Nammo Bulletin 2018 - Screen
Nammo Bulletin 2018 - Screen
Nammo Bulletin 2018 - Screen
Dear readers,
What is it really that soldiers, This is the focus of this year´s understand what it is users need
marines, sailors and pilots need to Nammo BulletIN, where we highlight the most, and then invest in the
do their jobs safely and effectively? eight areas where we offer solutions necessary technologies to meet
that do just that. They range from those requirements. This includes
In our opinion the answer is as futuristic technologies, like ramjet- investing in new manufacturing
complex as the question itself, powered artillery rounds that will technologies to ensure we can keep
though one thing stands out – as allow a standard howitzer to take delivering at the cost and quality
major systems and platforms a completely different role on the levels our customers expect.
become more expensive, and the battlefield, to a high quality legacy
process of replacing them ever more 57 mm round that due to its proven Together with these technologies,
challenging, users need to get more design and affordability offers we are also bringing you updates
out of what they have already got. modern day naval vessels a reliable on the development of Nammo, and
advantage in the face of any threat. the efforts to integrate our most
recent acquisitions into our growing
Indeed, this is what characterizes organization. As we entered 2018,
all of Nammo´s products and our 20th year as a company, we
services. In every area, from were present in 14 countries, with
competitive shooting to defense and manufacturing facilities in nine of
security to space flight, we work to them. More than 2 300 dedicated
employees working every day
to ensure that we do our part in
providing the right equipment to
those doing an important job.
Endre Lunde
Civilian drones in warfare are a relatively new, but real threat to ground
forces. Helge Stadheim explains how the versatile 40 mm airburst
round has evolved into more than just a counter-defilade system
Nammo’s programmable ammunition unmanned aircraft systems (UAS) London in September where it
technology makes it possible to has been on our radar since 2002, gathered large amounts of interest
fire rounds that are programmed when we first began developing from both industry and media.
to explode with pinpoint accuracy, programmable ammunition, but the
Another advantage of the 40 mm
either before, above or inside a threat has become more pressing
programmable is its ability to
target, which makes it an effective in recent years where drones have
explode in a highly controlled way
anti-drone system. The threat of been increasingly incorporated
to avoid
as weapons on the battlefield Since Nammo damaging
in Iraq and recently in Syria.
started working surroundings
Nammo’s 40 mm airburst round on airburst or continuing
was designed to maximize its on its path
18 years
effect within a specific range from to hit civilian
the point of detonation, and it’s
ago, several targets. This
the star of our video that’s been different rounds is especially
making the rounds online, in which have been important in
we show exactly how effective developed dense urban
the programmable ammunition is environments
for countering unmanned aerial or in situations where the unmanned
vehicles. In fact, we brought aerial vehicle (UAV) is carrying
the obliterated drone to DSEI in explosives that need disabling
or detonating at a safe height.
Drawing on expertise across the organization, Nammo’s Shoulder Fired
Systems team is making significant progress. Tim Clawitter updates us
on the development of the latest iteration of the venerable M72
In the Arizona desert during June The qualification series concludes hiding behind obstacles to avoid direct
of last year, over 40 representatives with validation of safety, accuracy fire, for instance in brush, bunkers
from different parts of the US and the system’s performance or trenches. In fact, if troops are to
Armed Forces gathered together against a range of targets. come under fire from distances of
with members of the Nammo beyond 300 meters, they have little
Funding thus far has come from
development team and the US resource with which to retaliate.
Nammo internal research and
Department of Defense (DoD)
development, along with a significant It gives the The Nammo
sponsor, to witness the testing of
contribution from the US DoD development
the M72 E11 Airburst system.
sponsor. Already there has been
dismounted team has taken
The system did not disappoint, a notable amount of interest in soldier a the technology
as every single round detonated the system from potential end completely already qualified
successfully over a range of 300 to users, due to the fact it gives the new kind of for the 40 mm
700+ meters. The demonstration dismounted soldier a completely AGL, and adapted
marks a breakthrough in M72 new kind of capability, which it to a shoulder
no other system can offer.
which fired weapon. To
technology, and a major step
forward in the development of what no other enable this they
is already one of the most advanced system have created
unguided shoulder fired systems. The M72 E11 Airburst system builds can offer an enhanced
on the already combat-proven capability launcher
The E11 testing event was integral for the standard M72 weapon with
system for radio frequency
to securing future funding for an inline trigger and sling system.
programming, which Nammo has
2018 to build the rounds to be
been developing since 2002.
entered into the stringent Joint The fire control system used in
Ordnance Test Procedure (JOTP) The system enables the E11 warhead the demonstration is the MR550
qualification, with the aim of to detonate in the air close to the Rheinmetall Fire Control System with
fielding them in 2020, or sooner. target, meaning that a much larger a Nammo-designed built-in radio
area can be covered with fragments, frequency transmitter. This enables
The upcoming JOTP qualification it to communicate directly with the
reducing the need for a direct hit. It
process is a rigorous and extensive round and be set to detonate anywhere
also makes the ammunition highly
program, undertaken to ensure between 300 and 700+ meters, or point
effective against targets in defilade.
the safety and reliability of the detonate upon striking the target.
In combat situations, troops currently
system. Tests in this series include
struggle to neutralize an enemy that is
environmental conditioning,
shock, vibe and drop testing.
Nammo today offers ten different but also more brittle, allowing that stops traditional ammunition.
types of 30 mm x 173 ammunition them to fragment once they have This enables the Swimmer to be
across all three categories, ranging penetrated the armor, causing used in defense of either ships or
from plastic blank and reduced added damage inside the target. coastal areas against submerged and
range anti-armor to multipurpose surface mines, small underwater
What makes the Swimmer unique,
and explosive rounds, as well as vehicles, torpedoes and even small
however, is the combination of
dedicated kinetic energy penetrators. fast attack crafts that might be
powerful armor penetration and
concealed by waves. This is valuable
The Swimmer round falls into the its ability to swim straight through
not only for naval vessels, but also
category of sub-caliber kinetic water. This effect has until now
for land vehicles defending harbors,
energy penetrators. These can most been considered impossible to
bridges or other key locations.
easily be described as arrows made achieve by
out of very heavy materials that The force of ammunition Going forward, Nammo expects
use the force of the impact rather fired from air that most armored vehicles armed
the Swimmer
than explosives to punch through through water. with medium caliber guns such as
armor. Traveling at speeds of more arrow is As demonstrated the 30 mm will carry one armor
than 1 km per second, the energy sufficient by a number of piercing round, and one multi-
generated by the impact melts the to defeat popular science role round capable of acting as
armor of the vehicle into a fluid anything TV programs, either a traditional high-explosive
and the arrow “swims” through traditional or an airburst round. With the
the armored side of the vehicle. In
except main ammunition is Swimmer established as a leading
the case of the Swimmer, the force battle tanks either stopped or armor piercing round, Nammo
of the arrow is sufficient to defeat deflected when it is now turning its attention
anything except main battle tanks. hits water. In a worst case scenario, towards developing a new type of
a projectile could hit the surface, programmable 30 mm ammunition
Nammo’s penetrators, both for
bounce off and hit something else. that can be used against the kind
vehicles and other types of armor
of targets where the Swimmer is
piercing ammunition, are made out Thanks to the design effort for
less effective. Based on the same
of a super tough tungsten alloy, the kinetic energy penetrator
technology as the 40 mm grenades
also known as wolfram. More originally developed for the
that have been demonstrated
than two times as heavy as steel, Norwegian Army, and perfected
against drones, this would allow
it has the second highest melting by Nammo in combination with US
fighting vehicles to program their
point of any element, making it Navy supercavitation concepts,
ammunition to explode either in
ideal for use in armor piercing the Swimmer avoids the ricochet
the air, or at a specific point inside
ammunition. For some ammunition in water problem through the use
a target. This would allow future
types, including the 25 mm APEX of a supercavitation nose design.
combat vehicles to address the full
for the F-35, tungsten is mixed This means that the projectile
range with only two ammunition
with carbon, creating what is creates a bubble of steam around
types, and hence be ready for
known as tungsten carbide. This itself big enough to pass through,
any mission, at any time.
makes the penetrators harder, substantially reducing the friction
Attitude Control System. Simply put, long as the VEGA launcher has been into a high-precision, reliable
RACS is used by the on-board flight flying. It is an attractive propellant propulsion system. The plan is for
computer to maintain correct flight since it promises a substantially three to four propulsion systems
heading (“nose up”) and orientation lower cost than the present to be delivered each year starting
during the entire hydrazine-based RACS system while from 2021, with the first flight
Working on flight, from also providing a non-toxic solution. with a hydrogen peroxide based
VEGA-C may take-off to end Nammo Raufoss and Nammo Ireland RACS planned for late 2021.
become the of life. By end are currently engaged in a pre-stage
Working on VEGA-C may become
of life we mean development program with AVIO
golden key a controlled which is set to end in June 2018.
the “golden key” for Nammo to help
for Nammo us unlock other future possibilities
reentry into Nammo Raufoss is system lead,
for our new propulsion technology.
to unlock the Earth’s while Nammo Ireland provides
AVIO is already in discussions with
other future atmosphere, valve products for the system.
Nammo on using a similar system
burning up
possibilities The full development program will for other platforms like the Space
the remaining
take three years and will involve Rider and VEGA-E. Space Rider is
stage after the satellite has
more than 40 people, making it the a small spaceplane based on the
been placed in correct orbit.
biggest space program Nammo successful IXV plane that flew in
The reentry maneuver ensures
has ever embarked upon and a 2015, though Space Rider will be
that no leftover material from
true test of Raufoss’ expertise and larger and will fly on missions with
the rocket is allowed to become
capabilities – a challenge we are well durations lasting up to six months.
“space junk” orbiting the Earth.
equipped to meet. Still, throughout Also, following the VEGA-C, the
The prime company behind the VEGA 2017, Nammo worked to expand the VEGA-E rocket launcher will enter
is AVIO, an Italian company with a staff at Raufoss in order to ensure into service from 2025. It, too, will
long and proud heritage in space we have the people we need for need a reliable RACS system.
and launcher business that became full scale RACS development.
As always, Nammo stands
interested in Nammo’s green and
The overall RACS program is a ready to support, and looks
clean rocket propulsion technology
system development program forward to providing our
based on the liquid propellant
consisting of 11 sub-programs to advanced technologies to future
hydrogen peroxide. Nammo has been
be developed and woven together European space initiatives.
working on hydrogen peroxide for as
57 MM
Jörgen Persson, Anne Caroline Syljuåsen and Michael Borén discuss the
widening global appeal of 57 mm L/70 IM HEPD and TP ammunition
The 57 mm High Explosive Point continue to be the only qualified MEETING CHANGING DEMANDS
Detonating (HEPD) rounds may providers of ammunition for the – AT THE RIGHT PRICE
have been in production since Bofors 57 mm L/70 guns.
In Nammo we believe that those
Bofors first introduced its 57 mm
The 57 mm ammunition of today doing an important job deserve the
MK 1 gun in 1966, but they are
is a highly sophisticated version right equipment, and that the “right
showing no sign of falling out of
of that original product – one that equipment” isn’t always that which is
favor as naval defense weapons.
uses top-grade suppliers for every newest, and most advanced. This is
There are two main reasons for component: propellant, explosives why we continue
the continued popularity of this and mechanical elements. The result For a to offer a wide
product. First of all, Bofors, and is a product that is both extremely system with range of products
later BAE Systems, have done robust and accurate. More recently, and systems in
extensive work to improve and the introduction of insensitive
this kind order to meet
modernize the 57 mm weapon munitions (IM) characteristics, of history, the user’s needs,
system, enabling it to defend against which lessen the risks associated it is still including both
attacks from land, sea and air. The with transporting and storing relevant to a conventional and
second reason is the quality of the it, has helped broaden the
wide market next generation
ammunition, which even today meets ammunition’s appeal even further. technologies.
the highest quality standards.
For a system with this kind of history, In 1998 BAE Systems Bofors
The most recent proof of this is it is still relevant to a wide market: as introduced the 57 mm MK 3 gun with
that Nammo has negotiated a well as being compatible with Bofors programming capability, along with the
new contract for qualification of MK 1 and MK 2 naval guns, it is also 57 mm MK 295 3P-HE programmable
both the 57 mm L/70 IM HEPD compatible with the newer BAE round, often known just as “3P”.
and Target Practice (TP) versions Systems Bofors 57 mm MK 110 – the Programmable ammunition provides
for the US Navy. It is a deal that deck gun chosen for the US Coast several tactical advantages, and is
speaks volumes about the quality Guard’s National Security Cutter a type of technology that Nammo
of the products. Both rounds are and Offshore Patrol Cutter classes also pursues in other areas (see
now under qualification, with serial of ships, in addition to the US Navy’s pages 4 and 5). However, any added
production expected to begin in 2019. Littoral Combat Ships (LCS). capability must always be weighed
against the cost associated with
IN THE BEGINNING The ammunition is also relevant to
it and, in the case of the 57 mm,
less modern systems, including 57
The 57 mm ammunition was Nammo’s conventional products
mm weapon systems that date from as
originally designed by Bofors, are able to handle targets just
far back as the 1960s, which are still
and the rights passed to Nammo as well as the 3P, but have a
used in some countries today. This is in
when the ammunition section of significantly lower price point.
contrast to other munition types, such
Bofors became part of the new
as the BAE Systems Bofors 3P which In the case of the 57 mm,
Nordic ammunition company
requires a programming device we are particularly
in 1998. Today, 20 years later,
integrated into the weapon platform conscious of the
Nammo and BAE Systems Bofors
to function.
In 2009 we decided to move beyond In addition, we are also working is around 40 km, this new
delivering only the base bleeds, and with the US Army on the XM1113, technology with a range of up
started a technology program aimed at a slightly different project in that 100 km will be a huge improvement.
delivering a complete shell design that it is a rocket-assisted shell. The Compared to other systems with
could be fired grain is larger and more energetic, that kind of range, the shell will
over 40 km. meaning that it is powerful enough provide high-precision capability
This technology
This program to help the shell maintain its speed, at a competitive price point.
will transform led us into rather than just reducing the drag.
the battlefield MOVING ON THE MARKET
developing All of these programs are significant
for some armies a new family for Nammo as they solidify our At Nammo we believe the Extreme
and offer a of what we position as a leading provider, Range concept will form part of a
call Extended while also allowing us to develop new market segment, providing
completely new new designs and technologies.
Range artillery that has a multi-domain
capability ammunition capability – a true force multiplier.
– 155 mm In Norway, for example, we have
non-propulsive, drag reduction What could be even more significant a very long coastline. With our
systems for artillery range extension for Nammo is the work that is now technology, future armies will be
components. In 2016 the first new underway to develop a completely able to use land-based artillery
Nammo round was successfully fired new projectile with a range of up to to strike naval vessels. Instead of
over 40 km, proving that the optimized 100 km when fired from a standard supplying several different products
base bleed design and its associated L52 tube gun. It forms part of our to our customers for each scenario,
shell is truly state-of-the-art. Extreme Range concept, which we will instead be able to provide
utilizes ramjet technology – a type of something that makes what they
air breathing system where the shell already have more flexible, covering
has an internal rocket engine that a wider spectrum of requirements.
Over the years, Nammo has come takes in oxygen through the nose of
This technology will transform
to be recognized as a world-leader the projectile and in turn uses it to
the battlefield for some armies,
in base bleed technology. The best burn the propellant, thus generating
especially smaller forces without
proof of this is that we are the base thrust. You can read more about this
access to large air assets for
bleed supplier on three of the most innovative technology on page 16.
deeper strikes. In these cases
advanced artillery munition programs
We have called this technology this ammunition will introduce
in the world: the Nexter 155 mm
HE-ExR™ (High Explosive Extreme a completely new capability.
BONUS, an anti-armor artillery
Range) and it is integral to our
munition; Raytheon’s Excalibur, a Our firm belief is that if successful,
goal of creating ammunition with
long-range guided shell that can our Extreme Range technology
extreme range that does not add
reach over 50 km; and the US Army’s will secure Nammo a central
any additional load to the gun.
in-development High Explosive position in the future market for
Considering that the current
Extended Range XM1128. large caliber ammunition.
maximum range of regular shells
Nammo Aerospace Propulsion (AP) Types of air breathing motors are: of these DEAs and the goal will
has initiated a technology program on be to demonstrate an Advanced
as turbine powered engines:
extended range for missile propulsion Solid Fuel Ramjet (ASFRJ).
turbojet, turbofan
systems. The background for looking
A ramjet, a flying aero-thermodynamic
into this is highly connected to the •R
am powered engines:
duct, is a form of air breathing
focus areas in the “new long term ramjet, scramjet
engine that uses the forward
plan” for the Norwegian Armed
ulsed combustion engines: velocity to compress incoming
Forces, which is focusing on missiles
pulsed detonation engines, air without using a separate
with significantly longer range and
pulsed jet engine compressor. Because ramjets
higher velocity towards the target.
cannot produce thrust at zero or
The work connected to increasing
range and velocity is also in line with
NATO and the Western international
need. The required range and
velocity improvements according to
the “new long term plan” are well
outside of what is possible using
standard Solid Rocket Motors (SRM).
As part of the industrialization of
APEX, Nammo is investing in new
autonomous production lines,
improving the speed, the quality and
the costs associated with the round.
sub-suppliers are all from the impact, even when impacting soft
watch-making industry, sourced surfaces at shallow angles. The
for their expertise in the field of disintegrated projectile pieces
high-precision, micro-mechanical have low mass and high drag, and
parts with complex geometries. will therefore not ricochet far.
The switch also demonstrates
The design is challenging to develop
Nammo’s commitment to having full
as it must be strong enough to
control over the whole production
withstand the launch forces,
process, which includes only
while still fragile enough to break
working with companies that
up on impact. For the 25 mm TP
comply with the highest European
RRR Nammo has developed a
and international standards. The 25 mm APEX is a state-of-the-art
new design concept that does not
A NEW TRAINING ROUND compromise on either; the projectile ammunition due to its penetration
is as strong as the regular APEX capability, detonation-inside-target
Work is also ongoing on a 25 mm ability and graze impact function.
ammunition when launched.
Target Practice Reduced Nammo is also looking to share
Ricochet Risk (TP RRR) training ONE TECHNOLOGY, this technology in other calibers
round. First conceptualized in MANY PLATFORMS of ammunition used by other
2009, the plan is to complete platforms, starting with the 27 mm
An added challenge given to the
qualification in autumn 2018. round used on several European
development team for the assembly
combat aircraft designs.
What makes the Reduced Ricochet and pressing lines is to make sure
Risk round special is how it performs they are flexible enough to work with
just like the APEX in every way up other caliber ammunitions. Work has
to the point when it hits the target. already begun making the
Standard training ammunition will 25 mm APEX assembly line
typically ricochet when fired at soft compatible with the assembly of
ground surfaces like sand, and 20 mm and 30 mm projectiles,
this represents a potential hazard enabling Nammo to transfer
to the aircraft. The RRR round is the same efficiency and quality
designed to break up on ground to other products as well.
The unique collaboration between the Nammo teams in Ireland and Norway
has brought tremendous advances in aerospace propulsion technology in
the company, explains Business Development Manager Derek Harris
Ariane 5 ES at the Guiana Space
Center in French Guiana.
As our space expertise grew, we also with the European Space Agency their enthusiasm and we decided
had our first change in ownership. (ESA) and the Nammo Westcott to lend them a valve for a series of
The first buyer was Marotta Controls. site we have developed a solenoid- demonstration tests for a launcher
The Marotta purchase came out of operated flow control valve for the application they were developing. The
our collaboration 400 N bipropellant apogee engine. valve is still in Raufoss, but we plan
Our space with them and This thruster flow control valve is to let it go to our product museum
efforts really BPD on a tethered now used on the Nammo Raufoss one day – it has served us all well.
satellite system, hydrogen peroxide Roll and Attitude
took off with Elsewhere, Nammo Ireland is
where we delivered Control System (RACS) for Vega.
the Vulcain a thruster pack Read more about this on page 10.
supporting University College
Dublin’s (UCD) MSc in Space
engine intended to test
Work today continues on Vulcain, and Science and Technology by
supports if a tether could
providing professional lectures
Vinci for Ariane 6. We are currently
generate enough
working on the structural hardware on space program management,
power for a satellite to survive on.
for two engines on the Ariane 6 requirements generation and setting
The tether was propelled from the
launcher. The Vulcain engine is writing proposals to students.
cargo bay of the space shuttle, and
currently in its third evolution, and Nammo has also supported UCD
was a success for the Marotta team.
the new upper stage Vinci engine will in consultancy roles for a study on
BPD is today known as Avio, and
see its first flight on Ariane 6 in 2020. the feasibility of a space science
our paths crossed again in 2017.
and engineering center, and on
NAMMO IRELAND TODAY, a Nanosat program. The latter
Under the Marotta flag, we started
AND TOMORROW has cumulated in the EIRSAT-1
working on three-way two-position
solenoid-controlled valves for ground At Nammo Ireland today we are project – Ireland’s first satellite.
applications and became Marotta’s working on the final production We have also developed a good
production facility for this product. activities for the Ariane 5 Vulcain relationship with key staff at
Building on that, our first venture supports and the development ESA’s European Space Research
in space valves was a monumental activities on the Vinci engine supports. and Technology Centre (ESTEC)
challenge, developing a latch valve Our final Ariane 5 delivery will be in in the Netherlands, and they
and mechanical pressure regulator 2020. We are also preparing for the are ready to support our next
for the electric propulsion system contract discussions on the Ariane 6 space valve developments.
on the Alphabus platform. These engine supports production. Nammo
developments reached the critical Ireland will make the first Ariane 6 Looking forward, we are confident
design review stage. However, by hardware delivery in January 2019. that we fit well with the culture and
this time, the valve and regulator philosophy in Nammo Raufoss,
schedules were no longer aligned Just over three years ago we met and we will have a long and
with the Alphabus launch window, some interesting people from successful future together.
so the programs were stopped. Nammo Raufoss, who were looking
at a totally green propulsion system
Building on the new skills in the using hydrogen peroxide. The
field of valve development, together management team in Dublin liked
Four years have passed since Nammo acquired the Palencia factory. Luis Asensio explains the
significance of the factory to its local community and how a quick integration has led to Nammo
Palencia delivering the best results in its 78 years of history
La fábrica de armas means much During its 78 years of existence, the factory and the potential the site
more than a factory to the city of factory has held a major role in the held, both in terms of its work ethics
Palencia. It represents the result social and industrial evolution of and the high quality products that
of decades of hard work, loyalty Palencia. It was the first significant were being produced for customers
and dedication of generations of industrial site in Palencia’s history, worldwide. In fact, Nammo Raufoss
Palencia citizens; grandparents, and has helped build and leverage was a long-standing customer and
parents, brothers, sisters, sons, the Spanish city’s industrial used to procure medium caliber
daughters and, surely, grandchildren expertise to transform it into what steel cases which would later be
of the current Nammo Palencia it is today, an industrial hub. assembled in Norway with Nammo’s
employees used to and will work high performance projectiles. The two
Even decades before the acquisition,
here. To many of them, the factory has companies also cooperated closely to
Nammo recognized the commitment
become deeply embedded into their deliver medium caliber ammunition
of Palencia’s employees to their
family history, hearts and minds. to the Spanish Armed Forces.
NAMMO PALENCIA IS BORN cartridge cases, and gained access also completed, thanks in part to
to new customers and market areas intense communications between
On 16 October 2013, the long-term
where Palencia had a strong foothold. the factory and the different
relationship between Nammo and
This customer portfolio created the departments involved.
Palencia was cemented as Nammo
base of the factory’s recent growth,
reached an agreement for the One important factor in this success is
supplemented by commercial
purchase of the factory and assumed the engagement of the local workforce
opportunities from across the group.
Palencia’s existing workforce, – a good mix of wise, experienced
assets, operations and production A SUCCESSFUL INTEGRATION and determined professionals who
lines, therein assuring the future are eager to take the factory to the
Since Nammo Palencia was founded
stability of the factory’s workers. next level. From the very beginning,
in 2013, the factory has retained
Nammo has supported Palencia
Nammo’s intentions were always 100 percent of its customers and
by bringing in investments, orders,
to continue and further develop the successfully entered into markets
technology, strategy etc. and involved
Palencia operation as a competitive that were previously out of reach.
the team in all developments, forums
ammunition supplier to the The integration process into
and procedures, a proof of confidence
Spanish Armed Forces as well as to Nammo was
that has been definitive in engaging
international customers, supported One important conducted in and getting the best out of them.
by the Nammo group’s operations factor in this phases, where
The Nammo Palencia team has
and capabilities. Not only were the the first year
success is the focused on corresponded by going the extra mile
Palencia products an important
engagement to implement new procedures and
supplement to Nammo’s current bringing IT,
become fully integrated into the
portfolio of specialty ammunitions of the local finance and
“One Nammo” family.
within the small and medium caliber workforce, management
After only four years of joint history,
product range, but the factory also who are eager in line with
shared similar values and a devotion the rest of Nammo and Palencia is a successful
to quality and service.
to take the the group, as match. The quick and well-executed
factory to the well as initial integration has brought an increase
It was a good match on all counts,
next level commercial in revenue and significant cost
and an important acquisition for
integration improvements, and this success is
Nammo’s strategic growth plans.
which was fully achieved in the reflected in Nammo Palencia’s initial
In a market where the supply chain is
second year. By the third year, performance figures: the site is
one of the most challenging matters
the integration of small and already delivering beyond expectations
to deal with, Nammo assured the
medium caliber products was and the best is yet to come.
production of a key component, the
Bill Gravatt, President of Capstone Precision Group, reflects on
the challenges, early milestones and future opportunities for
Nammo‘s commercial brands in the United States
2 764m2
form a focused, committed and come to a standstill, so it is just as
success driven Capstone team important a milestone as the first bullet
that we are confident will help us and absolutely critical to our success.
MARKETING OFFICE, achieve our production goals.
These early milestones may seem
WAREHOUSE AND At the same time in Missouri, we took inconsequential, but they represented
POWDER STORAGE an existing structure and converted a significant step in establishing
it into a centralized distribution/ Capstone as an important entity in the
marketing center for all Capstone shooting industry in the United States.
products and have staffed it with
4 645m
experienced employees from the local
2 area. This facility began receiving
Nammo products in December 2017.
Now that everything has been put in
place and set up for optimal business
performance, we have started looking
ahead at the opportunities present
FACILITY While production is now fully in the United States for Capstone
operational in Arizona and we are set and, in turn, Nammo. Our new
to make millions of bullets here in the distribution model will help us gain
future that will ship all over the world, greater exposure for the commercial
there was a very special moment on ammunition brands, as well as give us
the production floor at 11:02 am on better control of the customer-facing
31 October 2017, when our very side to ensure we uphold Nammo’s
first bullet was produced in the new reputation for quality and precision
facility. It was produced by Bullet throughout distribution and beyond.
Machine Technician Jason Bird on
We have already started exploring
Bullet Machine #801, but in the true
new partnering opportunities and
spirit of “One Nammo”, that first
refining our position within the market,
bullet was a combined result of the
and believe Capstone is perfectly
hard work and sheer determination
positioned to help achieve Nammo’s
of the entire Capstone team along
strategic goals for North America.
with support and best practices
The team we have built has already
from fellow team members within
accomplished so much and we look
Nammo from around the world, and
ahead to our future prospects.
signaled the start of our new era.
Factory moved to
Think electric car Nammo Bakelittfabrikken
Bakelittfabrikken used at Lillehammer merges with Nammo
established Olympics Raufoss AS
There was also the electric as well as a good match in terms of Six working groups were
two-seat micro car, Think, which was company values and a shared drive established with the sole purpose
originally produced with a plastic towards innovation. of harmonizing processes across
chassis. Designed and produced all vital operational areas. While
The full range of plastic
in Aurskog, it was one of the first the majority of this work has now
ammunition was integrated into
modern electric cars to take to the been fulfilled, some processes are
Nammo’s marketing activities
road and was used during the 1994 naturally more complex and will
– presentations, exhibitions,
Olympics in Lillehammer. continue for a while before they
promotional materials etc. – and an
become fully integrated with the
Although these products were extensive internal process began to
Nammo Raufoss processes.
originally developed at the establish best practices and close
Aurskog site, they were later cooperation with the Nammo group. This merger represents a
split into separate companies, significant organizational change
Then, in 2016, the group decided to
and when Nammo in 2005 bought that will help us better utilize
merge Nammo Bakelittfabrikken
Bakelittfabrikken, it only acquired synergies and streamline our
AS with Nammo Raufoss AS
the ammunition production side. processes to create a more efficient
to make the plastic training
This subsequently became and cost-effective production.
ammunition more competitive
Nammo Bakelittfabrikken AS, However, one core aspect remains
on the international market. The
a legal entity owned by Nammo unchanged: the production of high
formal date for the merge was set
Raufoss AS. quality plastic training ammunition
to 1 July 2017, after which Nammo
shall continue at Aurskog long into
BECOMING PART OF NAMMO Bakelittfabrikken AS officially
the future.
became a part of the legal entity
As the first company in the world to
Nammo Raufoss AS.
produce plastic blank and plastic
short range ammunition, the
acquisition of Bakelittfabrikken was
a natural expansion of Nammo’s
product portfolio and expertise,
Nammo's vision:
Securing the future
• We will protect our national and allied forces with high-quality defense products
• We will secure the future development of eco-friendly products, processes and services
• We will secure our continued growth based on a strong financial performance
• We will develop and secure a long-term, sustainable business for our customers and employees
• Our future development depends on a secure and safe working environment
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Nammo AS
P.O. Box 142
NO-2831 Raufoss