5G Hackathon E-Book

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5G Hackathon Hon'ble Prime Minister

India's First 5G Hackathon

To identify & scale ideas, relevant to India, in the
5G realm, that will be developed into workable
products and services.

Demonstrating the use of 5G

AgriTech & Livestock Healthcare, Education Banking, Finance & Insurance,

& Governance Cyber security, Enterprise,
Transformation & Industry 4.0

Multimedia, Broadcast and Others Environment, Public Safety & Logistics &
Hardware, computing etc Disaster Management Transportation

Smart Cities & Infrastructure





(i) | Agritech & Livestock 6

(ii) | Healthcare, Education & Governance 19

(iii) | Banking, Finance & Insurance, Cybersecurity, Enterprise,

Transformation & Industry 4.0

(iv) | Multimedia, Broadcast and Others – Hardware, computing etc. 46

(v) | Environment, Public Safety & Disaster Management 58

(vi) | Logistics & Transformation 68

(vii) | Smart Cities & Infrastructure 76

Selection Procedure & Prizes

Total PrizeP ool of 2.5 Cr

Felicitation at IMC 2020

Top 100 selected applicants will be awarded 1,00,000
Top 100 Ideas

5,00,000 each
10 winners

Runners Up:10A wards 2

4,00,000 each Awards &
3,00,000 each
Prize Money
2nd Runners Up: 10 Awards 2

Top 3 Winners
10,00,000 each

Support to Top 100 Winners & Process to Select Top 3

The 100 participants duly selected by the jury, at stage 2, from amongst the entries, will be
encouraged to convert their ideas into products. For this purpose, DoT will facilitate:

Mentorship: From IITs, Business Plan Go to market support INR 100,000
Incubation center's, Industry Support from top Telcos/OEMs
such as Qualcomm

Steps • Provide

100 30 3
• 5G Trials • Award
support • Workable • Continued
Solutions Support
• Mentorship

Participants & Selection Procedure

Corporate Start-up
Category Student Total
Professional SME

Agritech & Livestock 99 23 11 133

Banking, Finance and Insurance 12 5 2 19
Cyber Security 19 1 3 23
Enterprise Transformation, Industry 4.0 31 15 12 58
Environment, Public Safety & Disaster Management 116 22 8 146
Healthcare, Education & Governance 203 58 25 286 Received
Logistics & Transportation 41 12 9 62
Multimedia & Broadcast 16 11 5 32
Others – Hardware, Computing etc. 57 17 22 96

Smart Cities & Infrastructure 124 34 11 169

Total 718 198 108 1024





200 Corporate Professional
Startup SME
Shortlists 416
150 Grand Total



Agritech & Environment, Healthcare, Logistics & Smart cities & Multimedia & BFIC, Grand Total
Livestock Public safety & education & transportation infrastructure Broadcast & Cybersecurity &
disaster governance Others enterprise
management transformation

Corporate Start-up
Category Student Total
Professional SME

Agritech & Livestock 12 2 4 18

Banking, Finance & Insurance, Cybersecurity, Enterprise,
Transformation & Industry 4.0
1 3 5 9 Further Short-
Environment, Public Safety & Disaster Management 10 2 1 13 listing of top
Healthcare, Education & Governance

Logistics & Transportation

5 5



100 Ideas
Multimedia, Broadcast and Others – Hardware, computing etc. 4 7 6 17
Smart Cities & Infrastructure 3 4 12
Grand Total 37 25 38 100

Agritech &
How will 5G impact
the field of agritech and
livestock? What use cases
will be most relevant to

B2B in Agritech emerging as key revenue generating segment

Unlike other sectors, Agritech is make in India for

the world

Indian companies increasingly looking

at global markets to expand

Public Private Partnerships are slowly

coming together

Supply chain efficiency is key focus

area for Indian Agritech startups

Agritech Stakeholder Ecosystem is Rapidly Maturing

Emerging Opportunities

Market Linkage 01. Improving Supply Chain and taking farmers product directly to consumers

Digital Agriculture 02. Driving transparency, traceability and real time access to information

Better Access to Inputs Taking quality inputs to the farmers for better productivity

Farming as a Service 04. Making services affordable to small and marginal farmers

Financing 05. Innovations taking roots in farmer financing

7.1% 12.4%
Market linkage Quality
Management &

Major Segment
and farm Input
17% 49.8% Traceability

SCM & farm

Revenue Share

Services Output Linkage

Agriculture & Farm

Agritech Start-ups Farmers

• ~450 Agritech start-ups in India, • Deepening digital penetration with

growing at 25 per cent YoY 200+ million active users helping

farmers access to technology

• Agritech start-ups received USD
248 million in first 6 months of • 1.7X increase in average farmer
2019, ~300 per cent more than total income in last decade enabling
2018 funding farmers to trying new tech

Key Investment Scenario & Revenue Generation
2018 2019 (till June) Revenue Generation Trends
~35 start-ups established USD ~248 million funding received B2B emerging as key revenue generating segment owing to:
in 2018 till June 2019 • Better access to market
• Faster adoption of tech
• Long term business sustainability
• Domain specific product development support

USD ~73 million funding Global Interest- Agritech focused B2C segment has higher margins but is operationally intensive
received in 2018 Indian Investor fund Omnivore
Partners, raised USD 97 million fund
from companies in UK, Switzerland,
Netherland, Belgium and Japan
>70 per cent of funding at Top funded Start-up- Ninjacart, Agritech Startups that have made the shift from B2C to B2B
Seed stage AgroStar, Samunnati Financial such as Gold Farm, Farm Surge, Arnette Technologies
Intermediation, WayCool , Jumbotail
>60 per cent funding to Top investors – Accel, Toger, BII, ~ USD 200 million investment in B2B based start-ups in past 18
market linkage sector Nuveen, Omnivore months (data collected till June 2019)

Top funded Start-up-

Ninjacart, Agrostar,
Stellapps, jumbotail, Cropin

Top investors - Accel,

Beenext, Ankur Capital,
Omnivore, 3one4 Capital

Applications and Use Cases



On-farm yield monitoring MANAGEMENT
Off-farm yield monitoring • SILVICULTURE AND FIRE
Drainage mapping
Precision irrigation • MONITORING, CONTROL, AND
Precision seeding SURVEILLANCE

Precision fertilization
Precision Pesticide




Agritech & LiveStock

Name: Akansha Rai AGROVER is an autonomous rover which aims at mapping the vegetative pattern
of a particular geographic area and appropriately classify weeds and diseases
Phone: +91-9830090975
present in the crops.
Email: rai.akansha24@gmail.com

AGROVER solves the problem of blanket spraying of carcinogenic pesticides

in crops by means of a high specificity device that would neutralize the weeds
selectively as well as maintain a consistent database of the annual produce of
the farmers.

2 AgroBlock
Agritech & LiveStock

Name: Gopinath Sheregar Blockchain powered agricultural supply chain traceability platform for growers,

Phone: +91-9480302017 brands, retailers & consumers. Using IoT-5G automation the solution increases
agriculture output, revenue and enhance brand value & recognition. The platform
Website: https://agroblock.io
also increases operation & supply chain efficiency.
Email: gopi@iotracx.com

The app uses connectivity for secured facial login, capture of data from farm to
fork with pictures, documents. Additionally, the IoT device also transfers live data
to system to trace the supply chain. 5G connectivity will make faster data transfer

and authentication vs 3G

Infosys Smart Agriculture Solution 3
Agritech & LiveStock

Some key challenges for a farmer are the ability to quickly identify bio stress Name: Avinash Kamat
remotely, get expert advice to tackle the stress and to act on it. Inappropriate use Phone: +91-8554992658
of pesticides or fertilisers or irrigation can have damaging impact on the life of a Website: www.infosys.com
farmer without prompt expert remedial advice. Email: avinash_kamat@infosys.com

The Infosys Smart Agriculture Solution is an IoT enabled open source technology
platform that can help in precision agriculture and live streaming of farmer
advise over high speed 5G network. Use of the platform can help farmers with
higher crop yield, resource optimization and increased profitability.

Multi Functionary Soil Testing 4

Agritech & LiveStock
In villages, farmers are facing problems due to the usage of wrong fertilizers and Name: Debraj Patra
lengthy soil testing processes. Phone: +91-9114528997
Email: patradeb19@gmail.com
The solution is a multi functionary device that not only tests the soil but also
gives a report on usage of fertilizers to the farmers directly in a regular manner.
It would help them to cultivate their lands more effectively.

5 Polymer-Based Patch Antenna for
UAV in Smart Farming over 5G
Agritech & LiveStock

Name: S. Dharshana, P.Aishwarya, The solution is to design a terrablast antenna operating over 5G networks for

R.Dhanu Shree, A.Banuvathani agricultural drones. This terrablast antenna will weight 30-35 per cent lighter

Phone: +91-9830090975, than typical patch, which enhances battery life. Massive MIMO and beam forming
are incorporated in the antenna.
+91 97874 12317
Email: dhachu99@gmail.com

6 Agrotech Drone Remote Crop

Agritech & LiveStock
Name: Karthik R P Agriculture is the backbone of Indian economy. Farm management is a difficult

Phone: +91- 7667627171, task owing to man power and water management, crop yield and crop disease
control. In order to manage above problems farmers need to install lot of
sensors and devices at their lands, which increases the cost and requires more
Email: rpkarthik.ece@kongu.edu
skilled operator.

The solution uses 5G-High speed networked enabled drones with thermal
imaging camera, GPS, Sprayer and sensors to monitor the land field instead of

manual labour. GPS-maps the land, Camera identifies the crop diseases, Sprayer-
sprays fertilizer on targeted area by using edge computing, and AI

e-Drone for Smart Agricultural 7
Agritech & LiveStock

Farmers face many challenges like climatic changes due to which plants are Name: Lakshmi Prabha P
affected from various diseases and also due to the use of insecticides. E-Drone Phone: +91- 9626771655
will help the farmer to identify the disease which affects the crops and provides Email: 18euee059@skcet.ac.in
cure using smart agriculture connectivity solutions.

Drone Powered Intelligent 8

Agricultural System
Agritech & LiveStock

Farmers face difficulty in sowing seeds over large agricultural fields, trouble in Name: Satyaki Sett

diagnosing plant problems. It is quite difficult for the farmers to categorize plants Phone: +91- 8274038600
over their growth and apply fertilizer likewise. In many cases they apply extra Email: s.satyaki98@gmail.com
fertilizer to make the crops and vegetables grow faster.

A drone powered intelligent agricultural system that is capable of traversing

through the field and collect data using a high definition camera and send it to


9 Fertilizer Management System
Agritech & LiveStock

Name: Sayantan bakshi Recommendation system for proper and precise nutrient and fertilizer

Phone: +91- 6299856926 management based on multiple sensors data live from the farms over the 5G
network. The use of IoT in farming will help the farmer to get real-time data
Email: sayantanbakshi2001@gmail.com
based on the data collected from the sensor.

The solution will transform the agricultural sector of India which will be a great
help to the farmers and will also help farmers in stabilization of their financial

10 Oceantech Blocks-Ocean Data

Mining and Distributing
Agritech & LiveStock

Name: Shobana There isn’t any existing Ocean Infrastructure to analyse or work on the solution

Phone: +91- 9941909070 that has huge demand in different industry on sea/ocean as there isn’t any
Communication channel/ Internet on sea.
Website: www.innogle.com
Email: innovation@innogle.com
Oceantech Blocks, provides an Ocean infrastructure using 5G and IoUT (Internet
of Underwater Things) using Deeptech, Underwater-datamining, AI, Bigdata-
Analytic and Blockchain.

UMANG India- Unified 11
Management of Agriculture in
New Generation-India
Agritech & LiveStock

A number of extreme weather events such as hailstorms, floods etc. affect Name: Shrish Kumar Singhal
the crops and therefore, the farmers. The existing mechanism of providing Phone: +91- 9560592222
compensation to farmer is time consuming and marred with number of problems. Email: singhalshrish@gmail.com

The proposed solution involves the use of mobile 5G technology, Artificial

Intelligence, drone/VTOL and Cameras working with the aid of existing and to
be created databases in providing compensation to farmers within 24 hours
(maximum) of calamity without any manual intervention through DBT.

Agribot Field Monitoring 12

System to Monitor Crop Yields
Agritech & LiveStock

This product will consist of two units, the first being agribot which will perform Name: Siddharth Gupta

all the farming operations on the field. The second being, monitoring system to Phone: +91- 7798073899
monitor the growth of crop & fulfill their requirement. Email: jyainfottech@gmail.com

All the Indian framers can use the product. Due to Agribot And Field Monitoring
System will reduced gap between the farming and the technology will result in
more productive cultivation of the crops.

13 Fixed Wireless Access Solution
Agritech & LiveStock

Name: Soumitra Kandpal As part of BharatNet project Optical fiber links are installed till panchayat level to

Phone: +91- 08061171000 provide internet connectivity but they don’t connect all remote villages.

Website: https://saankhyalabs.com
Saankhya Labs’ Fixed Wireless Access Solution can help in providing middle mile/
Email: soumitra.kandpal@saankhyalabs.com
backhaul solutions for providing broadband connectivity for IoT Solutions for
Agri and livestock management. It utilizes unused frequency in UHF spectrum to
establish broadband connectivity between the central location and the remote
villages. The local area network can be provided using Wi-fi and other IoT
solutions such as Zigbee, LORA, Sig-Fox etc.

14 Garuda Agricultural Drone

Agritech & LiveStock

Name: Suparna Biswal Garuda is an agricultural drone which helps in smart agricultural practices

Phone: +91- 8249576572 and advanced surveillance of crops ensuring better productivity and livestock
inventory management
Email: biswalsuparna@gmail.com

The problem statement addressed is effective regular crop monitoring, pest

protection, and lack of high-speed data transfer due to the unavailability of 5G

EaseTech - An Agriculture and 15
Livestock Solution Using 5G
Agritech & LiveStock

Using 5G technologies in Agritech and Livestock the solution enables digitization Name: Swandeep Sarmah
of manual farming practices with 5G enabled technological inputs for greater Phone: +91- 9101332271
yield and efficiency in management of farmland. Also promoting the feature of Email: axomhackathon@gmail.com
connected livestock for a better understanding of habitat and care taking.

It is evaluated that Indian farmers incur approximately 92 crore of post harvest

loss in a year. With healthy farming practices and emerging technology this can
be minimized.

Low Power Drone 16

Communication Supported by
5G Network


Agritech & LiveStock Phone: +91- 8249065437
Email: varun001986@hotmail.com
The agricultural parameter like moisture, the chemical composition of soil etc,
can be monitored remotely using low power drone supported by 5G wireless
network for enhancing the crop yield.

17 KRISHIYAAN -Smart Farming
Agritech & LiveStock

Name: Vikram Kumar Singh The solution is used to increasing yield of crops and food with low pesticide

Phone: +91- 8088402624 residue, provide higher quality of life for farmers, cost-efficient and accurate, and

Email: vikram0246@gmail.com
attract youth attracted to agriculture as the process becomes easier.

18 Crop Diagnosis Using Computer

Vision, 5G SmartPhones, AgroBot
& Drones
Name: Vishal Aditya Agritech & LiveStock
Phone: +91- 9304590542
Website: http://innovatiostech.com Crops infection detection using image processing with cloud service via 5G
network. Since India is majorly an agrarian country & most of the livelihood relies
Email: email@innovatiostech.com
upon agriculture. Agricultural process in India is mostly traditional & one of the
major problems is crop infection which needs to be detected in the early stage.
Around 40 per cent of the high yielding crops are lost due to viral/bacterial/
fungal infection & various insects. Since agricultural experts can't be monitoring

around frequently so the solution automates the detection process using AI and


Education &
How will 5G impact the
field of healthcare,
education and
governance? What
use cases will be most
relevant to India?

Digital health Stats for India

Digital intervention in Telemedicine market Start-up/

healthcare is expected in India is expected to
to drive the industry at rise at a CAGR of 20 per

a CAGR of 23 per cent cent during 2016-2020,
reaching USD 32 million

There are a total of 4,892

startups in the Indian health-
tech space. 2018 saw an
The implementation The applications of AI increase of 45.06 per cent
of telemedicine in the healthcare space in the total investments in
technology could save in India will be worth health-tech startups
India USD 4-5 billion USD 6 billion (INR
every year ~431.97 billion) by 2021
Health-tech startups in India
raised a total of USUSD 504
million between 2014 - 2018

According to VCCEdge,
76 per cent of healthcare In Q1 2020, the healthcare was already the
professionals in India healthcare sector hotbed for investments in
already use digital health witnessed an increase India. 53 per cent of the angel
records (DHRs) in their of 50 per cent in terms investments in 2019 were
practice of volume
towards healthcare

How Is Technology Transforming


Remote Treatment Improving Accuracy Precise Diagnosis


21 Augmenting Human Supporting Mental Auxiliary Robots

Abilities Health and Daily Task


Funding increased by 5 times from


EdTech High growth seen in past 5 years

with more than 3000+ startups

Use Cases SMART


Online courses attracted the

maximum investments in India


2016 2017 2018

Start-ups Investor Start-ups Investor Start-ups Investor

$50mn - Chan Zuckerberg Initiative $5mn - Omidyar Network, Accel

Merit nation $5.9mn - Infoedge India Vedantu
BYJU’S Partners
$15mn - IFC
$11.8mn - Sequoia Capital, SAIF
unacademy toppr $101k – Axis Capital Partners
Partners, Nexus Venture Partners
cuemath $4mn - Sequoia Capital, Unitus Seed
EMBIBE $976K - Accel Partners
toppr $336k - Undisclosed
$3mn - Reliance, Kalaari Capital,
$5.9mn - Mayfield, Helion Venture Lightbox Ventures
Simpli learn
Partners, Kalaari Capital
School guru $2.1mn - Team lease
$1mn - Multiple VC
$500K - Multiple VC Univariety $1.9mn - Info Edge

Tabtor math $3.7mn - Syven Global Services Skillveri $1.1mn - Ankur Capital

EMBIBE $3mn - Lightbox Ventures $40mn – Tencent

$30mn - Verlinvest
2.3mn - Accel Partners, Tiger Global
Vedantu cuemath $15mn - Sequoia Capital, CapitalG
$595K - Accel Partners

LIQUID $1mn - GrayMatters Capital $6.9mn - SAIF Partners, Helion

toppr Venture Partners, Eight Roads
transtutors $1mn - GrayMatters Capital Ventures

E-governance of the Future
Scaling up the Government e-Marketplace

Achieving comprehensive Direct Benefit Transfers

Launching Digital Land 2.0 to dematerialize and digitize the transfer, leasing, and tracking of land, aided by an
interoperable land records platform

Creating a National Document and Data Exchange to facilitate paperless, instant exchange of documents

Introducing shareable APIs and digital tools for improved urban e-governance in local bodies

Achieving sustainable Common Services Centers in all gram panchayats as a 250,000-strong network of village-level
entrepreneurs providing local communities access to commission-based online services, such as farmer advisory and
local job-search and placement services

Scheme Impact

Direct Benefit Transfer of scholarships Disbursement of scholarships to roughly 7.5 million beneficiaries comprising $90 million for pre-
matric and $92 million for post-matric
Aadhaar-based food subsidy • 65,000 households with 280,000 beneficiaries impacted
• 100% DBT amount is transferred digitally to the account of ‘Grehni’ (elderly women of the
household) through Aadhaar Payment Bridge
• DBT to the tune of $0.5 million done monthly
e-District project is a mission mode project, which • 52 services rolled out under the project
aims to provide integrated citizen centric services • Cost savings for citizens on
Common Services Centres • 990 CSCs have been registered covering 608 GPs/VCs in the state
• 19 services are being currently offered, with about 2.9 million transactions monthly
Bhamashah Swasthya Bima Yojana 45 million people have received a total of $220 million worth of benefits so far

• Smart Energy Infrastructure and Revenue • Covers 9.8 million rural consumers across Bihar
Administration System • Monthly revenue has grown from about $53 million in 2014–15 to more than $98 million in
• Is an integrated framework of web, mobile, 2017–18
and GIS technology to aid electrical • Energy bill distribution on time increased revenue by $297 million annually
infrastructure • Implemented energy billing software, mobile apps in the North Bihar Power Distribution
Company across 21 districts and South Bihar Power Distribution Company across 17 districts
• Aadhaar enabled Public Distribution System • 13 million monthly Aadhaar beneficiaries (ration card holders)
• Entirely digitised PDS with supply chain • Resulted in $165 million in savings
management, • 28,132 total shops with 12.2 million availed cards and 12.4 million monthly transactions
SAMRAKSHANE is an end-to-end e-governance • 1,059,801 enrolments under Kharif (2016) and 1,395,933 enrolments under Rabi (2016)
solution to handle crop insurance under Prime • 1,425,976 enrolments under Kharif (2017) as of August 18, 2016
Minister’s Fasal Bima Yojana programme and • 126,928 CSC enrolments with a premium amount of $2.6 million

Modified Weather Based Crop Insurance Scheme

Kanyashree Online 5.0 is a flagship programme of • Serves 4.2 million girls
the West Bengal government to improve the status • 15,826 registered institutions
and wellbeing of girls, specifically those from • Over $600 million disbursed
socioeconomically disadvantaged families through • 9 million applications sanctioned out of 9.4 million applications received
conditional cash transfers • Annual incentive of $11.50 to be paid to girls 13 to 18 years old
• One-time grant of $385 to be paid after a girl turns 18

1 VR /AR /MR Tech Based Effective
Learning and Training Solutions
Healthcare, Education & Governance

Name: Akshay Rathod With VR and AR and MR tech, the company will be providing effective learning and
Phone: +91-8329832022 training Solution.

Website: www.firebirdvr.com India produces over 400,000 engineers a year, but a NASSCOM study quotes that
Email: ceo@firebirdvr.com only 25 per cent of them are employable. The rest are found to lack the technical,
English or soft skills required to be effective at work. This problem is accentuated in
rural colleges where the quality of education is suspect and exposure is often minimal.
Rural Infra for education is not adequate, with 5G the solution can deliver Amazing
content to Remote areas as well .

2 Aaharan
Healthcare, Education & Governance
AAHARAN is a 360 degree learning application powered by AI for high school students
Name: Amit Ghosh
of TBSE. There is no dedicated learning app in local regional language for the students
Phone: +91-9366399897,
of TBSE. There are very limited content available in regional language on internet.
Website: www.aaharan.com
Email: amit.ghosh0005@gmail.com

Seashore Networks 3
(Tidalwave Technologies Pvt. Ltd.)
Managing Oceans of Wireless Capacity
Healthcare, Education & Governance
Problem statement - Delivering Ultra Low latency and high bandwidth - education Name: Ankit
and other rural services on last mile radio network is prohibitively expensive Phone: +60169671053
Website: https://seashore.network
Solution - Network Node that handles 1000s of devices at <1ms latency
Email: ankit@sea-shore.tech

Handy, Non-invasive, Harmful 4

Radiation Free and Fully
Automatic Device for Detecting
Intracranial Hemorrhage
Name: Anupam Lavania
Healthcare, Education & Governance Phone: +91- 8154881999
Website: http://bioscanresearch.com
Late detection of hemorrhage in traumatic brain injury patients mainly
Email: anupam@bioscanresearch.com
leads to permanent disability or mortality. The project shall offer a handy,
non-invasive,harmful radiation free and fully automatic device for detecting
intracranial hemorrhage in 2 min

5 GAIUS Networks- 5G mm Wave
(vBand) & MEC to Extend Bharatnet
into Rural Communities
Healthcare, Education & Governance

Name: Arjuna Sathiaseelan 500 million rural Indians benefit by making Web more relevant. The project utilises

Phone: 00447971329880 5G mm Wave (Vband) & MEC to extend BharatNet into rural communities creating

Website: www.gaiusnetworks.com sustainable superfast Hyperlocal Web for rural users to access relevant local content
(including AR).
& https://spoken-tutorial.org/

Email: arjuna.sathiaseelan@gaiusnetworks.com

6 Manufacture & Sell of Medical

Assistive & Protective Devices and
Social Collaboration Using 5G
Name: Dibyendu Chattopadhyay Healthcare, Education & Governance
Phone: +91- 877739500
Website: http://play.google. Nearly 86 per cent of all the medical visit in India are made by ruralites with majority
com/store/apps/details?id=com. still travelling more than 100 km to avail health care facility 2.Today, only 1 in 10 people
in need have access to medical assistive and protective devices & technologies.
Email: dchat01@gmail.com

Connected Healthcare Solution 7
Healthcare, Education & Governance

Connected Healthcare-a medical revolution in India post Covid-19 Name: Dr Arefa Sultana
Phone: +91-8056087718
This solution consists of an ambulance connected to a hospital over a 5G network
Email: arefas1234@gmail.com
via a 5G CPE configured specifically for emergency services.

Such tech can also be installed in major IT campuses across India, where health
check-up and diagnosis will be done without the physical presence of a doctor,
and the revenue generated from this can be used to upgrade 5G enabled rural
healthcare system.

Smart Healthcare - Cloud Based 8

Continuous Monitoring Remote
Healthcare, Education & Governance Name: Gitimayee Sahu
Phone: +91- 9321329056
Smart healthcare is cloud based continuous monitoring remote system Email: giti.sahoo@gmail.com
which allows users to receive alerts on abnormal body condition is detected.
This monitoring is done using various sensors, i.e. smart thermometer to
sphygmomanometer, glucometer, ECG and EEG which are integrated to Body
Area Network (BAN). After measuring the essential body parameters of the
patient, it combines the data and communicate wirelessly to store in IoT cloud

storage. The data can be accessed by the medico person and suggestion can be
given in terms of medicine and precautions on real time basis.

9 Interactive Expert Sessions
Healthcare, Education & Governance

Name: Gnanapriya Chidambaranathan Platform helps in engaging teachers and students in India’s rural areas through live

Phone: +91- 9945225257 classroom sessions, delivering on demand digital content, assessments across various

Website: www.infosys.com channels leveraging 5G, Edge Compute technology.

Email: gnanapriyac@infosys.com
Real life scenario: Students in rural classrooms attends interactive expert sessions.

10 IoT Enabled Eye Glass for Visually

Impaired Persons
Healthcare, Education & Governance
Name: Khaja Mohiddin Shaik As 5G communication technology is enriching the life experience of the people

Phone: +91-6304894975 through connectivity, there is immense potential opportunities for the government

Website: www.wipro.com and the industries to bring this technology to the masses of physically disabled people
like visually impaired persons by birth or those who lost their eyes due to unfortunate
Email: khaja.shaik@wipro.com
incidents/accidents and they need constant real time assistance on their daily life’s
needs like identifying routes etc. this problem can be resolved by providing an IoT
enable eye glasses having high resolution camera on it to capture real time visual.

Smart Ambulance Solution 11
Healthcare, Education & Governance

Proposed smart ambulance solution will provide patient information to hospital Name: Kritarth Srivastava
and emergency medical technicians saving crucial time when the patient reaches Phone: +91- 9044172780
the hospital. It will be equipped with a sensor array to monitor patient vitals, an Email: iitj5ghackathon@gmail.com
interactive video feed to aid doctor(s) for essential instructions and intelligent
navigation and traffic management capabilities to ensure shortest service time.
Medical emergencies like birth, complex critical illness, suspected heart attack/
stroke, road accident and transporting patients to specialized healthcare facilities
are some real life scenarios.

Health Care: Remote Tele-Medicine 12

and Tele-Conferencing
Healthcare, Education & Governance
Health Care: Remote tele-medicine and tele-conferencing Name: Kumar
Phone: +91- 8072551801
This project is a virtual reality space for the doctor to meet the patient. The
Email: kumar.iitm.iimc@gmail.com
paramedical staff will perform the medical tests, give the required inputs &
facilitate the interaction.

13 The Ambupod Health Delivery and
Data Collection Platform
Healthcare, Education & Governance

Name: Lavanian Dorairaj Fullstack, cloud based application with an android frontend to provide telemedicine

Phone: +91- 9970921266 and Electronic Medical Records (EMR) capabilities for use in rural health via 5G

Website: www.ambupod.com connectivity. Provides daily healthcare and ambulance access to remote villages.

Email: lavanian@gmail.com

14 Real Time Remote Healthcare Over

High Throughput Data Networks
Name: Manu Sharma Healthcare, Education & Governance
Phone: +91- 9008900119
Website: www.radisys.com Solution provides real time remote healthcare over high throughput data networks
Email: manu.sharma@radisys.com (5G/Broadband).

A Patient is able to consult a doctor at a remote location.

The Doctor is able to examine the patient using the typical medical devices and

Diagnostics methods. These devices are controlled remotely by the doctor/medical

staff. Multiple medical experts can consult simultaneously. Patients measurements
are uploaded over the network periodically, stored and made available to multiple
parties as required.

Smart Ambulance Solution 15
Healthcare, Education & Governance

The solution is to develop a sensor and a device to measure the risk of asthma Name: NIKESH S
and other respiratory diseases in human body and to transfer the measured Phone: +91- 9344138488
data using 5G connectivity to cloud using IoT and app. Email: nikesh.bm19@bitsathy.ac.in

Leverages Technologies Like AR/ 16

VR, Video Analytics, Chatbots, IoT
Combined with 5G Network Slices
to Facilitate Telehealth Name: Nishi
Phone: +91- 9538894333
Healthcare, Education & Governance Website: http://www.infosys.com
Email: Nishi_Mathur@infosys.com
This solution leverages technologies like AR/VR, Video Analytics, Chatbots, IoT
combined with 5G Network Slices to facilitate telehealth (remote diagnostics/
consultation). This can be leveraged by on the move paramedics for remote
health care during normal situations, epidemic outbreaks (like Ebola, Corona.)

accidents and natural disasters.

17 A 3D Mouse for Smart Phones
Healthcare, Education & Governance
Name: Prashant Kumar Mishra Problem Statement: Present education system does not allow teacher or students to
Phone: +91- 8889500018 interact with educational content (3D models).
Email: mishrap@gmail.com
Solution: A 3D Mouse, works with all smart phones, by which Human Body, Engines,
Molecules etc. can be assembled/interacted.

18 VR / AR Over 5G Networks and AI

Services Enabled Remote Diagnosis
and Treatment of Diabetic
Name: Rajarajeshwari K
Phone: +91- 9108498050
Website: www.artelus.com Healthcare, Education & Governance
Email: ceo@firebirdvr.com
Use of VR and AR over 5G networks and AI services will enable remote diagnosis and
treatment of diabetic retinopathy without the need for a visit to a hospital.

Voice Program Tara (on Amazon 19
Alexa) for Virtually Teach
Anything to Anyone
Healthcare, Education & Governance

Quality of teachers in India is sliding down with every passing year. The solution Name: Ramamoorthy G

is to provide tech assistant that can be a great assistant to teachers. The voice Phone: +91- 9886627289

program Tara (on Amazon Alexa) can virtually teach anything to anyone. Email: amamoorthy.g@learningmatters.xyz

Health App 20
Healthcare, Education & Governance
The app brings the different spheres of heathcare together. For instance, doctors, Name: Ravi Prakash Gupta
hospitals, blood banks, patients etc. can use and benefit from a single platform. Phone: +91- 7978564292
Email: studypoint.ravi@gmail.com

21 CollabMedImaging -Tool for Real-
time Collaboration on Medical
Healthcare, Education & Governance
Name: Shailendra Singh Narwariya The solution is a tool for real-time collaboration on medical Images by which medical

Phone:+91-20-25503290 professional can share medical images with other medical professional. Both can

Website: www.cdac.in discuss and collaborate using medical imaging operation and annotations.

Email: shailendras@cdac.in In current scenario, medical imaging specialist at remote locations such as district
level hospitals are limited. The remote location doctor require help of medical imaging
specialist for advice / expert opinion.

This tool will assist remote doctor to discuss with specialist at real time for medical

22 Automated Real-Time Assistant for

Visually Challenged People Using
5G and Artificial Intelligence
Name: Subham Kundu Healthcare, Education & Governance
Phone: +91- 9748226256
Email: subhamkundu999@gmail.com Problem Statement: Challenges faced by visually challenged

The idea is to develop an automated real-time assistant for visually challenged people
using 5G and Artificial Intelligence.

Real-life scenario: a visually challenged person trying to commute on a busy road


would be seamlessly served with real-time processing of video streams of the dynamic
traffic and the surrounding.

Disprz 23
Healthcare, Education & Governance

A virtual live facilitation platform called Disprz helps deliver live training and Name: Subramanian Viswanathan

facilitation experiences at scale. Examples are remote online live tutoring of Phone: +91-9962151199
students and remote live virtual facilitation for skilling frontline workers. Website: www.disprz.com
Email: subbu.v@disprz.com

5G Enabled Network System and 24

Emergency Medical Service (EMS)
Healthcare, Education & Governance
Problem Statement: Concerns in emergency patient transport in India Name: Supriya Dilip Tambe
Phone: +91-7276315526
Problem Solution: propose to develop a 5G enabled multi-access computing
Email: cs18resch11002@iith.ac.in
based network system and provide location-aware services to monitor patients
during transit and fast traffic clearing.


BFIC, Cyber
Security Enterprise
Transformation &
Industry 4.0
How will 5G impact the
field of BFIC, cyber se-
curity enterprise trans-
formation and industry
4.0? What use cases
will be most relevant to

Banking, Cyber Security, Enterprise
Transformation & Industry 4.0

Numbers at a Glance Technologies making

In India, it is estimated that blockchain has
an impact
the potential to generate up to USD5 billion
in business value over the course of the
next five years Artificial Intelligence

Around 878 million bank accounts have
been linked with Aadhaar till March 2018 Cybersecurity

Digital payments in India is expected to Robotic Process Automation

double to USD 135.2 billion by 2023
Natural Language Processing
In Feb 2019, eleven banks in India joined Machine Vision
a blockchain-based trade finance network
that aims to digitize and automate the Image Recognition
entire trade finance process, under
Speech/Text Recognition
a consortium called the Blockchain
Infrastructure Company Machine Learning

Use Cases and Technology Implementation

Front office Middle office Back office

Sales and Distribution Risk Management AML

Cross-sell and upsell Underwriting automation Reducing false positives

Customer segmentation Portfolio risk analysis Intelligent customer and
Product recommendation Claims forecasting and transaction segmentation
Customer churn analysis investigation
Targeted distribution Reporting and MIS
Customer behavior analysis Fraud Management
Invoice automation
Customer Operations Fraud detection and Smart accounting
investigation Intelligent document check

Chatbots for higher Anomaly prediction Smart reconciliation, audit trail,

productivity, query resolution variance analysis
E-KYC customer onboarding
Portfolio management Compliance Management
Customer servicing
Image recognition to digitise
Product and Solutions documents
Automate legal disclaimers
Product pricing Intelligent text extraction
Personalised offerings
38 Financial advisory
ToneTag Chillr Senseforth Technologies Considerations for success of Bank-Fintech
1. HDFC Bank Proximity payments peer-to-peer and merchant AI customer response partnerships
payments Though there is a clear case for collaboration types of orga
NotifyVisitors Marketing and NetVigil Software Bugclipper
customer engagement Saas S2Pay, mobile QR code Quality assurance, in-app partnerships work requires a thorough understanding
payments feedback tool
of the end objective and role to be played by each
Taptis Technology Cardekho
Biometric payments Online new and used car dealer

Fin-tech Partnerships (India)…

Vayana Network Fastcash (PingPay) Paynear
2. Axis Bank End-to-end invoicing and Multi-social payment app End-to-end merchant-centric
payment solution mobile POS • Players have to work together keeping
view the regulatory/system limitations
Together with NASSCOM, mSwipe
within which banks have to operate
hosted a hackathon Mobile POS SCALABILITY
• Partnerships with banks could reduce the time
to market for new solutions, by leveraging
FSS existing bank networks
Bank in a BoxÕsolution for payment processing, card management, e-commerce and AEPS • Potential Ô
exclusivityÕarrangements between
banks and Þntech players have to be
customized not to overly constrain innovation

CreditMantri FundsTiger Probe42

4. Bank of Alternate, algorithmic credit Loans and other ancillary Information-as-a-Service
Baroda assessments products for MSMEs
• Joint developments undertaken by banks and
Þntech companies could have far reaching
impact on existing Þnancial products
Power2SME IndiaLends KredX • Impact on existing, non-tech savvy customers
Credit underwriting, analytics Invoice discounting platform for should be borne in mind e.g. digital-only
SMEs and lending marketplace SMEs
Fisdom • Trust in banks is built over decades of
Personal wealth management responsible risk management and
app regulatory experience
• Banks have to be selective in partnerin
with the right Þntech player
Ezetap Uber BankBazaar
5. State Bank Merchant acquisition through Online platform for home
of India mobile POS partners buyers

Snapdeal Established an INR 200 crore

SME credit; Created an online What does the future hold?
real-time analytics tool to assign companies players. Ban
credit scores to sellers on the
in India are evolving from mere vendor-customer dynamic cha
relationships to that of mentorship and investment by relevant in th

Ultracash Taisys Technologies (Taiwan) TimesofMoney allowing them early access to innovative technology biometric en
6. Yes Bank Sound based payment and NPCI Online remittance solution
that they might not have discovered otherwise.
processing Platform to issue mobile
Banks could use these platforms to experiment with that could be
inclusion new business models (e.g. digital-only banks) in an The entry of
attempt to spread risk and ensure faster rewards.
T-Hub (IndiaÕ s largest incubator) iSPIRIT with no choi
Centre of excellence for Fintech startups Fintech app store for Indian startups
the vast experience and infrastructure of the bank- otherÕs grow
mentor, resulting in quicker resolution of chinks in the
Partnerships Innovation initiatives Investments
proverbial tech armour.


Cyber Security


Numbers at a Glance 948 1030 1410 1643

million million million million
47.92% 52.07% 46.18% 53.81%
The cyber security market in India
is expected to grow from USD 1.97
billion in 2019 to USD 3.05 billion by
2022, at a compound annual growth
rate (CAGR) of 15.6 per cent
Values in USD

1.5x - The cyber security market

in India is expected to grow at one Services Products
and a half times the global market
growth rate

According to CERT there is a threefold increase in cyber security incidents

The cyber security market in India will be defined by three key sectors-Banking and Financial
Services Industry (BFSI), Information Technology (IT) and Information Technology enabled
Services (ITeS), and government. These sectors will constitute 68 per cent of the cyber 39
market share
Driving Factors
A favorable demographic dividend and an increasing literacy rate have resulted in an accelerated adoption
of a digital lifestyle and data consumption. This has in turn, resulted in an expansion of cyberattacks and
the need for introducing defence mechanisms at multiple touchpoints, including networks, endpoints,
applications, cloud, bots and Internet of Things (IoT) environments

Over 12.3 billion mobile applications were downloaded in India in 2018

The digital payments transaction value is estimated to grow at a CAGR of 20.2 per cent from approximately
USD 64.8 billion in 2019 to USD 135.2 billion in 2023

The number of social network users in the country is expected to grow from 326 million in 2018 to 422 million
in 2022

47.5 billion national e-transactions have been recorded in 2019, until November

The IT/ITeS sector is likely to witness growth in its security spend from USD 434 million n 2019 to USD 713
million by in 2019 to USD 713 million by 2022, at a CAGR of 18 per cent

BFSI, IT/ITeS and Sectors 2019 (USD Million) 2022 (USD Million) CAGR (%)

Government are the top BFSI 518 810 16.1

IT/ITeS 434 713 18.0
3 sectors with the largest Government 395 581 13.8
market share in cyber Others 630 949 14.6
Total 1977 3053 15.6
security expenditure in

Enterprise Transformation & Industry 4.0

Facts and Figures
60 per cent of the Indian IoT market is held by Industrial IoT

The MSME segment comprises of some 60 million enterprises and contributes to 45 per cent of the country’s
total manufacturing output

The demand for electronics in India in 2017–18 stood at USD 106.1 billion, of which domestic electronics
manufacturing fulfilled USD 59.6 billion

Global enterprise spending on technology and business services is likely to reach USD 4 trillion by 2025

Spending is likely to be on new digital technologies such as analytics, automation and artificial intelligence,
cloud, cybersecurity, mobile, and social media, at the expense of spending on legacy systems

There is expected to be a potential five-fold increase in economic value from India’s digital transformation
by 2025, which would create a rapidly growing market for a host of digital services, platforms, applications,

content, and solutions

India is the second-fastest digitizing country among a group of 17 mature and emerging digital economies

USD 385-USD 505 billion of economic value will come from the new and emerging eco-systems, which use
digital to increase efficiency

Industry 4.0 Key Technology Start-up Trends

IoT enables real-time machine-machine interaction by connecting them over Industry 4.0 could play a pivotal role
Internet of Things (IoT) 01. a network and help establish a connected value chain in boosting the manufacturing sector’s
share to 25 per cent of the India’s GDP
by 2022
Big Data Analytics 02. Data analytic capabilities to support intelligent and real time decision making
Industry 4.0 will give an edge to Indian
start-ups that are competing with
Cloud Computing 03. legacy producers

Industry 4.0 growth would be driven

Additive Manufacturing
by products and services such as
electric vehicles, smart products,
drones, digital twins and automation
AR could enhance business operations by leveraging mathematical modelling,
Augmented Reality 05.
AI and virtual reality
There are 50+ drone start-ups in
India today. The Indian drone market
Cyber security helps establish secured communication protocols to ensure
Cyber Security 06. data security
is expected to grow at a CAGR of 18
per cent by 2023 and reach USD 421
million by 2021
Robotics 07.
Tata Steel is working with Skylark
Drones to deploy drones at their
Machine-to-Machine involves the use of industrial instrumentation and Noamundi iron ore mines in Jharkhand
M2M 08. sensors to record and communicate data directly with software. for compliance & volumetric reporting

Automotive Security Solutions 1

BFIC, Cybersecurity & Enterprise Transformation
Industry 4.0 Name: Vishal Bajpai
Vehicles are cyber-physical systems (CPS); as a result, software vulnerabilities Phone: +91-73509 88670
can threaten human lives. Today, vehicles are more software-driven, meaning Website: www.securethings.ai
software security has a direct impact on safety. Internet connectivity is now Email: vishal.bajpai@securethings.ai
integral to the automotive ecosystem, be it cellular, bluetooth, GPS, and RF, etc.,
Over-the-Air (OTA) software updates, cloud backed services rely on “always-on”
connectivity. The downside is, this make the vehicle eco-system highly vulnerable.

There have already been attacks where cyber criminals can attack and remotely
take control of vehicle.

2 5G Edge Infrastructure
BFIC, Cybersecurity & Enterprise Transformation
Industry 4.0
Name: Apuroop Kalapala With 5G millimetre wave limitation, there will be macro cell network densification of

Phone: +91-7895661491 devices which will add to operations & management complexity leading to financial

Website: www.wipro.com constraints for the stakeholders.

Email: apuroop.kalapala@wipro.com
The solution envisions a new kind of ecosystem play based on a crowdsourcing model
with complete lifecycle management of 5G Edge services, immersive experience, real-
time parameter monitoring, and crowdsourcing based marketplace platform.

3 NextGen Smart Parking & Vehicle

Security Solutions
BFIC, Cybersecurity & Enterprise Transformation
Industry 4.0
Name: Karnan SPVSS -Smart Parking and Vehicle Security Solution - is an IoT combining software,

Phone:+91-9600657214 GSM, sensors and others using the 5G Network.

Website: www.spvss.com
The solution focuses on the safety of vehicles while parking to protect against damages
Email: spvssnet@gmail.com by intruders and the claiming of insurance via evidentiary proof. It tracks and enhances
the safety of public vehicles and the management of travel and transport.

This solution was design for COVID-19 crowd management and selected as one of the
ten finalist by the Government of Jharkhand and Atal Bihari Vajpayee Innovation Lab.

BFIC, Cybersecurity & Enterprise Transformation
Industry 4.0

COIN, is a proprietary low powered point to point mesh network of tiny low cost Name: Rahul
sensor nodes having an effective communication speed of 1 Mbps and self- Phone: +91-9986710699
healing and self-learning capabilities. COIN can perform predictive analyses and Website: www.sensegiz.com
asset tracking among other capabilities. Email: rahul@sensegiz.com

5G Small Cell 5
BFIC, Cybersecurity & Enterprise Transformation
Industry 4.0
The current solution comprise of Smart Pole with 5G Small Cell and Industrial Name: Srinivas
IoT Platform. Phone: +91-9620202673
Website: www.matrecomm.com
The Industrial IoT problem, that the solution would solve would be the safety of
Email: srinivas@matrecomm.com
personnel across the oil and gas industry or similar industries for e.g.: steel.

The poisonous gases which leak in industrial processes result in loss of life
and industrial hazards, which also ultimately result in the loss of revenue and
manpower. This solution will help prevent industrial accidents.

6 Autonomous Maintenance System
BFIC, Cybersecurity & Enterprise Transformation
Industry 4.0
Name: Santosh Prakash Oil & Gas rigs cost over 20 million USD for purchase and over 200K USD per day for

Phone: +91-9686999488 rental. ONGC has been drilling around 500 wells per year over the last few years.
Reducing Non-productive Time (NPT) is one of the key parameter.
Website: www.infosys.com
Email: santosh.prakash01@infosys.com
Infosys Autonomous Maintenance Platform Solution aims at achieving intelligent
ways of inspecting issues, providing maintenance, monitoring and resolving issues of
equipment’s which are critical for the operations to reduce NPT hours

Key Features are intelligent inspection, collaboration, real-time analytics, dashboard,

analytics and edge computing.

7 Hyper-Secure Messaging App

BFIC, Cybersecurity & Enterprise Transformation
Industry 4.0

Name: Sushmita Kaneri Insecure messaging apps have led the Indian Army officers to deactivate Facebook

Phone: +91-9403311409 and WhatsApp. The app development in progress is a hyper secure messaging app
with AI & Quantum Encryption which will auto-recover and generate attack reports.
Website: www.arishti.com
Email: kanerisushmita@gmail.com

IoT Infrastructure for Remittance 8
& Payment Activities
BFIC, Cybersecurity & Enterprise Transformation
Industry 4.0
Finaara a FINTECH company which provides IT and ITES solution for various Name: Uthayashankar

verticals. It offers technologies and its services including Artificial Intelligence, digital Phone: +91-99419009030
transformation, Smart City solution, eKYC, dynamic compliance, interfacing different Website: www.finaara.com
solution and many more. Email: partners@finaara.com

Remitblock a digital transformation and blockchain integrated Fintech platform

coupled with several high-end IoT or IoP including an Innovative AVRM Automated
Verifiable Remittance Machine, blockchain based solution for money transfer and
related financial activities.

The custom Fintech solutions or tailor-made software solution for Fintech or related
services to have the next generation of digital technologies.

DNA Coding To Encrypt 9

Military Data.
BFIC, Cybersecurity & Enterprise Transformation
Industry 4.0
Military communications use different frequencies to send signals to other Name: Vinothkumar M
radios and to satellites. The battlefield is typically a disruptive environment, Phone: +91-7358905150
often called DIL (Disconnected, Intermittent and Limited) and are the barriers Email: vinothkumara2008@gmail.com
for communication. This is a major problem currently faced by the military. The
solution uses DNA coding to encrypt the data. By applying DNA cryptography,
the limitations in the spiral transposition and the color palettes can be rectified.


Broadcast &
How will 5G impact
the field of multimedia
broadcast and other?
What use cases
will be most relevant to

Multimedia & Broadcast
5G Key Opportunities & Impact in Media and
New Advertising • Transitioning traditional banner-based • New ways to monetize engagement and
Formats And advertising to moving images, video especially interaction brought by AR, VR, and haptics.
Measurement • Digital and social advertising transformation – • Less-intrusive ads mean more opportunity for
integration and customization with immersive ad-supported premium services (e.g., ads in
experiences. Netflix).
• Real-time dynamic measurement of ad
effectiveness through eye tracking, biometrics,
• New ad formats in AR and VR.
Empowered Gaming • 5G AR gaming will be very large (>90% of all AR • Virtual objects to be used in games for AR and
Experiences revenues). VR.
• 5G-reduced lag to unlock cloud gaming on • Network-dependent gaming experiences such
mobile. Haptic suits and VR to transform as cloud gaming more likely to push
gaming experience. subscription models
• Pay per sensation/feel on haptic suits.
Virtual Environments As • An entirely new way for consumers to interact • Virtual items can be bought via in-app
New Media Channels with content transactions or bundled in with digital media
• Engagement levels to be much higher because purchases (e.g., movie, music video).
of immersion • Highly valued engagement could be priced on
• Create a real connection between artist and a per event or per minute basis for celebrities.
fan. • New advertising formats.
A New Sensory • Haptic suits combined with high • A new sense means an entirely new way to
Dimension To responsiveness of 5G network will bring touch monetize entertainment
Entertainment sensation over the internet • Different levels or sensations could be
• Realistic immersion when combined with high unlocked for different price tiers.
quality VR.

OTT Platform Trends

OTT video platform revenue projections

OTT Platform Trends CAGR (FY19-24)


150 33%


50 44%
FY18 FY19 FY20P FY21P FY22P FY23P FY24P 37%
48 OTT video platform advertising Digital video subscription
Total digital video market
With over 30 OTT platforms in India, and tremendous growth in video consumption, the landscape has evolved rapidly
across ecosystem

The subscription revenues have registered an increase of 3x in 2019, amounting to INR 12 billion from direct
subscription and telco partnership

Telco partnership has emerged as crucial revenue source generating around 35 per cent of the overall OTT revenue

OTT players have been focusing on deep distribution strategy with alliances with OEMs, cable TV and DTH operators
etc. along with Telcos

Digital Advertising Spending (India) Regional language revenue share set

to grow

INR (BN) 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 CAGR % Market is concentrated however, new
opportunities are emerging
Video 53 77 102 141 197 276 39%
Search 51 67 85 101 119 140 22% Performance metrics replaces views
and clicks
Display 46 55 66 78 92 106 18%
Classified 9 11 12 14 15 17 12% BFSI leads in adoption of digital
Total 160 210 266 333 423 539 28% marketing spend

Gigamesh E-band Backhaul 1

for 5G
Multimedia & Broadcast & Others
Fibre-like capacity is needed at every 5G site but deploying fibre at each site Name: Vivek Tripathi
is not feasible due to cost and access related constraints. Only 22 per cent of Phone: +91-9916912037
towers in India are fiberised and rest are connected through microwave links Website: www.astrome.net
which provide at the best 270Mbps capacity to a cell site whereas 5G networks Email: bd@astrome.co
require multi-Gbps capacity. GigaMesh solution of Astrome provides fibre-like
backhaul capacity required at 5G cell sites at a fraction the cost of fibre. From
one node, GigaMesh can provide up to 40 links of up to 2+ Gbps capacity/link
and a range of up to 10 kilometers.

2 Smart Bins
Multimedia & Broadcast & Others
Name: Aayush Shrivastava The solution proposes an energy efficient and low cost prototype system for recycling

Phone: +91-8463823455 bins. In an attempt to ease sorting during waste disposal, the system identifies the type

Email: aayushshrivastava276@gmail.com of waste material which is being discarded and automatically opens the corresponding
bin. Being battery operated and providing real-time service guarantees that downtime
due to power shortage will be kept at a minimum. The approach focuses on a novel
wake-up technique applied to an Arduino microcontroller which controls the opening
and closing of the bin lids.

3 Posture Monitoring Sportswear by

Tweek Labs
Multimedia & Broadcast & Others

Name: Anant Sharma The project enables motion capture sportswear and provides real-time sports

Phone: +91-8368623613 performance analytics based on the data. The technology available to professional
athletes for analyzing their performance is costly and only a few people have access
Website: www.tweek-labs.com
to the setup. At the same time, even after having such a setup, not everyone has the
Email: anant@tweek-labs.com
knowledge of making sense of the data that is generated from such systems. The
app generates as well as analyzes the data of the athletes and provide them with
information about the science of their sports. For example, it will give analytics about
how to have the correct posture when a batsman is batting.

Developing and Demonstrating 4
Useful Physical Layer
Enhancements to 5G NR
Multimedia & Broadcast & Others
The project is focused around developing and demonstrating useful physical Name: Chandra Murthy
layer enhancements to 5G NR that are going to be especially crucial in the Indian Phone: +91-9900194025
context. For example, consider the low mobility large cell (LMLC), a major use- Website: https://ece.iisc.ac.in/~5G-Testbed/
case scenario in the Indian context. The question to be answered is: how to Email: cmurthy@iisc.ac.in
provide consistent quality of service in rural India when the inter-site distances
are large? The project aims to accomplish this by leveraging two key technologies:
cell-free and dynamic time-division duplex communications.

5G Enabled Real-Time Music 5

Multimedia & Broadcast & Others
In India, as the travelling costs of airlines are not that affordable to the common Name: Dewanshu Pratihar
man, concerts are not able to attract the crowd. This acts as a roadblock for the Phone: +91-7052378759
expansion of our USD 1.2 billion music industry. Email: dewanshu.pratihar@gmail.com

Developing a platform, empowered by 5G, which can host live virtual concerts for
the audience who would like to enjoy the live music through their devices. For
instance, a tabla player and a sitarist can play their respective instruments from
their respective homes, collaborating & broadcasting their audio and video over

the platform.

6 Automated Railway Track
Multimedia & Broadcast & Others
Name: Experion Technologies Emerging The solution is automated railway track monitoring using drones and LIDAR sensors
Tech Team for defect checking.
Phone: 0471 3047317, 3047312
The solution uses single or multiple drones equipped with LIDAR sensor, GPS, 5G
Website: www.experionglobal.com
connection and 4K video camera.
Email: aslam.ahammed@experionglobal.com

Automated controlling of the drones

7 Saankhya Labs 5G Broadcast

Multimedia & Broadcast & Others

Name: Jyotsna Video traffic is expected to be 82 per cent of all consumer Internet traffic by 2022.

Phone: +91-8061171000 This exponential rise in video consumption will likely choke the telecom network, so
network operators are looking at more efficient video delivery mechanisms.
Website: www.saankhyalabs.com
Email: jyotsna.vibhuti@saankhyalabs.com
Saankhya Labs 5G Broadcast is an indigenous next-gen data and video offload
platform. The video traffic can be more efficiently delivered by a cellularized low power
broadcast network. It uses “smart” instead of “fat” pipes to deliver linear and OTT video
services, exploiting broadcasting’s 'One–to–Infinite' architecture in conjunction with
the mobile unicast networks.

Advanced mm-Wave Systems 8
for Informatics at Gigabit
Multimedia & Broadcast & Others
Proposal for a 5G mmWave (around 26 GHz) link solution over a range of 10s of Name: KJ Vinoy
metres, typically for a conference or a large class room. This solution, named as Phone: +91-9845239381
Advanced MM-wAve Systems for INformatics at Gigabit (AMMAZING) comprises
Email: kjvinoy@iisc.ac.in
of embedded hardware and software for streaming multiple independent high-
quality (HD and 4K) video streams, on demand. A high throughput transmitter
link will connect the video server to about TEN clients. In the proposed hybrid
scheme, requests from users (uplink) to the video server will be implemented
using an existing wireless standard such as Wi-Fi.

5G Beam Tracker 9
Multimedia & Broadcast & Others
Rapid beam alignment variations and environmental factors causing loss of line Name: Rishav Agarwal
of sight conditions. The solution provides user awareness of 5G signal and data Phone: +91-8143625231
rate in vicinity using sensors by applying Machine Learning. Email: rishav.a@samsung.com

10 Smart Ring - A Communication
Device For Visually Impaired
Multimedia & Broadcast & Others
Name: Mohammad Shairose Ahmed A visually impaired person has very restricted use of a smartphone, as one would

Phone: +91-8106996014 prefer a quick chat rather than a voice call. So to ease communication, smart ring

Website: www.mhfictio.com accesses text and other messages.

Email: admin@mhfictio.com

11 VR Enabled Remote Advanced

Machine Operating Via 5G
Name: Parvathi Chandrasekaran
Multimedia & Broadcast & Others
Phone: +91-8105567825
Website: www.innominds.com, RAMO5G is a smart robotic arm which can be controlled remotely to perform assistive
www.rri.res.in task in various verticals for labour intensive tasks to minimize human interaction. For
Email: pchandrasekaran@innominds.com example, Hospitals can use these devices in quarantine wards and possibly in ICUs,
to assist people with contagious diseases, thereby minimizing need for direct contact
of nurses and doctors, in turn protecting their lives and service availability as well as
the lives of other ICU patients.

Smart Goggles 12
Multimedia & Broadcast & Others
The solution solves the problem of 3 million hearing and speech impaired people Name: Prasad Deshmukh
in India who face problems in communication on a daily basis. The solution Phone: +91-8446356628
consists of Smart Goggles that translate sign language into English and vice- Email: deshmukhprasadm@gmail.com

iSpeakFree (Pocket Interpreter) 13

Multimedia & Broadcast & Others
The hearing and speech impaired community is one of the most sidelined Name: Sanket Bijawe
communities in India and find it very difficult to communicate well with others. Phone: +91-9545037289
The best way they could communicate with someone is to hire a sign language Email: bijawesanket@gmail.com
or an expert who will translate sign language to speech. But its drawbacks are
that one will have to pay the expert on an hourly basis and it is not feasible for
the expert to be present physically always. To remove the social barrier, a mobile
application can convert sign language to speech and vice versa in real-time.

14 LIVE(ly) Events Powered by 5G
Multimedia & Broadcast & Others
Name: Shivam Bharadwaj To virtualize large scale commercialized sports events in order to maximize the sports

Phone: +91-9997837988 reach to larger section of audience and providing them rich immersive experience

Email: shivamb45@yahoo.in
their Favorite sports even from a remote location.

Leveraging the advancements in VR, AI producing a rich interactive 360° VR experience

allowing the audience to experience the event in Real Time (live) with options of
panning and zooming at angles of their liking, streamed on 5G network. For e.g. -
Cricket Matches ( IPL ), Concerts etc.

15 Auto Junkyard Inventor

Management Solutions
Name: Shunmugasundaram S
Multimedia & Broadcast & Others
Phone: +91-9943377114
Email: shan.welkin@gmail.com Junkyards are a highly disorganized sector, operating in a very erratic manner making
it very difficult to locate the right spare parts, assure the quality and procure at correct

The project brings in effective technology in the day to day operation of a junkyard
which helps in locating spare parts with no delay, assures quality and keeping it pocket

Railway Track Inspection Bot 16
Multimedia & Broadcast & Others
Railway Track inspection Name: Vasanth K
Phone: +91-9489796514
The solution is to develop a bot for automatic inspection of the railway track
Email: 17tuee243@skct.edu.in

Life Of Girl 17
Multimedia & Broadcast & Others
Problem - Open crimes against women. A woman standing alone in a stranded Name: Vignan
bus stop being harassed by a stranger. Phone: +91-8309509427
Website: https://www.lifeofgirl.org
The solution features:
Email: lifeofgirl.team@gmail.com

1) Auto-detect & raise SOS automatically

2) SOS authentication and intensity

3) Safety score of a place and safest routes.



Public Safety
& Disaster
How will 5G impact the
field of environment,
public safety and disas-
ter management? What
use cases
will be most relevant to

Environment, Public Safety &
Disaster Management
Between 2019-20, the government spent USD 3.31 billion on disaster relief and
Developments in
disruptive technologies Drones can be used for pre-disaster surveys to enable disaster risk planning.
They can also help in providing an aerial view of disaster impacted areas. The
such as internet of total value of the drone industry and market in India is estimated to be around
things (IoT), artificial USD 885.7 million, i.e. 4.13 percent of the global market size by 2021

intelligence (AI), AI enables combining multiple data points and overlaying with thematic maps
drone technology, (natural resources, heat, topographical) to identify disaster impact areas. In
India, investments in AI increased by 109.6 percent during 2018 alone to reach
predictive analytics, total investment size of USD 665 million
risk modelling,
It is expected that the AI market will be valued at USD 11,782 million in 2025,
remote sensing etc. growing at a CAGR of 39 percent between 2019 and 2025
are transforming
India public safety by an IoT application will be valued at USD 102.25 million
the field of disaster by 2023
risk reduction and
To support disaster risk response, wireless mesh network (WMN) systems are
management being used to enable communication and information dissemination

Geographic Information System (GIS) is the mostly widely used tool for
mapping disasters and creating a database at the national and local level
According to O2, 5G will help to remove 181 megatons of CO2 from the
atmosphere by 2035

According to O2, 5G will help to remove 181 megatons of CO2 from the
atmosphere by 2035

IoT in Public Safety in India Market (Million USD)


25.56 76.69

Disaster Management Application

Other Public Safety Applications

At an estimated capital cost of USD 53,800 (INR 3.5 million)/MW, Indian utilities will spend
USD 8.5 billion on installation of FGD systems over a 7- to-10-year timeframe
Operators of the existing 187,000 MW of plants will have to spend USD 8 billion collectively
to meet environment standards
Air Pollution Control
Plants built after 2015 will need to remove 85 per cent of NOx at an estimated annual invest-
ment of USD 1.5 billion
New NOx controls and FGD technologies are predicted to increase the value of India’s air
pollution control market to more than 70 billion dollars within the next seven years

The country generates about 62 million tons of municipal solid waste (MSW) per year
The government has allocated approximately USD 1.11 billion for solid waste management
Solid Waste Management projects in urban areas
and Recycling Hazardous and medical waste management industry in India is estimated to be USD 280 billion
by 2020

Current treatment capacity is estimated to be about 31 per cent of wastewater generation

The Indian Planning Commission estimates that USD 126 billion of capital investment is
required over the next 15 years to meet India’s basic potable water and sanitation needs
Water and Waste Water Industrial process and wastewater is a rapidly growing segment of the Indian water market,
Treatment estimated to reach USD 2 billion in revenues by 2020 and is expected to grow 20- -25 per cent
a year
The DMIC plans to establish seven new industrial cities with estimated forthcoming water and
wastewater capital investments of USD 90 billion

Drones for Disaster Management 1

Environment, Public Safety & Disaster Management
During natural disaster it would take time for people to reach the affected region Name: Aditya D Nair
and analyse instead a drone can be send which does preliminary analysis. The Phone: +91-7892535113
project is dual rover and a drone and the same is patented. Email: adityadileepnair@gmail.com

2 Camera Drones for Disaster
Environment, Public Safety & Disaster Management

Name: Annesya Banerjee Current camera drones are inefficient for search tasks in low light, fog, occlusions (e.g.

Phone: +91-9231662124 to find victims from under debris after earthquakes). The solution proposes a drone
system to listen to the signs of survivors and find the exact location of the victim.
Website: https://www.ju-uav-robotics-
Email: banerjee.annesya1999@gmail.com

3 Internet Of Drone Platforms

Environment, Public Safety & Disaster Management

Current drones do not have BVLOS capabilities sophisticated enough to fly in urban
Name: Ayush Jindal
areas. This can be answered by Internet of Drone platforms which enables long-range
Phone: +91-9711332975
mission and ensures constant connection and feedback using telecom connections.
Website: www.vizzbee.com
The solution was put in use for surveillance of COVID containment zones of Bhopal.
Email: ayush@vizzbee.com
However, video streamed to command centre has a high lag and low resolution,
mandating the need of police force on the ground along with feed using RF and limiting
the range to 2 kilometers. This can be overcome by using 5G bandwidth for systems

Public Safety Network and 4
Mission Critical Services For
Fishermen At Sea
Environment, Public Safety & Disaster Management
Public Safety Network and Mission Critical Services for Fishermen at Sea to build, Name: Dhanesh Raj
and deploy a cost effective long range communication system for fishermen Phone: +91-9846309356
at sea that provides mission critical services including Marine Internet, early Website: https://www.amrita.edu/
warning alerts, location aware information dissemination with help of dynamically center/awna

evolving heterogeneous infrastructure network. Email: dhaneshraj@ieee.org

Real life scenarios including disasters like Ockhi affected poor fishermen due to
a lack of a timely warning, missing of fishing vessels, collision between ships and

5G Radio Dot System with a 5

Drone for Disater Management
Environment, Public Safety & Disaster Management
Aftermath of natural disasters is troublesome in terms of the lack of power, Name: Divya Sundar
connectivity to people and weak signal source. The solution is simple, and Phone: +91-9840489221
efficient and uses Ericsson 5G Radio Dot system with a drone which can act as Email: divya.sundar@ericsson.com
mobile base station/Wi-Fi.

6 Automated Women Safety
Environment, Public Safety & Disaster Management

Name: Jamsheed Kormath The solution addresses the problem of women safety and provides an automated

Phone: +91-9845741989 handling of end to end emergency event, starting from detection, strategy selection
and all the way till roll-out of the action plan improving the effectiveness of intervention.
Email: jamshy@gmail.com

7 Person Reidentification System

Environment, Public Safety & Disaster Management

For UAV based surveillance, present facial recognition techniques aren’t feasible. The
Name: Neelabhro Roy
solution proposes a person re-identification system which can be used for person
Phone: +91-9871279992
tracking. The solution can effectively track suspected COVID-19 patients without much
Email: neelabhro16171@iiitd.ac.in
human interference.

Disaster Management Drones 8
Environment, Public Safety & Disaster Management
The project will be developing the system for the swarm operations of drones Name:Nikhil Patel
which will be used for public surveillance from the aerial way and also for the Phone: +91-9712383527
analysis and the 3D mapping of the disaster affected region and act to the Email: 17bec068@nirmauni.ac.in

The major characteristic is providing security to the public service, and it is

scalable as swarm intelligence developed using 5G can be used anywhere in

Smoke Diver Helmet Using 5G 9

Environment, Public Safety & Disaster Management
Target audience are fire rescue personnel. As urbanization and concerns about Name: Sanjeetha U
safety widen, the demand for fire protection equipment is expected to increase Phone: +91-8056118583
proportionally. The prototype integrates head-mounted AR display, optical Email: sanjee581@gmail.com
thermal camera, cloud computing, sensitive active noise cancellation, sensor data
for monitoring rescue personnel health & toxicity in air and target acquisition.

10 5G Multi-access Edge Computing
(mec) Enabled Intelligent Transport
Service for Public Safety
Environment, Public Safety & Disaster Management
Name: Shwetha V 5G-Multi-access Edge Computing (MEC) enabled Intelligent Transport Service for

Phone: +91-918971611526 public safety. The use case falls in public safety with specific attention for women and
children safety.
Email: cs19resch01001@iith.ac.in

Goal is to use the Multi-access Edge Computing enabled 5G networks support/

environment to send the rescue team to the detected location of host/victim, at the

11 Fixed Wing UAVs For Firefighting

Environment, Public safety & disaster management

Name: Subham Acharya India lacks 65 per cent of Fire stations and this issue is repeatedly raised in the Lok

Phone: +91- 7008621775 Sabha since 2017. Odisha is ranked 1 in 2018 in number of fire spots. Fixed wing UAVs
will be used for firefighting purposes using drop method and low cost mini missile
Email: sunlyrin@gmail.com

Emergency Services App 12
Environment, Public Safety & Disaster Management
The solution is to build an app and web which reduces the time taken by the Name: Tushar Marwaha
emergency services like ambulance/police to reach the needy. Auto calculation Phone: +91- 8826339876
of location, time taken to reach and real time route monitor with trail auditing Email: tushar17may@icloud.com
avoids confusion such as under which police station's area crime happened. The
time taken in process of calling and reaching of ambulance is reduced which
increases the probability of saving the life. The app ensure the fastest reach of
emergency services whenever a person is in need.

Smart Helmets 13
Environment, Public Safety & Disaster Management
Accidental deaths of riders happen mostly because not wearing helmet and
delayed reporting of the accident. Smart application integrated an helmet will
use 5G technology to report the accident. Helmet is integrated with application. Name: Umang

It will notify the emergency contacts/family on accident. Ambulance and nearest Phone: +91- 9137206790

hospitals will be alerted. Future R&D scopes on holographic lens face shield, Email: umang.somani@somaiya.edu
voice control assistant for both iOS/Android.


Logistics &

How will 5G impact

the field of logistics and
transportation? What
use cases will be most
relevant to India?

Opportunities and Use cases


Vehicle Passenger Parking

GIS Tracking Information Management

Ramp Freight Traffic

Management Information Management


And Route

Detection Vessel
Tracking Smart Transportation
)Road, Rail, Air, Water(

Technologies Reshaping the Transportation and
Logistics Space

Internet of Things Technology

Big Data Analytics

Cloud Computing

Start-up Trends

Number Growth Popular

of Funded )since 2014( Illustrative Start-ups
Start-ups Use-cases

Battery Tech V2X Connectivity Affordable intra-city commute

with Bike-taxis
Mobility 30+ HIGH Fleet Management ADAS
App-based ride pooling
Safety and Security Vehicle – as–a-service platform for office commute

Warehouse Equipment and On-demand B2B focused

Management Goods Tracking delivery service
Equipment and
SCM & Logistics 70+ MEDIUM Goods Tracking Route Optimisation
Logistics management software
for SCM Optimisation
Hyperlocal Delivery Demand Forecasting

Growth of Mobility Start-ups in India

is over 50% since 2014

1 Private 5G Network in Railway
Logistics & Transportation
Name: Anoop Idea is to deploy the private 5G network in railway stations and enhance the user

Phone: +91-8590698697 experience and railway security operations to the next level by using 5G capabilities.

Email: anoop.manikoth1@wipro.com

2 Monitoring of Shipping Containers

Logistics & Transportation

Name: Ashish Kumar Singh As India is a major importer of goods from shipping containers so the management

Phone: +91-9109686794 and tracking of the goods coming in those containers become an essential task. With
5G's ability to support a massive number of static and mobile IoT devices the solution
Website: www.wipro.com
can track the exact movement of large number of containers along with various other
Email: ashish.singh84@wipro.com
parameters like temperature, humidity, sudden shock etc. The tracking can be done
end to end, with edge processing at ports and ships with those massive IoT devices.

Parking Management 3
Logistics & Transportation

The solution addresses problems which are found in metropolitan cities where Name: Dhiraj Chandiramani

there is no proper management of parking spaces and there is congestion, Phone: +91-8097198258
accidents, obstruction to fire-fighting operation, effects on environment etc. Email: dhiraj.chandiramani@here.com

Remote Car Control 4

Logistics & Transportation
The project proposes a remotely driven car which can be controlled by an Name: Himanshu Tyagi
operator over a multimodal communication network. The implementation will Phone: +91-8861973888
include both vehicles (an electric vehicle modified for remote operation) and Website: https://ece.iisc.ac.in/~5G-
communication network (including cellular and Wi-Fi components). The primary Testbed/v2x.html

application is that of a remotely controlled taxi, which offers all the benefits of Email: htyagi@iisc.ac.in
an autonomous vehicle while retaining jobs and reliability of a human operator.
Furthermore, the application can be used for driving in hazardous conditions
such as open mines.

5 Driver Monitoring & Assisting
Logistics & Transportation
Name: Naveksha Sood Road Accidents due to human error & driving malpractices.

Phone: +91-9805041642
Driver monitoring & assisting device to avoid casualties due to drunk driving, fatigue,
Website: www.dndrodhak.in
rash driving & traffic rules violation. Data collection for legal & insurance purposes.
Email: dndrodhak@gmail.com

6 AI Enabled Aerial Delivery Service

Logistics & Transportation

Name: Nishant Singh Rana Globally 3.5 billion people, 244 million in India live in rural areas with improper road

Phone: +91-9953162607 infrastructure making it very difficult for healthcare to provide health support on time.

Website: www.vyorius.com
Vyorius is an AI enabled aerial delivery service accessible through a mobile app to
Email: nishantsinghrana123@gmail.com
enable healthcare providers penetrate into remote inaccessible areas where primary
health providers can get daily supplies at a press of a button.

AI-based "Tracking Assistant" 7
Logistics & Transportation

The solution addresses the core problem of logistics- Transparency. The current Name: Venkata Sai Kiran Thatikondai
COVID situation is a classic example of how lack of transparency in Supply Chain Phone: +91-9920553987
can harm all the customers. The solution Kelvin tracks key parameters like Website: www.adaptideations.com
temperature, location, humidity and other parameters of assets like medicines, Email: saikiran@adaptideations.com
food and beverages and report to the owners in real time. This IoT data will
enable owners to take decisions.



Smart Cities
& Infrastructure
How will 5G impact the
field of smart cities and
infrastructure? What use
cases will be most relevant
to India?

Opportunities and Use cases

Smart Mobility Smart Building Smart Utilities

• Building Energy
• Smart Ticketing • HVAC Control
• Traffic Management • Advanced Metering
• Lighting
System Infrastructure
• Parking Management • Meter Data
• Energy Information
• Traffic Surveillance Management
• Passenger Information • Meter Data Analytics
• Emergency Management
System • Smart Meters
• Video Surveillance
• Connected Logistics • Distribution Management
• Fire Protection
• Asset Tracking & System
• Environmental
• Substation Automation
Monitoring Control
• Access Control

Smart Education

Smart Healthcare

Citizen Smart Public Safety

Smart Street Lighting

E - Governance

1 Semi-automated VR Enabled
Surveillance Drone
Smart Cities & Infrastructure
Name: Abishek Implementing a semi-autonomous surveillance drone at emergency locations and

Phone: +91-+919962597548 provide surveillance with advanced control and awareness. This kind of solution

Email: abishekv.denvik@gmail.com will be essential in a hostile situation where quick scouting and reckoning are much
important before engaging and also in case of traffic management to assist the field
policeman to monitor & control traffic on dense roads.

2 Satark-Real-Time Fatigue and

Intoxication Detection System
Smart Cities & Infrastructure

Name: Dr Kunwar Singh Real-time Fatigue and Intoxication Detection System to prevent untoward incidents.

Phone: +91-9711177638 The system operates capturing data through a pool of sensors and streaming the data
from mobile edge computing platform to a server deployed with Machine Learning
Email: kunwar.singh@nsut.ac.in
algorithms for analyses and generation of alerts

Helps in real-life scenarios like avoiding accidents in vehicles, locomotives, industrial

production units due to human negligence

Smart Vehicle Management System 3
Smart Cities & Infrastructure
The problem of poor accident management in our country is very rampant. This Name: Kshitij Thakur
can be solved using IoT, 5G technology and AI. With the help of an IoT device Phone: +91-7875449141
mounted in vehicles. Accident data like driver location medical reports can
Email: tkshitij16@gmail.com
be transferred on 5G network to cloud & their AI based operation will help in
managing the accidents like informing hospitals and home.

SCITY AI Driven Smart City 4

Smart Cities & Infrastructure
The current solution aims in building Secure City by using the new radio Name: Mohit Kumar Singh
technology like 5G with machine learning intelligence. It will help in addressing Phone: +91- 9711682297
the real life problems like finding a criminal, infected person, lost person, Email: cs17mtech11015@iith.ac.in
handling the emergency conditions. Example: Locating all the places visited
by a COVID-19 infected person to inform other who visited same place may
quarantine themselves.

5 Air Pollution Monitoring
Device (APMD)
Smart Cities & Infrastructure

Name: Payali Das A solar energy harvesting capable air pollution monitoring device (APMD) with on
board PM Sensor & 5G mMTC communication protocol. The developed board can be
Phone: +91- 9402510661
mass-produced and deployed for dense pollution monitoring on a large scale without
Email: Payali.Das@ee.iitd.ac.in
worrying about manual intervention for recharging. The developed solution is cost-
effective as well as energy sustainable.

6 Secured IoT Solution for Smart

Smart Cities & Infrastructure

Name: Prasanth The solution secures the IoT data transaction using distributed ledger technology.

Phone: +91-9891179819 Though LPWAN standards support encryption techniques, attackers may intercept
the messages and replace them with false data, such as false smart meter readings,
Email: blp2k8@gmail.com
modify the detection of critical information from sensors or mimic the sensor data
which may cause damage to the equipment or even cause damage to the critical
infrastructure such as an industry or power plant.

Public Safety using Facial 7
Smart Cities & Infrastructure
The solution proposal involves developing a video analytics solution that can Name: Prashant Viswanathan
perform facial recognition to for real-time situational awareness that can aid law Phone: +91-8660715948
enforcement. The video streams come from high resolution 4K cameras.
Website: www.radisys.com
Email: prashant.viswanathan@radisys.com
The security problem in densely populated areas is addressed. The solution will
provide real-time detection of persons of interest so that law-enforcement can
be enabled to act proactively.

5GTTH Product For Smart Home 8

Smart Cities & Infrastructure
Problem of extending fiber to every home at rural India especially which are far Name: Rabindranath Bera
apart from fiber control rooms is practically impossible Phone: +91-7908098521
Email: rbera50@gmail.com
This is a wireless based solution. The 5G TTH product is a recent development
which can be installed in homes as alternate solution to FTTH

9 Collaborative Live Video Analytics
for Large Camera Deployments
using 5G
Smart Cities & Infrastructure
Name: S Irene There are massive deployments of cameras in dense urban environments.

Phone: +91-9940320384 Some of the challenges are:

Email: irenes@cdac.in • Real-time tracking of people or vehicles over larger areas

• To perform collaborate video analytics.
Video streams are monitored in real time to track VIP/any vehicle using 5G, deep
learning technologies and high compute capability. It is difficult for the officer at the
centralized surveillance centre where thousands of video cameras are viewed, to
keep live tracking of the vehicle across multiple video streams. The car is followed or
tracked as it drives through the city streets

10 Giy Traffic & Crowd Visuals on

the Go
Smart Cities & Infrastructure
Name: Sandeep Nag During monsoon and public protests city roads are either flooded or crowded.

Phone: +91- 8369353947 This creates traffic snarls resulting in loss of life or property due to no visualization
of flooded or crowded road. Hence citizen and city administration are clueless.
Email: sandeep.nag@gmail.com
Horizontally scalable architecture ensures video streaming from various 5G enabled
CCTV cameras. Streaming access enabled only to registered subscribers over secured

Water Distribution Management 11
Smart Cities & Infrastructure
Automatic water pumping, data analytics on water availability in overhead tanks Name: Vaishali Chinnayya
and basement tanks, consumption, and leakage detection. Identifying the water Phone: +91- 9535271529
quality TDS, Ph, various water consumption metrics based on pin code, area, city, Email: vaishalicmath@gmail.com
automated billing

This IoT solution is highly scalable from hardware and software point of view. The
entire IoT platform is highly secured with all the security measures. Also the data
collected from water tanks is analysed and computed

5G & V2X Solution 12

Smart Cities & Infrastructure
5G & V2X Solution- A future-ready & micro-service driven Airlinq Edge control for Name: Varun Gurjar
software defined connected cars ensures in-vehicle service autonomy with high Phone: +91- 9769409844
precision, low latency, and granular abstraction of contextual data. Website: www.airlinq.com
Email: varun.gurjar@airlinq.com
The goal is to broadcast mission critical information to and from vehicles
and infrastructure in proximity for any incident along the road via V2V & V2I




100 S H O R T L I S T E D U S E C A S E S Frome this year:

5G Hackathon

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