Station 7: Model
Station 7: Model
Station 7: Model
Station 7
The mannequin represents Nimco, a 20 years old G4P3 who has delivered a term baby, but the
placenta is not delivered yet for one hour with vaginal bleeding. The baby is fine. Please show
and describe how you would deliver the placenta using all steps of manual removal of placenta
Achieved Not Achieved
Introduction and explanation to the patient
Review general care principles and start an IV infusion
and/or blood transfusion.
Provide emotional support and encouragement.
Give pethidine and diazepam IV slowly (do not mix in the
same syringe) or use ketamine.
Give af prophylactic antibiotics:
Cleaning of vulva and perineum with antiseptic solution
Empty the bladder
Note: the examiner may say “is there anything else that should be done now” if the student
stops after delivering the placenta