Assignment Oumh 1203
Assignment Oumh 1203
Assignment Oumh 1203
<OUMH 1203>
Thesis statement
Point Sentences 1
Point Sentences 2
Point Sentences 3
Easy To Access
Point Sentences 4
Point Sentences 5
Informations Dumping
Point Sentences 6
Point Sentences 7
Point Sentences 8
Reduces Cost
Point Sentences 9
Point Sentences 10
The use of social media nowadays is not only a revolutionary communication but can
also offer several advantages for a company’s business. Large companies are constantly
using this platform to expand their marketing reach to new heights and create meaningful
relationships with their customers. In addition, more organizations are using this platform
to screen qualified and potential employee candidates for their companies.
The use of finding employees has traditionally been informative but limited. Everyone
knows that you have a certain level or level to choose from, so people may look more
professional than they are. But on social media, candidates may be more likely to make it
easier for you to find information about the candidate you’re looking for.
In 2018, more than 70% of employers used social media to find their new employee
candidates. Whether you’re looking for full-time employees, industry coaches, or
volunteers, social sites can help you filter and search faster.
This use of social media offers great potential, but it is not easy to use for the recruitment
of prospective employees. A company must be bound by legal restrictions, privacy
issues, and irrelevant data piles. However, if used effectively and accurately, social media
can be important to your hiring process.
Advantage and impact using social media in screening candidates‘ profiles during
hiring process
In general, social media is an Internet -based platform, Windows 2.0 technology, which
users use and Web 1.0 content is an information portal that users can read to obtain
information without the opportunity to reply through posts or comments, Web 2.0 is a
"writable" platform that and facilitate direct and collaborative interaction between users
and the website and a variety of participation and information sharing. Web 2.0
technology, meanwhile, emphasizes the tools and platforms that users, reviews, add
modifications, and rank for example, users can also create online communities such as
websites and Internet Blogs for information, ideas, personal information and other
content such as videos. Some examples of Web 2.0 tools are Facebook, LinkedIn,
Instagram, YouTube, and Wiki. The use of social media in organizations or companies no
longer exists and has been practiced by employers in operating information systems of
employees in organizations or companies for the use of information and data. The
practice of employers in using social media in the information system can provide
various benefits to the organization or company.
Recruitment and Selection of employees are among the things that are practiced by
organizations or companies large or small in using social media today. This is because
through websites and increasingly rapid technology has changed a variety of things,
including how we communicate with each other using technology to attract, acquire and
retain new employees and old employees. Social media websites are now available in any
organization or company-large companies. The rapid development of information and
communication technology in the hearts of all levels of society has changed the way of
life of society in terms of communication with each other and the system used by
organizations that are employers in using technology to attract, acquire and retain new
generations of employees. Mass media is one form of technological advancement often
used by organizations where they allow recruiters to obtain resources, contacts and
isolate applicants in the category of active or passive applicants. Through the use of
social media such as Facebook, Twitter, Jobstreet and LinkedIn allows organizations or
companies to expand their job brands with specific job applications, expand application
networks, set better targets, and attract employees that fit the company’s core culture and
From an international point of view, the amount of information available online, the
ability of organizations or companies to target potential new candidates in job skills to
assess their status is more effective than traditional human resource selection methods
while lowering hiring costs. For example, organizations or companies use their social
media platforms to gather the maximum amount of information for each applicant. This
aims to improve credibility criteria, prevent organizations from troublesome legal action,
get rid of applicants who may not be trustworthy or are essentially unsuitable employees
for the company.
The industry research center found that social media ranked fourth in terms of applicant
quality, reference materials, internal transfers, and direct resources before the company’s
own career site. This approach is to create new techniques in job applications in the world
to be discovered and evaluated based on the value of their merit and contribution rather
than by way of selling themselves during job interviews by companies.
Employers also use online software, social networks, and other platforms to conduct
social recruitment. Large global users in social networks such as Facebook, provide a
variety of easily accessible opportunities for an organization for the purpose of
recruitment and selection of new candidates. For example, a recent study showed more
than 51 percent of employers checked applicants ’social media content and most of these
firms had rejected applications based on reference material they saw online. Furthermore,
with 77 percent of employees communicating with other employees through social
media, organizations use these networks to encourage ‘employee referrals’ to find
qualified new candidates.
employees in getting referrals from their employees on potential candidates and
appointing talented employees. For example, the United States uses Facebook, Twitter,
Jobstreet, and LinkedIn to post job opportunities and promote information related to the
company and its culture.
The dumping of information available in social media has made social media an ideal
place for organizations or companies to obtain information about potential employees and
these organizations also use the Internet extensively as a resource to select new
employees. Furthermore, most of these organizations are considering social media
websites as a better method of assessing an individual’s actual achievement potential as
employers can evaluate applications based on different criteria than regular interviews or
applicant documents such as resumes, applications, skills assessments, interviews,
personality inventories and even drug tests.
Training and development are also one of the practices performed by employers in the
use of social media. As an organization competing in the global marketplace, a business
needs to prepare their employees to be more effective. Social media tools can help
organizations in this regard in a variety of ways such as informing teams that are
separated by geographical distance, time, culture and organizational boundaries.
Companies can use social media tools to communicate changes in company policies or
organizational structure as well as teach new job skills. Organizations can also use social
media to support e-learning which offers delivery advantages and more flexibility to
students. Social media offers organizations the advantage to share training, promote
information and educational materials, share opinions, views, and comments, include
them in individual training programs and courses. For example, Facebook can be used to
create open or closed groups to deliver content and Twitter can be used in e-learning to
connect learning communities or make smaller classrooms to inform employees about
specific topics or events, share highlights, make statements or upload a picture.
the survey found that websites have been seen as highly effective recruitment or
recruitment method. In particular, the website of an organization or company is effective
in generating a large number of job applicants at a low level. It is not surprising that the
effectiveness of an employer website is highly dependent on the ability and performance
of the employer itself. While the use of these websites has potential adverse effects in
terms of privacy issues, the website is seen as an effective recruitment mechanism and
will continue to increase. Therefore, most of the employment recruitment methods used
nowadays are more focused on online systems as such methods are easier and faster for
the speed of filling vacancies by applicants. In this way, it will make it easier for
applicants to fill vacancies and even make it easier for organizations or companies to
select eligible applicants to get the job opportunity more systematically and fairly to
Employers can also reduce the cost of advertising that was often done in the days before
the existence of this social media system. Now organizations or companies only need to
advertise recruitment or job vacancies online and do not need to hire people to do manual
advertising such as the preparation of advertising brochures. In addition, online hiring can
help other employees who manage to hire more efficiently and effectively. Even
organizations or companies do not need to rent a place and space to hold a recruitment
process. Based on (Breaugh & Starke, 2000), RJP is usually provided through booklets or
videos. Interviews with incumbents may be a more powerful OPP medium as such two -
way conversations can increase the applicant’s attention and understanding, increase the
amount of personal information presented, and increase its importance to the information
conveyed by the incumbent as a highly reliable source of information.
Research in social psychology has found that, having formed an initial attitude about a
topic, individuals usually do not adequately adjust this attitude after receiving additional
relevant information. This suggests that providing an OPP to an applicant who already
has an opinion on what position involves the employer is unlikely to result in adequate
adjustment from the outset of this opinion. Even so, some adjustments are better than
none at all (i.e., even if an OPP does not lead to accurate expectations, they may be more
accurate than if no OPP was provided), certain types of OPP may cause more adjustments
than others. This OPP will be discussed as soon as the other two applicant -related
variables are introduced. While employers try to provide detailed information about open
positions. The effectiveness of the OPP can be reduced if the applicant receives an
inexperienced OPP concerning for to the topic being addressed. In this regard, research in
social psychology has shown that people are asked to predict how they will react to future
situations, for which those who are less experienced are usually unable to make accurate
predictions. Individuals also often lack self -insight. Dobson (1989) emphasizes that self -
insight is essential to making OPP effective. This is because, when a prospective
employee does not have self -insight, the RJP information provided on job claims or
rewards will have a limited impact.
As for the employees, they just sit in front of a computer that has an online system
anywhere without having to go to a specific place to go through the recruitment process
and at the same time save the time of the candidates and the employees themselves. Apart
from that, it can also increase computer literacy among today's users. It also improves the
quality of the candidate i.e. the employer is able to select the candidate who really suits
the required demand. With the availability of employment through the online system, it
will be more convenient to select the system of employees who apply with different
methods, where the differences in the qualifications of individuals who apply can be
clearly seen and can be filtered by the system. For example, by using an online selection
system, an applicant who is able to produce or display his or her high -quality application
information, of course this candidate is excluded from among the unqualified individuals
applying for the position. Certainly the candidate has a higher chance of filling the
vacancy compared to other applicants.
In conclusion, social media is one of the practices that can benefit every organization or
company that uses it. Every organization or company should be wise in managing and
using methods that can provide benefits to their organization or company. Social media is
one of the most popular methods for recruiting and finding new employees. Most
organizations recruit new employee candidates through social media by actively
managing their social media and using relevant mediums to attract the attention of
applicants. Typically, new employee candidates often look at the company’s website and
then turn to look at the company’s social networks such as Facebook, Twitter, Jobstreet,
LinkedIn and Google to find out more about the company. Therefore, every organization
or company that has social media should constantly update the status displayed in order
to promote the online credibility of an organization or company.
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