Ielts Vocabulary: People, Character, Psychology, Communication, Family
Ielts Vocabulary: People, Character, Psychology, Communication, Family
Ielts Vocabulary: People, Character, Psychology, Communication, Family
People, Character,
Communication, Family
• Words
• Collocations
• Articles
Jamshid Safarov
Telegram - @officialieltsreality
People, Character, Psychology, Communication,
tall, very tall, quite tall; six feet tall; not very tall; short;
dark, black, brown, chestnut, red, auburn; blond, light, fair; white, gray
shiny, smooth, neatly combed; soft, silken; lank; dull; oily; greasy;
blue, gray (grey), green, brown, dark;
big eyes; large eyes; bright eyes; expressive eyes; sharp eyes;
young, middle-aged, elderly, old; grown-up, adult;
a child; a kid; a little boy; a little girl; a five-year-old girl; she is five years
Character, personality, nature
good (excellent, fine, strong, firm, weak, bad, terrible, evil) character;
intelligent, wise, clever, smart; sharp, keen, bright, quick, agile;
1 pound (lb.) = 0.4536 kilograms (kg)
He weighs 170 pounds. (Read as "one hundred and seventy pounds" or "one
hundred seventy pounds".)
1 inch (in.) = 2.54 centimeters (cm)
Her 12-year-old son is about 5 feet tall and weighs about 88 pounds.
(eighty-eight pounds)
2. adventurous 6. afraid
4. affected 8. amiable
19. blase
344. patient
345. self-control
346. truthful
Great-great grandfather Great-great grandmother
Grandfather Grandmother
Father Mother
Son Daughter
Grandson Granddaughter
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nephew: the male child of your brother/sister
niece: the female child of your brother/sister
The In-Laws
The in-laws are the members of the family of your spouse (the person you
are married to) or via a marriage in your family:
father-in-law: the father of your spouse
mother-in-law: the mother of your spouse
son-in-law: the husband of your daughter
daughter-in-law: the wife of your son
brother-in-law: the husband of your sister
sister-in-law: the wife of your brother
Note: To refer to more than one brother-in-law or sister-in-law etc. we has
an S to the brother/sister part.
e.g. My brothers-in-law are fun. My sisters-in-laws are crazy.
stepfather: the (new) husband of your mother but not your biological
stepmother: the (new) wife of your father but not your biological mother
stepson: the son of your (new) husband / wife (he is not your biological
stepdaughter: the daughter of your (new) husband / wife (she is not your
biological daughter)
stepsister: the daughter of your stepmother or stepfather
stepbrother: the son of your stepmother or stepfather
Sometimes one of your parents gets married again and they have more
children. There
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half-brother: the brother you have only one parent in common with .
half-sister: the sister you only have one parent in common with.
Even if your parent didn't get married (and had the child outside of
marriage), they are still your half-brother or half-sister.
However, note that it is common to still call your half-brother or half-sister
just your brother or sister (without adding the half- part).
1. nonverbal
2. job candidate
3. computerize
4. facial expression
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Could you tell that person was angry just by looking at his or
her facial expression?
5. sender
barrier anything that interferes with a message being sent or
communication an exchange of information
nonverbal not involving words and language
receiver the person who receives a message
sender the person who creates
6. oral communication
7. eye contact
contact that occurs when two people look directly at each other
In the workplace, your posture and eye contact can send co-
workers a message.
8. workplace
9. communication
Communication Skills
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Imagine that you have been applying for jobs all over town, and
you finally get called for an interview.
10. co-worker
In the workplace, your posture and eye contact can send co-
workers a message.
12. ineffective
15. facial
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Could you tell that person was angry just by looking at his or
her facialexpression?
16. barrier
17. message
barrier anything that interferes with a message being sent or
communication an exchange of information
nonverbal not involving words and language
receiver the person who receives a message
sender the person who creates
18. receiver
barrier anything that interferes with a message being sent or
communication an exchange of information
nonverbal not involving words and language
receiver the person who receives a message
sender the person who creates
19. verbal
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Identify effective and ineffective verbal and nonverbal
communication skills.
20. effective
21. teamwork
23. face-to-face
24. two-way
Barriers to Communication
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25. activated
rendered active
26. confuse
27. communicate
transfer to another
28. distract
29. inattentive
30. verbally
by means of language
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This means that more information is communicated nonverbally
than verbally.
31. organize
32. interfere
barrier anything that interferes with a message being sent or
communication an exchange of information
nonverbal not involving words and language
receiver the person who receives a message
sender the person who creates
34. involve
contain as a part
barrier anything that interferes with a message being sent or
communication an exchange of information
nonverbal not involving words and language
receiver the person who receives a message
sender the person who creates
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35. highlight
Employees must be told when the new system will be in place and
what thehighlights of the new system are.
36. install
37. interactive
38. compose
barrier anything that interferes with a message being sent or
communication an exchange of information
nonverbal not involving words and language
receiver the person who receives a message
sender the person who creates or
39. interview
Communication Skills
Imagine that you have been applying for jobs all over town, and
you finally get called for an interview.
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40. posture
In the workplace, your posture and eye contact can send co-
workers a message.
1.Money Magnifies
Who You Already Are
By Merja Sumiloff
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Many people spend their lives thinking of all the things they could do, or how much
better their lives would be if only they had more money. They allow this sense of a lack
of money to dictate the reason they never strive for what they really want in life, and it is
common among the modern human population to cite a lack of money as one of their
main reasons for not being happy. Societal pressures, such as the media, have
conditioned us to believe that money is the best way to solve most of our problems.
Have you ever heard a person say ‘just throw some money at the issue’? We genuinely
think that money solves our problems, but what we don’t realise is that money is just
another form of resource: it doesn’t define or change you, instead it magnifies who you
already are.
Money in and of itself does not make anyone truly good or bad. Instead it works like an
amplifier of your current character. So, with money, selfish people become more selfish,
and generous people become more giving. People who are kind become kinder, and
people who are cruel become even more so. The happy become even happier and the
sad people become more miserable. Money is a resource of life, an amplifying energy
that expands you as you already are.
When people say that money is the root of all evil, the more accurate conclusion is that
the evil already exists and that money will feed the evil. The same is true for time. If you
have an unhealthy relationship with time, suddenly having more of it won’t allow you to
achieve what you say you want to achieve. Instead, it will fuel whatever is already
present. If you use your time and money wisely, they can help you live a better life. If
you are careless with them, they can destroy your life and who you are as a person. As
the saying goes: money can be a good servant or a sadistic master, the choice is
ultimately yours.
In this sense, the evil we are referring to is the character trait that we wish to adjust,
such as a fear of intimacy, neediness or lack of confidence. These are all issues that
can be remedied and transformed with appropriate self-parenting. If you refuse to self-
parent, and you refuse to take responsibility for your own feelings or your personal
growth, your financial situation will readily reflect this back to you in the form of
emotional spending or an inability to make more money than you spend.
For example, if you are a self confessed ‘shopaholic’ then it doesn’t matter how much
money you have, you will always find a way to spend it. If you are a compulsive gambler
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then you will just keep raising your bids higher and higher in relation to that amount of
money that you have. So in a way it doesn’t really matter how much money you make
because if you do not have healthy boundaries with your inner child, then you’re always
going to live above your means.
Money will never solve your personal issues; personal growth will. Money will never
repair a poor character; self responsibility and accountability will. Money will not buy you
good manners, loyal friends, a loving family, romantic love, patience, confidence,
security, peace of mind, or wisdom; it is your decision to master your life and shed light
on your dark spaces that will do it. Money will not solve your insecurities, anger,
impatience, lack of self confidence or bad attitude; self parenting solves these
So, where to start? Here are a few practical tips in relation to money:
1. Save 1% of all your income. Put it aside immediately when it comes in, and use this
commitment to saving money to learn, restore and confirm your self respect. Everyone
can afford 1% – if you can’t then you need to rebudget and cut down on your
unnecessary purchases, or “wants”. Once you solidify yourself at the 1% increase it to
2, 3, 5 etc. By looking at the number in the account you are witnessing your change in
real time.
2. Have patience with yourself: this is not a one-off event. Commit to this exercise for
3 months, and then organise some small reward for yourself (within your budget, of
3. If you fail, it does not mean that you as a person are a failure, but that you failed
at this particular exercise. Separate the behaviour from the person and recommit to
another 3 months.
4. At the end of the 3 months, review your situation and make another commitment,
maybe with an increased percentage or increased amount of time.
Similarly for time:
Again, put aside 1% of your day to focus on the activities that will help you achieve your
goals. That works out as only 15 minutes in a day. Find that time, whether it means
getting out of bed 15 minutes earlier, dedicating a section of your lunch break, giving up
a TV show or some social media time. Find that time in your day and book it in your
diary! Mark it down like
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you would a medical appointment! As with money, commit to this exercise for 3 months,
and repeat.
After all, you are your own biggest asset when it comes to time, health, wealth and
happiness. Make sure that you make your precious life on this earth matter FOR YOU.
Invest in the development of your character. Make the most of your time here.
What will you be remembered for?
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2.A Feeler’s Dilemma
Accepting Feelings
By Charis Branson
A little less than two years ago I found out I was a Feeler. For years I prided myself on
the fact that I was a pragmatic Thinker that didn’t have time for all that emotional
mumbo-jumbo. When in the company of women who randomly burst into tears, I would
study them like a bug under a microscope. I viewed emotions as a weakness and a
waste of valuable time.
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The Thinker Advantage
I believe that society, in general, gives greater honor and respect to Thinkers over
Feelers. Many of us get the message that Feelers can’t be trusted to fulfill their
obligations because they may become a blubbering pile of goo at any moment. Once
the blubbering begins, all productivity is awash.
Just to demonstrate this theory, I looked up Feeler in the Urban Dictionary:
Noun; Someone who feels that he or she is very important when, in fact, he or she is
“Person 1: OMG! Did you see how Kate acted at Matt’s party?!
Person 2: I KNOW! She’s such a feeler.”
A schoolyard word children use when name calling one another in that immature growth
period of around 7-10 years:
‘You are such a feeler.’
‘Get away from me you feeler.’
‘Amanda Owens is such a feeler!’
Yes, I know it’s the Urban Dictionary, but it nicely demonstrates my point that there is a
belief out there that Feelers can’t be trusted to be consistently rational.
I swallowed that view hook, line, and sinker. When I found out I was an INFJ, I was not
pleased to be just another female Feeler. “Does that mean I have to hang out with
gaggles of women and weep into my wine glass every time my husband forgets to buy
me flowers?” This thought literally passed through my head.
Feelings Buried Alive Never Die
As you see, finding out I was a Feeler traumatized me a bit – yet it didn’t. It explained so
much of who I am and why I struggled to deny feelings that kept resurfacing. I started to
give myself permission to be as overwrought as I needed (or wanted) to be. I could get
pissed off if my husband forgot Valentine’s Day, even if it was only a ruse to get a
bigger box of chocolates. And I had the ability to empathize with others without worrying
about my pragmatic facade.
In the last two years, I learned that the reason I struggled with personal growth was due
to my inability to process the emotions that kept coming up. Feelings buried alive never
die; they just keep festering. A festering wound puts a burden on the whole system.
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I view life as a video game with multiple levels. You can’t level up in a video game until
you successfully conquer all the challenges in the preceding level. By burying every bit
of trauma and grief that I had ever experienced, I prevented myself from leveling up.
Basically, I kept shooting myself in the foot. I thought it made people respect me more
when I kept myself under tight control. In reality though, I was a limping, festering,
anxiety-ridden pile of goo with a mask of Spock-like indifference. Did I at least have the
respect of others for my cold indifference? Not really. One friend called me a neurotic
mess. And another said I clearly needed to get laid.
After settling into the reality of being a Feeler, the floodgates opened and all the stuff I
had kept buried resurfaced. My thoughts on a daily basis were, “I don’t know what’s
wrong with me! I’m freaking out!” I think my INTJ husband may have developed a facial
twitch during this time.
Then I decided to take a more proactive approach to my feelings. Instead of just riding
the waves of emotion and rolling over like a rudderless boat, I took control of the sails
and navigated the rough waters with intention. (See my video here for specifics as to
how I did this.)
Once I started working through the emotions as they came up, I began to heal. No
longer did I feel one step away from total annihilation. The desire to go out into an
empty field and shriek until I could shriek no more went away. I could deal with the
emotions of others in a healthy way because I knew how to address my own with grace.
The mask fell away, and the real me started to show through.
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If so, you aren’t seeing the whole picture. All the hangups I have battled over the last
few decades were a direct result of not acknowledging my emotional needs and
processing them efficiently. I firmly bought into the belief that Feelers were second class
citizens, so I denied myself the emotional expression I needed. Unprocessed and
misunderstood emotion got locked inside me and prevented me from actually becoming
a stable, mature, confident adult.
So, when a Feeler is having a meltdown or can’t make a decision because of a
withering lack of self-confidence, the worst thing you can do is tell them to “Get a hold of
themselves,” thereby giving them the indication that their feelings are a messy waste of
Thinkers and Feelers alike need to acknowledge the importance of emotions when they
arise and get them out into the light of day. Analyze the feeling. Journal about it. Ask
yourself why you are feeling it. Study it from every angle. Dissect it like an insect in
Biology class.
Does that sound too technical for someone who is in the grip? Trust me, it works. It
allows you to immerse yourself in the emotion and explore it thoroughly. Often, this
action alone will help process long held pain points. It’s also beneficial to step outside
the emotion and see it objectively. Is this an emotion carried over from childhood? Is it
simply part of my ego and is it necessary? Or can I let this one go? Is this an emotion I
have picked up somewhere? Is it really mine and is it serving me well?
Sometimes I will imagine myself holding the emotion in my hand like an orb. All the stuff
attached to the
emotion is trapped inside the orb. I study it with interest, then when I decide it is time to
let it go I picture myself blowing on it. Does it pop? Or simply float away? That’s up to
you. Choose your own adventure.
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The world needs Feelers. Imagine how barren our world would be without the nurturing
capacity of Feelers. Think of the people in your life who have cried with you, held your
hand when you were experiencing a terrible time or talked you through a major crisis.
I’m not saying Thinkers can’t or won’t do those things. I’m just saying that it is usually
the Feelers of the world who are on the lookout for someone in emotional need. And
when they find them, they provide the necessary service to guarantee our society
maintains a measure of empathy and compassion.
Feelers can, and have, brought amazing things to this world. If you are a Feeler, give
yourself permission to work through your emotions instead of bottling them up. If you
are a Thinker, give the Feelers in your life the space and time they need to process
emotions when they come up.
A Feeler on their A-Game, unburdened by the festering wounds of buried emotion, can
get to a place where Feelings become a superpower. They know the importance of
them, but they also can recognize when someone is using them poorly. They will
support you all day if you are working through something, and they will tell you what you
need to do if you are spending too much time wallowing or playing the victim. The
emotionally mature Feeler is a rock. Completely stable and totally reliable. A place to
rest into when the world dissolves into chaos.
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Used Sources:
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