Your Attire Speaks Volumes Before You Open Your Mouth
Your Attire Speaks Volumes Before You Open Your Mouth
Your Attire Speaks Volumes Before You Open Your Mouth
deals with the effect of distance upon the Diversity of materials and richness of the
appearance of objects, by means of which earth give a lucrative opportunity for a
the eye judges spatial relationship. sculptor to explore his art, although
It enables us to perceive distance and to limitation may be cited on the availability
see the position of objects in space. and non-availability of materials in a
certain topography or setting.
Types of Perspective: Common materials used are wood, metal,
1. Linear perspective – is the stone, clay, plastic and ice.
representation of an appearance of
distance by means of converging lines. 10. TEXTURE
This has to do with the direction of lines Texture refers to the touch of the skin
and with the size of objects. against the surface or the body of a given
2. Aerial perspective – is the sculpture.
representation of relative distances of It also refers to the interpretation given
objects by gradations of tone and color. both by the artist and the admirer towards
the piece of art.
7. SPACE As an element of sculptor, texture is
is the bounded or boundless “container” of always the prerogative of the artist.
collection of objects.
In art, space is regarded as bounded by
and susceptible to aesthetic and
expressive organization.
Since visual arts are also classified
according to their dimensions, space is
categorized into two according to the
visual art that will occupy it.
It is the principle of design which tends to
carry the eyes from the center of interest or
dominant part of any composition to the less
important or subordinate parts.
Methods of Emphasizing:
PRINCIPLES OF ART It has to do with the way he manipulates his
The principles of art are the different criteria to medium to express his ideas.
be able to understand and appreciate an
artwork. What are joined or put together? Elements.
Elements refer to which the artist uses as
What is it for? Function. symbols (symbolic), pictures (pictorial), and
FUNCTION refers to the personal, utilitarian, an expression to visualize and communicate
social, cultural and aesthetics purposes of variety of feelings and ideas.
How are they put together? Organization.
What it is all about? Subject matter. Organization in visual art is seen or judged
SUBJECT (THEME) OF ART refers to any through its design.
person, object, scene or event described or
represented in a work of art. Design
is the overall organizational visual
Subjects/Themes of Art structure of the formal elements in a
1. Landscapes, Seascapes, and Cityscapes work of art.
(Sceneries) It is also the proper arrangement of the
2. Still life different art elements in order to
3. Figures produce something beautiful.
4. History and Legend
5. Dreams and Fantasies Principles of Design
6. Animals Organization of elements that work
7. Portraits together to give unity.
8. Everyday Life These principles are rules or guides
9. Religion and Mythology to help one put the elements
together to achieve beauty.
What is its temper, mood, individuality? Is the Making a design is like making a
personality of the artist revealed? Is the time and cake. The Elements are the
place revealed? Style or setting of the art. ingredients. The directions for
The STYLE or SETTING reflects the mixing them together are the
conditions, circumstances and occurrences Principles.
affecting the production, reception and
audience response to the art work. How good is the piece of art? Judgment.
This also refers to the context of the artist - the manner one perceives beauty in an
his time and place. artwork.
• various pieces of clothing
• pieces of material draped on the body in
various wayss
• hoops of varying colors
• toys, sticks and poles, elastic bands etc.
1. SPACE – size, body parts, and levels in space.
o general space.
o self
o personal
o split focus
o relationship
o Low levels are close to the ground or with
the majority of the body touching the ground
e.g. Prone and supine
o Medium levels are created between the
knees and shoulders
e.g. squats, sitting, kneeling
o High levels are created above the
shoulders and head.
e.g. jumping and extreme movements