareto Chart, which gives us the weightage of ice cream flavor of Staff weekly data.
As per graph below, the highest weightage is given to Mango Ice Cream. This flavor is demanded
throughout the season. Next 5 flavors are Chocolate, Pure Coconut, Mint Choco, Strawberry, Ice
Cream Sand.
Apart from the groups detected, Management should focus that these ice cream should be available
all the time in inventory

Graph to showcase weekly sale of each product ice cream

Fri 7th Apr 2017

Fri 14th Apr 2017

Fri 21st Apr 2017

Fri 28th Apr

1400 2017 Fri 5th May

1200 2017

Fri 12th May

1000 2017
Fri 19th May
800 2017
Fri 26th May
600 2017
Fri 2nd Jun 2017
Fri 9th Jun 2017
200 Fri 16th Jun 2017

0 Fri 23rd Jun 2017

-200 Fri 30th Jun 2017

Fri 7th Jul 2017

Fri 14th Jul 2017

Fri 21st Jul 2017

Groupings gives us idea of the product which is more consumed at a particular time frame. But
overall analyses give us more in-depth insights.
Individual level analysis of Ice cream flavors is as below:
1. Double Scoop ice cream flavor is not at all sold in any day. Stock up in inventory will
result into loss.
2. Staff demand of ice cream increased from 26th May to 7th July. Maximum peak is seen
in month of June, due to various reasons this month is important for the sales.
3. Mango Ice Cream, Chocolate, Pure Coconut, Mint Choco, Strawberry, Ice Cream Sand,
S. Caramel, Chai Tea, Hazelnut are the flavors which are in demand.

Tourism Data Analysis

Here, we have generated graph of tourism weekly for their product sales of ice cream. Below are
the insights obtained:
1st Group: From 7th July 2017 to 21st July 2017, flavors preferred more are: Double Scoop, Pure
Coconut, Mint Choco, Apricot, Coffee, Green Tea, Hazelnut, Vanilla Bean, Strawberry, Ice Cream
2nd Group: From 28th April to 10th May 2017, Chai Tea, Chocolate, Mint Choco, Cherry, Vanilla
Bean, Banana is sold more.
3rd Group: 28th July 2017 to 25th August 2017, Double Scoop, Cherry Almond, Banana Caramel,
Coffee, Vanilla Bean, Mint Choco, Pure Coconut is preferred.

Product Sales of Tourism Weekly Double Scoop

Finger B 100
6000 Triple Scoop
Tub Ice Cream
Single Scoop
3 Topping
1 Topping
4000 Miscellenous
Red Bean
3000 Ice Cream SAND
Chocoate Cookies
Lime Coconut
YY Seasame
Cherry Almond
Pareto Chart Coffee
Banana Caramel /

Vanilla Bean

Fri Fri Fri Fri Fri Fri Fri Fri Fri Fri Fri Fri Fri Fri Fri Fri Fri Fri Fri Fri Fri Fri Fri Fri Fri Fri
Waffle Cone
7th 14th 21st 28th 5th 12th 19th 26th 2nd 9th 16th 23rd 30th 7th 14th 21st 28th 4th 11th 18th 25th 1st 8th 15th 22nd 29th Apr
Apr Apr Apr May May May May Jun Jun Jun Jun Jun Jul Jul Jul Jul Aug Aug Aug Aug Sep Sep Sep Sep Sep 2017 2017
2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 S. Caramel
As per graph below, the highest weightage is given to Mint Choco Ice Cream. This flavour is
demanded throughout the season. Next 5 flavours are Chocolate, S. Caramel, Pure Coco,
Strawberry, Hazelnut, Mango.
Apart from the groups detected, Management should focus that these ice cream should be available
all the time in inventory.

Product sales graph of Tourism weekly data

Chart Title
Fri 7th Apr 2017
Fri 14th Apr 2017
Fri 21st Apr 2017
Fri 28th Apr 2017
Fri 5th May 2017
Fri 12th May 2017
Fri 19th May 2017
Fri 26th May 2017
1000 Fri 2nd Jun 2017
Fri 9th Jun 2017
800 Fri 16th Jun 2017
Fri 23rd Jun 2017
Fri 30th Jun 2017
400 Fri 7th Jul 2017
Axis Title

Fri 14th Jul 2017

200 Fri 21st Jul 2017
Fri 28th Jul 2017
0 Fri 4th Aug 2017
Vanilla Bean

Red Bean

3 Topping
S. Caramel

Single Scoop
Tub Ice Cream
Waffle Cone

Pure Coco .
Mint Choco

Cherry Almond

Finger B 100
Double Scoop

Triple Scoop
Chai Tea

Green Tea

Banana Caramel

Lime Coconut

1 Topping
YY Seasame
Pina Colada


Chocoate Cookies
Ice Cream SAND


-200 Fri 11th Aug 2017

Fri 18th Aug 2017
-400 Fri 25th Aug 2017
Fri 1st Sep 2017
-600 Fri 8th Sep 2017
-800 Fri 15th Sep 2017
Axis Title Fri 22nd Sep 2017
Fri 29th Sep 2017
Groupings gives us idea of the product which is more consumed at a particular time frame. But
overall analyses gives us more in-depth insights.
Individual level analysis of Ice cream flavors is as below:
1. Double Scoop ice cream flavor and Finger B100 is not at all sold in any day. Stock up in
inventory will result into loss.
2. Tourism demand of ice cream increased from 7th July to 1st September. Maximum peak is
seen in month of August, due to various reasons this month is important for the sales. Sales
dropped from month of September but it is still better than April to June.
3. Mint Choco Ice Cream, Chocolate, S. Caramel, Pure Coco, Strawberry, Hazelnut, Mango
arethe flavours which are in demand.

Ques-04: What outliers can be identified from the daily sales of happy cow? Please
define outliers and how to address them.
An outlier is a data point that is significantly different from the remaining data. Outliers can be
very informative about the subject-area and data collection process. In case of Happy Cow sales,
we are able to visualize some outliers with respect to various ice cream flavors and other beverages
which are being sold by Happy Cow university outlet.

As per the above visualization majority of the outliers are because of natural progression of the
data hence there is no much deviation from the upper bound value of that particular product sales
quantity. Except for beverage item green tea. For sales quantity of green tea there is extreme
deviation from the range of sold quantity particularly in the last week of the April as that week is
last week of the lectures and summer season hence to avoid any health issues students must have
preferred green tea. This outlier suggests that green tea should be kept as accompany to ice cream so
as to increase the revenue.

When it comes to staff, vanilla bean flavor of the ice cream has comparatively large deviation from
the range of the quantity sold. Vanilla being the favorite ice cream flavor of the West, no wonder
is famous ice cream flavor in the world and it goes with everything be it syrups, chocolates or
candies! It is also very old flavor and hence considering the varied age group of the staff it is
obvious that majority of the people are choosing vanilla. Also, this quantity has risen in June month
where there are no regular lectures and hence staff members have ample amount of time during
this month.
Vanilla also adds taste if eaten with fudge flavor hence this outlier may be indicating that no matter
what Happy cow inventory must have vanilla flavor for all 365 days.
For tourists visiting Happy Cow university outlet chocolate flavor sales quantity is very evident
outlier. Considering the large number of tourists who visits the university outlet chocolate being
the favorite flavor of all age groups. The sales of chocolate flavor is good throughout the year
somehow in 2017 it had commendable increase than that of its range.

Other than the mentioned flavors all other outliers are natural progression of the data and can be
ignored as they are not having any impact on the data analysis.
We can address outliers in various ways depending upon how are they generated:
If outliers are due to errors in data entry then thy must be corrected or removed from the
Sampling problems such as sample size is too small, random sample or sometimes you may
collect data from the population which is not your target population. In these cases, it is
suggested to remove the outlier from the data.
Natural variation: All data distributions have a spread of values and it is natural to have
some extreme values in such dataset. You need to remove such outliers as they are
depicting some potential surprises and unusual observations which can be used to analyse
data and infer something from it. This was the case with Happy cow sales data. Hence we
haven’t removed the outliers as they produced because of the natural variation and they can
be used for deriving sales strategy.
Ques-05: Give characteristics of Happy cow dataset? what re the purposes of time
series analysis (i.e predictive vs descriptive)?

Descriptive statistics are brief descriptive coefficients that summarize a given data set, which can
be either a representation of the entire or a sample of a population. Descriptive statistics are broken
down into measures of central tendency and measures of variability (spread). Measures of central
tendency include the mean, median, and mode, while measures of variability include standard
deviation, variance, minimum and maximum variables, kurtosis, and skewness.

Descriptive statistics summarizes or describes the characteristics of a data set.

Descriptive statistics consists of two basic categories of measures: measures of central
tendency and measures of variability (or spread).
Measures of central tendency describe the center of a data set.
Measures of variability or spread describe the dispersion of data within the set.

Data characteristics obtained from happy cow data set:

Median 0
Mode 0 Measure of central
Average 180.329

deviation 127.5413

Variance 16266.78

Skewness 3.415418 Measure of Variability

Kurtosis 23.49407

Minimum -31

Maximum 2150
Since the kurtosis here is greater than 3 that means that the data set has heavier tail than a normal
distribution. Here positive vale of skewness tells that the data are skewed to right side. Since we
have obtained a high standard deviation here this means that data is more spread out.

A time series is a sequence of numerical data points in successive order.

Time series Forecasting (Predictive) – Time series forecasting predicts potential behavior
by using knowledge about past values and related trends. It takes on a predictive approach.
This technique predicts future events by observing historical patterns and assuming that
future phenomena will follow in the footsteps of historical trends.
The historical data is examined and then checked for four patterns of time decomposition.
The four patterns are:
1. Trend: The series' long-term incremental transition. This is the most basic trend pattern and
it shows long-term rise or decline.
2. Seasonality: Predictable, short-term cycles that replicate continuously within a single unit
of time.
3. Cyclical component: Long-term data fluctuations that can take years or decades to
manifest. These fluctuations are unpredictable and are often caused by external economic
4. Noise (error): Unpredictable variance due to unforeseen conditions.

Time series forecasting method:

➢ Naïve Forecast- The estimated value in a naive prediction is essentially the value of
the most recent observation. This simple approach is often used as a benchmark for
evaluating the results of more complex forecasts.
➢ Average - Both predictions in the average system are proportional to the mean of
all historical records.
➢ Seasonal naïve method- The estimated value is the last observed value from the
same season of the time cycle, which is equivalent to the naive prediction. A
November prediction, for example, will be equal to the last observed value in
November on a monthly basis using this form.
➢ Regression based time series - By generating a time index variable beginning with
the first observation (t=1) and ending with the most recent (t=n), linear, polynomial,
and exponential regression time series forecasting models can be developed. The
end product is a pattern model, not a seasonality model. This approach is helpful if
the fundamental premise is that the pattern is valid and important for the time frame
you've selected.
➢ Smoothing methods - The smoothing methods from time series are designed to
respond over time to changes in the data. Smoothing eliminates noise by averaging
several cycles of measurements.
Time Series Analysis (descriptive): Time series modeling is a form of descriptive
modeling. In this time series analysis we identify patterns in correlated data trends and
seasonal variation. Time series analysis can be applied to real-valued, continuous data,
discrete numeric data, or discrete symbolic data (i.e., sequences of characters, such as
letters and words in the English language).
Methods for analyzing time series can be classified into two classes: frequency-domain and
time-domain. Spectral analysis and wavelet analysis are first included; auto-correlation
ship and cross-correlation analyzes are secondary elements. Correlations and analyzes can
be done using a scale correlation in a filter-like way in the time domain, thereby reducing
the need for the field to work in the frequency.
In addition, approaches for time series analysis can be classified into parametric and non-
parametric approaches. The parametric methods presume that the stationary stochastic
process is structured with a certain number of parameters to be defined (for example, using
an autoregressive or moving average model). It is a job of evaluating the parameters of the
model describing the stochastic mechanism in these approaches. Non-parametric methods,
on the other hand, directly measure covariance or the process continuum without
presuming it has a specific form.

Time series analysis methods can also be split into linear and non-linear and univariate and
Trend analysis
• Student
Trend Analysis for Student
Fri 28th Apr…
Fri 7th Apr…
Fri 14th Apr…

Fri 7th Jul…

Fri 4th Aug…

Fri 11th Aug…
Fri 18th Aug…
Fri 25th Aug…
Fri 5th May…
Fri 12th May…
Fri 19th May…
Fri 26th May…

Fri 14th Jul…

Fri 28th Jul…

Fri 21st Apr…

Fri 1st Sep…

Fri 9th Jun…
Fri 16th Jun…
Fri 23rd Jun…
Fri 30th Jun…

Fri 21st Jul…

Fri 8th Sep…

Fri 2nd Jun…

Fri 22nd Sep…

Fri 29th Sep…
Fri 15th Sep…

sum total
Linear (sum total)
Because of the restrictions by the university on the stores operations we can see the
fluctuations in the revenue for different months. As there is price difference for different
customers, it is possible that price of ice creams will be low for students and hence the
revenue generation is less in this case. The period between May, June and July are the
examination time and hence this could be the reason that less students come to the store
to grab ice cream and hence less revenue is made and this we can see in the trend line.
• Staff
10000 Staff trend analysis
Linear ( Revenue)

Fri 28th…
Fri 7th…

Fri 23rd…

Fri 14th…

Fri 4th…
Fri 11th…
Fri 18th…
Fri 25th…

Fri 8th…
Fri 15th…
Fri 7th Jul…

Fri 22nd…
Fri 2nd…

Fri 21st…

Fri 1st…
Fri 28th…

Fri 29th…
Fri 14th…

Fri 12th…
Fri 19th…
Fri 26th…
Fri 21st…

Fri 5th…

Fri 9th…
Fri 16th…

Fri 30th…
June and July are the month when exams are generally conducted and teachers and staff gets most of
the free time. This is the reason when most of the staff comes in the campus and visit stores. So this
can be the reason why revenue from staff is generated more in the month of June and July andthen it
decreases. Since the cost of ice cream for staff may also has been kept low this is the reason the trend
line is continued to be decreasing.

Tourist trend analysis
Fri 7th Apr…
Fri 14th Apr…

Fri 28th Apr…

Fri 5th May…
Fri 12th May…
Fri 19th May…
Fri 26th May…
Fri 2nd Jun…
Fri 21st Apr…

Fri 8th Sep…

Fri 15th Sep…
Fri 22nd Sep…
Fri 11th Aug…
Fri 18th Aug…
Fri 23rd Jun…
Fri 16th Jun…

Fri 30th Jun…

Fri 25th Aug…

Fri 29th Sep…

Fri 14th Jul…

Fri 28th Jul…

Fri 4th Aug…
Fri 21st Jul…
Fri 9th Jun 2017

Fri 7th Jul 2017

Fri 1st Sep 2017

Linear (revenue)

June, July and August are considered to be the summer months in Hong Kong and that is the time
period when tourists from nearby countries like China arrives Hong Kong. The temperature in these
months can go above 35 degree Celsius and hence comes the need for some cold dessert. Since
Happy cow has various kind of flavors that are not being sold by another ice cream company. So
this makes the benefit for the revenue for happy cow in the month of July and august as most of
the tourists come to visit and have happy cow ice cream and hence the revenue for sales is
increasing and we can see the trend line increasing linearly. It is also known that October and
November are season when European tourist mostly visit Hong Kong and since this season also
consist of same temperature as July and august the demand for ice cream will increase and that we
can in the graph that trend for revenue is an increasing trend line.

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