Impact of HR On Employees Performance
Impact of HR On Employees Performance
Impact of HR On Employees Performance
Muhammad Bilal'
In developed countries most of the research work and empirical studies have been done on
the subject of employees’ performance and human resource management practices and found a
significant relationship between HR practices and employee performance. This research is
conducted to check whether those results are also applicable in the under researched country like
Pakistan. Most of the previous studies have been proved that there is a strong relationship
between HR practices and perceived employee performance. The aim of current study was to
find a relation between employee performance and four HR practices including Training, Job
Description, Career planning, and compensation in the pharmaceutical industry of Pakistan. 200
questionnaires were distributed to medical representatives of the pharmaceutical companies
operating in Pakistan. The results indicate that three of the chosen practices of HR training, job
description, and compensations have a significant influence on the performance of medical
representatives in Pakistani environment. However career planning practices have insignificant
impact on perceived employee performance.
Key words: Human resource management (HRM), training, job description, career planning,
compensation, employee performance.
At present there are 207 pharmaceutical companies operating in Pakistan out of which 19
companies have their head offices in Islamabad and Rawalpindi. It has been seen that there is an
intense competition between pharmaceutical companies of Pakistan. Medical representatives are
the main strength of these companies and the performance of the company is directly dependent
on the sales force of the company. (Esra Nemli, 2010) stated that HRM practices are one
important source of competitive advantage among Organizations. To compete successfully in
this environment, organizations continually improving their performance, by improving HRM
practices. (Horgan & Mo’hlau, 2006) discussed that HR management system is associated with
higher employee performance.
The authors contributed equally and are listed in alphabetical order.
Literature Review
practices. No established model yet exists in this research literature, but in 1997, 2003 research
taken by Guest, D., Conway, & N., Dewe, P. and Wright, P.M., Gardner, T.M & Moynihan, L.M
in 2003 provides examples that employee perceptions and evaluations of the existence,
implementation and operations of HR practices are useful in the context of HR and performance
research. As an example, in 2003 Wright et al use survey questions on four domains of HR
practices: selection and staffing, training, pay for performance, and participation. In 2010 Qadar
Baksh et al found the three hr practices; promotion, performance evaluation and compensation
practices have a significant impact on perceived employees performance of the banking industry
in NWFP Pakistan.
Job Descriptions
Job descriptions are written statements that describe the duties, responsibilities, most
important contributions and outcomes needed from a position, required qualifications of
candidates and reporting relationship and coworkers of a particular job. In 2006 Qurush, Job
definition is combination of job description and job specification. It clearly outlines duties,
responsibilities, working conditions and expected skills of an individual performing that job. In
other words we can simply say that job description is what to do and how to do. It also provides
individuals with stimulating and interesting work and gives them the autonomy and flexibility to
perform their jobs well. Job description enhances job satisfaction and flexibility, which
encourages high performance and productivity.
H2: There is a significant relationship between job definition and employees’ performance in
pharmaceutical companies of Pakistan.
Career Planning
Career Planning involves to conduct regularly career-information events that to inform your
workers about their options regarding continuing education and further qualifications. People
create career patterns as they make decisions about education, work, family and other life roles
(Post, Borgen, Amundson, &Washburn, 2002). A number of researches suggest that the role of
employers and employees is changing with reference to career e.g. in 1997 Ball argues that as
employers take less responsibility, employees need to take control of their own development in
order to maintain and enhance their employability. Career planning is a tool that aligns strategy
with future HR needs and encourages employee to strive for his personal development (William
et al, 1996). In 2006 Puah & Ananthram suggests, “Career development has a direct influence on
the achievement of job satisfaction and career commitment. Highlighting its benefits for the
organizations, in 20002 Hartzenberg argues, “Organizations are expecting employees to assume
greater responsibility for their own future as well as for organization’s success. Similarly, in
2005 Johns suggests that employees that have advanced would put more effort into their work.
The company policies play an important role in providing career opportunities. It seems that the
organization may benefit from increasing commitment across all career stages.
H3: There is a significant relationship between career planning and employees’ performance in
pharmaceutical companies of Pakistan.
According to the existing literature the conceptual model in this study is shown in Figure-1.
Job descriptions
Career planning
Research Methodology
The questionnaire developed for this study was used in the past researches by (kuldeep singh,
2004) and (Qureshi et al., 2007), who used to find out the impact of HR practices on employees
performance. Questions regarding independent variables (job description, training, career
planning, and compensation) were not changed but some new questions were added on the
subject of employee performance and some modifications were made in demographics. The
questionnaire required a response to all questions except demographics on five point Lickert
scales having extreme points: 1=strongly disagree, 5=strongly agree.
Sample of the study are the medical representatives including territory manager, sales
promotion officer, senior territory manager and product specialist of several pharmaceutical
companies. Due to cost constraint a convenient sampling was chosen and 200 questionnaires
were distributed among medical representatives of nine pharmaceutical companies located in
Islamabad and Rawalpindi region. However 191 questionnaires were returned back out of which
5 were discarded due to uncompleted response. As a whole, sample was of 186 members
showing a response rate of 93 percent. Table-1 shows the demographic characteristics of the
Table-1 Demographics
Gender Age Education
Statistical Analysis
Pearson Correlation and Multiple Regression were used for measuring the
impact of HR practices on Perceived Employees' Performance. Data was
operated by using SPSS 16.
Descriptive Analysis
The highest mean of 3.8 was calculated for training and Job Description which shows that
employees feel that they are well trained and knows what to do and how to do their job. The
calculated mean for other independent variables compensation and career planning are 3.6 and
3.3 respectively; which indicates that employees are some what convinced with these factors.
The mean value of 3.8 for the dependent variable i.e., Employee performance shows that
employees are performing very well.
Variance 0.207 0.246 0.525 0.551 0.128
Range 1.7 1.5 2.2 2.86 1.17
Table-2 Scale Reliability
Variables Cronbach’s Alpha
Employee performance 0.752
Training 0.646
Job Description 0.791
Career Planning 0.846
Compensation 0.613
Correlation Results
Table-4 Correlations
Employee Job Career
performance Training Description Planning Compensation
Employee Pearson
performance Correlatio
n 1
Training Pearson
n .723** 1
Job Pearson
Description Correlatio
n .668** .166* 1
Career Pearson
Planning Correlatio
n .510** .498** .145 1
Compensation Pearson
n .209** .317** .288** .071 1
Career Planning has a correlation of 0.209 with employee performance, which is positive but
mildly significant. We can say that Career Planning does not affect the performance of employees
to a larger extent.
Regression Results
The value of adjusted R square i.e., .512 indicates that 51.2% of the variation in the
dependent variable employee performance can be explained by variations in the independent
variables job description, training, career planning, and compensation.
The estimated average value of employee performance is 1.09 when job description, training,
career planning, and compensation are zero. The change in employee performance is 0.385 when
training increases by 1. Similarly, change in employee performance is 0.495 when job description
increases by 1. Changes in employee performance are 0.223 and -0.099 when career planning and
compensation change by 1, respectively.
Except for career planning, the other three variables description, training, and compensation
have positive relationship with employee performance. career planning has a negative relationship
with employee performance. The most influential variables are job description and training
(highest value of 0.495 and 0.385 respectively for Beta).
All the significance levels are well over .05, which indicates that there is a very minor
probability that the independent variables do not influence the dependent variable employee
performance, in the reported method.
The regression results show that the independent variables job description, training, career
planning, and compensation are significantly connected to the dependent variable employee
performance. This shows that factors like better training, clarifying their duties and
responsibilities, providing opportunities for better career raise the level of performance. Negative
value of Beta for career planning indicates that in our culture, career planning may not be a
significant factor for the employees to perform well.
Model Un standardized Standardized t Sig.
Coefficients Coefficients
B Std. Error Beta B Std. Error
1 (Constant) 1.089 0.298 3.66 0
Training 0.385 0.068 0.467 7.264 0.208
Job Description 0.495 0.054 0.54 9.178 0
Compensation 0.223 0.042 0.365 5.345 0
Career Planning -0.099 0.039 -0.158 -2.51 0.013
a. Dependent Variable: Employee performance
In this study we used perceived employee performance as a dependent variable to check the
HR practice, while training, job description, career planning and compensation are independent
variables. For that a number of pharmaceutical companies were selected in Islamabad and
Rawalpindi region. A feedback of 186 questionnaires was analyzed in SPSS 16. We used
correlation matrix and regression analysis, following are conclusion and suggestions.
Statistical analysis indicates that the employees working in the pharmaceutical companies
feel that their jobs performance is improved by the factors like training and job description. The
employees are not satisfied with the pay and the benefits that they get but they are performing
well. The reason behind this fact can be explained as most of the employees are having 1 to 10
years experience, thus, they want to ensure their position at the job rather to give preference to
income they earned. Therefore, there compensation factor matters less to their job performance.
Correlation analysis found the highest correlation for job performance and training which
indicates that if the employees are offered trainings timely and on need basis through fair
decision-making and sound policies, their performance level rises. career planning has not
significantly high correlated with employee performance which specifies that the employees with
low career planning and development also performed well depending on their trainings and job
Regression analysis indicates that the dependence of training and job description on
employee performance is significant, whereas it is not significantly dependent on Career
planning. Compensation has also a role to play in an employee’s job performance.
Referring to the empirical evidence obtained from this study; to achieve better employee
performance, following factors must be taken into account:
1. HR practices should be taken seriously regarding employees training. On the job and off
the job training programs should carry out as it help employees to improve their skills,
efficiency and performance.
2. A job should be well descriptive on paper, and it must be included in HR practices to tell
the employee his/her duty clearly so that number of errors and mistakes would decrease.
3. To improve the employee performance and attitude as a medical representative there
should be more emphasize on compensation, as this increase the motivation level and
employee performance.
4. Employees must be consulted for their career planning and development regarding job.
This may help in improving their performance towards the work. Therefore, it also has taken
in practice to focus on Career planning of the employees so that they work fine.
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