The Importance of Logistics
The Importance of Logistics
The Importance of Logistics
You buy Italian loafers that were made in Milan, two days later they get delivered to your front
door. You order red snapper for dinner, it was caught this morning a 1,000 miles away, supply
chain logistics makes all of this happen. It makes it affordable for consumers, profitable for
companies in a global economy. I'm Rudy Leuschner with Rutgers Business School, and I'm
excited to teach you about logistics.
I'm actually a Professor of Supply Chain Management, and we're talking about logistics, so
what are you doing here? Every modern company, from Apple to Zappos, lives, thrives, or dies
by their ability to match supply with demand. If you're considering a career in supply chain
management, are already working in the field, are simply fascinated by how goods move
around the globe, this course is for you.
Dear learner,
thank you for taking the time to look at this course. Please take a look at the following to
understand what you are going to be able to do after completing this course, who this
course was designed for and to ensure you are getting the most out of this course.
An Introduction to Logistics
In this introductory Supply Chain Logistics course, I will take you on a journey to this
fascinating backbone of global trade. Please note that the idea for this course is to
introduce learners to logistics. While I am planning to cover the most important pieces, this
is not meant to be exhaustive nor should you expect to be an expert upon completion. But
my goal is to show the major pieces of logistics in a fun manner and hopefully this will
encourage you to learn more.
After completing this course, you will be able to differentiate the advantages and
disadvantages of different modes of transportation.
You will understand what goes into designing and setting up a warehousing facility.
You will be able to select the options that enable you to develop logistics networks, that
minimize costs and deliver top customer service.
This introductory course is designed for three general audiences. While this is not an
exhaustive list, you should be able to see yourself in one of these three groups:
1. Those of you who are exploring a career in Supply Chain Management, but lack the any
background. This course will provide you with a general overview of the field of logistics.
2. Those of you who are working with people in logistics and want to understand their daily
challenges better.
3. Those of you who are fascinated by how the products, services, and information are
moved and stored in a complex global logistics network.
This is an introductory course designed to provide you with a start on your learning journey
in logistics. We are going to cover logistics from a US perspective (this is where I live). As
such, you do not need to have any background in logistics, but it would be beneficial if you
had a basic understanding of:
Usted compra mocasines italianos que se fabricaron en Milán, dos días después, se los
entregan en la puerta de su casa. Usted pide pargo rojo para la cena, fue capturado esta
mañana a 1.000 millas de distancia, la logística de la cadena de suministro hace que todo esto
suceda. Lo hace asequible para los consumidores y rentable para las empresas en una
economía global. Soy Rudy Leuschner en la Escuela de Negocios Rutgers, y estoy encantado de
enseñarle sobre logística.
Querido aprendiz,
Gracias por tomarse el tiempo para ver este curso. Lea lo siguiente para comprender lo que
podrá hacer después de completar este curso, para quién fue diseñado y para asegurarse de
que está aprovechando al máximo este curso.
Después de completar este curso, podrá diferenciar las ventajas y desventajas de los diferentes
modos de transporte.
Podrá seleccionar las opciones que le permitan desarrollar redes logísticas, que minimicen los
costos y brinden el mejor servicio al cliente.
Este curso introductorio está diseñado para tres audiencias generales. Si bien esta no es una
lista exhaustiva, debería poder verse en uno de estos tres grupos:
Aquellos de ustedes que trabajan con personas en logística y quieren entender mejor sus
desafíos diarios.
Aquellos de ustedes que están fascinados por la forma en que los productos, servicios e
información se mueven y almacenan en una red logística global compleja.