Corporate Customer Relationship Form: City Exchange LLC
Corporate Customer Relationship Form: City Exchange LLC
Corporate Customer Relationship Form: City Exchange LLC
Office # 104, DOC@4, Dubai Outsource City, Dubai, UAE
We thank you for your evincing interest in dealing with City Exchange.
We City Exchange comply with the regulations of the Central Bank of UAE and international
organizations to fight against Money Laundering and are in continuous process to amend and
enhance our compliance framework.
In line with our vision it is imperative to collect the necessary KYC documents and information.
Humbly request your support to complete the attached forms and cooperate with our team in
submitting the documents and necessary information requested.
We City Exchange is proud to provide efficient and quality financial services and assuring you of
prompt, safe and reliable transfer of funds, best foreign exchange rate for buying or selling of
currencies. We also assure to provide you with professional and friendly customer services
We thank you for deciding to do business with us and look forward to being of service in every
possible way.
Best regards,
General Manager
City Exchange
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(All the original documents shall be required for verification and shall be furnished to City Exchange
for verification)
1.3. Copy of one of the following valid identities of the authorized signatories
(a) Emirates ID
(b) Passport with valid visa
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Years in business: 2
*If the entity is a Financial Institution then AML questionnaire Annexure also needs to be filled,
as attached in Appendix II.
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2.3 Name of Senior Management
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2.7 Interested Products:
Remittance Transaction
* Telegraphic Transfer
a) Inward ____________________
b) AED 80,000
Outward ___________________
c) FC Sale ___________________
d) FC Purchase ____________________
TL Number: __________________ 27 December 2018
Issue Date: ___________________
Place of Issue: ________________ Expiry Date: 26 December 2021
Software - Customer Service,Solution Provider,Developer,Consultancy,Support
Service Provider.
Licensed Activities: ____________________________________________________________________
We hereby certify that the details furnished above are true and correct. We assure City Exchange that the
money we exchange and remit through City Exchange relates to our legitimate business interests only and
free from any terrorist financing or money laundering. We abide by AML/KYC policy guidelines issued by the
Central Bank of UAE and international regulators. We will be fully responsible for any of our remittance and
FC exchange blocked by OFAC/US authorities, any govt. authorities and we indemnify City Exchange for any
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loss due to such exchanges. We will provide all necessary documents as and when required by City Exchange.
We further certify that the authorized representative of remittance and FC exchanges are well known to us
and their record can be provided whenever required by yourselves/ regulatory body. We undertake to
intimate CITY EXCHANGE of any changes in the above details furnished
Authorized Signatories Company Stamp
The terms and conditions, including the rates and charges enlisted in the proposal submitted on behalf of City
Exchange are subject to changes in relation to the market fluctuations.
Further, the transaction executed by City Exchange is subject to the condition that it will not be held liable for
delay / nonpayment / underpayment or non-delivery, due to reasons beyond its control and / or disruption of
communication systems.
City Exchange shall not be held responsible for any inadequacy or inaccuracy of the information provided by
the customer.
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Dear Sir,
We hereby authorize the following person to remit and exchange money on behalf of our company and
to sign the necessary transaction vouchers. His /her original identity documents will be produced by him
/ her at the time of transaction.
Any Changes in the status of our above representatives will immediately be intimated to you, in writing.
Thanking you
Yours truly,
Authorized Signatory Company Stamp
Name: Shyju Kammadan
Designation: ……………………
Feb 28,2021
Date: ………………
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Dear Sir,
We confirm and undertake that the Remittance and FC Exchanges are made by us, and the record of such
Remittances and FC Exchanges can be provided to you on demand in case of any query from your regulators
or yourself.
We confirm that we would be collecting DRIC/Custom Declaration from our clients who are non-resident of
UAE for any business transaction above 100,000 AED or equivalent in any other currencies. And supporting
documents such as Airway bill, invoices, Bill of lading and certificate of origins.
We assure City Exchange that the money we remit, and exchange are free from any terrorist financing or
money laundering & free from all criminal activities. We will abide by AML/KYC policy guidelines issued by the
Central bank and international regulators. We indemnify City Exchange for any loss due to such remittance
and FC exchanges transactions blocked by any govt. authorities. We will provide all necessary documents as
and when required by City Exchange.
We undertake to intimate CITY EXCHANGE of any changes in the above details furnished
We assure you again that we shall take care of due Diligence and KYC measures.
_______________________________ _______________________________
1. Authorized Signatory 2. Authorized Signatory
(Company stamp)
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5. RISK ASSESSMENT (For Office Use)
a) Background:
b) Entity Type:
(If you have ticked A- financial institution then AML questionnaire Annexure also needs to be
filled, as attached in Appendix II)
c) Shareholding Pattern:
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f) Geography:
g) Top 5 Buyers:
S.No Names
1. Emirates Transport
2. Emirates Post
3. Global Village
4. Averda
5. Azizi
h) Top 5 Suppliers
S.No Names
Legacy Employment Services
Ultimate Human Resource Solutions
☐ Yes ☐ No
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k) Risk Category
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Appendix II: Not Applicable
2. Does the FI have a legal and regulatory compliance program that includes a Y N
designated officer that is responsible for coordinating and overseeing the AML
3. Has the FI developed written policies documenting the processes that they have Y N
in place to prevent, detect and report suspicious transactions?
8. Does the FI have record retention procedures that comply with applicable law? Y N
9. Are the FI’s AML policies and practices being applied to all branches and Y N
subsidiaries of the FI both in the home country and in locations outside of that
10. In the last 5 years, has your institution/affiliates/subsidiaries been subjected to Y N
investigation in any jurisdictions relating AML / CTF Compliance Issues?
If yes, please provide details.
11. In the past 5 years, have any owners/ shareholders/ partners / Top management Y N
Executive been investigated of any criminal activity?
If yes, please provide details.
II. Risk Assessment: Yes No
12. Does the FI have a risk-based assessment of its customer base and their Y N
13. Does the FI determine the appropriate level of enhanced due diligence necessary Y N
for those categories of customers and transactions that the FI has reason to
believe pose a heightened risk of illicit activities at or through the FI?
III. Know Your Customer, Due Diligence and Enhanced Due Diligence:
Yes No
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14. Has the FI implemented processes for the identification of those customers on Y N
whose behalf it maintains or operates accounts or conducts transactions?
15. Does the FI have a requirement to collect information regarding its customers’ Y N
business activities?
17. Does the FI have a process to review and, where appropriate, update customer Y N
information relating to high risk client information?
18. Does the FI have procedures to establish a record for each new customer noting Y N
their respective identification documents and ‘Know Your Customer’
19. Does the FI complete a risk-based assessment to understand the normal and Y N
expected transactions of its customers?
IV. Reportable Transactions and Prevention and Detection of Transactions with Yes No
Illegally Obtained Funds:
20. Does the FI have policies or practices for the identification and reporting of Y N
transactions that are required to be reported to the authorities?
21. Where cash transaction reporting is mandatory, does the FI have procedures to Y N
identify transactions structured to avoid such obligations?
22. Does the FI screen customers and transactions against lists of persons, entities or Y N
countries issued by government/competent authorities?
23. Does the FI have policies to reasonably ensure that it only operates with Y N
correspondent banks that possess licenses to operate in their countries of origin?
24. Does the FI adhere to the Wolfsberg Transparency Principles and the appropriate Y N
usage of the SWIFT MT 202/202COV and MT 205/205COV message formats?1
25. Does the FI have a monitoring program for unusual and potentially suspicious Y N
activity that covers funds transfers and monetary instruments such as traveler’s
checks, money orders, etc.?
26.Does your institution screen customers against PEP, FPEP, sanctions, blacklist,
adverse media etc.?
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27. Does the FI provide AML training to relevant employees that includes: Y N
Identification and reporting of transactions that must be reported to
government authorities.
Examples of different forms of money laundering involving the FI’s products and
Internal policies to prevent money laundering.
28. Does the FI retain records of its training sessions including attendance records and Y N
relevant training materials used?
29. Does the FI communicate new AML related laws or changes to existing AML Y N
related policies or practices to relevant employees?
30. Does the FI employ third parties to carry out some of the functions of the FI? Y N
31. If the answer to question 30 is yes, does the FI provide AML training to relevant Y N
third parties that includes:
Identification and reporting of transactions that must be reported to
government authorities.
Examples of different forms of money laundering involving the FI’s products and
Internal policies to prevent money laundering.
License number:
Issued by:
32 Financial regulatory details
Issued at:
Expiry date (dd-mm-yyyy):
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I, the undersigned, certify that I have read and understood this questionnaire and the replies and
statements made are correct and complete to the best of my knowledge, there are no material omissions.
We/affiliate(s) /subsidiary(s) do not deal directly or indirectly with sanction countries. We are not directly
or indirectly linked in any money laundering and terrorist financing activities. We abide by AML/KYC -EDD
policy guidelines issued by the local regulator and international regulators.
Position: CEO
Company stamp:
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Appendix III: Site Visit Report (For Office Use)
Visit Report
Visiting official’s ‘First Hand Report’ on AML compliance level of the customer:
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Name and signature of Visiting Officer: ______________________________________
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