Bulacan Standard Academy: Poblacion, City of San Jose Del Monte, Bulacan

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Bulacan Standard Academy

Poblacion, City of San Jose del Monte, Bulacan

Manual of Operation

Book I – Governance of the School

CHAPTER I. Declaration of Principles: Philosophy, Vision, Mission, Goals, Policies and


Article I. Title, Declaration of Principles, Policies and Location

Section 1. Title – This manual of operation shall be known as “The Bulacan Standard
Academy of San Jose del Monte, Bulacan Manual of Operations.
Section 2. Declaration of Principles – Bulacan Standard Academy (BSA) is a private
non-sectarian, non-partisan basic education school which was established in 1955 with its
own juridical personality and recognized by the Department of Education on March 27,
Section 3. The office of BSA is located at Poblacion, San Jose del Monte, Bulacan.
Article II. Philosophy, Vision, Mission, Goals and Objectives, Operational Policy of the
Section 1. Philosophy – Bulacan Standard Academy upholds on every child’s right to
quality education, thus promoting individual worth and dignity as a person. This
fundamental principle is a vital instrument for human upliftment in the development of a
child’s total personality characterized in his intellectual, emotional, spiritual, social and
physical maturity. The abilities, expertise and knowledge gained become beneficial to
life’s existence.
Section 2. Vision – A community of leaders empowered with knowledge, 21 century st

skills and values towards excellence.

Section 3. Mission – Bulacan Standard Academy is committed to the formation of a
child’s holistic framework to best ensure a lasting heritage of quality education.
Section 4. Goals and Objectives: Bulacan Standard Academy commits itself in:
1. Promoting mastery of the basic knowledge, skills and abilities vital to the child’s
academic excellence and acceptable values;
2. Encouraging acceptance of individual uniqueness that enhances harmonious
relationship free from pressures and tensions;
3. Conducting activities that develop skills and attitudes necessary in bringing positive
interpersonal and group relationship to recognize the importance of and need for
ethical and moral behavioral standards and;
4. Preparing the students in acquisition of a responsible adult life inept with the global
demands of the future generation
Section 5. Operational Policy - The Bulacan Standard Academy (BSA) shall always
maintain and ensure economy, efficiency and effectiveness in its operations.

Bulacan Standard Academy
Poblacion, City of San Jose del Monte, Bulacan

CHAPTER II. The Board of Directors

Article III. Composition, Officers, Qualifications, Election, Compensation and Powers

Section 1. The Bulacan Standard Academy Board of Directors is composed of five (5)
who shall be stockholders, who shall be elected annually by the stockholders and who
shall serve until the election and qualification of their successors. Any vacancy in the
Board of Directors shall be filled by a majority vote of the stockholders representing a
majority of the subscribed capital stock at a meeting specially called for that purpose and
the director(s) shall serve for the unexpired term.
Section 2.  Compensation - Directors shall receive such compensation for their services
as may be from time to time fixed by the stockholders.
Section 3. Powers - The Board of Directors (BOD) shall have the management of the
business of the corporation and such powers and authorities as are herein by the by-laws
or by statues of the Philippines expressly conferred upon it.
Without prejudice to the general powers hereinabove conferred, the Board of Directors
shall have the following express powers:
a. From time to time to make and change rules and regulations not inconsistent with the by-
laws for the management of the company’s business and officers;
b. To purchase or otherwise acquire for the company, rights or privileges which the
company is authorized to acquire at such consideration as it shall from time to time see it;
c. To pay for any property or rights acquired by the company or to discharge obligations of
the company either wholly or partly in money or in stock, bonds, debentures or others
securities of the company; 
d. To borrow money for the company and for such purpose to create, make and issue
mortgages, bonds, deeds of trust and negotiable instruments o securities, secured by
mortgage or pledge of property belonging to the company; provided, that as hereinafter
provided, the proper officers of the company shall have these powers, unless expressly
limited by the Board of Directors;
e. To delegate, from time to time, any of the powers of the Board in the course of the
current business or businesses of the company to any standing or special committee or to
any officer or agent and to appoint any persons to be agents of the company with such
powers (including the power to sub-delegate) and upon such terms, as may be deemed fit.
Section 4. Officers
GENERAL – The officers of the corporation shall consist of a president, a vice-president,
a general manager, a treasurer and a secretary whose powers and duties shall be as
hereinafter provided and as the Board of Directors may fix in conformity with the
provisions of the by-laws. All offices by a majority vote of the Board of Directors;
provided however, that the president to be elected need not be a member of the Board of
Directors and need not own a share of stock in the corporation.
a. President – The president shall be elected by the BOD. He may or may not be a member
of the Board. He shall have the following powers and duties:
1. Preside at all meetings of the stockholders and of the Board of Directors
2. Exercise general supervision over all the other officers of the company
3. Execute on behalf of the company all contracts and agreements duly authorized
by the Board of Directors

Bulacan Standard Academy
Poblacion, City of San Jose del Monte, Bulacan

4. Sign, endorse and deliver, concurrently and jointly with the General Manager, all
checks, drafts, bills of exchange, promissory notes and orders of payment of sums
of money in the name and on behalf of the corporation
5. Submit an annual report of the operations of the company to the Board of
Directors and at such other times as the latter may request, and an annual report
thereof to the stockholders at the annual meeting
b. Vice-President – The vice-president shall likewise be elected by the Board of Directors
from their own number. He shall be vested with all the powers and authorities of, and
required to perform all of the duties of the president during the absence or incapacity of
the latter for any cause, and he shall also perform such other duties as the Board of
Directors may from time to time assign to him.

c. General Manager – The general manager shall be elected by the Board of Directors, and
he may or may not be a stockholder of the company. He shall hold office at the pleasure
of the board and shall have the following powers and duties:
1. Have direct and active management of the business and operations of the
company, conducting the same according to the orders, resolutions and
instructions of the Board of Directors and the president, and according to his own
discretion whenever and wherever the same is not expressly limited by such
order, resolution and instructions;
2. With the approval of the president, to appoint and at his discretion remove or
suspend any or all of the agents, employees and other subordinate personnel of the
company, and prescribe their duties and fix or change from time to time their
respective salaries or wages, and require guarantees or bonds in such amounts as
he may determine to secure the faithful discharge by certain employees or agents
of their official trust;
3. Exercise general superintendence and direction over all the agents, employees and
other subordinate personnel of the company, and see that their respective duties
are properly performed;
4. Submit to the Board of Directors such statements, reports memoranda accounts as
the latter may require and prepare such statements and reports as may be required
according to the Philippine laws;
5. Perform such other duties as may be prescribed by the Board of Directors or
which may properly pertain to his office and which in his judgement will serve
the best interest of the corporation, in conformity with the provisions of statutory
law and of the by-laws.

d. Treasurer – The treasurer shall be elected by the BOD and he may or may not be a
stockholder of the company. He shall hold office at the pleasure of the Board and he shall
have the following powers and duties:
1. Have custody of, and responsible for all the funds, securities and bonds of the
company, and keep a complete and accurate records of receipts and disbursements
and other commercial transactions in the corresponding books of account of the
corporation, and see to it that all disbursements and expenditures evidenced by the
appointment vouchers;
2. Deposit in the name and to the credit of the company in such bank or bank as may
be designated from time to time by the BOD, all the moneys, funds, securities,
bonds, and similar valuable effects belonging to the corporation which may come
under his control;
3. Render an annual statement showing the financial condition of the company on
the 31st day of December of each year and such other financial reports as the BOD
or president may from time to time require;

Bulacan Standard Academy
Poblacion, City of San Jose del Monte, Bulacan

4. Receive and give receipts for all moneys paid to the company from any source
whatever and generally to perform such other duties as nay be required by law or
prescribed by the BOD or the president;
5. The treasurer may delegate the routine duties of his office to one or more
employees of the school with the approval of the president and general manager.
He may be required by the BOD or the president to give bond with sufficient
sureties for the faithful performance of his duties.

e. Secretary – The secretary shall be elected by the BOD and he may or may not be a
stockholder of the company. He shall hold office at the pleasure of the Board and he shall
perform the following duties:
1. Keep full minutes of all meetings of the BOD and of the stockholders;
2. Keep the stock and transfer of book and the corporate seal which he shall stamp
on all documents requiring such seal of the corporation;
3. Fill and countersign all the certificates of stock issued making the corresponding
annotation on the margin or stub of such certificates upon issuance;
4. Perform such other duties as may be prescribed by the BOD and of the
stockholders and;
5. Perform such other duties as may be prescribed by the BOD or the president.

Section 5. Compensation – all officers shall receive such salaries or compensation as may
be fixed by the BOD.
In case of temporary absence of any officer of the school, or for any other valid
reason the BOD may delegate any officer or director for the time being provided that
majority of the board concurs such delegation and is not covered by any expressed
provisions of the by-laws.

Article IV. Regular and Special Meetings, Agenda, Venue and Quorum
Section 1. Regular meeting – The board may meet second Sunday of every month at
3:00 pm at the office of the school
Section 2. Special meetings of the BOD may be called for the president/chairman of the
board, or any of the five (5) directors of the board; provided that the directors are
properly notified within a reasonable period of time.
Section 3. Agenda – The president shall determine and prepare the agenda of all
meetings of the board provided that any director of the board may have any other matters
included in the agenda.
Section 4. Quorum – a simple majority of all directors constitute a quorum of the board
for transacting business.

CHAPTER III. Office of Finance, Cash and Accounting

Section 1. Roles and Functions
1. To institute procedures in budgeting, treasury and cash, management controllership for
the smooth operations of the academy;
2. To review proposed procurement for submission and approval by the board through the
3. To assume over-all management of moneys paid to the school from any sources and;

Bulacan Standard Academy
Poblacion, City of San Jose del Monte, Bulacan

4. Performs other functions may be assigned by the board.

Section 2. Cash Office
1. Receives payments of tuition fees, books and other fees;
2. Posts, records and prepares master list of all receipts and;
3. Follows up all unpaid accounts.
Section 3. Accounting
1. To manage a system of control and monitoring of expenses;
2. Prepares payroll for all faculty and employees of the school;
3. Performs proper ways of recording and monitoring of all receipts and disbursements of
school’s financial resources;
4. Prepares proper and organized filing of all financial records;
5. Handles all BIR matters which include filing of all pertinent taxes and all other
requirements of the government and;
6. Prepares all financial reports of the academy.

Book II – Organization of Academic Offices and Corresponding Duties and


CHAPTER IV. Academic Offices

Article 5 – Office of the Principal

Section 1. Duties and Responsibilities
1. Setting of philosophy, vision, mission, goal and objectives for the school;
2. Supervision of personnel with focus on mentoring, advising and guidance;
3. Formulate promotions and marketing strategies to uplift the image of Bulacan Standard
4. Establish a positive and inspirable public relations;
5. Develop culture change in order to reverse negative perception about Bulacan Standard
6. Develop networking with public and private educational entities to gain an advantage for
Bulacan Standard Academy;
7. Leadership and mentoring of the two assistant principals who are in charge of the day to
day operations;
8. Determine relevant issues and concerns which are detrimental to BSA’s positive image;
9. Establish and promote behavioral excellence and high academic performance for the
pupils/students, academic and non-academic personnel;
10. Manage, evaluate and supervise effective and clear procedures for the operation and
functioning of the school consistent with the philosophy, vision, mission, values and goal
of the school including instructional programs, curricular activities and discipline;
11. Establish the annual master schedule for instructional programs, ensuring sequential
learning experiences for students consistent with the school’s philosophy, mission
statement and instructional goals;
12. Supervise the instructional programs of the school, evaluating lesson plans and observing
classes on a regular basis to encourage the use of variety of instructional strategies and
materials consistent with research on learning and child growth and development;

Bulacan Standard Academy
Poblacion, City of San Jose del Monte, Bulacan

13. Delegate to the Subject Area Coordinators by semestral basis the observation and weekly
checking of lesson plans. However, the principal will observe twice a year, one
announced and one unannounced;
14. Establish procedures for evaluation and selection of instructional materials and
equipment, approving all recommendations;
15. Supervise in a fair and consistent manner, effective discipline and attendance systems
with high standards, consistent with the philosophy, values, vision and mission of the
school. Ensure a safe, orderly environment that encourages students to take responsibility
for behavior and creates high morale among staff and students. File all required reports
regarding violence, vandalism, attendance and discipline manners;
16. Establish professional rapport with students and staff to earn mutual respect by displaying
the highest ethical and professional behavior and standards when working with
pupils/students, parents and school personnel;
17. Notify immediately the board and appropriate personnel and agencies when there is
evidence of substance abuse, child abuse, child neglect, severe medical or social
conditions, potential suicide or students appearing to be under the influence of alcohol or
controlled substances;
18. Keep the board advised of employees not meeting their contractual agreement;
19. Research and collect data regarding the needs of students and other pertinent information
that will help improve the instructional programs of the school;
20. Keep the staff informed and seek ideas for the improvement of the school. Conduct
meetings, as necessary for the proper functioning of the school: e.g. monthly staff
21. Establish procedures that create and maintain attractive, organized, functional, healthy,
clean and safe facilities with proper attention to the visual, acoustic and temperature;
22. Assume responsibility for the health, safety and welfare of students, employees and
23. Develop clearly understood procedures and provide regular drills for emergencies and
24. Maintain a master schedule to be posted on strategic place for all teachers to read and
25. Establish schedules and procedures for the supervision of students in non-classroom areas
(including before and after school);
26. Maintain visibility with students, teachers, parents and the board;
27. Communicate regularly with parents, seeking their support and advice, so as to create a
cooperative relationship to support the pupils/students in the school;
28. Use effective presentation skills when addressing pupils/students, staff, parents and the
community including appropriate vocabulary and examples, clear and legible visuals and
articulate and audible speech;
29. Use excellent written and oral English skills when communicating with pupils/students,
parents and teachers;
30. Complete in a timely fashion all records and reports as requested by the board. Maintain
accurate attendance records;
31. Crafts the faculty manual, student’s handbook and manual of operation and;
32. Perform other assigned tasks by the president and the members of the board

Article 6 – Office of the Registrar

Duties and Responsibilities
1. Implement DepEd and BSA regulations regarding admission, enrollment, graduation,
transfer and promotion with the department concerned;
2. Supervises registration/enrollment including sectioning;

Bulacan Standard Academy
Poblacion, City of San Jose del Monte, Bulacan

3. Maintain and keeps academic records of students;

4. Responsible in preparing and issuing certifications, official grades, transcript of records
(form 137), transfer credentials, learances and diplomas;
5. Supervises the preparation of the list of graduating students and of honor students;
6. Maintains liaisoning with DepEd;
7. Informs school officials of memoranda and other materials from DepEd;
8. Reports to DepEd data enrollment, graduation and teacher’s teaching loads;
9. Supervises and evaluates registrar’s office staff;
10. Oversees the preparation, management and use of the registrar’s office budget and;
11. Performs other duties as may be required of the position.
Section 1. Office of the Librarian
Duties and Responsibilities
1. Plans and implements programs for the development of library and information services;
2. Plans and implements programs for the preservation and conservation of library
3. Oversees the use and maintenance of library facilities;
4. Prepares the budget of the library in coordination with the textbook committee and the
assistant principal for academic affairs;
5. Oversees the preparation, management and use of the library budget;
6. Conducts library orientation on the proper use of books and other facilities;
7. Recommends professional books for teachers and other academic personnel based on
their request and;
8. Performs other duties as may be required by the position.

Section 2. Office of the Subject Area Coordinators

Duties and Responsibilities
1. Monitor the performance if the teachers particularly on their area of specialization;
2. Observe the teachers by using the criteria set from the teachers’ efficiency rating;
3. Check teachers lesson plans, forms 13 and 14 as well as form 137 for clearances and
class records to ensure standards compliance;
4. Report to the principal the results of their observation and performance;
5. Conduct meetings for unified action of departments’ activities;
6. Re-echo all the seminars attended to faculty members;
7. Monitor the number of experiments for science teachers and other projects for other
8. Disseminate information to faculty member issues from the board and principals and;
9. Performs other assigned tasks when necessary or as needed.
Section 3. BSA’s Students Services Offered
1. Medical/Dental Services – provides medical/dental services
2. Security – serves as protector and care of human and material resources
3. Canteen – provides food for the students
Article 7 – Office of the Guidance Counselor
Duties and Responsibilities
1. Provides services that promote psychological/emotional wellness of pupils/students in
coordination with the assistant principal for the student affairs and the faculty namely:

Bulacan Standard Academy
Poblacion, City of San Jose del Monte, Bulacan

a. Individual counseling
b. Group counseling
c. Information dissemination
d. Follow-up
e. Career pathing (psychological, emotional and behavioral)
2. Provides counseling services and makes referrals as needed
3. Helps in the interpretation of guidance tests of students
4. Assists the students on career choice, college choice
5. Keeps cumulative anecdotal records of students for immediate reference
6. Organize and supervise the homeroom classes and monitor its activities
7. Performs other duties as may be required by the position

Section 1. Discipline Committee – This committee takes charge of incidents involving students
or teachers or other personnel beyond the capability of the teacher concerned and need to
undergo due to process.
Section 2. Procedural Process
Step 1: An incident report to be prepared by the faculty adviser co-signed by the SAC has
to be addressed to the committee with a transmittal letter to whom the case has to be
deliberated and why they have the discipline committee conduct action on it.
Step 2: The chairman calls for a preliminary meeting of all the members of the committee
to discuss the forwarded incident report. The guidance counselor acts as the minutes’
recorder and keeps file of the erring student/faculty/employee
Step 3: When more information will be needed complaining party will be interviewed
first and gather all the facts surrounding the incident. Then the other party who is subject
for complain. Then have them both interviewed to validate the truth. Again, the recorder
of all these interviews will be the guidance counselor.
Step 4: Finally, the result of the investigation of the discipline committee will be
endorsed to the board secretary for deliberation by the board and final decision shall be

Book III – Organization of Administrative Offices and Corresponding Duties and


CHAPTER V. Office of the Health Personnel, Maintenance and Utility

Article 8- Duties and Responsibilities of the Health Personnel

1. Attend to the medical needs of the students/pupils and personnel of the school.
2. Assess the health status of the students/pupils and school personnel.
3. Formulate and implement various health services and programs subject to the approval of
the Board of Directors.
4. Issue medical certificates to students/pupils and school personnel as may be necessary.
5. Promote health awareness in the school through dissemination of various information
regarding diet, hygiene, diseases and other health related topics.
6. Keep and preserve medical records of students of the school.

Bulacan Standard Academy
Poblacion, City of San Jose del Monte, Bulacan

7. Recommend the acquisition and proper use of medical equipment, facilities and
Article 9 – Duties and Responsibilities of the Maintenance and Utility
1. Maintain and repair the school’s buildings and facilities.
2. See to the proper landscaping of the grounds, cleanliness and beautification of the school.
3. Conduct regular care and watering of the plants within the school premises.
4. Conduct regular inspection of the school’s facilities and equipment, as well as its repair.

CHAPTER VI. The Faculty Members

Article 10 – Definition and Classification of Faculty Members

A faculty member is one who is engaged in actual teaching, research, extension and
production assignments and serves three hundred sixty minutes.
Article 11 – Duties and Responsibilities of Faculty Members
1. To teach subjects or perform school assignments effectively, observe regular attendance
in his work and give fair and just ratings to his students on the basis of prescribed
2. To recognize and respect the rights of his school superiors, co-workers and students;
3. To teach by percepts and example in terms of excellence and personal integrity;
4. To refrain from discussing matters outside the scope of his course or discipline inside the
5. To broaden and update his competence through reading professional and scientific
publications and journals and when appropriate through purposeful participation in local
and national meetings, seminars, conferences, workshops and other similar fora;
6. To share his expertise toward the expansion of the frontiers of knowledge in his
profession through researches, creative writings and active participation in professional
and educational conferences;
7. To assist in every way feasible the school administration and his co-workers in all
activities aimed at improving and strengthening the operations and programs of the
8. To conscientiously fulfill the terms and conditions of his employment for the period of
time agreed upon and give the school administration a reasonable time to assign his
replacement when he decides to terminate his relationship with the school;
9. To avoid any professional or personal action or activity this may result in economic loss
or legal or social embarrassment of his/her school;
10. To state clearly, when giving out public statements, whether he speaks as an official
representative of hos school or as an individual citizen and;
11. To follow memorandum on classroom management;
12. To enforce the reasonable rules, standards and policies of his school with objectivity and
to maintain at all times good discipline among his students inside or outside the
classroom and;
13. All faculty members and employees are required to wear the prescribed uniform.

Book IV – Academic and Administrative Policies, Rules and Regulations Governing

Faculty and Students

Bulacan Standard Academy
Poblacion, City of San Jose del Monte, Bulacan

Article 12 – Rights, Benefits, Privileges, Awards and Recognition of Faculty Members

1. Five (5) days leave convertible to cash annually granted towards the end of the school
2. Fifty percent (50%) discount of tuition fees per child;
3. Maternity leave for 60 days per child, maximum of four (4) children;
4. Any faculty member who has served 35 years is entitled to retirement with benefits from
the school dubbed as gravity pay;
5. Annual outing is provided school expense;
6. Seminars are provided for free;
7. Clothing allowance annually;
8. Seven days paternity leave for husbands whose wives are on maternity leave;
9. Scholarship benefit for children of faculty members who are honor students in addition to
the benefit of 50% discount as a child;
10. Paternity leave of 7 days for male teachers and employees;
11. Any faculty member or employee who qualifies for more than one benefits of free tuition,
he/she can only enjoy one, whichever is higher;
12. All faculty member, administrative officials and employees are entitled to receive extra
pay or honorarium for an extra work, duties, beyond their job descriptions and;
13. Probationary period shall be three (3) years only after which he/she becomes permanent
if he is within the standards set by the school performing and is entitled to receive a
vacation pay, provided however he/she has a number of days reporting to school to assist
in the enrollment;
14. Rules on wearing uniform;
15. Proper grooming;
16. Respect to supervisors, faculty and employees who have long been serving and;
17. BSA adheres to the policy of respect to seniority
Article 13 – Faculty Academic Workload and Deloading When Assigned to Administrative
Section 1. Academic Workload a full time faculty member shall render a maximum of 360
minutes per day. The remaining minutes shall be used for advising their pupils/students.
Section 2. A full time faculty at the elementary level can only have a maximum of three (3)
preparations, excluding Character Education.

CHAPTER VII – Students’ Activities Directives

Article 14. An Ideal BSA Student

An exemplary BSA student is expected to:

1. Live up and preserve the good image of the school.
2. Uphold the rules and regulations of the Academy.
3. Respect the school authorities, teachers, security guard utility personnel, parents, visitors
and fellow students. When a teacher, school authority or visitor enters a room, students
should rise quietly and say their greetings.
4. Come to school in complete and proper uniform with the school ID during school days or
during non-school days as required.
5. Maintain the cleanliness and orderliness of the school surroundings. Before leaving the
room, soft drink cups, tetra packs, Styrofoam or any food for that matter inside the
6. Follow the sitting arrangements, does not roam around the room during class discussion.
7. Keep the rest rooms clean and free from any writings.

Bulacan Standard Academy
Poblacion, City of San Jose del Monte, Bulacan

8. Stand up and answer in a clear and firm voice. Prompting or disturbing the one reciting
should never be done during recitation.
9. Recite prayers sincerely and religiously.
10. Should not make personal visit to classrooms and must not loiter around the corridors
during class hours.
11. Not to linger in malls. Church yard, city court, computer shops, eating places and the like
after class.
12. Remember that the school is not liable for any untoward incident that he/she may incur
after dismissal of classes outside the school premises.
13. Form line/s properly during Flag Ceremony, when buying foods in the canteen, when
seeking medical assistance in the clinic, when transacting business in the office, going in
and out of the library/gym.
14. Practice table etiquette in the canteen.
15. Act as a young lady and gentleman, hence shouting loitering, running, whistling, singing
loudly and similar acts should be avoided.
16. Adhere and live up to the mission and vision of the Academy. Read and understand the
provisions in the school manual of regulations for the students.
17. Know by heart the mission and vision of the Academy.
18. Be able to sing the BSA Hymn and Lupang Hinirang wholeheartedly.
19. Conduct himself/herself appropriately during school programs such as convocations and
other similar gatherings.

Article 15. duties and Responsibilities

1. Read and explain to his/her child the rules and regulations of the school.
2. Show respect and courtesy to the teachers, school personnel, students and to his/her
fellow parents/guardians.
3. Does not proceed to his/her child’s classroom nor wait for him/her outside the room.
4. When sending his/her child to school, he/she stays at the gate only or at the designated
parent’s/guardian’s room.
5. Maintain the cleanliness and orderliness of the parent’s/guardian’s room.
6. Respond promptly to the correspondence, notices, invitations sent to him/her by the
school through the students or phone calls.
7. Come to school in decent attire when requested for meetings.
8. Be aware of his/her child’s class schedules, sections and teachers.
9. Attend consultation with teachers and other school officers when called for regarding
their children’s studies and behavior.
10. Accompany his/her child during convocations, recognition and graduation ceremonies,
culminating activities and other similar events.
11. Attend conferences, meetings and orientation programs and parent-teachers assemblies.
12. Designate a guardian to assume his/her responsibilities in case he/she does not live with
his/her child or he/she is busy with his/her work.
13. Cooperate with the school personnel in all matters pertaining to the welfare of the
14. Report to the school authority any untoward incident involving students, teachers and
other school personnel whom they witnessed outside and inside the school premises.
15. Follow the following Standard Operating Procedures (SOP):
a. Payment of Tuition Fees and other Dues:
i. Settle the tuition fee on or before examination date
ii. Settle or transact payment of fees and other dues through the school’s
accounting office (cashier)
b. When Payment is Not Possible
i. Secure promisory note at the Principal’s Office before the start of the

Bulacan Standard Academy
Poblacion, City of San Jose del Monte, Bulacan

ii. Prepare letter of excuse in case the pupil/student is absent or will be

absent. Letter of excuse must be signed properly and addressed to all
teachers concerned
iii. Prepare letter of excuse in case the pupil/student won’t be able to come to
school in complete and proper uniform
iv. Secure exit permit at the Principal’s Office in case the pupil/student needs
to go out of the school premises due to illness or other valid reasons
during class hours.

Article 16. Requirements to All Pupils and Students


(Par. 1.2 Sec. 1 Chapter III Part IV of 2000 DECS Service Manual)

1. All students must regularly attend all their classes and all school activities on time from
the first to the last day of classes within the school year.
2. Attendance of students is checked by the class adviser and all subject teachers monitored
by the Guidance Counselor on a weekly basis, noted by the Discipline Coordinator and
forwarded to the School Principal.
3. Every student is required to be inside the campus to join the flag ceremony at 7:15 AM
4. Every student is required to stay in class/campus from 7:15 AM to4:00 PM.
5. Curfew is at 5:00 PM. However, students may stay inside the campus beyond this time
upon teacher’s supervision. Parental Consent Slip will then be issued for such instances.

1. A student can reasonably be absent in class due to illness, death of an immediate member
of the family, accidents or emergency cases only.
2. Any student who accumulates absences of more than 20% of the prescribed number of
school days regardless of reason, is subject for dropping from the enrolment list and is
considered failed in all subjects.
3. Absences do not excuse a student from doing his/her classroom responsibilities and
school requirements.
4. Any prolonged absence from school should be reported by the adviser to the Guidance
Counselor to be scheduled for home visit who in turn informs the Discipline Coordinator.
5. A student who has been absent should follow the procedures upon report to class/ school:
a. properly fill out the excuse slip at the back of the Student’s Handbook and have it
signed by the parent/ guardian (only authorized facsimile signatures in the Student’s
Handbook will be honored by the Discipline Coordinator)
b. secure medical certificate from attending physician in case of illness;
c. present the accomplished excuse slip and/or medical certificate to the Discipline
Coordinator for signature and Guidance Counselor for monitoring;
d. present the same excuse slip to his/her class adviser for signature; and
e. must be accompanied by his/her parent to the Discipline Coordinator for conference if
a student has been absent for three or more consecutive days. A student who fails to
present the required documents will be recorded as unexcused absence/s
f. A student who fails to present the required documents will be included in the
unexcused absence/s records. (Please refer to Disc. Measures, Minor Offenses, Cat.
B, No. 4 p. 20).

1. A student who comes to school after 7:15 AM is considered tardy and is subject for
disciplinary action, as prescribed in the Student’s Handbook.

Bulacan Standard Academy
Poblacion, City of San Jose del Monte, Bulacan

2. A student who comes to his/her classes five (5) minutes after the regular scheduled time
is considered tardy and is subject for disciplinary action.
3. Tardy students must comply with the following requirements before he can be admitted
to class:
a. An Admission Slip will be issued by the Discipline Coordinator through the Student’s
b. Student will present Admission Slip to the Class Adviser/ Subject Teacher.
c. A tardy student is not excused from doing the requirements of the subject by which
tardiness is committed.
d. A student who is tardy for three times is considered absent for one day
4. A student who comes to school after 8:00 am will be sanctioned as follows:
1st time – parent/guardian has to accompany the student for him / her to be admitted in
2 time – will no longer be allowed to enter school premise and shall be sent home after

being logged in Guard’s Logbook and notification of parents.

 non-attendance of the students in any of the classes from the second period in the morning
to the last period in the afternoon.

 leaving the class without permission then returning after ten or more minutes.

NOTE: A student who is found/ reported to have cut classes two or more times is required to
bring his/her parents to the Discipline Coordinator/ Guidance Counselor for conference


1. The students must be fetched by the parent or guardian.
2. Log out by filling out the Discipline Coordinator’s Logbook with the requested
3. A Permit to Leave Slip will be issued by the Discipline Coordinator.
4. Present the permit to the guard on duty.

Article 17. School Uniform

1. The school uniform is the official attire which allows entry to the students in the school.
2. All students are required to wear the prescribed daily uniform in school.
3. Students with improper/incomplete uniform will be apprehended by the Discipline
Coordinator and appropriately recorded in the Logbook
4. Students must wear the complete P.E. uniform during P.E. classes only.
5. The school uniform may be worn outside the school during field trips and in any gathering
where students are official delegates of the school.
6. School uniform should not be worn in malls, theatres, parks, video houses, billiard halls, and
computer shops even after school hours.

Daily Uniform for Girls

1. Blouse- white cloth, short sleeves with belt
2. Skirt- violet cloth, the length must be 2 inches below the knee
3. School Patch- at the left side of the front collar
4. Lady Sando
5. Black shoes and white socks

Daily Uniform for Boys

1. Polo- untucked white short sleeves with patch at the left side

Bulacan Standard Academy
Poblacion, City of San Jose del Monte, Bulacan

2. Pants- long violet

3. Plain white Sando as undershirt
4. black shoes and white socks

P.E. Uniform
1. White T-shirt with School Logo
2. Violet Jogging pants
3. Rubber shoes and white socks

CAT Uniform
a. Only for COQCs, CAT Officers and Grade 10 students
b. To be worn only during CAT days

7. All students must come decently to class and must not wear or use any of the following:
a. make-up (lipstick, lip gloss, foundation, eye shadow, eye liner, mascara, etc.)
b. nail polish
c. hair dye
d. expensive jewelry (silver, gold)
e. dangling earrings, bangles, more than one pair of earrings
f. hats/ caps
g. skinny (baston) pants

8. Haircut
Boys: 2 inches above the base and hair length not touching any part of the collar or 3 inches
above (No styles such as duck tails, colored hair, spike, long back, mohawk, mushroom,
decorated shave, etc.
Proper Haircut is inspected every first Monday of the month. Inspection is done by the
Discipline Coordinator.
Girls: Bangs should not touch the eyebrows. If not, use hair clips or head bands.

a. No ID-No Entry Policy is strictly implemented.
b. Wearing of own ID at all times inside the school campus is required.
c. Putting stickers, cartoon characters, or other images not his/hers on the ID is
d. A student whose ID is lost must avail of a Temporary ID issued by the School

1. A student is required to BRING his/her own Student’s Handbook every day in the school
2. The Student’s Handbook should be submitted to the class adviser for checking every
3. The Diary section should be written with school-related activities, thus the details entered
to it are considered a project for Values Education subject.

1. Every student is required to accomplish his/her December clearance thus clearing
him/herself from all financial obligations in the school to date. **Any student who fails to
accomplish his/her clearance is not allowed to take the Comprehensive Examinations.
2. Every student is required to accomplish his/her school year-end clearance thus submitting
all the requirements duly given by all his/her subject teachers and clearing him/herself
from all financial obligations in the school.

Bulacan Standard Academy
Poblacion, City of San Jose del Monte, Bulacan

**Any student who fails to accomplish his/her clearance is not allowed to enroll for the
next school year or will not be issued any of his/her school records.

Article 18. Proper Behavior

Behavior During Assemblies

 All students should do what is expected of them when the bell rings.

First Bell: Line Formation

Second Bell: Silence
Third Bell: Students proceed to the classrooms silently.

1. During the flag ceremony/ flag retreat, all students stand at attention with their right
hand on their chest and join the singing of the Philippine National Anthem, School
Hymn and the recitation of the Oath of Allegiance and Prayer.
2. During programs, contests, etc., classes stay with their advisers in their assigned
3. They enter and leave the assembly area as quiet and orderly as possible.
4. They should refrain from eating or drinking while the assembly is on-going.
5. They show politeness to the speaker or the performer by their attention and by
avoiding and distracting movement or noise.
6. They should applaud properly and at the appropriate time.
7. They should wear appropriate clothing during assemblies and practices.

Behavior in the Classroom

1. Christian courtesy demands that students listen attentively to the teacher and other
students during class discussion. Likewise, they should speak politely in a respectful
tone of voice.
2. The teacher’s desk is intended for the teacher’s exclusive use. Thus, students may not
touch anything on it or use it except when given the permission.
3. Students should not transfer seats, write on board, or post notices on the bulletin
board without the permission of the teacher.
4. Cleanliness and orderliness must be evident in the classrooms at all times.
Blackboards are ordinarily erased after use, trashcan emptied at the end of the day
and cleaning materials kept in the proper places.
5. The classroom is a place for studying. Therefore, students should refrain from doing
anything that would prevent learning.
6. Prayers before and after class should be recited with respect and reverence.
7. Pupils/students should remain standing after the opening prayers for each session
until the teacher gives the signal to sit down.
8. Common courtesy dictates that students stand when:
a. teachers enter the classroom at the beginning of each period or when they leave;
b. asked to recite;
c. visitors come in the room.
9. Politeness requires that student who wishes to leave the room during class hours
when they are sick or when asked by the school authorities should ask permission
from the teacher.

Behavior in the Church

The church is the house of God and place of worship.
1. In going to the church, a student observes silence and order.
2. He/she does not disturb others through words or gestures.
3. He/she is attentive during the services and maintains proper behavior.
4. He/she genuflects or bows gently before and after leaving the church.

Bulacan Standard Academy
Poblacion, City of San Jose del Monte, Bulacan

5. He/she must wear the school’s prescribed uniform.

Behavior in Corridors and Stairways

1. Students should walk through corridors and stairways quietly so as not to disturb the
classes going on.
2. No one is allowed to wait for schoolmate outside the classroom or along the corridors
so as not to get attention or to block the way for anyone passing by.
3. Corridors and stairways are not playgrounds. Therefore, running, jumping, loud
talking and making unnecessary noise are absolutely forbidden.

Behavior in Comfort Rooms

1. Students are expected to keep comfort rooms clean and presentable always.
2. They should flush the toilet after each use.
3. Used sanitary napkins should be well wrapped and placed inside the trashcans
designated for these.
4. They should leave the sink clean and faucets well-closed.
5. They should avoid writing on the walls or anywhere inside the comfort rooms.
6. Males’ Comfort rooms are for their exclusive use; Females’ comfort rooms are for
their exclusive use. Therefore, loitering at the comfort rooms not for them is not

Behavior in the Canteen and Cafeteria

1. Students should wait for their turn when buying their food from the canteen.
2. They must use polite expressions like “please”, “thank you”, etc.
3. They should pray before and after meals.
4. They should observe good table manners.
5. They must maintain cleanliness and orderliness at all times. Trash should be thrown
into waste cans provided and empty bottles and used utensils should be returned to
their proper places.

Behavior in the Clinic

1. No one is allowed to stay in the clinic unless he/she is sick.
2. Everybody is required to ask permission from the School Nurse whenever there is a
need for something in the clinic.
3. No student is allowed to visit his/her sick classmate in the clinic.
4. Students who have serious medical conditions should report to the school nurse on
the first week of the school year.

Article 19. Campus Regulation

1. Students must be polite and courteous to visitors, administrators, teachers, non-teaching

personnel, and schoolmates.
2. They should respect school property. Damaged property whether done intentionally or
accidentally, must be reported to the Discipline Coordinator, who will require
replacement, repair, or payment.
3. Notices posted on bulletin boards or written on blackboards are to be read not tampered.
4. Students must secure the approval of the Principal before posting announcements in
campus or before distributing any printed material to schoolmates.
5. No student is allowed to leave the school campus during school hours without the Permit
to Leave Slip signed by the Discipline Coordinator or Guidance Counselor.
6. Given permission, students are not allowed to go to the following areas declared “OFF
a. Faculty Room

Bulacan Standard Academy
Poblacion, City of San Jose del Monte, Bulacan

b. Open space in front of the Pre-Elementary classrooms while classes are going
c. Administrative offices, ground floor corridors, and front lobby except for
d. Elementary and High School Stage, covered court and playground.

Article 20. Disciplinary Measures

The Board of Discipline is formed to observe the level of discipline in the school,
evaluate its disciplinary guidelines and commend erring students to be placed on probation. It is
an administrative body exercising a recommendatory function headed by the Principal as Chair
of the Board of Discipline.
The Manual of Regulations published by the Department of Education for Private School
gives the school authority to impose discipline.
RULE 145 – A school shall have the authority and prerogative to promulgate such rule
and regulations as may deem necessary, effective from the date of their promulgation
unless otherwise specified.

RULE 146 – The two categories of administrative penalties, which may be imposed upon
erring students commensurate with the nature and gravity of the violation committed.

1. Suspension - a school may suspend an erring student during the academic year.
a. Preventive Suspension – An erring student which first offense will have a heavy
warning. Second offense, the student will come to school but not attend classes on certain
period of time.
b. Suspension – After three violations or depending to the gravity of the offense, an
erring student will not come to school to a certain number of days approved by the
Discipline Coordinator.
2. Dismissal – A school may drop from its enrolment list during the school year a student who
cannot comply with school rules and regulations, and/or whose behavior is undesirable.
Effectivity of dismissal requires the approval of the Board of Discipline.

When a child is accepted in this school, it is understood that he/she agrees to abide by the
rules and regulations, policies and requirements of the school. It is of prime importance for every
pupil to understand that disciplinary rules are set forth, in accordance with government
regulations to develop among students the highest standard of decency, morality and good
Discipline which is considerate but firm, is based on self-respect, respect for the rights of
others, and submission to legitimate authority.

Any student who does not comply with the school rules and regulations is considered
undesirable and may be subject to any of the following disciplinary measures:
1. Minor Offenses and violations of the rules in the classroom are handled by the teachers
concerned and reported to the office of the Guidance Counselor and Discipline
a. Major and Grave Offenses and violations are reported to the office of the Guidance
Counselor and Discipline Coordinator and to be approved by the Principal for
Disciplinary measures.


Bulacan Standard Academy
Poblacion, City of San Jose del Monte, Bulacan

1. Unauthorized hairdo or haircut

2. Littering
3. Unpinned or no ID.
4. Misbehavior during line formation, flag ceremony, programs, and other assemblies.
5. Any form of disturbance while classes are in progress.
6. Uttering of vulgar words.


1st Offense: Warning and admonition by the Class Adviser, Guidance

Counselor and Discipline Coordinator
2nd Offense: Parent Conference c/o Guidance Office and Discipline Coordinator
3rd Offense: Suspension for 3 days: In campus to be monitored by the Guidance
Counselor and to be reported to the Discipline Coordinator.

1. Bullying (As described in R.A 10627)
2. Three consecutive/ unexcused tardiness
3. Habitual absences

NOTE: Students who are under the agreement letter because of absenteeism will be closely
monitored by the Guidance Counselor, noted by the Discipline Coordinator and forwarded to the
School Principal

4. Failure to submit Excuse Letters for habitual absences

5. Cutting / Skipping classes
6. Bringing and/or using electronic equipment without proper identification and permission
of the Discipline Office (as mandated by DepEd Order No. 83 s. 2003).

1st Offense: gadget shall be confiscated and to be returned to parents after signing of violation
2 Offense:
gadget shall be confiscated and will be released at the end of the school
year and the student shall be subjected for suspension
7. Non-compliance with the prescriptions regarding the wearing of uniform.
8. Hiding personal belongings or school paraphernalia of students
9. Destroying schoolmates’ things such as slashing of bags inside/outside school premises
10. Hacking/using others’ social media accounts
11. Bringing of e-cigarette inside school premises


1st Offense: Parent Conference c/o Guidance Counselor and Discipline Coordinator
2nd Offense: Suspension (number of days to be deliberated by the Guidance Counselor,
Discipline Coordinator and Principal)

Note: Dismissal is imposed to a student who has been suspended two or more times due to
repeated commission of Minor Offenses.

1. Cheating

Bulacan Standard Academy
Poblacion, City of San Jose del Monte, Bulacan

2. Vandalism
3. Grave Threat (Death, Bomb Scare)
4. Use of / Possession of Pornographic materials
5. Lending, borrowing and exchanging school ID cards.
6. Gross disrespect to teachers, school officials, and other members of the academic
7. Using indecent and malicious language.
8. Falsification of Parent’s signature in any letter/s and document/s.
9. Improper and scandalous behavior in public places by showing of actions of over
familiarity among students (holding hands, hugging, kissing, or any indecent act, having
selfie pictures)
10. Engaging in immoral actions with the same or opposite sex.
11. Loitering in school uniform during or after class hours in amusement centers and shopping
malls w/o parental consent.
12. Influencing/bringing and/or drinking liquor to/in school and other school-related activities.
13. Provoking other students into fighting inside/outside school premises (starting a fight)
14. Serious fighting in the school premises and within its vicinity.
15. Extortion, gambling and other related acts.
16. Smoking cigarette/ possession or influencing others to smoke in and out of school.
17. Physical injury to others.
18. Deliberately destroying/ causing destruction to school property. (see classroom regulation)
19. Posting indecent or malicious pictures or videos, comments on mobile phones or social
media such as Facebook, twitter, etc.
20. Gossiping
21. Slandering
22. Going in and out of school using a motorized vehicle without proper approval by the
Discipline Coordinator


1st Offense: Parent Conference with the Class Adviser and Guidance Counselor with
probable suspension upon the deliberation of the Discipline Coordinator and
2 Offense: Expulsion / Withdrawal

1. A suspended student is withdrawn from the regular classes but should be present in
school. He / she will have to report to the Guidance Office during the duration of his
2. The student may be asked to do community service such as cleaning the corridors,
watering the plants, filing of forms, typing and the like.
3. A suspended student is not excused from any quizzes, graded recitations or performance
tasks during the suspension period.
a. Using of/influencing others to use/peddling or Giving Dangerous Drugs
b. Carrying of dangerous or deadly weapon or explosives within the school premise
c. Involvement to premarital relationships that results in pregnancy
d. Organizing, joining, recruiting for any unrecognized organizations such as fraternity,
sorority or gang.
e. Stealing

Bulacan Standard Academy
Poblacion, City of San Jose del Monte, Bulacan

Dismissal / Withdrawal
Article 21. Student’s Academic Directives


A. Admission Requirements for Freshmen and Transferees

1. Requirements
a. Certification of good moral from previous school
b. Report Card (Form 138)
c. Photocopy of Birth Certificate (PSA Copy)
d. Result of Assessment Examination
2. Procedure
a. Present the requirements to the Admissions Committee.
b. Fill out the Registration Form.
c. Pay the Assessment Test Fee to the Cashier.
d. Take the Assessment Test administered by the Guidance Counselor.
e. Proceed to the Cashier for payment of tuition fee.

B. Re-admission/ Recommendation for Transfer

1. Students who are recommended by the Deliberation Committee on
Discipline and Academics may seek readmission upon proper representation of
both parents and student concerned only on probation period to the Guidance
Counselor and Discipline Coordinator approved by the Principal. (refer to the
disciplinary page)
2. Students who have been recommended for transfer/ dismissal due to grave
misconduct/ incorrigibility and have been subjected to disciplinary action will not
be re-admitted.
3. Students subject to dismissal will not be given a good moral certificate.

C. Scholarships and Discounts

1. Honors and Honor Transferees
a. 1st Honors/ Rank 1
b. Full Scholarship on Tuition Fees
2. 2nd Honors/ Rank 2
1. Half Scholarship on Tuition Fees

*** Only Honor Pupils/ Students from a class size of 50 and above can
avail of the discount.

3. FAPE- ESC (Fund for Assistance to Private Education- Education Service

1. offered to all qualified Grade 7 students

4. Discounts (on Tuition Fees only)

a. 3rd child – 10%
b. 4th child – 15%
c. 5th child – 20%
d. 6th child – 25%
e. 7th child – 30%
f. 8th child – 100%
Note: Only the youngest child may avail the discount in case more than
three are studying.

Bulacan Standard Academy
Poblacion, City of San Jose del Monte, Bulacan

A student who wishes to withdraw from school for any reason must:
1. inform his class adviser and write a formal letter of request to the Principal;
2. accomplish the Clearance Form.
3. settle all financial obligations with the Cashier; and

A student who withdraws or transfers in writing:

Upon enrolment,
1. within the first week of classes- will be charged 10% of the total amount of school
fees due.
2. on the second week of classes- will be charged 20% of the total amount of school fees
3. on the third week of classes onwards- will be charged the school fees in full.

E. Payment of School Fees

Tuition and other fees may be paid through:
a. Cash Basis
Total amount is paid in full upon enrolment.
b. Monthly Basis
First Payment is made upon enrolment and the succeeding monthly
instalments are due after the first month.

F. Sectioning
 The Star Section is composed of students who ranked 1 st to 40th of the previous academic
year batch. Other sections are grouped heterogeneously.
 Transferred-in students who are in the honor roll in their previous institutions must
undergo a 1- year residential period to qualify in star section granting that he / she meets
the average grade (85%).


A. Examination
To ascertain the extent of learning that has taken place, pupil’s/ student’s performance
is evaluated through the following:
1. Quizzes- announced or unannounced quizzes are given whenever necessary to
diagnose difficulties and to determine the progress of each pupil/ student.
2. Preliminary Examinations- announced and are given once every grading period.
3. Periodic Examinations- scheduled and are given four times during the school year.

Special Examination
A student who failed to take the scheduled exams is required to:
1. present an excuse letter/ medical certificate (signed by a physician) to the adviser.
The letter should be signed by the guardian or parent and adviser;
2. submit the excuse letter to the Discipline Coordinator for approval;
3. secure Permit from the Cashier for checking of tuition;
4. present the permit signed by the Principal to the guidance counsellor as proctor; and
5. take the Special Examination as scheduled.

Special exam is given only to students who:

1. suffered a serious illness during the scheduled exam
2. attended an urgent situation/ condition like death of an immediate family member

Bulacan Standard Academy
Poblacion, City of San Jose del Monte, Bulacan

1. All financial obligations should be settled before the examination. No student shall be
allowed to take the test without the Examination Permit.
2. Temporary Permits will not be issued after previous non-compliance of promised

B. Report Card
1. Report cards serve as the official communication and information for students and
parents regarding academic progress in the school. Parents of students with failing
marks are requested to visit the school for a conference with the adviser and subject
2. Report Cards are issued every quarter directly to the parents.
3. Report Cards should be signed by parents/ guardian and be returned to the Class
Adviser every quarter.

C. Grading System
1. There shall be four grading periods.
2. Numerical system of grading shall be used and grades shall be expressed in multiples
of one.
3. The passing mark in any given subject shall be a grade of 75% and 74% and below is
a failing mark.
4. The Averaging Method is used in the Senior High School level.
5. Below are three of the components of Summative assessment which will be the bases
for grading:

Components Purpose When Given

Written -Assess learner’s understanding of At the end of
Work (WW) concepts and application of skills topic/unit
in written form
-Prepare learners for quarterly
-Involve students in the learning
process individually or in
collaboration with teammates over
At the end of a
a period of time
lesson focusing
Performance Give students opportunities to on a topic/ skill
Task (PT) demonstrate and integrate their
knowledge, understanding, and
skills about topics or lessons Several times
learned in a specific real-life during the
situation by performing and/or quarter
producing evidence of their
-Give students the freedom to
express their learning in appropriate
and diverse ways
-Encourage student inquiry,
integration of knowledge,
understanding, and skills in various
contexts beyond the assessment
Quarterly -Synthesize all the learning skills, At least once, or
Assessment concepts, and values learned in an at the end of the
(QA) entire quarter quarter

Bulacan Standard Academy
Poblacion, City of San Jose del Monte, Bulacan

Computing for the Final Grades

1. Grades from all student work are added up. These results in the total score for each
component shall be converted to a percentage score.

Learne r ' s total raw score

Percentage Score (PS) = x 100%
Highest possible score
2. Percentage scores are then converted to Weighted Scores to show the importance of each
component found in the table below.

Weighted Score (WS) = Percentage Score x Weight of Component

Components Languages A ESP Sciences Math MAPEH EPP/TLE

Written Work 30% 40% 20%
Performance 50% 40% 60%
Quarterly 20% 20% 20%

For MAPEH, individual grades are given to each area (Music, Arts, PE and Health).
The Quarterly Grade for MAPEH is the average quarterly grades of the four areas.
QG for MAPEH = QG(Music) + QG(Arts) + QG(PE) + QG(Health)
The average of the Quarterly Grades (QG) produces the Final Grade
Final Grade by learning area = First QG + Second QG + Third QG + Fourth QG
The General Average is computed by dividing the sum of all Final Grades by the total
number of learning areas. Each learning area has equal weight.
General Average = ___Sum of Final Grades of All Learning Areas___
Total Number of Learning Areas in a grade level
The Final Grade in each learning area and the General Average are reported as whole

D. Deferred Grades
A student who failed to submit the necessary requirements in any subject within the
prescribed time will receive the lowest possible grade in that particular subject and

E. Promotion And Retention

Requirements Decision
Grades Final Grade of at least Promoted to the next grade level
1 to 3 75 in all learning areas
Did not meet Must pass remedial classes for
expectations in not learning areas with failing mark to
more than two be promoted to the next grade level.
learning areas Otherwise learner is retained in the
same grade level
Did not meet Retained in the same grade level
expectations in three
or more learning areas
Final Grade of at least Promoted to the next grade level

Bulacan Standard Academy
Poblacion, City of San Jose del Monte, Bulacan

Grades 75 in all learning areas

4 to 10 Did not meet Must pass remedial classes for
expectations in not learning areas with failing mark to
more than two be promoted to the next grade level.
learning areas Otherwise learner is retained in the
same grade level
Did not meet Retained in the same grade level
expectations in three
or more learning areas
Must pass all learning Earn the Elementary Certificate
areas in the Promoted to Junior High School
Must pass all learning Earn the Junior High School
areas in the Junior Certificate
High School Promoted to Senior High School


The school’s policy guidelines on awards and recognition for the K to 12 Basic Education
Program is consistent with DepEd Order No. 36 s. 2016.

What awards do we give?

1. Classroom Awards – are recognition given to learners in each class or section.
2. Grade-level Awards – are given to qualified learners for every grade level at the end of
the school year.
3. Special Recognition – is given by the school to the learners who have represented
and/or won in competitions at the district, division, regional, national or international

1. Classroom Awards

1. Conduct Awards for Grades 4 to 10 will be given at the end of the school year. This will
be based on the evaluation of the adviser and subject teachers, using the guidelines in
DepEd Order No. 8 s. 2015. Awardees must have obtained a rating of at least 75% “Always
Observed” (AO) at the end of the school year (with at least 21 out of 28 AO rating in the
report card). They also must have not been sanctioned with offenses punishable by
suspension or higher sanction within the school year.
2. Academic Excellence Award

Academic Excellence Award Average Grade per Quarter

With Highest Honors 98 – 100
With High Honors 95 – 97
With Honors 90 – 94

3. Recognition for Perfect Attendance

2. Grade-level Awards
 Academic Excellence Award

Academic Excellence Award Average Grade per Quarter

Bulacan Standard Academy
Poblacion, City of San Jose del Monte, Bulacan

With Highest Honors 98 – 100

With High Honors 95 – 97
With Honors 90 – 94

 Leadership Award is given to learners in Grades 6 & 10 who have demonstrated

exemplary skills in motivating others and organizing projects that have significantly
contributed to the betterment of school and/or community. This award is given
during the graduation ceremony.

1. Have no failing grades in any of the learning areas.
2. Have not committed any offense punishable by suspension or higher sanction in
the current school year.
3. Be aclass officer or an active member of any recognized school club, team or

The table below shows the criteria and weights that will be used by advisers and peers in
the evaluation and deliberation process. Schools may opt to add more indicators based on the
decision of the AC. Candidates will be evaluated by at least 30% of their peers (group, team,
class, or club mates) as well as their class or club advisers. Only learners who have met at least
90% of the criteria on the next page shall be awarded.

Criteria for Leadership Award


3. Motivational Skills (40%)
1. Communicates effectively
2. Shows initiative and responsibility
3. Engages group and/or club mates to 24% 16%
participate actively
4. Establishes collaborative relationships
5. Resolves conflicts
4. Planning and Organizational Skills (40%)
1. Plans and designs relevant activities for the
class, club and/or school
2. Implements planned activities effectively and 24% 16%
3. Monitors implementation of plans and tasks
4. Manages and/or uses resources wisely
5. Contribution to the School and/or Community
Renders service and/or implements activities 12% 8%
relevant to the school population and/or
TOTAL 60% 40%

3. Award for Outstanding Performance in Specific Disciplines are given to recognize

learners in Grades 6 & 10 who have exhibited exemplary skills and achievement in
specific disciplines such as Athletics, Arts, Communication Arts, Science,
Mathematics, Social Sciences and Technical-Vocational Education.

1. Academic Rating
Final grade in the learning area or average of the 20%

Bulacan Standard Academy
Poblacion, City of San Jose del Monte, Bulacan

final grades in subjects specifically related to the

2. Skills in the Discipline
As shown through:
1. Output (oral or written work, projects, etc., if 40%
2. Membership in a club/team (if applicable)
3. Class or school representation
4. Winnings and awards
3. Attitude toward the Discipline
1. Peer evaluation (if applicable) 20%
2. Commendation from coach/adviser
4. Contribution to the School related to the
In any of the following:
1. Tutorials/Coaching
2. Performance in school’s various functions and
3. Products
4. Projects
5. Volunteer work

Note: Peer evaluation is only applicable to disciplines that involve collaborative work.
Candidates will be evaluated by at least 30% of their peers (group, team, class, or club mates) as
well as their class or club advisers.

 Award for Club or Organization Achievement is given to a duly recognized club or

organization that has created positive impact on the school and/or community it serves
through the implementation of all its planned projects and activities, provided strong support
to the implementation of the school activities and attainment of the school’s objectives, and
taken great strides to help its members develop their potentials.

A. Club/Organization Performance
1. Plans and develops club/organization’s objectives,
projects, and activities
2. Implements projects and activities, and delivers
services based on the club/organization’s
objectives and plans
3. Manages and/or uses resources wisely
4. Shows teamwork and collaboration among its
B. Exemplary Output
Delivers a concrete output related to the objectives 30%
and purpose of the organization and the school
C. Contribution to the School or Community
Benefits the members of the club/organization and 20%
the greater majority of the school population and/or

C. Special Recognition

Bulacan Standard Academy
Poblacion, City of San Jose del Monte, Bulacan

Leaners who have represented and/or won in competitions at the district, division,
regional, national, or international levels will be recognized. These awardees have
demonstrated their exemplary performance in academics, athletics, and the arts, and/or
represented the school in DepEd-recognized activities. In addition, the school may give due
recognition to learners who have brought honor to the school.
The actual certificates, medals, trophies and/or plaques received by learners from the
various activities or competitions shall be used to publicly affirm and acknowledge the
contribution of the awardees in giving honor to the school. This will be done during a flag
ceremony or in a school-awarding ceremony.

School Recognized Organizations and Clubs

1. Central Student Government
2. Isang Lahi Performing Arts
3. Teatro BuStAca
4. BSA Chorale
5. Drum & Lyre
6. Peer Teacher’s League
7. Book Lovers Club
8. Computer Wizards
9. BSA Chess Club
10. BSA Chronicler
11. BSA Ignite

Composition of Organizations and Clubs

1. President
2. Vice President
3. Secretary
4. Assistant Secretary
5. Treasurer
6. Assistant Treasurer
7. Auditor
8. PRO
9. Sgt at Arms
10. Year Level Representatives
11. Moderator / Adviser

Academic and Non-Academic Awards

Award Specification
1. Academic Excellence Gold Medal
1. With Highest Honors
2. With High Honors Silver Medal
3. With Honors Bronze Medal
2. Award for Leadership Gold Medal
3. Award for Work Immersion Gold Medal
4. Award for Gold Medal
5. Award for Outstanding Gold Medal
Performance in the specific
learning areas
6. Award for Plaque for the

Bulacan Standard Academy
Poblacion, City of San Jose del Monte, Bulacan

Club/Organization Achievement Club/Organization and

Certificates for each member

*Awards must have specific rubrics prepared or adapted by the Awards Committee at the school
level, based on the given qualifications and indicators stated in DepEd Order No. 36, s. 2016


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