FWS 100 - Shamsa Alameri1086540 Critical Reading Assignment
FWS 100 - Shamsa Alameri1086540 Critical Reading Assignment
FWS 100 - Shamsa Alameri1086540 Critical Reading Assignment
No there are no images or diagrams are present in the article. On the other hand, statistical
figures and tables are there. They are clear, authentic, precise, and valid enough to relate to
points in the text and support the author's argument as well.
Your Reflection
The study has been designed to discuss the reverse gender division phenomenon in the United
Arab Emirates. The study has underlined to highlight the factors that have driven male and
female students from getting higher education. I believe that the purpose was built strong enough
to conclude the better and more valid results. I believed that collection from the 292
undergraduates have underlined different social mechanisms, effects of peers, society
mechanisms that shape the non-intellectual characteristics of the female. According to my study,
I have been satisfied with the opinion that has been made through the facts and figures. The
results highlighted that the educational progressions made by the males and females are not
gender-free rather they are based and shaped by the different factors that are present in the
The author has concluded by the importance that customary education supports females and, in
many cases, boys are more affected which mentioned that social influences are stronger. The
family cultures play an important role in progressing and proceeding females and parting boys
behind. I agree with the results as it raises an important perspective that can change the mind and
to aware people that masculinity break can be alleviated through social transformation and
influential intercessions.
Ashour, S. (2020). The reverse gender divide in the United Arab Emirates Factors driving ‘him’ away from
higher education. Journal of Applied Research in Higher Education, 12(5), 1079-1094.