Durin's Axe
Durin's Axe
Durin's Axe
by Aulë in the
await for the arrival of the Firstborn of Illuvatar, Durin rested alone under Mount Gundabad. After his awakening
the Longbeards, until he reached the shores of Mirror Lake, Kheled-zâram at the foot of the Mist Mountains. Ther
Khazad-dûm, the most powerful and richest of the dwarven kingdoms. The Dwarf City and Mine was the only place
beautiful and mighty of metals, was to be found. From Mithril was Durin's Axe made of, forged in the mightiest for
also a tool of creation, as it could also function as a hammer, when Durin brandished his axe, he lit his enemies in
the fury of battle in his allies. The axe passed down to the rulers of Khazad-dûm, until the dwarven city begun t
history, until it was found again in the Lost Halls of Erebor. Will the new Keeper of Stone and Mithril be able to ign
he fall into darkness once again?
I Durin's Resilience: The long hours spent by you in the forge increases your physical abilities. You ge
Forged in Mithril: Durin's legendary axe was forged in Mithril, the true silver, which is lighter and stronger. Your
The Starry Crown: When Durin reached the shores of the Mirror Lake, he saw reflected over his head the glitte
kingdom of Khazad-dum, and he took the image to himself as a symbol of his House. You can use an action on you
I your allies, giving them a bonus to their attacks and damage rolls equal to your proficiency bonus, this also affects
this ability equal to your bonus proficiency and you need a long rest in order to regain an
Aulë's Gift: You have become a gifted blacksmith, the Vala Aulë bestows his bounty on you, and the items you forg
II of the Ancient days. Upon creating a new piece of armor or weapon you may select an ability of those described
impart a number of abilities equal to half your proficiency bonus, rounded up. You may only do this durin
The King's Great Axe: Your weapon once belonged to Durin I, the legendary Father of the Longbeards. Your enem
II branding the Great axe. During your turn you may, as a bonus action make an Intimidation (Charisma) DC 12 che
equal to your proficiency bonus flee the battle.
Durin's Spirit: You are able to embody Durin's spirit for a brief moment and improve your abilities in battle. You c
dwarf king's spirit, receiving a temporary bonus of +2 STR, +2 DEX and +2 CON. You can also attack a number of ti
III have a number of uses of this skill equal to your proficiency bonus and you need a long rest in order to regain an
with the forge has reached such a level that you recognize any type of armor and its weaknesses, receiving a value
attack rolls.
Rules: At every two level you gain a point to spend in the abitlities tree. Also, in order to attain an ability of the second tie
previous two abilities of level one. In order to gain the level three ability you must have acquired all pre
athers, created by Aulë in the Years of the Tree. Put to sleep to
ndabad. After his awakening, he began to wander with his clan,
of the Mist Mountains. There he founded the dwarf kingdom of
and Mine was the only place where true silver, Mithril, the most
of, forged in the mightiest forge of Khazad-dum, this weapon was
his axe, he lit his enemies in fire at the same time that awakened
ntil the dwarven city begun to decay and it disappeared from
one and Mithril be able to ignite the flame of victory again or will
ected over his head the glittering peaks that house the dwarf
You can use an action on your turn to ignite the fighting spirit in
iency bonus, this also affects you. You have a number of uses of
ong rest in order to regain any lost uses.
n you, and the items you forge are worthy of the dwarven labors
an ability of those described in the Loremaster’s Guide. You can
p. You may only do this during a Fellowship Undertaking.