12 Gasoline Engines
12 Gasoline Engines
12 Gasoline Engines
Copyright© 2015 Society of Automotive Engineers of Japan, Inc. All rights reserved
Table 1 Main new gasoline engines in Japan
Bore × Maximum Maximum Main
Engine Cylinder Displacement Compression
Manufacturers stroke Valve train power torque installation Characteristics
model arrangement (L) ratio
(mm) (kW/rpm) (Nm/rpm) vehicles
Daihatsu KF Inline 63.0×70.4 0.658 12.2 DOHC 4 V 36/6 800 57/5 200 Mira e:S Variable intake valve timing,
3 spark plugs with high ignition
performance, Atkinson cycle,
dual injectors, cooled EGR
Fuji FB16DIT Flat 4 78.8×82.0 1.599 11.0 DOHC 4 V 125/4 800─ 250/1 800─ Levorg Direct injection, variable intake/
Heavy turbocharged 5 600 4 800 exhaust valve timing, cooled
Industries EGR, tumble generating valves,
water jacket spacer
FB25 Flat 4 94.0×90 2.498 10.3 DOHC 4 V 129/5 800 235/4 000 Legacy, Variable intake/exhaust valve
Outback timing
Mazda P3-VPS Inline 71.0×82.0 1.298 12.0 DOHC 4 V 68/6 000 121/4 000 Demio Direct injection, variable intake
4 valve timing, Miller cycle
Nissan MR16DDT Inline 4 79.7×81.1 1.618 10.5 DOHC 4 V 140/5 600 240/1 600─ Juke Direct injection, variable intake/
turbocharged 5 200 exhaust valve timing with mid-
position lock, Miller cycle, low-
pressure cooled EGR, polished
bore thermal spray cylinder
block, electronic wastegate,
variable capacity oil pump
Suzuki R06A Inline 64.0×68.2 0.658 11.5 DOHC 4 V 38/6 500 63/4 000 Alto Variable intake/exhaust valve
3 timing, EGR, cylinder head
integrated with the exhaust
R06A Inline 64.0×68.2 0.658 11.2 DOHC 4 V 38/6 000 63/4 000 Wagon R Variable intake/exhaust valve
3 timing
Toyota 1KR-FE Inline 71.0×83.9 0.996 11.5 DOHC 4 V 51/6 000 92/4 400 Passo, Atkinson cycle, cooled EGR,
3 Vitz variable intake valve timing,
cylinder head integrated with
the exhaust manifold, water
jacket spacer
1NR-FKE Inline 72.5×80.5 1.329 13.5 DOHC 4 V 73/6 000 121/4 400 Vitz, Atkinson cycle, cooled EGR,
4 Ractis variable intake/exhaust valve
timing (intake side: electronic),
w a t e r j a c k e t s p a c e r , 4 - 2 - 1
exhaust manifold
8AR-FTS Inline 4 86.0×86.0 1.998 10.0 DOHC 4 V 175/4 800─ 350/1 650─ NX200 t Atkinson cycle, direct injection
turbocharged 5 600 4 000 + intake port injection, twin-
scroll turbocharger, water-cooled
intercooler, cylinder head with
integrated 4 into 2 exhaust
manifold, variable valve timing
with mid-position lock, sodium-
filled exhaust valves
measures with lower running resistance and greater re- higher power than a 2.5-liter naturally aspirated engine.
generation of deceleration energy through an enhanced Compared to the previous unit, this engine features im-
power generation control enables this vehicle to achieve proved cylinder head internal cooling performance, multi-
a fuel consumption of 35.2 km/l in the JC08 test cycle. stage fuel injection, improved combustion characteristics
2. 2. 2. Fuji Heavy Industries through a high-tumble combustion chamber, and a larger
The new Subaru Levorg is installed with the horizon- EGR cooler. As a result of these measures, this engine
tally opposed 4-cylinder (“flat 4”) 1.6-liter FB16 direct achieves a compression ratio of 11.0 with regular gasoline
injection turbo (DIT) engine (Fig. 3). Combining direct and fuel consumption of 17.4 km/l in the JC08 test cycle.
injection with a turbocharger gives this engine equal or The new Legacy features the flat 4 2.5-liter FB25 en-
Copyright© 2015 Society of Automotive Engineers of Japan, Inc. All rights reserved
Fig. 4 Fuji Heavy Industries 2.5-liter FB25 DIT engine(4)
Dual injector
Copyright© 2015 Society of Automotive Engineers of Japan, Inc. All rights reserved
These enhancements have the effect of improving both
acceleration and fuel efficiency. In addition, low-pressure
cooled EGR is introduced upstream of the turbocharger
compressor after the exhaust gas from the catalyst is
cooled, thereby improving fuel efficiency in the turbo-
charger operation range by reducing knocking and the
exhaust gas temperature.
2. 2. 5. Suzuki Motor Corporation
The new Suzuki Alto is installed with the inline 3-cyl-
inder 0.66-liter R06A engine (Fig. 7). This engine im-
proves fuel efficiency by increasing the compression ratio
(from 10.5 to 11.5), adopting variable valve timing on the
Fig. 7 Suzuki 0.66-liter R06A engine(4)
exhaust side as well as the intake side, installing an EGR
system, and redesigning the intake and exhaust port
geometry. In addition, the size and weight of the engine
were reduced by adopting a cylinder head integrated
with the exhaust manifold and a simpler catalyst case
structure. Combined with a lighter body, high-efficiency
continuously variable transmission (CVT), and lower run-
ning resistance, this engine achieves a fuel consumption
of 37.0 km/l in the JC08 test cycle.
The Wagon R is also installed with the inline 3-cylin-
der 0.66-liter R06A engine. The engine in this vehicle
features refinements to increase thermal efficiency such
as a higher compression ratio, improved combustion
characteristics, and lower friction loss. It combines these
with a generator with a motor function (ISG), which is Fig. 8 Toyota 1.0-liter 1KR-FE engine(4)
powered by regenerated deceleration energy to assist
acceleration, thereby achieving fuel consumption of 32.4
km/l in the JC08 test cycle. The belt-driven ISG starter
function also reduces noise on engine re-start when the
idling stop system is operating.
2. 2. 6. Toyota
The inline 3-cylinder 1.0-liter 1KR-FE engine (Fig. 8) in-
stalled in vehicles such as the Toyota Passo and Toyota
Vitz adopts the Atkinson cycle and cooled EGR previ-
ously adopted in hybrid vehicle engines to reduce pump-
ing loss. This engine also uses a water jacket spacer to
optimize the cylinder wall temperature and reduce me-
chanical loss. Due to a combination of other refinements, Fig. 9 Toyota 1.3-liter 1NR-FKE engine(4)
Copyright© 2015 Society of Automotive Engineers of Japan, Inc. All rights reserved
sures with cooled EGR and high-tumble intake ports, the timing with a mid-position lock system, and various
resulting high-speed combustion expands both the EGR technologies to reduce friction loss such as a variable
and knocking limits. Finally, resin-coated bearings and capacity oil pump and the adoption of surface treatment
other technologies to reduce friction loss give this engine on the piston skirts. The result is improvements in both
a maximum thermal efficiency of 38%. power and fuel efficiency.
The new Lexus NX200t is installed with the inline
3 U.S.
4-cylinder 2.0-liter turbocharged 8AR-FTS engine (Fig.
10). This engine combines a cylinder head with an inte- 3. 1. Summary
grated 4 into 2 exhaust manifold with a twin-scroll turbo- The U.S. economy was robust in 2014, spurring a
charger to improve low end torque and optimize the ex- continuing increase in vehicle sales due to low interest
haust temperature. In addition, the combination of direct rates and falling gasoline prices. The market essentially
injection, injection into the intake ports, and high-tumble, recovered to pre-financial crisis levels. Sales of small and
enable high-speed combustion. The engine also features medium sized vehicles were particularly strong.
better response through a water-cooled intercooler that As the U.S. phases in more stringent fuel economy
is attached directly to the engine, better fuel efficiency regulations over the next few years, 2014 saw various
in low engine load operation regions and cold start per- innovations to improve fuel efficiency, such as downsized
formance through the use of continuously variable valve turbocharged direct injection engines and cylinder deac-
tivation in larger displacement engines.
3. 2. Trends of each manufacturer
Table 2 shows a list of the main new types of gaso-
line engines that were sold by U.S.-based automakers in
2014. A summary of the new engines developed by each
manufacturer is provided below.
3. 2. 1. Chrysler
The high-performance V8 6.2-liter Hemi engine (Fig.
11) installed in the Dodge Challenger and Charger fea-
tures various technologies to improve fuel efficiency,
such as a supercharger, water-cooled intercooler, sodium-
filled exhaust valves, and variable capacity electric water
pump. The engine has a maximum power of 527 kW
Fig. 10 Lexus 2.0-liter 8AR-FTS engine(4) and a maximum torque of 881 Nm.
Copyright© 2015 Society of Automotive Engineers of Japan, Inc. All rights reserved
Fig. 11 Chrysler 6.2-liter Hemi engine(4)
Fig. 13 Ford 2.7-liter EcoBoost engine(4)
LT1 engine (Fig. 14). While retaining the 90-degree V8
2-overhead valve (OHV) basic layout of its famous small
block predecessor, this engine also features technologies
to improve fuel efficiency such as direct injection, a high
compression ratio, continuously variable valve timing,
and single-bank cylinder deactivation. These measures
have improved both power and fuel efficiency.
4 Europe
4. 1. Summary
Fig. 12 Ford 2.3-liter EcoBoost engine(4) The U.S. financial crisis in 2008 and European credit
3. 2. 2. Ford crisis in 2010 resulted in continued falls in vehicle sales
Ford added an inline 4-cylinder 2.3-liter engine (Fig. in Europe. However, sales finally rose on a year-on-year
12) to its global EcoBoost series. In the U.S., this engine basis in 2014 for the first time in seven years. Although
is installed in the Ford Mustang. In the same way as the market recovery is gradual, sales of vehicles installed
the existing members of the EcoBoost series, this engine with downsized engines to improve fuel efficiency and
features basic specifications such as direct injection, con- reduce CO2 continue to be robust and have risen sub-
tinuously variable exhaust valve timing, and a cylinder stantially. A particular trend in 2014 was the launch of
head integrated with the exhaust manifold. In combina- a number of 3-cylinder downsized turbocharged direct
tion with a twin-scroll turbocharger, this engine achieves injection engines.
power performance at least equivalent to the V6 3.7-liter 4. 2. Trends of each manufacturer
natural aspirated engine used in the same model of the Table 3 shows a list of the main new types of gasoline
Mustang, with excellent fuel efficiency. engines that were sold by Europe-based automakers in
The V6 2.7-liter EcoBoost engine shown in Fig. 13 was 2014. A summary of the new engines developed by each
installed in the F-150 pick-up truck. In addition to direct manufacturer is provided below.
injection, continuously variable exhaust valve timing, and 4. 2. 1. BMW
a cylinder head integrated with the exhaust manifold, The BMW i8 plug-in hybrid is installed with the inline
this engine also includes a plastic oil pan. While provid- 3-cylinder 1.5-liter turbocharged B38A15 engine (Fig.
ing power at least equivalent to a V6 3.5-liter natural 15). Tuned to different power levels, this engine is also
aspirated engine, fuel efficiency was also improved by installed in the 218i Active Tourer and Mini. Part of
the adoption of an idling stop system and a lightweight BMW's so-called TwinPower Turbo series of engines, it
aluminum body. features direct injection, a continuously variable valve
3. 2. 3. GM lift mechanism, continuously variable exhaust valve
The Chevrolet Corvette is installed with the 6.2-liter timing, and thermal spray bores. The aluminum turbo
Copyright© 2015 Society of Automotive Engineers of Japan, Inc. All rights reserved
Table 3 Main new gasoline engines in Europe
Bore × Maximum Maximum Main
Engine Cylinder Displacement Compression
Manufacturers stroke Valve train power torque installation Characteristics
model arrangement (L) ratio
(mm) (kW/rpm) (Nm/rpm) vehicles
BMW B38A15 Inline 3 82.0×94.6 1.499 11.0 DOHC 4 V 170/5 800 320/3 700 I8 Direct injection, variable intake/
turbocharged exhaust valve timing, variable
100/4 400 220/1 250─ 218i valve lift
4 300 Active
B48A20 Inline 4 82.0×94.6 1.998 10.2 DOHC 4 V 170/5 000 350/1 250 225i, Mini Direct injection, variable intake/
turbocharged exhaust valve timing, variable
valve lift
Daimler M178 V8 twin 83.0×92.0 3.982 10.5 DOHC 4 V 375/6 250 650/1 750─ AMG-GT Direct injection, water-cooled
turbocharger 4 750 i n t e r c o o l e r , s t e e l t h e r m a l
spray cylinder core, dry sump
lubrication, variable capacity oil
Opel LE1 Inline 3 74.0×77.4 0.999 10.5 DOHC 4 V 85/5 200 170/1 800─ Adam Direct injection, variable intake/
turbocharged 4 500 exhaust valve timing, cylinder head
integrated with the exhaust manifold,
variable capacity water pump, powder
metal forged connecting rods, variable
capacity oil pump
PSA 1.2 EB2 Inline 3 75.0×90.5 1.199 10.5 DOHC 4 V 96/5 500 230/1 750 308,C3 Direct injection, variable intake/
turbocharged exhaust valve timing, sodium-
filled exhaust valves, variable
capacity oil pump, timing belt
Volvo Drive-E Inline 4 82.0×93.2 1.969 10.3 DOHC 4 V 225/5 700 400/2 100─ S60,V60, Supercharger + turbocharger,
T6 supercharger 4 800 XC60 direct injection, variable capacity
+ turbocharger oil pump, electric water pump
housing is water-cooled and integrated with the exhaust turbocharged M178 engine (Fig. 17). This engine fea-
manifold, thereby improving fuel efficiency by reducing tures two turbochargers provided between the V banks
weight and promoting the warm-up process. The 4-cyl- (Fig. 18), direct injection with piezo injectors, a dry sump
inder 2.0-liter B48A20 engine (Fig. 16) uses a twin-scroll lubrication system, closed deck cylinder block, and the
turbocharger that achieves higher efficiency by restrict- Nanoslide cylinder liner coating. The result is a com-
ing exhaust interference. This engine is also used in the pact lightweight engine with high power and low fuel
2 Series Active Tourer and Mini. consumption, which is capable of achieving 650 Nm or
4. 2. 2. Daimler torque between 1,750 and 4,750 rpm.
The Mercedes-AMG GT is installed with the V8 4-liter 4. 2. 3. Opel
Copyright© 2015 Society of Automotive Engineers of Japan, Inc. All rights reserved
Fig. 16 BMW 2.0-liter B48A20 engine(4)
Copyright© 2015 Society of Automotive Engineers of Japan, Inc. All rights reserved
tion such as expanding the actual usage regions and en-
suring the robustness of ignition and combustion. Some
research and development is proceeding with a targeted
adoption schedule a few years in the future.
5. 4. Thermal efficiency improvement
The latest report into improving thermal efficiency
includes achieving a thermal efficiency of more than
45% by combining a high compression ratio and massive
EGR and optimizing the bore/stroke ratio (5). It is hoped
that this research will move toward practical adoption.
Research is also continuing to examine exhaust heat
Fig. 21 Volvo 2-liter Drive-E T6 engine
recovery by high-response heat shielding or thermoelec-
This is a framework for cooperative research between tric elements with the aim of simultaneously reducing
industry, academia, and the government to examine sub- cooling loss and knocking. One particular focus is the
jects related to internal combustion engine (ICE) combus- divergence between expected efficiency gains and actual
tion technologies and emissions treatment systems. Its results. At the same time, advances in instrumentation
establishment reinforces ICE research and should help to technology are not limited to the visualization of single-
promote the development of engine technology. cylinder engines. Reports have also described a method
5. 2. Downsized turbocharged engines of directly observing the combustion chamber of an ac-
Centered on Europe, downsized turbocharged engines tual engine, which should help to speed up research and
are becoming more widespread as a means of improv- development.
ing fuel economy through higher mechanical efficiency.
Research into these engines is looking for an explanation References
for the sudden pre-ignition phenomenon that occurs at (1) P roceedings of the Spring and Autumn Con-
low engine speed high-load regions, which is one issue gresses of the Society of Automotive Engineers
preventing improvements in torque. A large number of Japan
of reports were published in 2014 examining the root (2) Society of Automotive Engineers of Japan, New
causes of this phenomenon through visualization and Engine Developments Symposium (symposium
analysis. No. 15-14)
5. 3. Homogenous charge combustion ignition (HCCI) (3) 23rd Aachen Colloquium Automobile and Engine
technology Technology, 2014
HCCI is regarded as a promising means of reducing (4) Websites, PR materials, and technical reports of
NOx and achieving highly efficient combustion by reduc- each company
ing the combustion temperature. For this reason, it has (5) Tagishi et al, Proceedings of the Society of Au-
been the subject of long-term research efforts. Current- tomotive Engineers of Japan No. 121-14, pp. 1-4,
ly, research is examining issues related to practical adop- 20145712
Copyright© 2015 Society of Automotive Engineers of Japan, Inc. All rights reserved